changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loggingservices/eventlogger/LogServ/src/LogServRecentList.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "LogServRecentList.h"
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <logcntdef.h>
+#include <logcli.h>
+#include <logengdurations.h>
+#include <logfilterandeventconstants.hrh>
+#include <logwraplimits.h>
+#include "logservpanic.h"
+#include "LogServRecentCondition.h"
+#include "LogServSqlStrings.h"
+// -----> CLogServRecentList (source)
+	{
+	iConditions.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iConditions.Close();
+	}
+void CLogServRecentList::ConstructL(TResourceReader& aReader)
+	{
+	iId = static_cast<TLogRecentList>(aReader.ReadInt8());
+	iDuplicates = static_cast<TUint16>(aReader.ReadUint16());
+	TInt count = aReader.ReadInt16();
+	iConditions.ReserveL(count);
+	while(count--)
+		{
+		CLogServRecentCondition* condition = CLogServRecentCondition::NewL(aReader);
+		TInt err = iConditions.Append(condition);
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS(err == KErrNone, Panic(ELogArrayReserved));
+		}
+	}
+CLogServRecentList* CLogServRecentList::NewL(TResourceReader& aReader)
+	{
+	CLogServRecentList* self = new(ELeave) CLogServRecentList;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aReader);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+#pragma BullseyeCoverage off
+//Used by the unit tests when SYSLIBS_TEST macro is defined.
+//Creates a complex recent list with a lot of fields.
+//This helps covering most of recent list related production code branches.
+CLogServRecentList* CLogServRecentList::TestNewL()
+	{
+	CLogServRecentList* self = new(ELeave) CLogServRecentList;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->TestConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+void CLogServRecentList::TestConstructL()
+	{
+	iId = KLogRctTListId;
+	iDuplicates = ELogRemotePartyField | ELogNumberField | ELogDirectionField | ELogDurationTypeField |
+	              ELogStatusField | ELogFlagsField | ELogSubjectField
+	              | ELogSimIdField
+	              ;
+	TInt count = 7;//7 test recent list conditions added in the code bellow
+	iConditions.ReserveL(count);
+	//1
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition1 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogDirectionField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition1);
+	//2
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition2 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogDurationTypeField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition2);
+	//3
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition3 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogNumberField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition3);
+	//4
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition4 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogRemotePartyField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition4);
+	//5
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition5 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogStatusField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition5);
+	//6
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition6 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogFlagsField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition6);
+	//7
+	CLogServRecentCondition* condition7 = CLogServRecentCondition::TestNewL(ELogSimIdField);
+	(void)iConditions.Append(condition7);
+	}
+#pragma BullseyeCoverage on
+Checks whether the aEvent field values satisfy the conditions described in 
+in this CLogServRecentList object.
+@param aEvent Reference to a CLogEvent object which field values will be tested.
+@return True If the aEvent field values satisfy the conditions, false otherwise.
+TBool CLogServRecentList::IsRecent(const CLogEvent& aEvent) const
+	{
+	//The implemented algorithm is:
+	//  usedFieldBitMask    - bit mask, where the "1" bits correspond to the fields used in the "recent condition" objects - 
+	//                        the iConditions array. Each "recent condition" object has "field" and "value" data members,
+	//                        where the "field" data member value is a power of 2.
+	//                        Some of the iConditions elemens may have the same field value.
+	//  matchedFieldBitMask - bit mask, where the "1" bits correspond to a "recent condition" object which field value is 
+	//                        equal to the corresponding field value of the aEvent object.
+	//
+	//  For example, the iConditions array contains three elements initialised as:
+	//            [2, "Incomming"]
+	//            [8, 1000550D]
+	//            [2, "Incomming Alternate"]
+	//  The aEvent object contains these fields initialized:
+	//            [2, "Incomming"]
+	//            [8, 1000550D]
+	//  Then usedFieldBitMask value will be:    0000000A -  (2 | 8).
+	//       matchedFieldBitMask value will be: 0000000A -  (2 | 8).
+	//  So, the operation performed on particular matchedFieldBitMask bit is bitwise OR -
+	//      in case if two "recent condition" objects use the same field (but have different field values), then the result
+	//      of the matching operation with the corresponding aEvent field value will be OR-ed in that matchedFieldBitMask bit.
+	TUint16 usedFieldBitMask = 0;
+	TUint16 matchedFieldBitMask = 0;
+	for(TInt i=iConditions.Count()-1;i>=0;--i)
+		{
+		const CLogServRecentCondition& condition = *iConditions[i];
+		usedFieldBitMask |= condition.Field();
+		if(condition.IsMatch(aEvent))
+			{
+			matchedFieldBitMask |= condition.Field();
+			}
+		}
+	//If both usedFieldBitMask and matchedFieldBitMask are 0, that means - the iConditions array is empty.
+	//The function returns true in this case.
+	return usedFieldBitMask == matchedFieldBitMask;
+	}
+void CLogServRecentList::GetFilter(const CLogEvent& aEvent, CLogFilter& aFilter) const
+	{
+	TUint16 nullFieldsBitMask = 0;
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogContactField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetContact(aEvent.Contact());
+      	if (aEvent.Contact() == KLogNullContactId) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogContactField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogDirectionField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetDirection(aEvent.Direction());
+		if (aEvent.Direction().Length() == 0) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogDirectionField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogDurationTypeField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetDurationType(aEvent.DurationType());
+		if (aEvent.DurationType() == KLogDurationNone) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogDurationTypeField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogEventTypeField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetEventType(aEvent.EventType());
+		if (aEvent.EventType() == KNullUid) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogEventTypeField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogNumberField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetNumber(aEvent.Number());
+		if (aEvent.Number().Length() == 0) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogNumberField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogRemotePartyField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetRemoteParty(aEvent.RemoteParty());
+		if (aEvent.RemoteParty().Length() == 0) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogRemotePartyField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogStatusField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetStatus(aEvent.Status());
+		if (aEvent.Status().Length() == 0) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogStatusField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogFlagsField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetFlags(aEvent.Flags());
+		if (aEvent.Flags() == KLogNullFlags) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogFlagsField;
+		}
+	if	(iDuplicates & ELogSimIdField)
+		{
+		aFilter.SetSimId(aEvent.SimId());
+      	if (aEvent.SimId() == KLogNullSimId) 
+			nullFieldsBitMask |= ELogSimIdField;
+		}
+	aFilter.SetNullFields(nullFieldsBitMask); 
+	// This is a special case, if all the fields are null
+	// In this case we want to be a duplicate of other events where all the fields are null
+	if	(IsFilterEmpty(aFilter))
+		aFilter.SetNullFields(iDuplicates);
+	}
+TBool CLogServRecentList::IsFilterEmpty(const CLogFilter& aFilter) const
+	{
+	return aFilter.EventType() == KNullUid &&
+	       aFilter.RemoteParty().Length() == 0 &&
+	       aFilter.Direction().Length() == 0 &&
+	       aFilter.Status().Length() == 0 &&
+	       aFilter.Contact() == KLogNullContactId &&
+	       aFilter.Number().Length() == 0 
+	       &&
+	       aFilter.SimId() == KLogNullSimId
+	       ;
+	}