--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loggingservices/eventlogger/LogServ/src/logservsecurity.cpp Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "logservsecurity.h"
+#include <e32capability.h>
+#include "LogServResourceInterpreter.h"
+#include "LogCliServShared.h"
+#include "logservpanic.h"
+The max number of TCapability(s) that can be used to instantiate a TSecurityPolicy
+const TInt KMaxCapsPerOp = 7;
+// TCaps class - declaration and implementation
+The class represents a static array of TCapability items (it can't grow or shrink).
+The class should be used every time when there is a need of a static TCapability array.
+It offers an overloaded "[]" operator with run-time bounds checks.
+class TCaps
+ {
+ TCaps();
+ inline TInt MaxSize() const
+ {
+ return KMaxCapsPerOp;
+ }
+ inline TCapability& operator [](TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < MaxSize(), User::Invariant());
+ return iItems[aIndex];
+ }
+ inline const TCapability& operator [](TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < MaxSize(), User::Invariant());
+ return iItems[aIndex];
+ }
+ TCapability iItems[KMaxCapsPerOp];
+ };
+The controlled capabilities are initialized with ECapability_None value.
+ {
+ for(TInt i=0;i<MaxSize();++i)
+ {
+ iItems[i] = ECapability_None;
+ }
+ }
+// TEventPolicy structure - declaration and implementation
+Each LogEngServer event defined in Logwrap.rss has two associated
+TSecurityPolicy(s) - one each for read/write operations. This structure
+contains one read and one write policy per defined LogEngServer event.
+struct TEventPolicy
+ {
+ TEventPolicy(TUid aEventType, const TCaps& aReadCaps, const TCaps& aWriteCaps);
+ TUid iEventType;// event type defined in LOGWRAP.RSS
+ TSecurityPolicy iReadPolicy;
+ TSecurityPolicy iWritePolicy;
+ };
+@param aEventType Event type. It could be one of the following: KLogCallEventType,
+ KLogDataEventType, KLogFaxEventType, KLogShortMessageEventType,
+ KLogMailEventType, KLogTaskSchedulerEventType, KLogPacketDataEventType.
+ See LOGWRAP.RSS file where these constants are defined.
+@param aReadCaps Read capablities for aEventType argument. The client, who wants to use
+ that event type ("read" operations), must satisfy aRead set of capabilities.
+@param aWriteCaps Write capablities for aEventType argument. The client, who wants to use
+ that event type ("write" operations), must satisfy aWrite set of capabilities.
+TEventPolicy::TEventPolicy(TUid aEventType, const TCaps& aReadCaps, const TCaps& aWriteCaps) :
+ iEventType(aEventType),
+ iReadPolicy(aReadCaps[0],aReadCaps[1],aReadCaps[2],aReadCaps[3],aReadCaps[4],aReadCaps[5],aReadCaps[6]),
+ iWritePolicy(aWriteCaps[0],aWriteCaps[1],aWriteCaps[2],aWriteCaps[3],aWriteCaps[4],aWriteCaps[5],aWriteCaps[6])
+ {
+ }
+// TSecurityInfoReader class declaration
+//Forward declaration
+class CLogServSecurityImpl;
+The class manages the reading of the Security policy data from Logwrap.rss and storing
+it in the supplied as an argument CLogServSecurityImpl object.
+class TSecurityInfoReader
+ {
+ TSecurityInfoReader(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface,
+ CLogServSecurityImpl& aLogServSecurity);
+ void ReadL();
+ TInt GetEventTypeCountL();
+ void GetCapabilities(TResourceReader& aReader, TCaps& aCaps);
+ CLogServResourceInterpreter& iResourceInterface;
+ CLogServSecurityImpl& iLogServSecurity;
+ };
+// CLogServSecurityImpl class declaration and implementation.
+The class implements pure virtual methods in CLogServSecurity class.
+All functionality, related to processing the data in LogEngServer resource file,
+is delegated to an instance of TSecurityInfoReader class.
+class CLogServSecurityImpl : public CLogServSecurity
+ {
+ friend class TSecurityInfoReader;
+ static CLogServSecurityImpl* NewL(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface);
+ virtual ~CLogServSecurityImpl();
+ virtual TBool IsAllowed(const RMessage2& aMsg, TUid aEventType, TEventOp aEventOp, const char* aDiagnostic);
+ virtual TSecurityPolicy SecurityPolicy(TUid aEventType, TEventOp aEventOp);
+ CLogServSecurityImpl();
+ void ConstructL(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface);
+ const TSecurityPolicy& FindPolicy(TUid aEventType, TEventOp aEventOp) const;
+ RArray<TEventPolicy> iPolicyCon;
+ TSecurityPolicy iPassAllPolicy;
+ };
+Standard, phase-one factory method for creation of objects of CLogServSecurityImpl type.
+@param aResourceInterface A reference to CLogServResourceInterpreter object used for reading
+ the LogEngServer resource file (logwrap.rss). It is used only durring
+ the construction phase of CLogServSecurityImpl instance.
+@return A pointer to the created CLogServSecurityImpl instance.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory and reading file errors.
+CLogServSecurityImpl* CLogServSecurityImpl::NewL(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface)
+ {
+ CLogServSecurityImpl* self = new (ELeave) CLogServSecurityImpl;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aResourceInterface);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ iPolicyCon.Close();
+ }
+The method compares the caller's capabilities against the set of capabilities,
+required for that kind of operation (read or write) and returns ETrue or EFalse.
+@param aMsg The message, containing the caller capabilities which have to be checked.
+@param aEventType Event type. For more details see LOGWRAP.RSS file where the
+ UID constants are defined.
+@param aEventOp The type of the operation which is about to be performed by the
+ caller. It could be EReadOp or EWriteOp.
+@return ETrue - the caller is allowed to execute the operation, EFalse - the caller's
+ capabilities do not match the required set of capabilities for that
+ kind of operation (read or write).
+Note: Only built-in types (included in logwrap.rss) are policed.
+ So, return ETrue if TUid argument isn't a built-in type.
+TBool CLogServSecurityImpl::IsAllowed(const RMessage2& aMsg, TUid aEventType, TEventOp aEventOp, const char* aDiagnostic)
+ {
+ const TSecurityPolicy& policy = FindPolicy(aEventType, aEventOp);
+ return policy.CheckPolicy(aMsg, aDiagnostic);
+ }
+This method is declared and implemented only if "LOGSERV_CAPABILITY_TEST" macro is defined
+@param aEventType Event type. For more details see LOGWRAP.RSS file where the
+ UID constants are defined.
+@param aEventOp The type of the event operation: EReadOp or EWriteOp.
+@return The related with {aEventType, aEventOp} pair TSecurityPOlicy object.
+TSecurityPolicy CLogServSecurityImpl::SecurityPolicy(TUid aEventType, TEventOp aEventOp)
+ {
+ const TSecurityPolicy& policy = FindPolicy(aEventType, aEventOp);
+ return policy;
+ }
+CLogServSecurityImpl::CLogServSecurityImpl() :
+ iPassAllPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass)
+ {
+ }
+Standard, phase-two construction method for creation of CLogServSecurityImpl objects.
+@param aResourceInterface A reference to CLogServResourceInterpreter object used for reading
+ the LogEngServer resource file (logwrap.rss). It is used only durring
+ the construction phase of CLogServSecurityImpl instance.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory and reading file errors.
+void CLogServSecurityImpl::ConstructL(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface)
+ {
+ TSecurityInfoReader reader(aResourceInterface, *this);
+ reader.ReadL();
+ }
+The method performs a search for the related to {aEventType, aOperationType} pair
+TSecurityPolicy object. If there is no registered TSecurityPolicy object for the
+supplied pair of arguments (which is possible, if aEventType argument is not a
+built-in type, specified in LOGWRAP.RSS file), then the method returns a reference
+to pass-all TSecurityPolicy object.
+@param aEventType Event type. For more details see LOGWRAP.RSS file where the
+ UID constants are defined.
+@param aAccessType The type of the operation which is about to be performed by the
+ caller. It could be ERead or EWrite.
+@return A const reference to TSecurityPolicy object, which defines a set of capabilities,
+ required for that kind of operation (read or write).
+const TSecurityPolicy& CLogServSecurityImpl::FindPolicy(TUid aEventType, TEventOp aEventOp) const
+ {
+ for(TInt i=iPolicyCon.Count()-1;i>=0;--i)
+ {
+ const TEventPolicy& eventPolicy = iPolicyCon[i];
+ if(eventPolicy.iEventType == aEventType)
+ {
+ return aEventOp == EWriteOp ? eventPolicy.iWritePolicy : eventPolicy.iReadPolicy;
+ }
+ }
+ // aEventType wasn't found - it doesn't represent a policed event type.
+ return iPassAllPolicy;
+ }
+// CLogServSecurity implementation
+Standard, phase-one factory method for creation of objects of CLogServSecurity type.
+@param aResourceInterface A reference to CLogServResourceInterpreter object used for reading
+ the LogEngServer resource file (logwrap.rss).
+@return A pointer to the created CLogServSecurity instance.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory and reading file errors.
+CLogServSecurity* CLogServSecurity::NewL(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface)
+ {
+ return CLogServSecurityImpl::NewL(aResourceInterface);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+// TSecurityInfoReader class implementation
+@param aResourceInterface A reference to CLogServResourceInterpreter object used for reading
+ the LogEngServer resource file (logwrap.rss).
+@param aLogServSecurity A reference to CLogServSecurityImpl instance, which internal content
+ will be initialized with the related information from the
+ LogEngServer resource file.
+TSecurityInfoReader::TSecurityInfoReader(CLogServResourceInterpreter& aResourceInterface,
+ CLogServSecurityImpl& aLogServSecurity) :
+ iResourceInterface(aResourceInterface),
+ iLogServSecurity(aLogServSecurity)
+ {
+ }
+The method reads the LogEngServer events capabilities from the resource file and
+initializes with them iLogServSecurity data member;
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory and reading file errors.
+@panic ELogSecurityCapabilitiesUndefined (107) if the total number of event types
+ don't match the total number of the event capability sets.
+void TSecurityInfoReader::ReadL()
+ {
+ TInt eventTypeCount = GetEventTypeCountL();
+ TResourceReader reader;
+ iResourceInterface.CreateResourceReaderLC(reader, R_LOG_SECURITY, CLogServResourceInterpreter::ELogWrap);
+ TInt securityNodeCount = reader.ReadInt16();
+ // For all built-in event types there _MUST_ be a corresponding set of
+ // capabilities defined in logwrap.rss.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(eventTypeCount == securityNodeCount, Panic(ELogSecurityCapabilitiesUndefined));
+ iLogServSecurity.iPolicyCon.ReserveL(eventTypeCount);
+ for(TInt i=0;i<eventTypeCount;++i)
+ {
+ TUid eventType = {reader.ReadUint32()};
+ TCaps readCaps;
+ GetCapabilities(reader, readCaps);
+ TCaps writeCaps;
+ GetCapabilities(reader, writeCaps);
+ TInt err = iLogServSecurity.iPolicyCon.Append(TEventPolicy(eventType, readCaps, writeCaps));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(err == KErrNone, Panic(ELogArrayReserved));
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // the resource reader
+ }
+The method returns the number of built-in event types defined for the LogEngServer
+in logwrap.rss - see section entitled 'r_log_initial_events'.
+@return An integer number representing the number of the event types found in the
+ resource file.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory and reading file errors.
+TInt TSecurityInfoReader::GetEventTypeCountL()
+ {
+ TResourceReader reader;
+ iResourceInterface.CreateResourceReaderLC(reader, R_LOG_INITIAL_EVENTS, CLogServResourceInterpreter::ELogWrap);
+ TInt count = reader.ReadInt16();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return count;
+ }
+The method reads the capabilities for the currently processed event.
+@param aReader TResourceReader object used for reading the related resource file entries.
+@param aCaps An output parameter, reference to the array where the capabilities will be
+ stored.
+@panic ELogTooManyCapabilities (108) if the number of the capabilities in the resource
+ file exceeds the max allowed number, which is currently set to KMaxCapsPerOp (7).
+@panic ELogUnknownCapability (109) if the found capability is of unknown type.
+void TSecurityInfoReader::GetCapabilities(TResourceReader& aReader, TCaps& aCaps)
+ {
+ TInt capsCount = aReader.ReadInt16();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS((TUint)capsCount <= aCaps.MaxSize(), Panic(ELogTooManyCapabilities));
+ for(TInt i=0;i<capsCount;++i)
+ {
+ TInt n = aReader.ReadInt32();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(n >= ECapability_None && n < ECapability_Limit, Panic(ELogUnknownCapability));// its not in e32capability.h !
+ aCaps[i] = TCapability(n);
+ }
+ }