changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 23 26645d81f48d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/centralrepository/cenrepsrv/backup.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <connect/sbdefs.h>
+#include "srvres.h"
+#include "cachemgr.h"
+#include "srvparams.h"
+#include "shrepos.h"
+#include "sessnotf.h"
+#include "backup.h"
+#define UNUSED_VAR(a) a = a
+_LIT (KBackupFileName, "BACKUP") ;
+_LIT (KRestoreFileName, "RESTORE") ;
+_LIT(KBackupFileExt, ".bak");
+_LIT(KRestoreFileExt, ".rst");
+TRepositoryBackupState CRepositoryBackupClient::iBackupStatus ;
+// Backup stream index class - Used to hold association between a UID (in
+// our case the UID of a repository) and a stream ID - Can't use CStreamDictionary
+// because that only lets you retrieve stream IDs by a (previously known) UID rather
+// than iterate through its contentsretrieving UID/StreamID pairs...
+// CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex::AddL
+// Add a new repository UID and stream ID pair to the index
+void CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex::AddL(TUid aUid, TStreamId aSettingStreamId, TStreamId aDeletedSettingsStreamId, TStreamId aInstalledSettingsStreamId) 
+	{
+	TRepositoryBackupStreamIndexElement newIndexElement;
+	newIndexElement.Set(aUid,aSettingStreamId, aDeletedSettingsStreamId, aInstalledSettingsStreamId) ;
+	iStreamIndex.AppendL(newIndexElement);
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex::GetNext
+// Iterate through the index retrieving the next Reposirory UID and Stream ID
+// pair.
+TInt CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex::GetNext(TUid& aUid, TStreamId& aSettingsStreamId, TStreamId& aDeletedSettingsStreamId, TStreamId& aInstalledSettingsStreamId)
+	{
+	TInt error = KErrNone ;
+	if (iIndex < iStreamIndex.Count())
+		{
+		iStreamIndex[iIndex++].Get(aUid, aSettingsStreamId, aDeletedSettingsStreamId, aInstalledSettingsStreamId) ;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		error = KErrNotFound ;
+		}
+	return error ;
+	}
+// Backup client class.
+// Has Active object functionality to monitor the state of the publish and subscribe 
+// flags associated with backup and restore and also implements MActiveBackupDataClient
+// to perform active backup according to the "proxy data holder" model.
+// Usual 2 phase construction factory NewL NewLC classes
+CRepositoryBackupClient* CRepositoryBackupClient::NewLC(RFs& aFs) 
+	{
+	CRepositoryBackupClient* me = new(ELeave)CRepositoryBackupClient(aFs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(me) ;
+	me->ConstructL() ;
+	return me ;
+	}
+CRepositoryBackupClient* CRepositoryBackupClient::NewL(RFs& aFs) 
+	{
+	CRepositoryBackupClient* me = CRepositoryBackupClient::NewLC(aFs) ;
+	CleanupStack::Pop(me) ;
+	return me ;
+	}
+// Constructor - doesn't really do anything!
+CRepositoryBackupClient::CRepositoryBackupClient(RFs& aFs) : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iFs(aFs), iRomScanDone(EFalse)
+	{
+	}
+// Phase 2 constructor
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// Create repository object
+	iRepository = new(ELeave) CServerRepository;
+	// Notifier needed to open repositories.		
+	iNotifier = new(ELeave)CSessionNotifier ;
+	// Attach to Backup/Restore Pub/Sub property.	
+	User::LeaveIfError(iBackupRestoreProperty.Attach(KUidSystemCategory, KUidBackupRestoreKey)) ;
+	// Add ourself to the active scheduler
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this) ;
+	// Initialise backup/restore status
+	iBackupStatus = ENoBackupActivty ;
+	// Set active and request notification of changes to backup/restore
+	// Pub/Sub property.
+	StartL() ;
+	}
+// Destructor
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	iBackupRestoreProperty.Close() ;
+	if (iRepository)
+		{
+		iRepository->Close();
+		delete(iRepository);
+		}
+	if (iNotifier)
+		delete(iNotifier) ;
+	if (iActiveBackupClient)
+		delete(iActiveBackupClient) ;	
+	iRestoredRepositoriesArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iRestoredRepositoriesArray.Close();
+	iFile.Close();
+	}
+// DoCancel - mandatory for active objects.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::DoCancel()
+	{
+	iBackupRestoreProperty.Cancel() ;
+	}
+// RunError
+TInt CRepositoryBackupClient::RunError(TInt aError)
+	{
+	iRestoredRepositoriesArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	UNUSED_VAR(aError);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// Test BUR Pub/Sub property set status, and notify BUR that we're
+// ready to go as appropriate. 
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::TestBURstatusL(void)
+	{
+	TInt BURstatus ;
+	TRepositoryBackupState lastBackupStatus = ENoBackupActivty;
+	if (iBackupRestoreProperty.Get(BURstatus) != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		BURstatus &= KBURPartTypeMask ;
+		switch (BURstatus)
+			{
+			case EBURUnset:	// State not yet set. Treat as no backup/restore in progress.
+			case EBURNormal:
+				// No backup or restore in progress. Probably
+				// means we've just completed an operation?
+				lastBackupStatus = iBackupStatus;
+				iBackupStatus = ENoBackupActivty ;
+				// Back to normal, so enable cache
+				TServerResources::iCacheManager->EnableCache();				
+				// delete the CActiveBackupClient
+				if (iActiveBackupClient)
+					{
+					delete iActiveBackupClient ;
+					iActiveBackupClient = NULL ;
+					}
+				// Notify the changed keys if a restoration was just completed
+				if((lastBackupStatus == ERestoreInProgress)) 
+			    	{
+				    for(TInt i = 0; i < iRestoredRepositoriesArray.Count(); i++)
+				    	{
+						iRepository->OpenL(iRestoredRepositoriesArray[i]->Uid(), *iNotifier, EFalse);
+						iRepository->RestoreNotify(*iRestoredRepositoriesArray[i]);
+						iRepository->Close();
+						}
+					iRestoredRepositoriesArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+					}
+				break ;
+			case EBURBackupFull :
+			case EBURBackupPartial :
+				// We don't distinguish between full and partial backups
+				// as the Backup engine will give us UIDs for all the
+				// repository data owners that want their stuff backed up
+				// anyway.
+				// We don't want cache activity during backup
+				TServerResources::iCacheManager->DisableCache();
+				// Any (and all!) repositories which have been opened in the
+				// course of system boot and normal operation will have been
+				// added to TServerResources::iOwnerIdLookUpTable as they were
+				// opened but there may well be repositories which need backing
+				// up and haven't yet been opened so we need to make sure that
+				// the lookup table is complete.
+				CompleteOwnerIdLookupTableL();
+				// Register with BUR engine
+				if (!iActiveBackupClient)
+					{
+					iActiveBackupClient = CActiveBackupClient::NewL(this) ;
+					}	
+				iActiveBackupClient->ConfirmReadyForBURL(KErrNone);
+				iBackupStatus = EBackupInProgress ;
+				break ;
+			case EBURRestoreFull :
+			case EBURRestorePartial :
+				// We don't distinguish between full and partial restore
+				// either!
+				// We don't want cache activity during restore either!
+				TServerResources::iCacheManager->DisableCache();
+				// Register with BUR engine
+				if (!iActiveBackupClient)
+					{
+					iActiveBackupClient = CActiveBackupClient::NewL(this) ;
+					}
+				iActiveBackupClient->ConfirmReadyForBURL(KErrNone);
+				iBackupStatus = ERestoreInProgress ;
+				break ;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Request notification of changes in BUR Pub/Sub status
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::StartL()
+	{
+	if (!IsActive())
+		{
+		TestBURstatusL();	
+		NotifyChange();
+		}
+	}
+// Request notification of changes in BUR Pub/Sub status
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::NotifyChange()
+	{
+	// Watch for changes in the property state. 
+	iBackupRestoreProperty.Subscribe(iStatus) ;
+	SetActive();
+	}
+// Handle changes of backup state through publish/subscribe
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::RunL()
+	{	
+	NotifyChange() ;
+	TestBURstatusL();
+	}
+// We can't estimate data size without A) having the SID of the data owner who's data
+// is to be backed up and B) going through the whole process of preparing the backup.
+// The only sensible thing we can do is return an arbitrary value!
+TUint CRepositoryBackupClient::GetExpectedDataSize(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */)
+	{
+	return KArbitraryNumber ;
+	}	
+// Called by BUR engine to request a chunk of backup data.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::GetBackupDataSectionL(TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aFinished)
+	{
+	const TInt chunkSize = aBuffer.MaxSize() ;
+	aFinished = EFalse ;
+	// Pass a chunk of our prepared backup data in aBuffer
+	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Read(aBuffer, chunkSize)) ;
+	TInt bytesRead = aBuffer.Length() ;
+	// Check to see if this was the last chunk of data.
+	if (bytesRead < chunkSize)
+		{
+		// Set "finished" flag so that BUR knows we're through...
+		aFinished = ETrue ;
+		// ...and then tidy up by closing and deleting the backup file.
+		iFile.Close() ;
+		TParse backupFilePath ;
+		User::LeaveIfError(backupFilePath.Set(KBackupFileName, TServerResources::iBURDirectory, &KBackupFileExt));
+		TInt fileDeleteErr=iFs.Delete(backupFilePath.FullName()) ;
+		#ifdef _DEBUG
+			if (fileDeleteErr != KErrNone)
+			{
+				RDebug::Print(_L("CRepositoryBackupClient::GetBackupDataSectionL - Failed to delete file. Error = %d"), fileDeleteErr);
+			}
+		#else
+			UNUSED_VAR(fileDeleteErr);
+		#endif
+		}
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreComplete
+// Called when a Complete set of backup data has been received and written
+// to a file. We now need to open the file as a stream store, get the
+// index (list of repository UID and corresponding stream ID pairs, and then
+// reconstruct and save each repository in turn.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreComplete(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */)
+	{
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreCompleteL
+// Does the actual work of reconstructing repositories from backup data
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreCompleteL()
+	{
+	// All restore data recived so we can now recreate the repositories from the
+	// backup store
+	// Attempt to open the restore file as a CDirectFileStore
+	TParse restoreFilePath ;
+	User::LeaveIfError(restoreFilePath.Set(KRestoreFileName, TServerResources::iBURDirectory, &KRestoreFileExt));
+	CDirectFileStore* store = CDirectFileStore::OpenLC (iFs,restoreFilePath.FullName(), EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	if (store->Type()[0] != KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid)
+		{
+		// store wasn't quite what we were expecting - can't return an error, can't leave
+		// so all we can do is close the file, tidy up as best we can, and bail out!!!! 
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+		// If a debug build - record error
+		TInt fileDeleteErr=iFs.Delete(restoreFilePath.FullName()) ;
+		#ifdef _DEBUG
+			if (fileDeleteErr != KErrNone)
+			{
+				RDebug::Print(_L("CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreCompleteL - Failed to delete file. Error = %d"), fileDeleteErr);
+			}
+		#else
+			UNUSED_VAR(fileDeleteErr);
+		#endif
+		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+		}		
+	// Get the root stream and attempt to read a backup file header from it
+	TStreamId rootStreamId = store->Root() ;
+	RStoreReadStream rootStream ;
+	RStoreReadStream indexStream ;
+	rootStream.OpenLC(*store, rootStreamId);
+	TRepositoryBackupStreamHeader header ;
+	TRAPD(err, header.InternalizeL(rootStream)) ;
+	// Check for a valid header by checking that the UID matches the UID
+	// of Central Repository and that the version number is sane.
+	if (err == KErrNotSupported)
+	    {
+   		// Not a valid header - assume it's an old style backup stream,
+		// set extensions supported to none, set index stream to be
+		// root stream and reset read pointer to beginning.
+		iBackupExtensionsSupported = ENoBackupExtensions ;
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rootStream) ;
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store) ;
+		// Try re-opening as old-style backup stream with index
+		// as root stream.		
+		CDirectFileStore* store = CDirectFileStore::OpenLC (iFs,restoreFilePath.FullName(), EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+		indexStream.OpenLC(*store, rootStreamId) ;
+	    }
+	else
+		{
+	    // Got a valid header. Check for extensions supported by this
+	    // stream and get stream to read index from
+	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rootStream) ;
+	    iBackupExtensionsSupported = header.getBackupExtensionsSupported();	
+	    TStreamId indexStreamId = header.getIndexStreamId() ;
+	    indexStream.OpenLC (*store, indexStreamId) ; 		
+		}
+	CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex *restoreStreamIndex = CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex::NewLC();	
+	restoreStreamIndex->InternalizeL(indexStream, iBackupExtensionsSupported);
+	// Iterate through index and attempt restore of each repository stream
+	// we find in it.
+	restoreStreamIndex->Reset() ;	
+	TUid repositoryUid ;
+	TStreamId settingsStreamId(KNullStreamIdValue);
+	TStreamId deletedSettingsStreamId(KNullStreamIdValue);
+	TStreamId installedSettingsStreamId(KNullStreamIdValue);
+	while (restoreStreamIndex->GetNext(repositoryUid, settingsStreamId, deletedSettingsStreamId, installedSettingsStreamId) == KErrNone)
+		{
+		iRepository->OpenL(repositoryUid, *iNotifier, EFalse);
+		iRepository->FailAllTransactions();
+		// Add the restored repository to the restored repositories list.
+		// Pass its changed-keys list to further restoring functions to add entries for post-restoration notification.
+		TInt repIndex = AddRestoredRepositoryL(repositoryUid);
+		iRepository->RestoreRepositoryContentsL(*store, settingsStreamId, deletedSettingsStreamId, *iRestoredRepositoriesArray[repIndex]);
+		iRepository->CommitChangesL();
+		iRepository->Close();
+		// If the backup contains an installed repository containing default values for the settings, read them in
+		if (installedSettingsStreamId != KNullStreamId)
+			{
+			// create an empty repository in install directory, and restore the data from backup file
+			iRepository->RestoreInstallRepositoryL(repositoryUid, *store, installedSettingsStreamId, *iRestoredRepositoriesArray[repIndex]);
+			// remove the .ini install file (if exists) because it will clash with the restored file
+			TServerResources::DeleteCentrepFileL(repositoryUid, EInstall, EIni);
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(restoreStreamIndex) ;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&indexStream);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	// If a debug build - record error
+	TInt fileDeleteErr=iFs.Delete(restoreFilePath.FullName());
+	#ifdef _DEBUG
+		if (fileDeleteErr != KErrNone)
+		{
+			RDebug::Print(_L("CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreCompleteL (2nd) - Failed to delete file. Error = %d"), fileDeleteErr);
+		}
+	#else
+		UNUSED_VAR(fileDeleteErr);
+	#endif
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::CompleteOwnerIdLookupTableL
+// Open each repository in TServerResources::iDataDirectory.
+// Save the Rep UID and Owner Id of the rep to be used by
+// InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::CompleteOwnerIdLookupTableL()
+	{
+	// Read contents of persist, install, and ROM directories and
+	// use them to build a list of repository candidates.
+	RArray <TUint32> repositoryList ;
+	CleanupClosePushL(repositoryList) ;
+	for (TBackupDirectoryScan scanDir = EScanRom; scanDir <= EScanPersist; scanDir = (TBackupDirectoryScan)(scanDir+1))
+		{
+		TPtrC directoryName ;
+		switch (scanDir)
+			{
+				case EScanRom :
+					if (TServerResources::iRomDirectory)
+						{
+						directoryName.Set(TServerResources::iRomDirectory->Des()) ;						
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						// if ROM directory doesn't exist or there are no files, skip scanning
+						continue;
+						}
+					break ;
+				case EScanInstall :
+					directoryName.Set(TServerResources::iInstallDirectory->Des()) ;
+					break ;
+				case EScanPersist :
+					directoryName.Set(TServerResources::iDataDirectory->Des()) ;
+					break ;				
+			}
+		RDir dir;
+	    CleanupClosePushL(dir);
+		User::LeaveIfError(dir.Open(iFs, directoryName, KEntryAttNormal));
+	    TEntryArray dirEntries;
+	    TInt readError = KErrNone;
+		while (readError != KErrEof)  
+			{
+		    readError = dir.Read(dirEntries);
+		    if(readError != KErrNone && readError != KErrEof) 
+		    	{
+		    	User::Leave(readError);
+		    	}
+		    else
+		    	{
+		    	const TInt dirCount = dirEntries.Count();   
+		    	for (TInt i=0; i<dirCount; i++)
+		    		{
+		    		// Attempt to extract a repository UID from directory entry
+		    		TUid uid;
+					TInt insertionError;
+		    		if (KErrNone == TServerResources::GetUid(const_cast<TEntry&>(dirEntries[i]), uid))
+		    			{
+		    			insertionError=repositoryList.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(uid.iUid) ;
+						// Should leave in all cases other than KErrNone or KErrAlreadyExists						
+						if((insertionError != KErrNone) && (insertionError != KErrAlreadyExists ))
+							{
+							User::Leave(insertionError);
+							}						
+		    			}
+		    		}
+		    	}
+			}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&dir);
+		}
+	// Open all repositories in turn. Save repository UID and owner ID
+	// in lookup table.
+	for(TInt i = 0; i<repositoryList.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		// Look to see if this repository already has an entry in the owner ID lookup table
+		if ( TServerResources::FindOwnerIdLookupMapping(repositoryList[i]) == KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			// Need to TRAP here as otherwise if ANY repository fails to open
+			// (e.g. due to corruption) it would cause the entire backup to
+			// fail
+			TRAPD(err, iRepository->OpenL(TUid::Uid(repositoryList[i]), *iNotifier));
+			if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+				{
+				User::Leave(err) ;
+				}
+			else if (err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				// The act of opening a repository will cause it to add itself to the
+				// Repository/Owner UID mapping table so we don't need to do anything
+				// and can close it immediately!
+				iRepository->Close();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() ; // repositoryList	
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL
+// Prepare data to be backed up. We get the Sid/Uid of the entity whos data
+// is to be backed up. What we do is to open each repository in turn (identified
+// by directory listing), check its owner, and if it matches the Sid/Uid we've
+// been given by secure backup externalise it to a stream within a file store.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber /* aDrive */) 
+	{
+	// Prepare data for backup.
+	// Create file store
+	TParse backupFilePath ;
+	User::LeaveIfError(backupFilePath.Set(KBackupFileName, TServerResources::iBURDirectory, &KBackupFileExt));
+	CDirectFileStore* store = CDirectFileStore::ReplaceLC(iFs, backupFilePath.FullName(),
+	                                                      (EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive));
+	const TUid uid2  = KNullUid ;	                                                     
+	store->SetTypeL(TUidType(KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid, uid2, KServerUid3)) ; 
+	// Create a Backup Stream index
+	CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex* backupStreamIndex = CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex::NewLC();	
+	// Find the reps owned by aSID
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < TServerResources::iOwnerIdLookUpTable.Count(); ++i)
+		{
+		const TOwnerIdMapping& lookupTableEntry = TServerResources::iOwnerIdLookUpTable[i];
+		if ( lookupTableEntry.iOwner == aSID )
+			{
+			TStreamId settingStreamId(KNullStreamIdValue);
+			TStreamId deletedSettingsStreamId(KNullStreamIdValue);
+			TStreamId installedSettingStreamId(KNullStreamIdValue);
+			// Found one match, open the repository and externalise content.
+			TUid uid = TUid::Uid(lookupTableEntry.iRepUid);
+			TRAPD(err,iRepository->OpenL(uid, *iNotifier));
+			if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+				{
+				User::Leave(err) ;
+				}
+			else if (err == KErrNone)
+				{			
+				iRepository->FailAllTransactions();
+				// externalise repository contents
+				iRepository->StoreRepositoryContentsL(*store, settingStreamId, deletedSettingsStreamId);
+				// Close repository.
+				iRepository->Close();
+				}
+			TBool installExists=TServerResources::InstallFileExistsL(uid);
+			if(installExists)
+				{			
+				// load existing repository from install directory (default values installed post-build by SWI)
+				// and externalise installed repository contents				
+				TRAPD(err, iRepository->BackupInstallRepositoryL(uid, *store, installedSettingStreamId));
+				// We trap and discard most errors to be able to continue backing up other repositories in the list
+				if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+					{
+					User::Leave(err) ;
+					}
+				else if (err != KErrNone)
+					{
+					// If for any reason we haven't been able to back up the install repository, 
+					// we create an empty stream to preserve the format
+					installedSettingStreamId = KNullStreamIdValue;
+					}
+				}
+			// Add all to store index
+			backupStreamIndex->AddL(uid, settingStreamId, deletedSettingsStreamId, installedSettingStreamId) ;
+			}
+		}
+	// Write the stream index/dictionary as root stream within the store
+	// so we can access it when we do a restore later on
+	RStoreWriteStream indexStream ;
+	TStreamId indexStreamId = indexStream.CreateLC(*store) ;
+	backupStreamIndex->ExternalizeL(indexStream) ;
+	indexStream.CommitL() ;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&indexStream) ;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (backupStreamIndex) ;
+	// Create the Header and write it as the root stream within the store
+	// so we can access it when we do a restore later on
+	TRepositoryBackupStreamHeader header (indexStreamId) ;
+	RStoreWriteStream rootStream ;
+	TStreamId rootStreamId = rootStream.CreateLC(*store) ;
+	header.ExternalizeL(rootStream) ;
+	rootStream.CommitL() ;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rootStream) ;
+	store->SetRootL(rootStreamId);
+	store->CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store) ; 
+	// Attempt to open file containing store ready to read back and send to
+	// BUR engine as a stream of bytes.
+	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Open(iFs, backupFilePath.FullName(), (EFileRead | EFileShareExclusive))) ;
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL
+// Called when secure backup is about to start sending restore data.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber /* aDrive*/)
+	{
+	// prepare for restore - Don't think we need to do anything here except prepare
+	// data structures to receive incoming data
+	// Save SID so we can check that it corresponds with the owner information 
+	// in the restored data.
+	iSid = aSID ;
+	// Open file to receive restored data
+	TParse restoreFilePath ;
+	User::LeaveIfError(restoreFilePath.Set(KRestoreFileName, TServerResources::iBURDirectory, &KRestoreFileExt));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Replace (iFs, restoreFilePath.FullName(), (EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive)));
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreBaseDataSectionL
+// Called when secure backup has a chunk of restore data for us. Last data
+// segment identified by aFinished.
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreBaseDataSectionL(TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aFinished)
+	{
+	// Receive a chunk of restore data in aBuffer 
+	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Write (aBuffer)) ;
+	if (aFinished)
+		{
+		iFile.Close() ;
+		// All restore data recived so we can now recreate the repositories from the
+		// backup store	
+		RestoreCompleteL();	
+		}
+	}
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::TerminateMultiStageOperation()
+	{
+	// Backup/Restore operation aborted!
+	// Tidy up all temporary data.
+	HBufC* burFileName = HBufC::New(KMaxFileName);
+	if(burFileName==NULL)
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	TPtr burFileNamePtr(burFileName->Des());
+	iFile.FullName(burFileNamePtr); //get the full name of the temporary file
+	iFile.Close(); // close the file
+	// If a debug build - record error
+	TInt fileDeleteErr=iFs.Delete(burFileNamePtr);
+	#ifdef _DEBUG
+		if (fileDeleteErr != KErrNone)
+		{
+			RDebug::Print(_L("CRepositoryBackupClient::TerminateMultiStageOperation - Failed to delete file. Error = %d"), fileDeleteErr);
+		}
+	#else
+		UNUSED_VAR(fileDeleteErr);
+	#endif
+	delete burFileName;
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::GetDataChecksum
+// Not required and we don't implement it.
+TUint CRepositoryBackupClient::GetDataChecksum(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */) 
+	{
+	return KArbitraryNumber;
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::GetSnapshotDataL
+// Only required for incremental backup (which we don't support
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::GetSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */, TPtr8& /* aBuffer */, TBool& /* aFinished */) 
+	{
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;
+	}
+// CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseGetBackupDataL
+// Used by "normal" active backup to prepare data - we use
+// InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL so this shouldn't be called!
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseGetBackupDataL(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */)
+	{
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;
+	}
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */)
+	{
+	// Check this! I Don't think this method should get called as we're a proxy
+	// and so implement InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL!! 
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;		
+	}
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */)
+	{
+	// Check this! I Don't think this method should get called as we're a proxy
+	// so don't do incremental backup!! 
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;			
+	}
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::RestoreIncrementDataSectionL(TDesC8& /* aBuffer */, TBool /* aFinished */)
+	{
+	// Check this! I Don't think this method should get called as we're a proxy
+	// so don't do incremental backup!! 
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;		
+	}
+// Incremental backup isn't supported for the proxy data holder model so this
+// method should never be called.
+// Not acceptable to leave even though it's an ...L function which we don't implement
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::AllSnapshotsSuppliedL() 
+	{
+	;
+	}
+// Incremental backup not supported
+void CRepositoryBackupClient::ReceiveSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber /* aDrive */, TDesC8& /* aBuffer */, TBool /* aLastSection */) 
+	{
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;
+	}
+Adds a new entry to the restored repository list with the specified repository uid.
+Creates an object of the CRestoredRepository and inserts it to the list.
+If a repository of the specified uid is already on the list, the created object will 
+be deleted and no repeated entry will be inserted to the list.
+@param aUid The uid of the repository to be added to this array.
+@return The index of the new or existing entry within the list.
+TInt CRepositoryBackupClient::AddRestoredRepositoryL(TUid aUid)
+	{
+	CRestoredRepository* rstRepos = new(ELeave) CRestoredRepository(aUid);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rstRepos);
+	TInt err = iRestoredRepositoriesArray.InsertInOrder(rstRepos, TLinearOrder<CRestoredRepository>(CRestoredRepository::CompareUids));
+	if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+		User::Leave(err);
+	TInt index = iRestoredRepositoriesArray.FindInOrderL(rstRepos, TLinearOrder<CRestoredRepository>(CRestoredRepository::CompareUids));
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	if(err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		delete rstRepos;
+		}
+	return index;
+	}