--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/centralrepository/common/inc/inifile.h Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __CENREP_INIFILE_H__
+#define __CENREP_INIFILE_H__
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include "centralrepository.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "srvdefs.h"
+using namespace NCentralRepositoryConstants;
+using namespace NCentralRepositoryResources;
+//Forward declarations
+class RRangePolicyArray;
+class RDefaultMetaArray;
+class TServerSetting;
+class TSettingsAccessPolicy;
+class CSharedRepository;
+//Max length of one setting statement
+const TInt KMaxLengthWithPolicyInfo = KMaxBinaryLength * 2 + 64;
+// CIniFileIn class
+class CIniFileIn : public CBase
+ {
+ enum {KReadPolicy,KWritePolicy};
+ enum TIniFileOpenMode {ERomOnly,EInstallOnly,EAuto};
+ static TInt NewLC(RFs& aFs,CIniFileIn*& aIniFile,const TDesC& aFullFileName);
+ ~CIniFileIn();
+ TInt ReadSettingL(TServerSetting& aSetting,TSecurityPolicy& aSingleReadPolicy,TSecurityPolicy& aSingleWritePolicy, TBool& aSingleReadPolicyFound, TBool& aSingleWritePolicyFound, TBool& aSingleMetaFound);
+ TInt ReadPlatSecSectionL(TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultReadPolicy, TBool& aGotDefaultReadPolicy,
+ TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultWritePolicy, TBool& aGotDefaultWritePolicy,
+ RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies);
+ TInt ReadRdPolicyL(TSecurityPolicy& aReadPolicy);
+ TInt ReadWrPolicyL(TSecurityPolicy& aWritePolicy);
+ TInt ReadOwnerSectionL(TUint32 &aOwnerUID) ;
+ TInt ReadTimeStampSectionL(TTime &aTimeStamp) ;
+ TInt ReadDefaultMetaSecSectionL(TUint32& aDefaultMeta,
+ RDefaultMetaArray& aDefaultMetaRanges) ;
+ TInt SkipPlatSecSectionL();
+ TInt SkipOwnerSectionL() ;
+ TInt SkipDefaultMetaSectionL() ;
+ TInt SkipTimeStampSectionL() ;
+ TInt FindMainSectionL(void) ;
+ HBufC* FullName();
+ TInt ReadHeaderL();
+ TInt ReadSettingOnlyL(TServerSetting& aSetting, TBool& aSingleMetaFound);
+ TInt ReadStringL(HBufC8*& aString);
+ TInt ReadString16To8L(HBufC8*& aString);
+ TInt ReadBinaryL(HBufC8*& aString);
+ void SkipComments();
+ void SkipEqualSign();
+ TInt ReadNumber(TUint32& aVal);
+ TInt ReadCapabilityL(TCapability& aCapability);
+ void CheckForAlwaysPassOrFailL(TBool& aAlwaysPass,TBool& aAlwaysFail);
+ TInt ReadPolicyL(TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy,TInt aPolicyType);
+ TInt ReadCapabilitiesL(TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy);
+ TInt ReadSidAndCapabilitiesL(TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy,const TDesC& aPolicyType,
+ TSecureId& aSid);
+ TInt ReadRangePoliciesL(const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultReadPolicy,const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultWritePolicy,
+ RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies);
+ TInt ReadRangeMetaDefaultsL(RDefaultMetaArray& aDefaultMetaRanges);
+ TInt GetPlatSecSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection);
+ TInt GetTimeStampSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection);
+ TInt GetOwnerSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection) ;
+ TInt GetDefaultMetaSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection) ;
+ TInt GetSectionLC(const TDesC16& aSectionId, HBufC*& aSection) ;
+ CIniFileIn(RFs& aFs):iFs(aFs){}
+ HBufC* iBuf;
+ HBufC* iFullName;
+ TLex iLex;
+ TLexMark iMainSectionMark;
+ RFs iFs;
+ //
+ };
+//The txt persistence is not needed inside the server but rather for the tool
+// CIniFileOut class
+enum TCapAccessMode
+ {
+ ECapReadAccess,
+ ECapWriteAccess
+ };
+class CIniFileOut : public CBase
+ {
+ static CIniFileOut* NewLC(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aOutFileName);
+ ~CIniFileOut();
+ void CommitL();
+ void WriteHeaderL();
+ void WriteOwnerSectionL(TUid aOwner);
+ void WriteTimeStampL(const TTime& aTime);
+ void WriteMetaDataL(TUint32 aDefaultMeta,
+ const RDefaultMetaArray& aDefaultMetaRanges);
+ void WritePlatSecL(const TSettingsAccessPolicy& aDefaultAccessPolicy,
+ const RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies,TUint32 aCreVersion);
+ void WritePlatSecL(const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultReadPolicy,
+ const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultWritePolicy,
+ const RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies);
+ void WriteMainSectionHeaderL();
+ void WriteSettingL(const TServerSetting& aSetting
+ ,TUint32 aCreVersion
+ );
+ void WriteSettingL(const TServerSetting& aSetting,
+ const TSettingsAccessPolicy& aAccessPolicy
+ ,TUint32 aCreVersion
+ );
+ CIniFileOut(RFs& aFs);
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aOutFileName);
+ void WriteLineL(const TDesC& aData);
+ void AppendSecurityPolicyL(const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy,
+ TCapAccessMode aRdWrMode);
+ void DoSettingL(const TServerSetting& aSetting
+ ,TUint32 aCreVersion
+ );
+ TBool iCommited;
+ RFile iTransFile; //Transaction file
+ RFileBuf iTransFileBuf; //Transaction file buffer
+ TParse iTransFilePath; //Transaction file name.
+ TBuf<KMaxLengthWithPolicyInfo> iBuf;//General purpose buffer, used internally
+ HBufC* iOutFileName;
+ RFs iFs;
+ };
+#endif // __CENREP_INIFILE_H__