changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/centralrepository/common/src/inifile.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2310 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <utf.h>
+#include "inifile.h"
+#include "datatype.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#define MAX(a,b)        ((a)<(b)?(b):(a))
+#define MAX3(a,b,c)     MAX(MAX(a,b),c)
+#define MAX4(a,b,c,d)   MAX(MAX(a,b),MAX(c,d))
+//Unicode text file prefix - FE,FF bytes.
+static const TUint16 KUcs2Bom = 0xfeff;
+//Repository (ini) file - signature
+_LIT(KSignature, "cenrep");
+static const TInt KSignatureLen = 6;
+//Repository (ini) file  - version string and version number
+_LIT(KVersion, "version");
+static const TInt KVersionLen = 7;
+static const TUint KCurrentVersion = 1;
+//Repository (ini) file - supported types names
+_LIT(KTypeInt, "int");
+_LIT(KTypeReal, "real");
+_LIT(KTypeString, "string");
+_LIT(KTypeString8, "string8");
+_LIT(KTypeBinary, "binary");
+//Max type name length
+static const TInt KMaxTypeLen = 9;
+//The symbol used in repository (ini) files to note null data
+static const TChar KNullDataIndicator = '-';
+// Section identifiers in the repository (ini) file
+_LIT(KPlatSecSection, "[platsec]");
+static const TInt KPlatSecSectionLen = 9;
+_LIT(KOwnerSection, "[owner]");
+static const TInt KOwnerSectionLen = 7;
+_LIT(KTimeStampSection, "[timestamp]");
+static const TInt KTimeStampSectionLen = 11;
+_LIT(KMainSection, "[main]");
+static const TInt KMainSectionLen = 6;
+_LIT(KDefaultMetaSection, "[defaultmeta]");
+static const TInt KDefaultMetaSectionLen = 13 ;
+static const TInt KIniFileSectionLen = MAX4(KPlatSecSectionLen,KMainSectionLen,KTimeStampSectionLen, KDefaultMetaSectionLen);
+// Other useful string constants
+_LIT(KMaskString, "mask");
+static const TInt KMaskLen = 4;
+_LIT(KReadAccessSidString, "sid_rd");
+_LIT(KReadAccessCapString, "cap_rd");
+_LIT(KWriteAccessSidString, "sid_wr");
+_LIT(KWriteAccessCapString, "cap_wr");
+_LIT(KAccessAlwaysPass, "alwayspass");
+_LIT(KAccessAlwaysFail, "alwaysfail");
+// could do max of _LITs above
+static const TInt KMaxAccessTypeLen = 6; 
+// longest capability string from CapabilityNames is 15
+static const TInt KMaxCapabilityStringLen = 20; 
+static const TInt KBufLen = MAX3(KVersionLen, KSignatureLen, KIniFileSectionLen);
+const TUint KCr = '\r';
+const TUint KTab = '\t';
+const TUint KSpace = ' ';
+_LIT(KTransactFileName, "transact");
+_LIT(KCrNl,	"\r\n");
+_LIT(KHexIntFormat, "0x%X");
+_LIT(KUidFormat, "0x%08X");
+_LIT(KRangeMetaFmt, "0x%X 0x%X 0x%08X");
+_LIT(KMaskMetaFmt, "0x%X mask = 0x%X 0x%08X");
+_LIT(KRangePrefix, "0x%X 0x%X");
+_LIT(KMaskPrefix, "0x%08X mask = 0x%08X");
+// Local functions
+The function checks if the file with aFile name exists.
+@param aFile File name, including the full path.
+@return 0, if the file does not exist, non-zero value otherwise.
+static TBool FileExists(const TDesC& aFile)
+	{
+	TEntry entry;
+	return TServerResources::iFs.Entry(aFile, entry) == KErrNone;
+	}
+static TInt ReadFileL(RFile aFile, HBufC16*& aBuf)
+	{
+	TInt size;
+	TInt r = aFile.Size(size);
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	if(size<2)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	TInt len = size/2-1;
+	aBuf = HBufC16::NewL(len);
+	TPtr16 ptr16 = aBuf->Des();
+	TPtr8 ptr8((TUint8*)ptr16.Ptr(), 0, 2);
+	r = aFile.Read(ptr8, 2);
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	if(*ptr16.Ptr()!=KUcs2Bom)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE("File not Ucs2.  No BOM");
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	ptr8.Set((TUint8*)ptr16.Ptr(), 0, size-2);
+	r = aFile.Read(ptr8);
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	ptr16.SetLength(len);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+static TBool IsNegativeNumber(TLex& aLex)	
+    {
+    if (aLex.Peek()=='-')
+        return ETrue;
+    else
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+static TInt ReadNumberL(TLex& aLex, TUint32& aVal)
+	{
+	TRadix radix = EDecimal;
+	if(aLex.Peek()=='0')
+		{
+		aLex.Inc();
+		if(aLex.Peek().GetLowerCase()=='x')
+			{
+			aLex.Inc();
+			radix = EHex;
+			}
+		else
+			aLex.UnGet();
+		}
+	if(aLex.Val(aVal, radix)!=KErrNone)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+static void WriteBinary(TDes& aBuf, const HBufC8* aString)
+	{
+	if(aString)
+		{
+		TInt len = aString->Length();
+		if(len==0)
+			aBuf.Append(KNullDataIndicator);
+		else
+			{
+			TPtr8 ptr8 = const_cast<HBufC8*>(aString)->Des();
+			for(TInt i=0;i<len;i++)
+				aBuf.AppendNumFixedWidth(ptr8[i], EHex, 2);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aBuf.Append(KNullDataIndicator);
+		}
+	}
+The function writes setting value into the supplied buffer (aBuf).
+@param aBuf The buffer where the setting value will be appended.
+@param aSetting Reference to the setting object
+@leave KErrGeneral If the supplied setting object has unknown type.
+static void AddSettingValueL(TDes& aBuf, const TServerSetting& aSetting)
+	{
+	switch(aSetting.Type())
+		{
+		case TServerSetting::EInt:
+			aBuf.Append(KTypeInt);
+			aBuf.Append(KSpace);
+			aBuf.AppendNum(aSetting.GetIntValue());
+			break;
+		case TServerSetting::EReal:
+			aBuf.Append(KTypeReal);
+			aBuf.Append(KSpace);
+			aBuf.AppendNum(aSetting.GetRealValue(), TRealFormat());
+			break;
+		case TServerSetting::EString:
+			aBuf.Append(KTypeBinary);
+			aBuf.Append(KSpace);
+			WriteBinary(aBuf, aSetting.GetStrValue());
+			break;
+		default:
+			User::Leave(KErrGeneral); //unknown setting type
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+// CIniFileIn class
+TInt CIniFileIn::NewLC(RFs& aFs,CIniFileIn*& aIniFile,const TDesC& aFullFileName)
+	{
+	aIniFile = new(ELeave) CIniFileIn(aFs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(aIniFile);
+	RFile file;
+	CleanupClosePushL(file);
+	TInt r = file.Open(aFs, aFullFileName, EFileRead|EFileStreamText);	
+	if(r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		aIniFile->iFullName = HBufC::NewL(aFullFileName.Length());
+		TPtr filename = aIniFile->iFullName->Des();
+		filename.Copy(aFullFileName);
+		TInt rReadFile = ReadFileL(file,aIniFile->iBuf);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //file
+		TInt rReadHeader=KErrNone;
+		if(rReadFile==KErrNone)
+			{
+			aIniFile->iLex.Assign(aIniFile->iBuf->Des());
+			rReadHeader=aIniFile->ReadHeaderL();
+			}
+		if((rReadFile==KErrCorrupt) || ( rReadHeader==KErrCorrupt))
+			{
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CleanupStack::Pop();//file 
+		}
+	return r;
+	}		
+	{
+	delete iBuf;
+	delete iFullName;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadHeaderL()
+	{
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	//
+	// Check file signature
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if(iLex.TokenLength()>KSignatureLen)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid header signature",iFullName);
+		return(KErrCorrupt);
+		}
+	buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	if(buf.Compare(KSignature)!=0)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid header signature",iFullName);
+		return(KErrCorrupt);
+		}
+	//
+	// Check file version
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if(iLex.TokenLength()>KVersionLen)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Missing version keyword",iFullName);		
+		return(KErrCorrupt);
+		}
+	buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	if(buf.Compare(KVersion)!=0)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Missing version keyword",iFullName);	
+		return(KErrCorrupt);
+		}
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	TUint version;
+	iLex.Val(version);
+	if(version>KCurrentVersion)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid version number",iFullName);
+		return(KErrNotSupported);
+		}
+	return( KErrNone);
+	}
+void CIniFileIn::SkipComments()
+	{
+	for(;;)
+		{
+		iLex.SkipSpace();
+		if(iLex.Peek()!='#')
+			break;
+		while(iLex.Get()!='\n' && !iLex.Eos()) {}
+		}
+	}
+void CIniFileIn::SkipEqualSign()
+	{
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	if(iLex.Peek()=='=')
+		iLex.Get();
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadSettingOnlyL(TServerSetting& aSetting,TBool& aSingleMetaFound)
+	{
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	aSingleMetaFound=EFalse;
+	SkipComments();
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	if(iLex.Eos())
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	TUint32 key;
+	TInt r=ReadNumberL(iLex, key);
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		// returns either KErrCorrupt or KErrNone
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid single setting id",iFullName);
+		return r;
+		}
+	aSetting.SetKey(key);
+	iLex.SkipSpaceAndMark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if(iLex.TokenLength()>KMaxTypeLen)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid key type, must be one of: [int,real,string,string8,binary]",iFullName);
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	TBuf<KMaxTypeLen> type;
+	type.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	if(type.Compare(KTypeInt)==0)
+		{
+        if (IsNegativeNumber(iLex))
+            {
+            TInt i;
+            if(iLex.Val(i)!=KErrNone)
+            	{
+            	__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid negative integer value",iFullName);
+            	return(KErrCorrupt);
+            	}
+            aSetting.SetIntValue(i);  
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TUint32 i;
+            TInt r=ReadNumberL(iLex, i);
+            if(r!=KErrNone)
+            	{
+            	__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid integer value",iFullName);
+                return r;
+            	}
+            aSetting.SetIntValue(i);  
+            }
+		}
+	else if(type.Compare(KTypeReal)==0)
+		{
+		TReal r;
+		ret=iLex.Val(r,'.');
+		//iLex.Val with TReal can return KErrNoMemory
+		if (ret!=KErrNone)
+			{
+			if (ret==KErrNoMemory)	
+				User::LeaveNoMemory();
+			else
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid real value",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			}
+		TReal* temp = new(ELeave)TReal(r);
+		aSetting.SetRealValue(temp);
+		temp = NULL;
+		}
+	else if(type.Compare(KTypeString)==0)
+		{
+		HBufC8* s;
+		ret = ReadStringL(s);
+		if(ret != KErrNone)
+			{
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid string value",iFullName);
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		aSetting.SetStrValue(s);
+		}
+	else if(type.Compare(KTypeString8)==0)
+		{
+		HBufC8* s;
+		ret = ReadString16To8L(s);
+		if(ret != KErrNone)
+			{
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid string8 value",iFullName);
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		aSetting.SetStrValue(s);
+		}	
+	else if(type.Compare(KTypeBinary)==0)
+		{
+		HBufC8* s = NULL;
+		ret = ReadBinaryL(s);
+		if(ret != KErrNone)
+			{
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid binary value",iFullName);
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		aSetting.SetStrValue(s);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid key type, must be one of: [int,real,string,string8,binary]",iFullName);
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	//skip any spaces or tabs
+	while(iLex.Peek()==KSpace || iLex.Peek()==KTab)
+		{
+		iLex.Inc();
+		}
+    TUint32 meta;
+    /**
+    carriage return reached which means that there is no meta AND capabilities
+    defined for this key. Thus setting meta to NULL to be able to set a value
+    from default section later. 
+    */ 
+    if (iLex.Peek()==KCr)
+        {   
+        meta = 0;   
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        r=ReadNumberL(iLex, meta);
+	    /**
+	    If meta can not be read, it is not neccessary an error.
+	    It might be not present for an individual key and it will be taken
+	    from a default section. 
+	    If single meta is present, we need to remember so we can recognise a single
+	    meta of 0 as distinct from no meta ( also sets meta to 0 ).
+	    */ 
+	    if(r!=KErrNone)
+		    meta = 0;
+	    else
+	    	aSingleMetaFound=ETrue;
+        }
+	aSetting.SetMeta(meta);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Read an entire DefaultMeta section from ini file 
+and create FDefault metadata entries
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt or KErrNotFound
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadDefaultMetaSecSectionL(TUint32& aDefaultMeta,  RDefaultMetaArray& aDefaultMetaRanges)
+	{
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	//
+	// Check if a DefaultMeta section is present
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	// we will need this section later to write the out file...
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if( iLex.TokenLength()!=KDefaultMetaSectionLen || 
+		(buf.CopyLC( iLex.MarkedToken() ), buf.Compare( KDefaultMetaSection )!=0) )
+		{
+		// Meta not available
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	//
+	// Lets read Meta settings
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	// we might have a default Meta section first
+	if(KErrNone != ReadNumber(aDefaultMeta))
+		{
+		// should we log that no default read policy?
+		}
+	// now lets try range policies
+	TInt r=ReadRangeMetaDefaultsL(aDefaultMetaRanges);
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Error parsing [defaultMeta]",iFullName);
+		return r;
+		}
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Reads Meta defaults as defined for range of indexes
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadRangeMetaDefaultsL(RDefaultMetaArray& aDefaultMetaRanges)
+	TUint32 lowKey = 0;
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	SkipComments();
+	while(KErrNone == ReadNumber(lowKey))
+		{
+		// highKey and mask needs to be zero'd every cycle...
+		TUint32 highKey = 0;
+		TUint32 mask = 0;
+		TUint32 defaultMeta = 0 ;
+		iLex.SkipSpace();
+		// may be not range but key & mask so lets check 'mask' keyword
+		if(!iLex.Peek().IsDigit())
+			{
+			//so should be mask then...
+			iLex.Mark();
+			while((iLex.Peek()!='=')&&(!iLex.Eos()))
+				{
+				iLex.Inc();
+				if(iLex.TokenLength() >= KMaskLen)
+					{
+					// so no '=' there
+					// not necessarily bad thing... could be space there first
+					break;			
+					}
+				}
+			// check if KMaskLen is < buf length?
+			buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+			if(buf.Compare(KMaskString)!=0)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Missing 'mask' keyword [defaultMeta]",iFullName);		
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}	
+			iLex.SkipSpace();
+			if('=' != iLex.Get())
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Missing '=' for 'mask' keyword [defaultMeta]",iFullName);				
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			iLex.SkipSpace();
+			TInt r=ReadNumberL(iLex,mask);
+			if(r!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid 'mask' for keyspace range [defaultMeta]",iFullName);		
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TInt r = ReadNumberL(iLex,highKey);
+			if(r!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid end of range [defaultMeta]",iFullName);	
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			}
+		if(KErrNone == 	ReadNumber(defaultMeta))
+			{
+			TSettingsDefaultMeta metaDefault(defaultMeta,lowKey, highKey, mask);
+			aDefaultMetaRanges.AppendL(metaDefault);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// unfortunately, we can't tell if we got here because the default
+			// meta was bad or because there was an invalid start value for the range.
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Range defined without default or bad start of range [defaultMeta]",iFullName);
+			// range specified with no default Meta!
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		SkipComments();
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+Read Owner section from ini file and extract owner UID 
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt or KErrNotFound
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadOwnerSectionL(TUint32 &aOwnerUID)
+	{
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	SkipComments();
+	// we will need this section later to write the out file...
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if( iLex.TokenLength()!=KOwnerSectionLen || 
+		(buf.CopyLC( iLex.MarkedToken() ), buf.Compare( KOwnerSection )!=0) )
+		{
+		// Owner section not available
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Found an "owner" section - must be followed by a UID (hex number
+		// in format 0xnnnnn) to be valid!
+		iLex.SkipSpace() ;
+		if(iLex.Peek()=='0')
+			{
+			iLex.Inc();
+			if(iLex.Peek().GetLowerCase()=='x')
+				{
+				iLex.Inc();
+				if(iLex.Val(aOwnerUID, EHex)!=KErrNone)
+					{
+					__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid owner UID not valid hex digit [owner]",iFullName);
+					return KErrCorrupt;
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid owner UID not valid hex digit [owner]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid owner UID not valid hex digit [owner]",iFullName);
+			return KErrCorrupt;	
+			}
+		}
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Read Timestamp section from ini file and extract value as a TTime
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt or KErrNotFound
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadTimeStampSectionL(TTime &aTimeStamp)
+	{
+	TBuf<25> buf;
+	SkipComments();
+	// we will need this section later to write the out file...
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	buf.CopyLC( iLex.MarkedToken());
+	if( iLex.TokenLength()!=KTimeStampSectionLen || 
+		(buf.Compare( KTimeStampSection )!=0) )
+		{
+		// Timestamp section not available
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Found a "timestamp" section - must be followed by a a timestamp 
+		// either in format...
+		//
+		// 			YYYY = 4 digit year
+		//		  	  MM = 2 digit numeric month
+		//        	  DD = 2 digit numeric date
+		//		  	  HH = 2 digit hour
+		//		  	  MM = 2 digit minute
+		//        	  SS = 2 digit second
+		//        MMMMMM = 6 digit microseconds
+		//	Note that this is the format used for constructing/initialising
+		//  a TTime	from a string.
+		// 
+		//                     ...or a 64-bit integer which can be converted to
+		// to a TTime to be considered valid!
+		//
+		iLex.SkipSpace();
+		iLex.Mark();
+		iLex.SkipCharacters() ;
+		buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken()) ;
+		if (aTimeStamp.Set(buf) !=KErrNone)
+			{
+			TInt64 intTimeStamp ;
+			iLex.UnGetToMark();
+			if (iLex.Val(intTimeStamp) != KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid time stamp [timestamp]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;	
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				aTimeStamp = intTimeStamp;	
+				}			
+			}
+		}
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Read a setting and it's single policy ( if it exists )
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt
+		aSetting setting read from ini file
+		aSingleReadPolicy single read policy if any
+		aSingleWritePolicy single write policy if any
+		aSingleReadPolicyFound ETrue if single read policy found with this key, EFalse if not
+		aSingleWritePolicyFound ETrue if single write policy found with this key, EFalse if not
+		aSingleMetaFound ETrue if single metadata found with this key, EFalse if not
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadSettingL(TServerSetting& aSetting,TSecurityPolicy& aSingleReadPolicy,TSecurityPolicy& aSingleWritePolicy, TBool& aSingleReadPolicyFound, TBool& aSingleWritePolicyFound, TBool& aSingleMetaFound)
+	{
+	aSingleReadPolicyFound = EFalse;
+	aSingleWritePolicyFound = EFalse;
+	TInt error = ReadSettingOnlyL(aSetting, aSingleMetaFound);
+	if(KErrNone == error)
+		{
+		//Need to push into cleanupstack for string setting
+		aSetting.PushL();
+		// when multiple policies enabled then read in a loop
+		if (iLex.Peek() !=KCr)
+			{
+			// if neither read/write policy found we do not create TSettingsAccessPolicy at all...
+			TInt err=ReadRdPolicyL(aSingleReadPolicy);
+			if (err==KErrNone)
+				aSingleReadPolicyFound=ETrue;
+			else
+				{
+				//we need to return error code rather than assuming no single policy is found
+				if (err==KErrCorrupt || err==KErrNoMemory)
+					{
+					if (err == KErrCorrupt)
+						{
+						__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid read setting",iFullName);
+						}
+					aSetting.PopAndDestroy();
+					return err;
+					}
+				//else if ret!=KErrNone very likely it is KErrNotFound so leave
+				//the state of the writePolicyFound to EFalse
+				}
+			err=ReadWrPolicyL(aSingleWritePolicy);
+			if (err==KErrNone)
+				aSingleWritePolicyFound=ETrue;
+			else
+				{
+				//we need to return error code rather than assuming no single policy is found
+				if (err==KErrCorrupt || err==KErrNoMemory)
+					{
+					if (err == KErrCorrupt)
+						{
+						__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid write setting",iFullName);
+						}
+					aSetting.PopAndDestroy();
+					return err;
+					}
+				//else if ret!=KErrNone very likely it is KErrNotFound so leave
+				//the state of the writePolicyFound to EFalse
+				}
+			}
+		//Need to pop back the setting
+		aSetting.Pop();
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::SkipPlatSecSectionL()
+	{
+	HBufC* platSecSection;
+	TInt r=GetPlatSecSectionLC(platSecSection);
+	if(platSecSection)		
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(platSecSection);
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::SkipOwnerSectionL()
+	{
+	HBufC* ownerSection;
+	TInt r=GetOwnerSectionLC(ownerSection);
+	if(ownerSection)	
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ownerSection);
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::SkipDefaultMetaSectionL()
+	{
+	HBufC* section;
+	TInt r=GetDefaultMetaSectionLC(section);
+	if(section)	
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(section);
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::SkipTimeStampSectionL()
+	{
+	HBufC* timeStampSection;
+	TInt r=GetTimeStampSectionLC(timeStampSection);
+	if(timeStampSection)	
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(timeStampSection);
+	return r;
+	}	
+Read an entire PlatSec section from ini file 
+and create TSecurityPolicy for default access and for range of indexes
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt or KErrNotFound
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadPlatSecSectionL(TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultReadPolicy, TBool& aGotDefaultReadPolicy,
+							         TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultWritePolicy, TBool& aGotDefaultWritePolicy,
+							         RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies)
+	{
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	aGotDefaultReadPolicy = EFalse ;
+	aGotDefaultWritePolicy = EFalse ;
+	//
+	// Check if the PlatSec section is present
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	// we will need this section later to write the out file...
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if( iLex.TokenLength()!=KPlatSecSectionLen || 
+		(buf.CopyLC( iLex.MarkedToken() ), buf.Compare( KPlatSecSection )!=0) )
+		{
+		// PlatSec section not available
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	//
+	// Lets read the policies
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	// we might have a default policies first
+	// check for default read policy
+	r=ReadRdPolicyL(aDefaultReadPolicy);
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		aGotDefaultReadPolicy=ETrue;
+	else
+		{
+		//we need to return error code rather than assuming no default policy is found
+		if (r==KErrCorrupt || r==KErrNoMemory)
+			{
+			if (r == KErrCorrupt)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid read policy [platsec]",iFullName);
+				}
+			return r;
+			}
+		//else if ret!=KErrNone very likely it is KErrNotFound so leave
+		//the state of the writePolicyFound to EFalse
+		}
+	// check for default write policy
+	r=ReadWrPolicyL(aDefaultWritePolicy);
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		aGotDefaultWritePolicy=ETrue;
+	else
+		{
+		//we need to return error code rather than assuming no default policy is found
+		if (r==KErrCorrupt || r==KErrNoMemory)
+			{
+			if (r == KErrCorrupt)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid write policy [platsec]",iFullName);
+				}
+			return r;
+			}
+		//else if ret!=KErrNone very likely it is KErrNotFound so leave
+		//the state of the writePolicyFound to EFalse
+		}
+	// now lets try range policies
+	r = ReadRangePoliciesL(aDefaultReadPolicy,aDefaultWritePolicy,aRangePolicies);
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid range policy [platsec]",iFullName);
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	// it must be the main section now so lets check
+	SkipComments();
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if(iLex.TokenLength()>KBufLen)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	if(buf.Compare(KMainSection)!=0)
+		{
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}	
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Reads TSecurityPolicy as defined for range of indexes
+@return KErrNone, KErrCorrupt
+@leave KErrNotFound
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadRangePoliciesL(const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultReadPolicy,
+									const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultWritePolicy,
+									RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies)
+	TUint32 lowKey = 0;
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	SkipComments();
+	while(KErrNone == ReadNumber(lowKey))
+		{
+		// highKey and mask needs to be zero'd every cycle...
+		TUint32 highKey = 0;
+		TUint32 mask = 0;
+		iLex.SkipSpace();
+		// may be not range but key & mask so lets check 'mask' keyword
+		if(!iLex.Peek().IsDigit())
+			{
+			//so should be mask then...
+			iLex.Mark();
+			while((iLex.Peek()!='=')&&(!iLex.Eos()))
+				{
+				iLex.Inc();
+				if(iLex.TokenLength() >= KMaskLen)
+					{
+					// so no '=' there
+					// not necessarily bad thing... could be space there first
+					break;			
+					}
+				}
+			// check if KMaskLen is < buf length?
+			buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+			if(buf.Compare(KMaskString)!=0)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Missing 'mask' keyword for range [platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}	
+			iLex.SkipSpace();
+			if('=' != iLex.Get())
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Missing '=' for 'mask' keyword for range [platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			iLex.SkipSpace();
+			TInt r = ReadNumberL(iLex,mask);
+			if(r!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid value for 'mask' keyword [platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TInt r = ReadNumberL(iLex,highKey);
+			if(r!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid end of range [platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			}
+		TBool writePolicyFound = EFalse;
+		TBool readPolicyFound= EFalse;
+		TSecurityPolicy readPolicy;
+		TSecurityPolicy writePolicy;	
+		TInt ret=KErrNone;
+		ret=ReadRdPolicyL(readPolicy);
+		if (ret==KErrNone)
+			readPolicyFound=ETrue;
+		else
+			{
+			if (ret==KErrCorrupt || ret==KErrNoMemory)
+				{
+				if (ret == KErrCorrupt)
+					{
+					__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid read policy for range [platsec]",iFullName);
+					}
+				return ret;
+				}
+			//else if ret!=KErrNone very likely it is KErrNotFound so leave
+			//the state of the writePolicyFound to EFalse
+			}
+		ret=ReadWrPolicyL(writePolicy);
+		if (ret==KErrNone)
+			writePolicyFound=ETrue;
+		else
+			{
+			if (ret==KErrCorrupt || ret==KErrNoMemory)
+				{
+				if (ret == KErrCorrupt)
+					{
+					__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid write policy for range [platsec]",iFullName);
+					}
+				return ret;
+				}
+			//else if ret!=KErrNone very likely it is KErrNotFound so leave
+			//the state of the writePolicyFound to EFalse
+			}
+		//If only one of the policy is specified,need to set the other one to default value
+		//to prevent it from being uninitialized
+		if(readPolicyFound || writePolicyFound)
+			{
+			if (!readPolicyFound)
+				readPolicy=aDefaultReadPolicy;		
+			if (!writePolicyFound)
+				writePolicy=aDefaultWritePolicy;
+			TSettingsAccessPolicy settingsPolicy(readPolicy,writePolicy,
+												lowKey, highKey, mask);
+			aRangePolicies.AppendL(settingsPolicy);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// range specified with no policies!
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Range specified with no policies [platsec]",iFullName);
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		SkipComments();	
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+@return TCapability as converted from string description
+@leave KErrNotFound
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadCapabilityL(TCapability& aCapability)
+	{
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	if(iLex.Eos())
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+	// check if '=' still there and skip
+	SkipEqualSign();
+	iLex.Mark();
+	// potentially comma separated list of capabilities
+	// we read just one at the time
+	while(!iLex.Peek().IsSpace() && (iLex.Peek() != ',') && !iLex.Eos())
+		{
+		iLex.Inc();
+		if(iLex.TokenLength()>KMaxCapabilityStringLen)
+			{
+			__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid capability [platsec]",iFullName);
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		}
+	TBuf<KMaxCapabilityStringLen> string;
+	string.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	// lets check against list of capabilities
+	TInt capability;
+	// descriptors...desriptors - we need it for conversion from const char[] to TPtr
+	HBufC *cap = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxCapabilityStringLen);
+	TPtr capPtr = cap->Des() ;	
+	HBufC8 *capNarrow = HBufC8::NewLC(KMaxCapabilityStringLen) ;
+	for(capability=0; capability<ECapability_Limit; capability++)
+		{
+		// CapabilityNames is const char[]
+		*capNarrow = (const TUint8 *)CapabilityNames[capability];
+		capPtr.Copy(*capNarrow);
+		capPtr.LowerCase();
+		if(0 == string.Compare(capPtr))
+			{
+			aCapability=static_cast<TCapability>(capability);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(capNarrow);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cap);
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(capNarrow);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cap);
+	// to satisfy compiler
+	aCapability=ECapability_Limit;
+	__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid capability [platsec]",iFullName);
+	// we didn't find anything
+	return KErrCorrupt;
+	}
+@param aAlwaysPass will be true if the first capability is AlwaysPass
+	   aAlwaysFail will be true if the first capability is AlwaysFail
+void CIniFileIn::CheckForAlwaysPassOrFailL(TBool& aAlwaysPass,TBool& aAlwaysFail)
+	{
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	if(iLex.Eos())
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+	// check if '=' still there and skip
+	SkipEqualSign();
+	iLex.Mark();
+	// we are just checking if AlwaysPass has been set
+	while(!iLex.Peek().IsSpace() && !iLex.Eos())
+		{
+		iLex.Inc();
+		if(iLex.TokenLength()>KMaxCapabilityStringLen)
+			{
+			iLex.UnGetToMark();
+			return;
+			}
+		}
+	TBuf<KMaxCapabilityStringLen> string;
+	string.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	aAlwaysPass=(string.Compare(KAccessAlwaysPass)==0);
+	aAlwaysFail=(string.Compare(KAccessAlwaysFail)==0);
+	//if not either AlwaysPass or AlwaysFail reset the Lex position to Mark
+	if(!(aAlwaysPass || aAlwaysFail))
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadCapabilitiesL(TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy)
+	{
+	// we can have 0-7 capabilities
+	const TInt maxCapWithoutSid = 7;
+	TCapability capabilities[maxCapWithoutSid];
+	TInt index = 0;
+	// initialise 
+	for(index=0;index<maxCapWithoutSid;index++)
+		capabilities[index] = ECapability_None;
+	index = 0;
+	// lets read the first capability... there must be at least one!
+	TBool isAlwaysPass=EFalse;
+	TBool isAlwaysFail=EFalse;
+	CheckForAlwaysPassOrFailL(isAlwaysPass,isAlwaysFail);
+	if(isAlwaysPass || isAlwaysFail)
+		{
+		//default is set to EAlwaysFail
+		TSecurityPolicy policy;
+		if (isAlwaysPass)
+			policy=TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass);
+		aPolicy.Set(policy.Package());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TInt r=ReadCapabilityL(capabilities[index]);
+		if(r!=KErrNone)
+			return r;
+		// do we have more?
+		iLex.SkipSpace();
+		index++;
+		while((iLex.Peek() == ','))
+			{
+			//if capabilities supplied is more than allowed return KErrCorrupt
+			if (index>=maxCapWithoutSid)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Too many read capabilities [platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			// skip comma
+			iLex.SkipAndMark(1);
+			r=ReadCapabilityL(capabilities[index]);
+			if(r!=KErrNone)
+				return r;
+			// do we have yet more?
+			iLex.SkipSpace();
+			index++;
+			}
+		TSecurityPolicy policy(static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[0]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[1]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[2]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[3]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[4]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[5]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[6]));
+		aPolicy.Set(policy.Package());
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadSidAndCapabilitiesL(TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy,const TDesC& aPolicyType,
+										 TSecureId& aSid)
+	{
+	//SID was specified we can have 0-3 capabilities
+	const TInt maxCapWithSid = 3;
+	TCapability capabilities[maxCapWithSid];
+	TInt index = 0;
+	for(index=0;index<maxCapWithSid;index++)
+		capabilities[index] = ECapability_None;
+	// lets see what we have here...
+	iLex.SkipSpaceAndMark();
+	// we are looking for a string terminated by '='
+	// up to a certain length....
+	while((iLex.Peek()!='=')&&(!iLex.Eos()))
+		{
+		iLex.Inc();
+		if(iLex.TokenLength() >= KMaxAccessTypeLen)
+			{
+			// so no '=' there
+			// not necessarily bad thing... could be space there first
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	TBuf<KMaxAccessTypeLen> string;
+	string.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	index = 0;
+	// lets check if there are any capabilities specified and if of correct type
+	if(0 == string.Compare(aPolicyType))
+		{
+		//Need to check for AlwaysPass or AlwaysFail
+		TBool isAlwaysPass=EFalse;
+		TBool isAlwaysFail=EFalse;
+		CheckForAlwaysPassOrFailL(isAlwaysPass,isAlwaysFail);
+		if(isAlwaysPass || isAlwaysFail)
+			{
+			//default is set to EAlwaysFail
+			TSecurityPolicy policy;
+			if (isAlwaysPass)
+				policy=TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass);
+			aPolicy.Set(policy.Package());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// so we have some capabilities to read
+			TInt r = ReadCapabilityL(capabilities[index]);
+			if(r!=KErrNone)
+				return r;
+			// do we have more?
+			iLex.SkipSpace();
+			index++;
+			while((iLex.Peek() == ','))
+				{
+				//cannot permit more than 3 capabilities when followed by a SID
+				if (index>=maxCapWithSid)
+					{
+					__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Too many read capabilities [platsec]",iFullName);
+					return KErrCorrupt;
+					}
+				// skip comma
+				iLex.SkipAndMark(1);
+				TInt r= ReadCapabilityL(capabilities[index]);
+				if(r!=KErrNone)
+					return r;
+				// do we have yet more?
+				iLex.SkipSpace();
+				index++;
+				}
+		TSecurityPolicy policy(aSid,static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[0]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[1]),
+								static_cast<TCapability>(capabilities[2]));
+		aPolicy.Set(policy.Package());
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// so no capabilities just SID
+		// and the token wasn't for us either
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		TSecurityPolicy policy(aSid);
+		aPolicy.Set(policy.Package());
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadPolicyL(TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy,TInt aPolicyType)
+	{
+	// lets check if there a SID is specified
+	iLex.SkipSpaceAndMark();
+	if(iLex.Eos())
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	while((iLex.Peek()!='=')&&(!iLex.Eos()))
+		{
+		iLex.Inc();
+		if(iLex.TokenLength() >= KMaxAccessTypeLen)
+			{
+			// so no '=' there
+			// not necessarily bad thing... could be space there first
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	// we are looking for either KReadAccessSid, KReadAccessCap, KWriteAccessSid,KWriteAccessCap
+	TBuf<KMaxAccessTypeLen> accessString;
+	accessString.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	TInt returnCode = KErrNotFound;
+	// we expect a combination of sid_rd1 cap_rd1 sid_wr1 cap_wr1
+	if(accessString.Compare(KReadAccessSidString)==0)
+		{
+		// we've got read - either SID or SID+CAP! Are we expecting read?
+		if(KReadPolicy == aPolicyType)
+			{
+			TUint32 sid;
+			SkipEqualSign();
+			if (ReadNumber(sid) != KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid SID (read)[platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			TSecureId sidId(sid);
+			// so we read sid and now we expect cap_rd1=cap1,cap2,..
+			// lets assume it's a SID+CAP for now
+			returnCode= ReadSidAndCapabilitiesL(aPolicy,KReadAccessCapString,sidId);
+			}
+		}
+	else if(accessString.Compare(KReadAccessCapString)==0)
+		{
+		// we've got read CAP only! Are we expecting read?
+		if(KReadPolicy == aPolicyType)
+			{
+			returnCode=ReadCapabilitiesL(aPolicy);
+			}
+		}
+	else if(accessString.Compare(KWriteAccessSidString)==0)
+		{
+		// we've got write - either SID or SID+CAP! Are we expecting read?
+		if(KWritePolicy == aPolicyType)
+			{
+			TUint32 sid;
+			SkipEqualSign();
+			if(ReadNumber(sid)!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				__CENTREP_TRACE1("[%S] Invalid SID (write)[platsec]",iFullName);
+				return KErrCorrupt;
+				}
+			TSecureId sidId(sid);
+			// lets assume SID+CAP for now
+			returnCode=	ReadSidAndCapabilitiesL(aPolicy,KWriteAccessCapString,sidId);
+			}
+		}
+	else if(accessString.Compare(KWriteAccessCapString)==0)
+		{
+		// we've got write CAP only! Are we expecting write?
+		if(KWritePolicy == aPolicyType)
+			{
+			returnCode=ReadCapabilitiesL(aPolicy);
+			}
+		}
+	if(KErrNone != returnCode)
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+	return returnCode;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadRdPolicyL(TSecurityPolicy& aReadPolicy)
+	{
+	return ReadPolicyL(aReadPolicy,KReadPolicy);
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadWrPolicyL(TSecurityPolicy& aReadPolicy)
+	{
+	return ReadPolicyL(aReadPolicy,KWritePolicy);
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadStringL(HBufC8*& aString)
+	{
+	iLex.Mark();
+	TChar c = iLex.Peek();
+	TChar quote = 0;
+	if(c=='\'' || c=='\"')
+		{
+		iLex.SkipAndMark(1);
+		quote = c;
+		}
+	TBool complete = EFalse;
+	TInt len;
+	for(len=0;!iLex.Eos();len++)
+		{
+		c = iLex.Get();
+		if(quote ? c==quote : c.IsSpace())
+			{
+			complete = ETrue;
+			break;
+			}
+		if(c=='\\')
+			iLex.Get();
+		}
+	if(!complete || len>KMaxUnicodeStringLength)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	aString = HBufC8::NewL(len*2);
+	TPtr8 ptr8 = aString->Des();
+	ptr8.SetLength(len*2);
+	TPtr16 ptr16((TUint16*)ptr8.Ptr(), len, len);
+	iLex.UnGetToMark();
+	_LIT(KSpecialChars, "abfnrvt0");
+	static TUint8 specialChars[] = { '\a', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\v', '\t', '\0' };
+	for(TInt i=0;i<len;i++)				
+		{
+		c = iLex.Get();
+		if(c=='\\')
+			{
+			c = iLex.Get();
+			TInt i = KSpecialChars().Locate(c);
+			if(i>=0)
+				c = specialChars[i];
+			}
+		ptr16[i] = (TUint16)c;
+		}	
+	if(quote)
+		iLex.Inc();  // trailing quote
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadString16To8L(HBufC8*& aString)
+	{
+		iLex.Mark();
+	TChar c = iLex.Peek();
+	TChar quote = 0;
+	if(c=='\'' || c=='\"')
+		{
+		iLex.SkipAndMark(1);
+		quote = c;
+		}
+	TBool complete = EFalse;
+	TInt len;
+	for(len=0;!iLex.Eos();len++)
+		{
+		c = iLex.Get();
+		if(quote ? c==quote : c.IsSpace())
+			{
+			complete = ETrue;
+			break;
+			}
+		if(c=='\\')
+			iLex.Get();
+		}
+	if(!complete || len>KMaxUnicodeStringLength)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	aString = HBufC8::NewLC(len*2);
+	HBufC16* tempBuffer = HBufC16::NewLC(len);
+	TPtr16 ptr16 = tempBuffer->Des();
+	TPtr8 ptr8 = aString->Des();
+	ptr8.SetLength(len*2);
+	iLex.UnGetToMark();
+	_LIT(KSpecialChars, "abfnrvt0");
+	static TUint8 specialChars[] = { '\a', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\v', '\t', '\0' };
+	for(TInt i=0;i<len;i++)				
+		{
+		c = iLex.Get();
+		if(c=='\\')
+			{
+			c = iLex.Get();
+			TInt i = KSpecialChars().Locate(c);
+			if(i>=0)
+				c = specialChars[i];
+			}
+		ptr16.Append(c);
+		}
+	const TInt returnValue = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(ptr8, ptr16);
+	if (returnValue==CnvUtfConverter::EErrorIllFormedInput)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuffer);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aString);			
+        return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+    else if(returnValue<0)
+        User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuffer);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(aString);	
+	if(quote)
+		iLex.Inc();  // trailing quote
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadBinaryL(HBufC8*& aString)
+	{
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	TInt len = iLex.TokenLength();
+	iLex.UnGetToMark();
+	if(len==1 && iLex.Peek()==KNullDataIndicator)
+		{
+		iLex.Get();
+		aString = HBufC8::NewL(0);
+		TPtr8 ptr8 = aString->Des();
+		ptr8.SetLength(0);
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	if(len>KMaxBinaryLength*2 || len%2)
+		{
+		delete aString;
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	len /= 2;
+	aString = HBufC8::NewL(len);
+	TPtr8 ptr8 = aString->Des();
+	ptr8.SetLength(len);
+	TBuf<2> buf(2);
+	for(TInt i=0;i<len;i++)
+		{
+		buf[0] = (TUint8)iLex.Get();
+		buf[1] = (TUint8)iLex.Get();
+		TLex lex(buf);
+		if(lex.Val(ptr8[i], EHex)!=KErrNone)
+			{
+			delete aString;	
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::ReadNumber(TUint32& aVal)
+	{
+	iLex.SkipSpace();
+	if(iLex.Eos())
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	TRadix radix = EDecimal;
+	if(iLex.Peek()=='0')
+		{
+		iLex.Inc();
+		if(iLex.Peek().GetLowerCase()=='x')
+			{
+			iLex.Inc();
+			radix = EHex;
+			}
+		else
+			iLex.UnGet();
+		}
+	return iLex.Val(aVal, radix);
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::GetOwnerSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection)
+	{
+	return( GetSectionLC(KOwnerSection(), aSection));
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::GetDefaultMetaSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection)
+	{
+	return( GetSectionLC(KDefaultMetaSection(), aSection));
+	}	
+TInt CIniFileIn::GetTimeStampSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection)
+	{
+	return( GetSectionLC(KTimeStampSection(), aSection));
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::GetPlatSecSectionLC(HBufC*& aSection)
+	{
+	return( GetSectionLC(KPlatSecSection(), aSection));
+	}
+TInt CIniFileIn::GetSectionLC(const TDesC16& aSectionId, HBufC*& aSection)
+	{
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	TLexMark sectionMark;
+	aSection=NULL;
+	SkipComments();
+	iLex.Mark(sectionMark);
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();	
+	if( (iLex.TokenLength() != aSectionId.Length()) && 
+	     (buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken()), buf.Compare( aSectionId )!=0) )
+		{
+		// Expected section not found at this point in the file
+		// Note that this is not an error
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	//
+	// Read in the section by grabbing text until we reach
+	// the start of another section.
+	//
+	while(!iLex.Eos())
+		{
+		// Wait for any other section marker
+		SkipComments();
+		iLex.Mark();
+		iLex.SkipCharacters();
+		if(iLex.TokenLength() <= KBufLen)
+			{
+			buf.CopyLC(iLex.MarkedToken());
+			if((buf.Compare(KMainSection) == 0) ||
+			   (buf.Compare(KOwnerSection) == 0) ||
+			   (buf.Compare(KPlatSecSection) == 0) ||
+			   (buf.Compare(KTimeStampSection) == 0) ||
+			   (buf.Compare(KDefaultMetaSection) == 0))
+				{
+				iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+				iLex.UnGetToMark() ;
+				TPtrC lex = iLex.MarkedToken(sectionMark);
+				HBufC* section = HBufC::NewMaxLC(lex.Length()); //'\n'
+				TPtr ptr = section->Des();
+				ptr.Copy(lex);
+				aSection=section;
+				return KErrNone;
+				}	
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrCorrupt;
+	}	
+TInt CIniFileIn::FindMainSectionL(void)
+	{
+	TBuf<KBufLen> buf;
+	//
+	// Check if a Main section is present
+	//
+	SkipComments();
+	// we will need this section later to write the out file...
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	iLex.Mark();
+	iLex.SkipCharacters();
+	if( iLex.TokenLength()!=KMainSectionLen || 
+		(buf.CopyLC( iLex.MarkedToken() ), buf.Compare( KMainSection )!=0) )
+		{
+		// Meta not available
+		iLex.UnGetToMark();
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	iLex.Mark(iMainSectionMark);
+	return KErrNone ;
+	}
+HBufC* CIniFileIn::FullName()
+	{
+	return(iFullName);
+	}
+// TCompiledSecurityPolicy class
+// Used for accessing private data members of TSecurityPolicy. It
+// uses the fact that TSecurityPolicy class has a friend whose name
+// is TCompiledSecurityPolicy.
+// See dbms/tdbms/securitypolicy.h for similar strategy.
+// The longest possible security string is one that has 7 capabilities.
+static const TInt KSecPolicyStrSize = KMaxCapabilityStringLen * 7 + 10;
+class TCompiledSecurityPolicy
+	{
+	TCompiledSecurityPolicy(const TSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy) :
+		iSecurityPolicy(aSecurityPolicy) { }
+	const TDesC& TextualizePolicyL(TCapAccessMode aMode);
+	enum THeaderType
+		{
+		EHdrSecureId,
+		EHdrCapability
+		};
+	TCapability CapabilityAt(TInt aIndex) const;
+	void DoCapabilitySection(TInt aMaxNumCaps);
+	void AppendModeHeader(TCapAccessMode aAccessMode, THeaderType aType);
+	const TSecurityPolicy&  iSecurityPolicy;
+	TBuf<KSecPolicyStrSize> iBuf;
+	};
+// CIniFileOut class
+Standard, phase-one CIniFileOut instance creation method.
+The created CIniFileOut instance will use a temporary text file to store the repository settings.
+CIniFileOut::CommitL() should be called at the end to finalize the changes.
+@return A pointer to a fully constructed CIniFileOut instance.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
+CIniFileOut* CIniFileOut::NewLC(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aOutFileName)
+	{
+	CIniFileOut* inifile = new(ELeave) CIniFileOut(aFs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(inifile);
+	inifile->ConstructL(aOutFileName);
+	return inifile;
+	}
+CIniFileOut::CIniFileOut(RFs& aFs)
+	: iCommited(EFalse), iTransFileBuf(4 * 1024),iFs(aFs)// 4K buffer size
+    {
+    }
+Standard, phase-two CIniFileOut instance creation method.
+Creates the transaction file.
+Initializes transaction file buffer - iTransFileBuf instance.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
+void CIniFileOut::ConstructL(const TDesC& aOutFileName)
+	{
+	iOutFileName=aOutFileName.AllocL();
+	_LIT(KTmpExtension,"tmp");
+	User::LeaveIfError(iTransFilePath.Set(aOutFileName, NULL, &(KTmpExtension())));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iTransFile.Replace(iFs, iTransFilePath.FullName(), EFileWrite | EFileStreamText));
+	iTransFileBuf.Attach(iTransFile, 0);	
+	}
+Closes and deletes the transaction file.
+If CIniFileOut::CommitL() has not been called prior the destructor call, all the changes
+will be lost.
+	{
+	if (!iCommited)
+		{
+		iTransFileBuf.Close();
+    		// If a debug build - record error
+	 	TInt fileDeleteErr=iFs.Delete(iTransFilePath.FullName());
+		#ifdef _DEBUG
+			if (fileDeleteErr != KErrNone)
+			{
+				RDebug::Print(_L("CIniFileOut::~CIniFileOut - Failed to delete file. Error = %d"), fileDeleteErr);
+			}
+		#else
+			(void)fileDeleteErr;
+		#endif 	
+		}
+	delete iOutFileName;
+	}
+The method writes supplied setting value to the output file.
+@param aSetting Setting instance, which value has to be written to the output file.
+@param accessPolicies A string descriptor, referencing related to aSetting access policies.
+@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
+void CIniFileOut::WriteSettingL(const TServerSetting& aSetting
+	,TUint32 aCreVersion
+	)
+	{
+	iBuf.Zero();
+	DoSettingL(aSetting
+	,aCreVersion
+	);
+	WriteLineL(iBuf);
+    }
+void CIniFileOut::WriteSettingL(const TServerSetting& aSetting,
+								const TSettingsAccessPolicy& aAccessPolicy
+	,TUint32 aCreVersion
+	)
+	{
+	iBuf.Zero();
+	DoSettingL(aSetting
+	,aCreVersion
+	);
+	iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+	if (aCreVersion<2 || (aCreVersion>=2 && aAccessPolicy.iHighKey!=0))
+		AppendSecurityPolicyL(aAccessPolicy.iReadAccessPolicy, ECapReadAccess);
+	iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+	if (aCreVersion<2 || (aCreVersion>=2 && aAccessPolicy.iKeyMask!=0))
+		AppendSecurityPolicyL(aAccessPolicy.iWriteAccessPolicy, ECapWriteAccess);
+	WriteLineL(iBuf);
+	}
+void CIniFileOut::DoSettingL(const TServerSetting& aSetting
+	,TUint32 aCreVersion
+	)
+	{
+	iBuf.AppendNum(aSetting.Key(), EDecimal);
+	iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+	::AddSettingValueL(iBuf, aSetting);
+	iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+	if (!aSetting.Meta())
+		{
+		iBuf.AppendNum(0, EDecimal);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//need to check on the CRE Version too
+		TBool isClean=const_cast<TServerSetting&>(aSetting).IsClean();
+		if (aCreVersion<2 || (aCreVersion>=2 && (aSetting.IsIndividualMeta() || (!aSetting.IsIndividualMeta() && isClean ))))
+			{
+			TUint32 metaToWrite=aSetting.Meta();
+			//special case
+			if (aCreVersion>=2 && isClean && aSetting.IsIndividualMeta())
+				{
+				metaToWrite|=KMetaIndividual;
+				}
+			iBuf.AppendFormat(KHexIntFormat, metaToWrite);
+			}
+		iBuf.AppendFormat(KHexIntFormat, aSetting.Meta());
+		}
+	}
+The method commits settings file changes.
+If the commit operation fails, the existing settings file will stay unchanged.
+@leave System-wide error codes.
+void CIniFileOut::CommitL()
+    {
+    iTransFileBuf.SynchL();
+    iTransFileBuf.Close();
+	User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Replace(iTransFilePath.FullName(),*iOutFileName));
+    iCommited = ETrue;    
+    }
+void CIniFileOut::WriteMainSectionHeaderL()
+	{
+	WriteLineL(KMainSection());
+	}
+Writes a text line to the repository file.
+@param aData The string which will be written to the file as a single text line
+@leave System-wide error codes
+void CIniFileOut::WriteLineL(const TDesC& aData)
+	{
+	iTransFileBuf.WriteL(reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*> (aData.Ptr()), aData.Size());
+	iTransFileBuf.WriteL(reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*> (KCrNl().Ptr()), KCrNl().Size());
+	}
+Writes repository file header.
+@leave System-wide error codes
+void CIniFileOut::WriteHeaderL()
+	{
+	TBuf<64> buf;
+	buf.Append(KUcs2Bom);
+	buf.Append(KSignature);
+	WriteLineL(buf);
+	buf.Zero();
+	buf.Append(KVersion);
+	buf.Append(KSpace);
+	buf.AppendNum(KCurrentVersion);
+	buf.Append(KCrNl);
+	WriteLineL(buf);
+	}
+Writes owner section to repository file.
+void CIniFileOut::WriteOwnerSectionL(TUid aOwner)
+	{
+	if (aOwner.iUid != 0)
+		{
+		WriteLineL(KOwnerSection());
+		TBuf<32> buf;
+		buf.Format(KUidFormat, aOwner.iUid);
+		buf.Append(KCrNl);
+		WriteLineL(buf);
+		}
+	}
+Writes time stamp to repository file.
+@param aTime Time stamp
+@leave System-wide error codes
+void CIniFileOut::WriteTimeStampL(const TTime& aTime)
+	{
+	if(aTime.Int64() != 0)
+		{
+		WriteLineL(KTimeStampSection());
+		TBuf<32> buf;
+		buf.Num(aTime.Int64());
+		buf.Append(KCrNl);
+		WriteLineL(buf);
+		}
+	}
+Writes meta data to repository file.
+@param aFileIn Input repository file
+@leave System-wide error codes
+void CIniFileOut::WriteMetaDataL(TUint32 aDefaultMeta,
+								 const RDefaultMetaArray& aDefaultMetaRanges)
+	{
+	if (!aDefaultMeta && !aDefaultMetaRanges.Count())
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	WriteLineL(KDefaultMetaSection);
+	if (aDefaultMeta)
+		{
+		iBuf.Format(KHexIntFormat, aDefaultMeta);
+		WriteLineL(iBuf);
+		}
+	for (TInt i = 0; i<aDefaultMetaRanges.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		const TSettingsDefaultMeta& entry = aDefaultMetaRanges[i];
+		if (entry.HighKey())
+			{
+			iBuf.Format(KRangeMetaFmt, entry.LowKey(), entry.HighKey(),
+				entry.GetDefaultMetadata());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iBuf.Format(KMaskMetaFmt, entry.LowKey(), entry.KeyMask(),
+				entry.GetDefaultMetadata());
+			}
+		WriteLineL(iBuf);
+		}
+	WriteLineL(KCrNl());
+	}
+Writes platsec info to repository file.
+@param aFileIn Input repository file
+@leave System-wide error codes
+void CIniFileOut::WritePlatSecL(const TSettingsAccessPolicy& aDefaultAccessPolicy,
+								const RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies,TUint32 aCreVersion)
+void CIniFileOut::WritePlatSecL(const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultReadPolicy,
+								const TSecurityPolicy& aDefaultWritePolicy,
+								const RRangePolicyArray& aRangePolicies)
+	{
+	WriteLineL(KPlatSecSection);
+	iBuf.Zero();
+	if (aCreVersion<2 || (aCreVersion>=2 && aDefaultAccessPolicy.iHighKey!=0))	
+		AppendSecurityPolicyL(*(aDefaultAccessPolicy.GetReadAccessPolicy()), ECapReadAccess);
+	iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+	if (aCreVersion<2 || (aCreVersion>=2 && aDefaultAccessPolicy.iKeyMask!=0))	
+		AppendSecurityPolicyL(*(aDefaultAccessPolicy.GetWriteAccessPolicy()), ECapWriteAccess);
+	AppendSecurityPolicyL(aDefaultReadPolicy, ECapReadAccess);
+	iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+	AppendSecurityPolicyL(aDefaultWritePolicy, ECapWriteAccess);
+	WriteLineL(iBuf);
+	for(TInt i=0; i < aRangePolicies.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		const TSettingsAccessPolicy& e = aRangePolicies[i];
+		if (e.iHighKey != 0)
+			{
+			iBuf.Format(KRangePrefix, e.iLowKey, e.iHighKey);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iBuf.Format(KMaskPrefix, e.iLowKey, e.iKeyMask);
+			}
+		iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+		AppendSecurityPolicyL(e.iReadAccessPolicy, ECapReadAccess);
+		iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+		AppendSecurityPolicyL(e.iWriteAccessPolicy, ECapWriteAccess);
+		WriteLineL(iBuf);
+		}
+	WriteLineL(KCrNl());
+	}
+void CIniFileOut::AppendSecurityPolicyL(const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy,
+										TCapAccessMode aRdWrMode)
+	{
+	TCompiledSecurityPolicy policy(aPolicy);
+	iBuf.Append(policy.TextualizePolicyL(aRdWrMode));
+	}
+const TDesC& TCompiledSecurityPolicy::TextualizePolicyL(TCapAccessMode aMode)
+	{
+	iBuf.Zero();
+	AppendModeHeader(aMode,  EHdrCapability);
+	switch (static_cast<TSecurityPolicy::TType>(iSecurityPolicy.iType))
+		{
+		case TSecurityPolicy::ETypeFail:
+			iBuf.Append(KAccessAlwaysFail);
+			break;
+		case TSecurityPolicy::ETypePass:
+			iBuf.Append(KAccessAlwaysPass);
+			break;
+		case TSecurityPolicy::ETypeC3:
+			DoCapabilitySection(3);
+			break;
+		case TSecurityPolicy::ETypeC7:
+			DoCapabilitySection(7);
+			break;
+		case TSecurityPolicy::ETypeS3:
+			iBuf.Zero(); // erase the "cap_rd", replace with sid_rd
+			AppendModeHeader(aMode,  EHdrSecureId);
+			iBuf.AppendNum(iSecurityPolicy.iSecureId);
+			if (ECapability_HardLimit != iSecurityPolicy.iCaps[0])
+				{
+				iBuf.Append(KSpace);
+				AppendModeHeader(aMode,  EHdrCapability);
+				DoCapabilitySection(3);
+				}
+			break;
+		default:
+			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+		} // switch
+	return iBuf;
+	}
+TCapability TCompiledSecurityPolicy::CapabilityAt(TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	if (aIndex < 3)
+		{
+		return static_cast <TCapability> (iSecurityPolicy.iCaps[aIndex]);
+		}
+	else if(aIndex < 7)
+		{
+		return static_cast <TCapability> (iSecurityPolicy.iExtraCaps[aIndex - 3]);
+		}
+		return ECapability_None;
+	}
+void TCompiledSecurityPolicy::DoCapabilitySection(TInt aMaxNumCaps)
+	{
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < aMaxNumCaps; i++)
+		{
+		TCapability cap = CapabilityAt(i);
+		if (cap<0 || cap>= ECapability_Limit)
+			{
+			return;
+			}
+		if (i > 0)
+			{
+			iBuf.Append(',');
+			}
+		for (const char* p=CapabilityNames[cap]; *p; p++)
+			{
+			iBuf.Append((TUint16)*p);
+			}
+		} // for i
+	}
+void TCompiledSecurityPolicy::AppendModeHeader(TCapAccessMode aAccessMode, 
+											   THeaderType aType)
+	{
+	if (aAccessMode == ECapReadAccess)
+		{
+		if (aType == EHdrSecureId)
+			{
+			iBuf.Append(KReadAccessSidString); // "sid_rd"
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iBuf.Append(KReadAccessCapString); // "cap_rd"
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (aType == EHdrSecureId)
+			{
+			iBuf.Append(KWriteAccessSidString); // "sid_wr"
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iBuf.Append(KWriteAccessCapString); // "cap_wr"
+			}
+		}
+	iBuf.Append('=');
+	}