--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/dbms/usql/UQ_LEXER.CPP Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// SQL parser tokeniser
+#include "UQ_STD.H"
+// optimised tables for ASCII character set
+const TUint8 KAlpha=0x1;
+const TUint8 KDigitOr_=0x2;
+const TUint8 KCharAttrib[]=
+ {
+ KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,
+ KDigitOr_,KDigitOr_,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+ 0,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,
+ KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,
+ KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,
+ KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,0,0,0,0,KDigitOr_,
+ 0,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,
+ KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,
+ KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha,
+ KAlpha,KAlpha,KAlpha
+ };
+#define ISALPHA(aChar) (TUint(aChar-'0')<=TUint('z'-'0') && KCharAttrib[aChar-'0']&KAlpha)
+#define ISALPHA_DIGIT_OR_(aChar) (TUint(aChar-'0')<=TUint('z'-'0') && KCharAttrib[aChar-'0']&(KAlpha|KDigitOr_))
+#define LCASE(aChar) (aChar|0x20)
+// The keywords
+// These are always stored as ASCII because DBMS has its own
+const TInt KMaxKeywordLength=9;
+static const TText8 KSqlKeywords[][KMaxKeywordLength+1]=
+ {
+#define KEYWORD(s) #s
+#include "UQ_KEYWD.H"
+#undef KEYWORD
+ };
+const TInt KSqlKeywordCount=sizeof(KSqlKeywords)/sizeof(*KSqlKeywords);
+#if defined(_ASSERTIONS)
+TInt CheckKeywords()
+// ensure that the keyword table is in alphabetical order
+ {
+ for (TInt ii=1;ii<KSqlKeywordCount;++ii)
+ __ASSERT(TPtrC8(KSqlKeywords[ii-1])<TPtrC8(KSqlKeywords[ii]));
+ return 1;
+ }
+// class TSqlLexer
+TInt TSqlLexer::CompareKeyword(TInt aKeyword,const RSqlLiteral& aIdentifier)
+// Check if the identifer in aIdentifier is a keyword
+// uses a case-insensitive match, not folding
+ {
+ __ASSERT(TUint(aKeyword)<TUint(KSqlKeywordCount));
+ const TText* ptr=aIdentifier.Ptr();
+ const TText* end=aIdentifier.End();
+ const TText8* pk=&KSqlKeywords[aKeyword][0];
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ TUint ck=*pk++;
+ if (ptr==end)
+ return ck;
+ if (!ck)
+ return -1;
+ TInt d=ck-LCASE(TUint(*ptr++));
+ if (d)
+ return d;
+ }
+ }
+TSqlKeyword TSqlLexer::Keyword(const TSqlToken& aToken)
+// non-member function: Return the keyword value
+ {
+ if (aToken==ESqlIdentifier)
+ {
+ TInt r=KSqlKeywordCount;
+ TInt l=0;
+ while (r>l)
+ {
+ TInt m=(l+r)>>1;
+ TInt k=CompareKeyword(m,aToken.Literal());
+ if (k>0)
+ r=m;
+ else if (k<0)
+ l=m+1;
+ else
+ return TSqlKeyword(m); // keyword
+ }
+ }
+ // identifier
+ return ESqlNotKeyword;
+ }
+TSqlLexer::TSqlLexer(const TDesC& aSql)
+ : iNext(aSql.Ptr()),iEnd(iNext+aSql.Length())
+ {
+ __ASSERT(CheckKeywords());
+ }
+TSqlTokenType TSqlLexer::GetIdentifier(TSqlToken& aToken)
+// Get a keyword or identifier. Do not resolve a keyword at this stage
+ {
+ const TText* end=iEnd;
+ const TText* next=iNext-1;
+ while (++next<end)
+ {
+ TUint ch=*next;
+ if (ISALPHA_DIGIT_OR_(ch))
+ continue;
+ if (!TChar(ch).IsAlphaDigit())
+ break;
+ }
+ aToken.iLiteral.SetText(iNext-1,next);
+ iNext=next;
+ return ESqlIdentifier;
+ }
+TInt TSqlLexer::GetInteger(TInt64 &aVal)
+// A rather more optimised version of TLex::Val(TInt64&)
+// initially accumulate the value in a TUint32, and only switch to 64-bit arithmetic
+// if the value overflows. Always return a 64-bit value
+ {
+ const TUint KPreMultiplyLimit32=429496728; //(KMaxTUint-9)/10
+ const TUint KPreMultiplyLimit64=214748364; //(KMaxTInt+1)/10
+ const TText* ptr=iNext;
+ const TText* const end=iEnd;
+ __ASSERT(ptr<end);
+ TUint sign=0;
+ TUint c=*ptr;
+ if (c=='-')
+ {
+ sign=1;
+ if (++ptr==end)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ c=*ptr;
+ }
+ else if (c=='+')
+ {
+ if (++ptr==end)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ c=*ptr;
+ }
+ c-='0';
+ if (c>=10u)
+ return KErrGeneral; // no digits at all
+ TUint val32=c;
+ while (++ptr<end)
+ {
+ c=*ptr-'0';
+ if (c>=10u)
+ break;
+ if (val32>KPreMultiplyLimit32)
+ goto overflow64; // will not fit into 32 bit arithmetic
+ val32*=10;
+ val32+=c;
+ }
+// we have result, just set the sign and finish
+ aVal=val32;
+ goto checksign;
+// continue the accumulation with a 64-bit integer
+ aVal=val32;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ I64MUL10(aVal);
+ aVal+=c;
+ if (++ptr==end)
+ break;
+ c=*ptr-'0';
+ if (c>=10u)
+ break;
+ if (I64HIGH(aVal)>KPreMultiplyLimit64)
+ return KErrOverflow; // the value is certain to overflow
+ }
+ if (I64HIGH(aVal)&0x80000000u)
+ { // greater than the "half way mark"
+ if (!sign)
+ return KErrOverflow;
+ if (I64LOW(aVal)!=0)
+ return KErrOverflow;
+ }
+ iNext=ptr;
+ if (sign)
+ aVal=-aVal;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TSqlTokenType TSqlLexer::GetNumber(TSqlToken& aToken)
+ {
+ const TText* mark=--iNext; // rewind past initial character
+ // attempt to parse a integer
+ TInt r=GetInteger(aToken.iLiteral.SetInt());
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (iNext<iEnd)
+ {
+ TUint c=*iNext;
+ if (c!='.' && c!='e' && c!='E')
+ return ESqlLiteralInt; // it is an integer
+ }
+ else
+ return ESqlLiteralInt; // it is an integer
+ }
+ TLex lex(TPtrC(mark,iEnd-mark));
+ r=lex.Val(aToken.iLiteral.SetReal(),TChar('.'));
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return SqlError(r);
+ iNext=mark+lex.Offset();
+ return ESqlLiteralReal;
+ }
+TSqlTokenType TSqlLexer::GetString(TSqlToken& aToken)
+ {
+ const TText* next=iNext;
+ const TText* end=iEnd;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (next==end)
+ return SqlError();
+ TUint c=*next++;
+ if (c=='\'')
+ {
+ if (next==end)
+ break;
+ if (*next!='\'')
+ break;
+ next++;
+ }
+ }
+ aToken.iLiteral.SetText(iNext,next-1);
+ iNext=next;
+ return ESqlLiteralText;
+ }
+TSqlTokenType TSqlLexer::GetDate(TSqlToken& aToken)
+ {
+ const TText* end=iEnd;
+ const TText* next=iNext;
+ do
+ {
+ if (next==end)
+ return SqlError();
+ } while (*next++!='#');
+ TInt r=aToken.iLiteral.SetTime().Parse(TPtrC(iNext,(next-1)-iNext));
+ if (r<0)
+ return SqlError(r);
+ iNext=next;
+ return ESqlLiteralTime;
+ }
+TSqlTokenType TSqlLexer::GetNextToken(TSqlToken& aToken)
+ {
+ const TText* ptr=iNext;
+ const TText* const end=iEnd;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (ptr==end)
+ return ESqlEos;
+ TUint ch=*ptr++;
+ iNext=ptr;
+ switch (ch)
+ {
+ case ' ': // a "normal" space
+ continue;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': // literal number
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ case '+': case '-': case '.':
+ return GetNumber(aToken);
+ case '\'':
+ return GetString(aToken);
+ case '#':
+ return GetDate(aToken);
+ case '*':
+ return ESqlAsterisk;
+ case ',':
+ return ESqlComma;
+ case '(':
+ return ESqlLeftBracket;
+ case ')':
+ return ESqlRightBracket;
+ case '=':
+ return ESqlEqual;
+ case '<':
+ {
+ ch=*ptr++;
+ if (ch=='=')
+ {
+ iNext=ptr;
+ return ESqlLessEqual;
+ }
+ if (ch=='>')
+ {
+ iNext=ptr;
+ return ESqlNotEqual;
+ }
+ return ESqlLess;
+ }
+ case '>':
+ {
+ ch=*ptr++;
+ if (ch=='=')
+ {
+ iNext=ptr;
+ return ESqlGreaterEqual;
+ }
+ return ESqlGreater;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ISALPHA(ch))
+ return GetIdentifier(aToken); // keyword or identifier
+ TChar cc(ch);
+ if (cc.IsAlpha())
+ return GetIdentifier(aToken); // keyword or identifier
+ if (!cc.IsSpace())
+ return SqlError();
+ }
+ }
+const TText* TSqlLexer::Next() const
+ {
+ return iNext;
+ }
+void TSqlLexer::Set(const TText* aNext)
+ {
+ iNext = aNext ;
+ }