--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/dbms/utable/UT_ORDER.CPP Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Order-by stage for the cursor data "pipeline"
+#include "UT_STD.H"
+#include "D32COMP.H"
+#include <d32dbmsconstants.h>
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define _CHECK_ORDERING // forces a full test of the ordering after sorting
+#define MAX( a, b ) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
+/* The key structure.
+Each key value is always aligned on a 32-bit boundary to allow word reads and writes
+integral values are always atored as 32-bit values just as for the row buffer
+Text columns are encoded as follows (trailing padding is omitted from the description)
+ Text8 columns <byte n><n ASCII characters>
+ n is the [character] length of the column
+ Text16 columns <short n><n UNICODE characters>
+ n is the [character] length of the column
+ LongText8 columns <word n><n ASCII characters>
+ or <word n|ETrunc><32 ASCII characters><blobId>
+ n is [byte] size of the column
+ LongText16 columns <word n><n/2 UNICODE characters>
+ or <word n|ETrunc><16 UNICODE characters><blobId>
+ n is [byte] size of the column
+class CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering
+ {
+ struct TKeyCol
+ {
+ TDbColNo iOrdinal;
+ TUint8 iType;
+ TUint8 iOrder;
+ TUint8 iLength;
+ };
+ struct TBlobKey
+ {
+ enum {ETrunc=(TInt)0x80000000};
+ enum {ETruncSize=32}; // store 32 bytes of truncated BLOBs
+ public:
+ inline TInt Size() const;
+ public:
+ TInt iSize;
+ union {TUint8 iData8[ETruncSize]; TUint16 iData16[ETruncSize>>1];};
+ TDbBlobId iId;
+ };
+ static HOrdering* NewL(CDbTable& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey);
+ TAny* EntryL(TAny* aPtr,const RDbTableRow& aRow) const;
+ TInt CompareL(const TAny* aLeft,const TAny* aRight) const;
+ TInt MaxSize() const;
+ inline HOrdering(TInt aCount,TDbTextComparison aComparison,CDbTable& aTable);
+ MStreamBuf* BlobLC(TDbBlobId aId,TDbColType aType) const;
+ TInt CompareLongText8L(const TBlobKey& aLeft,const TBlobKey& aRight) const;
+ TInt CompareLongText16L(const TBlobKey& aLeft,const TBlobKey& aRight) const;
+ CDbTable& iTable;
+ const TTextOps& iTextOps;
+ const TKeyCol* iEndOfKeys;
+ TKeyCol iKeys[1]; // one or more keys
+ };
+// Class HDbOrdering
+inline TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey::Size() const
+ {
+ TInt size=_FOFF(TBlobKey,iData8[iSize+3]);
+ return (size&ETrunc) ? sizeof(TBlobKey) : size&~3;
+ }
+inline CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::HOrdering(TInt aCount,TDbTextComparison aComparison,CDbTable& aTable) :
+ iTable(aTable),
+ iTextOps(TTextOps::Ops(aComparison)),
+ iEndOfKeys(&iKeys[aCount])
+ {
+ }
+// Construct the ordering based on the key definition (must be valid for the table)
+// and the column set provided
+CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering* CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::NewL(CDbTable& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey)
+ {
+ TInt count=aKey.Count();
+ __ASSERT(count>0);
+ HOrdering* self=new(User::AllocLC(_FOFF(HOrdering,iKeys[count])))
+ HOrdering(count,aKey.Comparison(),aTable);
+ TKeyCol* pKey=&self->iKeys[0];
+ const HDbColumnSet& columns=aTable.Def().Columns();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;++pKey,++ii)
+ {
+ const TDbKeyCol& key=aKey[ii];
+ pKey->iOrder=TUint8(key.iOrder);
+ pKey->iOrdinal=columns.ColNoL(key.iName);
+ if (pKey->iOrdinal==KDbNullColNo)
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotFound);
+ const TDbColumnDef& col=columns[pKey->iOrdinal];
+ switch (pKey->iType=col.iType)
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case EDbColText8:
+ case EDbColText16:
+ {
+ TInt l=col.iMaxLength;
+ if (l<256)
+ {
+ pKey->iLength=TUint8(l);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // fall through to argument error
+ case EDbColBinary:
+ case EDbColLongBinary:
+ __LEAVE(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::MaxSize() const
+ {
+ TInt maxsize=0;
+ const TKeyCol* const end=iEndOfKeys;
+ const TKeyCol* key=&iKeys[0];
+ __ASSERT(key<end);
+ do {
+ TInt s;
+ switch (key->iType)
+ {
+ default:
+ s=sizeof(TUint32);
+ break;
+ case EDbColInt64:
+ s=sizeof(TInt64);
+ break;
+ case EDbColDateTime:
+ s=sizeof(TTime);
+ break;
+ case EDbColReal64:
+ s=sizeof(TReal64);
+ break;
+ case EDbColText8:
+ s=Align4(key->iLength+1);
+ break;
+ case EDbColText16:
+ s=Align4((key->iLength<<1)+1);
+ break;
+ case EDbColLongText8:
+ case EDbColLongText16:
+ s=MAX(__Align8(sizeof(TUint32)+KDbMaxInlineBlobSize),sizeof(TBlobKey));
+ break;
+ }
+ maxsize+=s;
+ } while (++key<end);
+ return maxsize;
+ }
+MStreamBuf* CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::BlobLC(TDbBlobId aId,TDbColType aType) const
+ {
+ return iTable.BlobsL()->ReadLC(aId,aType);
+ }
+// Construct an entry at aPtr from the record given
+// iMaxSize bytes are assumed to be available at aPtr
+// return the actual size of the entry
+TAny* CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::EntryL(TAny* aPtr,const RDbTableRow& aRow) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT(Align4(aPtr)==aPtr);
+ TUint32* ptr=(TUint32*)aPtr; // 32-bit words are nice
+ const TKeyCol* const end=iEndOfKeys;
+ const TKeyCol* key=iKeys;
+ __ASSERT(key<end);
+ do {
+ const TDbCell* cell=aRow.ColCell(key->iOrdinal);
+ TDbColType type=TDbColType(key->iType);
+ if (cell->Length()==0)
+ { // null column
+ const TUint K64BitColumnMask=(1u<<EDbColInt64)|(1u<<EDbColReal64)|(1u<<EDbColDateTime);
+ *ptr++=0;
+ if (K64BitColumnMask&(1u<<type))
+ *ptr++=0; // 8-byte column
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EDbColBit:
+ case EDbColUint8:
+ case EDbColUint16:
+ case EDbColUint32:
+ case EDbColInt8:
+ case EDbColInt16:
+ case EDbColInt32:
+ case EDbColReal32:
+ *ptr++=*(const TUint32*)cell->Data();
+ break;
+ case EDbColInt64:
+ case EDbColDateTime:
+ case EDbColReal64:
+ {
+ const TUint32* data=(const TUint32*)cell->Data();
+ *ptr++=*data++;
+ *ptr++=*data;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDbColText8:
+ {
+ TInt size=cell->Length();
+ *(TUint8*)ptr=TUint8(size);
+ ptr=(TUint32*)Align4(Mem::Copy(PtrAdd(ptr,1),cell->Data(),size));
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDbColText16:
+ {
+ TInt size=cell->Length();
+ *(TUint16*)ptr=TUint16(size>>1);
+ ptr=(TUint32*)Align4(Mem::Copy(PtrAdd(ptr,2),cell->Data(),size));
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDbColLongText8:
+ case EDbColLongText16:
+ {
+ const TDbBlob& blob=*(const TDbBlob*)cell->Data();
+ TInt size=blob.Size();
+ if (blob.IsInline())
+ {
+ *ptr++=size;
+ ptr=(TUint32*)Align4(Mem::Copy(ptr,blob.Data(),size));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt rsize=size;
+ if (size>TBlobKey::ETruncSize)
+ {
+ size|=TBlobKey::ETrunc;
+ rsize=TBlobKey::ETruncSize;
+ }
+ *ptr++=size;
+ BlobLC(blob.Id(),TDbColType(key->iType))->ReadL(ptr,rsize);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ ptr=Align4(PtrAdd(ptr,rsize));
+ if (size&TBlobKey::ETrunc)
+ *ptr++=blob.Id();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (++key<end);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::CompareLongText8L( const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aLeft, const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aRight ) const
+ {
+ TUint sizel = aLeft.iSize;
+ TUint sizer = aRight.iSize;
+ TUint s = sizel;
+ if ( sizer < s )
+ s = sizer;
+ if ( s > static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETruncSize ) && ( ( sizel | sizer ) & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) ) )
+ s = TBlobKey::ETruncSize;
+ TInt rr = iTextOps.Compare( aLeft.iData8, s, aRight.iData8, s );
+ if ( rr )
+ return rr;
+// matches up to the same-length inlined data...
+// now it gets interesting
+ if ( ( ( sizel | sizer ) & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) ) == 0 )
+ return sizel - sizer; // neither are truncated
+ if ( s == sizel )
+ return -1; // left completely match against truncated right
+ if ( s == sizer )
+ return 1; // right completely matched against truncated left
+ s = Min( TInt( sizel & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc ), TInt( sizer & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc ) ); // minimum real length
+ if ( sizel & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) )
+ {
+ MStreamBuf& bufL = *BlobLC( aLeft.iId, EDbColLongText8 );
+ if ( sizer & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) )
+ { // both out-of-line
+ rr = Comp::Compare8L( bufL, *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText8 ), s, iTextOps );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+ else // left side only out-of-line
+ rr = Comp::Compare8L( bufL, aRight.iData8, s, iTextOps );
+ }
+ else
+ { // right side only out-of-line
+ __ASSERT( sizer & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) );
+ rr = -Comp::Compare8L( *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText8 ), aLeft.iData8, s, iTextOps );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return rr ? rr : ( sizel & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc ) - ( sizer & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc );
+ }
+TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::CompareLongText16L( const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aLeft, const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aRight ) const
+ {
+ TUint sizeL = aLeft.iSize & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc; // set truncation bit to 0 to get true size
+ TUint sizeR = aRight.iSize & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc;
+ TBool truncL = aLeft.iSize & TBlobKey::ETrunc; // data is truncated if TBlobKey::ETrunc bit is 1
+ TBool truncR = aRight.iSize & TBlobKey::ETrunc;
+ if (!(truncL | truncR)) // neither side is truncated, compare full strings
+ {
+ return iTextOps.Order( aLeft.iData16, sizeL>>1, aRight.iData16, sizeR>>1 );
+ }
+ TInt result;
+ TUint sizeMin = Min( TInt(sizeL), TInt(sizeR) ); // minimum real length
+ if ( truncL )
+ {
+ MStreamBuf& bufL = *BlobLC( aLeft.iId, EDbColLongText16 );
+ if ( truncR )
+ { // both out-of-line
+ result = Comp::Compare16L( bufL, *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText16 ), sizeMin, iTextOps );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+ else // left side only out-of-line
+ result = Comp::Compare16L( bufL, aRight.iData16, sizeMin, iTextOps );
+ }
+ else
+ { // right side only out-of-line
+ __ASSERT( truncR );
+ result = -Comp::Compare16L( *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText16 ), aLeft.iData16, sizeMin, iTextOps );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return result ? result : ( sizeL ) - ( sizeR );
+ }
+TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::CompareL(const TAny* aLeft,const TAny* aRight) const
+// compare the keys
+ {
+ __ASSERT(aLeft != NULL);
+ __ASSERT(aRight != NULL);
+ const TUint8* left=(const TUint8*)aLeft;
+ const TUint8* right=(const TUint8*)aRight;
+ const TKeyCol* end=iEndOfKeys;
+ const TKeyCol* key=&iKeys[0];
+ TInt rr;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (key->iType)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EDbColBit:
+ case EDbColUint8:
+ case EDbColUint16:
+ case EDbColUint32:
+ rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TUint32*)left,*(const TUint32*)right);
+ left+=sizeof(TUint32);
+ right+=sizeof(TUint32);
+ break;
+ case EDbColInt8:
+ case EDbColInt16:
+ case EDbColInt32:
+ rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TInt32*)left,*(const TInt32*)right);
+ left+=sizeof(TInt32);
+ right+=sizeof(TInt32);
+ break;
+ case EDbColInt64:
+ rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TInt64*)left,*(const TInt64*)right);
+ left+=sizeof(TInt64);
+ right+=sizeof(TInt64);
+ break;
+ case EDbColDateTime:
+ rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TTime*)left,*(const TTime*)right);
+ left+=sizeof(TTime);
+ right+=sizeof(TTime);
+ break;
+ case EDbColReal32:
+ rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TReal32*)left,*(const TReal32*)right);
+ left+=sizeof(TReal32);
+ right+=sizeof(TReal32);
+ break;
+ case EDbColReal64:
+ rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TReal64*)left,*(const TReal64*)right);
+ left+=sizeof(TReal64);
+ right+=sizeof(TReal64);
+ break;
+ case EDbColText8:
+ {
+ TInt sizel=*left++;
+ TInt sizer=*right++;
+ rr=iTextOps.Compare(left,sizel,right,sizer);
+ left=Align4(left+sizel);
+ right=Align4(right+sizer);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDbColText16:
+ {
+ const TUint16* l16=reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(left);
+ const TUint16* r16=reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(right);
+ TInt sizel=*l16++;
+ TInt sizer=*r16++;
+ rr=iTextOps.Order(l16,sizel,r16,sizer);
+ left=Align4(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(l16+sizel));
+ right=Align4(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(r16+sizer));
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDbColLongText8:
+ {
+ const TBlobKey* ltext=(const TBlobKey*)left;
+ const TBlobKey* rtext=(const TBlobKey*)right;
+ rr=CompareLongText8L(*ltext,*rtext);
+ left+=ltext->Size();
+ right+=rtext->Size();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDbColLongText16:
+ {
+ const TBlobKey* ltext=(const TBlobKey*)left;
+ const TBlobKey* rtext=(const TBlobKey*)right;
+ rr=CompareLongText16L(*ltext,*rtext);
+ left+=ltext->Size();
+ right+=rtext->Size();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rr!=0)
+ break;
+ if (++key==end)
+ break;
+ }
+ return key->iOrder==TDbKeyCol::EAsc ? rr : -rr;
+ }
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDbOrderByStage::CKeys) : public CBase
+ {
+public: // should be private but VC++ 4.0 whinges
+ struct TKey
+ {
+ TUint32 iId;
+ TUint8 iKey[4]; // and then some
+ };
+ enum {EKeysGranularity=32};
+ struct TPage
+ {
+ TPage* iNext;
+ TKey iEntries[1];
+ };
+ enum {EMinPageSize=0x200,EMinKeyElements=2};
+ CKeys(TInt aMaxKeySize);
+ ~CKeys();
+ void AddL(TDbRecordId aRecordId,const RDbTableRow& aRow,const HOrdering& aOrder);
+ void SortL(const HOrdering& aOrder);
+ void GetRecordsL(CArrayFix<TDbRecordId>& aRecords);
+ void VerifyOrderingL(const HOrdering& aOrder);
+ void SortL(TKey* aData[],TInt aElem,const HOrdering& aOrder);
+ TKey& NewKeyL();
+ void KeyComplete(TAny* aEnd);
+ void Release();
+ RPointerArray<TKey> iKeys;
+ TInt iMaxKeySize;
+ TInt iPageSize;
+ TPage* iPages;
+ TKey* iNext;
+ TKey* iEnd;
+ };
+// Class CDbOrderByStage::CKeys
+CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::CKeys(TInt aMaxKeySize)
+ :iKeys(EKeysGranularity),iMaxKeySize(_FOFF(TKey,iKey[aMaxKeySize])),
+ iPageSize(Max(EMinPageSize+iMaxKeySize,iMaxKeySize*EMinKeyElements))
+ {}
+ {
+ iKeys.Close();
+ Release();
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::SortL(CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::TKey* aData[],TInt aElem,const HOrdering& aOrder)
+// Sort the array of row keys
+// Uses Heap-sort
+ {
+ __ASSERT(aElem>1);
+ TInt heap=aElem>>1;
+ --aElem;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ TKey* key;
+ if (heap!=0)
+ key=aData[--heap];
+ else
+ {
+ key=aData[aElem];
+ aData[aElem]=aData[0];
+ if (--aElem==0)
+ {
+ aData[0]=key;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TInt ix=heap;
+ TInt parent;
+ for (parent=ix;;parent=ix)
+ {
+ ix=(ix<<1)+1;
+ if (ix<=aElem)
+ {
+ if (ix<aElem && aOrder.CompareL(aData[ix]->iKey,aData[ix+1]->iKey)<0)
+ ++ix;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ if (aOrder.CompareL(aData[ix]->iKey,key->iKey)<=0)
+ break;
+ aData[parent]=aData[ix];
+ }
+ aData[parent]=key;
+ }
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::AddL(TDbRecordId aRecordId,const RDbTableRow& aRow,const HOrdering& aOrder)
+// Create a key for the row and store it
+ {
+ TKey& key=NewKeyL();
+ key.iId=aRecordId.Value();
+ TAny* end=aOrder.EntryL(&key.iKey[0],aRow);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iKeys.Append(&key));
+ KeyComplete(end);
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::SortL(const HOrdering& aOrder)
+ {
+ TInt elem=iKeys.Count();
+ if (elem>1)
+ SortL(&iKeys[0],elem,aOrder);
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::GetRecordsL(CArrayFix<TDbRecordId>& aRecords)
+ {
+ TInt elem=iKeys.Count();
+ if (elem==0)
+ return;
+ TKey** const base=&iKeys[0];
+ TKey** ptr=base+elem;
+ do {
+ --ptr;
+ *REINTERPRET_CAST(TDbRecordId*,ptr)=(*ptr)->iId;
+ } while (ptr>base);
+ Release(); // discard key memory before adding records
+ aRecords.InsertL(0,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TDbRecordId*,base),elem);
+ iKeys.Reset();
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::Release()
+// Discard all of the allocated pages
+ {
+ TPage* p=iPages;
+ while (p)
+ {
+ TPage* n=p->iNext;
+ User::Free(p);
+ p=n;
+ }
+ iPages=0;
+ iNext=iEnd=0;
+ }
+CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::TKey& CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::NewKeyL()
+// Allocate a key entry for the raw key data
+ {
+ TKey* p=iNext;
+ if (PtrAdd(p,iMaxKeySize)>iEnd)
+ { // not enough space for a maximum key
+ TPage* page=iPages;
+ if (page)
+ { // compress the current page
+ __DEBUG(page=(TPage*))User::ReAlloc(page,(TUint8*)iNext-(TUint8*)page);
+ __ASSERT(page==iPages); // if it moves we are dead
+ }
+ page=(TPage*)User::AllocL(_FOFF(TPage,iEntries)+iPageSize);
+ page->iNext=iPages;
+ iPages=page;
+ p=iNext=&page->iEntries[0];
+ iEnd=PtrAdd(p,iPageSize);
+ }
+ return *p;
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::KeyComplete(TAny* aEnd)
+// Key is complete, prepare for the next one
+ {
+ __ASSERT(aEnd==Align4(aEnd));
+ __ASSERT(iNext<=aEnd&&aEnd<=iEnd);
+ iNext=STATIC_CAST(TKey*,aEnd);
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::VerifyOrderingL(const HOrdering& aOrder)
+ {
+// this performs a full O(N*N) comparison of the record set
+ if (iKeys.Count()==0)
+ return;
+ TKey* const* data=&iKeys[0];
+ for (TInt ii=iKeys.Count();--ii>=0;)
+ {
+ for (TInt jj=iKeys.Count();--jj>=0;)
+ {
+ TInt rr=aOrder.CompareL(data[ii]->iKey,data[jj]->iKey);
+ if (ii==jj)
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(rr==0,User::Invariant());
+ else if (ii<jj)
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(rr<=0,User::Invariant());
+ else
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(rr>=0,User::Invariant());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Class CDbOrderByStage
+inline const RDbTableRow& CDbOrderByStage::Row()
+ {return iRow;}
+inline CDbOrderByStage::CKeys& CDbOrderByStage::Keys()
+ {__ASSERT(iKeys);return *iKeys;}
+inline const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering& CDbOrderByStage::Order()
+ {__ASSERT(iOrder);return *iOrder;}
+CDbOrderByStage::CDbOrderByStage(const RDbTableRow& aRow)
+ : CDbBasicWindowStage(KDbUnlimitedWindow),iRow(aRow)
+ {
+ __ASSERT(iState==EReset);
+ }
+ {
+ delete iOrder;
+ delete iKeys;
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::ConstructL(const CDbKey& aOrderBy)
+// Build the key structures to support the partial and complete ordering
+ {
+ iOrder=HOrdering::NewL(Row().Table(),aOrderBy);
+ }
+void CDbOrderByStage::Reset()
+// Reset the window to initial state
+ {
+ delete iKeys;
+ iKeys=0;
+ iState=EReset;
+ CDbBasicWindowStage::Reset();
+ }
+TBool CDbOrderByStage::ReadL(TInt& aWork,TDbPosition aNext)
+// Read some more record keys
+ {
+ TDbRecordId id(KDbNullRecordIdValue);
+ TGoto r;
+ while ((r=CDbDataStage::GotoL(aWork,aNext,id))==ESuccess)
+ {
+ CDbDataStage::ReadRowL(id);
+ Keys().AddL(id,Row(),Order());
+ aNext=EDbNext;
+ }
+ switch (r)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case ESynchFailure:
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
+ case EExhausted:
+ return ETrue;
+ case ENoRow:
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CDbOrderByStage::DoEvaluateL(TInt& aWork)
+// Build the key collection, and finally sort it
+ {
+ TState s=iState;
+ iState=EFailed;
+ switch (s)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EFailed:
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
+ case EReset:
+ __ASSERT(!iKeys);
+ iKeys=new(ELeave) CKeys(Order().MaxSize());
+ // drop through to EEvaluate
+ case EEvaluate:
+ if (ReadL(aWork,s==EReset ? EDbFirst : EDbNext))
+ {
+ iState=EEvaluate;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ // drop through to ESort
+ case ESort:
+ Keys().SortL(Order());
+ Keys().VerifyOrderingL(Order());
+ // drop through to EAdd
+ case EAdd:
+ Keys().GetRecordsL(iRecords);
+ delete iKeys;
+ iKeys=0;
+ // drop through to EComplete
+ case EComplete:
+ iState=EComplete;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CDbOrderByStage::Unevaluated()
+// Return whether it is worth Evaluating
+ {
+ if (iState==EComplete)
+ return CDbDataStage::Unevaluated();
+ return iState!=EFailed;
+ }
+// Class CDbReorderWindowStage
+ : CDbBasicWindowStage(KDbUnlimitedWindow),iRows(EGranularity)
+ {
+ __ASSERT(iState==EReset);
+ }
+ {
+ iRows.Close();
+ }
+void CDbReorderWindowStage::Reset()
+// Reset the window to initial state
+ {
+ iRows.Reset();
+ iState=EReset;
+ CDbBasicWindowStage::Reset();
+ }
+TBool CDbReorderWindowStage::ReadL(TInt& aWork,TDbPosition aNext)
+// Read some more row ids
+ {
+ TDbRecordId id(KDbNullRecordIdValue);
+ TGoto r;
+ while ((r=CDbDataStage::GotoL(aWork,aNext,id))==ESuccess)
+ {
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iRows.Append(id.Value()));
+ aNext=EDbNext;
+ }
+ switch (r)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case ESynchFailure:
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
+ case EExhausted:
+ return ETrue;
+ case ENoRow:
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CDbReorderWindowStage::DoEvaluateL(TInt& aWork)
+// Build the key collection, and finally sort it
+ {
+ TState s=iState;
+ iState=EFailed;
+ switch (s)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EFailed:
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
+ case EReset:
+ case EEvaluate:
+ if (ReadL(aWork,s==EReset ? EDbFirst : EDbNext))
+ {
+ iState=EEvaluate;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ if (iRows.Count())
+ {
+ iRows.Sort();
+ iRecords.AppendL((const TDbRecordId*)&iRows[0],iRows.Count());
+ iRows.Reset();
+ }
+ // coverity[fallthrough]
+ case EComplete:
+ iState=EComplete;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CDbReorderWindowStage::Unevaluated()
+// Return whether it is worth Evaluating
+ {
+ if (iState==EComplete)
+ return CDbDataStage::Unevaluated();
+ return iState!=EFailed;
+ }