changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/store/INC/S32STD.INL	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Class TStreamId
+inline TStreamId::TStreamId(TUint32 aValue)
+	: iVal(aValue)
+/** Constructs the object with the specified stream ID value.
+Users of stores do not normally use this function.
+In debug mode, the function checks that the supplied stream ID value is not 
+greater than the maximum permitted value, and raises a STORE-Store 2 panic 
+if it is. In release mode, no checking on the supplied value is done.
+The checking of the supplied value is done by a private function implemented 
+in estor. dll. This means that in debug mode, a call is made into estor.dll, 
+but in release mode it is not.
+@param aValue The stream ID value. */
+	{
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	__DbgChkRange(aValue);
+	}
+inline TBool TStreamId::operator==(TStreamId anId) const
+/** Equality comparison operator. Use this operator to determine whether this stream 
+id is equal to the specified stream id.
+@param anId The stream id to be compared with this stream id.
+@return True, if the stream ids are equal; false otherwise */
+	{return iVal==anId.iVal;}
+inline TBool TStreamId::operator!=(TStreamId anId) const
+/** Inequality comparison operator. Use this operator to determine whether this 
+stream id is unequal to the specified stream id.
+@param anId The stream id to be compared with this stream id.
+@return True, if the two stream ids are unequal, false otherwise. */
+	{return iVal!=anId.iVal;}
+inline void TStreamId::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
+/** Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
+The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
+can be used to externalise objects of this class.
+@param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
+	{
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	__DbgChkRange(iVal);
+	aStream<<iVal;
+	}
+inline TUint32 TStreamId::Value() const
+/** Gets the stream ID value encapsulated by this object.
+@return The stream ID value. */
+	{
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	__DbgChkRange(iVal);
+	return iVal;
+	}
+// Class RStoreWriteStream
+inline RStoreWriteStream::RStoreWriteStream(const MExternalizer<TStreamRef>& anExter)
+	: RWriteStream(anExter)
+/** Constructs an object with an externaliser. The store map CStoreMap is an example 
+of an externalizer.
+@param anExter Specifies an externaliser */
+	{}
+// Class TSwizzleCBase
+inline TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase(TStreamRef aRef)
+	: iPtr(aRef.Ptr())
+	{
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	__DbgChkRef(aRef);
+    }
+inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator==(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle) const
+/** Compares for equality with another swizzle.
+Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents the same object 
+as that represented by the specified swizzle.
+Both this swizzle and the specified swizzle must maintain the representation 
+of their respective objects as either pointers or stream ids.
+If one swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a pointer while 
+the other swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a stream id, 
+the comparison is meaningless and always returns false.
+@param aSwizzle A reference to the swizzle to be compared with this swizzle.
+@return True, if the represented objects are the same; False, otherwise. */
+	{return iPtr==aSwizzle.iPtr;}
+inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator==(const TAny* aPtr) const
+/** Compares for equality with an in-memory object.
+Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents the same in-memory 
+object as that represented by the specified pointer.
+This swizzle must maintain the representation of its object as a pointer. 
+If it maintains the representation of its object as a swizzle, the comparison 
+is meaningless and always returns false.
+@param aPtr A pointer to the object to be compared with this swizzle.
+@return True, if the represented objects are the same; False, otherwise. */
+	{return iPtr==aPtr;}
+inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator!=(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle) const
+/** Compares for inequality with another swizzle.
+Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents a different 
+object to that represented by the specified swizzle.
+Both this swizzle and the specified swizzle must maintain the representation 
+of their respective objects as either pointers or stream ids.
+If one swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a pointer while 
+the other swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a stream id, 
+the comparison is meaningless and always returns true.
+@param aSwizzle A reference to the swizzle to be compared with this swizzle.
+@return True, if the represented objects are not the same; False, otherwise */
+	{return iPtr!=aSwizzle.iPtr;}
+inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator!=(const TAny* aPtr) const
+/** Compares for inequality with an in-memory object.
+Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents a different 
+in-memory object to that represented by the specified pointer.
+This swizzle must maintain the representation of its object as a pointer. 
+If it maintains the representation of its object as a swizzle, the comparison 
+is meaningless and always returns true.
+@param aPtr A pointer to the object to be compared with this swizzle.
+@return True, if the represented objects are not the same; False, otherwise */
+	{return iPtr!=aPtr;}
+inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::IsPtr() const
+/** Tests whether this swizzle currently represents an object as a pointer.
+@return True, if this swizzle currently maintains the object representation 
+as a pointer; False, otherwise. Note that if the swizzle is uninitialised, 
+the value returned by this function is not defined. */
+	{return IsPtrRep(iPtr);}
+inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::IsId() const
+/** Tests whether this swizzle currently represents an object as a stream id.
+@return True, if this swizzle currently maintains the representation of the 
+object as a stream id; False, otherwise. Note that if the swizzle is uninitialised, 
+the value returned by this function is not defined. */
+	{return IsIdRep(iPtr);}
+inline TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase(const TAny* aPtr)
+	: iPtr(aPtr)
+	{
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	__DbgChkPtr(aPtr);
+    }
+inline const TAny* TSwizzleCBase::Ptr() const
+	{
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	__DbgChkPtr(iPtr);
+	return iPtr;
+	}
+inline TBool operator==(const TAny* aPtr,const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
+	{return aSwizzle==aPtr;}
+inline TBool operator!=(const TAny* aPtr,const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
+	{return aSwizzle!=aPtr;}
+// Class TSwizzleBase
+inline TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase(TAny* aPtr)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(aPtr)
+	{}
+inline TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase(TStreamId anId)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(anId)
+	{}
+inline TAny* TSwizzleBase::Ptr() const
+	{return (TAny*)TSwizzleCBase::Ptr();}
+// Template class TSwizzle
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzle<T>::TSwizzle(T* aPtr)
+	: TSwizzleBase(aPtr)
+/** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object, represented by a pointer.
+@param aPtr A pointer to a class T type object. */
+	{}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzle<T>::TSwizzle(TStreamId anId)
+	: TSwizzleBase(anId)
+/** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object, represented as a stream id.
+@param anId The id of a stream containing the external representation of a 
+class T type object. */
+	{}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzle<T>& TSwizzle<T>::operator=(T* aPtr)
+/** Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory type T object, pointed to by the 
+specified T* pointer.
+@param aPtr A pointer to an object of type T which the swizzle is to represent.
+@return A reference to this swizzle representing the object of type T. */
+	{return *this=TSwizzle<T>(aPtr);}
+template <class T>
+inline T* TSwizzle<T>::AsPtr() const
+/** Returns a pointer to the object which this swizzle represents.
+Note that the indirect component selector operator->() can be used to access 
+members of the represented object.
+@return A pointer to the class T type object represented by this swizzle. */
+	{return (T*)Ptr();}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzle<T>::operator T*() const
+	{return AsPtr();}
+template <class T>
+inline T& TSwizzle<T>::operator*() const
+/** Returns a reference to the type T object which this swizzle represents.
+@return A reference to the type T object represented by this swizzle. */
+	{return *AsPtr();}
+template <class T>
+inline T* TSwizzle<T>::operator->() const
+/** Gives access to members of the type T object which this swizzle represents.
+Note, use the AsPtr() member function to return a pointer to the object itself.
+@return A pointer to the T type object; not explicitly accessible. */
+	{return AsPtr();}
+template <class T>
+inline void TSwizzle<T>::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
+/** Externalises the stream id of the stream associated with this swizzle.
+This function presupposes that: 
+a store map, i.e. an object of type CStoreMap, has been constructed
+the id of the stream containing the external representation of the represented 
+type T object has been bound to this swizzle and added to the store map.
+the concrete stream referenced by aStream has been constructed, specifying 
+the store map as an externaliser.
+The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
+can be used.
+@param aStream Stream to which the stream id should be externalised.
+@see CStoreMap */
+	{TSwizzleBase::DoExternalizeL(aStream,TExternalizer<T>::Function());}
+inline TSwizzle<TAny>::TSwizzle(TAny* aPtr)
+	: TSwizzleBase(aPtr)
+/** Constructs the swizzle representing the specified untyped object as a pointer.
+@param aPtr A pointer to an untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
+	{}
+inline TSwizzle<TAny>::TSwizzle(TStreamId anId)
+	: TSwizzleBase(anId)
+/** Constructs the swizzle for an untyped object, represented as a stream id.
+@param anId The id of a stream containing the external representation of the 
+	untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
+	{}
+inline TSwizzle<TAny>::TSwizzle(const TSwizzleBase& aSwizzle)
+	: TSwizzleBase(aSwizzle)
+/** Constructs the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented 
+	by the specified swizzle.
+@param aSwizzle A reference to a swizzle whose representation of an object 
+	is to be copied to this swizzle */
+	{}
+inline TSwizzle<TAny>& TSwizzle<TAny>::operator=(TAny* aPtr)
+/** Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory object, pointed to by the specified 
+	pointer.
+@param aPtr A pointer to the untyped object which the swizzle is to represent.
+@return A reference to this swizzle. */
+	{return *this=TSwizzle<TAny>(aPtr);}
+inline TSwizzle<TAny>& TSwizzle<TAny>::operator=(const TSwizzleBase& aSwizzle)
+	/** Sets the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the 
+	specified swizzle.
+	@param aSwizzle The swizzle whose representation of an object is to be copied 
+	to this swizzle.
+	@return A reference to this swizzle. */
+	{return *this=TSwizzle<TAny>(aSwizzle);}
+inline TAny* TSwizzle<TAny>::AsPtr() const
+/** Returns a pointer to the untyped object that this swizzle represents.
+	@return A pointer to the untyped object represented by this swizzle. */
+	{return Ptr();}
+inline TSwizzle<TAny>::operator TAny*() const
+	{return AsPtr();}
+// Template class TSwizzleC
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzleC<T>::TSwizzleC(const T* aPtr)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(aPtr)
+/** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object and represents the object by 
+@param aPtr A pointer to a class T type object. */
+	{}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzleC<T>::TSwizzleC(TStreamId anId)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(anId)
+/** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object and represents the object as 
+a stream id.
+@param anId The stream id of a stream containing the external representation 
+of an object of type class T. */
+	{}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzleC<T>::TSwizzleC(TSwizzle<T> aSwizzle)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(aSwizzle)
+/** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object that is currently represented 
+by another swizzle.
+The representation of the class T type object is the same as its representation 
+by the specified swizzle, i.e. if the specified swizzle represents the object 
+as a pointer, then this newly constructed swizzle also represents the object 
+as a pointer.
+@param aSwizzle The swizzle whose representation of the class T type object 
+is to be copied to this swizzle. */
+	{}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzleC<T>& TSwizzleC<T>::operator=(const T* aPtr)
+/** Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory type T object, pointed to by the 
+specified T* pointer.
+@param aPtr A pointer to an object of type T which the swizzle is to represent.
+@return A reference to this swizzle representing the object of type T.
+@see TSwizzle::operator=() */
+	{return *this=TSwizzleC<T>(aPtr);}
+template <class T>
+inline const T* TSwizzleC<T>::AsPtr() const
+/** Returns a constant pointer to the object which this swizzle represents.
+The in memory object cannot be changed through this swizzle.
+To access members of the object, the indirect component selector operator->() 
+can be used.
+@return A const pointer to the class T type object represented by this swizzle. */
+	{return (const T*)Ptr();}
+template <class T>
+inline TSwizzleC<T>::operator const T*() const
+	{return AsPtr();}
+template <class T>
+inline const T& TSwizzleC<T>::operator*() const
+/** Returns a const reference to the type T object which this swizzle represents.
+@return A const reference to the type T object represented by this swizzle.
+@see TSwizzle::operator*() */
+	{return *AsPtr();}
+template <class T>
+inline const T* TSwizzleC<T>::operator->() const
+/** Gives access to members of the type T object which this swizzle represents.
+use the AsPtr() member function to return a pointer to the object itself.
+the type T object cannot be changed through this operator.
+@return A const pointer to the T type object; not explicitly accessible.
+@see TSwizzle::operator->() */
+	{return AsPtr();}
+template <class T>
+inline void TSwizzleC<T>::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
+/** Externalises the stream id of the stream associated with this swizzle.
+This function presupposes that: 
+a store map, i.e. an object of type CStoreMap, has been constructed
+the id of the stream containing the external representation of the <class T> 
+object has been bound to this swizzle and added to the store map.
+the concrete stream referenced by aStream has been constructed, specifying 
+the store map as an externalizer.
+The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
+can be used.
+@param aStream Stream to which the stream id should be externalised
+@see CStoreMap */
+	{TSwizzleCBase::DoExternalizeL(aStream,TExternalizer<T>::Function());}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(const TAny* aPtr)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(aPtr)
+/** Constructs the swizzle representing the specified untyped object as a pointer.
+@param aPtr A pointer to an untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
+	{}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(TStreamId anId)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(anId)
+/** Constructs the swizzle for an untyped object, represented as a stream id.
+@param anId The id of a stream containing the external representation of the 
+	untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
+	{}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(aSwizzle)
+/** Constructs the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented 
+	by the specified swizzle.
+@param aSwizzle The swizzle whose representation of an object is to be copied 
+	to this swizzle. */
+	{}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(TStreamRef aRef)
+	: TSwizzleCBase(aRef)
+/** Constructs the swizzle from a stream reference.
+@param aRef The stream reference. */
+ 	{}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>& TSwizzleC<TAny>::operator=(const TAny* aPtr)
+/** Sets this swizzle to represent the specified in-memory untyped object.
+@param aPtr A pointer to the untyped object that the swizzle is to represent.
+@return A reference to this swizzle representing the untyped object. */
+	{return *this=TSwizzleC<TAny>(aPtr);}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>& TSwizzleC<TAny>::operator=(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
+/** Sets this swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the 
+	specific swizzle.
+@param aSwizzle A pointer to the untyped object that the swizzle is to represent.
+@return A reference to a swizzle whose representation of an object is to be 
+	copied to this swizzle. */
+	{return *this=TSwizzleC<TAny>(aSwizzle);}
+inline const TAny* TSwizzleC<TAny>::AsPtr() const
+/** Gets a constant pointer to the untyped object that this swizzle represents.
+@return A const pointer to the untyped object represented by this swizzle. */
+	{return Ptr();}
+inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::operator const TAny*() const
+	{return AsPtr();}