--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/traceservices/tracefw/common_utils/lightlogger/inc/lightlogger.h Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file LightLogger.h
+ @internalTechnology
+//ver. 0.2
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <hal.h> //if you are going to use __HIRES_RESOLUTION or __GET_Resolution
+ //use "hal.lib" in your project
+//<LightLogger output file>
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+//</LightLogger output file>
+_LIT8(KLLNewLine, "\n");
+//<Record Ids>
+ * Record id decribes type of LightLogger record and can be used by external tools to manage logs views
+ * or automate timestamp calculations.
+ * */
+const int gLL_MachineResolutionId = 0;
+const int gLL_TimestampHiResId = 1;
+const int gLL_TimestampLoResId = 2;
+//</Record Ids>
+//This code must be called before other macros. It just create fresh log file.
+if you want to reset file use: __CREATE_LOG(true), otherwise __CREATE_LOG(false)
+#define __CREATE_LOG(replace) {TBool r(replace);RFs fs;RFile f;fs.Connect();\
+ if(r){f.Replace(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite);}else{\
+ if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNotFound){\
+ f.Replace(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite);}\
+ }f.Close(); fs.Close();}
+//Log text object to file
+//example: __LOG("ty text")
+#define __LOG(x) {TBuf8<512> b;RFs fs;RFile f;b.Zero(); b.Copy(_L(x)); b.Append(KLLNewLine); fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){TInt s; f.Size(s); f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); f.Write(b); f.Close();} fs.Close();}
+//Log number object to file.
+//exaple: TInt i=4; __LOG(i);
+#define __LOGNUM(x) {TBuf8<256> b;RFs fs;RFile f;b.Zero(); b.Num(x);b.Append(KLLNewLine); fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){TInt s; f.Size(s); f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); f.Write(b); f.Close();} fs.Close();}
+//Log buffer to file.
+ * TBuf<128> b;
+ * b.Append(_L("some text"));
+ * __LOGBUF(b)
+ * */
+#define __LOGBUF(x) {TBuf8<512> b;RFs fs;RFile f;b.Copy(x);b.Append(KLLNewLine); fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){ TInt s; f.Size(s); f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); f.Write(b); f.Close();} fs.Close();}
+//Log timestamp (low resolution) with additional text object to file .
+//Time stamp format: hour:minute:second:microsecond - user text comment
+#define __LOGTIMESTAMP(x) {TTime time; time.HomeTime(); TBuf8<256> b; RFs fs; RFile f; fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){ TInt s; f.Size(s); f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); \
+ TDateTime dt = time.DateTime();\
+ b.AppendFormat(_L8("<[%d]> <[%d:%d:%d:%d]> %S"), gLL_TimestampLoResId, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond(), &_L8(x)); b.Append(KLLNewLine);\
+ f.Write(b);\
+ f.Close();} fs.Close();\
+ }
+//Log tick count to file.
+#define __LOGTICKCOUNT {_LIT8(KTick,"TickCount: %u"); TBuf8<256> b; RFs fs; RFile f; fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){ TInt s; f.Size(s); f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); \
+ b.AppendFormat(KTick, User::TickCount()); b.Append(KLLNewLine); f.Write(b); f.Close();} fs.Close();\
+ }
+//Log high resolution time stamp to file with additional user comment.
+This is the current value of the machine's high resolution timer.
+If a high resolution timer is not available, it uses the millisecond timer instead.
+#define __LOGTIMESTAMP_HIRES(x){TBuf8<256> b; RFs fs; RFile f; fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){ TInt s; f.Size(s); f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); \
+ b.AppendFormat(_L8("<[%d]> <[%u]> %S"), gLL_TimestampHiResId, __GET_HiResTimestamp(), &_L8(x)); b.Append(KLLNewLine);\
+ f.Write(b);\
+ f.Close();} fs.Close();\
+ }
+//Fast counter resolution
+//tick per second
+#define __HIRES_RESOLUTION { TInt _tmp_=gLL_MachineResolutionId; RFs fs; RFile f; fs.Connect(); if(f.Open(fs, KLogFile, EFileWrite)==KErrNone){TInt s;f.Size(s);f.Seek(ESeekStart,s); \
+ TBuf8<256> b;b.AppendFormat(_L8("<[%d]> <[%d]> Fast timer resolution"), _tmp_, __GET_Resolution());b.Append(KLLNewLine);f.Write(b); f.Close();} fs.Close();\
+ }
+/**This function returns resolution of fast counter
+ * tick per second
+inline TUint32 __GET_Resolution()
+ {
+ TInt freq = 0;
+ HAL::Get(HALData::EFastCounterFrequency, freq);
+ return freq;
+ }
+/**This function returns hi resolution counter (timestamp)
+ *
+inline TUint32 __GET_HiResTimestamp() {return User::FastCounter();}
+/**Method marker class
+ *
+class TMethodMarker
+ {
+ public:
+ TMethodMarker(const TDesC8& aMethod)
+ {
+ __LOGBUF(aMethod)
+ }
+ ~TMethodMarker()
+ {
+ __LOG("}")
+ }
+ };
+/**This macro is logging entry and exit points from method specified as parameter.
+#define __MARK_METHOD(x) TBuf8<128> b; b.AppendFormat(_L8("%S\n{"), &_L8(x)); TMethodMarker m(b);
+//empty definitions
+#define __CREATE_LOG(replace)
+#define __LOG(x)
+#define __LOGNUM(x)
+#define __LOGBUF(x)
+#define __LOGTIMESTAMP(x)
+inline TUint32 __GET_Resolution(){return 0;}
+inline TUint32 __GET_HiResTimestamp(){return 0;}
+#define __MARK_METHOD(x)
+#endif /*LIGHTLOGGER_H_*/
+ *
+ * Special data format for certain macros (__HIRES_RESOLUTION; __LOGTIMESTAMP; __LOGTIMESTAMP_HIRES):
+ * "<[record_id]> <[value]> description>"
+ * where:
+ * record_id - is an integer value
+ * value - is an integer value
+ * description - is a string value