changeset 24 cc28652e0254
parent 23 26645d81f48d
--- a/persistentstorage/sql/SRC/Client/SqlStmtSession.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:57:14 2010 +0300
+++ b/persistentstorage/sql/SRC/Client/SqlStmtSession.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:39:58 2010 +0100
@@ -16,83 +16,6 @@
 #include <s32mem.h>
 #include "SqlStmtSession.h"		//RSqlStatementSession
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "SqlStmtSessionTraces.h"
-#include "SqlTraceDef.h"
- Sends a request to the SQL server to prepare 16-bit aSqlStmt statement.
- Usage of the IPC call arguments:
- Arg 0: [in/out]        data buffer for the column and parameter count.
- Arg 1: [out]       statement length in characters
- Arg 2: [out]       16-bit statement
- @param aDbSession A reference to RSqlDbSession instance.
- @param aSqlStmt 16-bit SQL statement.
- @param aColumnCount Output parameter. Statement column count.
- @param aParamCount Output parameter. Statement parameter count.
- @return KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occured;
- KErrArgument, bad argument, for example - the SQL string contains more than one SQL statements.
- Note that the function may return some database specific errors categorised as 
- ESqlDbError or other system-wide error codes;
- KErrNone      The operation has completed successfully. 
- @panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode if the statement handle is 0.
-TInt RSqlStatementSession::Prepare(RSqlDbSession& aDbSession, const TDesC& aSqlStmt, 
-                                          TInt& aColumnCount, TInt& aParamCount)
-    {
-    iDbSession = &aDbSession;
-    TSqlIpcData data;
-    TPckg<TSqlIpcData> pckg(data);
-    TUint stmtLen = aSqlStmt.Length();
-    iHandle = iDbSession->SendReceive(ESqlSrvStmtPrepare16, TIpcArgs(&pckg, stmtLen, &aSqlStmt));
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iHandle != 0, __SQLPANIC(ESqlPanicInternalError));   
-    aColumnCount = static_cast <TInt> (data.iPrm1);
-    aParamCount = static_cast <TInt> (data.iPrm2);
-    SQL_TRACE_SESSION(OstTraceExt2(TRACE_INTERNALS, RSQLSTATEMENTSESSION_PREPARE16, "0x%X;RSqlStatementSession::Prepare-16;iHandle=%d", (TUint)this, iHandle));
-    return iHandle > 0 ? KErrNone : iHandle;
-    }
-Sends a request to the SQL server to prepare 8-bit aSqlStmt statement.
-Usage of the IPC call arguments:
-Arg 0: [in/out]     data buffer for the column and parameter count.
-Arg 1: [out]        statement length in characters
-Arg 2: [out]        8-bit statement
-@param aDbSession A reference to RSqlDbSession instance.
-@param aSqlStmt 8-bit SQL statement.
-@param aColumnCount Output parameter. Statement column count.
-@param aParamCount Output parameter. Statement parameter count.
-@return KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occured;
-        KErrArgument, bad argument, for example - the SQL string contains more than one SQL statements.
-                      Note that the function may return some database specific errors categorised as 
-                      ESqlDbError or other system-wide error codes;
-        KErrNone      The operation has completed successfully. 
-@panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode if the statement handle is 0.
-TInt RSqlStatementSession::Prepare(RSqlDbSession& aDbSession, const TDesC8& aSqlStmt, 
-                                          TInt& aColumnCount, TInt& aParamCount)
-    {
-    iDbSession = &aDbSession;
-    TSqlIpcData data;
-    TPckg<TSqlIpcData> pckg(data);
-    TUint stmtLen = aSqlStmt.Length();
-    iHandle = iDbSession->SendReceive(ESqlSrvStmtPrepare8, TIpcArgs(&pckg, stmtLen, &aSqlStmt));
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iHandle != 0, __SQLPANIC(ESqlPanicInternalError));
-    aColumnCount = static_cast <TInt> (data.iPrm1);
-    aParamCount = static_cast <TInt> (data.iPrm2);
-    SQL_TRACE_SESSION(OstTraceExt2(TRACE_INTERNALS, RSQLSTATEMENTSESSION_PREPARE8, "0x%X;RSqlStatementSession::Prepare-8;iHandle=%d", (TUint)this, iHandle));
-    return iHandle > 0 ? KErrNone : iHandle;
-    }
 Sends a request to the server to close the statement handle.
@@ -100,7 +23,6 @@
 void RSqlStatementSession::Close()
-	SQL_TRACE_SESSION(OstTraceExt2(TRACE_INTERNALS, RSQLSTATEMENTSESSION_CLOSE, "0x%X;RSqlStatementSession::Close;iHandle=%d", (TUint)this, iHandle));
 	if(iDbSession && iHandle > 0)
 		(void)iDbSession->SendReceive(::MakeMsgCode(ESqlSrvStmtClose, ESqlSrvStatementHandle, iHandle));