// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// ULogger Server header file
#include "outputframework.h" // COutputFramework
#include "uloggerconfigmanager.h" // CConfig, CConfigSettingsIter, MConfigObserver
#include "uloggershared.h"
#include "uloggerwatcher.h"
#include "pluginallocator.h"
#include "inputframework.h"
#include <d32btrace.h> // RBTrace
namespace Ulogger {
enum TFilter
EPrimaryFilter = 1,
enum TULoggerSrvPanics
EUnknownPanic = 1
/** CULoggerServer server class.
This class is responsible for maintaining the server state.
class CULoggerServer : public CServer2,
public MDataWatcherObserver,
public MInputFrameworkObserver
static CULoggerServer* NewLC(TInt aPriority);
//own methods
static TInt StartServer();
void IncrementSessions();
void DecrementSessions();
//from CActive
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
//from MInputFrameworkObserver
ControlData* ProcessCommandL(TCommand aOpCode, RArray<TPtrC8>& aArguments);
void DoPostProcessing(TCommand aCmd);
//From MDataWatcher
void DataNotification();
//server stuff
TBool ServerState();
void RunAsService(TBool aRunAsService); // Not implemented yet
TInt Start(); //this is actually only called from inside the server, or by the test framework.
TInt Stop();
TInt RestartOutputting();
void ReadBufferL(); //this is actually only called from inside the server, or by the test framework.
TInt GetActiveFilters(RArray<TUint32>& aListBuffer,TInt aFilterType);
TInt SetActiveFilter(RArray<TUint32> aCategory, TInt aFilterType);
TInt RemoveActiveFilter(RArray<TUint32>& aValue, const TInt aFilterType);
TInt SetSecondaryFiltering(const TDesC8& aEnabled);
TInt GetSecondaryFiltering(TBool& aEnabled);
TInt SetPluginSettings(const TDesC8& aPluginname, RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt RemovePluginSettingsL(const TDesC8& aPluginName);
TInt GetActiveOutputPlugin(RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt SetActiveOutputPlugin(const TDesC8& aPluginname);
TInt GetInstalledOutputPlugins(RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt DeActivateInputPlugin(const TDesC8& aPluginname);
TInt GetActiveInputPlugin(RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt SetActiveInputPlugin(const TDesC8& aPluginname);
TInt GetInstalledInputPlugins(RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt GetOptionsSettingsL(const TDesC8& aMedianame, RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt GetBufandDataNotifyValuesL(const TDesC8& aSetting,TInt& value);
TInt SetBufferMode(const TDesC8& aValue);
TInt SetBufferSize(TInt aSize);
TInt SetDataNotificationSize(TInt aSize);
//server related stuff
CULoggerServer(TInt aPriority);
void ConstructL();
static TInt StartServerL();
static void PanicServer(TULoggerSrvPanics aPanic);
static void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage, TULoggerSrvPanics aPanic);
void ShutDownServer();
void RequestCancel();
//from CServer2
CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
//on boot things
TInt TraceSettingsOnBoot();
TInt ResetBtracePrimaryFilters(RBTrace& aBTrace);
//action related things
//other configs
void GetOptionsSettingsL(RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer,const TDesC8& aSetting);
TInt SetTraceSettings(const TDesC8& aValue, const TDesC8& aSetting);
//framework stuff
void InitializeFrameworksL();
void PrepareControlDataPayloadL(RBuf8& aPayloadBuf, const RArray<TPtrC8>& aArray);
void PrepareControlDataPayloadL(RBuf8& aPayloadBuf, const RArray<TUint32>& aArray);
//config file stuff
// CConfig* CreateConfig(TFileName aFilePath);
// void InitializeConfigFileL();
// TInt CheckConfigFile(const TDesC& aFileName,const TDesC& aDirPath,TFileName& aFilePath);
// void CopyFileToSystemDrive(TFileName& aFilePath);
//plugin stuff
TInt DeActivateOutputPlugin(const TDesC8& aPluginname);
void FilterPlugins(TPluginFilter aFilter, RArray<TPtrC8>& aPluginList);
TBool CheckPluginExists(TPtrC8& aPluginName, TPluginFilter aPluginFilter);
void GetPluginAndSettingsL(TDes8& aPluginName, RPointerArray<TPluginConfiguration>* aSettings, TPluginFilter aPluginFilter);
void AsynchDataRequest();
//filter related stuff
ControlData* SetPrimaryFilters(RArray<TPtrC8> &aArguments);
TInt GetValues(const TDesC8& aSectionName, RArray<TPtrC8>& aListBuffer);
TInt iRunAsService;
TInt iSessionCounter;
/** config API */
//CConfig* iConfig;
CConfigFileManager* iConfigManager;
/** Output Framework */
COutputFramework* iOutputFramework;
/** Input Framework main object. */
CInputFramework* iInputFramework;
/** Data Watcher */
CULoggerWatcher* iDataWatcher;
/** Plugin Allocator */
CPluginAllocator* iPluginAllocator;
RImplInfoPtrArray iPluginArray;
RBTrace iTrace;
TInt iBufferSize;
TBool iBtraceOpen;
TInt iDataNotification;
TFileName iUserFilePath;
TFileName iConfigFilePath;
TBool iUserFile;
TBool iConfigFile;
TBool iIsBooting;