1 /** |
2 |
3 @page SWICertStore The SWI Cert Store |
4 |
5 @section sec1 Introduction |
6 |
7 This document descibes the software install certificate store, or SWI cert |
8 store. |
9 |
10 Software install requires access to root certificates in order to validate |
11 signed install packages (SIS files). However for security reasons the softare |
12 install server is not allowed to dynamically load plugins (it is part of the |
13 trusted computing base). This means that it cannot use the unified cert store, |
14 as would be the case for normal applications. Instead it uses a dedicated |
15 certificate store which it links to directly - the SWI cert store. |
16 |
17 The SWI cert store is a read-only cert store, implemented using a data file that |
18 is built into the ROM on a device. This data file must be created before ROM |
19 build time, and it must contain the root certificates necessary to valdiate all |
20 SIS files that will be installed on the device. |
21 |
22 In addtion to the usual cert store operations, the SWI certstore contains |
23 additional meta-data that is relevant only to software install. For each |
24 certificate it contains a set of capabilities which that certificate is |
25 authorised to sign for, and a mandatory flag. If the mandatory flag is set for |
26 a certificate, it indicates that every SIS file installed must be signed by a |
27 cerificate issued under that certificate. |
28 |
29 @section sec2 Creating the SWI cert store data file |
30 |
31 The data file for the SWI cert store is built using the "swicertstoretool" |
32 program. This is an epoc binary that runs in the emulator, built as part of the |
33 security tests. |
34 |
35 The format of the command is: |
36 |
37 @code |
38 swicertstoretool INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE LOG_FILE |
39 @endcode |
40 |
41 The paramters have the following meanings: |
42 |
43 - @c INPUT_FILE - An "ini" format file describing the certificates and |
44 meta-data that will be used to populate the store |
45 - @c OUTPUT_FILE - The path the data file will be written to |
46 - @c LOG_FILE - The path the results of the process will be written to |
47 |
48 @subsection sec21 Input file format |
49 |
50 The input file is a text file in "ini" format, made up of one or more sections, |
51 each of which contains attributes related to that section. A section is |
52 introduced with a line containing the section name in square brackets. |
53 Attributes are specified by @c name=value pairs. |
54 |
55 Each section describes a certificate to be put in the store, with the section |
56 name used as the certificate label. |
57 |
58 The following attributes can be specified for each certificate: |
59 |
60 <table> |
61 |
62 <tr> |
63 <th>Attribute:</th> |
64 <th>Desciption:</th> |
65 </tr> |
66 |
67 <tr> |
68 <td>file</td> |
69 <td> |
70 The name of the file containing the DER encoded certificate. This attribute |
71 must be present. |
72 </td> |
73 </tr> |
74 |
75 <tr> |
76 <td>mandatory</td> |
77 <td> |
78 Whether the certificate is marked as mandatory for software install. The |
79 value must be either "1" (mandatory) or "0" (not mandatory). The attribute is |
80 optional - if it is not present the default is "0". |
81 </td> |
82 </tr> |
83 |
84 <tr> |
85 <td>capability</td> |
86 <td> |
87 The name of a capability that the certificate can sign for. This attribute can be |
88 repeated to allow multiple capabilities to be specified. Allowed capabilities |
89 are: |
90 |
91 - TCB |
92 - CommDD |
93 - PowerMgmt |
94 - MultimediaDD |
95 - ReadDeviceData |
96 - WriteDeviceData |
97 - DRM |
98 - TrustedUI |
99 - ProtServ |
100 - DiskAdmin |
101 - NetworkControl |
102 - AllFiles |
103 - SwEvent |
104 - NetworkServices |
105 - LocalServices |
106 - ReadUserData |
107 - WriteUserData |
108 - Location |
109 </td> |
110 </tr> |
111 |
112 <tr> |
113 <td>application</td> |
114 <td> |
115 The name of an application that the certificate can be used for. This can be |
116 repeated, but it must appear at least once. Allowed applications are: |
117 |
118 - SWInstall (Software install) |
119 - SWInstallOCSP (Software install OCSP signing) |
120 </td> |
121 </tr> |
122 |
123 </table> |
124 |
125 Unrecognised attributes are ingnored. |
126 |
127 @subsubsection sec211 Example input file |
128 |
129 Below is an example of an input file used for testing software install: |
130 |
131 @code |
132 # exmplateInputFile.txt |
133 # |
134 # An example input file for the swi cert store tool |
135 |
136 [Root5CA] |
137 file = c:\system\TOCSP\Certs\newopenssl\Root5-RSA.der |
138 mandatory = 1 |
139 capability = ReadDeviceData |
140 capability = WriteDeviceData |
141 capability = DRM |
142 capability = AllFiles |
143 application = SWInstall |
144 |
145 [SymbianTestDSACA] |
146 file = c:\tappinst\certs\Symbian-Test-DSA.der |
147 capability = NetworkServices |
148 capability = LocalServices |
149 capability = Location |
150 application = SWInstall |
151 application = SWInstallOCSP |
152 |
153 [SymbianTestRSACA] |
154 file = c:\tappinst\certs\Symbian-Test-RSA.der |
155 capability = ReadUserData |
156 capability = WriteUserData |
157 application = SWInstall |
158 application = SWInstallOCSP |
159 @endcode |
160 |
161 @subsubsection sec212 Log file |
162 |
163 The log file should be examined each time the tool is run, as this is the only |
164 way in which errors are reported. The log file describes the stages of |
165 processing and will end either with an error message or the line "Done" if the |
166 data file has been created successfully. |
167 |
168 @section sec213 Installing the data file |
169 |
170 The SWI cert store looks for the data file produced by the tool at @c |
171 z:\\resource\\swicertstore.dat. So for the emulator, this should be copied to |
172 @c \\epoc32\\RELEASE\\winscw\\UDEB\\Z\\Resource\\swicertstore.dat, and for |
173 hardware it should be build into the ROM as @c z:\\resource\\swicertstore.dat. |
174 |
175 @section sec3 Access to the SWI cert store from the unified cert store |
176 |
177 Although software install cannot access the unified cert store, it is still |
178 possible for the SWI cert store to be accessible via the unified cert store. |
179 This is accomplished by the cert store plugin @c swicertstoreplugin.dll. This |
180 idea is to make it easier to see which certificates are present on a device, and |
181 also so that certificates which are used for multiple applications including |
182 software install do not need to be duplicated in more than one store. |
183 |
184 */ |