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     1 /**
     3 @page SWICertStore The SWI Cert Store
     5 @section sec1 Introduction
     7 This document descibes the software install certificate store, or SWI cert
     8 store.
    10 Software install requires access to root certificates in order to validate
    11 signed install packages (SIS files).  However for security reasons the softare
    12 install server is not allowed to dynamically load plugins (it is part of the
    13 trusted computing base).  This means that it cannot use the unified cert store,
    14 as would be the case for normal applications.  Instead it uses a dedicated
    15 certificate store which it links to directly - the SWI cert store.
    17 The SWI cert store is a read-only cert store, implemented using a data file that
    18 is built into the ROM on a device.  This data file must be created before ROM
    19 build time, and it must contain the root certificates necessary to valdiate all
    20 SIS files that will be installed on the device.
    22 In addtion to the usual cert store operations, the SWI certstore contains
    23 additional meta-data that is relevant only to software install.  For each
    24 certificate it contains a set of capabilities which that certificate is
    25 authorised to sign for, and a mandatory flag.  If the mandatory flag is set for
    26 a certificate, it indicates that every SIS file installed must be signed by a
    27 cerificate issued under that certificate.
    29 @section sec2 Creating the SWI cert store data file
    31 The data file for the SWI cert store is built using the "swicertstoretool"
    32 program.  This is an epoc binary that runs in the emulator, built as part of the
    33 security tests.
    35 The format of the command is:
    37 @code
    38 swicertstoretool INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE LOG_FILE
    39 @endcode
    41 The paramters have the following meanings:
    43  - @c INPUT_FILE - An "ini" format file describing the certificates and
    44 	               meta-data that will be used to populate the store
    45  - @c OUTPUT_FILE - The path the data file will be written to
    46  - @c LOG_FILE - The path the results of the process will be written to
    48 @subsection sec21 Input file format
    50 The input file is a text file in "ini" format, made up of one or more sections,
    51 each of which contains attributes related to that section.  A section is
    52 introduced with a line containing the section name in square brackets.
    53 Attributes are specified by @c name=value pairs.
    55 Each section describes a certificate to be put in the store, with the section
    56 name used as the certificate label.
    58 The following attributes can be specified for each certificate:
    60 <table>
    62 <tr>
    63   <th>Attribute:</th>
    64   <th>Desciption:</th>
    65 </tr>
    67 <tr>
    68   <td>file</td>
    69   <td>
    70     The name of the file containing the DER encoded certificate. This attribute
    71     must be present.
    72   </td>
    73 </tr>
    75 <tr>
    76   <td>mandatory</td>
    77   <td>
    78     Whether the certificate is marked as mandatory for software install. The
    79 	value must be either "1" (mandatory) or "0" (not mandatory).  The attribute is
    80 	optional - if it is not present the default is "0".
    81   </td>
    82 </tr>
    84 <tr>
    85   <td>capability</td>
    86   <td>
    87 	The name of a capability that the certificate can sign for. This attribute can be
    88 	repeated to allow multiple capabilities to be specified.  Allowed capabilities
    89 	are:
    91 	 - TCB
    92 	 - CommDD
    93 	 - PowerMgmt
    94 	 - MultimediaDD
    95 	 - ReadDeviceData
    96 	 - WriteDeviceData
    97 	 - DRM
    98 	 - TrustedUI
    99 	 - ProtServ
   100 	 - DiskAdmin
   101 	 - NetworkControl
   102 	 - AllFiles
   103 	 - SwEvent
   104 	 - NetworkServices
   105 	 - LocalServices
   106 	 - ReadUserData
   107 	 - WriteUserData
   108 	 - Location
   109   </td>
   110 </tr>
   112 <tr>
   113   <td>application</td>
   114   <td>
   115 	The name of an application that the certificate can be used for. This can be
   116 	repeated, but it must appear at least once.  Allowed applications are:
   118 	 - SWInstall		(Software install)
   119 	 - SWInstallOCSP	(Software install OCSP signing)
   120   </td>
   121 </tr>
   123 </table>
   125 Unrecognised attributes are ingnored.
   127 @subsubsection sec211 Example input file
   129 Below is an example of an input file used for testing software install:
   131 @code
   132 # exmplateInputFile.txt
   133 #
   134 # An example input file for the swi cert store tool
   136 [Root5CA]
   137 file = c:\system\TOCSP\Certs\newopenssl\Root5-RSA.der
   138 mandatory = 1
   139 capability = ReadDeviceData
   140 capability = WriteDeviceData
   141 capability = DRM
   142 capability = AllFiles
   143 application = SWInstall
   145 [SymbianTestDSACA]
   146 file = c:\tappinst\certs\Symbian-Test-DSA.der
   147 capability = NetworkServices
   148 capability = LocalServices
   149 capability = Location
   150 application = SWInstall
   151 application = SWInstallOCSP
   153 [SymbianTestRSACA]
   154 file = c:\tappinst\certs\Symbian-Test-RSA.der
   155 capability = ReadUserData
   156 capability = WriteUserData
   157 application = SWInstall
   158 application = SWInstallOCSP
   159 @endcode
   161 @subsubsection sec212 Log file
   163 The log file should be examined each time the tool is run, as this is the only
   164 way in which errors are reported.  The log file describes the stages of
   165 processing and will end either with an error message or the line "Done" if the
   166 data file has been created successfully.
   168 @section sec213 Installing the data file
   170 The SWI cert store looks for the data file produced by the tool at @c
   171 z:\\resource\\swicertstore.dat.  So for the emulator, this should be copied to
   172 @c \\epoc32\\RELEASE\\winscw\\UDEB\\Z\\Resource\\swicertstore.dat, and for
   173 hardware it should be build into the ROM as @c z:\\resource\\swicertstore.dat.
   175 @section sec3 Access to the SWI cert store from the unified cert store
   177 Although software install cannot access the unified cert store, it is still
   178 possible for the SWI cert store to be accessible via the unified cert store.
   179 This is accomplished by the cert store plugin @c swicertstoreplugin.dll.  This
   180 idea is to make it easier to see which certificates are present on a device, and
   181 also so that certificates which are used for multiple applications including
   182 software install do not need to be duplicated in more than one store.
   184 */