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     1 /**
     3 @page UnifiedStores The unified stores
     5 @section intro Introduction
     7 This document describes the unified certificate store and unified key store.
     9 A Symbian OS device may contain zero or more individual cert stores, and zero or
    10 more key stores.  Software implementations for both of these are supplied, and
    11 licensees may add their own, perhaps using special hardware on the device - for
    12 example using a WIM.  The unified store classes acts as an central interfaces
    13 for certificate and key management, so that application writers do not need to
    14 know details of the specific implementations present.  They automatically
    15 discovers all implementations of the relevant interface on the device using the
    16 crypto token framework.
    18 These stores are unified in the sense that client requests which related to all
    19 store implementations (such as "list keys" or "list certificates") are passed to
    20 every implementation in turn, and the results collated.  Requests that relate to
    21 a specific store are routed to the correct implementation.
    23 Clients should only use the unified store class to access certificates and keys.
    24 There is no need to use the crypto token framework directly, and although this
    25 is possible, it is not recommended.
    27 This document gives a description of how to perform basic certificate and key
    28 operations using the unified stores.  
    30 @section programmingUnifiedStores Programming with the unified stores
    32 The ctframework component provides the interfaces for key store and cert store
    33 implementations, and the unified stores themselves are implemented in certman's
    34 certstore component.  Programs wishing to use the unified stores should
    35 therefore be linked against both certstore.lib and ctframework.lib.  Note that
    36 certstore.lib provides both the unified cert store and the unified key store.
    38 The software cert store implementation supplied with Symbian OS is provided by
    39 filecertstore.dll, and this runs entirely in the client application.  The
    40 software key store runs in a separate server process - this is implemented by
    41 fstokenserver.dll, and the client side part that communicates with the server is
    42 provided by fstokencli.dll.  The unified stores use the ECom framework to load
    43 these DLLs automatically, so there is no need to link against them in client
    44 applications.
    46 The main header files used are unifiedcertstore.h and unfiedkeystore.h, and you
    47 should refer to them while reading the example code.
    49 Most methods are asynchronous and this means that clients need to be implemented
    50 as active objects to work.  All calls to asynchronous methods must be called
    51 from the context of active objects - the active scheduler will call the client's
    52 RunL() method when the asynchronous method completes.
    54 This means that the following code will not work:
    56 @code 
    57 // Broken!
    58 TRequestStatus status;
    59 certStore->DoSomething(parameters, status);
    60 User::WaitForRequest(&status);
    61 @endcode
    63 @section commonConcepts Common concepts
    65 This section describes concepts common to both unified stores.
    67 @subsection tokenObjectHandler Token object handle - TCTTokenObjectHandle
    69 A token object handle is a concept from the crypto token framework that is used
    70 to identify an object associated with a particular token.  It consists of a
    71 token identifier and an object identifier which is unique among all objects with
    72 that token.  The object is lightweight and can be easily passed between
    73 processes.
    75 These are used to identify keys and certificates.  This allows the unified store
    76 to route client requests that concern a particular object onto the token that
    77 actually has that object.
    79 This class is defined in tcttokenobjecthandle.h.
    81 @section unifiedKeyStore The unified key store
    83 @subsection limiatations Limitations
    85 Currently, this document does not cover owners and users, authentication or
    86 private key export.
    88 @subsection sec2 Key store concepts
    90 @subsubsection sec21 Key info - CCTKeyInfo
    92 Detailed information about a key is represented as a CCTKeyInfo object.  Objects
    93 of this type are passed back to the client by "list" and "get key info"
    94 operations.  The class is defined in the mctkeystore.h header file.  It has
    95 accessors for the following attributes:
    97 @li ID - a SHA-1 hash of the public key, used to uniquely identify it.
    98 @li Usage - a bitfield representing the allowed usages of the key.  This is of
    99 	type TKeyUsagePKCS15, defined in securitydefs.h.
   100 @li Size - the size of the key in bits.
   101 @li Label - a text string to identify the key to users.
   102 @li Owner - the UID of the application that created or imported the key.  
   103 @li Users - a list of UIDs of applications that are allowed to use the key.
   104 @li Algorithm - the key algorithm: RSA, DSA or DH.
   105 @li AccessType - a bitfield that determines the sensitivity of the key.
   106 @li Native - indicates whether cryptographic operations involving the key are
   107 	carried out within the key store implementation itself (ie in hardware if
   108 	the key store is implemented in hardware).
   109 @li StartDate - the start of the validity period of the key.
   110 @li EndDate - the end of the validity period of the key.
   111 @li PKCS8AttributeSet - additional key attributes as a DER-encoded set.
   112 @li Protector - an MCTAuthenticationObject that can be used to access the
   113 	authentication mechanism for the key store.
   114 @li Token - an MCTToken object that represents the actual key store
   115 	implementation the key is in.  It is possible to use this to get access to the
   116 	key store implementation, but this is not recommended.
   118 For a description of owners, users and authentication objects, please see the
   119 functional specification and architecture analysis documents.
   121 CCTKeyInfo has a conversion operator to TCTTokenObjectHandle, so instances of
   122 this class can be passed to any methods in the unified key store requiring a
   123 token object handle.
   125 @subsubsection authObject Authentication objects - MCTAuthenticationObject
   127 Authentication objects are used to control the authentication mechanism of the
   128 key store.  They are accessed by calling the Protector() method of a CCTKeyInfo.
   129 The authentication object returned is owned by the keystore implementation and
   130 you should not attempt to free it yourself - this is managed automatically.
   131 They may also be shared between keys - ie, the same object may be returned for
   132 more than one key.  The software key store implementation works like this - it
   133 associates one auth object instance with each key owner application.  In other
   134 words, every key with the same owner has the same auth object.  This is because
   135 authetication properties like the passphrase timeout are set on a per-owner
   136 basis in this implementation.
   138 @subsection sec3 Creating a CUnifiedKeyStore
   140 The object is created in the usual way, by calling the static NewL() or NewLC()
   141 methods, and then must be initialised by calling the asynchronous Initialize()
   142 method.  
   144 For example, a client might use the following code to create and initialise a
   145 unified key store object:
   147 @code
   148 void CKeyStoreExample::CreateUnifiedKeystoreL()
   149 	{
   150 	// iKeyStore is a CUnifiedKeyStore* 
   151 	// iFS is an RFs (file server client)
   152 	// iState is an enum that records the state of the active object
   154 	iKeyStore = CUnifiedKeyStore::NewL(iFs);
   155 	iKeyStore->Initialize(iStatus);
   156 	iState = EInitializingKeystore;
   157 	SetActive();
   159 	// RunL called when this completes
   160 	}
   161 @endcode
   163 @subsection sec4 Finding keys
   165 The unified key store allows a client to search all keys on a device regardless
   166 of which physical store they are in.  A filter object is specified which determines
   167 which keys are returned - you can filter on:
   169 @li The key indentifier - used when you are searching for a particular key.
   170 @li The key usage
   171 @li Tke key owner UID
   172 @li The key algorithm
   174 All of these default to "don't care".  So, an application that wishes to find
   175 all DSA keys owned by a certain application that are usable for signing might do
   176 the following:
   178 @code
   179 void CKeyStoreExample::FindSomeKeys()
   180 {
   181 	// KApplicationUID is UID of key owner application
   182 	// iKeys is an RMPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo> that is filled with the keys found
   184 	TCTKeyAttributeFilter filter;
   185 	filter.iOwner = KApplicationUID;
   186 	filter.iUsage = EPKCS15UsageSign;
   187 	filter.iKeyAlgorithm = CCTKeyInfo::EDSA;
   189 	iKeyStore->List(iKeys, filter, iStatus);
   190 	iState = EFindingKeys;
   191 	SetActive();
   193 	// RunL called when this completes
   194 }
   195 @endcode
   197 @subsection sec5 Performing cryptographic operations with keys
   199 Performing a cryptographic operation is a two stage process.  First, the key
   200 must be "opened", which creates an object capable of performing the required
   201 operation.  Then the new object's methods are called to actually execute
   202 it. Below is a list of the supported operations together with the objects
   203 created:
   205 @li DSA Sign - MDSASigner
   206 @li RSA Sign - MRSASigner
   207 @li RSA Decrypt - MCTDecryptor
   208 @li DH agreement - MCTDH
   210 These interfaces are defined in the header file mkeystore.h.
   212 The created objects are owned by the client, and hence must be disposed of by
   213 calling their Release() method when they are no longer required.
   215 To perform an RSA signing operation, the key is opened to create an MRSASigner
   216 object.  This object supports two signing methods:
   218 @li SignMessage, which computes a SHA-1 digest of the input data and signs that.
   219 @li Sign, which takes as input a message digest to sign (ie does a raw RSA sign
   220 operation).
   222 These signing methods create a CRSASignature object as output.
   224 For example, to RSA sign some data in iDataToSign:
   226 @code
   227 void CKeyStoreExample::RSASign(const CCTKeyInfo& aKey)
   228 {
   229 	// iRSASigner is an MRSASigner*
   230 	// iDataToSign is a HBufC8* containing data to be signed
   231 	// iRSASignature is a CRSASignature* which will contain the result
   233 	iKeyStore->Open(aKey, iRSASigner, iStatus);
   234 	iState = EOpenRSAKeyForSigning;
   235 	SetActive();
   236 }
   238 void CKeyStoreExample::RunL()
   239 {
   240 	switch (iState)
   241 	{
   242 		...
   244 		case EOpenRSAKeyForSigning:
   245 			PerformRSASignOperation();
   246 			break;
   248 		...
   249 	}
   250 }
   252 void CKeyStoreExample::PerformRSASignOperation()
   253 {
   254 	iRSASigner->SignMessage(*iData, iRSASignature, iStatus);
   255 	iState = EPerformRSASignOperation;
   256 	SetActive();
   258 	// RunL called again when this completes
   259 }
   260 @endcode
   262 DSA Signing works much the same as for RSA Signing described above.  The only
   263 difference is that the Open() method creates an MDSASigner object (The Open()
   264 methods are overloaded on the type of the created object).  The DSA signer
   265 differs from an MRSASigner only in that the signing method creates a
   266 CDSASignature object.
   268 RSA encryption and Diffie-Hellman key agreement are analogous.
   270 @subsection sec6 Generating keys
   272 For this operation it is necessary to know in advance which of the key stores
   273 implementations on the device the new key should be stored in.  The application
   274 could ask the user for this information, or it could choose a store itself based
   275 on some policy.  Either way, the available key stores that support write
   276 operations can be found using the KeyStoreManagerCount() and KeyStoreManager()
   277 accessor methods.
   279 A key store manager object is a token interface (see MCTTokenInteface defined in
   280 mcttokeninterface.h), and from this it is possible the get the token via the
   281 Token() method and hence the token label.  So, in order to ask the user which
   282 key store they wanted a key to be created in, a list of the labels of available
   283 key stores could be built up like this:
   285 @code
   286 void CKeyStoreExample::GetKeyStoreManagerLabelsL()
   287 {
   288 	// iLabelList is a RPointerArray<HBufC8>
   290 	for (TInt index = 0 ; index < iKeyStore->KeyStoreManagerCount() ; ++i)
   291 	{
   292 		MCTKeyStoreManager& manager = iKeyStore->KeyStoreManager(index);
   293 		MCTToken& token = manager->Token();
   294 		HBufC* label = token->Label().AllocLC();
   295 		User::LeaveIfError(iLabelList.Append(label));
   296 		CleanupStack::Pop(label);
   297 	}
   298 }
   299 @endcode
   301 Once the index of the key store manager has been determined, the key can be
   302 created by calling the CreateKey() method.  Among other things it takes the
   303 following parameters that are a subset of the attributes of a CCTKeyInfo:
   305 @li aUsage - The key usage flags in the PKCS15 format.
   306 @li aSize - The key size in bits.
   307 @li aLabel - The textual label for the key.
   308 @li aAlgorithm - The key algorithm - RSA, DSA or DH.
   309 @li aAccessType - The key's access type bitfield.  Only two of the bits defined
   310 	may be set when creating a key - EExtractable and ESensitive.
   311 @li aStartDate - the start of the validity period of the key.
   312 @li aEndDate - the end of the validity period of the key.
   314 For example:
   316 @code
   317 void CKeyStoreExample::CreateRSAKey(TInt aKeyStoreIndex)
   318 {
   319 	// iKey is a CCTKeyInfo* that will be set if the method succeeds
   321 	_LIT(KMyKeyName, "Example key");
   323 	TTime startDate, endDate;
   324 	startDate.UniversalTime();
   325 	endDate.UniversalTime();
   326 	endDate += TTimeIntervalYears(1); // key valid for a year
   328 	iKeyStore->CreateKey(
   329 		aKeyStoreIndex,
   330 		EPKCS15UsageSign,
   331 		1024,
   332 		KMyKeyName,
   333 		CCTKeyInfo::ERSA,
   334 		CCTKeyInfo::EExtractable,
   335 		startDate,
   336 		endDate,
   337 		iKey,
   338 		iStatus);
   339 	iState = ECreateKey;
   340 	SetActive();
   342 	// RunL called when this completes
   343 }
   344 @endcode
   346 @subsection importKey Importing keys
   348 Importing keys is very similar to creating keys, except that the ImportKey()
   349 method takes an additional two parameters:
   351 @li aKeyData - the key data in pkcs#8 format.
   352 @li aIsEncrypted - whether the key data is pkcs#5 encrypted.
   354 @subsection deleteKey Deleting keys
   356 Keys can be deleted with the DeleteKey() method, for example:
   358 @code
   359 void CKeyStoreExample::DeleteKey()
   360 {
   361 	// iKey is a CCTKeyInfo*
   363 	iKeyStore->DeleteKey(*iKey, iStatus);
   364 	iState = EDeleteKey;
   365 	SetActive();
   367 	// RunL called when this completes
   368 }
   369 @endcode
   371 @subsection exportPublicKey Getting the public key
   373 The ExportPublic() method allows the public key to be exported, in DER-encoded
   374 ASN.1 format.  To export an RSA public key, and then reconstruct a useful key
   375 object from it, an application might do the following:
   377 @code
   378 CKeyStoreExample::ExportRSAPublicKey()
   379 {
   380 	// iKey is a CCTKeyInfo*
   381 	// iPublicKeyData is an HBufC8*
   383 	iKeyStore->ExportPublic(*iKey, iPublicKeyData, iStatus);
   384 	iState = EExportPublic;
   385 	SetActive();
   386 }
   388 void CKeyStoreExample::RunL()
   389 {
   390 	switch (iState)
   391 	{
   392 		...
   394 		case EExportPublic:
   395 			DecodeRSAPublicKeyData();
   396 			break;
   398 		...
   399 	}
   400 }
   402 void CKeyStoreExample::DecodeRSAPublicKeyData()
   403 {
   404 	// iRSAPublicKey is a CRSAPublicKey*
   406 	TX509KeyFactory factory; 
   407 	iRSAPublicKey = factory.RSAPublicKeyL(*iPublicKeyData);
   408 }
   409 @endcode
   411 @subsection changePassphrase Changing the passphrase
   413 Changing the passphrase is accomplished by telling a key store to ask the user
   414 for the new passphrase.  This is done by obtaining the authentication object for
   415 a key in the appropriate key store, and calling its ChangeReferenceData()
   416 method.  The keystore will then prompt the user for the old and new passphrases,
   417 and it the old passphrase is entered correctly, the passphrase is changed.  The
   418 old and new passphrases are never seen by the calling application.
   420 For example:
   422 @code
   423 void ChangePassphraseL(CCTKeyInfo& aKey)
   424 {
   425 	MCTAuthenticationObject* authObject = aKey.Protector();
   426 	if (authObject == NULL)
   427 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   429 	authObject->ChangeReferenceData(iStatus);
   430 	iState = EChangePassphrase;
   431 	SetActive();
   433 	// RunL called when this completes
   434 }
   435 @endcode
   437 @section unifiedCertStore The Unified Certificate Store
   439 @subsection certstoreConcepts Certificate store concepts
   441 @subsubsection certTypes Supported certificate types
   443 The certificate store APIs support X509 and WTLS certificates.  Certificates can
   444 be physically present in the store (as is normally the case), or they can be
   445 referenced by a URL.  There are three "owner types" supported:
   447 @li CA - CA certs are used as trust roots when validating certificate chains.
   448 @li User - User certs are used to establish the user's identity with a remote server.
   449 @li Peer - Peer certs are a third party's user certs.
   451 @subsubsection certInfo Certificate info - CCTCertInfo
   453 This class holds information about a certificate, and is used to represent that
   454 certificate in the unified cert store API.  It has accessors for the following
   455 attributes:
   457 @li Label - a text string to identify the cert to users.
   458 @li SubjectKeyId - A hash of the subject's public key.
   459 @li IssuerKeyId - A hash of the issuer's public key
   460 @li CertificateFormat - The format of the certificate - X509, WTLS X509 URL or
   461 	WTLS URL - as defined by the TCertificateFormat enum.
   462 @li CertificateOwnerType - The type of the certificate - CA, user or peer - as
   463 	defined by the TCertificateOwnerType enum
   464 @li Size - The size of the actual certificate data in bytes.
   465 @li IsDeletable - Whether it is possible to delete this certificate.
   466 @li IssuerHash - A hash of the issuer's X500 distinguished name, or NULL if it is
   467 	unknown.
   468 @li Token - an MCTToken object that represents the actual cert store
   469 	implementation the cert is in.  It is possible to use this to get access to the
   470 	cert store implementation, but this is not recommended.
   472 Like CCTKeyInfo, this object has a conversion operator to TCTTokenObjectHandle.
   474 @subsubsection appTrustConcept Applicability and trust
   476 Certificates are marked to indicate what purpose they are to be used for - these
   477 uses are referred to as "applications".  Examples of applications include
   478 "software install" and "TLS client authentication".  Certs also have a "trust"
   479 setting - this indicates whether or not the certificate should be trusted for
   480 any of its application.  The idea is that a program will look for all
   481 certificates which have the correct application and that are trusted, in order
   482 to restrict its search to relevant certificates.
   484 @subsection creatingUnifiedCertStore Creating a Unified Certificate Store
   486 The unified cert store can be opened in two modes - writeable and read only.
   487 The mode is determined by a parameter passed to the NewL() and NewLC() methods.
   488 Once the object has been created, it must be initialised, and this is done by
   489 the asynchronous Initialize() method.
   491 For example, to create and open a unified cert store in writable mode a client
   492 might use the following code:
   494 @code
   495 void CCertStoreExample::OpenUnifiedCertStoreL()
   496 	{
   497 	// iCertStore is a CUnifiedCertStore* 
   498 	// iFS is an RFs (file server client)
   499 	// iState is an enum that records the state of the active object
   501 	iCertStore = CUnifiedCertStore::NewL(iFs, ETrue);
   502 	iCertStore->Initialize(iStatus);
   503 	iState = EInitializingCertStore;
   504 	SetActive();
   506 	// RunL called when this completes
   507 	}
   508 @endcode
   510 @subsection listCerts Finding certificates
   512 The unified cert store supplies a List() methods to find certificates in the
   513 stores.  A filter object of type CCertAttibuteFilter is passed in to restrict
   514 the certificates returned.  This is defined in ccertattributefilter.h.  It has
   515 setter methods for the following attributes:
   517 @li Label - The label to match.
   518 @li Uid - The UID of an application the certificates must support.
   519 @li Format - The desired format.
   520 @li OwnerType - The desired owner type.
   521 @li KeyUsage - The key usage the certificates must support.
   522 @li SubjectKeyId - Used when searching for a certificate that matches a key.
   523 @li IssuerKeyId - Used when searching for all certs issued by particular cert.
   525 These attributes default to a "don't care" setting.  All attributes that have
   526 been set must match for a certificate to be returned.
   528 The first version of the list method just takes a filter and a reference to an
   529 array of cert info objects which it populates with the results of the search.
   530 For example to list all X509 CA certs on a device:
   532 @code
   533 void CCertStoreExample::ListCertsL()
   534 {
   535 	// iCerts is an RMPointerArray<CCTCertInfo> which will be filled with the certs found 
   536 	// iCertFilter is a CCertAttributeFilter*, initially set to NULL
   538 	// Create filter object
   539 	iCertFilter = CCertAttributeFilter::NewL();		
   540 	iCertFilter->SetFormat(EX509Certificate);
   541 	iCertFilter->SetOwnerType(ECACertificate);
   543 	iCertStore->List(iCerts, *iCertFilter, iStatus);
   544 	iState = EListCerts;
   545 	SetActive();		
   547 	// RunL called when this completes
   548 }
   549 @endcode
   551 There are two further List() overloads that allow filtering based on the
   552 issuer's distinguished name.  These take a single DN to match, and a list of
   553 possible DNs to match.
   555 @subsection addCert Adding certificates
   557 To add a certificate it is first necessary to determine which actual certificate
   558 store the new certificate should reside in.  The unified cert store gives access
   559 to all writable cert stores through the WritableCertStoreCount() and
   560 WritableCertStore() methods.  Note that if the unified cert store has been
   561 opened in readonly mode, it will report that there are no writable cert stores
   562 available.  Writable cert store implement the MCTWritableCertStore interface,
   563 defined in mctwritablecertstore.h.
   565 Using these methods is much the same as for the equivalent methods to get key
   566 store managers in the unified key store.  So, to compile a list of the available
   567 writable cert store, an application might use the following code:
   569 @code
   570 void CCertStoreExample::GetWritableCertStoreLabelsL()
   571 {
   572 	// iLabelList is a RPointerArray<HBufC8>
   574 	for (TInt index = 0 ; index < iCertStore->WritableCertStoreCount() ; ++i)
   575 	{
   576 		MCTWritableCertStore& store = iCertStore->WritableCertStore(index);
   577 		MCTToken& token = store->Token();
   578 		HBufC* label = token->Label().AllocLC();
   579 		User::LeaveIfError(iLabelList.Append(label));
   580 		CleanupStack::Pop(label);
   581 	}
   582 }
   583 @endcode
   585 When a writable cert store has been chosen, the certificate can be added.  The
   586 Add method takes the following parameters:
   588 @li Label - The label used to refer to the cert in the user interface.
   589 @li OwnerType - Whether it's a CA, user or peer certificate.
   590 @li SubjectKeyId - The hash of the subject public key - mandatory for URL certs, optional otherwise
   591 @li IssuerKeyId - The hash of the issuer public key - optional.
   592 @li Cert - The certificate data in DER encoded ASN.1.
   594 For example, to add an X509 CA cert, an application might do the following:
   596 @code
   597 void CCertStoreExample::AddCert()
   598 {
   599 	// iCertData is an HBufC8* containing the certificate
   600 	// iCertLabel is an HBufC* containing the label
   602 	iCertStore->Add(*iCertLabel, ECACert, NULL, NULL, *iCertData, iStatus);
   603 	iState = EAddingCert;
   604 	SetActive();
   606 	// RunL called when this completes
   607 }
   608 @endcode
   610 @subsection removeCert Removing certificates
   612 Removing a certificate is done by simply calling the Remove() method and passing
   613 it the CCTCertInfo of the certificate to be removed.  For example:
   615 @code
   616 void CCertStoreExample::RemoveCert()
   617 {
   618 	// iCert is a CCTCertInfo*
   620 	iCertStore->Remove(iCert, iStatus);
   621 	iState = ERemovingCert;
   622 	SetActive();
   624 	// RunL called when this completes
   625 }
   626 @endcode
   628 @subsection retrieveCert Retrieving certificates
   630 There are two Retrieve() methods - one allows the caller to retrieve the ASN.1
   631 certificate data and the other the parsed representation, a CCertificate-derived
   632 object (CCertificate is defined in signed.h).
   634 It is not possible to retrieve the parsed representation of URL certificates -
   635 the method will complete with KErrNotSupported in this case.
   637 For example, to get the ASN.1 data for a certificate:
   639 @code
   640 void CCertStoreExample::RetrieveCertData()
   641 {
   642 	// iCert is a CCTCertInfo*
   643 	// iCertData is an HBufC8*
   645 	// Allocate buffer of appropriate length
   646 	iCertData = HBufC8::NewMaxL(iCert->Size());
   648 	iCertStore->Retrieve(iCert, iCertData->Des(), iStatus);
   649 	iState = ERetrievingCertData;
   650 	SetActive();
   652 	// RunL called when this completes
   653 }
   654 @endcode
   656 And to get the parsed representation:
   658 @code
   659 void CCertStoreExample::RetrieveCertObject()
   660 {
   661 	// iCert is a CCTCertInfo*
   662 	// iCertObject is an CCertificate*
   664 	iCertStore->Retrieve(iCert, iCertObject, iStatus);
   665 	iState = ERetrievingCertObject;
   666 	SetActive();
   668 	// RunL called when this completes
   669 }
   670 @endcode
   672 @subsection certApps Certificate applications and trust
   674 The unified cert store API provides the following methods to get and set the
   675 applicability and trust settings for certificates:
   677 @li Applications - Get a list of application UIDs for a cert
   678 @li IsApplicable - Determine whether a cert has a specific application UID
   679 @li Trused - Determine whether a cert is trusted
   680 @li SetApplicability - Set the list of application UIDs
   681 @li SetTrust - Set the trust flag
   683 */