1 /** |
2 |
3 @page UnifiedStores The unified stores |
4 |
5 @section intro Introduction |
6 |
7 This document describes the unified certificate store and unified key store. |
8 |
9 A Symbian OS device may contain zero or more individual cert stores, and zero or |
10 more key stores. Software implementations for both of these are supplied, and |
11 licensees may add their own, perhaps using special hardware on the device - for |
12 example using a WIM. The unified store classes acts as an central interfaces |
13 for certificate and key management, so that application writers do not need to |
14 know details of the specific implementations present. They automatically |
15 discovers all implementations of the relevant interface on the device using the |
16 crypto token framework. |
17 |
18 These stores are unified in the sense that client requests which related to all |
19 store implementations (such as "list keys" or "list certificates") are passed to |
20 every implementation in turn, and the results collated. Requests that relate to |
21 a specific store are routed to the correct implementation. |
22 |
23 Clients should only use the unified store class to access certificates and keys. |
24 There is no need to use the crypto token framework directly, and although this |
25 is possible, it is not recommended. |
26 |
27 This document gives a description of how to perform basic certificate and key |
28 operations using the unified stores. |
29 |
30 @section programmingUnifiedStores Programming with the unified stores |
31 |
32 The ctframework component provides the interfaces for key store and cert store |
33 implementations, and the unified stores themselves are implemented in certman's |
34 certstore component. Programs wishing to use the unified stores should |
35 therefore be linked against both certstore.lib and ctframework.lib. Note that |
36 certstore.lib provides both the unified cert store and the unified key store. |
37 |
38 The software cert store implementation supplied with Symbian OS is provided by |
39 filecertstore.dll, and this runs entirely in the client application. The |
40 software key store runs in a separate server process - this is implemented by |
41 fstokenserver.dll, and the client side part that communicates with the server is |
42 provided by fstokencli.dll. The unified stores use the ECom framework to load |
43 these DLLs automatically, so there is no need to link against them in client |
44 applications. |
45 |
46 The main header files used are unifiedcertstore.h and unfiedkeystore.h, and you |
47 should refer to them while reading the example code. |
48 |
49 Most methods are asynchronous and this means that clients need to be implemented |
50 as active objects to work. All calls to asynchronous methods must be called |
51 from the context of active objects - the active scheduler will call the client's |
52 RunL() method when the asynchronous method completes. |
53 |
54 This means that the following code will not work: |
55 |
56 @code |
57 // Broken! |
58 TRequestStatus status; |
59 certStore->DoSomething(parameters, status); |
60 User::WaitForRequest(&status); |
61 @endcode |
62 |
63 @section commonConcepts Common concepts |
64 |
65 This section describes concepts common to both unified stores. |
66 |
67 @subsection tokenObjectHandler Token object handle - TCTTokenObjectHandle |
68 |
69 A token object handle is a concept from the crypto token framework that is used |
70 to identify an object associated with a particular token. It consists of a |
71 token identifier and an object identifier which is unique among all objects with |
72 that token. The object is lightweight and can be easily passed between |
73 processes. |
74 |
75 These are used to identify keys and certificates. This allows the unified store |
76 to route client requests that concern a particular object onto the token that |
77 actually has that object. |
78 |
79 This class is defined in tcttokenobjecthandle.h. |
80 |
81 @section unifiedKeyStore The unified key store |
82 |
83 @subsection limiatations Limitations |
84 |
85 Currently, this document does not cover owners and users, authentication or |
86 private key export. |
87 |
88 @subsection sec2 Key store concepts |
89 |
90 @subsubsection sec21 Key info - CCTKeyInfo |
91 |
92 Detailed information about a key is represented as a CCTKeyInfo object. Objects |
93 of this type are passed back to the client by "list" and "get key info" |
94 operations. The class is defined in the mctkeystore.h header file. It has |
95 accessors for the following attributes: |
96 |
97 @li ID - a SHA-1 hash of the public key, used to uniquely identify it. |
98 @li Usage - a bitfield representing the allowed usages of the key. This is of |
99 type TKeyUsagePKCS15, defined in securitydefs.h. |
100 @li Size - the size of the key in bits. |
101 @li Label - a text string to identify the key to users. |
102 @li Owner - the UID of the application that created or imported the key. |
103 @li Users - a list of UIDs of applications that are allowed to use the key. |
104 @li Algorithm - the key algorithm: RSA, DSA or DH. |
105 @li AccessType - a bitfield that determines the sensitivity of the key. |
106 @li Native - indicates whether cryptographic operations involving the key are |
107 carried out within the key store implementation itself (ie in hardware if |
108 the key store is implemented in hardware). |
109 @li StartDate - the start of the validity period of the key. |
110 @li EndDate - the end of the validity period of the key. |
111 @li PKCS8AttributeSet - additional key attributes as a DER-encoded set. |
112 @li Protector - an MCTAuthenticationObject that can be used to access the |
113 authentication mechanism for the key store. |
114 @li Token - an MCTToken object that represents the actual key store |
115 implementation the key is in. It is possible to use this to get access to the |
116 key store implementation, but this is not recommended. |
117 |
118 For a description of owners, users and authentication objects, please see the |
119 functional specification and architecture analysis documents. |
120 |
121 CCTKeyInfo has a conversion operator to TCTTokenObjectHandle, so instances of |
122 this class can be passed to any methods in the unified key store requiring a |
123 token object handle. |
124 |
125 @subsubsection authObject Authentication objects - MCTAuthenticationObject |
126 |
127 Authentication objects are used to control the authentication mechanism of the |
128 key store. They are accessed by calling the Protector() method of a CCTKeyInfo. |
129 The authentication object returned is owned by the keystore implementation and |
130 you should not attempt to free it yourself - this is managed automatically. |
131 They may also be shared between keys - ie, the same object may be returned for |
132 more than one key. The software key store implementation works like this - it |
133 associates one auth object instance with each key owner application. In other |
134 words, every key with the same owner has the same auth object. This is because |
135 authetication properties like the passphrase timeout are set on a per-owner |
136 basis in this implementation. |
137 |
138 @subsection sec3 Creating a CUnifiedKeyStore |
139 |
140 The object is created in the usual way, by calling the static NewL() or NewLC() |
141 methods, and then must be initialised by calling the asynchronous Initialize() |
142 method. |
143 |
144 For example, a client might use the following code to create and initialise a |
145 unified key store object: |
146 |
147 @code |
148 void CKeyStoreExample::CreateUnifiedKeystoreL() |
149 { |
150 // iKeyStore is a CUnifiedKeyStore* |
151 // iFS is an RFs (file server client) |
152 // iState is an enum that records the state of the active object |
153 |
154 iKeyStore = CUnifiedKeyStore::NewL(iFs); |
155 iKeyStore->Initialize(iStatus); |
156 iState = EInitializingKeystore; |
157 SetActive(); |
158 |
159 // RunL called when this completes |
160 } |
161 @endcode |
162 |
163 @subsection sec4 Finding keys |
164 |
165 The unified key store allows a client to search all keys on a device regardless |
166 of which physical store they are in. A filter object is specified which determines |
167 which keys are returned - you can filter on: |
168 |
169 @li The key indentifier - used when you are searching for a particular key. |
170 @li The key usage |
171 @li Tke key owner UID |
172 @li The key algorithm |
173 |
174 All of these default to "don't care". So, an application that wishes to find |
175 all DSA keys owned by a certain application that are usable for signing might do |
176 the following: |
177 |
178 @code |
179 void CKeyStoreExample::FindSomeKeys() |
180 { |
181 // KApplicationUID is UID of key owner application |
182 // iKeys is an RMPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo> that is filled with the keys found |
183 |
184 TCTKeyAttributeFilter filter; |
185 filter.iOwner = KApplicationUID; |
186 filter.iUsage = EPKCS15UsageSign; |
187 filter.iKeyAlgorithm = CCTKeyInfo::EDSA; |
188 |
189 iKeyStore->List(iKeys, filter, iStatus); |
190 iState = EFindingKeys; |
191 SetActive(); |
192 |
193 // RunL called when this completes |
194 } |
195 @endcode |
196 |
197 @subsection sec5 Performing cryptographic operations with keys |
198 |
199 Performing a cryptographic operation is a two stage process. First, the key |
200 must be "opened", which creates an object capable of performing the required |
201 operation. Then the new object's methods are called to actually execute |
202 it. Below is a list of the supported operations together with the objects |
203 created: |
204 |
205 @li DSA Sign - MDSASigner |
206 @li RSA Sign - MRSASigner |
207 @li RSA Decrypt - MCTDecryptor |
208 @li DH agreement - MCTDH |
209 |
210 These interfaces are defined in the header file mkeystore.h. |
211 |
212 The created objects are owned by the client, and hence must be disposed of by |
213 calling their Release() method when they are no longer required. |
214 |
215 To perform an RSA signing operation, the key is opened to create an MRSASigner |
216 object. This object supports two signing methods: |
217 |
218 @li SignMessage, which computes a SHA-1 digest of the input data and signs that. |
219 @li Sign, which takes as input a message digest to sign (ie does a raw RSA sign |
220 operation). |
221 |
222 These signing methods create a CRSASignature object as output. |
223 |
224 For example, to RSA sign some data in iDataToSign: |
225 |
226 @code |
227 void CKeyStoreExample::RSASign(const CCTKeyInfo& aKey) |
228 { |
229 // iRSASigner is an MRSASigner* |
230 // iDataToSign is a HBufC8* containing data to be signed |
231 // iRSASignature is a CRSASignature* which will contain the result |
232 |
233 iKeyStore->Open(aKey, iRSASigner, iStatus); |
234 iState = EOpenRSAKeyForSigning; |
235 SetActive(); |
236 } |
237 |
238 void CKeyStoreExample::RunL() |
239 { |
240 switch (iState) |
241 { |
242 ... |
243 |
244 case EOpenRSAKeyForSigning: |
245 PerformRSASignOperation(); |
246 break; |
247 |
248 ... |
249 } |
250 } |
251 |
252 void CKeyStoreExample::PerformRSASignOperation() |
253 { |
254 iRSASigner->SignMessage(*iData, iRSASignature, iStatus); |
255 iState = EPerformRSASignOperation; |
256 SetActive(); |
257 |
258 // RunL called again when this completes |
259 } |
260 @endcode |
261 |
262 DSA Signing works much the same as for RSA Signing described above. The only |
263 difference is that the Open() method creates an MDSASigner object (The Open() |
264 methods are overloaded on the type of the created object). The DSA signer |
265 differs from an MRSASigner only in that the signing method creates a |
266 CDSASignature object. |
267 |
268 RSA encryption and Diffie-Hellman key agreement are analogous. |
269 |
270 @subsection sec6 Generating keys |
271 |
272 For this operation it is necessary to know in advance which of the key stores |
273 implementations on the device the new key should be stored in. The application |
274 could ask the user for this information, or it could choose a store itself based |
275 on some policy. Either way, the available key stores that support write |
276 operations can be found using the KeyStoreManagerCount() and KeyStoreManager() |
277 accessor methods. |
278 |
279 A key store manager object is a token interface (see MCTTokenInteface defined in |
280 mcttokeninterface.h), and from this it is possible the get the token via the |
281 Token() method and hence the token label. So, in order to ask the user which |
282 key store they wanted a key to be created in, a list of the labels of available |
283 key stores could be built up like this: |
284 |
285 @code |
286 void CKeyStoreExample::GetKeyStoreManagerLabelsL() |
287 { |
288 // iLabelList is a RPointerArray<HBufC8> |
289 |
290 for (TInt index = 0 ; index < iKeyStore->KeyStoreManagerCount() ; ++i) |
291 { |
292 MCTKeyStoreManager& manager = iKeyStore->KeyStoreManager(index); |
293 MCTToken& token = manager->Token(); |
294 HBufC* label = token->Label().AllocLC(); |
295 User::LeaveIfError(iLabelList.Append(label)); |
296 CleanupStack::Pop(label); |
297 } |
298 } |
299 @endcode |
300 |
301 Once the index of the key store manager has been determined, the key can be |
302 created by calling the CreateKey() method. Among other things it takes the |
303 following parameters that are a subset of the attributes of a CCTKeyInfo: |
304 |
305 @li aUsage - The key usage flags in the PKCS15 format. |
306 @li aSize - The key size in bits. |
307 @li aLabel - The textual label for the key. |
308 @li aAlgorithm - The key algorithm - RSA, DSA or DH. |
309 @li aAccessType - The key's access type bitfield. Only two of the bits defined |
310 may be set when creating a key - EExtractable and ESensitive. |
311 @li aStartDate - the start of the validity period of the key. |
312 @li aEndDate - the end of the validity period of the key. |
313 |
314 For example: |
315 |
316 @code |
317 void CKeyStoreExample::CreateRSAKey(TInt aKeyStoreIndex) |
318 { |
319 // iKey is a CCTKeyInfo* that will be set if the method succeeds |
320 |
321 _LIT(KMyKeyName, "Example key"); |
322 |
323 TTime startDate, endDate; |
324 startDate.UniversalTime(); |
325 endDate.UniversalTime(); |
326 endDate += TTimeIntervalYears(1); // key valid for a year |
327 |
328 iKeyStore->CreateKey( |
329 aKeyStoreIndex, |
330 EPKCS15UsageSign, |
331 1024, |
332 KMyKeyName, |
333 CCTKeyInfo::ERSA, |
334 CCTKeyInfo::EExtractable, |
335 startDate, |
336 endDate, |
337 iKey, |
338 iStatus); |
339 iState = ECreateKey; |
340 SetActive(); |
341 |
342 // RunL called when this completes |
343 } |
344 @endcode |
345 |
346 @subsection importKey Importing keys |
347 |
348 Importing keys is very similar to creating keys, except that the ImportKey() |
349 method takes an additional two parameters: |
350 |
351 @li aKeyData - the key data in pkcs#8 format. |
352 @li aIsEncrypted - whether the key data is pkcs#5 encrypted. |
353 |
354 @subsection deleteKey Deleting keys |
355 |
356 Keys can be deleted with the DeleteKey() method, for example: |
357 |
358 @code |
359 void CKeyStoreExample::DeleteKey() |
360 { |
361 // iKey is a CCTKeyInfo* |
362 |
363 iKeyStore->DeleteKey(*iKey, iStatus); |
364 iState = EDeleteKey; |
365 SetActive(); |
366 |
367 // RunL called when this completes |
368 } |
369 @endcode |
370 |
371 @subsection exportPublicKey Getting the public key |
372 |
373 The ExportPublic() method allows the public key to be exported, in DER-encoded |
374 ASN.1 format. To export an RSA public key, and then reconstruct a useful key |
375 object from it, an application might do the following: |
376 |
377 @code |
378 CKeyStoreExample::ExportRSAPublicKey() |
379 { |
380 // iKey is a CCTKeyInfo* |
381 // iPublicKeyData is an HBufC8* |
382 |
383 iKeyStore->ExportPublic(*iKey, iPublicKeyData, iStatus); |
384 iState = EExportPublic; |
385 SetActive(); |
386 } |
387 |
388 void CKeyStoreExample::RunL() |
389 { |
390 switch (iState) |
391 { |
392 ... |
393 |
394 case EExportPublic: |
395 DecodeRSAPublicKeyData(); |
396 break; |
397 |
398 ... |
399 } |
400 } |
401 |
402 void CKeyStoreExample::DecodeRSAPublicKeyData() |
403 { |
404 // iRSAPublicKey is a CRSAPublicKey* |
405 |
406 TX509KeyFactory factory; |
407 iRSAPublicKey = factory.RSAPublicKeyL(*iPublicKeyData); |
408 } |
409 @endcode |
410 |
411 @subsection changePassphrase Changing the passphrase |
412 |
413 Changing the passphrase is accomplished by telling a key store to ask the user |
414 for the new passphrase. This is done by obtaining the authentication object for |
415 a key in the appropriate key store, and calling its ChangeReferenceData() |
416 method. The keystore will then prompt the user for the old and new passphrases, |
417 and it the old passphrase is entered correctly, the passphrase is changed. The |
418 old and new passphrases are never seen by the calling application. |
419 |
420 For example: |
421 |
422 @code |
423 void ChangePassphraseL(CCTKeyInfo& aKey) |
424 { |
425 MCTAuthenticationObject* authObject = aKey.Protector(); |
426 if (authObject == NULL) |
427 User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); |
428 |
429 authObject->ChangeReferenceData(iStatus); |
430 iState = EChangePassphrase; |
431 SetActive(); |
432 |
433 // RunL called when this completes |
434 } |
435 @endcode |
436 |
437 @section unifiedCertStore The Unified Certificate Store |
438 |
439 @subsection certstoreConcepts Certificate store concepts |
440 |
441 @subsubsection certTypes Supported certificate types |
442 |
443 The certificate store APIs support X509 and WTLS certificates. Certificates can |
444 be physically present in the store (as is normally the case), or they can be |
445 referenced by a URL. There are three "owner types" supported: |
446 |
447 @li CA - CA certs are used as trust roots when validating certificate chains. |
448 @li User - User certs are used to establish the user's identity with a remote server. |
449 @li Peer - Peer certs are a third party's user certs. |
450 |
451 @subsubsection certInfo Certificate info - CCTCertInfo |
452 |
453 This class holds information about a certificate, and is used to represent that |
454 certificate in the unified cert store API. It has accessors for the following |
455 attributes: |
456 |
457 @li Label - a text string to identify the cert to users. |
458 @li SubjectKeyId - A hash of the subject's public key. |
459 @li IssuerKeyId - A hash of the issuer's public key |
460 @li CertificateFormat - The format of the certificate - X509, WTLS X509 URL or |
461 WTLS URL - as defined by the TCertificateFormat enum. |
462 @li CertificateOwnerType - The type of the certificate - CA, user or peer - as |
463 defined by the TCertificateOwnerType enum |
464 @li Size - The size of the actual certificate data in bytes. |
465 @li IsDeletable - Whether it is possible to delete this certificate. |
466 @li IssuerHash - A hash of the issuer's X500 distinguished name, or NULL if it is |
467 unknown. |
468 @li Token - an MCTToken object that represents the actual cert store |
469 implementation the cert is in. It is possible to use this to get access to the |
470 cert store implementation, but this is not recommended. |
471 |
472 Like CCTKeyInfo, this object has a conversion operator to TCTTokenObjectHandle. |
473 |
474 @subsubsection appTrustConcept Applicability and trust |
475 |
476 Certificates are marked to indicate what purpose they are to be used for - these |
477 uses are referred to as "applications". Examples of applications include |
478 "software install" and "TLS client authentication". Certs also have a "trust" |
479 setting - this indicates whether or not the certificate should be trusted for |
480 any of its application. The idea is that a program will look for all |
481 certificates which have the correct application and that are trusted, in order |
482 to restrict its search to relevant certificates. |
483 |
484 @subsection creatingUnifiedCertStore Creating a Unified Certificate Store |
485 |
486 The unified cert store can be opened in two modes - writeable and read only. |
487 The mode is determined by a parameter passed to the NewL() and NewLC() methods. |
488 Once the object has been created, it must be initialised, and this is done by |
489 the asynchronous Initialize() method. |
490 |
491 For example, to create and open a unified cert store in writable mode a client |
492 might use the following code: |
493 |
494 @code |
495 void CCertStoreExample::OpenUnifiedCertStoreL() |
496 { |
497 // iCertStore is a CUnifiedCertStore* |
498 // iFS is an RFs (file server client) |
499 // iState is an enum that records the state of the active object |
500 |
501 iCertStore = CUnifiedCertStore::NewL(iFs, ETrue); |
502 iCertStore->Initialize(iStatus); |
503 iState = EInitializingCertStore; |
504 SetActive(); |
505 |
506 // RunL called when this completes |
507 } |
508 @endcode |
509 |
510 @subsection listCerts Finding certificates |
511 |
512 The unified cert store supplies a List() methods to find certificates in the |
513 stores. A filter object of type CCertAttibuteFilter is passed in to restrict |
514 the certificates returned. This is defined in ccertattributefilter.h. It has |
515 setter methods for the following attributes: |
516 |
517 @li Label - The label to match. |
518 @li Uid - The UID of an application the certificates must support. |
519 @li Format - The desired format. |
520 @li OwnerType - The desired owner type. |
521 @li KeyUsage - The key usage the certificates must support. |
522 @li SubjectKeyId - Used when searching for a certificate that matches a key. |
523 @li IssuerKeyId - Used when searching for all certs issued by particular cert. |
524 |
525 These attributes default to a "don't care" setting. All attributes that have |
526 been set must match for a certificate to be returned. |
527 |
528 The first version of the list method just takes a filter and a reference to an |
529 array of cert info objects which it populates with the results of the search. |
530 For example to list all X509 CA certs on a device: |
531 |
532 @code |
533 void CCertStoreExample::ListCertsL() |
534 { |
535 // iCerts is an RMPointerArray<CCTCertInfo> which will be filled with the certs found |
536 // iCertFilter is a CCertAttributeFilter*, initially set to NULL |
537 |
538 // Create filter object |
539 iCertFilter = CCertAttributeFilter::NewL(); |
540 iCertFilter->SetFormat(EX509Certificate); |
541 iCertFilter->SetOwnerType(ECACertificate); |
542 |
543 iCertStore->List(iCerts, *iCertFilter, iStatus); |
544 iState = EListCerts; |
545 SetActive(); |
546 |
547 // RunL called when this completes |
548 } |
549 @endcode |
550 |
551 There are two further List() overloads that allow filtering based on the |
552 issuer's distinguished name. These take a single DN to match, and a list of |
553 possible DNs to match. |
554 |
555 @subsection addCert Adding certificates |
556 |
557 To add a certificate it is first necessary to determine which actual certificate |
558 store the new certificate should reside in. The unified cert store gives access |
559 to all writable cert stores through the WritableCertStoreCount() and |
560 WritableCertStore() methods. Note that if the unified cert store has been |
561 opened in readonly mode, it will report that there are no writable cert stores |
562 available. Writable cert store implement the MCTWritableCertStore interface, |
563 defined in mctwritablecertstore.h. |
564 |
565 Using these methods is much the same as for the equivalent methods to get key |
566 store managers in the unified key store. So, to compile a list of the available |
567 writable cert store, an application might use the following code: |
568 |
569 @code |
570 void CCertStoreExample::GetWritableCertStoreLabelsL() |
571 { |
572 // iLabelList is a RPointerArray<HBufC8> |
573 |
574 for (TInt index = 0 ; index < iCertStore->WritableCertStoreCount() ; ++i) |
575 { |
576 MCTWritableCertStore& store = iCertStore->WritableCertStore(index); |
577 MCTToken& token = store->Token(); |
578 HBufC* label = token->Label().AllocLC(); |
579 User::LeaveIfError(iLabelList.Append(label)); |
580 CleanupStack::Pop(label); |
581 } |
582 } |
583 @endcode |
584 |
585 When a writable cert store has been chosen, the certificate can be added. The |
586 Add method takes the following parameters: |
587 |
588 @li Label - The label used to refer to the cert in the user interface. |
589 @li OwnerType - Whether it's a CA, user or peer certificate. |
590 @li SubjectKeyId - The hash of the subject public key - mandatory for URL certs, optional otherwise |
591 @li IssuerKeyId - The hash of the issuer public key - optional. |
592 @li Cert - The certificate data in DER encoded ASN.1. |
593 |
594 For example, to add an X509 CA cert, an application might do the following: |
595 |
596 @code |
597 void CCertStoreExample::AddCert() |
598 { |
599 // iCertData is an HBufC8* containing the certificate |
600 // iCertLabel is an HBufC* containing the label |
601 |
602 iCertStore->Add(*iCertLabel, ECACert, NULL, NULL, *iCertData, iStatus); |
603 iState = EAddingCert; |
604 SetActive(); |
605 |
606 // RunL called when this completes |
607 } |
608 @endcode |
609 |
610 @subsection removeCert Removing certificates |
611 |
612 Removing a certificate is done by simply calling the Remove() method and passing |
613 it the CCTCertInfo of the certificate to be removed. For example: |
614 |
615 @code |
616 void CCertStoreExample::RemoveCert() |
617 { |
618 // iCert is a CCTCertInfo* |
619 |
620 iCertStore->Remove(iCert, iStatus); |
621 iState = ERemovingCert; |
622 SetActive(); |
623 |
624 // RunL called when this completes |
625 } |
626 @endcode |
627 |
628 @subsection retrieveCert Retrieving certificates |
629 |
630 There are two Retrieve() methods - one allows the caller to retrieve the ASN.1 |
631 certificate data and the other the parsed representation, a CCertificate-derived |
632 object (CCertificate is defined in signed.h). |
633 |
634 It is not possible to retrieve the parsed representation of URL certificates - |
635 the method will complete with KErrNotSupported in this case. |
636 |
637 For example, to get the ASN.1 data for a certificate: |
638 |
639 @code |
640 void CCertStoreExample::RetrieveCertData() |
641 { |
642 // iCert is a CCTCertInfo* |
643 // iCertData is an HBufC8* |
644 |
645 // Allocate buffer of appropriate length |
646 iCertData = HBufC8::NewMaxL(iCert->Size()); |
647 |
648 iCertStore->Retrieve(iCert, iCertData->Des(), iStatus); |
649 iState = ERetrievingCertData; |
650 SetActive(); |
651 |
652 // RunL called when this completes |
653 } |
654 @endcode |
655 |
656 And to get the parsed representation: |
657 |
658 @code |
659 void CCertStoreExample::RetrieveCertObject() |
660 { |
661 // iCert is a CCTCertInfo* |
662 // iCertObject is an CCertificate* |
663 |
664 iCertStore->Retrieve(iCert, iCertObject, iStatus); |
665 iState = ERetrievingCertObject; |
666 SetActive(); |
667 |
668 // RunL called when this completes |
669 } |
670 @endcode |
671 |
672 @subsection certApps Certificate applications and trust |
673 |
674 The unified cert store API provides the following methods to get and set the |
675 applicability and trust settings for certificates: |
676 |
677 @li Applications - Get a list of application UIDs for a cert |
678 @li IsApplicable - Determine whether a cert has a specific application UID |
679 @li Trused - Determine whether a cert is trusted |
680 @li SetApplicability - Set the list of application UIDs |
681 @li SetTrust - Set the trust flag |
682 |
683 */ |