1 @rem |
2 @rem Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 @rem All rights reserved. |
4 @rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 @rem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 @rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 @rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 @rem |
9 @rem Initial Contributors: |
10 @rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 @rem |
12 @rem Contributors: |
13 @rem |
14 @rem Description: |
15 @rem |
16 |
17 echo This script only needs to be run if you wish to modify this test data. |
18 echo Press CTRL-C to exit |
19 pause |
20 |
21 rem blank the existing CA |
22 del index.txt rand serial *.old *.attr *.pem *.req *.pk8 /S /Q |
23 echo 01 > serial |
24 type nul > index.txt |
25 |
26 set CERT_PATH=%SECURITYSOURCEDIR%\os\security\cryptomgmtlibs\securitytestfw\testcertificates\certman\tder\example\root5ca |
27 |
28 rem create a key and request |
29 rem sign the request |
30 rem revoke the signed certificate |
31 rem generate a CRL |
32 openssl genrsa -out %CERT_PATH%\ee_key.pem |
33 openssl req -config openssl_ee.config -newkey rsa:1024 -key %CERT_PATH%\ee_key.pem -out ee.req |
34 openssl ca -config openssl.config -name Root5CA -in ee.req -extensions Signing_Extensions -extfile openssl.config -batch -out %CERT_PATH%\root5_ee.pem |
35 openssl ca -config openssl.config -name Root5CA -revoke %CERT_PATH%\root5_ee.pem -crl_reason keyCompromise |
36 openssl ca -config openssl.config -name Root5CA -gencrl -out %CERT_PATH%\root5crl.pem |
37 |
38 rem convert everything to DER |
39 openssl x509 -inform pem -outform der -in %CERT_PATH%\root5_ee.pem -out %CERT_PATH%\root5_ee.der |
40 openssl rsa -inform pem -outform der -in %CERT_PATH%\ee_key.pem -out %CERT_PATH%\ee_key.der |
41 openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in ee_key.pem -outform der -out ee_key.pk8 |
42 openssl crl -inform pem -outform der -in %CERT_PATH%\root5crl.pem -out %CERT_PATH%\root5crl.der |