changeset 0 2c201484c85f
child 8 35751d3474b7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2c201484c85f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * This file is used for the verification function of the pkcs12 file
    16 *
    17 */
    22 /**
    23  @file 
    24  @internalTechnology
    25 */
    27 // System Include
    28 #include <testexecutelog.h>
    30 //User Include 
    31 #include "tpkcs12libteststep.h"
    32 #include "tpkcs12data.h"
    33 #include "tpkcs12common.h"
    35 using namespace PKCS12;
    37 const TInt KBagDataLength = 7;
    38 const TInt KContentInfoLength = 11;
    39 /**
    40 Description:constructor:used for initialization of the variables declared      
    41 @test
    42 @internalTechnology
    43 */
    44 CPKCS12LibTestStep::CPKCS12LibTestStep()
    45 	{
    46 	iActualResult=ETrue;
    47 	iUnitTest=EFalse;
    48 	iUnitTestContinueFlag = ETrue;
    49 	iExpectedError = ETrue;
    50 	iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
    51 	}
    52 /**
    53 Description:Destructor
    54 @test
    55 @internalTechnology
    56 */
    57 CPKCS12LibTestStep::~CPKCS12LibTestStep()
    58 	{
    59 	iFileSession.Close();
    60 	delete iParser;	
    61 	iPrivacyPassword.ResetAndDestroy();	
    62 	}
    64 /**
    65 Function is intended to parse the pkcs12 file, compare the results and 
    66 log the same
    67 @internalTechnology:
    68 @return:TVerdict -returns EFail if there is a failure else EPass
    69 @test
    70 @leave:- if memory allocation fails
    71 */
    72 TVerdict CPKCS12LibTestStep::doTestStepL()
    73 	{
    74 	//__UHEAP_MARK;
    75 	TPtrC integrityMode(KNullDesC);
    76 	TPtrC integrityPassword(KNullDesC);
    77 	TPtrC privacyPassword(KNullDesC);
    78 	TPtrC dataPath(KNullDesC);
    79 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
    82 	if(iFileSession.Connect())
    83 		{
    84 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("File server session failed"));
    85 		flagReturn=EFalse;
    86 		}
    88 	if(flagReturn)	
    89 		{
    90 		if((!GetStringFromConfig(KMainSec,KFilePath,dataPath)) ||
    91 		   !GetStringFromConfig(KMainSec,KIntegrityMode,integrityMode))
    92 			{
    93 			SetTestStepResult(EAbort);
    94 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Input Data not found in ini file"));
    95 			flagReturn=EFalse;
    96 			}	
    97 		}
    98 	//Check the input
    99 	if(flagReturn)
   100 		{
   101 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(KMainSec,KUnitTest,iUnitTest))
   102 			{
   103 			iUnitTest=EFalse;
   104 			}
   105 		//Password Integrity Mode	
   106 		if(integrityMode.CompareF(KPassword)==0)
   107 			{
   108 			if(!GetStringFromConfig(KMainSec,KIntegrityPassword,integrityPassword))
   109 				{
   110 				ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Problem in the Main section of the ini file"));
   111 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   112 				flagReturn=EFalse;
   113 				}
   114 			else
   115 				{
   117 				iParser	= CPkcs12Parser::NewL();
   118 				// set the integrity password 
   119 				iParser->SetIntegrityPasswordL(integrityPassword);
   120 				// set the datapath
   121 				iParser->SetDataL(dataPath);
   122 				//set the privacy password
   123 				ParsePrivacyPwdL();
   124 				//parse the pkcs12 file
   125 				iParser->ParseL();
   127 				if(!GetBoolFromConfig(KMainSec,KIntegrityValid,iExpectedResult))
   128 					{
   129 					WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Integrity valid not found in ini file"));
   130 					iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   131 					}
   132 				if(!VerifyMainSecL())
   133 					{
   134 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Main section failed"));
   135 					flagReturn=EFalse;
   136 					}
   137 				else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   138 					{
   139 					SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   140 					delete iParser;
   141 					iParser = NULL;
   142 					flagReturn = EFalse;
   143 					}
   144 				}
   145 			}
   146 		else if(integrityMode.CompareF(KPublicIntegrity)==0)
   147 			{
   148 			//public Integrity Mode	
   149 			}
   150 		else
   151 			{
   152 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Integrity pwd not known in ini file"));
   153 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   154 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   155 			}
   156 		}
   157 	if(flagReturn)
   158 		{
   159 		//Check the Authenticated safe section	
   160 		if(!VerifyAuthSafe())
   161 			{
   162 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Authenticated safe section failed"));
   163 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   164 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   165 			}
   166 		else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag )
   167 			{
   168 			SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   169 			delete iParser;
   170 			iParser = NULL;
   171 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   172 			}
   173 		}
   174 	if(flagReturn)	
   175 		{
   176 		//calculate the totalsafebags in the pkcs12 file	
   177 		TInt totalsafebags = iParser->PfxHeader().TotalSafeBagCount();
   179 		//calculate the totalbags(including the safecontentsbag) in the pkcs12 file						
   180 		TInt totalbags = totalsafebags + iParser->PfxHeader().SafecontentBagCount();
   182 		//Check the BagData section	
   183 		if(!ChkBagDataL(totalsafebags,totalbags))
   184 			{
   185 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Bag Data section failed"));
   186 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   187 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   188 			}
   189 		else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   190 			{
   191 			delete iParser;
   192 			iParser = NULL;
   193 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   194 			}
   195 		}
   196 	if(flagReturn)
   197 		{
   198 		SetTestStepResult(EPass);		
   199 		}
   201 	//__UHEAP_MARKEND; 
   202 	return TestStepResult();
   203 	}
   204 /**
   205 Function is intended to verify the expected error in each section of the ini file
   206 @internalTechnology:
   207 @return:TBool:returns EFalse if there is a failure else ETrue
   208 @test:
   209 */
   210 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::VerifyExpectedError(const TDesC& aSecName)
   211 	{
   212 	TBool flagReturn = ETrue;
   213 	if ( iUnitTest ) 
   214 		{
   215 		if(GetIntFromConfig(aSecName,KExpectedError,iExpectedError)==EFalse)
   216 			{
   217 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedError not found in INI File"));
   218 			}	
   219 		// Checks the error returned by the library with the expected error read 
   220 		// from the INI file.
   221 		TInt actualError = 0;
   223 		if ( (!aSecName.Compare(KMainSec) || !aSecName.Compare(KAuthSafeSec) ||
   224 		     !aSecName.Compare(_L("MacData")) || (!aSecName.Left(KBagDataLength).Compare(KBagDataSec)) ||
   225 		     (!aSecName.Left(KContentInfoLength).CompareF(KContentInfoKey))) && !iExpectedResult )
   226 			{
   227 			actualError = iParser->PfxHeader().Pkcs12ActualError();
   228 			}	
   229 		if (actualError == iExpectedError)
   230 			{
   231 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedError matchs"));
   232 			iUnitTestContinueFlag = EFalse;
   233 			iExpectedResult = ETrue;
   234 			}
   235 		}
   237 	if(iExpectedResult!=iActualResult)
   238 		{
   239 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   240 		flagReturn= EFalse;
   241 		}
   242 	iActualResult = ETrue;
   243 	return flagReturn;	
   244 	}
   245 /**
   246 Function is intended to set the privacy passwords of the contentinfotype
   247 @internalTechnology:
   248 @test:
   249 @leave: if leave occurs if memory allocation fails
   250 */		
   251 void CPKCS12LibTestStep::ParsePrivacyPwdL()
   252 	{
   253 	TPtrC pass(KNullDesC);
   254 	//to append the number to get the actual key value
   255 	TInt count=0;
   256 	//return value
   257 	TBool privacyPwdPresent=EFalse;
   259 	//Put all the content info privacy passwords in an array 
   260 	do
   261 		{
   262 		TBuf<KPrivacyPwdStrLen> privacyPwdBuf(KPrivacyPassword);
   263 		pass.Set(KNullDesC);
   264 		count++;
   265 		//appending the count to the Keyvalue
   266 		privacyPwdBuf.AppendNum(count);
   267 		privacyPwdPresent=GetStringFromConfig(KMainSec,privacyPwdBuf,pass);
   268 		if(privacyPwdPresent)
   269 			{
   270 			HBufC *temp=pass.AllocLC();
   271 			iPrivacyPassword.AppendL(temp);
   272 			CleanupStack::Pop(temp);
   273 			}
   274 		}while(privacyPwdPresent);
   275 	iParser->SetPrivacyPassword(iPrivacyPassword);	
   276 	}
   277 /**
   278 Function is intended to parse the main section of the ini file
   279 @internalTechnology:
   280 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else ETrue
   281 @test:
   282 */			
   283 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::VerifyMainSecL()
   284 	{
   285 	TBool mac=EFalse;
   286 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   288 	//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   289 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(KMainSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   290 		{
   291 		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   292 		iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   293 		}
   294 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(KMainSec,KMacPresent,mac))
   295 		{
   296 		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Mac present not found in ini file"));
   297 		//default only integration test
   298 		mac=EFalse;
   299 		}
   300 	else if(mac && iUnitTest)
   301 		{
   302 		//call the mac data function and check for all the macdata section values
   303 		iActualResult=ChkMacValueL();
   304 		if (!iUnitTestContinueFlag)	
   305 			{
   306 			return flagReturn;
   307 			}
   308 		}
   309 	if(!VerifyExpectedError(KMainSec))
   310 		{
   311 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   312 		flagReturn = EFalse;
   313 		}
   314 	return flagReturn;	
   315 	}
   316 /**
   317 Function is intended to parse the AuthSafe section of the ini file
   318 @internalTechnology:
   319 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else ETrue
   320 @test:
   321 */			
   322 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::VerifyAuthSafe()
   323 	{
   324 	TInt contentInfoCount=0;
   325 	TPtrC contentSection(KNullDesC);
   326 	TInt contentIndex=0;
   327 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   329 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(KAuthSafeSec,KContentInfoNum,contentInfoCount))
   330 		{
   331 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Count not available in the inifile"));
   332 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   333 		flagReturn=EFalse;
   334 		}
   335 	//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   336 	if(GetIntFromConfig(KAuthSafeSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult)==EFalse)
   337 		{
   338 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   339 		}
   340 	//verify positive or negative test
   341 	if(!VerifyExpectedError(KAuthSafeSec()))
   342 		{
   343 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Content Info Failure"));
   344 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   345 		flagReturn = EFalse;
   346 		}
   347 	else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   348 		{
   349 		return flagReturn;
   350 		}
   351 	for(TInt i=1;i<=contentInfoCount;i++)
   352 		{
   353 		TBuf<KContentInfoBufLen> contentBuf(KContentInfoKey);
   354 		//Append the counter to the keyname		
   355 		contentBuf.AppendNum(i);
   356 		if(!GetStringFromConfig(KAuthSafeSec,contentBuf,contentSection))
   357 			{
   358 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("ContentSection not available in the inifile"));
   359 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   360 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   361 			break;
   362 			}
   363 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   364 		if(GetIntFromConfig(contentSection,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult)==EFalse)
   365 			{
   366 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   367 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   368 			}
   369 		// Verify before calling array to access the data.
   370 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(contentSection))
   371 			{
   372 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Content Info Failure"));
   373 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   374 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   375 			break;
   376 			}
   377 		else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   378 			{
   379 			flagReturn = ETrue;
   380 			break;
   381 			}
   382 		//Call the function for checking the contentinfo,pass the contntsction as parameter
   383 		iBagData=iParser->ArraySafeBagData()[contentIndex];
   384 		contentIndex++;
   385 		//Check the contentinfo type
   386 		iActualResult=ChkCIType(contentSection,*iBagData);
   387 		}
   388 	return flagReturn;
   389 	}
   390 /**
   391 Function is intended to parse the BagData section of the ini file
   392 @param-aTotalsafebags:total number of safebags
   393 @param-aTotalbags:total number of bags including the safecontentbags
   394 @internalTechnology:
   395 @return:returns EFalse if  there is a failure else return ETrue
   396 @test:
   397 @leave: if leave occurs at the ChkBagValL function
   398 */			
   399 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkBagDataL(TInt aTotalsafebags,TInt aTotalbags)	
   400 	{
   401 	TInt bagType=0;
   402 	TInt safeContentIndex=0;
   403 	TInt safeBagIndex=0;
   404 	CSafeContentBag* safeContentBag;
   405 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   407 	TInt totalSafeContentsBag = iParser->PfxHeader().SafecontentBagCount();
   410 	//loop for the totalbags
   411 	for(TInt bags=0;bags<aTotalbags;bags++)
   412 		{
   413 		TBuf<KBagDataSecBufLen> bagSection(KBagDataSec);
   414 		//Append the bags to the sectionname :BagData1
   415 		bagSection.AppendNum(bags+1);
   416 		if(!GetIntFromConfig(bagSection,KBagType,bagType))
   417 			{
   418 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Not able to get the BagType from the ini file"));
   419 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   420 			break;
   421 			}
   422 		if(bagType == CDecPkcs12SafeBag::ESafeContentsBag && flagReturn)
   423 			{
   424 			//loop for the safecontents bags
   425 			while(safeContentIndex < totalSafeContentsBag && flagReturn)
   426 				{
   427 				safeContentBag=iParser->ArraySafeContentBag()[safeContentIndex];
   428 				if(!ChkSafeContsBagData(bagSection,*safeContentBag))
   429 					{
   430 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("SafeContent Bag Failed"));
   431 					flagReturn=EFalse;
   432 					}
   433 				safeContentIndex++;
   434 				break;
   435 				} 
   436 			}
   437 		else
   438 			{
   439 			while(safeBagIndex < aTotalsafebags && flagReturn)
   440 				{
   441 				//retrieve the safebag sructure pointer
   442 				iBagData=iParser->ArraySafeBagData()[safeBagIndex];
   443 				//Chk the BagType
   444 				if(!ChkBagType(bagSection,*iBagData,bagType))
   445 					{
   446 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Bag Type does not match"));
   447 					flagReturn=EFalse;
   448 					break;
   449 					}
   450 				if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   451 					{
   452 					break;
   453 					}
   454 				iBagAttrNumVal=0;	
   455 				if(!ChkBagAttbutesL(bagSection,*iBagData))
   456 					{
   457 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Failure in Attributes"));
   458 					flagReturn=EFalse;
   459 					break;
   460 					}	
   461 				switch(bagType)
   462 					{
   463 					case CDecPkcs12SafeBag::ECertBag:
   464 						{
   465 						//check the bagvalue
   466 						if(!ChkBagValL(bagSection,*iBagData))
   467 							{
   468 							flagReturn=EFalse;
   469 							ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Certificate Bag Value comparison Failed"));
   470 							}
   471 						//check the certificate type
   472 						if(flagReturn)	
   473 							{
   474 							if(!ChkCertId(bagSection,*iBagData))
   475 								{
   476 								flagReturn=EFalse;
   477 								ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Certificate Bag certID comparison Failed"));
   478 								}
   479 							}	
   480 						break;	
   481 						}
   482 					case  CDecPkcs12SafeBag::EKeyBag:
   483 						{
   484 						if(!ChkBagValL(bagSection,*iBagData))
   485 							{
   486 							flagReturn = EFalse;
   487 							ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Key Bag Failed"));
   488 							}	
   489 						break;		
   490 						}
   491 					case CDecPkcs12SafeBag::EShroudedKeyBag:
   492 						{
   493 							if(!ChkEncodedBagValL(bagSection,*iBagData))
   494 							{
   495 							flagReturn = EFalse;
   496 							ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Shrouded Bag Failed"));
   497 							}	
   498 						break;	
   499 						}
   500 					case CDecPkcs12SafeBag::ECrlBag:
   501 						{
   502 						break;		
   503 						}
   504 					case CDecPkcs12SafeBag::ESecretBag:
   505 						{
   506 						break;	
   507 						}
   508 					}
   509 					if(flagReturn)
   510 						{
   511 						safeBagIndex++;	
   512 						break;			
   513 						}
   514 				}
   515 			}
   516 		}
   518 	return flagReturn;
   519 	}
   520 /**
   521 Function is intended to check the safecontents bag
   522 @param-aSec:BagData Section
   523 @param-aSfContBag:safecontent class pointer
   524 @internalTechnology:
   525 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   526 @test:
   527 */		
   528 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkSafeContsBagData(TDesC& aSec,CSafeContentBag &aSfContBag)
   529 	{
   530 	TInt safeContentsCount=0;
   531 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   532 	//retrieve the safecontentsbag count from ini file
   533 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSec,KSafeBagsCount,safeContentsCount)) 		
   534 		{
   535 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("SafeContent Bags count not found in INI file"));
   536 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   537 		flagReturn=EFalse;
   538 		}
   539 	//compare the data with the ini file data	
   540 	if(safeContentsCount != aSfContBag.SafeBagCount() && flagReturn)
   541 		{
   542 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Number of Bags in the safecontent bag is different"));
   543 		iActualResult=EFalse;
   544 		}
   545 	//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   546 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   547 		{
   548 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   549 		iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   550 		}	
   551 	//check whether its a positive or a negative test	
   552 	if(flagReturn)
   553 		{
   554 		//check whether its a positive or a negative test	
   555 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSec))
   556 			{
   557 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SafeContentsBag Failed"));
   558 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   559 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   560 			}	
   561 		}
   562 	return flagReturn;
   563 	}
   564 /**
   565 Function is intended to check the content info type
   566 @param-aSecName:BagData Section
   567 @param-aBagData:safebag class pointer
   568 @internalTechnology:
   569 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   570 @test:
   571 */		
   572 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkCIType(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData)
   573 	{
   574 	TInt contentType=0;
   575 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   576 	//retrieve the contentype from the ini file
   577 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSecName,KContentInfoType,contentType))
   578 		{
   579 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("ContentInfoType value not found in INI file"));
   580 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   581 		flagReturn=EFalse;
   582 		}
   583 	//compare the contentype with the ini file data
   584 	if(flagReturn)
   585 		{
   586 		if(aBagData.ContentInfoType() != contentType)
   587 			{
   588 			iActualResult=EFalse;
   589 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ContentType Comparison Failed"));
   590 			}
   591 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   592 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSecName,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   593 			{
   594 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   595 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   596 			}
   597 		//check whether its a positive or a negative test	
   598 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSecName))
   599 			{
   600 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ContentInfo Failed"));
   601 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   602 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   603 			}				
   604 		}
   605 	return flagReturn;
   606 	}
   607 /**
   608 Function is intended to check the bag type
   609 @param-aSec:BagData Section
   610 @param-aBgDta:safebag class pointer
   611 @param-aId:Bag ID
   612 @internalTechnology:
   613 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   614 @test:
   615 */	
   616 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkBagType(TDesC &aSec,CSafeBagData &aBagData,TInt aId)
   617 	{
   618 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   620 	//check for the bagid	
   621 	if(aId != aBagData.BagType())
   622 		{
   623 		iActualResult=EFalse;
   624 	   	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BagType Comparision Failed"));
   625 		}
   627 	//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   628 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   629 		{
   630 		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   631 		iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   632 		}	
   634 	//check whether its a positive or a negative test		
   635 	if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSec))
   636 		{
   637 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BagType Failed"));
   638 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   639 		flagReturn = EFalse;
   640 		}		
   641 	return flagReturn;
   642 	}
   643 /**
   644 Function is intended to check the bag attributes
   645 @param-aSec:BagData Section
   646 @param-aBagData:safebag class pointer
   647 @internalTechnology:
   648 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   649 @test:
   650 */
   651 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkBagAttbutesL(TDesC &aSec,CSafeBagData &aBagData)
   652 	{
   653 	TInt numAttr=0;
   654 	TInt count=0;
   655 	TPtrC attrSec(KNullDesC);
   656 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   658 	//retrieve the number of attributes
   659 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSec,KBagAttributesNum,numAttr))
   660 		{
   661 		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Number of attributes not found in INI file"));
   662 		}
   664 	for(TInt attrindex=0;attrindex < numAttr;attrindex++)	
   665 		{
   666 		TBuf<KAttributeBufLen> attrBuf(KBagAttributesKey);
   667 		//increment the attr counter
   668 		count++;
   669 		//appending to get the attr key from the ini file
   670 		attrBuf.AppendNum(count);
   672 		if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSec,attrBuf,attrSec))
   673 			{
   674 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Number of attributes not found in INI file"));
   675 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   676 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   677 			break;
   678 			}
   679 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   680 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   681 			{
   682 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   683 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   684 			}
   685 		//check whether its a positive or a negative test		
   686 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSec))
   687 			{
   688 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BagAttributes Failed"));
   689 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   690 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   691 			}		
   692 		else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   693 			{
   694 			flagReturn = ETrue;
   695 			break;
   696 			}
   697 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   698 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   699 			{
   700 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   701 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   702 			}
   703 		//check whether its a positive or a negative test		
   704 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSec))
   705 			{
   706 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BagAttributes Failed"));
   707 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   708 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   709 			}		
   710 		else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   711 			{
   712 			flagReturn = ETrue;
   713 			break;
   714 			}
   715 		//Check the BagAttribute section
   716 		if(!ChkAtrSecL(attrSec,aBagData,attrindex))
   717 			{
   718 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Attributes comparison failed"));
   719 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   720 			break;
   721 			}
   722 		}
   723 	return flagReturn;
   724 	}
   725 /**
   726 Function is intended to check the attribute section
   727 @param-aSec:BagData Section
   728 @param-aBgDta:safebag class pointer
   729 @param-aIndx:attribute index
   730 @param-aAttrindex:attribute index
   731 @internalTechnology:
   732 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   733 @test:
   734 @leave: if leave occurs if ChkAtrValL fails
   735 */
   736 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkAtrSecL(TDesC &aSec,CSafeBagData &aBagData,TInt aIndex)
   737 	{
   738 	TPtrC attrId(KNullDesC);
   739 	TInt numVal=0;
   740 	CSafeBagAttribute *bagAttr;
   741 	TPtrC friendlyName(KFriendlyNameOid);
   742 	TPtrC localKey(KLocalKeyOid);
   743 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   745 	//retrieve the attribute id
   746 	if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSec,KBagAttributesID,attrId))
   747 		{
   748 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("attribute id not found in INI file"));
   749 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   750 		flagReturn=EFalse;
   751 		}
   752 	if(flagReturn)
   753 		{
   754 		//retrieve the number of values	
   755 		if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSec,KBagAttributeValuesNum,numVal))
   756 			{
   757 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("total number of attribute values not found in INI file"));
   758 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   759 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   760 			}	
   761 		}
   762 	if(flagReturn)
   763 		{
   764 		bagAttr = aBagData.iAttributeIDs[aIndex];
   766 		//increment the Number of BagAttrValues
   767 		iBagAttrNumVal+=numVal;
   769 		 //compare the attrval count and the attrid
   770 		if((bagAttr->AttributeValueCount()!=numVal) || 
   771 		 (attrId.CompareF((bagAttr->AttributeId()))!=0))
   772 		 	{
   773 		 	iActualResult=EFalse;
   774 			}
   775 		else if((friendlyName.CompareF((bagAttr->AttributeId()))==0) ||
   776 				(localKey.CompareF((bagAttr->AttributeId()))==0))
   777 			{
   778 			//Check for BagAttribute values 
   779 			if(!ChkAtrValL(aSec,aBagData,numVal))
   780 				{
   781 				iActualResult=EFalse;
   782 				}
   783 			}
   784 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   785 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   786 			{
   787 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file"));
   788 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   789 			}	
   790 		//check for positive or negative test	
   791 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSec))
   792 			{
   793 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attributes Comparison Test Case failed"));
   794 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   795 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   796 			}	
   798 		}
   799 	//retrieve the bag attribute structure pointer
   800 	return flagReturn;
   801 	}
   802 /**
   803 Function is intended to check the attribute values
   804 @param-aSec:BagData Section
   805 @param-aBgDta:safebag class pointer
   806 @param-aNum:Bagattribute value count
   807 @param-aAtr:Bagattribute ID
   808 @param-aNumVal:Bagattribute value count
   809 @internalTechnology:
   810 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   811 @test:
   812 @leave: if memory allocation of buffer fails
   813 */
   814 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkAtrValL(TDesC &aSec,CSafeBagData &aBagData,TInt aNum)
   815 	{
   816 	TInt start=iBagAttrNumVal - aNum;
   817 	TInt end=iBagAttrNumVal + aNum;
   819 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   820 	TInt index=0;
   821 	TPtrC value(KNullDesC);
   823 	HBufC8 *bufferVal;
   825 	//loop till the total number of values
   826 	do	
   827 		{
   828 		TBuf<KBagValBufLen> bagVal(KBagAttributeValue);
   829 		//increment the index to append the count
   830 		index++;
   831 		//append the value
   832 		bagVal.AppendNum(index);
   833 		//retrieve the value from the ini file
   834 		if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSec,bagVal,value))
   835 			{
   836 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Bag Value not found in the ini file"));
   837 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   838 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   839 			break;
   840 			}
   841 		for(TInt startIndex=start;startIndex<end;startIndex++)
   842 			{
   843 			bufferVal=aBagData.iAttributeValues[startIndex];
   845 			//check the local key value
   846 			if(!CompareFileDataL(value,*bufferVal))
   847 				{
   848 				ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Bag Attribute Value comparison failed"));
   849 				iActualResult=EFalse;
   850 				break;	
   851 				}
   852 			else
   853 				{
   854 				iActualResult=ETrue;
   855 				break;
   856 				}
   857 			}
   858 			//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   859 			if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSec,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   860 				{
   861 				WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   862 				iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   863 				}	
   864 			//check for positive or negative test
   865 			if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSec))
   866 				{
   867 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Bag Value Test failed"));
   868 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   869 				flagReturn = EFalse;
   870 				break;
   871 				}
   872 			else if(!iUnitTestContinueFlag)
   873 				{
   874 				break;
   875 				}		
   876 		}while(index<aNum);
   877 	return flagReturn;
   878 	}
   879 /**
   880 Function is intended to check the value.
   881 @param-aPValue:filepath containing the path of the file 
   882 			   retrieved from the ini file
   883 @param-aBufferVal:Value retrieved after parsing the pkcs12 file
   884 @internalTechnology:
   885 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   886 @test:
   887 @leave: if leave occurs if openfile fails or allocation to buffer fails
   888 */	
   889 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::CompareFileDataL(TDesC &aPValue,TDesC8 &aBufferVal)
   890 	{
   891 	RFile file;
   892 	TInt fileSize=0;
   893 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   894 	// Negative Test: If mac/ macSalt is not present.
   895 	if (&aBufferVal)
   896 		{
   897 		//open the file
   898 		User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFileSession,aPValue,EFileRead));
   899 		User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(fileSize));
   900 		//raw data for reading the bagvalue
   901 		HBufC8 *rawData=HBufC8::NewMaxLC(fileSize);
   902 		//converting the HBufC8 to TPtr8
   903 		TPtr8 data(rawData->Des());
   904 		//read the contents of the file
   905 		User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(data));
   906 		//compare the value
   907 		if(rawData->CompareF(aBufferVal)!=0)
   908 			{
   909 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("comparison failed"));
   910 			flagReturn=EFalse;
   911 			}
   912 		//closes the data file
   913 		file.Close();
   915 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rawData); 	
   916 		}
   917 	return flagReturn;
   918 	}
   919 /**
   920 Function is intended to check the algorithm id
   921 @param-aSecName:BagData Section
   922 @param-aBagData:safebagdata class pointer
   923 @internalTechnology:
   924 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   925 @test:
   926 */
   927 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkAlgId(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData)
   928 	{
   929 	TPtrC algorithm(KNullDesC);
   930 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   931 	//retrieve the algorithm section name
   932 	if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSecName,_L("Algorithm"),algorithm))
   933 		{
   934 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("AlgorithmID value not found in INI file"));
   935 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   936 		flagReturn=EFalse;
   937 		}
   938 	if(flagReturn)	
   939 		{
   940 		if(algorithm.CompareF((aBagData.AlgorithmId()))!=0)
   941 			{
   942 			iActualResult=EFalse;
   943 			}
   944 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   945 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSecName,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   946 			{
   947 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   948 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   949 			}	
   950 		//check for positive oor negative test	
   951 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSecName))
   952 			{
   953 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Algorithm Comparison Test Case failed"));
   954 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   955 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   956 			}			
   957 		}
   958 	return flagReturn;	
   959 	}
   960 /**
   961 Function is intended to check the certificate type
   962 @param-aSecName:BagData Section
   963 @param-aBagData:safebagdata class pointer
   964 @internalTechnology:
   965 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
   966 @test:
   967 */
   968 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkCertId(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData)
   969 	{
   970 	TPtrC certid(KNullDesC);
   971 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
   972 	//retrieve the cert name from ini file
   973 	if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSecName,KCertType,certid))
   974 		{
   975 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("certificateID value not found in INI file"));
   976 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   977 		flagReturn= EFalse;
   978 		}
   979 	if(flagReturn)
   980 		{
   981 		if(certid.CompareF((aBagData.CertificateId()))!=0)
   982 			{
   983 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("certificateID comparision Failed"));
   984 			iActualResult=EFalse;
   985 			}
   986 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
   987 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSecName,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
   988 			{
   989 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
   990 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
   991 			}	
   992 		//check for positive or negative test	
   993 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSecName))
   994 			{
   995 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Certificate Comparison Test Case failed"));
   996 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   997 			flagReturn = EFalse;
   998 			}				
   999 		}
  1000 	return flagReturn;
  1001 	}
  1002 /**
  1003 Function is intended to check for the bag value
  1004 @param-aSecName:BagData Section
  1005 @param-aBagData:safebag class pointer
  1006 @internalTechnology:
  1007 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
  1008 @test:
  1009 */
  1010 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkBagValL(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData)
  1011 	{
  1012 	TPtrC certBagPath(KNullDesC);
  1013 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
  1015 	//retrieve the certificate bag value
  1016 	if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSecName,KBagValue,certBagPath))
  1017 		{
  1018 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Not able to get the CertBagValue from the ini file"));
  1019 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1020 	  	flagReturn=EFalse;
  1021 	  	}
  1022 	TInt fileReturn=0; 	
  1023 	RFile file;
  1025 	if(flagReturn)
  1026 		{
  1027 		fileReturn=file.Open(iFileSession,certBagPath,EFileRead);
  1029 		if(fileReturn)
  1030 			{
  1031 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CertBagValue:Not able to open the file"));
  1032 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1033 			flagReturn=EFalse;
  1034 			}	
  1035 		}
  1036 	//raw data for reading the bagvalue
  1037 	HBufC8 *rawData=NULL;
  1038 	TInt filesize=0;	
  1039 	if(flagReturn)
  1040 		{
  1041 		User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(filesize));
  1042 		rawData=HBufC8::NewMaxLC(filesize);
  1043 		TPtr8 data(rawData->Des());
  1044 		if(file.Read(data))
  1045 			{
  1046 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CertBagValue:Not able to Read the file"));
  1047 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1048 			flagReturn=EFalse;
  1049 			}
  1050 		}
  1051 	if(flagReturn)
  1052 		{
  1053 	  	//compare the data
  1054 		if(rawData->CompareF(aBagData.BagValue())!=0)
  1055 			{
  1056 			iActualResult=EFalse;
  1057 			}
  1058 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
  1059 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSecName,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
  1060 			{
  1061 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
  1062 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
  1063 			}			
  1064 		//check for positive or negative test	
  1065 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSecName))
  1066 			{
  1067 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BagValue Failed"));
  1068 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1069 			flagReturn = EFalse;
  1070 			}			
  1071 		}
  1072 	if(rawData!=NULL)	
  1073 		{
  1074 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rawData); 	
  1075 		}
  1076 	if(!fileReturn)
  1077 		{
  1078 		file.Close();	
  1079 		}
  1080 	return flagReturn;
  1081 	}
  1082 /**
  1083 Function is intended to check for the mac value
  1084 @internalTechnology:
  1085 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
  1086 @test:
  1087 @leave: if leave occurs at the CompareFileDataL function
  1088 */	
  1089 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkMacValueL()	
  1090 	{
  1091 	TPtrC mac(KNullDesC);
  1092 	TPtrC macSalt(KNullDesC);
  1093 	TPtrC secName(_S("MacData"));
  1094 	TPtrC expectedError(KNullDesC);
  1095 	TInt itCount=0;
  1096 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
  1098 	//retrieve the macid,macsalt and iteration count 
  1099 	if((!GetStringFromConfig(secName,KMac,mac)) || 
  1100 	   (!GetStringFromConfig(secName,KMacSalt,macSalt)) ||
  1101 	   (!GetIntFromConfig(secName,KIterationCount,itCount)))
  1102 		{
  1103 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Not able to access the mac values from ini file"));
  1104 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1105 		flagReturn=EFalse;
  1106 		}
  1107 	//comapre the data with the ini file
  1108 	if((CompareFileDataL(mac,iParser->PfxHeader().MacId()) ==0)||
  1109 	   (CompareFileDataL(macSalt,iParser->PfxHeader().MacSalt()) == 0)||
  1110 	   (itCount!=iParser->PfxHeader().IterationCount()))
  1111 		{
  1112 		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
  1113 		flagReturn=EFalse;
  1114 		}
  1115 	//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
  1116 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(secName,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
  1117 		{
  1118 		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
  1119 		iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
  1120 		}	
  1121 	if(!VerifyExpectedError(secName))
  1122 		{
  1123 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1124 		flagReturn = EFalse;
  1125 		}	
  1126 	return flagReturn;
  1127 	}
  1129 CTPKCS12OOMStep::CTPKCS12OOMStep()
  1130 	{
  1132 	}
  1133 CTPKCS12OOMStep::~CTPKCS12OOMStep()
  1134 	{
  1135 	delete iRawData;
  1136 	delete iAuthSafeData;
  1137 	iFs.Close();
  1138 	}
  1139 /**
  1140 Function is intended to do the OOM test.
  1141 @internalTechnology:
  1142 @return:TVerdict -returns EFail if there is a failure else EPass
  1143 @leave:- if memory allocation fails
  1144 @test
  1145 */	
  1146 TVerdict CTPKCS12OOMStep::doTestStepL()
  1147 	{
  1148 	TInt OOMTest;
  1149 	GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("OOMTest"),OOMTest);
  1151 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1153 	switch(OOMTest)
  1154 		{
  1155 		case 1:
  1156 			{
  1157 			CDecPkcs12* theTest = NULL;
  1158 			theTest = CDecPkcs12::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1159 			delete theTest;
  1160 			}
  1161 			break;
  1162 		// File Stream
  1163 		case 2:	
  1164 			{
  1165 			TPtrC fileName;
  1166 			GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("File"), fileName);
  1168 			RFile file;
  1169 			User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs, fileName, EFileRead) );
  1171 			TInt size;
  1172 			file.Size(size);
  1173 			file.Close();
  1175 			HBufC8* res = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
  1176 			TPtr8 p(res->Des());
  1177 			p.SetLength(size);
  1179 			RFileReadStream stream;
  1180 			User::LeaveIfError(stream.Open(iFs, fileName, EFileStream));
  1181 			CleanupClosePushL(stream);
  1183 			stream.ReadL(p, size);
  1185 			CDecPkcs12* theTest = NULL;
  1186 			theTest = CDecPkcs12::NewL(stream);
  1187 			delete theTest;			
  1188 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,res); // stream
  1189 			}
  1190 			break;
  1191 		// MacData
  1192 		case 3:
  1193 			{	
  1194 			CDecPkcs12MacData* theTest = NULL;
  1195 			theTest = CDecPkcs12MacData::NewL(iRawData->Des(),iAuthSafeData->Des());
  1196 			delete theTest;
  1197 			}
  1198 			break;
  1199 		// Attribute
  1200 		case 4:
  1201 			{
  1202 			CDecPkcs12Attribute* theTest = NULL;
  1203 			theTest = CDecPkcs12Attribute::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1204 			delete theTest;
  1205 			}
  1206 			break;
  1207 		// ShroudedBag
  1208 		case 5:
  1209 			{
  1210 			CDecPkcs12ShroudedKeyBag* theTest = NULL;
  1211 			theTest = CDecPkcs12ShroudedKeyBag::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1212 			delete theTest;
  1213 			}
  1214 			break;
  1215 		// CertBag
  1216 		case 6:
  1217 			{
  1218 			CDecPkcs12CertBag* theTest = NULL;
  1219 			theTest = CDecPkcs12CertBag::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1220 			delete theTest;
  1221 			}
  1222 			break;
  1223 		// KeyBag
  1224 		case 7:
  1225 			{
  1226 			CDecPkcs12KeyBag* theTest = NULL;
  1227 			theTest = CDecPkcs12KeyBag::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1228 			delete theTest;
  1229 			}
  1230 			break;
  1231 		// SafeContentsBag
  1232 		case 8:
  1233 			{
  1234 			CDecPkcs12SafeContentsBag* theTest = NULL;
  1235 			theTest = CDecPkcs12SafeContentsBag::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1236 			delete theTest;
  1237 			}	
  1238 			break;
  1239 		// Safebag/CRL bag
  1240 		case 9:
  1241 			{
  1242 			CDecPkcs12SafeBag* theTest = NULL;
  1243 			theTest = CDecPkcs12SafeBag::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1244 			delete theTest;
  1245 			}
  1246 			break;
  1247 		// SafeContentsData / SafeContentsEncryptedData
  1248 		case 10:
  1249 			{
  1250 			CDecPkcs12* p12 = NULL;
  1251 			p12 = CDecPkcs12::NewL(iRawData->Des());
  1252 			CleanupStack::PushL(p12);
  1254 			const RPointerArray<CPKCS7ContentInfo>& contentInfos = p12->AuthenticatedSafeContents();
  1256 			TInt contentInfoCount = contentInfos.Count();
  1257 			for ( TInt index = 0; index < contentInfoCount; index++ )
  1258 				{
  1259 				TInt contentType = contentInfos[index]->ContentType();
  1260 				CDecPkcs12SafeContents* pkcs12SafeContents ;	
  1261 				TInt contentTypeData;
  1262 				GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("ContentTypeData"),contentTypeData);
  1264 				TInt contentTypeEncryptedData;
  1265 				GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("ContentTypeEncryptedData"),contentTypeEncryptedData);
  1267 				if ( contentType == contentTypeEncryptedData )
  1268 					{
  1269 					TPtrC expectedPassword(KNullDesC());
  1270 					GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("Password"), expectedPassword);
  1271 					pkcs12SafeContents = CDecPkcs12SafeContents::NewL(*contentInfos[index],expectedPassword);
  1272 					delete pkcs12SafeContents;
  1273 					}
  1274 				else if ( contentType == contentTypeData )
  1275 					{
  1276 					pkcs12SafeContents = CDecPkcs12SafeContents::NewL(*contentInfos[index]);
  1277 					delete pkcs12SafeContents;
  1278 					}
  1279 				}
  1280 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(p12);
  1281 			break;
  1282 			}
  1283 		}
  1284  	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1285  	return TestStepResult();
  1286 	}
  1288 /**
  1289 Function is intended to read the data from the specified path.
  1290 @param-aPValue:filepath containing the path of the file 
  1291 			   retrieved from the ini file.
  1292 @internalTechnology:
  1293 @return:returns data retrieved after reading from the file.
  1294 @test:
  1295 */	
  1296 HBufC8* CTPKCS12OOMStep::ReadFileDataL(TPtrC tag)
  1297 	{
  1298 	TPtrC fileName;
  1299 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), tag, fileName))
  1300 		{
  1301 		return NULL;
  1302 		}
  1304 	RFile file;
  1305 	if (file.Open(iFs, fileName, EFileRead))
  1306 		{
  1307 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Cannot open file %S for reading"), &fileName);
  1308 		return NULL;
  1309 		}
  1310 	CleanupClosePushL(file);
  1312 	TInt fileSize = 0;
  1313 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(fileSize));
  1315 	HBufC8* result = HBufC8::NewL(fileSize);
  1316 	result->Des().SetLength(fileSize);
  1318 	TPtr8 rawDataPtr(result->Des());
  1319 	rawDataPtr.SetLength(fileSize);
  1320 	file.Read (rawDataPtr);
  1322 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&file);
  1324 	INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Read %d octets from %S"), result->Size(), &fileName);
  1326 	return result;
  1327 	}
  1329 TVerdict CTPKCS12OOMStep::doTestStepPreambleL()
  1330 	{
  1331 	User::LeaveIfError (iFs.Connect());
  1333 	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
  1335 	iRawData = ReadFileDataL(_L("File"));
  1336 	if (iRawData == NULL)
  1337 		{
  1338 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to read 'File' section of script"));
  1339 		SetTestStepResult(ETestSuiteError);
  1340 		}
  1341 	iAuthSafeData = ReadFileDataL(_L("AuthSafe"));
  1342 	if (iAuthSafeData == NULL)
  1343 		{
  1344 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("authsafedata file is not required"));
  1345 		}
  1346 	return TestStepResult();
  1347 	}
  1348 /**
  1349 Function is intended to check for the re encoded shrouded key
  1350 @param-aSecName:BagData Section
  1351 @param-aBagData:safebag class pointer
  1352 @internalTechnology:
  1353 @return:returns EFalse if there is a failure else return ETrue
  1354 @test:
  1355 */
  1356 TBool CPKCS12LibTestStep::ChkEncodedBagValL(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData)
  1357 	{
  1358 	TPtrC bagPath(KNullDesC);
  1359 	TBool flagReturn=ETrue;
  1361 	//retrieve the shrouded bag value
  1362 	if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSecName,KEncBagValue,bagPath))
  1363 		{
  1364 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Not able to get the EncBagValue from the ini file"));
  1365 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1366 	  	flagReturn=EFalse;
  1367 	  	}
  1368 	TInt fileReturn=0; 	
  1369 	RFile file;
  1371 	if(flagReturn)
  1372 		{
  1373 		fileReturn=file.Open(iFileSession,bagPath,EFileRead);
  1375 		if(fileReturn)
  1376 			{
  1377 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("BagValue:Not able to open the file"));
  1378 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1379 			flagReturn=EFalse;
  1380 			}	
  1381 		}
  1382 	CleanupClosePushL(file);
  1383 	//raw data for reading the bagvalue
  1384 	HBufC8 *rawData=NULL;
  1385 	TInt filesize=0;	
  1386 	if(flagReturn)
  1387 		{
  1388 		User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(filesize));
  1389 		rawData=HBufC8::NewMaxLC(filesize);
  1390 		TPtr8 data(rawData->Des());
  1391 		if(file.Read(data))
  1392 			{
  1393 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("BagValue:Not able to Read the file"));
  1394 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1395 			flagReturn=EFalse;
  1396 			}
  1397 		}
  1398 	if(flagReturn)
  1399 		{
  1400 	  	//compare the data
  1401 	  	if(rawData->CompareC(aBagData.EncodedShroudedKey())!=0)
  1402 			{
  1403 			iActualResult=EFalse;
  1404 			}
  1405 		//retrieve the expected result:PositiveTest/NegativeTest	
  1406 		if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSecName,KExpectedResult,iExpectedResult))
  1407 			{
  1408 			WARN_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedResult not found in INI file:Default:PositiveTest"));
  1409 			iExpectedResult=KPositiveTest;
  1410 			}			
  1411 		//check for positive or negative test	
  1412 		if(!VerifyExpectedError(aSecName))
  1413 			{
  1414 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BagValue Failed"));
  1415 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1416 			flagReturn = EFalse;
  1417 			}			
  1418 		}
  1419 	if(rawData!=NULL)	
  1420 		{
  1421 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rawData); 	
  1422 		}
  1423 	if(!fileReturn)
  1424 		{
  1425 		file.Close();	
  1426 		}
  1427 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
  1428 	return flagReturn;
  1429 	}