--- a/contentmgmt/referencedrmagent/tcaf/source/Consumerstep.cpp Thu Apr 01 00:24:41 2010 +0300
+++ b/contentmgmt/referencedrmagent/tcaf/source/Consumerstep.cpp Wed Apr 14 17:48:59 2010 +0300
@@ -1818,18 +1818,7 @@
TVerdict CCAFDataAttributeStep::doTestStepL()
- {
- TBool wmdrmFlag = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("wmdrmEnabled"), wmdrmFlag);
- if(wmdrmFlag)
- {
- TVerdict verdict = doWmdrmTestStepL();
- return verdict;
- }
+ {
TInt attribute;
TInt value = KErrNone;
TInt expectedValue = KErrNone;
@@ -1875,17 +1864,6 @@
TVerdict CCAFDataAttributeSetStep::doTestStepL()
- TBool wmdrmFlag = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("wmdrmEnabled"), wmdrmFlag);
- if(wmdrmFlag)
- {
- TVerdict verdict = doWmdrmTestStepL();
- return verdict;
- }
TInt expectedValue1;
TInt expectedValue2;
TInt value1;
@@ -1951,17 +1929,6 @@
TVerdict CCAFDataStringAttributeStep::doTestStepL()
- TBool wmdrmFlag = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("wmdrmEnabled"), wmdrmFlag);
- if(wmdrmFlag)
- {
- TVerdict verdict = doWmdrmTestStepL();
- return verdict;
- }
TInt expectedResult;
TInt attribute;
TPtrC expectedValue;
@@ -2016,17 +1983,6 @@
TVerdict CCAFDataStringAttributeSetStep::doTestStepL()
- TBool wmdrmFlag = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("wmdrmEnabled"), wmdrmFlag);
- if(wmdrmFlag)
- {
- TVerdict verdict = doWmdrmTestStepL();
- return verdict;
- }
TPtrC expectedValue1;
TPtrC expectedValue2;
TBuf <200> value1;
@@ -2242,508 +2198,4 @@
iIterationSum += tickCounterValAfterFileOpen - tickCounterValBeforeFileOpen;
- {
- }
- {
- SetTestStepName(KWmdrmCAFContentStep);
- }
-TVerdict CWmdrmCAFContentStep::doTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TBool protectedVal;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribValue1"), protectedVal);
- TBool forwardable;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribValue2"), forwardable);
- TBool headerDataPresent = ETrue;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("headerDataFlag"), headerDataPresent);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verify CContent APIs for WMDRM content"));
- CContent* content = NULL;
- // this condition verifies that CContent construction leaves with KErrMissingWmdrmHeaderData,
- // when no header data is provided.
- if(!headerDataPresent)
- {
- content = CContent::NewL(KNullDesC8());
- return EPass;
- }
- // create a dummy header data.
- HBufC8* headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- // Open a file and retrieve the attributes.
- // If headerDataPresent is false, the code will never reach here.s
- content = CContent::NewL(*headerData);
- CleanupStack::PushL(content);
- CAttribute* attrs = content->NewAttributeL(ETrue);
- CleanupStack::PushL(attrs);
- TBool value1 = attrs->ResponseSet().IsSet(EIsProtected);
- TBool value2 = attrs->ResponseSet().IsSet(EIsForwardable);
- if(value1 == protectedVal && value2 == forwardable)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
- {
- }
- {
- SetTestStepName(KWmdrmCAFDataStep);
- }
-TVerdict CWmdrmCAFDataStep::doTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TInt attribute;
- TInt expectedValue = KErrNone;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute"), attribute);
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value"), expectedValue);
- HBufC8* headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- CContent *content = CContent::NewLC(*headerData);
- CData *data = content->OpenContentL(EPeek);
- TInt value = KErrNone;
- User::LeaveIfError(data->GetAttribute(attribute, value));
- delete data;
- if(expectedValue == value)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CData::GetAttribute() Expected value: %d, actual value: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
- {
- }
- {
- SetTestStepName(KWmdrmCAFReadStep);
- }
-TVerdict CWmdrmCAFReadStep::doTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TBool synchronous = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("synchronous"), synchronous);
- TBool intent = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("intent"), intent);
- TPtrC inputPacket;
- GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("inputPacket"), inputPacket);
- TPtrC expectedOutput;
- GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("outputPacket"), expectedOutput);
- TPtrC header;
- HBufC8* headerData = NULL;
- if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("header"), header))
- {
- headerData = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(header);
- }
- else
- {
- headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- }
- TInt result = 0;
- if(!synchronous)
- {
- result = TestAsynchronousReadL(*headerData, intent, inputPacket, expectedOutput);
- }
- else
- {
- result = TestSynchronousReadL(*headerData, intent, inputPacket, expectedOutput);
- }
- if(result == KErrNone)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
-TInt CWmdrmCAFReadStep::TestSynchronousReadL(const TDesC8& aHeaderData, TBool aIntent, TDesC& aInputPacket, TDesC& aExpectedOutput)
- {
- CData* data = NULL;
- TInt returnVal = KErrGeneral;
- if(aIntent)
- {
- data = CData::NewL(aHeaderData, EPeek);
- }
- else
- {
- data = CData::NewL(aHeaderData);
- }
- CleanupStack::PushL(data);
- if(aInputPacket.Length() <= 0)
- {
- // dummy output buffer.This loop essentially tests the error condition KErrInsufficientDataPacketLength.
- TBuf8<2> outputBuffer;
- User::LeaveIfError(data->Read(KNullDesC8(), outputBuffer));
- }
- else
- {
- HBufC8* inputPacket = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(aInputPacket);
- HBufC8* outputPacket = HBufC8::NewLC(aInputPacket.Length());
- TPtr8 outputPacketPtr = outputPacket->Des();
- User::LeaveIfError(data->Read(*inputPacket, outputPacketPtr));
- HBufC8* expectedOutput = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(aExpectedOutput);
- if(expectedOutput->Compare(*outputPacket) == KErrNone)
- {
- returnVal = KErrNone;
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, inputPacket);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(data);
- return returnVal;
- }
-TInt CWmdrmCAFReadStep::TestAsynchronousReadL(const TDesC8& aHeaderData, TBool aIntent, TDesC& aInputPacket, TDesC& aExpectedOutput)
- {
- CData* data = NULL;
- TInt returnVal = KErrGeneral;
- if(aIntent)
- {
- data = CData::NewL(aHeaderData, EPeek);
- }
- else
- {
- data = CData::NewL(aHeaderData);
- }
- CleanupStack::PushL(data);
- if(aInputPacket.Length() <= 0)
- {
- TBuf8<2> outputBuffer;
- User::LeaveIfError(data->Read(KNullDesC8(), outputBuffer));
- }
- else
- {
- HBufC8* inputPacket = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(aInputPacket);
- HBufC8* outputPacket = HBufC8::NewLC(aInputPacket.Length());
- TPtr8 outputPacketPtr = outputPacket->Des();
- TRequestStatus status;
- data->Read(*inputPacket, outputPacketPtr, status);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- if(status.Int() != KErrNone)
- {
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, data);
- return status.Int();
- }
- HBufC8* expectedOutput = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(aExpectedOutput);
- if(expectedOutput->Compare(*outputPacket) == KErrNone)
- {
- returnVal = KErrNone;
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, inputPacket);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(data);
- return returnVal;
- }
-TVerdict CCAFDataAttributeStep::doWmdrmTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TInt attribVal;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute"), attribVal);
- TInt expectedValue;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value"), expectedValue);
- TPtrC header;
- HBufC8* headerData = NULL;
- if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("header"), header))
- {
- headerData = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(header);
- }
- else
- {
- headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- }
- CContent *content = CContent::NewLC(*headerData);
- CData *data = content->OpenContentL(EPeek);
- TInt value;
- User::LeaveIfError(data->GetAttribute(attribVal, value));
- delete data;
- if(expectedValue == value)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CData::GetAttribute() Expected value: %d, actual value: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
-TVerdict CCAFDataAttributeSetStep::doWmdrmTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TInt attribute1;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute1"),attribute1);
- TInt attribute2;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute2"),attribute2);
- TInt expectedValue1;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value1"),expectedValue1);
- TInt expectedValue2;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value2"),expectedValue2);
- TPtrC header;
- HBufC8* headerData = NULL;
- if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("header"), header))
- {
- headerData = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(header);
- }
- else
- {
- headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- }
- CContent *content = CContent::NewLC(*headerData);
- CData *data = content->OpenContentL(EPeek);
- RAttributeSet attributeSet;
- CleanupClosePushL(attributeSet);
- attributeSet.AddL(attribute1);
- attributeSet.AddL(attribute2);
- TInt result = data->GetAttributeSet(attributeSet);
- delete data;
- if(result == KErrNone)
- {
- TInt value1;
- User::LeaveIfError(attributeSet.GetValue(attribute1, value1));
- TInt value2;
- User::LeaveIfError(attributeSet.GetValue(attribute2, value2));
- if(expectedValue1 == value1 && expectedValue2 == value2 && attributeSet.Count() == 2)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CData::GetAttributeSet() values don't match expected values"));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CData::GetAttributeSet() failed"));
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
-TVerdict CCAFDataStringAttributeStep::doWmdrmTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TInt attribVal;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute"),attribVal);
- TPtrC expectedValue;
- GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value"),expectedValue);
- TInt expectedResult;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("result"),expectedResult);
- TPtrC header;
- HBufC8* headerData = NULL;
- if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("header"), header))
- {
- headerData = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(header);
- }
- else
- {
- headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- }
- CContent *content = CContent::NewLC(*headerData);
- CData *data = content->OpenContentL(EPeek);
- TBuf <200> value;
- TInt result = data->GetStringAttribute(attribVal, value);
- delete data;
- if(result == expectedResult && value == expectedValue)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CData::GetStringAttribute() Expected result: %d, actual result: %d"), expectedResult, result);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CData::GetStringAttribute() Expected value: %S, actual value: %S"), &expectedValue, &value);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
-TVerdict CCAFDataStringAttributeSetStep::doWmdrmTestStepL()
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EFail);
- TInt attribute1;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute1"),attribute1);
- TInt attribute2;
- GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("attribute2"),attribute2);
- TPtrC expectedValue1;
- GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value1"),expectedValue1);
- TPtrC expectedValue2;
- GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("value2"),expectedValue2);
- TPtrC header;
- HBufC8* headerData = NULL;
- if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("header"), header))
- {
- headerData = ConvertDes16toHBufC8LC(header);
- }
- else
- {
- headerData = CreateWmdrmHeaderLC();
- }
- CContent *content = CContent::NewLC(*headerData);
- CData *data = content->OpenContentL(EPeek);
- RStringAttributeSet attributeSet;
- CleanupClosePushL(attributeSet);
- attributeSet.AddL(attribute1);
- attributeSet.AddL(attribute2);
- TInt result = data->GetStringAttributeSet(attributeSet);
- delete data;
- TBuf <200> value1;
- TBuf <200> value2;
- if(result == KErrNone)
- {
- TInt result3 = attributeSet.GetValue(attribute1, value1);
- TInt result4 = attributeSet.GetValue(attribute2, value2);
- if(value1 == expectedValue1 && value2 == expectedValue2 && attributeSet.Count() == 2
- && result3 == KErrNone && result4 == KErrNone)
- {
- SetTestStepResult(EPass);
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("RStringAttributeSet::GetValue() for attribute1.Expected value: %S, actual value: %S"), &expectedValue1, &value1);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("RStringAttributeSet::GetValue() for attribute2.Expected value: %S, actual value: %S"), &expectedValue2, &value2);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("RStringAttributeSet::GetValue() for attribute1. Expected result: %d, actual result: %d"), 0, result3);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("RStringAttributeSet::GetValue() for attribute2. Expected result: %d, actual result: %d"), 0, result4);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CData::GetStringAttributeSet() failed"));
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, headerData);
- return TestStepResult();
- }