--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/securityanddataprivacytools/securitytools/certapp/encdec/encdec.h Wed Jul 08 11:25:26 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+#ifndef __ENCDEC_H__
+#define __ENCDEC_H__
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <s32strm.h>
+#include "filestream.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+ * @file
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+typedef uint64_t TUint64;
+typedef int64_t TInt64;
+typedef int TInt32;
+typedef unsigned int TUint32;
+typedef short TInt16;
+typedef unsigned short TUint16;
+typedef signed char TInt8;
+typedef unsigned char TUint8;
+typedef TUint32 TChar;
+typedef int TBool;
+typedef void TAny;
+TUint8 fromHex(TUint8 ch);
+TUint32 ReadUnsignedNumber(std::string &aStr, size_t aSize);
+class RDecodeReadStream
+ {
+ // Create store based stream in binary mode
+ RDecodeReadStream(CFileStore *aStore, RReadStream &aReadStream);
+ // Create a file based stream in human mode
+ RDecodeReadStream(const std::string &aCertBaseName, RReadStream &aReadStream);
+ void RawRead(void *aPtr, TUint32 aLength);
+ void CheckName(const std::string &aExpected);
+ TUint32 ReadUnsignedNumber(size_t aSize);
+ // Return current token
+ const std::string &Token() const;
+ // Discard current token and read the next
+ void ReadNextToken();
+ // Return the token after the current token.
+ // The current token is not updated.
+ // This will only look ahead a single token.
+ const std::string &PeakToken();
+ bool HumanReadable() const;
+ void Close();
+ CFileStore *iStore; // Only used for STORE based streams ie. not human readable
+ std::string iCertBaseName; // Only used for file based streams ie. human readable
+ RReadStream &iReadStream;
+ bool iHumanReadable;
+ std::string iToken;
+ bool iPrefetchedTokenIsValid;
+ std::string iPrefetchedToken;
+ void GetToken(std::string &aToken);
+ };
+class REncodeWriteStream
+ {
+ // Construct stream based on a store in binary mode
+ REncodeWriteStream(CFileStore *aStore, RWriteStream &aWriteStream); // store stream
+ // Construct stream based on a file in human mode
+ REncodeWriteStream(const std::string &aCertBaseName, RWriteStream &aWriteStream); // file stream
+ // Create a human readable log
+ REncodeWriteStream(Log &aLog);
+ /**
+ Write binary data to the output stream without escaping
+ it. This data is allowed to contain the NUL (0) character and
+ may be binary data for the store file or UTF-8 text for the
+ human readable config file output.
+ */
+ void WriteBin(const void *aPtr, TUint32 aLength);
+ /**
+ Write a C style string to the output stream without escaping
+ it. It is NOT safe to write a generic UTF-8 string via this
+ this function, because such a string may contain embedded 0
+ characters. A 7-bit ASCII string will work reliably. This
+ function is intended for writing 7-but ASCII strings to the
+ human readable config file, and should not be used for writing
+ data to a store file.
+ */
+ void WriteQuotedUtf8(const void *aStr, TUint32 aLength);
+ /**
+ Write a single byte.
+ */
+ void WriteByte(TUint8 aByte);
+ /**
+ Write a UTF-8 string quoting backslash and double quote characters.
+ A backslash will be written as \\
+ A quote character will be written as \"
+ Note that all bytes in UTF-8 escape sequences have the top bit
+ set therefore the quoting technique used by this function will
+ not effect them.
+ */
+ void WriteCStr(const void *aCstr);
+ void WriteHexNumber(TUint32 aNumber);
+ void WriteSpace();
+ void WriteLineEnd();
+ void WriteIndent();
+ void IncIndent();
+ void DecIndent();
+ bool HumanReadable() const;
+ bool &PemOut();
+ bool &Verbose();
+ void Close();
+ bool Quiet() const;
+ CFileStore *StoreObject();
+ RWriteStream &StoreWriteStream();
+ std::string CertFileName(TUint32 aFormat, TUint32 aCertNumber);
+ CFileStore *iStore; // Only used for STORE based streams ie. not human readable
+ std::string iCertBaseName; // Only used for file based streams ie. human readable
+ RWriteStream *iWriteStream; // STORE or file based stream, valid if iLogStream==0
+ std::ostream *iLogStream;
+ bool iHumanReadable;
+ bool iPemOut;
+ bool iVerbose;
+ int iIndentLevel;
+ };
+ A template which generates a class which can be
+ internalised/externalised via the REncodeWriteStream and
+ RDecodeReadStream templates.
+ The constructor takes a C string constant which specifies the field
+ name.
+ The optional aCommentOnlyInHumanMode parameter changes operation in human
+ mode only - The field will be written as a comment, and will not be
+ accepted whilst reading.
+ Typical use is something like this:-
+ EncDecObject<TUint32> fieldCost("cost");
+ Typically this template will not require specialisations to handle
+ additional types.
+template <class T> class EncDecObject
+ {
+ EncDecObject(const char *aName, bool aCommentOnlyInHumanMode = false)
+ : iName(aName), iCommentOnlyInHumanMode(aCommentOnlyInHumanMode), iValue()
+ {
+ }
+ const std::string &Name() const { return iName; }
+ const T &Value() const { return iValue; }
+ T &Value() { return iValue; }
+ bool CommentOnlyInHumanMode() const { return iCommentOnlyInHumanMode; }
+ std::string iName;
+ bool iCommentOnlyInHumanMode;
+ T iValue;
+ };
+ Class for handling Enum values
+ */
+struct EnumEntry
+ {
+ const char *iName;
+ TUint32 iValue;
+ };
+// This class should be template by a type which standard store can
+// internalise/externalise ie TUint8/TUin16/TUint32 (probably not an enum)
+template<typename T>class EncDecEnum
+ {
+ /**
+ Construct an object for handling an enum type.
+ aEnumEntries must be a pointer to a static array of EnumEntry
+ structs terminated by one with iName==0.
+ */
+ EncDecEnum(const char *aName, const EnumEntry *aEnumEntries, bool aCommentOnlyInHumanMode = false);
+ const std::string &Name() const { return iName; }
+ const T &Value() const { return iValue; }
+ T &Value() { return iValue; }
+ const char *ValueName() const { return ValueToName(iValue); }
+ bool CommentOnlyInHumanMode() const { return iCommentOnlyInHumanMode; }
+ void SetValue(const T &aValue);
+ void SetValue(const char *aName);
+ const char *ValueToName(const T &aValue) const;
+ std::string iName;
+ TUint8 iWidth;
+ const EnumEntry *iEnumEntries; // Array terminated by entry with iName==0
+ bool iCommentOnlyInHumanMode;
+ T iValue;
+ };
+ The EncDecContainer class manages a set of objects which inherit
+ from the EncDecContainerItem base class. It can be
+ internalised/externalised via the REncodeWriteStream and
+ RDecodeReadStream templates.
+ The constructor takes a C string constant which specifies the
+ container name.
+ The binary form is a 32 bit count followed by a sequence of
+ EncDecContainerItem objects.
+ In human readable form is a sequence of zero or more human readable
+ representations of T bracketed by StartX and EndX. Where X is the
+ container name.
+class EncDecContainerItem
+ {
+ virtual ~EncDecContainerItem();
+ // Get the type name for the container. If 0 then do not bracket item with StartType/EndType
+ virtual const char *ItemType() const = 0;
+ // If ItemType()!=0 then ItemName will be included after StartType
+ virtual std::string ItemName() const;
+ virtual void SetItemName(const std::string &aName);
+ virtual void Encode(REncodeWriteStream &aWriteStream) = 0;
+ virtual void Decode(RDecodeReadStream &aReadStream) = 0;
+ };
+typedef EncDecContainerItem *EncDecContainerItemFactoryFunc();
+class EncDecContainer
+ {
+ EncDecContainer(const char *aContainerName, EncDecContainerItemFactoryFunc *aFactory);
+ ~EncDecContainer();
+ void push_back(EncDecContainerItem *aItem);
+ const EncDecContainerItem &operator[](TUint32 aIndex) const;
+ EncDecContainerItem &operator[](TUint32 aIndex);
+ TUint32 size() const;
+ void reset();
+ void Encode(REncodeWriteStream &aWriteStream) const;
+ void Decode(RDecodeReadStream &aReadStream);
+ std::string iName;
+ EncDecContainerItemFactoryFunc *iFactory;
+ std::vector<EncDecContainerItem *> iArray;
+ };
+void readContainer(const std::string &aFileName, bool aHuman, EncDecContainer &container);
+void writeContainer(const char *aFileName, bool aHuman, bool aPemOut, bool aVerbose, const EncDecContainer &container);
+ The EncodeHuman template functions are used to convert a type to
+ human readable form.
+ Do NOT try and write specialisations of these templates, it probably
+ will not work, instead just write a conventional function which is
+ selected via the norml overloading rules. See GOTW articles on the
+ web.
+ */
+// The basic EncodeHuman template assumes that T is an unsigned
+// integer and encodes it in hex.
+template <class T> void EncodeHuman(REncodeWriteStream& aStream,const T &aUnsignedIntType)
+ aStream.WriteHexNumber(aUnsignedIntType);
+void EncodeHuman(REncodeWriteStream& aStream,const TUid &aUid);
+void EncodeHuman(REncodeWriteStream& aStream,const TName &aName);
+ The DecodeHuman template functions are used to read in the human
+ readable form.
+ Do NOT try and write specialisations of these templates, it probably
+ will not work, instead just write a conventional function which is
+ selected via the norml overloading rules. See GOTW articles on the
+ web.
+ */
+// The basic DecodeHuman template assumes that T is an unsigned integer
+// and decodes it from either decimal or hex (starting with 0x). The
+// code calls RDecodeReadStream::ReadUnsignedNumber which will decode
+// the number (max 32bits) and check it fits into specified type.
+template <class T> void DecodeHuman(RDecodeReadStream& aStream,T &aUnsignedIntType)
+ aUnsignedIntType = (T) aStream.ReadUnsignedNumber(sizeof(aUnsignedIntType));
+void DecodeHuman(RDecodeReadStream& aStream,TUid &aUid);
+void DecodeHuman(RDecodeReadStream& aStream,TName &aName);
+ The following two template operators require the object which is
+ being internalised or externalised to provide a const Name function
+ (which returns the field name) and two Value functions (one const
+ and one not) which return a reference to an instance of the type
+ being handled. A function called CommentOnlyInHumanMode should
+ return true if the human output should be prefixed with # and should
+ be reject when reading.
+ Typicaly types will be wrapped by the EncDecObject template to
+ provide the Name() and Value() functions required by these
+ templates.
+ Do NOT try and write specialisations of these templates, it probably
+ will not work, instead just write a conventional function which is
+ selected via the norml overloading rules. See GOTW articles on the
+ web.
+ Note: You probably only need to enhance the EncodeHuman/DecodeHuman
+ functions unless you are adding a new variable length container type.
+ */
+ The externalise operator << first checks if the destination stream
+ is HumanReadable. If it is, it writes the Name(), followed by a
+ space, calls EncodeHuman, then WriteLineEnd. If the stream is not
+ HumanReadable it simply applies the << operator to the Value().
+template <class T>
+inline REncodeWriteStream& operator<<(REncodeWriteStream& aStream,const T& anObject);
+REncodeWriteStream& operator<<(REncodeWriteStream& aStream, const EncDecContainer &aContainer);
+template <typename T>
+REncodeWriteStream& operator<<(REncodeWriteStream& aStream, const EncDecEnum<T> &aEncDecEnum);
+ The internalise operator >> first checks if the source stream is
+ HumanReadable. If it is, it reads/checks the field name then calls
+ DecodeHuman. If the stream is not HumanReadable
+ it simply applies the >> operator to the Value().
+template <class T>
+inline RDecodeReadStream& operator>>(RDecodeReadStream& aStream,T& anObject);
+RDecodeReadStream& operator>>(RDecodeReadStream& aStream,EncDecContainer &aContainer);
+template <typename T>
+RDecodeReadStream& operator>>(RDecodeReadStream& aStream, EncDecEnum<T> &aEncDecEnum);
+#include "encdec.inl"