changeset 8 35751d3474b7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/crypto/weakcryptospi/inc/spi/ruleselector.h	Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* Rule-based plugin selector definition
+ @file
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+#include <cryptospi/pluginselectorbase.h>
+#include <cryptospi/cryptocharacteristics.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
+#include <cryptospi/cryptoparams.h>
+#include <rulecharacteristics.h>
+namespace CryptoSpi
+	{
+	/**
+	The operators of the plugin selection rule
+	*/
+	enum TRuleOperator
+		{
+		/**
+		Operator ==
+		*/
+		EOpEqual,
+		/**
+		Operator !=
+		*/
+		EOpNotEqual,
+		/**
+		Operator >
+		*/
+		EOpGreaterThan,
+		/**
+		Operator <
+		*/
+		EOpLessThan,
+		/**
+		Operator >=
+		*/
+		EOpGreaterThanOrEqual,
+		/**
+		Operator <=
+		*/
+		EOpLessThanOrEqual,
+		/**
+		Ascending Sort of an characteristic
+		*/
+		EOpAscendingSort,
+		/**
+		Descending Sort of an characteristic
+		*/
+		EOpDescendingSort,
+		/**
+		The total number of operators
+		*/
+		EOpInvalid
+		};
+	class CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName;
+	/**
+	A single plugin selection rule definition
+	*/
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSelectionRuleContent) : public CBase
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Create a selection rule content instance; the supported characteristic uid's are
+		defined in plugincharacteristics.h; the supported operators are defined in ruleselector.h
+		@param aInterfaceScope		The Interface scope of this rule
+		@param aAlgorithmScope		The Algorithm scope of this rule
+		@param aCharacteristicValue	The value of the rule of this characteristic
+		@param aOperator			The operator of the rule
+		@param aIsOptional			Whether this rule is optional or mandatory
+		@return A pointer to a CSelectionRuleContent instance
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C static CSelectionRuleContent* NewL(TUid aInterfaceScope,
+													TUid aAlgorithmScope,
+													CCryptoParam* aCharacteristicValue,
+													TRuleOperator aOperator,
+													TBool aIsOptional);
+		/**
+		Destructor
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C ~CSelectionRuleContent();
+		/**
+		 * @internalComponent
+		 * 
+		 * Get the Interface Scope of this rule
+		 * @return the Interface Scope Uid of this rule
+		 **/
+		TUid GetInterfaceScope();
+		/**
+		 * @internalComponent
+		 * 
+		 * Get the Algorithm Scope of this rule
+		 * @return the Algorithm Scope Uid of this rule
+		 **/
+		TUid GetAlgorithmScope();
+		/**
+		 * @internalComponent
+		 * 
+		 * Get the Rule operator
+		 * @return The Rule operator
+		 **/
+		TInt GetOperator();
+		/**
+		 * @internalComponent
+		 * 
+		 * Get the value of the rule of this characteristic 
+		 * @return The value of the rule of this characteristic 
+		 **/
+		const CCryptoParam* GetCharacteristicValue();
+		/**
+		 * @internalComponent
+		 * 
+		 * returns whether the rule is optional
+		 * @return Whether the rule is optional
+		 **/
+		TBool IsOptionalRule();
+	private:
+		/**
+		Constructor
+		*/
+		CSelectionRuleContent(TUid aInterfaceScope,
+							TUid aAlgorithmScope,
+							CCryptoParam* aCharacteristicValue,
+							TRuleOperator aOperator,
+							TBool aIsOptional);
+		/**
+		The scopes of this rule 
+		*/
+		TUid iInterfaceScope;
+		TUid iAlgorithmScope;
+		/**
+		The value of the rule of this characteristic 
+		*/
+		const CCryptoParam* iCharacteristicValue;
+		/**
+		The Operator of the Characteristic
+		*/
+		TRuleOperator iOperator;
+		/**
+		if the rule on this characteristic is optional
+		*/
+		TBool iIsOptional;
+		};
+	/**
+	Definition of rule-based plugin selection rules
+	*/
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSelectionRules) : public CBase
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		create a Selection Rule instance which will hold the rules to filter the plugins
+		@return a pointer to a CSelectionRules instance
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C static CSelectionRules* NewL();
+		/**
+		Destructor
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C ~CSelectionRules();
+		/**
+		Add a selection rule the this object
+		@param aSelectionRule	The rule to be added
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void AddSelectionRuleL(CSelectionRuleContent* aSelectionRule);
+		/**
+		 * @internalComponent
+		 *
+		 * Get the selection rules
+		 * @return The reference of the rules
+		 **/
+		RPointerArray<CSelectionRuleContent>& GetSelectionRules();
+	private:
+		/**
+		Constructor
+		*/
+		CSelectionRules();
+		/**
+		a group of plugin rules
+		*/
+		RPointerArray<CSelectionRuleContent> iRules;
+		};
+	/**
+	Selector apply the rule-based selection to find the plugin.
+	*/
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRuleSelector) : public CBase, public MPluginSelector
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		NewL create the ruled-based selector
+		@param aRules The Rules to select the plugins
+		@return a pointer to a CRuleSelector instance
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C static CRuleSelector* NewL(CSelectionRules* aRules);
+		IMPORT_C static CRuleSelector* NewLC(CSelectionRules* aRules);
+		/**
+		Destructor
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C ~CRuleSelector();
+		/**
+		 * @deprecated
+		 * 
+		 * virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		 */
+		virtual void CreateHashL(CHash*& aHash,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											TUid aOperationMode,
+											const CKey* aKey,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector						
+		virtual void CreateRandomL(CRandom*& aRandom,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateSymmetricCipherL(CSymmetricCipher*& aCipher,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											const CKey& aKey,
+											TUid aCryptoMode,
+											TUid aOperationMode,
+											TUid aPaddingMode,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsymmetricCipherL(CAsymmetricCipher*& aCipher,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											const CKey& aKey,
+											TUid aCryptoMode,
+											TUid aPaddingMode,									
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateSignerL(CSigner*& aSigner,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											const CKey& aKey,
+											TUid aPaddingMode,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateVerifierL(CVerifier*& aVerifier,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											const CKey& aKey,
+											TUid aPaddingMode,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateKeyPairGeneratorL(CKeyPairGenerator*& aKeyPairGenerator,
+											TUid aKeyAlgorithmUid,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateKeyAgreementL(CKeyAgreement*& aKeyAgreement,
+											TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+											const CKey& aPrivateKey,
+											const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		/**
+		 * @deprecated
+		 * 
+		 * virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		 */
+		virtual void CreateAsyncHashL(CAsyncHash*& aHash,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										TUid aOperationMode,
+										const CKey* aKey,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncRandomL(CAsyncRandom*& aRandom,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncSymmetricCipherL(CAsyncSymmetricCipher*& aCipher,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CKey& aKey,
+										TUid aCryptoMode,
+										TUid aOperationMode,
+										TUid aPaddingMode,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncAsymmetricCipherL(CAsyncAsymmetricCipher*& aCipher,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CKey& aKey,
+										TUid aCryptoMode,
+										TUid aPaddingMode,																						
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncSignerL(CAsyncSigner*& aSigner,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CKey& aKey,
+										TUid aPaddingMode,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncVerifierL(CAsyncVerifier*& aVerifier,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CKey& aKey,
+										TUid aPaddingMode,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncKeyPairGeneratorL(CAsyncKeyPairGenerator*& aKeyPairGenerator,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncKeyAgreementL(CAsyncKeyAgreement*& aKeyAgreement,
+										TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+										const CKey& aPrivateKey,
+										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);			
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector	
+		virtual void CreateMacL(CMac*& aMac,
+								const TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+								const CKey& aKey,
+								const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncMacL(CAsyncMac*& aMac,
+								const TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+								const CKey& aKey,
+								const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateHashL(CHash*& aHash,
+								TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+								const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		//virtual function from MPluginSelector
+		virtual void CreateAsyncHashL(CAsyncHash*& aHash,
+								TUid aAlgorithmUid,
+								const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendCreatorName(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendCreatorName(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendExtendedTDesC8L(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendExtendedTDesC8L(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendMaxConcurrencySupported(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendMaxConcurrencySupported(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendLatency(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendLatency(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendThroughput(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendThroughput(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendHashBlockSize(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendHashBlockSize(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendSymmetricCipherBlockSize(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendSymmetricCipherBlockSize(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendHashOutputSize(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendHashOutputSize(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendRandomBlockingMode(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendRandomBlockingMode(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendSymmetricCipherKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendSymmetricCipherKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendAsymmetricCipherKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendAsymmetricCipherKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendAsymmetricSignatureKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendAsymmetricSignatureKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendSymmetricCipherKeySupport(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendSymmetricCipherKeySupport(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendAsymmetricCipherKeySupport(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendAsymmetricCipherKeySupport(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendAsymmetricSignatureKeySupport(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendAsymmetricSignatureKeySupport(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendAsymmetricKeypairGeneratorKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendAsymmetricKeypairGeneratorKeyLength(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt AscendExtendedCharacteristicL(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+		/** @internalComponent */
+		static TInt DescendExtendedCharacteristicL(const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aLeft, const CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aRight);
+	private:
+		/**
+		Constructor
+		@param aRules the Rules to select the plugins
+		*/
+		CRuleSelector();
+		/**
+		Second Phase Constructor
+		*/
+		void ConstructL(CSelectionRules* aRules);
+		void PerformFilterL(CSelectionRules* aRules);
+		void PerformAlgorithmFilterL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+									CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference);
+		TBool FilterCommonCharacteristicsL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+											CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference);
+		TBool FilterNonCommonCharacteristicsL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+												CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference);
+		TBool FilterExtendedCharacteristicsL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+												CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference);
+		void FilterTInt32L(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aCharacteristics,
+							CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference, TInt32 aCharValue);
+		void FilterMultiTInt32L(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+								CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference,
+								TBool aSupport);
+		void FilterCreatorNameL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+								CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference);
+		void FilterExtendedTDesC8L(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+									CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference, const TDesC8& aCharValue);
+		void FilterTBoolL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aCharacteristics,
+							CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference, TBool aCharValue);
+		void FilterTIntL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristicsDLL,
+							CSelectionRuleContent* aRules, TInt& aLastPreference, TInt aCharValue);
+		void TryAddToOptionalCharListL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aCharacteristics,
+										CSelectionRuleContent* aRules);
+		void AddToCharListL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aCharacteristics,
+							TInt& aLastPreference);
+		void AddOptionalToCharListL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid, CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aCharacteristics);
+		void ConstructMapAL();
+		void SetSearchRecord(TUid aInterfaceUid, TInt aValue);
+		/**
+		Loads the crypto plugins
+		*/
+		void LoadPluginsL();
+		TInt FindPlugin(TUid aInterfaceUid, TUid aAlgorithmUid, TUid& aImplementationId, TFileName& aDllName);
+		/**
+		The selection rules to filter the plugins
+		*/
+		CSelectionRules* iSelectionRules;
+		/**
+		Maps of the interface UID and the pointer of algorithm's characteristic array
+		They are used alternatively to filter from one array to the other
+		The final array will be set to iActiveInterfaceCharacteristics_Map for plugin lookup
+		*/
+		RHashMap<TInt32, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>*> iSelectedInterfaceCharacteristics_MapA;
+		RHashMap<TInt32, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>*> iSelectedInterfaceCharacteristics_MapB;
+		/**
+		Pointer of the active map of the interface UID and the characteristic list
+		*/
+		const RHashMap<TInt32, RPointerArray<CRulesCharacteristicsAndPluginName>*>* iActiveInterfaceCharacteristics_Map;
+		/**
+		Records the next index to try
+		*/
+		RHashMap<TInt32, TInt> iNextTryCharacteristicsIndex;
+		/**
+		To indicate whether to use iSelectedInterfaceCharacteristics_MapA 
+		or iSelectedInterfaceCharacteristics_MapA to filter
+		*/
+		TBool iUseMapAToFilter;
+		/**
+		This is use to indicate whether to alternate the maps for next rule filtering or not
+		*/
+		TBool iToggleUseMap;
+		/**
+		The plugin DLL list, which holds all the plugin DLLs
+		*/
+		RArray<RLibrary> iPluginDllList;
+		};
+	}