--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/crypto/weakcryptospi/test/dumpcryptoplugin/dumpprocessor.h Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* definition of the dump processor classes
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+namespace CryptoSpi
+ {
+ //Interfaces Name
+ _LIT(KHash, "hash");
+ _LIT(KRandom, "random");
+ _LIT(KSymmetricCipher, "symcipher");
+ _LIT(KAsymmetricCipher, "asymcipher");
+ _LIT(KSigner, "signer");
+ _LIT(KVerifier, "verifier");
+ _LIT(KKeyPairGenerator, "keypairgen");
+ _LIT(KKeyAgreement, "keyagree");
+ _LIT(KAsyncHash, "asynchash");
+ _LIT(KAsyncRandom, "asyncrandom");
+ _LIT(KAsyncSymmetricCipher, "asyncsymcipher");
+ _LIT(KAsyncAsymmetricCipher, "asyncasymcipher");
+ _LIT(KAsyncSigner, "asyncsigner");
+ _LIT(KAsyncVerifier, "asyncverifier");
+ _LIT(KAsyncKeyPairGenerator, "asynckeypairgen");
+ _LIT(KAsyncKeyAgreement, "asynckeyagree");
+ //Algorithms Name
+ _LIT(KMd2, "md2");
+ _LIT(KMd4, "md4");
+ _LIT(KMd5, "md5");
+ _LIT(KSha1, "sha1");
+ _LIT(KDes, "des");
+ _LIT(K3Des, "3des");
+ _LIT(KRC2, "rc2");
+ _LIT(KAes, "aes");
+ _LIT(KRC4, "rc4");
+ _LIT(KRsaCipher, "rsacipher");
+ _LIT(KRsaSigner, "rsasigner");
+ _LIT(KRsaVerifier, "rsaverifier");
+ _LIT(KRsaKeyPair, "rsakeypair");
+ _LIT(KDsaSigner, "dsasigner");
+ _LIT(KDsaVerifier, "dsaverifier");
+ _LIT(KDsaKeyPair, "dsakeypair");
+ _LIT(KDhKeyPair, "dhkeypair");
+ _LIT(KDhKeyAgreement, "dhkeyagree");
+ _LIT(KNewLine, "\r\n");
+ _LIT(KPressAnyKey, "Press any key to quit... \n");
+ class CCharacteristicsAndPluginName;
+ class CCharacteristics;
+ class CExtendedCharacteristics;
+ /**
+ Class to store the command line parameters
+ */
+ NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDumpToolParameters) : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ The options for the command line
+ */
+ enum TOption
+ {
+ /**
+ Help option
+ */
+ EOptionHelp=0,
+ /**
+ Option to dump the extended characteristics
+ */
+ EOptionExtendedCharacteristic
+ };
+ /**
+ Create a CDumpToolParameters instance and leave it on the cleanup stack
+ @return the pointer to newly created instance
+ */
+ static CDumpToolParameters* NewLC();
+ /**
+ Desctructor
+ */
+ ~CDumpToolParameters();
+ /**
+ Look for the command line option
+ @return ETrue if found, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+ TBool FindOption(TOption aOption) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ */
+ CDumpToolParameters();
+ public:
+ /**
+ Command line list
+ */
+ RArray<TInt> iOptions;
+ /**
+ The interface uid
+ */
+ TInt32 iInterface;
+ /**
+ The algorithm uid
+ */
+ TInt32 iAlgorithm;
+ /**
+ The dll name
+ */
+ TFileName iDllName;
+ /**
+ Log file name
+ */
+ TFileName iDumpFileName;
+ /**
+ Invalid options
+ */
+ RPointerArray<HBufC> iInvalidOptions;
+ };
+ /**
+ The class to retrieve the characteristics and extended characteristic,
+ and output them to the text file
+ */
+ NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDumpToolProcessor) : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ Create a CDumpToolProcessor instance
+ @param aParams the input parameters
+ @param aConsole the console pointer
+ @return the pointer to the newly CDumpToolProcessor
+ */
+ static CDumpToolProcessor* NewLC(const CDumpToolParameters& aParams, CConsoleBase* aConsole);
+ /**
+ Destructor
+ */
+ ~CDumpToolProcessor();
+ /**
+ Output the characteristics to the text file
+ */
+ void ProcessL();
+ private:
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ @param aParams the command line parameters reference
+ @param aConsole the console pointer
+ */
+ CDumpToolProcessor(const CDumpToolParameters& aParams, CConsoleBase* aConsole);
+ /**
+ 2nd phase constructor
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ Log the characteristics and dll name to the text file
+ @param aElement the characteristics and Dll index instance
+ */
+ void OutputCharcteristicsAndDllL(const CCharacteristicsAndPluginName& aElement);
+ /**
+ log the characteristics head
+ @param aInterfaceUid the interface uid
+ */
+ void OutputCharacteristicHeadL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid);
+ /**
+ Log the interface uid
+ @param aInterfaceUid the interface uid
+ */
+ void OutputInterfaceNameL(TInt32 aInterfaceUid);
+ /**
+ Log the algorithm uid
+ @param aAlgorithmUid the algorithm uid
+ */
+ void OutputAlgorithmNameL(TInt32 aAlgorithmUid);
+ /**
+ Log the static characteristics
+ @param aCharacter the characteristic instance
+ */
+ void OutputSpecificCharacteristicL(const CCharacteristics& aCharacter);
+ /**
+ Log the extended characteristics
+ @param aCharacter the extended characteristic reference
+ */
+ void OutputExtendedCharacteristicL(const CExtendedCharacteristics& aCharacter);
+ /**
+ Log the Hash operation mode
+ @param aIndex the index of the operation mode
+ @param aOperationMode the operation mode
+ */
+ void OutputHashOperationModeL(TInt aIndex, TInt32 aOperationMode);
+ /**
+ Log the symmetric operation mode
+ @param aIndex the index of the operation mode
+ @param aOperationMode the operation mode
+ */
+ void OutputSymmetricOperationModeL(TInt aIndex, TInt32 aOperationMode);
+ /**
+ Log the padding mode
+ @param aIndex the index of the padding mode
+ @param aPaddingMode the padding mode
+ */
+ void OutputPaddingModeL(TInt aIndex, TInt32 aPaddingMode);
+ /**
+ Log functions
+ */
+ void LogL(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt, ...);
+ void LogL(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
+ /**
+ Dispaly functions
+ */
+ void DisplayHelp();
+ void DisplayInvalidOptions();
+ private:
+ /**
+ The reference of the input parameters
+ */
+ const CDumpToolParameters& iInputParams;
+ /**
+ Array of the characteristics
+ */
+ RPointerArray<CCharacteristicsAndPluginName> iCharacters;
+ /**
+ File Server Handle
+ */
+ RFs iFs;
+ /**
+ Log file handle
+ */
+ RFile iLogFile;
+ /**
+ Log file name
+ */
+ TFileName iDumpFileName;
+ /**
+ Console
+ */
+ CConsoleBase* iConsole;
+ };
+ }
+#endif //_DUMPPROCESSOR_H__