--- a/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/pkcs10/keyhelper.cpp Tue Jul 21 01:04:32 2009 +0100
+++ b/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/pkcs10/keyhelper.cpp Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -1,249 +1,250 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "keyhelper.h"
-#include <asn1enc.h>
-#include <asymmetric.h>
-#include <x509cert.h>
-// CPKCS10KeyHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-CPKCS10KeyHelper* CPKCS10KeyHelper::CreateKeyHelperL(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore,
- const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo,
- const TDesC8& aExportedKey,
- const TAlgorithmId aDigestId)
- {
- CPKCS10KeyHelper* result = NULL;
- switch (aKeyInfo.Algorithm())
- {
- case CCTKeyInfo::ERSA:
- result = new (ELeave) CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo);
- break;
- case CCTKeyInfo::EDSA:
- result = new (ELeave) CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo);
- break;
- default:
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- CleanupStack::PushL(result);
- result->CreateKeyEncoderL(aExportedKey, aDigestId);
- CleanupStack::Pop(result);
- return result;
- }
-CPKCS10KeyHelper::CPKCS10KeyHelper(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore, const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo) :
- iKeyStore(aKeyStore),
- iKeyInfo(aKeyInfo)
- {
- }
- {
- delete iKeyEncoder;
- }
-CASN1EncBase* CPKCS10KeyHelper::EncodeKeyLC()
- {
- return iKeyEncoder->EncodeKeyLC();
- }
-CASN1EncBase* CPKCS10KeyHelper::DigestInfoLC(const TDesC8& digest)
- {
- CASN1EncSequence* seq = CASN1EncSequence::NewLC();
- // DigestAlgorithmIdentifier
- CASN1EncSequence* digestAlgID =iKeyEncoder-> EncodeDigestAlgorithmLC();
- seq->AddAndPopChildL(digestAlgID);
- // Actual message digest
- CASN1EncOctetString* octet = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(digest);
- seq->AddAndPopChildL(octet);
- return seq;
- }
-CASN1EncSequence* CPKCS10KeyHelper::EncodeSignatureAlgorithmLC()
- {
- return iKeyEncoder->EncodeSignatureAlgorithmLC();
- }
-// CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore, const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo) :
- CPKCS10KeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo)
- {
- }
- {
- if (iRSASigner)
- {
- iRSASigner->Release();
- }
- if (iDigestBuf)
- {
- delete iDigestBuf;
- }
- delete iRSASignature;
- delete iPublicKey;
- }
-void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::OpenSigner(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
- {
- iKeyStore.Open(iKeyInfo, iRSASigner, aStatus);
- }
-void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CancelOpenSigner()
- {
- iKeyStore.CancelOpen();
- }
-void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::SignDigestL(const TDesC8& aDigest, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
- {
- CASN1EncBase* digestInfo = DigestInfoLC(aDigest);
- // DER encode it!
- iDigestBuf = HBufC8::NewMaxL(digestInfo->LengthDER());
- TPtr8 oct(iDigestBuf->Des());
- oct.FillZ();
- TUint writePos = 0;
- digestInfo->WriteDERL(oct, writePos);
- // Sign the DER encoded digest info
- iRSASigner->Sign(*iDigestBuf, iRSASignature, aStatus);
- //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(octetData);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(digestInfo);
- }
-void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CancelSignDigest()
- {
- iRSASigner->CancelSign();
- }
-void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CreateKeyEncoderL(const TDesC8& aExportedKey, TAlgorithmId aDigestId)
- {
- CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo* ki = CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC(aExportedKey);
- TX509KeyFactory factory;
- iPublicKey = factory.RSAPublicKeyL(ki->KeyData());
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ki);
- iKeyEncoder = new (ELeave) TX509RSAKeyEncoder(*iPublicKey, aDigestId);
- }
-CASN1EncBitString* CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::EncodeSignatureLC()
- {
- // Get raw signature data
- HBufC8* sigData = iRSASignature->S().BufferLC();
- // Create ASN.1 bit string from the signature and return it.
- CASN1EncBitString* encSig = CASN1EncBitString::NewL(*sigData);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sigData);
- CleanupStack::PushL(encSig);
- return encSig;
- }
-// CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore, const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo) :
- CPKCS10KeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo)
- {
- }
- {
- if (iDSASigner)
- iDSASigner->Release();
- delete iDSASignature;
- delete iPublicKey;
- }
-void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::OpenSigner(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
- {
- iKeyStore.Open(iKeyInfo, iDSASigner, aStatus);
- }
-void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CancelOpenSigner()
- {
- iKeyStore.CancelOpen();
- }
-void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::SignDigestL(const TDesC8& aDigest, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
- {
- iDSASigner->Sign(aDigest, iDSASignature, aStatus);
- }
-void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CancelSignDigest()
- {
- iDSASigner->CancelSign();
- }
-void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CreateKeyEncoderL(const TDesC8& aExportedKey, TAlgorithmId aDigestId)
- {
- CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo* ki = CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC(aExportedKey);
- TX509KeyFactory factory;
- iPublicKey = factory.DSAPublicKeyL(ki->EncodedParams(), ki->KeyData());
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ki);
- iKeyEncoder = new (ELeave) TX509DSAKeyEncoder(*iPublicKey, aDigestId);
- }
- * Override default implementation - leave DSA parameters out of the
- * AlgorithmIdentifier when it appears outside of SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
- */
-CASN1EncSequence* CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::EncodeSignatureAlgorithmLC()
- {
- CASN1EncSequence* seq = CASN1EncSequence::NewLC();
- // Assume only SHA1 with DSA
- CASN1EncObjectIdentifier* oid = CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::NewLC(KDSAWithSHA1);
- seq->AddAndPopChildL(oid);
- // Don't add parameters!
- return seq;
- }
-CASN1EncBitString* CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::EncodeSignatureLC()
- {
- // Create sequence that will hold the two bit integers.
- CASN1EncSequence* sigSeq = CASN1EncSequence::NewLC();
- // Stuff two signature integers into the sequence.
- CASN1EncBigInt* r = CASN1EncBigInt::NewLC(iDSASignature->R());
- sigSeq->AddAndPopChildL(r);
- CASN1EncBigInt* s = CASN1EncBigInt::NewLC(iDSASignature->S());
- sigSeq->AddAndPopChildL(s);
- // Wrap the sequence into a bit string
- // Create ASN.1 encoding from the signature and return it.
- CASN1EncBitString* sigDer = CASN1EncBitString::NewL(*sigSeq);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sigSeq);
- CleanupStack::PushL(sigDer);
- return sigDer;
- }
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "keyhelper.h"
+#include <asn1enc.h>
+#include <asymmetric.h>
+#include <x509cert.h>
+// CPKCS10KeyHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+CPKCS10KeyHelper* CPKCS10KeyHelper::CreateKeyHelperL(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore,
+ const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo,
+ const TDesC8& aExportedKey,
+ const TAlgorithmId aDigestId)
+ {
+ CPKCS10KeyHelper* result = NULL;
+ switch (aKeyInfo.Algorithm())
+ {
+ case CCTKeyInfo::ERSA:
+ result = new (ELeave) CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo);
+ break;
+ case CCTKeyInfo::EDSA:
+ result = new (ELeave) CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(result);
+ result->CreateKeyEncoderL(aExportedKey, aDigestId);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(result);
+ return result;
+ }
+CPKCS10KeyHelper::CPKCS10KeyHelper(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore, const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo) :
+ iKeyStore(aKeyStore),
+ iKeyInfo(aKeyInfo)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iKeyEncoder;
+ }
+CASN1EncBase* CPKCS10KeyHelper::EncodeKeyLC()
+ {
+ return iKeyEncoder->EncodeKeyLC();
+ }
+CASN1EncBase* CPKCS10KeyHelper::DigestInfoLC(const TDesC8& digest)
+ {
+ CASN1EncSequence* seq = CASN1EncSequence::NewLC();
+ // DigestAlgorithmIdentifier
+ CASN1EncSequence* digestAlgID =iKeyEncoder-> EncodeDigestAlgorithmLC();
+ seq->AddAndPopChildL(digestAlgID);
+ // Actual message digest
+ CASN1EncOctetString* octet = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(digest);
+ seq->AddAndPopChildL(octet);
+ return seq;
+ }
+CASN1EncSequence* CPKCS10KeyHelper::EncodeSignatureAlgorithmLC()
+ {
+ return iKeyEncoder->EncodeSignatureAlgorithmLC();
+ }
+// CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore, const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo) :
+ CPKCS10KeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ if (iRSASigner)
+ {
+ iRSASigner->Release();
+ }
+ if (iDigestBuf)
+ {
+ delete iDigestBuf;
+ }
+ delete iRSASignature;
+ delete iPublicKey;
+ }
+void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::OpenSigner(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ iKeyStore.Open(iKeyInfo, iRSASigner, aStatus);
+ }
+void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CancelOpenSigner()
+ {
+ iKeyStore.CancelOpen();
+ }
+void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::SignDigestL(const TDesC8& aDigest, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ CASN1EncBase* digestInfo = DigestInfoLC(aDigest);
+ // DER encode it!
+ iDigestBuf = HBufC8::NewMaxL(digestInfo->LengthDER());
+ TPtr8 oct(iDigestBuf->Des());
+ oct.FillZ();
+ TUint writePos = 0;
+ digestInfo->WriteDERL(oct, writePos);
+ // Sign the DER encoded digest info
+ iRSASigner->Sign(*iDigestBuf, iRSASignature, aStatus);
+ //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(octetData);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(digestInfo);
+ }
+void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CancelSignDigest()
+ {
+ iRSASigner->CancelSign();
+ }
+void CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::CreateKeyEncoderL(const TDesC8& aExportedKey, TAlgorithmId aDigestId)
+ {
+ CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo* ki = CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC(aExportedKey);
+ TX509KeyFactory factory;
+ iPublicKey = factory.RSAPublicKeyL(ki->KeyData());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ki);
+ iKeyEncoder = new (ELeave) TX509RSAKeyEncoder(*iPublicKey, aDigestId);
+ }
+CASN1EncBitString* CPKCS10RSAKeyHelper::EncodeSignatureLC()
+ {
+ // Get raw signature data
+ HBufC8* sigData = iRSASignature->S().BufferLC();
+ // Create ASN.1 bit string from the signature and return it.
+ CASN1EncBitString* encSig = CASN1EncBitString::NewL(*sigData);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sigData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(encSig);
+ return encSig;
+ }
+// CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper(MCTKeyStore& aKeyStore, const CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo) :
+ CPKCS10KeyHelper(aKeyStore, aKeyInfo)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ if (iDSASigner)
+ iDSASigner->Release();
+ delete iDSASignature;
+ delete iPublicKey;
+ }
+void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::OpenSigner(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ iKeyStore.Open(iKeyInfo, iDSASigner, aStatus);
+ }
+void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CancelOpenSigner()
+ {
+ iKeyStore.CancelOpen();
+ }
+void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::SignDigestL(const TDesC8& aDigest, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ iDSASigner->Sign(aDigest, iDSASignature, aStatus);
+ }
+void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CancelSignDigest()
+ {
+ iDSASigner->CancelSign();
+ }
+void CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::CreateKeyEncoderL(const TDesC8& aExportedKey, TAlgorithmId aDigestId)
+ {
+ CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo* ki = CX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo::NewLC(aExportedKey);
+ TX509KeyFactory factory;
+ iPublicKey = factory.DSAPublicKeyL(ki->EncodedParams(), ki->KeyData());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ki);
+ iKeyEncoder = new (ELeave) TX509DSAKeyEncoder(*iPublicKey, aDigestId);
+ }
+ * Override default implementation - leave DSA parameters out of the
+ * AlgorithmIdentifier when it appears outside of SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
+ */
+CASN1EncSequence* CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::EncodeSignatureAlgorithmLC()
+ {
+ CASN1EncSequence* seq = CASN1EncSequence::NewLC();
+ // Assume only SHA1 with DSA
+ CASN1EncObjectIdentifier* oid = CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::NewLC(KDSAWithSHA1);
+ seq->AddAndPopChildL(oid);
+ // Don't add parameters!
+ return seq;
+ }
+CASN1EncBitString* CPKCS10DSAKeyHelper::EncodeSignatureLC()
+ {
+ // Create sequence that will hold the two bit integers.
+ CASN1EncSequence* sigSeq = CASN1EncSequence::NewLC();
+ // Stuff two signature integers into the sequence.
+ CASN1EncBigInt* r = CASN1EncBigInt::NewLC(iDSASignature->R());
+ sigSeq->AddAndPopChildL(r);
+ CASN1EncBigInt* s = CASN1EncBigInt::NewLC(iDSASignature->S());
+ sigSeq->AddAndPopChildL(s);
+ // Wrap the sequence into a bit string
+ // Create ASN.1 encoding from the signature and return it.
+ CASN1EncBitString* sigDer = CASN1EncBitString::NewL(*sigSeq);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sigSeq);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sigDer);
+ return sigDer;
+ }