--- a/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/pkcs7/pkcs7encrypteddataobject.cpp Tue Jul 21 01:04:32 2009 +0100
+++ b/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/pkcs7/pkcs7encrypteddataobject.cpp Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -1,222 +1,223 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "pkcs7encrypteddataobject.h"
-/** The last character in the PKCS7 EncryptedData OID */
-const TInt KPkcs7EncryptedData = 6;
-EXPORT_C CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject* CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::NewL(const CPKCS7ContentInfo& aContentInfo)
- {
- CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject* self = new (ELeave) CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject();
- CleanupStack::PushL(self);
- self->ConstructL(aContentInfo);
- CleanupStack::Pop(self);
- return self;
- }
- {
- }
- {
- delete iEncryptParams;
- }
-EXPORT_C TInt CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::Version() const
- {
- return iVersion;
- }
-EXPORT_C CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::TContentType CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::ContentType() const
- {
- return iContentType;
- }
-EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::EncryptedContentInfoData() const
- {
- return iEncryptedContent;
- }
-EXPORT_C const CPBEncryptParms& CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::EncryptParams() const
- {
- return *iEncryptParams;
- }
-CPBEncryptParms* CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::DecodeContentEncryptionAlgorithmL(const TDesC8& aBinaryData) const
- {
- TASN1DecGeneric seqGen(aBinaryData);
- seqGen.InitL();
- if (seqGen.Tag() != EASN1Sequence || seqGen.Class() != EUniversal)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- TPtrC8 theContent(seqGen.Encoding());
- CPBEncryptParms* encryptParams = TASN1DecPKCS5::DecodeDERL(theContent);
- return encryptParams;
- }
-EXPORT_C HBufC8* CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::DecryptDataL(const TDesC& aPassword) const
- {
- CPBEncryptElement* encryptElement;
- HBufC8* pkcs12Pwd = PKCS12KDF::GeneratePasswordLC(aPassword);
- if(iEncryptParams->Kdf() == CPBEncryptParms::EKdfPkcs12)
- {
- TPtrC8 iv = iEncryptParams->IV();
- HBufC8* ivValue = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iv.Length());
- TPtr8 encryptKeyBuf = ivValue->Des();
- switch(iEncryptParams->Cipher())
- {
- case ECipherARC4_128:
- case ECipherARC4_40:
- {
- //derive only key it is unnecessary to derive an IV for RC4
- break;
- }
- case ECipher3DES_CBC:
- case ECipher2Key3DES_CBC:
- case ECipherRC2_CBC_128_16:
- case ECipherRC2_CBC_40_5:
- {
- PKCS12KDF::DeriveKeyL(encryptKeyBuf, PKCS12KDF::EIDByteIV, *pkcs12Pwd, iEncryptParams->Salt(), iEncryptParams->Iterations());
- iEncryptParams->SetIV(encryptKeyBuf);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
- break;
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ivValue);
- // Create the decryptor
- encryptElement = CPBEncryptElement::NewLC(*pkcs12Pwd, *iEncryptParams);
- }
- else
- {
- TPBPassword password(aPassword);
- // Create the decryptor
- encryptElement = CPBEncryptElement::NewLC(password.Password(), *iEncryptParams);
- }
- CPBDecryptor* decryptor = encryptElement->NewDecryptLC();
- TPtrC8 encryptedKey(iEncryptedContent);
- TUint encryptLength = encryptedKey.Length();
- TUint maxDecryptLength = decryptor->MaxOutputLength(encryptLength);
- if ( maxDecryptLength <= 0 )
- {
- User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
- }
- HBufC8* decryptedContent = HBufC8::NewLC(maxDecryptLength);
- TPtr8 dcDes(decryptedContent->Des());
- decryptor->Process(encryptedKey, dcDes);
- CleanupStack::Pop(decryptedContent);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, pkcs12Pwd); // pkcs12Pwd, encryptElement, decryptor
- return decryptedContent;
- }
- void CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::ConstructL(const CPKCS7ContentInfo& aContentInfo)
- {
- if(aContentInfo.ContentType() != KPkcs7EncryptedData)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- // EncryptedData SEQUENCE
- TASN1DecGeneric decGen(aContentInfo.ContentData());
- decGen.InitL();
- if(decGen.Tag() != EASN1Sequence || decGen.Class() != EUniversal)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- TASN1DecSequence seq1;
- CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* EncryptedDataContents = seq1.DecodeDERLC(decGen);
- // Both version and encryptedContentInfo should be present
- if (EncryptedDataContents->Count() != 2)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- // version is the syntax version number. It shall be 0 for this version of the standard
- const TASN1DecGeneric* EncryptedDataContentsAt0 = EncryptedDataContents->At(0);
- if(EncryptedDataContentsAt0->Tag() != EASN1Integer || EncryptedDataContentsAt0->Class() != EUniversal)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- TASN1DecInteger intDecoder;
- iVersion = intDecoder.DecodeDERShortL(*EncryptedDataContentsAt0);
- if (iVersion != 0)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- const TASN1DecGeneric* EncryptedDataContentsAt1 = EncryptedDataContents->At(1);
- if (EncryptedDataContentsAt1->Tag() != EASN1Sequence || EncryptedDataContentsAt1->Class() != EUniversal)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- TASN1DecSequence seq2;
- CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* EncryptedContentInfo = seq2.DecodeDERLC(*EncryptedDataContentsAt1);
- // Gets the oid
- TASN1DecObjectIdentifier ContentTypeoidDec;
- HBufC* contentType = ContentTypeoidDec.DecodeDERL(*EncryptedContentInfo->At(0));
- if(contentType->Compare(KPkcs7DataOID()) == 0)
- {
- iContentType = EPkcs7Data;
- }
- else
- {
- User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
- }
- delete contentType;
- // Get the Cipher used and the encoded params in it
- iEncryptParams = DecodeContentEncryptionAlgorithmL(EncryptedContentInfo->At(1)->Encoding());
- // This is an OPTIONAL field
- TInt encryptedContentInfoCount = EncryptedContentInfo->Count();
- if(encryptedContentInfoCount == 3)
- {
- TASN1DecGeneric decOctetString(*EncryptedContentInfo->At(2));
- decOctetString.InitL();
- iEncryptedContent.Set(decOctetString.GetContentDER());
- }
- else if(encryptedContentInfoCount > 3 || encryptedContentInfoCount < 2)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrArgument);
- }
- else if(encryptedContentInfoCount == 2)
- {
- iEncryptedContent.Set(KNullDesC8());
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, EncryptedDataContents); //EncryptedDataContents, EncryptedContentInfo
- }
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "pkcs7encrypteddataobject.h"
+/** The last character in the PKCS7 EncryptedData OID */
+const TInt KPkcs7EncryptedData = 6;
+EXPORT_C CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject* CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::NewL(const CPKCS7ContentInfo& aContentInfo)
+ {
+ CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject* self = new (ELeave) CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aContentInfo);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iEncryptParams;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::Version() const
+ {
+ return iVersion;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::TContentType CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::ContentType() const
+ {
+ return iContentType;
+ }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::EncryptedContentInfoData() const
+ {
+ return iEncryptedContent;
+ }
+EXPORT_C const CPBEncryptParms& CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::EncryptParams() const
+ {
+ return *iEncryptParams;
+ }
+CPBEncryptParms* CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::DecodeContentEncryptionAlgorithmL(const TDesC8& aBinaryData) const
+ {
+ TASN1DecGeneric seqGen(aBinaryData);
+ seqGen.InitL();
+ if (seqGen.Tag() != EASN1Sequence || seqGen.Class() != EUniversal)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ TPtrC8 theContent(seqGen.Encoding());
+ CPBEncryptParms* encryptParams = TASN1DecPKCS5::DecodeDERL(theContent);
+ return encryptParams;
+ }
+EXPORT_C HBufC8* CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::DecryptDataL(const TDesC& aPassword) const
+ {
+ CPBEncryptElement* encryptElement;
+ HBufC8* pkcs12Pwd = PKCS12KDF::GeneratePasswordLC(aPassword);
+ if(iEncryptParams->Kdf() == CPBEncryptParms::EKdfPkcs12)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 iv = iEncryptParams->IV();
+ HBufC8* ivValue = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iv.Length());
+ TPtr8 encryptKeyBuf = ivValue->Des();
+ switch(iEncryptParams->Cipher())
+ {
+ case ECipherARC4_128:
+ case ECipherARC4_40:
+ {
+ //derive only key it is unnecessary to derive an IV for RC4
+ break;
+ }
+ case ECipher3DES_CBC:
+ case ECipher2Key3DES_CBC:
+ case ECipherRC2_CBC_128_16:
+ case ECipherRC2_CBC_40_5:
+ {
+ PKCS12KDF::DeriveKeyL(encryptKeyBuf, PKCS12KDF::EIDByteIV, *pkcs12Pwd, iEncryptParams->Salt(), iEncryptParams->Iterations());
+ iEncryptParams->SetIV(encryptKeyBuf);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ivValue);
+ // Create the decryptor
+ encryptElement = CPBEncryptElement::NewLC(*pkcs12Pwd, *iEncryptParams);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPBPassword password(aPassword);
+ // Create the decryptor
+ encryptElement = CPBEncryptElement::NewLC(password.Password(), *iEncryptParams);
+ }
+ CPBDecryptor* decryptor = encryptElement->NewDecryptLC();
+ TPtrC8 encryptedKey(iEncryptedContent);
+ TUint encryptLength = encryptedKey.Length();
+ TUint maxDecryptLength = decryptor->MaxOutputLength(encryptLength);
+ if ( maxDecryptLength <= 0 )
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ HBufC8* decryptedContent = HBufC8::NewLC(maxDecryptLength);
+ TPtr8 dcDes(decryptedContent->Des());
+ decryptor->Process(encryptedKey, dcDes);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(decryptedContent);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, pkcs12Pwd); // pkcs12Pwd, encryptElement, decryptor
+ return decryptedContent;
+ }
+ void CPKCS7EncryptedDataObject::ConstructL(const CPKCS7ContentInfo& aContentInfo)
+ {
+ if(aContentInfo.ContentType() != KPkcs7EncryptedData)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // EncryptedData SEQUENCE
+ TASN1DecGeneric decGen(aContentInfo.ContentData());
+ decGen.InitL();
+ if(decGen.Tag() != EASN1Sequence || decGen.Class() != EUniversal)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ TASN1DecSequence seq1;
+ CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* EncryptedDataContents = seq1.DecodeDERLC(decGen);
+ // Both version and encryptedContentInfo should be present
+ if (EncryptedDataContents->Count() != 2)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // version is the syntax version number. It shall be 0 for this version of the standard
+ const TASN1DecGeneric* EncryptedDataContentsAt0 = EncryptedDataContents->At(0);
+ if(EncryptedDataContentsAt0->Tag() != EASN1Integer || EncryptedDataContentsAt0->Class() != EUniversal)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ TASN1DecInteger intDecoder;
+ iVersion = intDecoder.DecodeDERShortL(*EncryptedDataContentsAt0);
+ if (iVersion != 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ const TASN1DecGeneric* EncryptedDataContentsAt1 = EncryptedDataContents->At(1);
+ if (EncryptedDataContentsAt1->Tag() != EASN1Sequence || EncryptedDataContentsAt1->Class() != EUniversal)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ TASN1DecSequence seq2;
+ CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* EncryptedContentInfo = seq2.DecodeDERLC(*EncryptedDataContentsAt1);
+ // Gets the oid
+ TASN1DecObjectIdentifier ContentTypeoidDec;
+ HBufC* contentType = ContentTypeoidDec.DecodeDERL(*EncryptedContentInfo->At(0));
+ if(contentType->Compare(KPkcs7DataOID()) == 0)
+ {
+ iContentType = EPkcs7Data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ delete contentType;
+ // Get the Cipher used and the encoded params in it
+ iEncryptParams = DecodeContentEncryptionAlgorithmL(EncryptedContentInfo->At(1)->Encoding());
+ // This is an OPTIONAL field
+ TInt encryptedContentInfoCount = EncryptedContentInfo->Count();
+ if(encryptedContentInfoCount == 3)
+ {
+ TASN1DecGeneric decOctetString(*EncryptedContentInfo->At(2));
+ decOctetString.InitL();
+ iEncryptedContent.Set(decOctetString.GetContentDER());
+ }
+ else if(encryptedContentInfoCount > 3 || encryptedContentInfoCount < 2)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ else if(encryptedContentInfoCount == 2)
+ {
+ iEncryptedContent.Set(KNullDesC8());
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, EncryptedDataContents); //EncryptedDataContents, EncryptedContentInfo
+ }