--- a/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/tasn1/testgeneralizedtime.cpp Tue Jul 21 01:04:32 2009 +0100
+++ b/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/tasn1/testgeneralizedtime.cpp Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -1,337 +1,338 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Implementation for testing generalized time object encoding/decoding
-#include "testgeneralizedtime.h"
-#include "tasn1normaltest.h"
-#include <asn1enc.h>
-#include <asn1dec.h>
-#include <e32cons.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-CTestGeneralizedTime* CTestGeneralizedTime::NewL(CASN1NormalTest &aASN1Action)
- {
- CTestGeneralizedTime* test = new (ELeave) CTestGeneralizedTime(aASN1Action);
- return test;
- }
-CTestGeneralizedTime::CTestGeneralizedTime(CASN1NormalTest &aASN1Action) : CTestBase(aASN1Action)
- {
- };
-void CTestGeneralizedTime::GetName(TDes& aBuf)
- {
- aBuf.Copy(_L("Test Generalized Time"));
- }
-void CTestGeneralizedTime::FillParameterArray(void)
- {
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EString);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EString);
- iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EString);
- }
-TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::ValidateOutcome(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime& originalTime, const TTime& decodedTime, const TInt &aTestNumber,
- const TInt &aTotalTests)
- {
- if (originalTime != decodedTime)
- {
- aConsole.Write(_L("ERROR!\nEncoded time = "));
- OutputTime(aConsole, originalTime);
- aConsole.Write(_L("Decoded time = "));
- OutputTime(aConsole, decodedTime);
- aConsole.Write(_L("\n"));
- iASN1Action.ReportProgressL(KErrASN1EncodingError, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
- return(EFalse);
- }
- else
- {
- iASN1Action.ReportProgressL(KErrNone, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
- return(ETrue);
- }
- }
-TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::PerformTestWithEncoderL(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime &aTest, const TInt &aTestNumber,
- const TInt &aTotalTests)
- {
- TUint writeLength;
- TInt readLength;
- TTime decodedTime, originalTime;
- originalTime = aTest;
- CASN1EncGeneralizedTime* encoder = CASN1EncGeneralizedTime::NewLC(aTest);
- // Prepare a buffer
- TInt totalLength = encoder->LengthDER();
- HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(totalLength);
- TPtr8 tBuf = buf->Des();
- // Write into the buffer
- writeLength = 0;
- encoder->WriteDERL(tBuf, writeLength);
- // Read it out again + check lengths
- TASN1DecGeneralizedTime decoder;
- readLength = 0;
- decodedTime = decoder.DecodeDERL(tBuf, readLength);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // buf, encoder
- if(writeLength != STATIC_CAST(TUint, readLength))
- return EFalse;
- return ValidateOutcome(aConsole, originalTime, decodedTime, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
- }
-TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::PerformTestWithoutEncoderL(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime &aTest, const TInt &aTestNumber,
- const TInt &aTotalTests, const TDesC& fraction, const TDesC& offset)
- {
- TTime decodedTime, originalTime = aTest;
- //we construct the encoded time manually and pass it to decoder,
- _LIT(KTimeFormat, "%F%Y%M%D%H%T%S");
- TBuf<32> timeString;
- aTest.FormatL(timeString, KTimeFormat);
- TInt fracSec = 0, i = 0;
- if(fraction != KNullDesC)
- {
- timeString.Append('.');
- timeString.Append(fraction);
- TInt multiplier = 100000;
- // parse fraction of second
- while(i < fraction.Length())
- {
- fracSec += (fraction[i++]-'0') * multiplier;
- multiplier /= 10;
- }
- TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds intervalMs = fracSec;
- originalTime += intervalMs;
- }
- if(offset != KNullDesC)
- {
- timeString.Append(offset);
- TTimeIntervalHours intervalHH = (offset[1]-'0') * 10 + (offset[2]-'0');
- TTimeIntervalMinutes intervalMM = (offset[3]-'0') * 10 + (offset[4]-'0');
- switch(offset[0])
- {
- case '+':
- originalTime -= intervalHH;
- originalTime -= intervalMM;
- break;
- case '-':
- originalTime += intervalHH;
- originalTime += intervalMM;
- break;
- default:
- // Malformed offset
- return EFalse;
- }
- }
- //convert to 8 bit
- TBuf8<32> timeString8bit;
- timeString8bit.Copy(timeString);
- //create a buf for storage of encoded time
- TInt totalLength = timeString8bit.Length() + 2;
- HBufC8* encodedTime = HBufC8::NewLC(totalLength);
- TPtr8 encodedTimePtr = encodedTime->Des();
- //construct an encoded time manually
- encodedTimePtr.Append(STATIC_CAST(TUint8, 0) | 0x1b); //add tag
- encodedTimePtr.Append(STATIC_CAST(TUint8, timeString8bit.Length())); //add length
- encodedTimePtr.Append(timeString8bit); // add content
- //Decode and read it out for later test on decoder
- TASN1DecGeneralizedTime decoder;
- TASN1DecGeneric gen(encodedTimePtr);
- gen.InitL();
- decodedTime = decoder.DecodeDERL(gen);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(encodedTime); // buf
- return ValidateOutcome(aConsole, originalTime, decodedTime, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
- }
-// Is there a built-in function to do this for us?
-void CTestGeneralizedTime::OutputTime(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime& aTime)
- {
- TDateTime dt(aTime.DateTime());
- aConsole.Printf(_L("Y = %d, M = %d, D = %d, H = %d, M = %d, S = %d, mS = %d\n"),
- dt.Year(), dt.Month(), dt.Day(), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond());
- }
-TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::PerformTestsL(CConsoleBase& aConsole)
- {
- TInt nLow = Math::Random();
- TInt64 nHigh((TInt)Math::Random());
- TInt64 iSeed((nHigh << 32) + nLow);
- CTestParameter* test;
- TInt totalTests, currentTest=0;
- TInt year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
- TBuf<3> fracSecond;
- TBuf<5> offset;
- TBuf<15> typeOfTest;
- CStringTestParameter *testString;
- if(!CountTests(totalTests)) return(EFalse);
- for(TInt pos = 0; pos < iValues->Count(); pos++)
- {
- typeOfTest.Zero();
- test = (*iValues)[pos];
- if(test->GetType() == CTestParameter::EString)
- {
- //get the type of generalizedTime we are testing
- testString = REINTERPRET_CAST(CStringTestParameter*, test);
- testString->GetValue(typeOfTest);
- // gets year
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
- return(EFalse);
- CIntTestParameter *testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
- year = testInt->Value();
- // gets month
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
- return(EFalse);
- testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
- month = testInt->Value();
- // gets day
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
- return(EFalse);
- testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
- day = testInt->Value();
- // gets hour
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
- return(EFalse);
- testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
- hour = testInt->Value();
- // gets minute
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
- return(EFalse);
- testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
- minute = testInt->Value();
- // gets second
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
- return(EFalse);
- testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
- second = testInt->Value();
- TDateTime dateTime(year, TMonth(month - 1), TMonth(day - 1), hour, minute, second, 0);
- TTime encodedTime = dateTime;
- if(typeOfTest == KEncoder)
- //we are testing with encoder as well as decoder
- //Since encoder only accepts TTime as input, we could only pass
- //in standard zulu time (asn.1 generalizedTime in
- //second form without optional fraction of second and offset
- // hours and minutes)
- {
- pos += 2; //ignore fraction of second and offset
- if(!PerformTestWithEncoderL(aConsole, encodedTime, currentTest, totalTests))
- return(EFalse);
- }
- else if(typeOfTest == KNoEncoder)
- // Here we test decoding asn.1 generalized Time in any forms other than standard zulu,
- // with optional fraction of seconds and/or offset hours and minutes
- {
- // gets fraction of second
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- testString = REINTERPRET_CAST(CStringTestParameter*, test);
- testString->GetValue(fracSecond);
- // gets offset
- test = (*iValues)[++pos];
- testString = REINTERPRET_CAST(CStringTestParameter*, test);
- testString->GetValue(offset);
- if(!PerformTestWithoutEncoderL(aConsole, encodedTime, currentTest, totalTests, fracSecond, offset))
- return(EFalse);
- }
- else
- User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
- currentTest++;
- }
- else if(test->GetType() == CTestParameter::ERandom)
- {
- CRandomTestParameter *randomInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CRandomTestParameter*, test);
- for(TInt test = 0; test <= randomInt->Interations(); test++)
- {
- TInt nLow = Math::Rand(iSeed);
- TInt64 nHigh = Math::Rand(iSeed);
- TInt64 time64((nHigh << 32) + nLow);
- // Set to random time, but with 4-digit year and microseconds zero
- TTime encodedTime(time64);
- TDateTime dateTime(encodedTime.DateTime());
- dateTime.SetYear(dateTime.Year() % 10000);
- dateTime.SetMicroSecond(0);
- encodedTime = dateTime;
- if(!PerformTestWithEncoderL(aConsole, encodedTime, currentTest, totalTests))
- return(EFalse);
- ;
- currentTest++;
- }
- }
- else
- return(EFalse);
- };
- iASN1Action.ReportProgressL(KErrNone, totalTests, totalTests);
- return(ETrue);
- };
+* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Implementation for testing generalized time object encoding/decoding
+#include "testgeneralizedtime.h"
+#include "tasn1normaltest.h"
+#include <asn1enc.h>
+#include <asn1dec.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+CTestGeneralizedTime* CTestGeneralizedTime::NewL(CASN1NormalTest &aASN1Action)
+ {
+ CTestGeneralizedTime* test = new (ELeave) CTestGeneralizedTime(aASN1Action);
+ return test;
+ }
+CTestGeneralizedTime::CTestGeneralizedTime(CASN1NormalTest &aASN1Action) : CTestBase(aASN1Action)
+ {
+ };
+void CTestGeneralizedTime::GetName(TDes& aBuf)
+ {
+ aBuf.Copy(_L("Test Generalized Time"));
+ }
+void CTestGeneralizedTime::FillParameterArray(void)
+ {
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EString);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EInt);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EString);
+ iParameters->Append(CTestParameter::EString);
+ }
+TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::ValidateOutcome(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime& originalTime, const TTime& decodedTime, const TInt &aTestNumber,
+ const TInt &aTotalTests)
+ {
+ if (originalTime != decodedTime)
+ {
+ aConsole.Write(_L("ERROR!\nEncoded time = "));
+ OutputTime(aConsole, originalTime);
+ aConsole.Write(_L("Decoded time = "));
+ OutputTime(aConsole, decodedTime);
+ aConsole.Write(_L("\n"));
+ iASN1Action.ReportProgressL(KErrASN1EncodingError, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iASN1Action.ReportProgressL(KErrNone, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
+ return(ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::PerformTestWithEncoderL(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime &aTest, const TInt &aTestNumber,
+ const TInt &aTotalTests)
+ {
+ TUint writeLength;
+ TInt readLength;
+ TTime decodedTime, originalTime;
+ originalTime = aTest;
+ CASN1EncGeneralizedTime* encoder = CASN1EncGeneralizedTime::NewLC(aTest);
+ // Prepare a buffer
+ TInt totalLength = encoder->LengthDER();
+ HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(totalLength);
+ TPtr8 tBuf = buf->Des();
+ // Write into the buffer
+ writeLength = 0;
+ encoder->WriteDERL(tBuf, writeLength);
+ // Read it out again + check lengths
+ TASN1DecGeneralizedTime decoder;
+ readLength = 0;
+ decodedTime = decoder.DecodeDERL(tBuf, readLength);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // buf, encoder
+ if(writeLength != STATIC_CAST(TUint, readLength))
+ return EFalse;
+ return ValidateOutcome(aConsole, originalTime, decodedTime, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
+ }
+TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::PerformTestWithoutEncoderL(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime &aTest, const TInt &aTestNumber,
+ const TInt &aTotalTests, const TDesC& fraction, const TDesC& offset)
+ {
+ TTime decodedTime, originalTime = aTest;
+ //we construct the encoded time manually and pass it to decoder,
+ _LIT(KTimeFormat, "%F%Y%M%D%H%T%S");
+ TBuf<32> timeString;
+ aTest.FormatL(timeString, KTimeFormat);
+ TInt fracSec = 0, i = 0;
+ if(fraction != KNullDesC)
+ {
+ timeString.Append('.');
+ timeString.Append(fraction);
+ TInt multiplier = 100000;
+ // parse fraction of second
+ while(i < fraction.Length())
+ {
+ fracSec += (fraction[i++]-'0') * multiplier;
+ multiplier /= 10;
+ }
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds intervalMs = fracSec;
+ originalTime += intervalMs;
+ }
+ if(offset != KNullDesC)
+ {
+ timeString.Append(offset);
+ TTimeIntervalHours intervalHH = (offset[1]-'0') * 10 + (offset[2]-'0');
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes intervalMM = (offset[3]-'0') * 10 + (offset[4]-'0');
+ switch(offset[0])
+ {
+ case '+':
+ originalTime -= intervalHH;
+ originalTime -= intervalMM;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ originalTime += intervalHH;
+ originalTime += intervalMM;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Malformed offset
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ //convert to 8 bit
+ TBuf8<32> timeString8bit;
+ timeString8bit.Copy(timeString);
+ //create a buf for storage of encoded time
+ TInt totalLength = timeString8bit.Length() + 2;
+ HBufC8* encodedTime = HBufC8::NewLC(totalLength);
+ TPtr8 encodedTimePtr = encodedTime->Des();
+ //construct an encoded time manually
+ encodedTimePtr.Append(STATIC_CAST(TUint8, 0) | 0x1b); //add tag
+ encodedTimePtr.Append(STATIC_CAST(TUint8, timeString8bit.Length())); //add length
+ encodedTimePtr.Append(timeString8bit); // add content
+ //Decode and read it out for later test on decoder
+ TASN1DecGeneralizedTime decoder;
+ TASN1DecGeneric gen(encodedTimePtr);
+ gen.InitL();
+ decodedTime = decoder.DecodeDERL(gen);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(encodedTime); // buf
+ return ValidateOutcome(aConsole, originalTime, decodedTime, aTestNumber, aTotalTests);
+ }
+// Is there a built-in function to do this for us?
+void CTestGeneralizedTime::OutputTime(CConsoleBase& aConsole, const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ TDateTime dt(aTime.DateTime());
+ aConsole.Printf(_L("Y = %d, M = %d, D = %d, H = %d, M = %d, S = %d, mS = %d\n"),
+ dt.Year(), dt.Month(), dt.Day(), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond());
+ }
+TBool CTestGeneralizedTime::PerformTestsL(CConsoleBase& aConsole)
+ {
+ TInt nLow = Math::Random();
+ TInt64 nHigh((TInt)Math::Random());
+ TInt64 iSeed((nHigh << 32) + nLow);
+ CTestParameter* test;
+ TInt totalTests, currentTest=0;
+ TInt year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
+ TBuf<3> fracSecond;
+ TBuf<5> offset;
+ TBuf<15> typeOfTest;
+ CStringTestParameter *testString;
+ if(!CountTests(totalTests)) return(EFalse);
+ for(TInt pos = 0; pos < iValues->Count(); pos++)
+ {
+ typeOfTest.Zero();
+ test = (*iValues)[pos];
+ if(test->GetType() == CTestParameter::EString)
+ {
+ //get the type of generalizedTime we are testing
+ testString = REINTERPRET_CAST(CStringTestParameter*, test);
+ testString->GetValue(typeOfTest);
+ // gets year
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
+ return(EFalse);
+ CIntTestParameter *testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
+ year = testInt->Value();
+ // gets month
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
+ return(EFalse);
+ testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
+ month = testInt->Value();
+ // gets day
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
+ return(EFalse);
+ testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
+ day = testInt->Value();
+ // gets hour
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
+ return(EFalse);
+ testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
+ hour = testInt->Value();
+ // gets minute
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
+ return(EFalse);
+ testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
+ minute = testInt->Value();
+ // gets second
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ if(test->GetType() != CTestParameter::EInt)
+ return(EFalse);
+ testInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CIntTestParameter*, test);
+ second = testInt->Value();
+ TDateTime dateTime(year, TMonth(month - 1), TMonth(day - 1), hour, minute, second, 0);
+ TTime encodedTime = dateTime;
+ if(typeOfTest == KEncoder)
+ //we are testing with encoder as well as decoder
+ //Since encoder only accepts TTime as input, we could only pass
+ //in standard zulu time (asn.1 generalizedTime in
+ //second form without optional fraction of second and offset
+ // hours and minutes)
+ {
+ pos += 2; //ignore fraction of second and offset
+ if(!PerformTestWithEncoderL(aConsole, encodedTime, currentTest, totalTests))
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ else if(typeOfTest == KNoEncoder)
+ // Here we test decoding asn.1 generalized Time in any forms other than standard zulu,
+ // with optional fraction of seconds and/or offset hours and minutes
+ {
+ // gets fraction of second
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ testString = REINTERPRET_CAST(CStringTestParameter*, test);
+ testString->GetValue(fracSecond);
+ // gets offset
+ test = (*iValues)[++pos];
+ testString = REINTERPRET_CAST(CStringTestParameter*, test);
+ testString->GetValue(offset);
+ if(!PerformTestWithoutEncoderL(aConsole, encodedTime, currentTest, totalTests, fracSecond, offset))
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ currentTest++;
+ }
+ else if(test->GetType() == CTestParameter::ERandom)
+ {
+ CRandomTestParameter *randomInt = REINTERPRET_CAST(CRandomTestParameter*, test);
+ for(TInt test = 0; test <= randomInt->Interations(); test++)
+ {
+ TInt nLow = Math::Rand(iSeed);
+ TInt64 nHigh = Math::Rand(iSeed);
+ TInt64 time64((nHigh << 32) + nLow);
+ // Set to random time, but with 4-digit year and microseconds zero
+ TTime encodedTime(time64);
+ TDateTime dateTime(encodedTime.DateTime());
+ dateTime.SetYear(dateTime.Year() % 10000);
+ dateTime.SetMicroSecond(0);
+ encodedTime = dateTime;
+ if(!PerformTestWithEncoderL(aConsole, encodedTime, currentTest, totalTests))
+ return(EFalse);
+ ;
+ currentTest++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return(EFalse);
+ };
+ iASN1Action.ReportProgressL(KErrNone, totalTests, totalTests);
+ return(ETrue);
+ };