changeset 8 35751d3474b7
parent 0 2c201484c85f
child 42 eb9b28acd381
--- a/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/tcertstore/t_filter.cpp	Tue Jul 21 01:04:32 2009 +0100
+++ b/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/tcertstore/t_filter.cpp	Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -1,389 +1,389 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-#include "t_filter.h"
-#include "t_input.h"
-#include "t_output.h"
-#include "t_certstoredefs.h"
-#include <ccertattributefilter.h>
-CCertAttributeFilter* CFilter::NewL(Output& aOut, 
-									const TDesC8& aFilter)
-	{
-	CFilter* self = new(ELeave) CFilter(aOut);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	iFilter = CCertAttributeFilter::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(iFilter);
-	self->ConstructL(aFilter);
-	CleanupStack::Pop(iFilter);
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(self);
-	return iFilter;
-	}
- CFilter::CFilter(Output& aOut): iOut(aOut)
- 	{}
- CFilter::~CFilter()
- 	{}
-void CFilter::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aFilter)
-	{
-	// Set label filter
-	SetLabelFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KCertLabelStart));
-	// Set uid filter
-	SetUIDFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KUidStart));
-	// Set format filter
-	SetFormatFilterL(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KFormatFlagsStart));	
-	// Set ownertype filter
-	SetOwnerTypeFilterL(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KOwnerTypeStart));
-	// Set keyusage filter
-	TInt pos = 0;
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	while( KErrNone == err )
-		{
-		const TDesC8& keyUsageDesc = Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KKeyUsageDescStart, KKeyUsageDescEnd,pos,err);
-		if(KErrNone != err)
-			{
-			break;
-			}
-		// as by default the filter object has all usage. 
-		iFilter->SetKeyUsage(EX509UsageNone);
-		SetKeyUsageFilterL(keyUsageDesc);
-		}
-	// Set subjetkeyid filter
-	SetSubjectKeyIdFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KSubjectKeyIdStart));
-	// Set subjetkeyid filter
-	SetIssuerKeyIdFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KIssuerKeyIdStart));
-	}
-void CFilter::SetLabelFilter(const TDesC8& aLabel)
-	{
-	if (aLabel != KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		TCertLabel certLabel;
-		certLabel.Copy(aLabel);
-		iFilter->SetLabel(certLabel);
-		}
-	}
-void CFilter::SetUIDFilter(const TDesC8& aUid)
-	{
-	if (aUid != KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		TLex8 uidString(aUid);
-		TInt32 val;
-		uidString.Val(val);
-		iFilter->SetUid(TUid::Uid(val));
-		}
-	}
-void CFilter::SetFormatFilterL(const TDesC8& aFormatString)
-	{
-	if (aFormatString != KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		if (aFormatString == KWTLS)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetFormat(EWTLSCertificate);
-			}
-		else if (aFormatString == KX509)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetFormat(EX509Certificate);
-			}
-		else if (aFormatString == KWTLSURL)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetFormat(EWTLSCertificateUrl);
-			}
-		else if (aFormatString == KX509URL)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetFormat(EX509CertificateUrl);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			iOut.write(_L("Unknown cert format: "));
-			iOut.writeString(aFormatString);
-			iOut.writeNewLine();		   
-			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CFilter::SetOwnerTypeFilterL(const TDesC8& aOwnerType)
-	{
-	if (aOwnerType != KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		if(aOwnerType == KCACert)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetOwnerType(ECACertificate);
-			}
-		else if(aOwnerType == KUserCert)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetOwnerType(EUserCertificate);
-			}
-		else if(aOwnerType == KPeerCert)
-			{
-			iFilter->SetOwnerType(EPeerCertificate);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			iOut.write(_L("Unknown owner type: "));
-			iOut.writeString(aOwnerType);
-			iOut.writeNewLine();		   
-			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CFilter::SetKeyUsageFilterL(const TDesC8& aKeyUsageDescription)
-	{
-	TInt pos = 0;
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	const TDesC8& keyUsageScheme = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyUsageSchemeStart,KKeyUsageSchemeEnd,pos,err);
-	if(keyUsageScheme == KKeyUsageX509)
-		{
-		// Set key usage filter
-		TInt err = KErrNone;
-		for(;;)
-			{
-			const TDesC8& keyusage = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyUsageStart, KKeyUsageEnd, pos, err);
-			if(err != KErrNone)
-				{
-				break;
-				}
-			TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage  = ParseKeyUsageL(keyusage);
-			iFilter->SetKeyUsage(iFilter->iKeyUsage | x509KeyUsage);
-			}
-		}
-	else if(keyUsageScheme == KKeyUsagePKCS)
-		{
-		// Set key usage filter
-		TInt err = KErrNone;
-		const TDesC8& keytype = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyTypeStart, KKeyTypeEnd, pos, err);
-		for(;;)
-			{
-			const TDesC8& keyusage = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyUsageStart, KKeyUsageEnd, pos, err);	
-			if(err != KErrNone)
-				{
-				break;
-				}
-			TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage  = ParseKeyUsageL(keyusage,keytype);
-			iFilter->SetKeyUsage(iFilter->iKeyUsage | x509KeyUsage);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iOut.write(_L("Unknown scheme specified: "));
-		iOut.writeString(keyUsageScheme);
-		iOut.writeNewLine();		   
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-		}
-	}
-TKeyUsageX509 CFilter::ParseKeyUsageL(const TDesC8& keyUsage)
-	{
-	TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageNone;
-	if (keyUsage == KDigitalSignature || keyUsage == KDS)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageDigitalSignature;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KNonRepudiation || keyUsage == KNR)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageNonRepudiation;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KKeyEncipherment || keyUsage == KKE)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageKeyEncipherment;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KDataEncipherment || keyUsage == KDE)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageDataEncipherment;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KKeyAgreement || keyUsage == KKA)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageKeyAgreement;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KKeyCertSign || keyUsage == KKCS)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageKeyCertSign;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KCRLSign || keyUsage == KCRLS)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageCRLSign;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KEncipherOnly || keyUsage == KE)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageEncipherOnly;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage == KDecipherOnly || keyUsage == KD)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageDecipherOnly;
-		}
-	else if (keyUsage.Length() != 0)
-		{
-		iOut.writeString(_L("WARNING: unknown key usage: "));
-		iOut.writeString(keyUsage);
-		iOut.writeNewLine();
-		}
-	return x509KeyUsage;
-	}
-TKeyUsageX509 CFilter::ParseKeyUsageL(const TDesC8& aKeyUsage, const TDesC8& keyType)
-	{
-	TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageNone;
-	if( keyType != KNullDesC8 && (keyType ==KPublic || keyType == KAll))
-		{
-		if (aKeyUsage == KEncrypt)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageEncrypt);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KVerify)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageVerify);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KVerifyRecover)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageVerifyRecover);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KDerive)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageDerive);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KWrap)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageWrap);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KNonRepudiation || aKeyUsage == KNR)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage.Length() != 0)
-			{
-			iOut.writeString(_L("WARNING: unknown key usage: "));
-			iOut.writeString(aKeyUsage);
-			iOut.writeNewLine();
-			}
-		}
-	else if( keyType != KNullDesC8 && (keyType == KPrivate || keyType == KAll) )
-		{
-		// individual key usages
-		if(aKeyUsage == KDecrypt)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageDecrypt);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KSign)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSign);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KSignRecover)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignRecover);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KDerive)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageDerive);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KUnwrap)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageUnwrap);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KNonRepudiation || aKeyUsage == KNR)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation);
-			}
-		// common combinations of private keys 
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KSigning)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignSignRecover);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KEncipherAndSign)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignSignRecover | EPKCS15UsageUnwrap);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage == KAllKeyUsagesButNR)
-			{
-			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignSignRecover | EPKCS15UsageDecryptUnwrap); // | EPKCS15UsageDerive);
-			}
-		else if (aKeyUsage.Length() != 0)
-			{
-			iOut.writeString(_L("WARNING: unknown key usage: "));
-			iOut.writeString(aKeyUsage);
-			iOut.writeNewLine();
-			}
-		}
-	else if(keyType == KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation);
-		}
-	return x509KeyUsage;
-	}
-void CFilter::SetSubjectKeyIdFilter(const TDesC8& aSubjectKeyId)
-	{
-	if (aSubjectKeyId != KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		TKeyIdentifier id;
-		id.Zero();
-		for (TInt i = 0; i < aSubjectKeyId.Length() ; i += 2)
-			{
-			TInt a = (aSubjectKeyId[i+1] >= 'a') ? (aSubjectKeyId[i+1] - 'a' + 10) : (aSubjectKeyId[i+1] - '0');
-			TInt b = (aSubjectKeyId[i] >= 'a') ? (aSubjectKeyId[i] - 'a' + 10) : (aSubjectKeyId[i] - '0');
-			id.Append(a  + b * 16);
-			}
-		iFilter->SetSubjectKeyId(id);
-		}
-	}
-void CFilter::SetIssuerKeyIdFilter(const TDesC8& aIssuerKeyId)
-	{
-	if (aIssuerKeyId != KNullDesC8)
-		{
-		TKeyIdentifier id;
-		id.Zero();
-		for (TInt i = 0; i < aIssuerKeyId.Length() ; i += 2)
-			{
-			TInt a = (aIssuerKeyId[i+1] >= 'a') ? (aIssuerKeyId[i+1] - 'a' + 10) : (aIssuerKeyId[i+1] - '0');
-			TInt b = (aIssuerKeyId[i] >= 'a') ? (aIssuerKeyId[i] - 'a' + 10) : (aIssuerKeyId[i] - '0');
-			id.Append(a  + b * 16);
-			}
-		iFilter->SetIssuerKeyId(id);
-		}
-	}
-CCertAttributeFilter* CFilter::iFilter = NULL;
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "t_filter.h"
+#include "t_input.h"
+#include "t_output.h"
+#include "t_certstoredefs.h"
+#include <ccertattributefilter.h>
+CCertAttributeFilter* CFilter::NewL(Output& aOut, 
+									const TDesC8& aFilter)
+	{
+	CFilter* self = new(ELeave) CFilter(aOut);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	iFilter = CCertAttributeFilter::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(iFilter);
+	self->ConstructL(aFilter);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(iFilter);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(self);
+	return iFilter;
+	}
+ CFilter::CFilter(Output& aOut): iOut(aOut)
+ 	{}
+ CFilter::~CFilter()
+ 	{}
+void CFilter::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aFilter)
+	{
+	// Set label filter
+	SetLabelFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KCertLabelStart));
+	// Set uid filter
+	SetUIDFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KUidStart));
+	// Set format filter
+	SetFormatFilterL(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KFormatFlagsStart));	
+	// Set ownertype filter
+	SetOwnerTypeFilterL(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KOwnerTypeStart));
+	// Set keyusage filter
+	TInt pos = 0;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	while( KErrNone == err )
+		{
+		const TDesC8& keyUsageDesc = Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KKeyUsageDescStart, KKeyUsageDescEnd,pos,err);
+		if(KErrNone != err)
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		// as by default the filter object has all usage. 
+		iFilter->SetKeyUsage(EX509UsageNone);
+		SetKeyUsageFilterL(keyUsageDesc);
+		}
+	// Set subjetkeyid filter
+	SetSubjectKeyIdFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KSubjectKeyIdStart));
+	// Set subjetkeyid filter
+	SetIssuerKeyIdFilter(Input::ParseElement(aFilter, KIssuerKeyIdStart));
+	}
+void CFilter::SetLabelFilter(const TDesC8& aLabel)
+	{
+	if (aLabel != KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		TCertLabel certLabel;
+		certLabel.Copy(aLabel);
+		iFilter->SetLabel(certLabel);
+		}
+	}
+void CFilter::SetUIDFilter(const TDesC8& aUid)
+	{
+	if (aUid != KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		TLex8 uidString(aUid);
+		TInt32 val;
+		uidString.Val(val);
+		iFilter->SetUid(TUid::Uid(val));
+		}
+	}
+void CFilter::SetFormatFilterL(const TDesC8& aFormatString)
+	{
+	if (aFormatString != KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		if (aFormatString == KWTLS)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetFormat(EWTLSCertificate);
+			}
+		else if (aFormatString == KX509)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetFormat(EX509Certificate);
+			}
+		else if (aFormatString == KWTLSURL)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetFormat(EWTLSCertificateUrl);
+			}
+		else if (aFormatString == KX509URL)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetFormat(EX509CertificateUrl);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iOut.write(_L("Unknown cert format: "));
+			iOut.writeString(aFormatString);
+			iOut.writeNewLine();		   
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CFilter::SetOwnerTypeFilterL(const TDesC8& aOwnerType)
+	{
+	if (aOwnerType != KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		if(aOwnerType == KCACert)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetOwnerType(ECACertificate);
+			}
+		else if(aOwnerType == KUserCert)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetOwnerType(EUserCertificate);
+			}
+		else if(aOwnerType == KPeerCert)
+			{
+			iFilter->SetOwnerType(EPeerCertificate);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iOut.write(_L("Unknown owner type: "));
+			iOut.writeString(aOwnerType);
+			iOut.writeNewLine();		   
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CFilter::SetKeyUsageFilterL(const TDesC8& aKeyUsageDescription)
+	{
+	TInt pos = 0;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	const TDesC8& keyUsageScheme = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyUsageSchemeStart,KKeyUsageSchemeEnd,pos,err);
+	if(keyUsageScheme == KKeyUsageX509)
+		{
+		// Set key usage filter
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		for(;;)
+			{
+			const TDesC8& keyusage = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyUsageStart, KKeyUsageEnd, pos, err);
+			if(err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage  = ParseKeyUsageL(keyusage);
+			iFilter->SetKeyUsage(iFilter->iKeyUsage | x509KeyUsage);
+			}
+		}
+	else if(keyUsageScheme == KKeyUsagePKCS)
+		{
+		// Set key usage filter
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		const TDesC8& keytype = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyTypeStart, KKeyTypeEnd, pos, err);
+		for(;;)
+			{
+			const TDesC8& keyusage = Input::ParseElement(aKeyUsageDescription, KKeyUsageStart, KKeyUsageEnd, pos, err);	
+			if(err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage  = ParseKeyUsageL(keyusage,keytype);
+			iFilter->SetKeyUsage(iFilter->iKeyUsage | x509KeyUsage);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iOut.write(_L("Unknown scheme specified: "));
+		iOut.writeString(keyUsageScheme);
+		iOut.writeNewLine();		   
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		}
+	}
+TKeyUsageX509 CFilter::ParseKeyUsageL(const TDesC8& keyUsage)
+	{
+	TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageNone;
+	if (keyUsage == KDigitalSignature || keyUsage == KDS)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageDigitalSignature;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KNonRepudiation || keyUsage == KNR)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageNonRepudiation;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KKeyEncipherment || keyUsage == KKE)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageKeyEncipherment;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KDataEncipherment || keyUsage == KDE)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageDataEncipherment;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KKeyAgreement || keyUsage == KKA)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageKeyAgreement;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KKeyCertSign || keyUsage == KKCS)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageKeyCertSign;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KCRLSign || keyUsage == KCRLS)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageCRLSign;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KEncipherOnly || keyUsage == KE)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageEncipherOnly;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage == KDecipherOnly || keyUsage == KD)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageDecipherOnly;
+		}
+	else if (keyUsage.Length() != 0)
+		{
+		iOut.writeString(_L("WARNING: unknown key usage: "));
+		iOut.writeString(keyUsage);
+		iOut.writeNewLine();
+		}
+	return x509KeyUsage;
+	}
+TKeyUsageX509 CFilter::ParseKeyUsageL(const TDesC8& aKeyUsage, const TDesC8& keyType)
+	{
+	TKeyUsageX509 x509KeyUsage = EX509UsageNone;
+	if( keyType != KNullDesC8 && (keyType ==KPublic || keyType == KAll))
+		{
+		if (aKeyUsage == KEncrypt)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageEncrypt);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KVerify)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageVerify);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KVerifyRecover)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageVerifyRecover);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KDerive)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageDerive);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KWrap)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageWrap);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KNonRepudiation || aKeyUsage == KNR)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage.Length() != 0)
+			{
+			iOut.writeString(_L("WARNING: unknown key usage: "));
+			iOut.writeString(aKeyUsage);
+			iOut.writeNewLine();
+			}
+		}
+	else if( keyType != KNullDesC8 && (keyType == KPrivate || keyType == KAll) )
+		{
+		// individual key usages
+		if(aKeyUsage == KDecrypt)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageDecrypt);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KSign)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSign);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KSignRecover)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignRecover);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KDerive)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageDerive);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KUnwrap)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageUnwrap);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KNonRepudiation || aKeyUsage == KNR)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation);
+			}
+		// common combinations of private keys 
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KSigning)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignSignRecover);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KEncipherAndSign)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignSignRecover | EPKCS15UsageUnwrap);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage == KAllKeyUsagesButNR)
+			{
+			x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageSignSignRecover | EPKCS15UsageDecryptUnwrap); // | EPKCS15UsageDerive);
+			}
+		else if (aKeyUsage.Length() != 0)
+			{
+			iOut.writeString(_L("WARNING: unknown key usage: "));
+			iOut.writeString(aKeyUsage);
+			iOut.writeNewLine();
+			}
+		}
+	else if(keyType == KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		x509KeyUsage = KeyUsagePKCS15ToX509(EPKCS15UsageNonRepudiation);
+		}
+	return x509KeyUsage;
+	}
+void CFilter::SetSubjectKeyIdFilter(const TDesC8& aSubjectKeyId)
+	{
+	if (aSubjectKeyId != KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		TKeyIdentifier id;
+		id.Zero();
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < aSubjectKeyId.Length() ; i += 2)
+			{
+			TInt a = (aSubjectKeyId[i+1] >= 'a') ? (aSubjectKeyId[i+1] - 'a' + 10) : (aSubjectKeyId[i+1] - '0');
+			TInt b = (aSubjectKeyId[i] >= 'a') ? (aSubjectKeyId[i] - 'a' + 10) : (aSubjectKeyId[i] - '0');
+			id.Append(a  + b * 16);
+			}
+		iFilter->SetSubjectKeyId(id);
+		}
+	}
+void CFilter::SetIssuerKeyIdFilter(const TDesC8& aIssuerKeyId)
+	{
+	if (aIssuerKeyId != KNullDesC8)
+		{
+		TKeyIdentifier id;
+		id.Zero();
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < aIssuerKeyId.Length() ; i += 2)
+			{
+			TInt a = (aIssuerKeyId[i+1] >= 'a') ? (aIssuerKeyId[i+1] - 'a' + 10) : (aIssuerKeyId[i+1] - '0');
+			TInt b = (aIssuerKeyId[i] >= 'a') ? (aIssuerKeyId[i] - 'a' + 10) : (aIssuerKeyId[i] - '0');
+			id.Append(a  + b * 16);
+			}
+		iFilter->SetIssuerKeyId(id);
+		}
+	}
+CCertAttributeFilter* CFilter::iFilter = NULL;