changeset 31 c0e7917aa107
parent 29 ece3df019add
child 33 cf642210ecb7
--- a/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/x500/x520ava.cpp	Sat Dec 05 21:34:52 2009 +0000
+++ b/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/x500/x520ava.cpp	Sat Dec 05 21:41:51 2009 +0000
@@ -21,55 +21,6 @@
 #include <asn1enc.h>
 #include <asn1dec.h>
-//these are the only attribute types we handle at present
-_LIT(KRFC2247DomainComponent, "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25");
-_LIT(KPKCS9UnstructuredName, "1.2.840.113549.1.9.2");
-//email address is deprecated but we support it anyway...
-_LIT(KPKCS9EmailAddress, "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1");
-/** The maximum length allowed for a country name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxCLength = 2;
-/** The maximum length allowed for an organization name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxOLength = 64;
-/** The maximum length allowed for an organizational unit name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxOULength = 64;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a locality name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxLLength = 128;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a state or province name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxSOPLength = 128;
-/** The maximum length allowed for an title. */
-const TInt KX520MaxTLength = 64;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a common name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxCNLength = 256;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a given name. */
-const TInt KX520MaxGNLength = 16;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a surname. */
-const TInt KX520MaxSLength = 40;
-/** The maximum length allowed for initials. */
-const TInt KX520MaxILength = 5;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a generation qualifier. */
-const TInt KX520MaxGQLength = 3;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a serial number. */
-const TInt KX520MaxSNLength = 64;
-/** The maximum length allowed for a postal code. */
-const TInt KX520MaxPostalCodeLength = 40;
-/** The maximum length allowed for an email address. */
-const TInt KPKCS9MaxEmailAddressLength = 256;
-/** The maximum length allowed for an unstructured name. */
-const TInt KPKCS9MaxUnstructuredNameLength = 256;
-// No maximum was specified in the standard - 128 should be sufficient
-/** The maximum length allowed for an RFC 2247 domain component. 
-* Each component of the domain name is a short string. */
-const TInt KRFC2247MaxDomainComponentLength = 128;
-/** The maximum length allowed a for street. */
-const TInt KRFC2256StreetLength = 128;
 EXPORT_C CX520AttributeTypeAndValue* CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::NewL(const CX520AttributeTypeAndValue& aPair)