changeset 29 ece3df019add
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/authenticationservices/authenticationserver/test/authtool/authtool.cpp	Tue Nov 24 09:06:03 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* AuthTool provides a console interface to the AuthServer query
+* methods, basically dumping the contents of the AuthServer's database.
+ @file 
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include "authserver_client.h"
+using namespace AuthServer;
+_LIT(KAnyStr, "Default");
+_LIT(KBiometricStr, "Biometric");
+_LIT(KKnowledgeStr, "Knowledge");
+_LIT(KTokenStr, "Token");
+TAuthPluginType types[] = { EAuthDefault, EAuthBiometric, EAuthKnowledge, EAuthToken };
+TPtrC typeNames[] = {KAnyStr(), KBiometricStr(), KKnowledgeStr(), KTokenStr() }; 
+_LIT(KUnTrainedStr, "Untrained");
+_LIT(KTrainedStr , "Trained");
+_LIT(KFullyTraininedStr, "Fully Trained");
+TPtrC trainNames[] = { KUnTrainedStr(), KTrainedStr(), KFullyTraininedStr() }; 
+_LIT(KMsgAuthToolPanic,"AuthTool: ");
+TInt ExtractDetailsL();
+TInt DisplayPlugins(RPluginDescriptions&);
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+    {
+    __UHEAP_MARK;
+    CTrapCleanup* cleanupstack=CTrapCleanup::New(); 
+    TRAPD(error,ExtractDetailsL());
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error,User::Panic(KMsgAuthToolPanic, error)); 
+    delete cleanupstack;
+    return 0;
+    }
+CConsoleBase* console = 0;
+TInt ExtractDetailsL()
+  {
+  // create the console
+  console = Console::NewL(_L("AuthTool"),
+										TSize(KDefaultConsWidth,
+											  KDefaultConsHeight));
+  CleanupStack::PushL(console);
+  // connect to server
+  RAuthClient authClient;
+  User::LeaveIfError(authClient.Connect());
+  CleanupClosePushL(authClient);
+  // get the plugins
+  RPluginDescriptions plugins;
+  authClient.PluginsL(plugins);
+  CleanupClosePushL(plugins);
+  DisplayPlugins(plugins);
+  // get the preferences
+  console->Printf(_L("\nPreferences\n-----------\n"));
+  TInt count = sizeof(types)/sizeof(TInt);
+  for (TInt i = 0  ; i < count ; ++i)
+	{
+    console->Printf(_L("%10S : 0x%x\n"), &typeNames[i],
+					authClient.PreferredTypePluginL(types[i]));
+	}
+  console->Printf(_L("\nPress any key to continue\n"));
+  console->Getch();
+  // get the identities
+  console->Printf(_L("\nIdentities\n-----------\n"));
+  RIdentityIdArray ids;
+  authClient.IdentitiesL(ids);
+  CleanupClosePushL(ids);
+  for (TInt index = 0  ; index < ids.Count(); ++index)
+	{
+    HBufC* str = authClient.IdentityStringL(ids[index]);	
+	CleanupStack::PushL(str);
+	if (str != 0)
+	  {
+      console->Printf(_L("0x%x : %S\n"), ids[index],
+						str);
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+      console->Printf(_L("0x%x : No Name\n"), ids[index]);
+	  }
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(str);
+	}
+  console->Printf(_L("\nPress any key to finish\n"));	
+  console->Getch();
+  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4,console);
+  return 0;
+  }
+TPtrC* train(TAuthTrainingStatus aT)
+  {
+  TInt idx =0; 
+  switch (aT)
+	{
+  case EAuthUntrained:
+	idx = 0;
+	break;
+  case EAuthTrained:
+	idx = 1;
+	break;
+  case EAuthFullyTrained:
+	idx = 2;
+	break;
+	}
+  return &trainNames[idx];
+  } 
+TPtrC* type(TAuthPluginType aT)
+  {
+  TInt idx =0; 
+  switch (aT)
+	{
+  case EAuthDefault:
+	idx = 0;
+	break;
+  case EAuthBiometric:
+	idx = 1;
+	break;
+  case EAuthKnowledge:
+	idx = 2;
+	break;
+  case EAuthToken:
+	idx = 3;
+	break;
+  case EAuthPerformance:
+	idx = 4;
+	break;
+	}
+  return &typeNames[idx];
+  } 
+TInt DisplayPlugins(RPluginDescriptions& aPlugins)
+  {
+  console->Printf(_L("\nPlugin Descriptions\n-------------------\n"));
+  for (TInt i = 0  ; i < aPlugins.Count(); ++i)
+	{
+	console->Printf(_L("ID            : 0x%x\n"), aPlugins[i]->Id());
+	console->Printf(_L("Name          : %S\n"), aPlugins[i]->Name());
+	console->Printf(_L("Type          : %S\n"), type(aPlugins[i]->Type()));
+	console->Printf(_L("Training      : %S\n"), train(aPlugins[i]->TrainingStatus()));
+	console->Printf(_L("#Combinations : %d\n"), aPlugins[i]->MinEntropy());
+	console->Printf(_L("FPR           : %d\n"), aPlugins[i]->FalsePositiveRate());
+	console->Printf(_L("FNR           : %d\n\n"), aPlugins[i]->FalseNegativeRate());
+    console->Printf(_L("\nPress any key to continue\n"));
+    console->Getch();
+	}
+  return 0;
+  }