Fix for bug 5329. Added browserrootcertificates to package_definition.xml file. Also corrected the wrong spelling.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<relnotes name="INTEGRATIONTEST">
<defect number="PDEF127823" title="BATS BREEZE SDP: Emulator network access issues using WinPcap" revision="025">
new configchangebats perl added to make use of environment variable when environement value available for MAC
<defect number="PDEF126231" title="Make Security Test Suites Run Standalone" revision="024">
Make Security Test Suites Run Standalone
<defect number="INC123526" title="Symbian, CX500DistinguishedName::ExactMatchL fails if DNs contain unsupported at" revision="023">
Add support for the PKCS9 unstructuredName attribute
<deliverystep number="1094" name="CR1497: Remove emulator dependency on certificate database creation tool" osproject="Naiad" revision="022">
<milestone project="GT0379" number="MS3.33"/>
<cr number="1497" title="Remove emulator dependency on certificate database creation tool">
Remove emulator dependency on certificate database creation tool
<deliverystep number="958" name="CR1313: OCSP Changes for Cingular/AT&T" osproject="Sphinx" revision="021">
<milestone project="GT0379" number="MS3.18"/>
<cr number="1313" title="OCSP Changes for Cingular/AT&T">
OCSP Changes for Cingular/AT&T
<deliverystep number="708" name="Security - Alignment of CBR and System Model components" osproject="Oghma" revision="020">
<milestone project="GT0313" number="MS3.7"/>
<preq number="775" title="Alignment of CBR and System Model components">
OSD and IPR category are modified fro sntpclient.
<defect number="DEF106230" title="Clean up build's tagscan errors" revision="019">
Remove tagscan errors.
<defect number="DEF105943" title="Master build specs refer to ChrisDa's personal branch" revision="018">
sntpclient is moved to testframework/test to remove the incorrect referance of chrisda’s personal branch in master build specs.
<ec number="074" title="Include an implementation of the MD4 hash function (IETF RFC 1320) in those provided by the Symbian Hash library (part of Symbian Security subsystem)" revision="017">
Added the MD4 Message Digest Algorithm(RFC 1320) implementation.
<defect number="DEF104814" title="runced.bat should not be stored in be under Generic\security\zepher" revision="016">
New version of some files added to security\testframework\test\autotesting from //PR/share/DABSRelease/buildscripts/projects/security/zephyr/
<cr number="0956" title="Control ordering of uninstall RUNREMOVE action" revision="015">
Added integration tests for CR956 -Control ordering of RR action.
<defect number="PDEF102746" title="OOM tests failing in JMI component" revision="014">
Fixed numerous problems under OOM.
<preq number="1182" title="GNU Make-based build system" revision="013">
TOOLS2 macro is added with TOOLS.
<defect number="DEF104321" title="Include all tests for Vfuture" revision="012">
All regression tests are included for future build
<preq number="1182" title="GNU Make-based build system" revision="011">
Changed according to filename policy to support the building of Symbian OS on both Windows and Linux for the test code.
<preq number="1182" title="GNU Make-based build system" revision="010">
Changed according to filename policy to support the building of Symbian OS on both Windows and Linux.
<defect number="DEF102382" title="Some tests are running repeatly in test_spec_9.3" revision="009">
test scripts duplication removed from test spec
<defect number="DEF101551" title="tpkcs5kdftests.txt regression" revision="008">
Removed tpkcs5kdftests.txt and added the test cases present in tpkcs5kdftests.txt to tpkcs12kdftests.txt.
<minorchange revision="007">
Naiad Quality plan to improve the test coverage and to reduce the defect level in the production code
<defect number="DEF102043" title="Makesis & SWI assumes system drive is c:" revision="006">
Removed hardcoded references to C drive and replaced with system drive.
<defect number="PDEF098621" title="bld.inf and distribution.policy missing from security directory in CBR" revision="005">
Top level bld.inf is added into CBR release
<defect number="PDEF100686" title="Hardware tests result (integritychecktest.htm) is not copied to E drive(MMC)" revision="004">
Copied integritychecktest.htm to E:(MMC).
<defect number="DEF096191" title="57: t_testhandler2 OOM test framework can go into an infinite loop" revision="003">
Infinite loop exited when any unknown error comes other than KErrNone and KErrNoMemory for OOM Test Framework.
<defect number="DEF099289" title="Remove SYMBIAN_PKCS12 #ifdefs from code" revision="002">
Removed SYMBIAN_PKCS12 #ifdefs from code.
<minorchange revision="001">
Altered iby to ensure that platsec settings are put in the core image of the DP test roms