Fix for Bug 2442 - Symbian^2 package build failure.
//// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description: ////! @file//! @SYMTestSuiteName SEC-CERTMAN//! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment The script has no specific test environment requirements. //! @SYMScriptPurpose Test the published API functions of CPKIXCertChain.LOAD_SUITE tpkixcert_tefserver//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0001//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Testing CPKIXCertChain date and time checking behaviour during certificate validation.//! @SYMCR 1240//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain has expired. //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::SetValidityPeriodCheckFatal() passing in EFalse. //! 4) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain has expired. //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::SetValidityPeriodCheckFatal() passing in ETrue. //! 6) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain has expired. //! 7) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Calls 2 and 6 should fail with EDateOutOfRange. Call 4 should pass with EValidatedOK but report the warning EDateOutOfRange through both the old warnings API(CPKIXValidationResult::Warnings()) and the new one(CCertificateWarning::Warnings()).//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose 1) Check that current behaviour has not been altered and we still fail to validate out of date certificate chains. //! 2) Check that new behaviour works correctly by allowing a certificate chain with an invalid date to validate successfully when explicitly told to. //! 3) Then ensure this has left the system in the correct state to maintain normal behaviour.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0001RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver DateTimeFatalValidateTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini ExpiredDateTimeEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0001//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0002//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Testing CPKIXCertChain date and time checking behaviour during certificate validation.//! @SYMCR 1240//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain has not yet become valid. //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::SetValidityPeriodCheckFatal() passing in EFalse. //! 4) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain has not yet become valid. //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::SetValidityPeriodCheckFatal() passing in ETrue. //! 6) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain has not yet become valid. //! 7) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Calls 2 and 6 should fail with EDateOutOfRange. Call 4 should pass with EValidatedOK but report the warning EDateOutOfRange through both the old warnings API(CPKIXValidationResult::Warnings()) and the new one(CCertificateWarning::Warnings()).//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose 1) Check that current behaviour has not been altered and we still fail to validate out of date certificate chains. //! 2) Check that new behaviour works correctly by allowing a certificate chain with an invalid date to validate successfully when explicitly told to. //! 3) Then ensure this has left the system in the correct state to maintain normal behaviour.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0002RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver DateTimeFatalValidateTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini InvalidDateTimeEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0002//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0003//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Testing CPKIXCertChain date and time checking behaviour during certificate validation.//! @SYMCR 1240//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain is valid. //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::SetValidityPeriodCheckFatal() passing in EFalse. //! 4) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain is valid. //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::SetValidityPeriodCheckFatal() passing in ETrue. //! 6) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() passing in a validation time where the certificate chain is valid. //! 7) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Calls 2, 4 and 6 should validate successfully with EValidatedOK.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose 1) Check that current behaviour has not been altered and we still fail to validate out of date certificate chains. //! 2) Check that new behaviour works correctly by allowing a certificate chain with an invalid date to validate successfully when explicitly told to. //! 3) Then ensure this has left the system in the correct state to maintain normal behaviour.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0003RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver DateTimeFatalValidateTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini ValidDateTimeEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-DATETIME-0003//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0001//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test correct behaviour of customisable supported critical extension processing.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain.//! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new ones through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). //! 4) Ensure all critical extensions encountered are supported and that the certificate and certificate index information in the results match up with the correct certificates. //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Chain should validate successfully. All critical extensions should be reported through the new certificate warnings API (CCertificateWarning::CriticalExtensionsFound()).//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Test we correctly report the full gamut of possible critical extension patterns we may be expected to deal with in a certificate chain – multiple extensions in one certificate, multiple extensions spanning multiple certificates and the same extension in multiple certificates.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0001RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini CustomCriticalExtsEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0001//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0002//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test old and new warnings API for consistency and backwards compatibility.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new ones through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). //! 4) Compare resultant warnings. //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Chain should validate successfully. Each of the recognised critical extensions should be reported both as a warning through the old warnings return and through the new API CCertificateWarning::CriticalExtensionsFound(). CCertificateWarning::Warnings() should contain the other warnings found in CPKIXValidationResult::Warnings(). The new returns mechanism should have no additional warnings.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure backwards compatibility of old style warning reporting and ensure the new warning returns match up with this.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0002RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini WarningsEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0002//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0003//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Check supported OID list processing resilience.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct certificate chain.//! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and a new invalid format OID through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). //! 4) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Chain should validate successfully with EValidatedOK with expected warnings returned.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Check the code is resilient to badly formed OID data being passed in to the supported OID list.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0003RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini BadOidValueEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0003//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0004//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Check supported OID list processing resilience.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to an empty one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). //! 4) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Chain should error with EUnrecognizedCriticalExtension (it is necessary for the CA to contain a critical extension).//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Check the code is resilient to an empty supported OID list.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0004RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini EmptySupportedOidListEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0004//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0005//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Append API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Append a collection of new OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 4) Append a collection of OIDs already in the supported list through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 6) Append a collection of OIDs with duplicates within the collection. //! 7) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 8) Append an empty collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 9) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Supported OID list should be updated correctly in each case.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure OIDs are added to the supported list, that the result contains no duplicates and no errors are reported.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0005RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini NewOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini AlreadySupportedOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OidsWithDuplicatesRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini NoOidsEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0005//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0005//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Append API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions OOM loop around steps 1 to 9://! 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Append a collection of new OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 4) Append a collection of OIDs already in the supported list through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 6) Append a collection of OIDs with duplicates within the collection. //! 7) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 8) Append an empty collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 9) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults There should be no memory leaks at any stage.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure OIDs are added to the supported list, that the result contains no duplicates and no errors are reported.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0005RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomNewOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomAlreadySupportedOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomOidsWithDuplicatesRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver AddSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomNoOidsEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0005//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0006//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Remove API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Remove a collection of OIDs currently supported in the list through CPKIXCertChain::RemoveSupportedCriticalExtensions(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 4) Remove a collection of OIDs not currently supported in the list through CPKIXCertChain::RemoveSupportedCriticalExtensions(). //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 6) Remove an empty collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 7) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Supported OID list should be updated correctly in each case.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure OIDs are removed from the supported list and no errors are reported.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0006RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini NewOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini AlreadySupportedOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini SupportedOidsWithDuplicatesRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini NoOidsEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0006//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0006//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Remove API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions OOM loop around steps 1 to 7://! 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Remove a collection of OIDs currently supported in the list through CPKIXCertChain::RemoveSupportedCriticalExtensions(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 4) Remove a collection of OIDs not currently supported in the list through CPKIXCertChain::RemoveSupportedCriticalExtensions(). //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 6) Remove an empty collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::AddSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 7) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults There should be no memory leaks at any stage.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure OIDs are removed from the supported list and no errors are reported.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0006RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomNewOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomAlreadySupportedOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomSupportedOidsWithDuplicatesRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver RemoveSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomNoOidsEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0006//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0007//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Reset API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL() with an empty supported OID list. //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL() on a non empty, no default (one new OID added and one default OID removed)//! supported OID list. //! 4) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Supported OID list should be updated correctly in each case.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure the supported OID list is reset to the default values correctly.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0007RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ResetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini NoOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ResetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OneAddedOneRemovedEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0007//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0007//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Reset API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions OOM loop around steps 1 to 4://! 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL() with an empty supported OID list. //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL() on a non empty, no default (one new OID added and one default OID removed)//! supported OID list. //! 4) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults There should be no memory leaks at any stage.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure the supported OID list is reset to the default values correctly.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0007RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ResetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomNoOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ResetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomOneAddedOneRemovedEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0007//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0008//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Set API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set an empty collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 4) Set a collection of non empty (one new OID and one default OID removed) collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 6) Set the same collection of OIDs as is currently supported through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 7) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 8) Set a collection of OIDs containing internal duplicates through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 9) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Supported OID list should be updated correctly in each case.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure supported OID list is updated correctly, the result contains no duplicates and no errors are reported.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0008RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini NoOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OneAddedOneRemovedRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini CurrentlySupportedRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OidsWithDuplicatesEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0008//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0008//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the Set API for manipulating supported OID list for correct behaviour.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions OOM loop around steps 1 to 9://! 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set an empty collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 4) Set a collection of non empty (one new OID and one default OID removed) collection of OIDs through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 5) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 6) Set the same collection of OIDs as is currently supported through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 7) Call CPKIXCertChain::ResetSupportedCriticalExtsToDefaultL(). //! 8) Set a collection of OIDs containing internal duplicates through CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL(). //! 9) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults There should be no memory leaks at any stage.//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure supported OID list is updated correctly, the result contains no duplicates and no errors are reported.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0008RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomNoOidsRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomOneAddedOneRemovedRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomCurrentlySupportedRUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver SetSupportedOidsTest c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\apitests.ini OomOidsWithDuplicatesEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-OOM-0008//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0009//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KExtendedKeyUsage is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0009RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_ExtendedKeyUsageEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0009//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0010//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KPolicyMapping is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0010RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_PolicyMappingEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0010//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0011//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KDeviceListConstraint is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0011RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_DeviceIdListConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0011//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0012//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KSidListConstraint is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0012RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_SidListConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0012//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0013//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KVidListConstraint is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0013RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_VidListConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0013//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0014//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KCapabilitiesConstraint is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0014RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_CapabilitiesConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0014//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0015//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KCertPolicies is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0015RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_CertPoliciesEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0015//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0016//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KPolicyConstraints is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0016RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_PolicyConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0016//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0017//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KNameConstraints is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0017RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_NameConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0017//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0018//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KBasicConstraints is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0018RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_BasicConstraintEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0018//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0019//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KKeyUsage is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0019RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_KeyUsageEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0019//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0020//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KSubjectAltName is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0020RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_SubjectAltNameEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0020//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0021//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KInhibitAnyPolicy is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0021RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_InhibitAnyPolicyEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0021//! @SYMTestCaseID SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0022//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL() code fails correctly.//! @SYMCR 1399//! @SYMTestPriority Critical//! @SYMTestActions 1) Construct the certificate chain. //! 2) Set the supported OID list to the default OIDs and the new one through a call to CPKIXCertChain::SetSupportedCriticalExtensionsL().//! 3) Call CPKIXCertChain::ValidateL(). The default OID value for KTestOid is not set.//! 4) Ensure the correct error value is returned //! 5) Cleanup the certificate chain and utility classes. //! @SYMTestExpectedResults The validation should return with EUnrecognisedCriticalExtension//! @SYMTestType CIT//! @SYMTestPurpose Ensure we fail correctly for critical extension OIDs encountered that are outside the specified list that we recognise.START_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0022RUN_TEST_STEP 100 tpkixcert_tefserver ValidateCertChain c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\validatetests.ini Missing_TestOidEND_TESTCASE SEC-CERTMAN-CRITEXT-0022