changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1fb32624e06b
     1 /*
     2 *******************************************************************************
     3 *
     4 *   Copyright (C) 2003, International Business Machines
     5 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
     6 *
     7 *******************************************************************************
     8 *   file name:  unorm_it.h
     9 *   encoding:   US-ASCII
    10 *   tab size:   8 (not used)
    11 *   indentation:4
    12 *
    13 *   created on: 2003jan21
    14 *   created by: Markus W. Scherer
    15 */
    17 #ifndef __UNORM_IT_H__
    18 #define __UNORM_IT_H__
    20 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
    24 #include "unicode/uiter.h"
    25 #include "unicode/unorm.h"
    27 /**
    28  * Normalizing UCharIterator wrapper.
    29  * This internal API basically duplicates the functionality of the C++ Normalizer
    30  * but
    31  * - it actually implements a character iterator (UCharIterator)
    32  *   with few restrictions (see unorm_setIter())
    33  * - it supports UCharIterator getState()/setState()
    34  * - it uses lower-level APIs and buffers more text and states,
    35  *   hopefully resulting in higher performance
    36  *
    37  * Usage example:
    38  * \code
    39  * function(UCharIterator *srcIter) {
    40  *     UNormIterator *uni;
    41  *     UCharIterator *iter;
    42  *     UErrorCode errorCode;
    43  * 
    44  *     errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    45  *     uni=unorm_openIter(&errorCode);
    46  *     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    47  *         // report error
    48  *         return;
    49  *     }
    50  * 
    51  *     iter=unorm_setIter(uni, srcIter, UNORM_FCD, &errorCode);
    52  *     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    53  *         // report error
    54  *     } else {
    55  *         // use iter to iterate over the canonically ordered
    56  *         // version of srcIter's text
    57  *         uint32_t state;
    58  * 
    59  *         ...
    60  * 
    61  *         state=uiter_getState(iter);
    62  *         if(state!=UITER_NO_STATE) {
    63  *             // use valid state, store it, use iter some more
    64  *             ...
    65  * 
    66  *             // later restore iter to the saved state:
    67  *             uiter_setState(iter, state, &errorCode);
    68  * 
    69  *             ...
    70  *         }
    71  * 
    72  *         ...
    73  *     }
    74  *     unorm_closeIter(uni);
    75  * }
    76  * \endcode
    77  *
    78  * See also the ICU test suites.
    79  *
    80  * @internal
    81  */
    82 struct UNormIterator;
    83 typedef struct UNormIterator UNormIterator;
    85 /**
    86  * Size of a stack buffer to hold a UNormIterator, see the stackMem parameter
    87  * of unorm_openIter().
    88  *
    89  * @internal
    90  */
    91 #define UNORM_ITER_SIZE 1024
    93 /**
    94  * Open a normalizing iterator. Must be closed later.
    95  * Use unorm_setIter().
    96  *
    97  * @param stackMem Pointer to preallocated (stack-allocated) buffer to hold
    98  *                 the UNormIterator if possible; can be NULL.
    99  * @param stackMemSize Number of bytes at stackMem; can be 0,
   100  *                     or should be >= UNORM_ITER_SIZE for a non-NULL stackMem.
   101  * @param pErrorCode ICU error code
   102  * @return an allocated and pre-initialized UNormIterator
   103  * @internal
   104  */
   105 U_CAPI UNormIterator * U_EXPORT2
   106 unorm_openIter(void *stackMem, int32_t stackMemSize, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
   108 /**
   109  * Close a normalizing iterator.
   110  *
   111  * @param uni UNormIterator from unorm_openIter()
   112  * @internal
   113  */
   114 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
   115 unorm_closeIter(UNormIterator *uni);
   117 /**
   118  * Set a UCharIterator and a normalization mode for the normalizing iterator
   119  * to wrap. The normalizing iterator will read from the character iterator,
   120  * normalize the text, and in turn deliver it with its own wrapper UCharIterator
   121  * interface which it returns.
   122  *
   123  * The source iterator remains at its current position through the unorm_setIter()
   124  * call but will be used and moved as soon as the
   125  * the returned normalizing iterator is.
   126  *
   127  * The returned interface pointer is valid for as long as the normalizing iterator
   128  * is open and until another unorm_setIter() call is made on it.
   129  *
   130  * The normalizing iterator's UCharIterator interface has the following properties:
   131  * - getIndex() and move() will almost always return UITER_UNKNOWN_INDEX
   132  * - getState() will return UITER_NO_STATE for unknown states for positions
   133  *              that are not at normalization boundaries
   134  *
   135  * @param uni UNormIterator from unorm_openIter()
   136  * @param iter The source text UCharIterator to be wrapped. It is aliases into the normalizing iterator.
   137  *             Must support getState() and setState().
   138  * @param mode The normalization mode.
   139  * @param pErrorCode ICU error code
   140  * @return an alias to the normalizing iterator's UCharIterator interface
   141  * @internal
   142  */
   143 U_CAPI UCharIterator * U_EXPORT2
   144 unorm_setIter(UNormIterator *uni, UCharIterator *iter, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
   146 #endif /* uconfig.h switches */
   148 #endif