changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
child 9 26914f8d1faf
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1fb32624e06b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * Text caching for TAGMA: cacheing of text and formats extracted from a text source,
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #include "TMSTD.H"
    21 #include <bidi.h>
    24 inline TBool IsSurrogate(TText a) { return 0xD800 == (a & 0xF800); }
    25 inline TBool IsHighSurrogate(TText a) { return 0xD800 == (a & 0xFC00); }
    26 inline TBool IsLowSurrogate(TText a) { return 0xDC00 == (a & 0xFC00); }
    27 inline TChar JoinSurrogates(TText aHigh, TText aLow)
    28 	{
    29 	return ((aHigh - 0xd7f7) << 10) + aLow;
    30 	}
    32 inline TText16 GetHighSurrogate(TUint aChar)
    33 	{
    34 	return STATIC_CAST(TText16, 0xD7C0 + (aChar >> 10));
    35 	}
    37 inline TText16 GetLowSurrogate(TUint aChar)
    38 	{
    39 	return STATIC_CAST(TText16, 0xDC00 | (aChar & 0x3FF));
    40 	}
    42 TUint RTmTextCache::Char(TInt aPos)
    43 	{
    44 	if (aPos < 0 || aPos > iDocumentLength)
    45 		return 0xFFFF;
    46 	if (aPos == iDocumentLength)
    47 		return CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter;
    48 	if (aPos < iTextStart || aPos >= iTextStart + iTextLength)
    49 		{
    50 		TPtrC p;
    51 		GetText(aPos,KMaxTInt,p);
    52 		}
    53 	if ( IsHighSurrogate( iText[aPos-iTextStart] ) ) 
    54 		{
    55 		if (iTextStart+iTextLength-aPos > 1)
    56 			{
    57 			TText high = iText[aPos-iTextStart];
    58 			TText low = iText[aPos-iTextStart+1];
    59 			if ( IsLowSurrogate( low ) )
    60 			    return JoinSurrogates( high, low );
    61 			else
    62 			    // If the corrupt surrogate, it is treated as what it is mapped
    63 			    return iSource.Map( high );
    64 			}
    65 		else
    66 			{
    67 			// If the corrupt surrogate, it is treated as what it is mapped
    68 			return iSource.Map( iText[aPos-iTextStart] );
    69 			}
    70 		}
    71 	else
    72 		{
    73 		return iText[aPos - iTextStart];
    74 		}
    75 	}
    77 /**
    78 Measure the width of some text, substituting glyphs where necessary.
    80 @param aStart Start position of text in document
    81 @param aEnd (Exclusive) end position of text in document
    82 @param aRightToLeft True if the text is right-to-left
    83 @param aMaxAdvance Measurement will stop if this advance is exceeded
    84 @param aOutput Output form text measurement function
    85 @param aExtraChar
    86 	Fetch this much context beyond aEnd. This helps when the text is to be
    87 	truncated, and aEnd is not certain to be at a cluster boundary.
    88 @return Advance width. Side-bearings are not included. */
    89 TInt RTmTextCache::AdvanceWidthL(TInt aStart, TInt aEnd, TBool aRightToLeft,
    90 						  TInt aMaxAdvance, CFbsFont::TMeasureTextOutput* aOutput, TInt aExtraChar)
    91 	{
    92 	// Get the displayed text, up to the copy fit width if necessary.
    93 	TInt length = aEnd - aStart;
    94 	TText buffer[KMaxTextChunkSize + 2 + 1];
    95 	if (length > KMaxTextChunkSize)
    96 		TmPanic(ETextWidthBufferOverflow);
    98 	CTmTextFontCache *font = NULL;
   100 	// Get the text in logical order. If a custom interface to draw (in later stages)
   101 	// the text in context exists, then measure the text with context.
   102 	TInt error;
   103 	if (Source().GetExtendedInterface(KTmCustomExtensionUid))
   104 		{
   105 		error = GetDisplayedText(aStart, aEnd + aExtraChar,
   106 								  aRightToLeft ? ELogicalRightToLeft : ELeftToRight,
   107 								  buffer,iContextCharPerChunk, 0, &font);
   108 		}
   109 		else
   110 			{
   111 			error = GetDisplayedText(aStart, aEnd + aExtraChar,
   112 								  aRightToLeft ? ELogicalRightToLeft : ELeftToRight,
   113 								  buffer,0, 0, &font);
   114 			}
   116 	// Don't push font onto cleanup stack because this method only leaves below.
   117 	// If there was an error in GetDisplayedText, font will have been closed
   118 	if (error)
   119 		User::Leave(error);
   121 	CFont::TMeasureTextInput input;
   122  	input.iFlags = aRightToLeft?
   123  		CFont::TMeasureTextInput::EFVisualOrderRightToLeft
   124  		: CFont::TMeasureTextInput::EFVisualOrder;
   126    	// Create a new buffer which will have the context  as well
   127    	TPtrC inputText(buffer, length + 2 + aExtraChar);
   128    	input.iStartInputChar = 1;
   129    	input.iEndInputChar = input.iStartInputChar + length;
   130    	input.iMaxBounds = aMaxAdvance;
   131    	input.iFlags |= CFont::TMeasureTextInput::EFIncludePenPositionInBoundsCheck;
   132  	CFbsFont::TMeasureTextOutput output;
   133  	CFbsFont::TMeasureTextOutput* pOutput = aOutput? aOutput : &output;
   134  	// Measure this text in the context supplied. Any punctuations in this chunk
   135  	// will now be measured based on this context.
   136  	TInt width = font->Font().MeasureText(inputText, &input, pOutput);
   137  	// Do not report initial Zero-Width Joiner or 0xFFFF
   138  	if (0 != pOutput->iChars)
   139  		--pOutput->iChars;
   141 	// Find the new context at the end of this chunk. This will be used to pass on to the next chunk.
   142 	// If the context hasn't changed, pass on the previous context.
   143 	TUint last;
   144 	TInt textLength = input.iStartInputChar + pOutput->iChars;
   145 	TChar::TBdCategory cat = TChar::ELeftToRight;
   146 	while (textLength != 0)
   147 		{
   148 		TUint charSize = 1;
   149 		last = *(inputText.Ptr() + textLength);
   150 		if ( IsSurrogate( last ) && textLength > 1 ) 
   151 			{
   152 			TText low = *(inputText.Ptr() + textLength);
   153 			TText high = *(inputText.Ptr() + textLength - 1);
   154 			if ( IsLowSurrogate( low ) && IsHighSurrogate( high ) )
   155 				{
   156 				charSize = 2;
   157 				last = JoinSurrogates( high, low );
   158 				}
   159 			else
   160 			    {
   161 			    // If the corrupt surrogate, it is treated as what it is mapped
   162 			    last = iSource.Map( last );
   163 			    }
   164 			}
   166 		cat = TChar(last).GetBdCategory();
   167 		if (last != 65535 && textLength !=0 &&
   168 			(cat == TChar::ELeftToRight ||
   169 			 cat == TChar::ERightToLeft ||
   170 			 cat == TChar::ERightToLeftArabic))
   171 			{
   172 			iContextCharPerChunk = last;
   173 			break;	
   174 			}
   175 		textLength -= charSize;
   176 		}
   178 	// Check if this chunk is a punctuation chunk. If it is not, the context in the byte code for this chunk
   179 	// will be NULL. Otherwise it will just be the previous context.
   180 	if (cat == TChar::ELeftToRight ||
   181 		 cat == TChar::ERightToLeft ||
   182 		 cat == TChar::ERightToLeftArabic ||
   183 		 cat == TChar::EWhitespace)
   184 		{
   185 		iContextCharInByteCode = NULL;
   186 		}
   187 	else
   188 		iContextCharInByteCode = iContextCharPerChunk;
   190 	font->Close();
   192 	return width;
   193 	}
   195 /** Measure the width of some text, substituting glyphs where necessary.
   196 @param aStart Start position of text in document
   197 @param aEnd (Exclusive) end position of text in document
   198 @param aRightToLeft True if the text is right-to-left
   199 @return width including side-bearings */
   200 TInt RTmTextCache::TotalWidthL(TInt aStart, TInt aEnd,
   201 	TBool aRightToLeft)
   202 	{
   203  	CFbsFont::TMeasureTextOutput output;
   204  	TInt width = AdvanceWidthL(aStart, aEnd, aRightToLeft, KMaxTInt, &output);
   205  	// Add on any protruding side-bearings
   206  	if (width < output.iBounds.iBr.iX)
   207  		width = output.iBounds.iBr.iX;
   208  	if (output.iBounds.iTl.iX < 0)
   209  		width -= output.iBounds.iTl.iX;
   210  	return width;
   211 	}
   214 /*
   215 Get source text starting at aPos and not more than (aMaxEndChar - aPos) characters.
   216 If aFormat is non-null get the format.
   217 @param aFont If aFont is not null, on return contains a pointer to an opened CTmTextFontCache*
   218 		The caller must call Close on aFont when finished with the font.
   219 @return Failure condition from getting the font, if any.
   220 */
   221 TInt RTmTextCache::GetText(TInt aPos,TInt aMaxEndChar,TPtrC& aText,TTmCharFormat* aFormat,CTmTextFontCache** aFont)
   222 	{
   223 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   224 	if (aPos < iTextStart || aPos >= iTextStart + iTextLength)
   225 		{
   226 		iTextStart = aPos;
   227 		iTextBuffer.Zero();
   228 		TPtrC p;
   229 		TTmCharFormat new_format;
   230 		iSource.GetText(iTextStart,p,new_format);
   231 		if (!(new_format.iFontSpec == iFormat.iFontSpec))
   232 			{
   233 			ReleaseFont();
   234 			}
   235 		iFormat = new_format;
   236 		iText = p.Ptr();
   237 		iTextLength = p.Length();
   238 		if (iTextLength == 0)
   239 			TmPanic(EZeroLengthTextSupplied);
   240 		}
   241 	int offset = aPos - iTextStart;
   242 	aText.Set(iText + offset,iTextLength - offset);
   243 	if (aText.Length() > aMaxEndChar - aPos)
   244 		{
   245 		const TText* p = aText.Ptr();
   246 		aText.Set(p,aMaxEndChar - aPos);
   247 		}
   248 	if (aFormat)
   249 		*aFormat = iFormat;
   250 	if (aFont)
   251 		{
   252 		if (iFont == NULL)
   253 			{
   254 			TFontSpec fs;
   255 			iFormat.iFontSpec.GetTFontSpec(fs);
   256 			CFont *font = NULL;
   257 			error = iDevice.GetNearestFontInTwips(font,fs);
   258 			if (font != NULL)
   259 				{
   260 				iFont = CTmTextFontCache::New(iDevice, *font);
   261 				if (iFont == NULL)
   262 					{
   263 					iDevice.ReleaseFont(font);
   264 					error = KErrNoMemory;
   265 					}
   266 				}
   267 			}
   268 		if (iFont && error == KErrNone)
   269 			{
   270 			*aFont = iFont;
   271 			iFont->Open();
   272 			}
   273 		}
   274 	return error;
   275 	}
   277 /** Finds the extent of the run of characters that have the same format as
   278 aFormat following aPos, up to aMaxEndChar.
   279 @internalComponent */
   280 TInt FollowOnTextEnd(TInt aPos, TInt aMaxEndChar,
   281 	const TTmCharFormat& aFormat, MTmSource& aSource, TBool forcedExtend = EFalse)
   282 	{
   283 	TTmCharFormat format;
   284 	TPtrC text;
   285 	while (aPos < aMaxEndChar)
   286 		{
   287 		aSource.GetText(aPos, text, format);
   288 		// The forcedExtend flag is used for only one case that to prevent single ZWJ being 
   289 		// returned by RTmTextCache::GetTextL. Please see RTmTextCache::GetTextL.
   290 		if (format != aFormat && !forcedExtend)
   291 			return aPos;
   292 		TInt length = text.Length();
   293 		if (length == 0)
   294 			return aPos;
   295 		if (text[0] == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter)
   296 			{
   297 			return aPos;
   298 			}
   299 		aPos += length;
   300 		}
   301 	return aMaxEndChar;
   302 	}
   304 /** Copys the specified text from the source into the buffer.
   305 @internalComponent */
   306 void AppendTextToBuffer(TDes& aBuffer,
   307 	TInt aStart, TInt aEnd, MTmSource& aSource)
   308 	{
   309 	TTmCharFormat dummy;
   310 	while (aStart != aEnd)
   311 		{
   312 		TPtrC text;
   313 		aSource.GetText(aStart, text, dummy);
   314 		TInt textEnd = aStart + text.Length();
   315 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aStart < textEnd, TmPanic(EZeroLengthTextSupplied));
   316 		if (aEnd < textEnd)
   317 			{
   318 			// This run is overlong, so just append all that will fit
   319 			aBuffer.Append(&text[0], aEnd - aStart);
   320 			return;
   321 			}
   322 		aBuffer.Append(text);
   323 		aStart = textEnd;
   324 		}
   325 	}
   327 /** Same as GetText but will join text together if it has the same format.
   328 @param
   329 	aText the text returned. Is valid until the next call of GetText, GetTextL
   330 	or Close.
   331 @param aFont If aFont is not null, on return contains a pointer to an opened CTmTextFontCache*
   332 		The caller must call Close on aFont when finished with the font.
   333 @internalComponent */
   334 TInt RTmTextCache::GetTextL(TInt aPos, TInt aMaxEndChar, TPtrC& aText,
   335 	TTmCharFormat* aFormat, CTmTextFontCache** aFont)
   336 	{
   337 	TInt bufferEnd = iTextBufferStart + iTextBuffer.Length();
   338 	if ( iTextBufferStart <= aPos && aPos < bufferEnd
   339 		&& (aMaxEndChar < bufferEnd || iTextBufferEndsInFormatChange) )
   340 		{
   341 		TInt textEnd = Min(bufferEnd, aMaxEndChar);
   342 		aText.Set(&iTextBuffer[aPos - iTextBufferStart], textEnd - aPos);
   343 		if (aFormat)
   344 			*aFormat = iFormat;
   345 		if (aFont)
   346 			{
   347 			*aFont = iFont;
   348 			iFont->Open();
   349 			}
   351 		return KErrNone;
   352 		}
   354 	TInt error =  GetText(aPos, aMaxEndChar, aText, aFormat, aFont);
   355 	TBool forcedExtend = EFalse;
   356 	const TText* ch = aText.Ptr();
   357 	// When the text is just a ZWJ, the following text should be forced extended, because the ZWJ should
   358 	// never be returned as a single text chunk.
   359 	if (aText.Length() == 1 && *ch == KZeroWidthJoiner)
   360 		forcedExtend = ETrue;
   361 	if (error == KErrNone)
   362 		{
   363 		CleanupClosePushL(**aFont);
   364 		TInt endOfAText = aPos + aText.Length();
   366 		TInt end = FollowOnTextEnd(endOfAText, aMaxEndChar, iFormat, iSource, forcedExtend);
   367 		if (end != endOfAText)
   368 			{
   369 			iTextBuffer.Zero();
   370 			if (iTextBuffer.MaxLength() < end - aPos)
   371 				iTextBuffer.ReAllocL(end - aPos);
   373 			iTextBuffer.Append(aText);
   374 			AppendTextToBuffer(iTextBuffer, endOfAText, end, iSource);
   375 			iTextBufferStart = aPos;
   376 			iTextBufferEndsInFormatChange = end < aMaxEndChar;
   377 			aText.Set(iTextBuffer);
   378 			}
   379 		CleanupStack::Pop(*aFont);
   380 		}
   381 	return error;
   382 	}
   384 TBool RTmTextCache::IsArabicPoint(TInt aChar)
   385 	{
   386 	return 0x64B <= aChar && aChar < 0x671
   387 		&& !(0x656 <= aChar && aChar < 0x670);
   388 	}
   390 TUint SupplementaryCharMap(MTmSource *aSource, TText aHigh, TText aLow)
   391     {
   392     TChar c(aHigh);
   393     if ( IsHighSurrogate( aHigh ) && IsLowSurrogate( aLow ))
   394         c = JoinSurrogates( aHigh, aLow );
   395     return aSource->Map(c);
   396     }
   398 /**
   399 Gets all the displayed text in the range aStart...aEnd and puts it into a
   400 buffer that must be at least aEnd - aStart + 2 characters in length. If
   401 aFormat is non-null gets the format of the first section of text. If aFont
   402 is non-null gets the font for the first section of text. If aDirectionality
   403 is EVisualRightToLeft reverses the text and mirrors appropriate characters.
   404 Adds a zero-width joiner to the start and/or end of the text returned if
   405 these are necessary for the correct contextual glyph choice. Adds a
   406 0xFFFF to each end if this is not required.
   407 @param aFont If aFont is not null, on return contains a pointer to an opened CTmTextFontCache*
   408 		The caller must call Close on aFont when finished with the font.
   409 @return Failure condition on getting font, if any.
   410 @internalComponent
   411 */
   412 TInt RTmTextCache::GetDisplayedText(TInt aStart, TInt aEnd,
   413 									TDisplayedTextDirectionality aDirectionality, TText* aBuffer,TUint aContextChar,
   414 									TTmCharFormat* aFormat, CTmTextFontCache** aFont)
   415 	{
   416 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aStart <= aEnd, TmPanic(EBadArg));
   417 	if (aContextChar == 0)
   418 		aBuffer[0] = 0xFFFF;
   419 	else
   420 		aBuffer[0] = aContextChar;
   421 	if (aEnd == aStart)
   422 		return KErrGeneral;
   423 	TPtrC text;
   424 	TText* output = aBuffer;
   425 	TTmCharFormat format;
   427 	// might the (logically) first character join with the previous one?
   428 	GetText(aStart, aStart + 1, text, &format);	
   429     if (aFormat)
   430         *aFormat = format;
   431 	TInt c = iSource.Map(text[0]);
   432 	if (IsHighSurrogate(text[0]))
   433 		{
   434 		GetText(aStart, aStart + 2, text, &format);
   435 		if (aFormat)
   436 			*aFormat = format;
   437 		if (text.Length() >= 2)
   438 			{
   439 			if (IsLowSurrogate(text[1]))
   440 				{
   441 				c = SupplementaryCharMap(&iSource, text[0], text[1]);
   442 				}
   443 			else
   444 				{
   445 				c = iSource.Map(text[0]);	
   446 				}
   447 			}
   448 		}
   450 	if (0 < aStart && CFont::CharactersJoin(
   451 		aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? KZeroWidthJoiner : c,
   452 		aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? c : KZeroWidthJoiner))
   453 		{
   454 		TInt prev = aStart - 1;
   455 		TTmCharFormat prevFormat;
   456 		GetText(prev, aStart, text, &prevFormat);
   457 		TInt prevChar = iSource.Map(text[0]);
   458 		while (0 < prev && IsArabicPoint(prevChar))
   459 			{
   460 			GetText(--prev, aStart, text, &prevFormat);
   461 			prevChar = iSource.Map(text[0]);
   462 			}
   463 		if (CFont::CharactersJoin(
   464 			aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? prevChar : c,
   465 			aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? c : prevChar)
   466 			&& format.iFontSpec == prevFormat.iFontSpec)
   467 			// Characters join at the beginning.
   468 			*output = KZeroWidthJoiner;
   469 		}
   471 	output = aBuffer + 1;
   472 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   473 	while (aStart < aEnd)
   474 		{
   475 		TInt currentError = GetText(aStart, aEnd, text, &format, aFont);
   476 		// do not have to push aFont onto clean-up stack because this is a non-leaving method
   477 		if (aFont)
   478 			error = currentError;
   479 		aFont = NULL;
   480 		TInt length = text.Length();
   481 		aStart += length;
   482 		const TText* input = text.Ptr();
   483 		const TText* end = input + length;
   484 		while (input < end)
   485 			{
   486 			if (IsHighSurrogate(*input))
   487 				{
   488 				if (input+1 < end && IsLowSurrogate(input[1]))
   489 					{
   490 					c = SupplementaryCharMap(&iSource, input[0], input[1]);
   491 					input++;
   492 					input++;
   493 					*output++ = GetHighSurrogate( c );
   494 					*output++ = GetLowSurrogate( c );
   495 					}
   496 				else
   497 					{
   498 					c = iSource.Map(input[0]);
   499 					input++;
   500 					*output++ = static_cast<TText>(c);
   501 					}
   502 				}
   503 			else if (IsLowSurrogate(*input))
   504 				{
   505 				c = iSource.Map(input[0]);
   506 				input++;
   507 				*output++ = static_cast<TText>(c);
   508 				}
   509 			else
   510 				{
   511 				c = iSource.Map(*input++);
   512 				*output++ = static_cast<TText>(c);
   513 				}
   514 			}
   515 		}
   517 	*output = 0xFFFF;
   518 	// might the (logically) last character join with the next one?
   519 	if (aStart < iSource.DocumentLength())
   520 		{
   521 		const TText* prev = output;
   522 		while (--prev != aBuffer && IsArabicPoint(*prev)) {}
   523 		if (CFont::CharactersJoin(
   524 			aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? *prev : KZeroWidthJoiner,
   525 			aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? KZeroWidthJoiner : *prev))
   526 			{
   527 			TTmCharFormat nextFormat;
   528 			GetText(aStart, aStart + 1, text, &nextFormat);
   529 			TInt nextChar = iSource.Map(text[0]);
   530 			if (CFont::CharactersJoin(
   531 				aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? *prev : nextChar,
   532 				aDirectionality == ELeftToRight? nextChar : *prev)
   533 				&& format.iFontSpec == nextFormat.iFontSpec)
   534 				// Characters join at the end.
   535 				*output = KZeroWidthJoiner;
   536 			}
   537 		}
   539 	if (aDirectionality == EVisualRightToLeft)
   540 		TBidirectionalState::ReverseGroups(aBuffer, output + 1 - aBuffer);
   542 	return error;
   543 	}
   545 void RTmTextCache::SetContextChar(TUint aContextChar)
   546 	{
   547 	iContextCharPerChunk = aContextChar;
   548 	}