changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/charconvfw/charconvplugins/src/plugins/j5.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* J5 charconv character converter
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <charconv.h>
+#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <charactersetconverter.h>
+#include <convutils.h>
+#include "shiftjis.h"
+#include "jisbase.h"
+#include "j5.h"
+#include "jisx0201.h"
+#include "jisx0208.h"
+#include "jisx0212.h"
+#include "featmgr/featmgr.h"
+ J5 will use up to KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample to try to deterine the format of data.
+ */
+const TInt KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample = 1000;
+const TUint8 KEscape = 0x1b;
+const TInt KByteOrderMark = 0xfeff;
+const TDesC8& CJ5Converter::ReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters()
+	{
+	return CnvShiftJis::ReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters();
+	}
+ This API should not be used as it is ambiguous as to what encoding is required.  
+ The user should instead call the specific plug-in for the appropriate conversion.
+ J5 ConvertFromUnicode() will convert to UTF8 as default.
+ */
+TInt CJ5Converter::ConvertFromUnicode(
+		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness /* aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters */, 
+		const TDesC8& /* aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters */, 
+		TDes8& aForeign, 
+		const TDesC16& aUnicode, 
+		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices& /* aIndicesOfUnconvertibleCharacters */)
+	{
+	return CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(aForeign, aUnicode);
+	}
+ This will automatically determine one of the five supported encodings 
+ to use and convert accordingly.  This plugin method is available to the 
+ user though the CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertToUnicode() method.  
+ There is no way for the caller to determine which encoding has been used.
+ NOTE: For debugging the selected character set is returned in the state.
+  @released  9.1
+  @param     aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters The default endian-ness to use when reading characters
+             in the foreign character set.
+  @param     aUnicode On return, contains the text converted into Unicode.
+  @param     aForeign The non-Unicode source text to be converted.
+  @param     aState Used to save state information across multiple calls
+             to <code>ConvertToUnicode()</code>.
+  @param     aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters On return, contains the number of bytes which were not
+             converted.
+  @param     aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter On return, contains the index of the first bytein the
+             input text that could not be converted. A negative
+             value indicates that all the characters were
+             converted.
+  @return 	 The number of unconverted bytes left at the end of the input descriptor 
+ 		     (e.g. because the output descriptor is not long enough to hold all the text), 
+ 		     or one of the error values defined in TError. 
+  @internalTechnology 
+TInt CJ5Converter::ConvertToUnicode(
+		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, 
+		TDes16& aUnicode, 
+		const TDesC8& aForeign, 
+		TInt& aState, 
+		TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, 
+		TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter)
+	{
+	// As the aState parameter is used to pass back the detected value
+	// use a "hidden" internal state variable.
+	TInt internalState = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::KStateDefault;
+	// determine the encoding type and then decode appropriatly
+	switch ( DetectEncoding(aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, aForeign))
+		{
+		case EShiftjis:
+			aState = EShiftjis;
+			return CnvShiftJis::ConvertToUnicode(aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, aUnicode, aForeign, 
+					aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter);
+		case EIso2022jp1: 
+			aState = EIso2022jp1;
+			return CnvJisBase::ConvertToUnicode(aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, aUnicode, aForeign, internalState,
+					aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter);
+		case EEucjp: 
+			aState = EEucjp;
+			return ConvertEEucjpToUnicode(
+					aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, aUnicode, aForeign, internalState,
+					aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter);	
+		case EUcs2:
+			aState = EUcs2;
+			return ConvertUcs2ToUnicode( aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, aUnicode, aForeign, 
+					aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter);
+		case EUtf8: 
+			aState = EUtf8;
+			return CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(aUnicode, aForeign);
+		default:
+			// fall though to the default, which is decode as UTF8
+			aState = EUnknown;
+			break;
+		}
+	// decode as UTF8
+	return CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(aUnicode, aForeign);
+	}
+ This API is used by CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL(). 
+ This method returns a value between 0 and 100, indicating how likely it 
+ is that this is the correct converter, for the text supplied.  As J5 is 
+ NOT intended to be used with the existing auto-detect mechanism, it will 
+ always return 0
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+TBool CJ5Converter::IsInThisCharacterSetL(
+		TBool& aSetToTrue, 
+		TInt& aConfidenceLevel, 
+		const TDesC8& /* aSample */)
+	{
+  	/*
+  	aSetToTrue - This value should be set to ETrue. It is used to indicate to 
+  	CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL() that the plug-in DLL 
+  	is implementing a function of this signature and is therefore not the empty 
+  	*/
+  	aSetToTrue=ETrue;
+ 	/* no need to look at the sample as this always returns 0 
+ 	   as the autodetect feature is not supported by the J5 plug-in
+ 	*/
+ 	aConfidenceLevel=0;
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+CJ5Converter* CJ5Converter::NewL()
+	{
+	CJ5Converter* self = new(ELeave) CJ5Converter();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);	
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+    FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+void CJ5Converter::ConstructL()
+    {
+    FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
+    }
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
+	{
+		// for the test build use a special test UID
+		IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x01000002,	CJ5Converter::NewL)
+		IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KCharacterSetIdentifierJ5,	CJ5Converter::NewL)
+	};
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
+	{
+	aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+	return ImplementationTable;
+	}
+ DetectEncoding determine the characterset encoding.
+ The logic for this detection is based on the information in CJKV by Ken Lunde.
+ A detailed diagram of this logic is in the J5 how to document section 2.4
+ @return The detected character set as a enum CJ5Converter.
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+enum CJ5Converter::TJ5Encoding CJ5Converter::DetectEncoding(
+		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness& aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters , 
+		const TDesC8& aForeign)
+	{
+	// first check for UCS2
+	CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness ucs2Endianness = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ELittleEndian;
+	if ( DetectUcs2(aForeign, ucs2Endianness ))
+		{
+		// if ucs2 is detected pass back the detected endianess
+		aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters = ucs2Endianness;
+		return EUcs2;
+		}
+	// next try EUC_JP
+	TInt eucJpValidBytes = 0;
+	CJ5Converter::TDectectCharacterSet result = DetectEucJp( aForeign, eucJpValidBytes );
+	if ( result == EIsCharacterSet )
+		{
+		return EEucjp;
+		}
+	// next try Iso 2020JP
+	if ( DetectIso2022( aForeign ) == EIsCharacterSet )
+		{
+		return EIso2022jp1;
+		}
+	// next try Utf8
+	if ( DetectUtf8( aForeign ) == EIsCharacterSet )
+		{
+		return EUtf8;
+		}
+	// shiftjis
+	TInt shiftjisValidBytes = 0;
+	result = DetectShiftJis( aForeign, shiftjisValidBytes );
+	if ( result == EIsCharacterSet )
+		{
+		return EShiftjis;
+		}
+	// no clear winner so go for the best 
+	TInt sampleLength = Min(aForeign.Length(), KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample);
+	// if more than half is shiftjis and more shiftjis than EUC_JP, 	
+	if ((shiftjisValidBytes >  eucJpValidBytes ) && (shiftjisValidBytes * 2> sampleLength))
+		return EShiftjis;
+	// if more than half is EUC_JP and more EUC_JP than shiftjis, 	
+	if ((eucJpValidBytes >  shiftjisValidBytes ) && (eucJpValidBytes * 2> sampleLength))
+		return EEucjp;
+	// return the default
+	return EUcs2;
+	}
+ Check if UCS2.
+ If the first two bytes are the Unicode Endian Specifiers (0xfffe or 0xfeff)
+ then this must be UCS2. Otherwise try lookiing for  0x**00 or 0x00**
+ @param A sample of data to be checked
+ @param The Endianness if USC2 is detected
+ @return ETrue if UCS2 else EFalse
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+TBool CJ5Converter::DetectUcs2( const TDesC8& aForeign, 
+	CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness& aTEndianness )
+	{
+	// if the sample is not big enough
+	if (aForeign.Length() < 2)
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	else if (aForeign[0]==0xff && aForeign[1]==0xfe )
+		{ 
+		// we have found a Little Endian Byte order mark
+		aTEndianness = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ELittleEndian;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	else if (aForeign[0]==0xfe && aForeign[1]==0xff )
+		{ 
+		// we have found a Big Endian Byte order mark 
+		aTEndianness = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EBigEndian;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	// Next check for sequences of 0x**00 or 0x00** as UCS-2 is the only charset that 
+	// specifies 0x**00 or 0x00** (according to endianness) for the ASCII range of characters. 
+	// NB: This will fail if there are no ASCII characters in the text.
+	TInt sampleLength = aForeign.Length();
+	sampleLength = Min(aForeign.Length(), KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample);;
+	// check the sample for sequences of 0x**00	or 0x00**
+	TInt bigEndianConfidence = 0;
+	TInt littleEndianConfidence = 0;
+	TInt i=0;
+	for(;i< (sampleLength-1); i+=2)
+		{
+		if( aForeign[i] == 0x00)
+			{
+			bigEndianConfidence +=2;
+			}
+		else if ( aForeign[i+1] == 0x00)
+			{
+	 		littleEndianConfidence +=2;
+			}
+		}
+	// which occurs most BE or LE	
+	TInt confidenceLevel = 0;
+	if (bigEndianConfidence > littleEndianConfidence)
+		{
+		aTEndianness = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EBigEndian;
+		confidenceLevel = bigEndianConfidence;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aTEndianness = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ELittleEndian;
+		confidenceLevel = littleEndianConfidence;
+		}
+	// if more than 97% count as UCS2
+	if ( confidenceLevel * 100/sampleLength > 97) 
+		return ETrue;
+	return EFalse;
+	}	
+ Check if ShiftJis (reference CJKV by Ken Lunde page 175)
+ @param A sample of data to be checked
+ @param The number of input bytes that can be converted
+ @return The result of the check as either EIsCharacterSet, EIsNotCharacterSet or EMaybeCharacterSet
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+enum CJ5Converter::TDectectCharacterSet CJ5Converter::DetectShiftJis( const TDesC8& aForeign,TInt &aNumberOfBytesConverted )
+	{
+	// Get the sample length
+	TInt sampleLength = Min(aForeign.Length(), KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample);;
+	TInt i=0;
+	aNumberOfBytesConverted = 0;
+	TText8 character;
+	TText8 characterPlus1;
+	TText8 characterPlus2;
+	// scan the sample text looking for valid shiftjis data
+	while ( i < sampleLength )
+		{
+		// get the next few characters, use 0 if there is no more sample
+		// as this will not match any test.
+		character = aForeign[i];
+		characterPlus1 = ( i < (sampleLength-1) ? aForeign[i+1]:0);
+		characterPlus2 = ( i < (sampleLength-2) ? aForeign[i+2]:0);
+		// SHIFTJIS	- 0x8e to 0x9f followed by 0x40 to 0xfc  
+		if ((character >= 0x81) && (character <= 0x9f) &&
+				(characterPlus1 >= 0x40) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xfc) ) 
+			{
+			// this is SHIFTJIS unless it is EUC JP code set 2 or 3
+			if ((character == 0x8E) && (characterPlus1 >= 0xA1) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xDF))
+				{
+				// this could be EUC JP code set 2 (or shiftjis)
+				aNumberOfBytesConverted+=2;
+				i++;
+				}
+			else if ((character == 0x8F) && 
+				(characterPlus1 >= 0xA1) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xDF) &&
+					(characterPlus2 >= 0xA1) && (characterPlus2 <= 0xDF))
+				{
+				// this could be EUC JP code set 3 (or shiftjis)
+				aNumberOfBytesConverted+=3;
+				i+=2;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// this can only be shift jis 
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			}
+		// SHIFTJIS	- 0xE0 to 0xEF followed by .....
+		else if ((character >= 0xE0) && (character <= 0xEF))
+			{
+			// 0x40 to 0xFC which overlaps UTF8 between 0x80 and 0xBF  
+			// including Mopera extension to shiftjis from 0xEF80 to 0xEFFC
+			if ( (characterPlus1 >= 0x40) && (characterPlus1 <= 0x7E) ) 
+				{
+				// this can only be shift jis 
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			else if ( (characterPlus1 >= 0xC0) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xFC) ) 
+				{
+				// this could be EUC JP code set 1
+				aNumberOfBytesConverted+=2;
+				i++;
+				}
+			// problem here is the overlap between the UTF8 and shiftjis
+			else if ( (characterPlus1 >= 0x80) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xBF) )
+				{
+				// this could be shiftjis or utf8
+				aNumberOfBytesConverted+=2;
+				i++;
+				}		
+			}
+		// half width katakana A1-DF	
+		else if ((character >= 0xA1) && (character <= 0xDF))
+			{
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted+=1;
+			}
+		// ASCII or JIS-Roman 20-7e	
+		else if ( ((character >= 0x20) && (character <= 0x7E)) || (character == 0x0A) || (character == 0x0D))
+			{
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted+=1;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// This is not decoding as shiftjis, so reject
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted =0;
+			return EIsNotCharacterSet;
+			}
+		i++;
+		}
+	// if all the characters could be converted
+	if (aNumberOfBytesConverted == sampleLength)
+		{
+		return EIsCharacterSet;
+		}
+	else if (aNumberOfBytesConverted == 0)
+		{
+		return EIsNotCharacterSet;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EMaybeCharacterSet;
+		}
+	}
+ Check if UTF8 (reference CJKV by Ken Lunde page 189)
+ @param A sample of data to be checked
+ @param The number of input bytes that can be converted
+ @return The result of the check as either EIsCharacterSet, EIsNotCharacterSet or EMaybeCharacterSet
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+enum CJ5Converter::TDectectCharacterSet CJ5Converter::DetectUtf8( const TDesC8& aForeign )
+	{
+	// Get the sample length
+	TInt sampleLength = Min(aForeign.Length(), KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample);;
+	TInt i=0;	
+	TText8 character;
+	TText8 characterPlus1;
+	TText8 characterPlus2;
+	TText8 characterPlus3;
+	// scan the sample text looking for valid UTF8
+	while ( i < sampleLength )
+		{
+		// get the next few characters, use 0 if there is no more sample
+		// as this will not match any test.
+		character = aForeign[i];
+		characterPlus1 = ( i < (sampleLength-1) ? aForeign[i+1]:0);
+		characterPlus2 = ( i < (sampleLength-2) ? aForeign[i+2]:0);
+		characterPlus3 = ( i < (sampleLength-3) ? aForeign[i+3]:0);
+		// UTF8 range 110xxxxx followed by one valid UTF8 bytes
+		if(((character & 0xe0)==0xc0) && (( characterPlus1 & 0xc0)==0x80) )
+			{
+			// two bytes of valid UTF8 found
+			i+=2;
+			}
+		// UTF8 range 1110xxxx followed by two valid UTF8 bytes
+		else if(((character & 0xf0)==0xe0) && (( characterPlus1 & 0xc0)==0x80) && (( characterPlus2 & 0xc0)==0x80))
+			{
+			// three bytes of valid UTF8 found
+			i+=3;
+			}
+		// UTF8 range 11110xxx followed by three valid UTF8 bytes
+		else if(((character & 0xf8)==0xf0) && (( characterPlus1 & 0xc0)==0x80) 
+				&& (( characterPlus2 & 0xc0)==0x80) && (( characterPlus3 & 0xc0)==0x80) )
+			{
+			// four bytes of valid UTF8 found
+			i+=4;
+			}
+		// ascii range 0 to 0x7F	
+		else if((character & 0x80)==0x00)
+			{
+			// The value of character is in the range 0x00-0x7f
+			// UTF8 maintains ASCII transparency. So it's a valid UTF8.
+			i++;
+			}
+		// if the sample data is longer than KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample then except anything
+		// for the last two bytes as they may not appear valid without more data	
+		else if( i >= (KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample -2) )
+			{
+			i++;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// This is not decoding as UTF8 so reject
+			return EIsNotCharacterSet;
+			}
+		}	
+	// All the characters could be converted
+	return EIsCharacterSet;
+	}
+ Check if ISO2022JP by lookiing for the escape sequences.
+ @param A sample of data to be checked
+ @param The number of input bytes that can be converted
+ @return The result of the check as either EIsCharacterSet, EIsNotCharacterSet or EMaybeCharacterSet
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+enum CJ5Converter::TDectectCharacterSet CJ5Converter::DetectIso2022( const TDesC8& aForeign )
+	{
+	// Get the sample length
+	TInt sampleLength = Min(aForeign.Length(), KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample);;
+	TInt i=0;
+	TText8 character;
+	TText8 characterPlus1;
+	TText8 characterPlus2;
+	TText8 characterPlus3;
+	TText8 characterPlus4;
+	TText8 characterPlus5;
+	// scan the sample text looking for valid UTF8
+	while ( i < sampleLength )
+		{
+		// get the next few characters, use 0 if there is no more sample
+		// as this will not match any test.
+		character = aForeign[i];
+		characterPlus1 = ( i < (sampleLength-1) ? aForeign[i+1]:0);
+		characterPlus2 = ( i < (sampleLength-2) ? aForeign[i+2]:0);
+		characterPlus3 = ( i < (sampleLength-3) ? aForeign[i+3]:0);
+		// check for the JIS escape sequences of ISO 2022Jp
+		// These values have been taken from JISBASE_SHARED
+		if (character == KEscape)
+			{
+			// Escape Sequence For Jis C6226_1978 \x1b\x24\x40
+			if ((characterPlus1 == 0x24) && (characterPlus2 == 0x40))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For Jis X0208_1983 \x1b\x24\x42
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x24) && (characterPlus2 == 0x42))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For Jis Roman \x1b\x28\x4a
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x28) && (characterPlus2 == 0x4A))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For Jis RomanIncorrect \x1b\x28\x48
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x28) && (characterPlus2 == 0x48))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For Ascii \x1b\x28\x42
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x28) && (characterPlus2 == 0x42))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For EscapeSequenceForHalfWidthKatakana \x1b\x28\x49
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x28) && (characterPlus2 == 0x49))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For Jis X0208_199x \x1b\x26\x40\x1b\x24\x42
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x26) && (characterPlus2 == 0x40))
+				{
+				characterPlus4 = ( i < (sampleLength-4) ? aForeign[i+4]:0);
+				characterPlus5 = ( i < (sampleLength-5) ? aForeign[i+5]:0);
+				if ((characterPlus3 == 0x1b) && (characterPlus4 == 0x24) && (characterPlus5 == 0x42))
+					{
+					return EIsCharacterSet;
+					}
+				}
+			// Escape Sequence For Jis X0212_1990 \x1b\x24\x28\x44
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 0x24) && (characterPlus2 == 0x28)) 
+				{
+				if (characterPlus3 == 0x44)
+					{
+					return EIsCharacterSet;
+					}
+				}
+			// check for the JIS escape sequences of ISO 2022Jp "B@" x42 x40
+			else if ((characterPlus1 == 'B') || (characterPlus1 == '@'))
+				{
+				return EIsCharacterSet;
+				}
+			} // end of if ( character == KEscape )
+		i++;
+		}	
+	// if escape sequences have been found then this is not ISO2022
+	return EIsNotCharacterSet;
+	}
+ Check if EUC JP (reference CJKV by Ken Lunde page 164)
+ @param A sample of data to be checked
+ @param The number of input bytes that can be converted
+ @return The result of the check as either EIsCharacterSet, EIsNotCharacterSet or EMaybeCharacterSet
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+CJ5Converter::TDectectCharacterSet CJ5Converter::DetectEucJp( const TDesC8& aForeign,TInt &aNumberOfBytesConverted )
+	{
+	// Get the sample length
+	TInt sampleLength = Min(aForeign.Length(), KMaxSizeAutoDetectSample);;
+	TInt i=0;
+	aNumberOfBytesConverted = 0;
+	TText8 character;
+	TText8 characterPlus1;
+	TText8 characterPlus2;
+	// scan the sample text looking for valid shiftjis data
+	while ( i < sampleLength )
+		{
+		// get the next few characters, use 0 if there is no more sample
+		// as this will not match any test.
+		character = aForeign[i];
+		characterPlus1 = ( i < (sampleLength-1) ? aForeign[i+1]:0);
+		characterPlus2 = ( i < (sampleLength-2) ? aForeign[i+2]:0);
+		// EUCJP code set 0 0x21-0x7e
+		if ( (character >= 0x21) && (character <= 0x7e))
+			{
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted++;
+			}
+		else if ( (character == 0x0a) || (character == 0x0d))
+			{
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted++;
+			}
+		// EUCJP code set 1
+		else if ( (character >= 0xa1) && (character <= 0xff)
+				&& (characterPlus1 >= 0xa1) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xff) ) 
+			{
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted+=2;
+			i++;
+			}
+		// EUC JP code set 2, starts with the EUC JP SS2 character (0x8E)
+		// and is followed by character in range 0xA1- 0xDF
+		else if ((character == 0x8E) && (characterPlus1 >= 0xA1) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xDF) ) 
+			{
+			// this could be 2 bytes of EUC JP code set 2
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted += 2;
+			i++;
+			}
+		// EUC JP code set 3, starts with the EUC JP SS3 character (0x8F)
+		// and is followed by two characters in range A1- DF A1 -FE
+		else if ((character == 0x8F) && (characterPlus1 >= 0xA1) && (characterPlus1 <= 0xDF) 
+				&& (characterPlus2 >= 0xA1) && (characterPlus2 <= 0xDF))
+			{
+			// this could be 3 bytes of EUC JP code set 3
+			aNumberOfBytesConverted += 3;
+			i+=2;
+			}		
+		else
+			{
+			// This is not a valid decoding as EUC JP so reject
+			return EIsNotCharacterSet;
+			}
+		i++;
+		}	
+	// if all the characters could be converted
+	if (aNumberOfBytesConverted == sampleLength)
+		{
+		return EIsCharacterSet;
+		}
+	else if (aNumberOfBytesConverted == 0)
+		{
+		return EIsNotCharacterSet;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EMaybeCharacterSet;
+		}
+	}
+ Convert from UCS2 (Universal Character Set containing two bytes) to unicode
+ Remove any byte order marks in the UCSs.
+ @param aUnicode Contains the converted text in the Unicode character set.
+ @param	aForeign The non-Unicode source text to be converted
+ @param aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters Contains the number of bytes which were not converted. 
+ @param aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter The index of the first byte of the first unconvertible character.
+ @return the number of bytes converted
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+ TInt CJ5Converter::ConvertUcs2ToUnicode(CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness& aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, 
+						   TDes16& aUnicode,	 
+						   const TDesC8& aForeign, 
+						   TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters,  
+						   TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter) 
+	{
+	TInt numberOfBytesConverted = 0;
+	TInt numberOfUnicodeCharacters =0;
+	TChar nextChar;
+	// start at begining of the output buffer provided
+	aUnicode.Zero();
+	// while there is at least 2 bytes of data to convert and space in the output buffer
+	while ( (numberOfBytesConverted+1 < aForeign.Size()) && (numberOfUnicodeCharacters < aUnicode.MaxLength()) )
+		{
+		if (aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters == CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ELittleEndian )
+			{
+			// ELittleEndian 0x??00
+			nextChar = aForeign[numberOfBytesConverted] + ( aForeign[numberOfBytesConverted+1] << 8);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// EBigEndian 0x00??
+			nextChar = ( aForeign[numberOfBytesConverted] <<8 ) + aForeign[numberOfBytesConverted+1];
+			}
+		// save the unicode character extracted	unless it's a BOM
+		if ( nextChar != KByteOrderMark )
+			{
+			aUnicode.Append( nextChar );
+			numberOfUnicodeCharacters++;	
+			}
+		numberOfBytesConverted+=2;
+		}
+	// there are no uncovertable characters with UCS2, but there could be
+	aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters = 0;
+	// a negative value indicates that all characters converted
+	aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter = -1;
+	// returns the number of unconverted bytes left at the end of the input descriptor 
+	// Note there could be 1 byte left over if an odd number of bytes provided for conversion
+	return aForeign.Size() - numberOfBytesConverted;
+	}
+ Convert from EUC_JP (Extended Unix Code encoding for Japanese)
+ Using the standard Charconv method of an array of methods
+ @return the number of bytes converted
+ @internalTechnology 
+ */
+ TInt CJ5Converter::ConvertEEucjpToUnicode(
+		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, 
+		TDes16& aUnicode, 
+		const TDesC8& aForeign, 
+		TInt& /*aState*/, 
+		TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, 
+		TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter)
+	{
+	TFixedArray<CnvUtilities::SMethod, 4> methods;
+	methods[0].iNumberOfBytesAbleToConvert=NumberOfBytesAbleToConvertToJisRoman;
+	methods[0].iConvertToIntermediateBufferInPlace=DummyConvertToIntermediateBufferInPlace;
+	methods[0].iConversionData=&CnvJisRoman::ConversionData();
+	methods[0].iNumberOfBytesPerCharacter=1;
+	methods[0].iNumberOfCoreBytesPerCharacter=1;
+	methods[1].iNumberOfBytesAbleToConvert=NumberOfBytesAbleToConvertToJisX0208;
+	methods[1].iConvertToIntermediateBufferInPlace=ConvertToJisX0208FromEucJpPackedInPlace;
+	methods[1].iConversionData=&CnvJisX0208::ConversionData();
+	methods[1].iNumberOfBytesPerCharacter=2;
+	methods[1].iNumberOfCoreBytesPerCharacter=2;
+	methods[2].iNumberOfBytesAbleToConvert=NumberOfBytesAbleToConvertToHalfWidthKatakana8;
+	methods[2].iConvertToIntermediateBufferInPlace=ConvertToHalfWidthKatakana8FromEucJpPackedInPlace;
+	methods[2].iConversionData=&CnvHalfWidthKatakana8::ConversionData();
+	methods[2].iNumberOfBytesPerCharacter=2;
+	methods[2].iNumberOfCoreBytesPerCharacter=1;
+	methods[3].iNumberOfBytesAbleToConvert=NumberOfBytesAbleToConvertToJisX0212;
+	methods[3].iConvertToIntermediateBufferInPlace=ConvertToJisX0212FromEucJpPackedInPlace;
+	methods[3].iConversionData=&CnvJisX0212::ConversionData();
+	methods[3].iNumberOfBytesPerCharacter=3;
+	methods[3].iNumberOfCoreBytesPerCharacter=2;
+	return CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromHeterogeneousForeign(aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, aUnicode, aForeign, aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter, methods.Array());
+	}		