changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fontservices/textshaperplugin/IcuSource/common/unicode/ures.h	Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2005, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File URES.H (formerly CRESBUND.H)
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/01/97    aliu        Creation.
+*   02/22/99    damiba      overhaul.
+*   04/04/99    helena      Fixed internal header inclusion.
+*   04/15/99    Madhu       Updated Javadoc  
+*   06/14/99    stephen     Removed functions taking a filename suffix.
+*   07/20/99    stephen     Language-independent ypedef to void*
+*   11/09/99    weiv        Added ures_getLocale()
+*   06/24/02    weiv        Added support for resource sharing
+#ifndef URES_H
+#define URES_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Resource Bundle 
+ *
+ * <h2>C API: Resource Bundle</h2>
+ *
+ * C API representing a collection of resource information pertaining to a given
+ * locale. A resource bundle provides a way of accessing locale- specific information in
+ * a data file. You create a resource bundle that manages the resources for a given
+ * locale and then ask it for individual resources.
+ * <P>
+ * Resource bundles in ICU4C are currently defined using text files which conform to the following
+ * <a href="">BNF definition</a>.
+ * More on resource bundle concepts and syntax can be found in the 
+ * <a href="">Users Guide</a>.
+ * <P>
+ */
+ * UResourceBundle is an opaque type for handles for resource bundles in C APIs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+struct UResourceBundle;
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UResourceBundle UResourceBundle;
+ * Numeric constants for types of resource items.
+ * @see ures_getType
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /** Resource type constant for "no resource". @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    URES_NONE=-1,
+    /** Resource type constant for 16-bit Unicode strings. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Resource type constant for binary data. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Resource type constant for tables of key-value pairs. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    URES_TABLE=2,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for aliases;
+     * internally stores a string which identifies the actual resource
+     * storing the data (can be in a different resource bundle).
+     * Resolved internally before delivering the actual resource through the API.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    URES_ALIAS=3,
+    /**
+     * Internal use only.
+     * Alternative resource type constant for tables of key-value pairs.
+     * Never returned by ures_getType().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    URES_TABLE32=4,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for a single 28-bit integer, interpreted as
+     * signed or unsigned by the ures_getInt() or ures_getUInt() function.
+     * @see ures_getInt
+     * @see ures_getUInt
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    URES_INT=7,
+    /** Resource type constant for arrays of resources. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    URES_ARRAY=8,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for vectors of 32-bit integers.
+     * @see ures_getIntVector
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Not used. */
+} UResType;
+ * Functions to create and destroy resource bundles.
+ */
+ * Opens a UResourceBundle, from which users can extract strings by using
+ * their corresponding keys.
+ * Note that the caller is responsible of calling <TT>ures_close</TT> on each succesfully
+ * opened resource bundle.
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ *                
+ * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * The UErrorCode err parameter is used to return status information to the user. To
+ * check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check the value of
+ * U_SUCCESS(err). If you wish more detailed information, you can check for
+ * informational status results which still indicate success. U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING
+ * indicates that a fall back locale was used. For example, 'de_CH' was requested,
+ * but nothing was found there, so 'de' was used. U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that
+ * the default locale data or root locale data was used; neither the requested locale 
+ * nor any of its fall back locales could be found. Please see the users guide for more 
+ * information on this topic.
+ * @return      a newly allocated resource bundle.
+ * @see ures_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle*  U_EXPORT2 
+ures_open(const char*    packageName,
+          const char*  locale, 
+          UErrorCode*     status);
+/** This function does not care what kind of localeID is passed in. It simply opens a bundle with 
+ *  that name. Fallback mechanism is disabled for the new bundle. If the requested bundle contains
+ *  an %%ALIAS directive, the results are undefined.
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ *                
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code. Either U_ZERO_ERROR or U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR
+ * @return      a newly allocated resource bundle or NULL if it doesn't exist.
+ * @see ures_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_openDirect(const char* packageName, 
+                const char* locale, 
+                UErrorCode* status);
+ * Same as ures_open() but takes a const UChar *path.
+ * This path will be converted to char * using the default converter,
+ * then ures_open() is called.
+ *
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * @return      a newly allocated resource bundle.
+ * @see ures_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_openU(const UChar* packageName, 
+           const char* locale, 
+           UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the number of strings/arrays in resource bundles.
+ * Better to use ures_getSize, as this function will be deprecated. 
+ *
+ *@param resourceBundle resource bundle containing the desired strings
+ *@param resourceKey key tagging the resource
+ *@param err fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ *@return: for    <STRONG>Arrays</STRONG>: returns the number of resources in the array
+ *                <STRONG>Tables</STRONG>: returns the number of resources in the table
+ *                <STRONG>single string</STRONG>: returns 1
+ *@see ures_getSize
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 User ures_getSize instead
+ */
+ures_countArrayItems(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+                     const char* resourceKey,
+                     UErrorCode* err);
+ * Close a resource bundle, all pointers returned from the various ures_getXXX calls
+ * on this particular bundle should be considered invalid henceforth.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a pointer to a resourceBundle struct. Can be NULL.
+ * @see ures_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_close(UResourceBundle* resourceBundle);
+ * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as a string. Please
+ * use ures_getVersion as this function is going to be deprecated.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle The resource bundle for which the version is checked.
+ * @return  A version number string as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+ *          The caller does not own this string.
+ * @see ures_getVersion
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use ures_getVersion instead.
+ */
+U_DEPRECATED const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getVersionNumber(const UResourceBundle*   resourceBundle);
+ * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as an 
+ * UVersionInfo array.
+ *
+ * @param resB The resource bundle for which the version is checked.
+ * @param versionInfo A UVersionInfo array that is filled with the version number
+ *                    as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_getVersion(const UResourceBundle* resB, 
+                UVersionInfo versionInfo);
+ * Return the name of the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle. This API allows
+ * you to query for the real locale of the resource. For example, if you requested 
+ * "en_US_CALIFORNIA" and only "en_US" bundle exists, "en_US" will be returned. 
+ * For subresources, the locale where this resource comes from will be returned.
+ * If fallback has occured, getLocale will reflect this.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle resource bundle in question
+ * @param status just for catching illegal arguments
+ * @return  A Locale name
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use ures_getLocaleByType instead.
+ */
+U_DEPRECATED const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getLocale(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Return the name of the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle. 
+ * You can choose between requested, valid and real locale.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle resource bundle in question
+ * @param type You can choose between requested, valid and actual
+ *             locale. For description see the definition of
+ *             ULocDataLocaleType in uloc.h
+ * @param status just for catching illegal arguments
+ * @return  A Locale name
+ * @draft ICU 2.8 likely to change in the future
+ */
+U_DRAFT const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getLocaleByType(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+                     ULocDataLocaleType type, 
+                     UErrorCode* status);
+ * Same as ures_open() but uses the fill-in parameter instead of allocating
+ * a bundle, if r!=NULL.
+ * TODO need to revisit usefulness of this function
+ *      and usage model for fillIn parameters without knowing sizeof(UResourceBundle)
+ * @param r The resourcebundle to open
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param localeID specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ * @param status The error code
+ * @return a newly allocated resource bundle or NULL if it doesn't exist.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ures_openFillIn(UResourceBundle *r, 
+                const char* packageName,
+                const char* localeID, 
+                UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns a string from a string resource type
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param len    fills in the length of resulting string
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                Always check the value of status. Don't count on returning NULL.
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getString(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+               int32_t* len, 
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns a binary data from a binary resource. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param len    fills in the length of resulting byte chunk
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                Always check the value of status. Don't count on returning NULL.
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return a pointer to a chuck of unsigned bytes which live in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const uint8_t* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getBinary(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+               int32_t* len, 
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns a 32 bit integer array from a resource. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle an int vector resource
+ * @param len    fills in the length of resulting byte chunk
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                Always check the value of status. Don't count on returning NULL.
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return a pointer to a chunk of unsigned bytes which live in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const int32_t* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getIntVector(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+                  int32_t* len, 
+                  UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns an unsigned integer from a resource. 
+ * This integer is originally 28 bits.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return an integer value
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getUInt(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+             UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a signed integer from a resource. 
+ * This integer is originally 28 bit and the sign gets propagated.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return an integer value
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getInt(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+            UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the size of a resource. Size for scalar types is always 1, 
+ * and for vector/table types is the number of child resources.
+ * @warning Integer array is treated as a scalar type. There are no 
+ *          APIs to access individual members of an integer array. It
+ *          is always returned as a whole.
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return number of resources in a given resource.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getSize(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Returns the type of a resource. Available types are defined in enum UResType
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return type of the given resource.
+ * @see UResType
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_getType(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Returns the key associated with a given resource. Not all the resources have a key - only 
+ * those that are members of a table.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return a key associated to this resource, or NULL if it doesn't have a key
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getKey(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+    This API provides means for iterating through a resource
+ * Resets the internal context of a resource so that iteration starts from the first element.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_resetIterator(UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Checks whether the given resource has another element to iterate over.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return TRUE if there are more elements, FALSE if there is no more elements
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_hasNext(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Returns the next resource in a given resource or NULL if there are no more resources 
+ * to iterate over. Features a fill-in parameter. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. You may still get a non NULL result even if an
+ *                          error occured. Check status instead.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getNextResource(UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, 
+                     UResourceBundle *fillIn, 
+                     UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the next string in a given resource or NULL if there are no more resources 
+ * to iterate over. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param len               fill in length of the string
+ * @param key               fill in for key associated with this string. NULL if no key
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. If an error occured, we may return NULL, but don't
+ *                          count on it. Check status instead!
+ * @return a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getNextString(UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, 
+                   int32_t* len, 
+                   const char ** key, 
+                   UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the resource in a given resource at the specified index. Features a fill-in parameter. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    the resource bundle from which to get a sub-resource
+ * @param indexR            an index to the wanted resource.
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. Don't count on NULL being returned if an error has
+ *                          occured. Check status instead.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, 
+                int32_t indexR, 
+                UResourceBundle *fillIn, 
+                UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the string in a given resource at the specified index.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param indexS            an index to the wanted string.
+ * @param len               fill in length of the string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. If an error occured, we may return NULL, but don't
+ *                          count on it. Check status instead!
+ * @return                  a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getStringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, 
+                      int32_t indexS, 
+                      int32_t* len, 
+                      UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a resource in a given resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+ * resources. Features a fill-in parameter. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param key               a key associated with the wanted resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getByKey(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, 
+              const char* key, 
+              UResourceBundle *fillIn, 
+              UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a string in a given resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+ * resources. 
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param key               a key associated with the wanted string
+ * @param len               fill in length of the string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. If an error occured, we may return NULL, but don't
+ *                          count on it. Check status instead!
+ * @return                  a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getStringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                    const char* key, 
+                    int32_t* len, 
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * returns a string from a string resource type
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param status: fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return        an UnicodeString object. If there is an error, string is bogus
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString 
+ures_getUnicodeString(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                      UErrorCode* status) 
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar *r = ures_getString(resB, &len, status);
+    return UnicodeString(TRUE, r, len);
+ * Returns the next string in a resource or NULL if there are no more resources 
+ * to iterate over. 
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param key               fill in for key associated with this string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+ * @return an UnicodeString object.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString 
+ures_getNextUnicodeString(UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                          const char ** key, 
+                          UErrorCode* status) 
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar* r = ures_getNextString(resB, &len, key, status);
+    return UnicodeString(TRUE, r, len);
+ * Returns the string in a given resource at the specified index.
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param index             an index to the wanted string.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+ * @return                  an UnicodeString object. If there is an error, string is bogus
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString 
+ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                             int32_t indexS, 
+                             UErrorCode* status) 
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar* r = ures_getStringByIndex(resB, indexS, &len, status);
+    return UnicodeString(TRUE, r, len);
+ * Returns a string in a resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+ * resources. 
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param key               a key associated with the wanted string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+ * @return                  an UnicodeString object. If there is an error, string is bogus
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString 
+ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                           const char* key, 
+                           UErrorCode* status) 
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar* r = ures_getStringByKey(resB, key, &len, status);
+    return UnicodeString(TRUE, r, len);
+ * Get a resource with multi-level fallback. Normally only the top level resources will
+ * fallback to its parent. This performs fallback on subresources. For example, when a table
+ * is defined in a resource bundle and a parent resource bundle, normally no fallback occurs
+ * on the sub-resources because the table is defined in the current resource bundle, but this
+ * function can perform fallback on the sub-resources of the table.
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param inKey             a key associated with the requested resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status: fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getByKeyWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                          const char* inKey, 
+                          UResourceBundle *fillIn, 
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+ * Create a string enumerator, owned by the caller, of all locales located within 
+ * the specified resource tree.
+ * @param packageName name of the tree, such as (NULL) or U_ICUDATA_ALIAS or  or "ICUDATA-coll"
+ * This call is similar to uloc_getAvailable().
+ * @param status error code
+ * @draft ICU 3.2
+ */
+U_DRAFT UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ures_openAvailableLocales(const char *packageName, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /*_URES*/