changeset 0 c9bc50fca66e
child 15 f92a4f87e424
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c9bc50fca66e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <acminterface.h>
    19 #include <usb/usblogger.h>
    20 #include "AcmPort.h"
    21 #include "AcmPortFactory.h"
    22 #include "AcmUtils.h"
    23 #include "AcmWriter.h"
    24 #include "AcmReader.h"
    25 #include "AcmPanic.h"
    27 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    28 _LIT8(KLogComponent, "ECACM");
    29 #endif
    31 const TUint KCapsRate=(   KCapsBps50
    32 						| KCapsBps75
    33 						| KCapsBps110
    34 						| KCapsBps134
    35 						| KCapsBps150
    36 						| KCapsBps300
    37 						| KCapsBps600
    38 						| KCapsBps1200
    39 						| KCapsBps1800
    40 						| KCapsBps2000
    41 						| KCapsBps2400
    42 						| KCapsBps3600
    43 						| KCapsBps4800
    44 						| KCapsBps7200
    45 						| KCapsBps9600
    46 						| KCapsBps19200
    47 						| KCapsBps38400
    48 						| KCapsBps57600
    49 						| KCapsBps115200
    50 						| KCapsBps230400
    51 						| KCapsBps460800
    52 						| KCapsBps576000
    53 						| KCapsBps115200
    54 						| KCapsBps4000000 );
    55 const TUint KCapsDataBits=KCapsData8;		
    56 const TUint KCapsStopBits=KCapsStop1;		
    57 const TUint KCapsParity=KCapsParityNone;	
    58 const TUint KCapsHandshaking=(
    59 						  KCapsSignalCTSSupported
    60 						| KCapsSignalDSRSupported
    61 						| KCapsSignalRTSSupported
    62 						| KCapsSignalDTRSupported); 
    63 const TUint KCapsSignals=(
    64 							KCapsSignalCTSSupported
    65 						|	KCapsSignalDSRSupported
    66 						|	KCapsSignalRTSSupported
    67 						|	KCapsSignalDTRSupported);
    68 const TUint KCapsFifo = 0;
    69 const TUint KCapsSIR = 0; ///< Serial Infrared capabilities
    70 const TUint KCapsNotification = KNotifySignalsChangeSupported;			
    71 const TUint KCapsRoles = 0; 				
    72 const TUint KCapsFlowControl = 0;							
    74 const TBps		KDefaultDataRate = EBps115200;		
    75 const TDataBits KDefaultDataBits = EData8;			
    76 const TParity	KDefaultParity	 = EParityNone; 	
    77 const TStopBits KDefaultStopBits = EStop1;			
    78 const TUint 	KDefaultHandshake = 0;	
    79 ///< Default XON character is <ctrl>Q				
    80 const TText8	KDefaultXon 	 = 17; 
    81 ///< Default XOFF character is <ctrl>S
    82 const TText8	KDefaultXoff	 = 19; 
    84 // Starting size of each of the receive and transmit buffers.
    85 const TUint KDefaultBufferSize = 0x1000;
    87 CAcmPort* CAcmPort::NewL(const TUint aUnit, MAcmPortObserver& aFactory)
    88 /**
    89  * Make a new CPort for the comm server
    90  *
    91  * @param aFactory The observer of the port, to be notified when the port 
    92  * closes.
    93  * @param aUnit The port number.
    94  * @return Ownership of a newly created CAcmPort object
    95  */
    96 	{
    99 	CAcmPort* self = new(ELeave) CAcmPort(aUnit, aFactory);
   100 	CleanupClosePushL(*self);
   101 	self->ConstructL();
   102 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   103 	return self;
   104 	}
   106 void CAcmPort::ConstructL()
   107 /**
   108  * Standard second phase constructor. Create owned classes and initialise the 
   109  * port.
   110  */
   111 	{
   112 	iReader = CAcmReader::NewL(*this, KDefaultBufferSize);
   113 	iWriter = CAcmWriter::NewL(*this, KDefaultBufferSize);
   115 	TName name;
   116 	name.Num(iUnit);
   117 	LEAVEIFERRORL(SetName(&name));
   119 	iCommServerConfig.iBufFlags = 0;
   120 	iCommServerConfig.iBufSize = iReader->BufSize();
   122 	iCommConfig.iRate			= KDefaultDataRate;
   123 	iCommConfig.iDataBits		= KDefaultDataBits;
   124 	iCommConfig.iParity 		= KDefaultParity;
   125 	iCommConfig.iStopBits		= KDefaultStopBits;
   126 	iCommConfig.iHandshake		= KDefaultHandshake;
   127 	iCommConfig.iParityError	= 0;
   128 	iCommConfig.iFifo			= 0;
   129 	iCommConfig.iSpecialRate	= 0;
   130 	iCommConfig.iTerminatorCount= 0;
   131 	iCommConfig.iXonChar		= KDefaultXon;
   132 	iCommConfig.iXoffChar		= KDefaultXoff;
   133 	iCommConfig.iParityErrorChar= 0;
   134 	iCommConfig.iSIREnable		= ESIRDisable;
   135 	iCommConfig.iSIRSettings	= 0;
   136 	}
   138 CAcmPort::CAcmPort(const TUint aUnit, MAcmPortObserver& aObserver) 
   139  :	iCommNotification(iCommNotificationDes()),
   140 	iObserver(aObserver),
   141 	iUnit(aUnit)
   142 /**
   143  * Constructor.
   144  *
   145  * @param aObserver The observer of the port, to be notified when the port 
   146  * closes.
   147  * @param aUnit The port number.
   148  */
   149 	{
   150 	}
   152 void CAcmPort::StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)
   153 /**
   154  * Downcall from C32. Queue a read.
   155  *
   156  * @param aClientBuffer pointer to the client's buffer
   157  * @param aLength number of bytes to read
   158  */
   159 	{
   160 	LOG_LINE
   161 	LOG_FUNC
   162 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("\taClientBuffer=0x%08x, aLength=%d"),
   163 		aClientBuffer, aLength);
   165 	if ( !iAcm )
   166 		{
   167 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   168 		ReadCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
   169 		return;
   170 		}
   172 	// Analyse the request and call the relevant API on the data reader. NB We 
   173 	// do not pass requests for zero bytes to the data reader. They are an 
   174 	// RComm oddity we should handle here.
   175 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   177 	if(iReader->IsNotifyDataAvailableQueryPending())
   178 		{
   179 		ReadCompleted(KErrInUse);
   180 		return;
   181 		}
   183 	if ( aLength < 0 )
   184 		{
   185 		iReader->ReadOneOrMore(aClientBuffer, static_cast<TUint>(-aLength));
   186 		}
   187 	else if ( aLength > 0 )
   188 		{
   189 		iReader->Read(aClientBuffer, static_cast<TUint>(aLength));
   190 		}
   191 	else
   192 		{
   193 		// Obscure RComm API feature- complete zero-length Read immediately, 
   194 		// to indicate that the hardware is powered up.
   195 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcompleting immediately with KErrNone"));
   196 		ReadCompleted(KErrNone);
   197 		}
   198 	}
   200 void CAcmPort::ReadCancel()
   201 /**
   202  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a read.
   203  */
   204 	{
   205 	LOG_LINE
   206 	LOG_FUNC
   208 	if ( !iAcm )
   209 		{
   210 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   211 		return;
   212 		}
   214 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   215 	iReader->ReadCancel();
   216 	}
   218 TInt CAcmPort::QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const
   219 /**
   220  * Downcall from C32. Get the amount of data in the receive buffer.
   221  *
   222  * @param aLength reference to where the amount will be written to
   223  * @return Error.
   224  */
   225 	{
   226 	LOG_LINE
   227 	LOG_FUNC
   229 	if ( !iAcm )
   230 		{
   231 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   232 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   233 		}
   235 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   236 	aLength = static_cast<TInt>(iReader->BufLen());
   237 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tlength=%d"), aLength);
   238 	return KErrNone;
   239 	}
   241 void CAcmPort::ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags)
   242 /**
   243  * Downcall from C32. Reset zero or more of the Tx and Rx buffers.
   244  *
   245  * @param aFlags Flags indicating which buffer(s) to reset.
   246  */
   247 	{
   248 	LOG_LINE
   249 	LOGTEXT2(_L8(">>CAcmPort::ResetBuffers aFlags = %d"), aFlags);
   251 	if ( aFlags & KCommResetRx )
   252 		{
   253 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tresetting Rx buffer"));
   254 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   255 		iReader->ResetBuffer();
   256 		}
   258 	if ( aFlags & KCommResetTx )
   259 		{
   260 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tresetting Tx buffer"));
   261 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWriter, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   262 		iWriter->ResetBuffer();
   263 		}
   265 	LOGTEXT(_L8("<<CAcmPort::ResetBuffers"));
   266 	}
   268 void CAcmPort::StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)
   269 /**
   270  * Downcall from C32. Queue a write
   271  *
   272  * @param aClientBuffer pointer to the Client's buffer
   273  * @param aLength number of bytes to write
   274  */
   275 	{
   276 	LOG_LINE
   277 	LOG_FUNC
   278 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("\taClientBuffer=0x%08x, aLength=%d"),
   279 		aClientBuffer, aLength);
   281 	if ( !iAcm )
   282 		{
   283 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   284 		WriteCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
   285 		return;
   286 		}
   288 	if ( aLength < 0 )
   289 		{
   290 		// Negative length makes no sense.
   291 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\taLength is negative- "
   292 			"completing immediately with KErrArgument"));
   293 		WriteCompleted(KErrArgument);
   294 		return;
   295 		}
   297 	// NB We pass zero-byte writes down to the LDD as normal. This results in 
   298 	// a zero-length packet being sent to the host.
   300 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWriter, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   301 	iWriter->Write(aClientBuffer, static_cast<TUint>(aLength));
   302 	}
   304 void CAcmPort::WriteCancel()
   305 /**
   306  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending write
   307  */
   308 	{
   309 	LOG_LINE
   310 	LOG_FUNC
   312 	if ( !iAcm )
   313 		{
   314 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   315 		return;
   316 		}
   318 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWriter, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   319 	iWriter->WriteCancel();
   320 	}
   322 void CAcmPort::Break(TInt aTime)
   323 /**
   324  * Downcall from C32. Send a break signal to the host.
   325  * Note that it is assumed that the NotifyBreak() request only applies to 
   326  * break signals sent from the host.
   327  *
   328  * @param aTime Length of break in microseconds
   329  */
   330 	{
   331 	LOG_LINE
   332 	LOG_FUNC
   333 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taTime=%d (microseconds)"), aTime);
   335 	if ( !iAcm )
   336 		{
   337 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   338 		return;
   339 		}
   341 	iBreak = ETrue;
   342 	iCancellingBreak = EFalse;
   344 	// Use the time value directly as microseconds are given. We are a USB 
   345 	// 'device' so the RComm client is always on the device side.
   346 	TInt err = iAcm->BreakRequest(CBreakController::EDevice,
   347 		CBreakController::ETiming,
   348 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(aTime));
   349 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tBreakRequest = %d"), err);
   350 	// Note that the break controller may refuse our request if a host-driven 
   351 	// break is outstanding.
   352 	if ( err )
   353 		{
   354 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tcalling BreakCompleted with %d"), err);
   355 		iBreak = EFalse;
   356 		BreakCompleted(err);
   357 		}						
   358 	}
   360 void CAcmPort::BreakCancel()
   361 /**
   362  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending break.
   363  */
   364 	{
   365 	LOG_LINE
   366 	LOG_FUNC
   368 	if ( !iAcm )
   369 		{
   370 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   371 		return;
   372 		}
   374 	iCancellingBreak = ETrue;
   376 	TInt err = iAcm->BreakRequest(CBreakController::EDevice,
   377 		CBreakController::EInactive);
   378 	// Note that the device cannot turn off a break if there's a host-driven 
   379 	// break in progress.
   380 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tBreakRequest = %d"), err);
   381 	if ( err )
   382 		{
   383 		iCancellingBreak = EFalse;
   384 		}
   386 	// Whether BreakOff worked or not, reset our flag saying we're no longer 
   387 	// interested in any subsequent completion anyway.
   388 	iBreak = EFalse;
   389 	}
   391 TInt CAcmPort::GetConfig(TDes8& aDes) const
   392 /**
   393  * Downcall from C32. Pass a config request. Only supports V01.
   394  *
   395  * @param aDes config will be written to this descriptor 
   396  * @return Error.
   397  */
   398 	{
   399 	LOG_LINE
   400 	LOG_FUNC
   402 	if ( !iAcm )
   403 		{
   404 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   405 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   406 		}
   408 	if ( aDes.Length() < static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(TCommConfigV01)) )
   409 		{
   410 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
   411 		return KErrNotSupported;
   412 		}
   414 	TCommConfig commConfigPckg;
   415 	TCommConfigV01& commConfig = commConfigPckg();
   416 	commConfig = iCommConfig;
   418 	aDes.Copy(commConfigPckg);
   420 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iRate = %d"), iCommConfig.iRate);
   421 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iDataBits = %d"), iCommConfig.iDataBits);
   422 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iStopBits = %d"), iCommConfig.iStopBits);
   423 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iParity = %d"), iCommConfig.iParity);
   424 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iHandshake = %d"), iCommConfig.iHandshake);
   425 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iParityError = %d"), 
   426 		iCommConfig.iParityError);
   427 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iFifo = %d"), iCommConfig.iFifo);
   428 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iSpecialRate = %d"), 
   429 		iCommConfig.iSpecialRate);
   430 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iTerminatorCount = %d"), 
   431 		iCommConfig.iTerminatorCount);
   432 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iSIREnable = %d"), iCommConfig.iSIREnable);
   433 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iSIRSettings = %d"), 
   434 		iCommConfig.iSIRSettings);
   436 	return KErrNone;
   437 	}
   439 TInt CAcmPort::SetConfig(const TDesC8& aDes)
   440 /**
   441  * Downcall from C32. Set config on the port using a TCommConfigV01 package.
   442  *
   443  * @param aDes descriptor containing the new config
   444  * @return Error
   445  */
   446 	{
   447 	LOG_LINE
   448 	LOG_FUNC
   450 	if ( !iAcm )
   451 		{
   452 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   453 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   454 		}
   456 	LOGTEXT4(_L8("\tlength of argument %d, TCommConfigV01 %d, "
   457 		"TCommConfigV02 %d"), 
   458 		aDes.Length(), 
   459 		(TInt)sizeof(TCommConfigV01),
   460 		(TInt)sizeof(TCommConfigV02));
   462 	if ( aDes.Length() < static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(TCommConfigV01)) )
   463 		{
   464 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
   465 		return KErrNotSupported;
   466 		}
   468 	TCommConfig configPckg;
   469 	configPckg.Copy(aDes);
   470 	TCommConfigV01& config = configPckg();
   472 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iRate = %d"), config.iRate);
   473 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iDataBits = %d"), config.iDataBits);
   474 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iStopBits = %d"), config.iStopBits);
   475 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iParity = %d"), config.iParity);
   476 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iHandshake = %d"), config.iHandshake);
   477 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iParityError = %d"), config.iParityError);
   478 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iFifo = %d"), config.iFifo);
   479 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iSpecialRate = %d"), config.iSpecialRate);
   480 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iTerminatorCount = %d"), 
   481 		config.iTerminatorCount);
   482 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iSIREnable = %d"), config.iSIREnable);
   483 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCommConfig.iSIRSettings = %d"), config.iSIRSettings);
   485 	// Tell the reader object about the new terminators. Pass the whole config 
   486 	// struct by reference for ease.
   487 	iReader->SetTerminators(config);
   489 	HandleConfigNotification(config.iRate,
   490 		config.iDataBits,
   491 		config.iParity,
   492 		config.iStopBits,
   493 		config.iHandshake);
   494 	iCommConfig = config;
   496 	return KErrNone;
   497 	}
   499 void CAcmPort::HandleConfigNotification(TBps aRate,
   500 										TDataBits aDataBits,
   501 										TParity aParity,
   502 										TStopBits aStopBits,
   503 										TUint aHandshake)
   504 /**
   505  * Construct and complete the config notification data structure.
   506  * @param aRate 		New data rate
   507  * @param aDataBits 	New number of data bits
   508  * @param aParity		New parity check setting
   509  * @param aStopBits 	New stop bit setting
   510  * @param aHandshake	New handshake setting
   511  */
   512 	{
   513 	LOGTEXT(_L8(">>CAcmPort::HandleConfigNotification"));
   514 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taRate = %d"), aRate);
   515 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDataBits = %d"), aDataBits);
   516 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taStopBits = %d"), aStopBits);
   517 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taParity = %d"), aParity);
   518 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taHandshake = %d"), aHandshake);
   520 	iCommNotification.iChangedMembers = 0;
   522 	iCommNotification.iRate = aRate;
   523 	if ( iCommConfig.iRate != aRate )
   524 		{
   525 		iCommNotification.iChangedMembers |= KRateChanged;
   526 		}
   528 	iCommNotification.iDataBits = aDataBits;
   529 	if ( iCommConfig.iDataBits != aDataBits )
   530 		{
   531 		iCommNotification.iChangedMembers |= KDataFormatChanged;
   532 		}
   534 	iCommNotification.iParity = aParity;
   535 	if ( iCommConfig.iParity != aParity )
   536 		{
   537 		iCommNotification.iChangedMembers |= KDataFormatChanged;
   538 		}
   540 	iCommNotification.iStopBits = aStopBits;
   541 	if ( iCommConfig.iStopBits != aStopBits )
   542 		{
   543 		iCommNotification.iChangedMembers |= KDataFormatChanged;
   544 		}
   546 	iCommNotification.iHandshake = aHandshake;
   547 	if ( iCommConfig.iHandshake != aHandshake )
   548 		{
   549 		iCommNotification.iChangedMembers |= KHandshakeChanged;
   550 		}
   552 	if ( iCommNotification.iChangedMembers )
   553 		{
   554 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcalling ConfigChangeCompleted with KErrNone"));
   555 		ConfigChangeCompleted(iCommNotificationDes,KErrNone);
   556 		iNotifyConfigChange = EFalse;
   557 		}
   559 	LOGTEXT(_L8("<<CAcmPort::HandleConfigNotification"));
   560 	}
   562 TInt CAcmPort::SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& aDes)
   563 /**
   564  * Downcall from C32. Set server config using a TCommServerConfigV01 package.
   565  *
   566  * @param aDes package with new server configurations
   567  * @return Error.
   568  */
   569 	{
   570 	LOG_LINE
   571 	LOG_FUNC
   573 	if ( !iAcm )
   574 		{
   575 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   576 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   577 		}
   579 	if ( aDes.Length() < static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(TCommServerConfigV01)) )
   580 		{
   581 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
   582 		return KErrNotSupported;
   583 		}
   585 	TCommServerConfig serverConfigPckg;
   586 	serverConfigPckg.Copy(aDes);
   587 	TCommServerConfigV01& serverConfig = serverConfigPckg();
   589 	if ( serverConfig.iBufFlags != KCommBufferFull )
   590 		{
   591 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
   592 		return KErrNotSupported;
   593 		}
   595 	// Apply the buffer size setting to Rx and Tx buffers. 
   596 	TInt err = DoSetBufferLengths(serverConfig.iBufSize);
   597 	if ( err )
   598 		{
   599 		// Failure- the buffer lengths will have been left as they were, so 
   600 		// just return error.
   601 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t***DoSetBufferLengths=%d"), err);
   602 		return err;
   603 		}
   605 	// Changed buffer sizes OK. Note that new config.
   606 	iCommServerConfig = serverConfig;
   607 	return KErrNone;
   608 	}
   610 TInt CAcmPort::GetServerConfig(TDes8& aDes)
   611 /**
   612  * Downcall from C32. Get the server configs. Only supports V01.
   613  *
   614  * @param aDes server configs will be written to this descriptor
   615  * @return Error.
   616  */
   617 	{
   618 	LOG_LINE
   619 	LOG_FUNC
   621 	if ( !iAcm )
   622 		{
   623 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   624 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   625 		}
   627 	if ( aDes.Length() < static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(TCommServerConfigV01)) )
   628 		{
   629 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
   630 		return KErrNotSupported;
   631 		}
   633 	TCommServerConfig* serverConfigPckg = 
   634 		reinterpret_cast<TCommServerConfig*>(&aDes);
   635 	TCommServerConfigV01& serverConfig = (*serverConfigPckg)();
   637 	serverConfig = iCommServerConfig;
   638 	return KErrNone;
   639 	}
   641 TInt CAcmPort::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes)
   642 /**
   643  * Downcall from C32. Get the port's capabilities. Supports V01 and V02. 
   644  *
   645  * @param aDes caps will be written to this descriptor
   646  * @return Error.
   647  */
   648 	{
   649 	LOG_LINE
   650 	LOG_FUNC
   652 	if ( !iAcm )
   653 		{
   654 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   655 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   656 		}
   658 	TCommCaps2 capsPckg;
   659 	TCommCapsV02& caps = capsPckg();
   661 	switch ( aDes.Length() )
   662 		{
   663 	case sizeof(TCommCapsV02):
   664 		{
   665 		caps.iNotificationCaps = (KCapsNotification | KNotifyDataAvailableSupported);
   666 		caps.iRoleCaps = KCapsRoles;
   667 		caps.iFlowControlCaps = KCapsFlowControl;
   668 		}
   669 		// no break is deliberate
   670 	case sizeof(TCommCapsV01):
   671 		{
   672 		caps.iRate = KCapsRate;
   673 		caps.iDataBits = KCapsDataBits;
   674 		caps.iStopBits = KCapsStopBits;
   675 		caps.iParity = KCapsParity;
   676 		caps.iHandshake = KCapsHandshaking;
   677 		caps.iSignals = KCapsSignals;
   678 		caps.iFifo = KCapsFifo;
   679 		caps.iSIR = KCapsSIR;
   680 		}
   681 		break;
   682 	default:
   683 		{
   684 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***bad argument"));
   685 		return KErrArgument;
   686 		}
   687 		}
   689 	aDes.Copy(capsPckg.Left(aDes.Length()));
   691 	return KErrNone;
   692 	}
   694 TInt CAcmPort::GetSignals(TUint& aSignals)
   695 /**
   696  * Downcall from C32. Get the status of the signal pins
   697  *
   698  * @param aSignals signals will be written to this descriptor
   699  * @return Error.
   700  */
   701 	{
   702 	LOG_LINE
   703 	LOG_FUNC
   705 	if ( !iAcm )
   706 		{
   707 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   708 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   709 		}
   711 	aSignals = ConvertSignals(iSignals);
   713 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("iSignals=0x%x, aSignals=0x%x"),
   714 		iSignals, aSignals);
   715 	return KErrNone;
   716 	}
   718 TInt CAcmPort::SetSignalsToMark(TUint aSignals)
   719 /**
   720  * Downcall from C32. Set selected signals to high (logical 1)
   721  *
   722  * @param aSignals bitmask with the signals to be set
   723  * @return Error.
   724  */
   725 	{
   726 	LOG_LINE
   727 	LOG_FUNC
   729 	if ( !iAcm )
   730 		{
   731 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   732 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   733 		}
   735 	TUint32 newSignals = iSignals | ConvertAndFilterSignals(aSignals);
   736 	TInt err = SetSignals(newSignals);
   737 	if ( err )
   738 		{
   739 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("***SetSignals = %d"), err);
   740 		return err;
   741 		}
   743 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("iSignals=0x%x, aSignals=0x%x"),
   744 		iSignals, aSignals);
   745 	return KErrNone;
   746 	}
   748 TInt CAcmPort::SetSignalsToSpace(TUint aSignals)
   749 /**
   750  * Downcall from C32. Set selected signals to low (logical 0)
   751  *
   752  * @param aSignals bitmask with the signals to be cleared
   753  * @return Error.
   754  */
   755 	{
   756 	LOG_LINE
   757 	LOG_FUNC
   759 	if ( !iAcm )
   760 		{
   761 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   762 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   763 		}
   765 	TUint32 newSignals = iSignals & ~ConvertAndFilterSignals(aSignals);
   766 	TInt err = SetSignals(newSignals);
   767 	if ( err )
   768 		{
   769 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("***SetSignals = %d"), err);
   770 		return err;
   771 		}
   773 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("iSignals=0x%x, aSignals=0x%x"),
   774 		iSignals, aSignals);
   775 	return KErrNone;
   776 	}
   778 TInt CAcmPort::SetSignals(TUint32 aNewSignals)
   779 /**
   780  * Handle a request by the client to change signal state. This function pushes 
   781  * the change to the host, completes any outstanding notifications, and stores
   782  * the new signals in iSignals if there are no errors.
   783  *
   784  * @param aSignals bitmask with the signals to be set
   785  * @return Error.
   786  */
   787 	{
   788 	LOG_FUNC
   790 	TBool ring =((aNewSignals & KSignalRNG)==KSignalRNG);
   791 	TBool dsr  =((aNewSignals & KSignalDSR)==KSignalDSR);
   792 	TBool dcd  =((aNewSignals & KSignalDCD)==KSignalDCD);
   795  	if ( !iAcm )
   796 		{
   797 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   798 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   799 		}
   801 	TInt err = iAcm->SendSerialState(ring,dsr,dcd);
   802 	if ( err )
   803 		{
   804 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t***SendSerialState = %d- returning"), err);
   805 		return err;
   806 		}
   808 	// Report the new signals if they have changed and notification mask shows
   809 	// the upper layer wanted to be sensitive to these signals
   810 	if ( iNotifySignalChange )
   811 		{
   812 		TUint32 changedSignals = ( iSignals ^ aNewSignals ) & iNotifySignalMask;
   813 		if ( changedSignals != 0 )
   814 			{
   815 			// Mark which signals have changed
   816 			// Could do something like:
   817 			//     changedSignalsMask = ( changedSignals & (KSignalRNG|KSignalDCD|KSignalDSR) ) * KSignalChanged
   818 			// but this relies on the how the signal constants are formed in d32comm.h
   819 			TUint32 changedSignalsMask = 0;
   820 			if ( ( changedSignals & KSignalRNG ) != 0 )
   821 				{
   822 				changedSignalsMask |= KRNGChanged;
   823 				}
   824 			if ( ( changedSignals & KSignalDCD ) != 0 )
   825 				{
   826 				changedSignalsMask |= KDCDChanged;
   827 				}
   828 			if ( ( changedSignals & KSignalDSR ) != 0 )
   829 				{
   830 				changedSignalsMask |= KDSRChanged;
   831 				}
   833 			// Report correctly mapped signals that client asked for
   834 			LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcalling SignalChangeCompleted with KErrNone"));
   835 			TUint32 signals = ConvertSignals ( changedSignalsMask | ( aNewSignals & iNotifySignalMask ) );
   836 			SignalChangeCompleted ( signals, KErrNone );
   837 			iNotifySignalChange = EFalse;
   838 			}
   839 		}
   841 	// Store new signals in iSignals
   842 	iSignals = aNewSignals;
   844 	return KErrNone;
   845 	}
   847 TUint32 CAcmPort::ConvertAndFilterSignals(TUint32 aSignals) const
   848 /**
   849  * This function maps from signals used for the port's current role
   850  * to the DCE signals used internally, filtering out signals that are
   851  * inputs for the current role.
   852  *
   853  * This would be used, for example, to parse the signals specified by the 
   854  * client for a "SetSignals" request before storage in the iSignals member 
   855  * variable (always DCE).
   856  *
   857  * @param aSignals Input signals.
   858  * @return The signals, with the lines switched round according to the port's 
   859  * role.
   860  */
   861 	{
   862 	LOG_FUNC
   864 	TUint32 signals = 0;
   866 	// note that this never allows the client to use this method
   867 	// to diddle the BREAK state
   869 	// handle role-specific mapping
   870 	if ( iRole == ECommRoleDTE )
   871 		{
   872 		// Ignore DSR, DCD, RI and CTS as these are DTE inputs.
   874 		// Map DTR to DSR
   875 		if((aSignals&KSignalDTR)==KSignalDTR)
   876 			{
   877 			signals|=KSignalDSR;
   878 			}
   880 		// Map RTS to CTS
   881 		if((aSignals&KSignalRTS)==KSignalRTS)
   882 			{
   883 			signals|=KSignalCTS;
   884 			}
   885 		}
   886 	else	// iRole==EDce
   887 		{
   888 		// Ignore RTS and DTR as these are DCE inputs and therefore cannot be set.
   889 		// Keep mapping of DSR, CTS, DCD and RI.
   890 		signals |= aSignals & 
   891 			(	KSignalDSR
   892 			|	KSignalCTS
   893 			|	KSignalDCD
   894 			|	KSignalRNG);
   895 		}
   897 	return signals;
   898 	}
   900 TUint32 CAcmPort::ConvertSignals(TUint32 aSignals) const
   901 /**
   902  * This function converts the given signals between the internal mapping
   903  * and the client mapping, taking into account the port's currnt role.
   904  * As the mapping is one to one, the input can be either the client or
   905  * internal signals.
   906  *
   907  * This would be used, for example, to parse the signals being sent to the 
   908  * client in a "GetSignals" request, or to parse the signals sent from the
   909  * client when setting up a notification.
   910  *
   911  * It should not be used for "SetSignals", as it does not take into account
   912  * what signals are inputs or outputs for the current role.
   913  *
   914  * @param aSignals Input signals (internal or client).
   915  * @return Output signals.
   916  * port is.
   917  */
   918 	{
   919 	LOG_FUNC
   921 	// Swap signals around if the client is expecting DTE signalling
   922 	if ( iRole == ECommRoleDTE )
   923 		{
   924 		TUint32 swappedSignals = 0;
   926 		// Map DSR to DTR
   927 		if ( ( aSignals & KSignalDSR ) == KSignalDSR )
   928 			{
   929 			swappedSignals |= KSignalDTR;
   930 			}
   931 		if ( ( aSignals & KSignalDTR ) == KSignalDTR )
   932 			{
   933 			swappedSignals |= KSignalDSR;
   934 			}
   935 		if ( ( aSignals & KDSRChanged ) != 0 )
   936 			{
   937 			swappedSignals |= KDTRChanged;
   938 			}
   939 		if ( ( aSignals & KDTRChanged ) != 0 )
   940 			{
   941 			swappedSignals |= KDSRChanged;
   942 			}
   944 		// Map CTS to RTS
   945 		if ( ( aSignals&KSignalCTS ) == KSignalCTS )
   946 			{
   947 			swappedSignals|=KSignalRTS;
   948 			}
   949 		if ( ( aSignals&KSignalRTS ) == KSignalRTS )
   950 			{
   951 			swappedSignals|=KSignalCTS;
   952 			}
   953 		if ( ( aSignals & KCTSChanged ) != 0 )
   954 			{
   955 			swappedSignals |= KRTSChanged;
   956 			}
   957 		if ( ( aSignals & KRTSChanged ) != 0 )
   958 			{
   959 			swappedSignals |= KCTSChanged;
   960 			}
   962 		// Put remapped signals back in
   963 		const TUint32 KSwapSignals = KSignalDSR | KSignalDTR | KSignalCTS | KSignalRTS
   964 									| KDSRChanged | KDTRChanged | KCTSChanged | KRTSChanged;
   965 		aSignals = ( aSignals & ~KSwapSignals ) | swappedSignals;
   966 		}
   968 	return aSignals;
   969 	}
   971 TInt CAcmPort::GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const
   972 /**
   973  * Downcall from C32. Get size of Rx buffer. Note that the Rx and Tx 
   974  * buffers are assumed by the RComm API to always have the same size. 
   975  * We don't check here, but the value returned should be the size of the Tx 
   976  * buffer also.
   977  *
   978  * @param aLength reference to where the length will be written to
   979  * @return Error.
   980  */
   981 	{
   982 	LOG_LINE
   983 	LOG_FUNC
   985 	if ( !iAcm )
   986 		{
   987 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
   988 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   989 		}
   991 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   992 	aLength = static_cast<TInt>(iReader->BufSize());
   993 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tlength=%d"), aLength);
   994 	return KErrNone;
   995 	}
   997 TInt CAcmPort::DoSetBufferLengths(TUint aLength)
   998 /**
   999  * Utility to set the sizes of the Rx and Tx buffers. On failure, the buffers 
  1000  * will be left at the size they were.
  1001  *
  1002  * @param aLength The size required.
  1003  * @return Error.
  1004  */
  1005 	{
  1006 	LOG_FUNC
  1007 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taLength=%d"), aLength);
  1009 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1010 	// Sart trying to resize buffers. Start with the reader. 
  1011 	// Before we start though, set some stuff up we may need later (see 
  1012 	// comments below).
  1013 	const TUint oldSize = iReader->BufSize();
  1014 	HBufC* dummyBuffer = HBufC::New(static_cast<TInt>(oldSize));
  1015 	if ( !dummyBuffer )
  1016 		{
  1017 		// If we can't allocate the dummy buffer, we can't guarantee that we 
  1018 		// can roll back this API safely if it fails halfway through. So abort 
  1019 		// the entire operation.
  1020 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***failed to allocate dummy buffer- "
  1021 			"returning KErrNoMemory"));
  1022 		return KErrNoMemory;
  1023 		}
  1025 	TInt ret = iReader->SetBufSize(aLength);
  1026 	if ( ret )
  1027 		{
  1028 		// A failure in SetBufSize will have maintained the old buffer 
  1029 		// (i.e. at its old size). This is a safe failure case- simply 
  1030 		// clean up and return the error to the client.
  1031 		delete dummyBuffer;
  1032 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t***SetBufSize on reader failed with %d"), ret);
  1033 		return ret;
  1034 		}
  1036 	// OK, the Rx buffer has been resized, now for the Tx buffer...
  1037 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWriter, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1038 	ret = iWriter->SetBufSize(aLength);
  1039 	if ( ret )
  1040 		{
  1041 		// Failure! The Tx buffer is still safe, at its old size. However, 
  1042 		// to maintain the integrity of the API we need to reset the Rx 
  1043 		// buffer back to the old size. To make sure that this will work, free 
  1044 		// the dummy buffer we initially allocated.
  1045 		delete dummyBuffer;
  1046 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t***SetBufSize on writer failed with %d"), ret);
  1047 		TInt err = iReader->SetBufSize(oldSize);
  1048 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(!err, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1049 		static_cast<void>(err);
  1050 		// Now both buffers are at the size they started at, and the 
  1051 		// request failed with error code 'ret'.
  1052 		return ret;
  1053 		}
  1055 	// We seem to have successfully resized both buffers... clean up and 
  1056 	// return.
  1057 	delete dummyBuffer;
  1059 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\treturning KErrNone"));
  1060 	return KErrNone;
  1061 	}
  1063 TInt CAcmPort::SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength)
  1064 /**
  1065  * Downcall from C32. Set the size of Rx buffer. Note that the Rx and Tx 
  1066  * buffers are assumed by the RComm API to always have the same size. 
  1067  * Therefore set the size of the Tx buffer also.
  1068  *
  1069  * @param aLength new length of Tx and Rx buffer
  1070  * @return Error.
  1071  */
  1072 	{
  1073 	LOG_LINE
  1074 	LOG_FUNC
  1075 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taLength=%d"), aLength);
  1077 	if ( !iAcm )
  1078 		{
  1079 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1080 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1081 		}
  1083 	TInt ret = DoSetBufferLengths(static_cast<TUint>(aLength));
  1084 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tDoSetBufferLengths=%d"), ret);
  1085 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\treturning %d"), ret);
  1086 	return ret;
  1087 	}
  1089 void CAcmPort::Destruct()
  1090 /**
  1091  * Downcall from C32. Destruct - we must (eventually) call delete this
  1092  */
  1093 	{
  1094 	LOG_FUNC
  1096 	delete this;
  1097 	}
  1099 void CAcmPort::FreeMemory()
  1100 /**
  1101  * Downcall from C32. Attempt to reduce our memory foot print.
  1102  * Implemented to do nothing.
  1103  */
  1104 	{
  1105 	LOG_LINE
  1106 	LOG_FUNC
  1107 	}
  1109 void CAcmPort::NotifyDataAvailable()
  1110 /**
  1111  * Downcall from C32. Notify client when data is available. 
  1112  */
  1113 	{
  1114 	LOG_LINE
  1115 	LOG_FUNC
  1117 	if ( !iAcm )
  1118 		{
  1119 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1120 		NotifyDataAvailableCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1121 		return;
  1122 		}
  1123 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1125 	iReader->NotifyDataAvailable();		
  1126 	}
  1128 void CAcmPort::NotifyDataAvailableCancel()
  1129 /**
  1130  * Downcall from C32. Cancel an outstanding data available notification. Note 
  1131  * that C32 actually completes the client's request for us.
  1132  */
  1133 	{
  1134 	LOG_LINE
  1135 	LOG_FUNC
  1137 	if ( !iAcm )
  1138 		{
  1139 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1140 		return;
  1141 		}
  1142 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1144 	iReader->NotifyDataAvailableCancel();
  1145 	}
  1147 TInt CAcmPort::GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& /*aFlowControl*/)
  1148 /**
  1149  * Downcall from C32. Get the flow control status. NB This is not supported.
  1150  *
  1151  * @param aFlowControl flow control status will be written to this descriptor
  1152  * @return Error.
  1153  */
  1154 	{
  1155 	LOG_LINE
  1156 	LOG_FUNC
  1158 	if ( !iAcm )
  1159 		{
  1160 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1161 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1162 		}
  1164 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
  1165 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1166 	}
  1168 void CAcmPort::NotifyOutputEmpty()
  1169 /**
  1170  * Downcall from C32. Notify the client when the output buffer is empty. Note 
  1171  * that this is not supported. Write requests only complete when the data has 
  1172  * been sent to the LDD (KConfigWriteBufferedComplete is not supported) so 
  1173  * it's not very useful.
  1174  */
  1175 	{
  1176 	LOG_LINE
  1177 	LOG_FUNC
  1179 	if ( !iAcm )
  1180 		{
  1181 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1182 		NotifyOutputEmptyCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1183 		return;
  1184 		}
  1186 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
  1187 	NotifyOutputEmptyCompleted(KErrNotSupported);
  1188 	}
  1190 void CAcmPort::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel()
  1191 /**
  1192  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending request to be notified when the output 
  1193  * buffer is empty. Note that C32 actually completes the client's request for 
  1194  * us.
  1195  */
  1196 	{
  1197 	LOG_LINE
  1198 	LOG_FUNC
  1199 	}
  1201 void CAcmPort::NotifyBreak()
  1202 /**
  1203  * Downcall from C32. Notify a client of a host-driven break on the serial 
  1204  * line.
  1205  */
  1206 	{
  1207 	LOG_LINE
  1208 	LOG_FUNC
  1210 	if ( !iAcm )
  1211 		{
  1212 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1213 		BreakNotifyCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1214 		return;
  1215 		}
  1217 	// C32 protects us against this.
  1218 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iNotifyBreak, 
  1219 		_USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1221 	iNotifyBreak = ETrue;
  1222 	}
  1224 void CAcmPort::NotifyBreakCancel()
  1225 /**
  1226  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending notification of a serial line break. 
  1227  * Note that C32 actually completes the client's request for us.
  1228  */
  1229 	{
  1230 	LOG_LINE
  1231 	LOG_FUNC
  1233 	if ( !iAcm )
  1234 		{
  1235 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1236 		return;
  1237 		}
  1239 	iNotifyBreak = EFalse;
  1240 	}
  1242 void CAcmPort::BreakRequestCompleted()
  1243 /**
  1244  * Callback for completion of a break request. 
  1245  * This is called when the break state next goes inactive after a break has 
  1246  * been requested from the ACM port. 
  1247  * This is implemented to complete the RComm client's Break request.
  1248  */
  1249  	{
  1250 	LOG_FUNC
  1252 	if ( !iCancellingBreak )
  1253 		{
  1254 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcalling BreakCompleted with KErrNone"));
  1255 		BreakCompleted(KErrNone);
  1256 		}
  1257 	else
  1258 		{
  1259 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tbreak is being cancelled- "
  1260 			"letting C32 complete the request"));
  1261 		}
  1262 	// In the event of an RComm::BreakCancel, this function is called 
  1263 	// sychronously with CAcmPort::BreakCancel, and C32 will complete the 
  1264 	// original RComm::Break request with KErrCancel when that returns. So we 
  1265 	// only need to complete it if there isn't a cancel going on.
  1266 	iBreak = EFalse;
  1267 	iCancellingBreak = EFalse;
  1268 	}
  1270 void CAcmPort::BreakStateChange()
  1271 /**
  1272  * Callback for a change in the break state. 
  1273  * This is called both when the break state changes because the RComm client 
  1274  * wanted it to, and when the break state changes because the host asked us 
  1275  * to.
  1276  * This is implemented to update our signal line flags, complete 
  1277  * NotifySignalChange requests, and complete NotifyBreak requests.
  1278  */
  1279  	{
  1280 	LOG_FUNC
  1282 	// TODO: what if no iAcm?
  1284 	// Take a copy of the current signal state for comparison later
  1285 	TUint32 oldSignals = iSignals;
  1287 	// grab the state of the BREAK from the ACM class that manages
  1288 	// it and apply the appropriate flag state to the local iSignals
  1289 	if ( iAcm && iAcm->BreakActive() )
  1290 		{
  1291 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tbreak is active"));
  1292 		iSignals |= KSignalBreak;
  1293 		}
  1294 	else
  1295 		{
  1296 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tbreak is inactive"));
  1297 		iSignals &= ~KSignalBreak;
  1298 		}
  1300 	// first tell the client (if interested, and if it's not a client-driven 
  1301 	// break) that there has been a BREAK event of some sort (either into or 
  1302 	// out of the break-active condition...
  1303 	if ( iNotifyBreak && !iBreak )
  1304 		{
  1305 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcalling BreakNotifyCompleted with KErrNone"));
  1306 		BreakNotifyCompleted(KErrNone);
  1307 		iNotifyBreak = EFalse;
  1308 		}
  1310 	// and now tell the client (again if interested) the new state
  1311 	// of the BREAK signal, if it has changed
  1312 	if (	iNotifySignalChange
  1313 		&&	( ( iNotifySignalMask & ( iSignals ^ oldSignals ) ) != 0 ) )
  1314 		{
  1315 		// Report correctly mapped signals that client asked for
  1316 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcalling SignalChangeCompleted with KErrNone"));
  1317 		TUint32 signals = ConvertSignals ( KBreakChanged | ( iSignals & iNotifySignalMask ) );
  1318 		SignalChangeCompleted( signals, KErrNone);
  1319 		iNotifySignalChange = EFalse;
  1320 		}
  1321 	}
  1323 void CAcmPort::NotifyFlowControlChange()
  1324 /**
  1325  * Downcall from C32. Notify a client of a change in the flow control state. 
  1326  * Note that this is not supported.
  1327  */
  1328 	{
  1329 	LOG_LINE
  1330 	LOG_FUNC
  1332 	if ( !iAcm )
  1333 		{
  1334 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1335 		FlowControlChangeCompleted(EFlowControlOn, KErrAccessDenied);
  1336 		return;
  1337 		}
  1339 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***not supported"));
  1340 	FlowControlChangeCompleted(EFlowControlOn,KErrNotSupported);
  1341 	}
  1343 void CAcmPort::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel()
  1344 /**
  1345  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending request to be notified when the flow 
  1346  * control state changes. Note that C32 actually completes the client's 
  1347  * request for us.
  1348  */
  1349 	{
  1350 	LOG_LINE
  1351 	LOG_FUNC
  1352 	}
  1354 void CAcmPort::NotifyConfigChange()
  1355 /**
  1356  * Downcall from C32. Notify a client of a change to the serial port 
  1357  * configuration.
  1358  */
  1359 	{
  1360 	LOG_LINE
  1361 	LOG_FUNC
  1363 	if ( !iAcm )
  1364 		{
  1365 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1366 		ConfigChangeCompleted(iCommNotificationDes, KErrAccessDenied);
  1367 		return;
  1368 		}
  1370 	if ( iNotifyConfigChange )
  1371 		{
  1372 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***in use"));
  1373 		ConfigChangeCompleted(iCommNotificationDes,KErrInUse);
  1374 		}
  1375 	else
  1376 		{
  1377 		iNotifyConfigChange = ETrue;
  1378 		}
  1379 	}
  1381 void CAcmPort::NotifyConfigChangeCancel()
  1382 /**
  1383  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending request to be notified of a change to 
  1384  * the serial port configuration. Note that C32 actually completes the 
  1385  * client's request for us.
  1386  */
  1387 	{
  1388 	LOG_LINE
  1389 	LOG_FUNC
  1391 	if ( !iAcm )
  1392 		{
  1393 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1394 		return;
  1395 		}
  1397 	iNotifyConfigChange = EFalse;
  1398 	}
  1400 void CAcmPort::HostConfigChange(const TCommConfigV01& aConfig)
  1401 /**
  1402  * Callback from a "host-pushed" configuration change packet.
  1403  *
  1404  * @param aConfig	New configuration data.
  1405  */
  1406 	{
  1407 	LOG_FUNC
  1409 	HandleConfigNotification(aConfig.iRate,
  1410 		aConfig.iDataBits,
  1411 		aConfig.iParity,
  1412 		aConfig.iStopBits,
  1413 		iCommConfig.iHandshake);
  1414 	iCommConfig.iRate = aConfig.iRate;
  1415 	iCommConfig.iDataBits = aConfig.iDataBits;
  1416 	iCommConfig.iParity = aConfig.iParity;
  1417 	iCommConfig.iStopBits = aConfig.iStopBits;
  1418 	}
  1420 void CAcmPort::NotifySignalChange(TUint aSignalMask)
  1421 /**
  1422  * Downcall from C32. Notify a client of a change to the signal lines.
  1423  */
  1424 	{
  1425 	LOG_LINE
  1426 	LOGTEXT2(_L8(">>CAcmPort::NotifySignalChange aSignalMask=0x%08x"), 
  1427 		aSignalMask);
  1429 	if ( iNotifySignalChange )
  1430 		{
  1431 		if ( !iAcm )
  1432 			{
  1433 			LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1434 			SignalChangeCompleted(0, KErrAccessDenied);
  1435 			}
  1436 		else
  1437 			{
  1438 			LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***in use"));
  1439 			SignalChangeCompleted(0, KErrInUse);
  1440 			}
  1441 		}
  1442 	else
  1443 		{
  1444 		iNotifySignalChange = ETrue;
  1445 		// convert signals to internal format
  1446 		// no need to filter as can notify on inputs or outputs
  1447 		iNotifySignalMask = ConvertSignals(aSignalMask);
  1448 		}
  1450 	LOGTEXT(_L8("<<CAcmPort::NotifySignalChange"));
  1451 	}
  1453 void CAcmPort::NotifySignalChangeCancel()
  1454 /**
  1455  * Downcall from C32. Cancel a pending client request to be notified about a 
  1456  * change to the signal lines. Note that C32 actually completes the client's 
  1457  * request for us.
  1458  */
  1459 	{
  1460 	LOG_LINE
  1461 	LOG_FUNC
  1463 	if ( !iAcm )
  1464 		{
  1465 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1466 		return;
  1467 		}
  1469 	iNotifySignalChange = EFalse;
  1470 	}
  1472 void CAcmPort::HostSignalChange(TBool aDtr, TBool aRts)
  1473 /**
  1474  * Callback from a "host-pushed" line state change.
  1475  *
  1476  * @param aDtr The state of the DTR signal.
  1477  * @param aRts The state of the RTS signal.
  1478  */
  1479 	{
  1480 	LOGTEXT3(_L8(">>CAcmPort::HostSignalChange aDtr=%d, aRts=%d"), aDtr, aRts);
  1482 	// Take a copy of the current signal state for comparison later
  1483 	TUint32 oldSignals = iSignals;
  1485 	if ( aDtr )
  1486 		{
  1487 		iSignals |= KSignalDTR;
  1488 		}
  1489 	else
  1490 		{
  1491 		iSignals &= (~KSignalDTR);
  1492 		}
  1494 	if ( aRts )
  1495 		{
  1496 		iSignals |= KSignalRTS;
  1497 		}
  1498 	else
  1499 		{
  1500 		iSignals &= (~KSignalRTS);
  1501 		}
  1503 	// Report the new state of the signals if they have changed
  1504 	// and the mask shows the upper layer wanted to be sensitive to these signals.
  1505 	if ( iNotifySignalChange )
  1506 		{
  1507 		// Create bitfield of changed signals that client is interested in
  1508 		TUint32 changedSignals = ( iSignals ^ oldSignals ) & iNotifySignalMask;
  1509 		LOGTEXT5(_L8("\tiSignals=%x, oldSignals=%x, changedSignals=%x, iNotifySignalMask=%x")
  1510 						,iSignals, oldSignals, changedSignals, iNotifySignalMask);
  1511 		if ( changedSignals != 0 )
  1512 			{
  1513 			// Mark which signals have changed
  1514 			TUint32 changedSignalsMask = 0;
  1515 			if ( ( changedSignals & KSignalDTR ) != 0 )
  1516 				{
  1517 				changedSignalsMask |= KDTRChanged;
  1518 				}
  1519 			if ( ( changedSignals & KSignalRTS ) != 0 )
  1520 				{
  1521 				changedSignalsMask |= KRTSChanged;
  1522 				}
  1523 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tchangedSignalsMask=%x"), changedSignalsMask);
  1525 			// Report correctly mapped signals that client asked for
  1526 			TUint32 signals = ConvertSignals ( changedSignalsMask | ( iSignals & iNotifySignalMask ) );
  1527 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tcalling SignalChangeCompleted with KErrNone, signals=%x"), signals);
  1528 			SignalChangeCompleted( signals, KErrNone);
  1529 			iNotifySignalChange = EFalse;
  1530 			}
  1531 		}
  1533 	LOGTEXT(_L8("<<CAcmPort::HostSignalChange"));
  1534 	}
  1536 TInt CAcmPort::GetRole(TCommRole& aRole)
  1537 /**
  1538  * Downcall from C32. Get the role of this port unit
  1539  *
  1540  * @param aRole reference to where the role will be written to
  1541  * @return Error.
  1542  */
  1543 	{
  1544 	LOG_LINE
  1545 	LOG_FUNC
  1547 	if ( !iAcm )
  1548 		{
  1549 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\t***access denied"));
  1550 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1551 		}
  1553 	aRole = iRole;
  1554 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\trole=%d"), aRole);
  1555 	return KErrNone;
  1556 	}
  1558 TInt CAcmPort::SetRole(TCommRole aRole)
  1559 /**
  1560  * Downcall from C32. Set the role of this port unit
  1561  *
  1562  * @param aRole the new role
  1563  * @return Error.
  1564  */
  1565 	{
  1566 	LOG_LINE
  1567 	LOGTEXT2(_L8(">>CAcmPort::SetRole aRole=%d"), aRole);
  1569 	TInt ret = KErrNone;
  1570 	if ( !iAcm )
  1571 		{
  1572 		ret = KErrAccessDenied;
  1573 		}
  1574 	else
  1575 		{
  1576 		iRole = aRole;
  1577 		}
  1579 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CAcmPort::SetRole ret=%d"), ret);
  1580 	return ret;
  1581 	}
  1583 void CAcmPort::SetAcm(CCdcAcmClass* aAcm)
  1584 /**
  1585  * Called by the factory when the ACM interface for this port is about to be 
  1586  * either created or destroyed. 
  1587  * If it's going to be destroyed, we must cancel any currently outstanding 
  1588  * requests on the reader and writer objects, complete any outstanding 
  1589  * requests with KErrAccessDenied, and refuse any new requests with the same 
  1590  * error until the registration port is back open again. 
  1591  * If it's going to be opened, we simply remember it and use it to pass future 
  1592  * client requests onto the bus.
  1593  *
  1594  * @param aAcm The new ACM (may be NULL).
  1595  */
  1596 	{
  1597 	LOGTEXT3(_L8(">>CAcmPort::SetAcm aAcm = 0x%08x, iAcm = 0x%08x"), aAcm, iAcm);
  1599 	if ( !aAcm )
  1600 		{
  1601 		// Cancel any outstanding operations on the reader and writer.
  1602 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReader, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1603 		iReader->ReadCancel();
  1604 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWriter, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1605 		iWriter->WriteCancel();
  1607 		// Complete any outstanding requests
  1608 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcompleting outstanding requests with KErrAccessDenied"));
  1609 		SignalChangeCompleted(iSignals,KErrAccessDenied);
  1610 		ReadCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1611 		WriteCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1612 		ConfigChangeCompleted(iCommNotificationDes,KErrAccessDenied);
  1613 		NotifyDataAvailableCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1614 		NotifyOutputEmptyCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1615 		BreakNotifyCompleted(KErrAccessDenied);
  1616 		FlowControlChangeCompleted(EFlowControlOn, KErrAccessDenied);
  1617 		}
  1618 	else
  1619 		{
  1620 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iAcm, _USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
  1621 		aAcm->SetCallback(this);
  1622 		// Set the port as the observer of break events.
  1623 		aAcm->SetBreakCallback(this);
  1624 		}
  1626 	iAcm = aAcm;
  1628 	LOGTEXT(_L8("<<CAcmPort::SetAcm"));
  1629 	}
  1631 CAcmPort::~CAcmPort()
  1632 /**
  1633  * Destructor.
  1634  */
  1635 	{
  1636 	LOG_FUNC
  1638 	delete iReader;
  1639 	delete iWriter;
  1641 	// Remove this as a sink for the ACM class to call back about host-pushed 
  1642 	// changes.
  1643 	if ( iAcm )
  1644 		{
  1645 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tiAcm exists- calling SetCallback(NULL)"));
  1646 		iAcm->SetCallback(NULL);
  1647 		}
  1649 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tcalling AcmPortClosed on observer"));
  1650 	iObserver.AcmPortClosed(iUnit);
  1651 	}
  1653 //
  1654 // End of file