changeset 0 c9bc50fca66e
child 8 863facfed77d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c9bc50fca66e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalComponent
    21 */
    23 #include "fdf.h"
    24 #include <usb/usblogger.h>
    25 #include "utils.h"
    26 #include <usbhost/internal/fdcplugin.hrh>
    27 #include "eventqueue.h"
    29 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    30 _LIT8(KLogComponent, "fdf      ");
    31 #endif
    33 _LIT(KDriverUsbhubLddFileName,"usbhubdriver");
    34 _LIT(KDriverUsbdiLddFileName,"usbdi");
    36 PANICCATEGORY("fdf");
    38 const TUint KVendorSpecificDeviceClassValue = 0xFF;
    39 const TUint KVendorSpecificInterfaceClassValue = 0xFF;
    40 const TUint KMaxSearchKeyLength = 64; 
    42 // Factory function for TInterfaceInfo objects.
    43 CFdf::TInterfaceInfo* CFdf::TInterfaceInfo::NewL(RPointerArray<CFdf::TInterfaceInfo>& aInterfaces)
    44 	{
    47 	TInterfaceInfo* self = new(ELeave) TInterfaceInfo;
    48 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    49 	aInterfaces.AppendL(self);
    50 	CLEANUPSTACK_POP1(self);
    51 	return self;
    52 	}
    55 CFdf* CFdf::NewL()
    56 	{
    59 	CFdf* self = new(ELeave) CFdf;
    60 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    61 	self->ConstructL();
    62 	CLEANUPSTACK_POP1(self);
    63 	return self;
    64 	}
    66 CFdf::CFdf()
    67 :	iDevices(_FOFF(CDeviceProxy, iLink)),
    68 	iFunctionDrivers(_FOFF(CFdcProxy, iLink))
    69 	{
    70 	LOG_FUNC
    71 	}
    73 void CFdf::ConstructL()
    74 	{
    75 	LOG_FUNC
    77 #ifndef __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
    78 	// If we're using the DummyUSBDI we don't need the real USBDI.
    79 	TInt err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KDriverUsbhubLddFileName);
    80 	if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists )
    81 		{
    82 		LEAVEIFERRORL(err);
    83 		}
    84 #endif // __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
    86 	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHubDriver.Open());
    88 #ifdef __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
    89 	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHubDriver.StartHost());
    90 #endif
    92 	iActiveWaitForBusEvent = CActiveWaitForBusEvent::NewL(iHubDriver, iBusEvent, *this);
    93 	iActiveWaitForBusEvent->Wait();	
    95 	CreateFunctionDriverProxiesL();	
    97 	iActiveWaitForEComEvent = CActiveWaitForEComEvent::NewL(*this);
    98 	iActiveWaitForEComEvent->Wait();
   100 	iEventQueue = CEventQueue::NewL(*this);
   101 	}
   103 void CFdf::CreateFunctionDriverProxiesL()
   104 	{
   106 	LOG_FUNC
   107 	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(TUid::Uid(KFdcEcomInterfaceUid), iImplInfoArray);
   108 	const TUint count = iImplInfoArray.Count();
   109 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiImplInfoArray.Count() upon FDF creation  = %d"), count);
   110 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   111 	if ( count == 0 )
   112 		{
   114 		}
   115 	else
   116 		{
   117 		for (TInt kk = 0; kk < count; ++kk)
   118 			LOGTEXT3(_L8("\t\tFDC implementation Index:%d UID: 0x%08x"), kk, iImplInfoArray[kk]->ImplementationUid());				
   119 		}
   120 #endif
   122    	for ( TUint i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i )
   123    		{
   124    		CFdcProxy* proxy = CFdcProxy::NewL(*this, *iImplInfoArray[i]);
   126    		// If this proxy is rom based then put it in the first place
   127    		// this will save time when trying to load the FDC with the rule of 
   128    		// ROM-based ones have higher priority than installed ones.
   129    		if (proxy->RomBased())
   130    			iFunctionDrivers.AddFirst(*proxy);
   131    		else
   132    			iFunctionDrivers.AddLast(*proxy);
   133    		}
   134 	}
   136 CFdf::~CFdf()
   137 	{
   138 	LOG_FUNC
   140 	// Mimic the detachment of each attached device.
   141 	TSglQueIter<CDeviceProxy> deviceIter(iDevices);
   142 	deviceIter.SetToFirst();
   143 	CDeviceProxy* device;
   144 	while ( ( device = deviceIter++ ) != NULL )
   145 		{
   146 		const TUint deviceId = device->DeviceId();
   147 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tmimicking detachment of device with id %d"), device);
   148 		TellFdcsOfDeviceDetachment(deviceId);
   149 		iDevices.Remove(*device);
   150 		delete device;
   151 		}
   153 	// Destroy all the FDC proxies. They should each now have no 'attached
   154 	// devices' and no plugin instance.
   155 	TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy> fdcIter(iFunctionDrivers);
   156 	fdcIter.SetToFirst();
   157 	CFdcProxy* fdc;
   158 	while ( ( fdc = fdcIter++ ) != NULL )
   159 		{
   160 		iFunctionDrivers.Remove(*fdc);
   161 		delete fdc;
   162 		}
   164 	delete iActiveWaitForBusEvent;
   166 	delete iActiveWaitForEComEvent;
   168 	if ( iHubDriver.Handle() )
   169 		{
   170 		iHubDriver.StopHost(); // NB this has no return value
   171 		}
   172 	iHubDriver.Close();
   174 #ifndef __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
   175 	//If we're using the DummyUSBDI the real USBDI isn't loaded.
   176 	TInt err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KDriverUsbhubLddFileName);
   177 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tFreeLogicalDevice( usbhubdriver ) returned %d"), err);
   179 	err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KDriverUsbdiLddFileName);
   180 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tFreeLogicalDevice( usbdi ) returned %d"), err);
   181 #endif // __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
   183 	delete iEventQueue;
   185 	// This is a worthwhile check to do at this point. If we ever don't clean
   186 	// up iInterfaces at the *right* time, then this will be easier to debug
   187 	// than a memory leak.
   188 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterfaces.Count() == 0);
   190 	iImplInfoArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   191 	REComSession::FinalClose();
   192 	}
   194 void CFdf::EnableDriverLoading()
   195 	{
   196 	LOG_FUNC
   198 	iDriverLoadingEnabled = ETrue;
   199 	}
   201 void CFdf::DisableDriverLoading()
   202 	{
   203 	LOG_FUNC
   205 	iDriverLoadingEnabled = EFalse;
   206 	}
   208 void CFdf::SetSession(CFdfSession* aSession)
   209 	{
   210 	LOG_FUNC
   211 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taSession = 0x%08x"), aSession);
   213 	iSession = aSession;
   214 	}
   216 CFdfSession* CFdf::Session()
   217 	{
   218 	return iSession;
   219 	}
   221 TBool CFdf::GetDeviceEvent(TDeviceEvent& aEvent)
   222 	{
   223 	LOG_FUNC
   225 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   226 	return iEventQueue->GetDeviceEvent(aEvent);
   227 	}
   229 TBool CFdf::GetDevmonEvent(TInt& aEvent)
   230 	{
   231 	LOG_FUNC
   233 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   234 	return iEventQueue->GetDevmonEvent(aEvent);
   235 	}
   238 // An ECom plugin has been installed or removed
   239 void CFdf::EComEventReceived()
   240 	{
   241 	TRAPD(ret, HandleEComEventReceivedL());
   242 	if (ret != KErrNone)
   243 		HandleDevmonEvent(KErrUsbUnableToUpdateFDProxyList);
   245 	}
   247 void CFdf::HandleEComEventReceivedL()
   248 	{
   249 	LOG_FUNC
   251 	// There is no way to filter ecom notification to only receive ones we are interested in, also there is no way
   252 	// to query ecom as to what has changed. Hence there is no option but to call ListImplementations().
   253 	iImplInfoArray.ResetAndDestroy();		
   255 	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(TUid::Uid(KFdcEcomInterfaceUid), iImplInfoArray);	
   256 	TUint implementationsCount = iImplInfoArray.Count();
   257 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiImplInfoArray.Count() after ECom notification= %d"), implementationsCount);
   259 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   260 	if ( implementationsCount == 0 )
   261 		{
   263 		}
   265 	TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy> proxiesIterDebug(iFunctionDrivers);
   266 	CFdcProxy* fdcDebug = NULL;		
   267 	while ( ( fdcDebug = proxiesIterDebug++ ) != NULL )
   268 		{
   269 		TUid fdcUid = fdcDebug->ImplUid();
   270 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t\tOld FDC Proxy implementation UID: 0x%08x"), fdcUid.iUid);
   271 		TInt fdcVersion = fdcDebug->Version();
   272 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t\tFDC Proxy version UID: %d"), fdcVersion);
   273 		}		
   274 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\t\t------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   275 	for (TInt kk = 0; kk < implementationsCount; ++kk)
   276 		{
   277 		TUid fdcUid2 = iImplInfoArray[kk]->ImplementationUid();
   278 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t\tNew FDC Proxy implementation UID: 0x%08x"), fdcUid2.iUid);
   279 		TInt fdcVersion2 = iImplInfoArray[kk]->Version();
   280 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t\tFDC Proxy version UID: %d"), fdcVersion2);					
   281 		}
   282 #endif
   284 	// See if any relevant FDCs (or upgrades) have been installed or uninstalled:	
   286 	// For each FD in the proxy list compare the uid and version with each FD returned by ECom looking
   287 	// for the removal, upgrade or downgrade of an existing FD 	
   288 	TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy> proxiesIter(iFunctionDrivers);
   289 	proxiesIter.SetToFirst();
   290 	CFdcProxy* fdc = NULL;	
   291 	while ( ( fdc = proxiesIter++ ) != NULL )
   292 		{
   293 		TBool fdcRemoved = ETrue;
   294 		for (TInt ii = 0; ii < implementationsCount; ++ii)
   295 			{
   296 			if (fdc->ImplUid() == iImplInfoArray[ii]->ImplementationUid())
   297 				{			
   298 				// We have found an upgrade, downgrade, or duplicate (a duplicate could occur in the situation
   299 				// where an FD has been installed, then a device attached, then the FD uninstalled and re-installed *while*
   300 				// the device is still attached (meaning the FD's proxy is still in the proxy list but will have been marked
   301 				// for deletion when the uninstallation was detected).
   302 				fdcRemoved = EFalse;
   303 				if (fdc->Version() != iImplInfoArray[ii]->Version())
   304 					{
   305 					// We've found an upgrade or a downgrade. Note that the upgrade FD proxy needs adding to the
   306 					// proxy list, however that isn't done here it is done later in the loop that is searching for
   307 					// new FDs. This is to prevent its possible duplicate addition [consider the situation where
   308 					// there is FDv1 and a device is attached, then while still attached FDv2 gets installed (while will
   309 					// result in FDv1 getting marked for deletion), then another device is attached which will use FDv2.
   310 					// Now if FDv3 is installed before any of the devices were detached there will be two proxies in the 
   311 					// proxy list with the same UID but differing version numbers. If FDv3 is added here it will therefore
   312 					// be added twice].
   313 					if (fdc->DeviceCount())
   314 						{
   315 						// The device using the FD is still attached
   316 						fdc->MarkForDeletion();
   317 						}
   318 					else
   319 						{
   320 						iFunctionDrivers.Remove(*fdc);
   321 						delete fdc;
   322 						}					
   323 					}		
   324 				else
   325 					{
   326 					// we've found an FD being installed which is still currently 
   327 					// active in the proxy list
   328 					fdc->UnmarkForDeletion();
   329 					}	
   330 				// Since we found the plugin with the same implementationUid
   331 				// we could simply bail out to stop the looping;
   332 				break;
   333 				}
   334 			}
   335 		if (fdcRemoved)
   336 			{ 
   337 			// An FDC has been uninstalled - if the FDC isn't in use remove it 
   338 			// otherwise mark it for deletion
   339 			if (fdc->DeviceCount())
   340 				fdc->MarkForDeletion();
   341 			else
   342 				{
   343 				iFunctionDrivers.Remove(*fdc); 
   344 				delete fdc;				
   345 				}			
   346 			}
   347 		}
   350 	// For each FD returned by ECom, search and compare with the FD proxy list 
   351 	// looking for new FDs
   352 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < implementationsCount; ++ii)
   353 		{
   354 		TBool newFdcFound = ETrue;
   355 		proxiesIter.SetToFirst();
   356 		while ( ( fdc = proxiesIter++ ) != NULL )
   357 			{
   358 			if (fdc->ImplUid() == iImplInfoArray[ii]->ImplementationUid() && fdc->Version() == iImplInfoArray[ii]->Version())
   359 				{
   360 				// No need to create a new proxy if there is one with a matching UID and version.
   361 				newFdcFound = EFalse;
   363 				// We break out this loop for efficiency.
   364 				break;
   365 				}
   366 			}	
   368 		if (newFdcFound)
   369 			{ 
   370 			// A new or upgrade FDC has been installed onto the device
   371 			CFdcProxy* proxy = CFdcProxy::NewL(*this, *iImplInfoArray[ii]);
   373 			// If this proxy is rom based then put it in the first place
   374 	   		// this will save time when trying to load the FDC with the rule that 
   375 	   		// ROM-based ones have higher priority than installed ones.
   376 			if (proxy->RomBased())
   377 				iFunctionDrivers.AddFirst(*proxy);
   378 			else
   379 				iFunctionDrivers.AddLast(*proxy);			
   380 			}
   381 		}
   382 	}
   384 // A bus event has occurred.
   385 void CFdf::MbeoBusEvent()
   386 	{
   387 	LOG_FUNC
   388 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiBusEvent.iEventType = %d"), iBusEvent.iEventType);
   389 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiBusEvent.iError = %d"), iBusEvent.iError);
   390 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiBusEvent.iDeviceHandle = %d"), iBusEvent.iDeviceHandle);
   392 	switch ( iBusEvent.iEventType )
   393 		{
   394 		case RUsbHubDriver::TBusEvent::EDeviceAttached:
   395 			if ( !iBusEvent.iError )
   396 				{
   397 				// So far, a successful attachment.
   398 				HandleDeviceAttachment(iBusEvent.iDeviceHandle);
   399 				}
   400 			else
   401 				{
   402 				// It was an attachment failure. Simply tell the event queue.
   403 				ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   404 				iEventQueue->AttachmentFailure(iBusEvent.iError);
   405 				}
   406 			break;
   408 		case RUsbHubDriver::TBusEvent::EDeviceRemoved:
   409 			// Device detachments are always 'KErrNone'. If the device was
   410 			// pseudo-detached due to an overcurrent condition (for instance) then
   411 			// the overcurrent condition is indicated through the devmon API (i.e.
   412 			// EDevMonEvent) and the detachment is still 'KErrNone'.
   413 			ASSERT_DEBUG(iBusEvent.iError == KErrNone);
   414 			HandleDeviceDetachment(iBusEvent.iDeviceHandle);
   415 			break;
   417 		case RUsbHubDriver::TBusEvent::EDevMonEvent:
   418 			HandleDevmonEvent(iBusEvent.iError);
   419 			break;
   421 		case RUsbHubDriver::TBusEvent::ENoEvent:
   422 		default:
   423 		break;
   424 		}
   426 	// Only re-post the notification when we've finished examining the
   427 	// TBusEvent from the previous completion. (Otherwise it might get
   428 	// overwritten.)
   429 	iActiveWaitForBusEvent->Wait();
   430 	}
   432 // This is the central handler for device attachment.
   433 // We deal with device attachments in two phases.
   434 // The first phase is confusingly called device attachment.
   435 // The second phase is driver loading.
   436 void CFdf::HandleDeviceAttachment(TUint aDeviceId)
   437 	{
   438 	LOG_FUNC
   439 	// This is filled in by HandleDeviceAttachmentL on success.
   440 	CDeviceProxy* device;
   441 	TRAPD(err, HandleDeviceAttachmentL(aDeviceId, device));
   442 	if ( err )
   443 		{
   444 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\terr = %d"), err);
   445 		// There was an attachment failure, so we just increment the count of
   446 		// attachment failures.
   447 		ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   448 		iEventQueue->AttachmentFailure(err);
   449 		// If we failed the attachment phase, we can't try to load drivers for
   450 		// the device.
   452 		}
   453 	else
   454 		{
   455 		// This function always moves the 'driver loading' event from the
   456 		// device proxy created by HandleDeviceAttachmentL to the event queue.
   457 		// This event object is always populated with the correct status and
   458 		// error.
   459 		ASSERT_DEBUG(device);
   460 		DoDriverLoading(*device);
   461 		}
   463 	// Finally, clean up the collection of information on the device's
   464 	// interfaces which was populated (maybe only partly) in
   465 	// HandleDeviceAttachmentL.
   466 	iCurrentDevice = NULL;
   467 	iInterfaces.ResetAndDestroy();
   468 	}
   470 // This does the 'device attachment' phase of the new device attachment only.
   471 void CFdf::HandleDeviceAttachmentL(TUint aDeviceId, CDeviceProxy*& aDevice)
   472 	{
   473 	LOG_FUNC
   475 	// Create the device proxy
   476 	aDevice = CDeviceProxy::NewL(iHubDriver, aDeviceId);
   477 	CleanupStack::PushL(aDevice);
   478 	iCurrentDevice = aDevice;
   479 	// Get necessary descriptors (for this phase)
   480 	LEAVEIFERRORL(aDevice->GetDeviceDescriptor(iDD));
   481 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.USBBcd = 0x%04x"), iDD.USBBcd());
   482 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.DeviceClass = 0x%02x"), iDD.DeviceClass());
   483 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.DeviceSubClass = 0x%02x"), iDD.DeviceSubClass());
   484 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.DeviceProtocol = 0x%02x"), iDD.DeviceProtocol());
   485 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.MaxPacketSize0 = %d"), iDD.MaxPacketSize0());
   486 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.VendorId = 0x%04x"), iDD.VendorId());
   487 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.ProductId = 0x%04x"), iDD.ProductId());
   488 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.DeviceBcd = 0x%04x"), iDD.DeviceBcd());
   489 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.ManufacturerIndex = %d"), iDD.ManufacturerIndex());
   490 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.ProductIndex = %d"), iDD.ProductIndex());
   491 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.SerialNumberIndex = %d"), iDD.SerialNumberIndex());
   492 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiDD.NumConfigurations = %d"), iDD.NumConfigurations());
   493 	LEAVEIFERRORL(aDevice->GetConfigurationDescriptor(iCD));
   494 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCD.TotalLength = %d"), iCD.TotalLength());
   495 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCD.NumInterfaces = %d"), iCD.NumInterfaces());
   496 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCD.ConfigurationValue = %d"), iCD.ConfigurationValue());
   497 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCD.ConfigurationIndex = %d"), iCD.ConfigurationIndex());
   498 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCD.Attributes = %d"), iCD.Attributes());
   499 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiCD.MaxPower = %d"), iCD.MaxPower());
   501 	const TUint8 numberOfInterfaces = iCD.NumInterfaces();
   502 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tnumberOfInterfaces (field in config descriptor) = %d)"), numberOfInterfaces);
   503 	if ( numberOfInterfaces == 0 )
   504 		{
   505 		LEAVEL(KErrUsbConfigurationHasNoInterfaces);
   506 		}
   508 	// Walk the configuration bundle. Collect information on each interface
   509 	// (its number, class, subclass and protocol). This populates iInterfaces.
   510 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterfaces.Count() == 0);
   511 	ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCurrentDevice);
   512 	ParseL(iCD);
   514 	// Log iInterfaces.
   515 	const TUint interfaceCount = iInterfaces.Count();
   516 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tinterfaceCount (parsed from bundle) = %d"), interfaceCount);
   517 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   518 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tLogging iInterfaces:"));
   519 	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < interfaceCount ; ++ii )
   520 		{
   521 		const TInterfaceInfo* ifInfo = iInterfaces[ii];
   522 		ASSERT_DEBUG(ifInfo);
   523 		LOGTEXT6(_L8("\t\tiInterfaces[%d]: number %d, interface class 0x%02x subclass 0x%02x protocol 0x%02x"),
   524 			ii,
   525 			ifInfo->iNumber,
   526 			ifInfo->iClass,
   527 			ifInfo->iSubclass,
   528 			ifInfo->iProtocol
   529 			);
   530 		}
   531 #endif
   533 	// Check that the config's NumInterfaces is the same as the actual number
   534 	// of interface descriptors we found. We rely on this later on.
   535 	if ( numberOfInterfaces != interfaceCount )
   536 		{
   537 		LEAVEL(KErrUsbInterfaceCountMismatch);
   538 		}
   540 	// Check that each interface number in iInterfaces is unique.
   541 	if ( interfaceCount > 1 )
   542 		{
   543 		for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < interfaceCount ; ++ii )
   544 			{
   545 			const TInterfaceInfo* lhs = iInterfaces[ii];
   546 			ASSERT_DEBUG(lhs);
   547 			for ( TUint jj = ii+1 ; jj < interfaceCount ; ++jj )
   548 				{
   549 				const TInterfaceInfo* rhs = iInterfaces[jj];
   550 				ASSERT_DEBUG(rhs);
   551 				if ( lhs->iNumber == rhs->iNumber )
   552 					{
   553 					LEAVEL(KErrUsbDuplicateInterfaceNumbers);
   554 					}
   555 				}
   556 			}
   557 		}
   559 #ifndef __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
   560 	// If we're using the DummyUSBDI we don't need the real USBDI.
   561 	// Load USBDI when attached devices goes from 0 to 1
   562 	if (iDevices.IsEmpty())
   563 		{
   564 		TInt err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KDriverUsbdiLddFileName);
   565 		if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists )
   566 			{
   567 			LEAVEIFERRORL(err);
   568 			}
   569 		}
   570 #endif // __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
   572 	// Now we know we've succeeded with a device attachment, remove the device
   573 	// proxy from the cleanup stack and put it on the TSglQue.
   574 	CLEANUPSTACK_POP1(aDevice);
   575 	iDevices.AddLast(*aDevice);
   576 	// Also put an event on the event queue.
   577 	TDeviceEvent* const attachmentEvent = aDevice->GetAttachmentEventObject();
   578 	ASSERT_DEBUG(attachmentEvent);
   579 	attachmentEvent->iInfo.iVid = iDD.VendorId();
   580 	attachmentEvent->iInfo.iPid = iDD.ProductId();
   581 	attachmentEvent->iInfo.iError = KErrNone;
   582 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   583 	iEventQueue->AddDeviceEvent(*attachmentEvent);
   585 	}
   587 void CFdf::DoDriverLoading(CDeviceProxy& aDevice)
   588 	{
   589 	LOG_FUNC
   591 	// Leaving or returning from DoDriverLoadingL is the trigger to put the
   592 	// 'driver loading' event object on the event queue. It must already have
   593 	// been populated correctly (the actual error code it left with doesn't
   594 	// feed into the driver loading event).
   595 	TRAP_IGNORE(DoDriverLoadingL(aDevice));
   597 	TDeviceEvent* const driverLoadingEvent = aDevice.GetDriverLoadingEventObject();
   598 	ASSERT_DEBUG(driverLoadingEvent);
   599 	// The driver loading event object says whether driver loading succeeded
   600 	// (all interfaces were claimed without error), partly succeeded (not all
   601 	// interfaces were claimed without error), or failed (no interfaces were
   602 	// claimed without error). This information is intended for USBMAN so it
   603 	// can tell the user, but we also use it now to suspend the device if
   604 	// driver loading failed completely.
   605 	if ( driverLoadingEvent->iInfo.iDriverLoadStatus == EDriverLoadFailure )
   606 		{
   607 		// We can't do anything with error here. Suspending the device is for
   608 		// power-saving reasons and is not critical.
   609 		(void)aDevice.Suspend();
   610 		}
   611 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   612 	iEventQueue->AddDeviceEvent(*driverLoadingEvent);
   613 	}
   616 void CFdf::DoDriverLoadingL(CDeviceProxy& aDevice)
   617 	{
   618 	LOG_FUNC
   620 	// Check whether driver loading is enabled.
   621 	if ( !iDriverLoadingEnabled )
   622 		{
   623 		// Complete driver load failure scenario.
   624 		aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData(EDriverLoadFailure, KErrUsbDriverLoadingDisabled);
   625 		LEAVEL(KErrGeneral);
   626 	}
   629 	// Set this member up so that when the FDC calls TokenForInterface we call
   630 	// the right proxy object.
   632 	TInt collectedErr = KErrNone;
   633 	TBool anySuccess = EFalse;
   636 	// Now actually try to load the drivers.
   637 	// Device drivers are located based upon descriptor information from the USB device. The first search is
   638 	// based on information from the device descriptor and looks for a driver that matches the whole device; 
   639 	// the second search is based upon locating a driver for each interface within a configuration.
   640 	// The particular keys used in the driver search are defined in the Universal Serial Bus Common Class
   641 	// Specification version 1.0. They are represented by TDeviceSearchKeys and TInterfaceSearchKeys.						
   642 	//
   643 	// First perform a device search by iterating through the keys in TDeviceSearchKeys looking for a matching driver.
   644 	TBool functionDriverFound = SearchForADeviceFunctionDriverL(aDevice, anySuccess, collectedErr);
   646 	// When do the parsing against the CD bundle, we already know if there is IAD(Interface Association Descriptor)
   647 	// in the new attached device. Once we finished the device level searching of FDC and we couldn't find any, we
   648 	// break down the loading process
   649 	if (aDevice.HasIADFlag() && !functionDriverFound)
   650 		{
   651 		aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData(EDriverLoadFailure, KErrUsbUnsupportedDevice);
   652 		LEAVEL(KErrGeneral);		
   653 		}
   654 	// If a device FD is found then it is supposed to claim all the interfaces, if it didn't then report
   655 	// a partial success but don't offer unclaimed interfaces to any other FD.
   656 	const TUint interfaceCount = iInterfaces.Count();
   660 	// If no device driver was found then next perform an Interface search
   661 	if (!functionDriverFound)
   662 		SearchForInterfaceFunctionDriversL(aDevice, anySuccess, collectedErr);
   664 	// Now worry about the following:
   665 	// (a) are there any unclaimed interfaces remaining?
   666 	// (b) what's in collectedErr?
   667 	// Whether all interfaces were taken, some, or none, collectedErr may have
   668 	// an error in it or KErrNone. We use specific error codes in some cases.			
   669 	TUint unclaimedInterfaces = UnclaimedInterfaceCount();
   670 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tunclaimedInterfaces = %d"), unclaimedInterfaces);
   671 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tanySuccess = %d"), anySuccess);
   672 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tcollectedErr = %d"), collectedErr);
   673 	ASSERT_DEBUG(unclaimedInterfaces <= interfaceCount);
   675 	if(iDeviceDetachedTooEarly)
   676 		{
   677 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tDevice has been detached too early!"));
   678 		iDeviceDetachedTooEarly = EFalse;
   679 		// the choice of having the status to be EDriverLoadPartialSuccess
   680 		// was not to clash with trying to suspend the device because
   681 		// of a total failure to load the FD.(because device is detached)
   682 		// even though that a FDC has been created
   683 		// see the :
   684 		// if ( driverLoadingEvent->iInfo.iDriverLoadStatus == EDriverLoadFailure )
   685 		// in function above => void CFdf::DoDriverLoadingL(etc...)
   686 		aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData(EDriverLoadPartialSuccess, KErrUsbDeviceDetachedDuringDriverLoading);
   687 		}
   688 	else
   689 		{
   690 		SetFailureStatus(unclaimedInterfaces, interfaceCount, anySuccess, collectedErr, aDevice);
   691 		}// iDeviceDetachedTooEarly
   693 	}
   695 // Recursive function, originally called with the configuration descriptor.
   696 // Builds up information on the interface descriptors in the configuration
   697 // bundle.
   698 void CFdf::ParseL(TUsbGenericDescriptor& aDesc)
   699 	{
   700 	LOG_FUNC
   701 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t&aDesc = 0x%08x"), &aDesc);
   702 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDesc.ibDescriptorType = %d"), aDesc.ibDescriptorType);
   703 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDesc.iFirstChild = 0x%08x"), aDesc.iFirstChild);
   704 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDesc.iNextPeer = 0x%08x"), aDesc.iNextPeer);
   706 	if ( aDesc.ibDescriptorType == EInterface )
   707 		{
   708 		// Add interface information to collection, but only if it's alternate
   709 		// setting 0.
   710 		const TUsbInterfaceDescriptor& ifDesc = static_cast<TUsbInterfaceDescriptor&>(aDesc);
   711 		if ( ifDesc.AlternateSetting() == 0 ) // hard-coded '0' means the default (initial configuration) setting
   712 			{
   713 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tifDesc.InterfaceNumber = %d"), ifDesc.InterfaceNumber());
   714 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tifDesc.NumEndpoints = %d"), ifDesc.NumEndpoints());
   715 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tifDesc.InterfaceClass = 0x%02x"), ifDesc.InterfaceClass());
   716 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tifDesc.InterfaceSubClass = 0x%02x"), ifDesc.InterfaceSubClass());
   717 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tifDesc.InterfaceProtocol = 0x%02x"), ifDesc.InterfaceProtocol());
   718 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tifDesc.Interface = %d"), ifDesc.Interface());
   720 			TInterfaceInfo* ifInfo = TInterfaceInfo::NewL(iInterfaces);
   721 			ifInfo->iNumber = ifDesc.InterfaceNumber();
   722 			ifInfo->iClass = ifDesc.InterfaceClass();
   723 			ifInfo->iSubclass = ifDesc.InterfaceSubClass();
   724 			ifInfo->iProtocol = ifDesc.InterfaceProtocol();
   725 			ifInfo->iClaimed = EFalse;
   726 			}
   727 		}
   728 	else if (!iCurrentDevice->HasIADFlag() && aDesc.ibDescriptorType == EInterfaceAssociation)
   729 		{
   730 		// When found a Interface association descriptor, set this flag to ETrue,
   731 		// it is checked later after the device level driverloading.
   732 		iCurrentDevice->SetHasIADFlag();
   733 		}
   734 	else if (aDesc.ibDescriptorType == EOTG)
   735 		{
   736 		// OTG descriptor found
   737 		const TUsbOTGDescriptor& otgDesc = static_cast<TUsbOTGDescriptor&>(aDesc);
   739 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\totgDesc.Attributes = %b"), otgDesc.Attributes());
   740 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\totgDesc.HNPSupported = %d"), otgDesc.HNPSupported());
   741 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\totgDesc.SRPSupported = %d"), otgDesc.SRPSupported());
   743 		iCurrentDevice->SetOtgDescriptorL(otgDesc);
   744 		}
   746 	TUsbGenericDescriptor* const firstChild = aDesc.iFirstChild;
   747 	if ( firstChild )
   748 		{
   749 		ParseL(*firstChild);
   750 		}
   752 	TUsbGenericDescriptor* const nextPeer = aDesc.iNextPeer;
   753 	if ( nextPeer )
   754 		{
   755 		ParseL(*nextPeer);
   756 		}
   757 	}
   759 // Method that uses only one array to hold the unclaimed interface numbers.
   760 void CFdf::FindDriversForInterfacesUsingSpecificKeyL(CDeviceProxy& aDevice,
   761 													TInt& aCollectedErr,
   762 													TBool& aAnySuccess,			
   763 													RArray<TUint>& aInterfacesNumberArray, 
   764 													TInterfaceSearchKeys aKey)	
   765 	{
   766 	LOG_FUNC
   768 	const TUint interfaceCount = iInterfaces.Count();
   769 	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < interfaceCount ; ++ii )
   770 		{
   771 		TInterfaceInfo* ifInfo = iInterfaces[ii];		
   772 		ASSERT_DEBUG(ifInfo);
   774 		if ((ifInfo->iClaimed) ||
   775 			(aKey == EVendorInterfacesubclassInterfaceprotocol && ifInfo->iClass != KVendorSpecificInterfaceClassValue)||	
   776 			(aKey == EVendorInterfacesubclass && ifInfo->iClass != KVendorSpecificInterfaceClassValue) ||
   777 			(aKey == EInterfaceclassInterfacesubclassInterfaceprotocol && ifInfo->iClass == KVendorSpecificInterfaceClassValue) ||
   778 			(aKey == EInterfaceclassInterfacesubclass && ifInfo->iClass == KVendorSpecificInterfaceClassValue))
   779 			{
   780 			continue;
   781 			}
   784 		TBuf8<KMaxSearchKeyLength> searchKey;
   785 		FormatInterfaceSearchKey(searchKey, aKey, *ifInfo);
   787 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tsearchKey = \"%S\""), &searchKey);
   788 		// RArray<TUint>* array = &aInterfacesNumberArray;
   790 		FindDriverForInterfaceUsingSpecificKey(aDevice, aCollectedErr, aAnySuccess, aInterfacesNumberArray, searchKey);
   792 		// Putting ii+1 as the starting offset is to remove the interface on which
   793 		// the searching have been done.		
   794 		RebuildUnClaimedInterfacesArrayL(aDevice, aInterfacesNumberArray, ii+1);
   795 		}
   796 	}
   800 // Called for one interface, to find a Function Driver on the basis of a
   802 // specific search key.
   803 void CFdf::FindDriverForInterfaceUsingSpecificKey(CDeviceProxy& aDevice,
   804 								   TInt& aCollectedErr,
   805 								   TBool& aAnySuccess,
   806 								   RArray<TUint>& aInterfacesGivenToFdc,
   807 								   const TDesC8& aSearchKey)
   808 	{
   810 	LOG_FUNC
   811 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taSearchKey = \"%S\""), &aSearchKey);
   813 	// Find an FDC matching this search key.
   814 	TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy> iter(iFunctionDrivers);
   815 	iter.SetToFirst();
   816 	CFdcProxy* fdc;
   818 	while ( ( fdc = iter++ ) != NULL )
   819 		{
   820 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tFDC's default_data field = \"%S\""), &fdc->DefaultDataField());
   821 #ifdef _DEBUG
   822 	// having these two together in the debug window is helpful for interactive debugging
   823 	TBuf8<KMaxSearchKeyLength > fd_key;
   824 	fd_key.Append(fdc->DefaultDataField().Ptr(), fdc->DefaultDataField().Length() > KMaxSearchKeyLength ? KMaxSearchKeyLength : fdc->DefaultDataField().Length());
   825 	TBuf8<KMaxSearchKeyLength > searchKey;
   826 	searchKey.Append(aSearchKey.Ptr(), aSearchKey.Length() > KMaxSearchKeyLength ? KMaxSearchKeyLength : aSearchKey.Length());
   827 	TInt version = fdc->Version();
   828 #endif // _DEBUG
   829 		if (aSearchKey.CompareF(fdc->DefaultDataField()) == 0 && !fdc->MarkedForDeletion())
   830 			{
   831 			// If there is more than one matching FD then if all of them are in RAM we simply choose the first one we find.
   832 			// (Similarly if they are all in ROM we choose the first one although this situation should not arise as a device
   833 			// manufacturer should not put two matching FDs into ROM).
   834 			// However if there are matching FDs in ROM and RAM then the one in ROM should be selected in preference to
   835 			// any in RAM. Hence at this point if the matching FD we have found is in RAM then we need to scan the list
   836 			// of FDs to see if there is also a matching one in ROM and if so we'll skip this iteration of the loop.
   838 			// Edwin comment
   839 			// Put the searching key and the iterator as the parameter of 
   840 			// searching if more FDCs have the same default_data. The iterator
   841 			// helps to searching from the current FDC since this is the very first
   842 			// suitable FDC we found so fa.
   843 			if (!aDevice.MultipleDriversFlag() && FindMultipleFDs(aSearchKey, iter))
   844 				{
   845 				aDevice.SetMultipleDriversFlag();
   846 				}
   848 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tfound matching FDC (0x%08x)"), fdc);
   849 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   850 			const TUint count = aInterfacesGivenToFdc.Count();
   851 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tlogging aInterfacesGivenToFdc (interfaces being offered to the FDC): count = %d"), count);
   852 			for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < count ; ++ii )
   853 				{
   854 				LOGTEXT3(_L8("\t\tindex %d: interface number %d"), ii, aInterfacesGivenToFdc[ii]);
   855 				}
   856 #endif
   857 			TInt err = fdc->NewFunction(aDevice.DeviceId(), aInterfacesGivenToFdc, iDD, iCD);
   858 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tNewFunction returned %d"), err);
   859 			// To correctly determine whether the driver load for the whole
   860 			// configuration was a complete failure, a partial success or a
   861 			// complete success, we need to collect any non-KErrNone error
   862 			// from this, and whether any handovers worked at all.
   863 			if ( err == KErrNone )
   864 				{
   865 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   867 					aDevice.DeviceId(), fdc->ImplUid());
   868 				// We want to log each interface that's in
   869 				// aInterfacesGivenToFdc AND is marked claimed in iInterfaces.
   870 				for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < aInterfacesGivenToFdc.Count() ; ++ii )
   871 					{
   872 					const TUint ifNum = aInterfacesGivenToFdc[ii];
   873 					for ( TUint jj = 0 ; jj < iInterfaces.Count() ; ++jj )
   874 						{
   875 						const TInterfaceInfo* ifInfo = iInterfaces[jj];
   876 						ASSERT_DEBUG(ifInfo);
   877 						if (	ifNum == ifInfo->iNumber
   878 							&&	ifInfo->iClaimed
   879 							)
   880 							{
   881 							LOGTEXT2(_L8("***USB HOST STACK: bInterfaceNumber %d"), ifNum);
   882 							}
   883 						}
   884 					}
   885 #endif
   886 				aAnySuccess = ETrue;
   887 				}
   888 			else
   889 				{
   890 				aCollectedErr = err;
   891 				}
   892 			// We found a matching FDC for this interface- no need to look for more.
   893 			break;
   894 			}
   895 		}
   896 	}
   898 void CFdf::HandleDeviceDetachment(TUint aDeviceId)
   899 	{
   900 	LOG_FUNC
   901 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d"), aDeviceId);
   904 #ifdef _DEBUG
   905 	TBool found = EFalse;
   906 #endif
   907 	// Find the relevant device proxy. If there isn't one, just drop the
   908 	// notification, assuming that the corresponding attachment failed at the
   909 	// FDF level.
   910 	TSglQueIter<CDeviceProxy> iter(iDevices);
   911 	iter.SetToFirst();
   912 	CDeviceProxy* device;
   913 	while ( ( device = iter++ ) != NULL )
   914 		{
   915 		if ( device->DeviceId() == aDeviceId )
   916 			{
   917 #ifdef _DEBUG
   918 			found = ETrue;
   919 #endif
   920 			LOGTEXT(_L8("\tfound matching device proxy"));
   922 			iDevices.Remove(*device);
   923 			// Before destroying the device proxy, take the detachment event
   924 			// stored in it for the event queue.
   925 			TDeviceEvent* const detachmentEvent = device->GetDetachmentEventObject();
   926 			ASSERT_DEBUG(detachmentEvent);
   927 			ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   928 			iEventQueue->AddDeviceEvent(*detachmentEvent);
   929 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("***USB HOST STACK: DETACHMENT OF DEVICE (id %d)"), aDeviceId);
   930 			delete device;
   932 			TellFdcsOfDeviceDetachment(aDeviceId);
   934 #ifndef __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
   935 			// If we're using the DummyUSBDI the real USBDI isn't loaded.
   936 			// Unload USBDI when attached devices goes from 1 to 0
   937 			if (iDevices.IsEmpty())
   938 				{
   939 				TInt err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KDriverUsbdiLddFileName);
   940 				LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tFreeLogicalDevice( usbdi ) returned %d"), err);
   941 				}
   942 #endif // __OVER_DUMMYUSBDI__
   944 			break;
   945 			}
   946 		}
   948 #ifdef _DEBUG
   949 	if ( !found )
   950 		{
   951 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tno matching device proxy found"));
   952 		}
   953 #endif
   954 	}
   956 void CFdf::HandleDevmonEvent(TInt aEvent)
   957 	{
   958 	LOG_FUNC
   959 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taEvent = %d"), aEvent);
   961 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iEventQueue);
   962 	iEventQueue->AddDevmonEvent(aEvent);
   963 	}
   965 void CFdf::TellFdcsOfDeviceDetachment(TUint aDeviceId)
   966 	{
   967 	LOG_FUNC
   968 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d"), aDeviceId);
   970 	TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy> iter(iFunctionDrivers);
   971 	iter.SetToFirst();
   972 	CFdcProxy* fdc;
   973 	while ( ( fdc = iter++ ) != NULL )
   974 		{
   975 		fdc->DeviceDetached(aDeviceId);
   976 		if (fdc->DeviceCount() == 0 && fdc->MarkedForDeletion())
   977 			{ // If the FDC was uninstalled while it was in use then it couldn't be deleted at that point so delete it now
   978 			iFunctionDrivers.Remove(*fdc);
   979 			delete fdc;
   980 			}
   981 		}			
   983 	}
   985 TUint32 CFdf::TokenForInterface(TUint8 aInterface)
   986 	{
   987 	LOG_FUNC
   988 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taInterface = %d"), aInterface);
   989 	TUint32 token = 0;
   991 	// Check that the interface was in the array given to the FD and mark it
   992 	// as claimed.
   993 	TBool found = EFalse;
   994 	const TUint interfaceCount = iInterfaces.Count();
   995 	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < interfaceCount ; ++ii )
   996 		{
   997 		TInterfaceInfo* ifInfo = iInterfaces[ii];
   998 		ASSERT_DEBUG(ifInfo);
   999 		if ( ifInfo->iNumber == aInterface )
  1000 			{
  1001 			found = ETrue;
  1002 			// The FDC tried to claim an interface that was already claimed.
  1003 			ASSERT_ALWAYS(!ifInfo->iClaimed);
  1004 			ifInfo->iClaimed = ETrue;
  1005 			break;
  1006 			}
  1007 		}
  1008 	// Could not find interface in the interface array- the FDC tried to claim
  1009 	// an interface it had not been offered.
  1010 	ASSERT_ALWAYS(found);
  1012 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentDevice);
  1014 	// GetTokenForInterface will return error in the following cases:
  1015 	// 1/ KErrBadHandle: invalid device handle (the CDeviceProxy asserts that
  1016 	// the handle is valid) because the device has been detached while processing
  1017 	// may be due to too much current or cable has been removed
  1018 	// so FDF will still return a token of 0 and FDF will handle the proper
  1019 	// device detachment when it will be able to process the detachment notification
  1020 	//
  1021 	// 2/ KErrNotFound: interface not found (if this happens, the FDC has
  1022 	// misbehaved, and the correct thing to do is to panic)
  1023 	// 3/ KErrInUse: we've already requested a token for that interface
  1024 	// (ditto)
  1025 	// 4/ KErrOverflow: when 0xFFFFFFFF tokens have been requested (this is a
  1026 	// realistic built-in limitation of USBD)
  1029 	TInt err = iCurrentDevice->GetTokenForInterface(aInterface, token);
  1030 	switch(err)
  1031 		{
  1032 		case KErrBadHandle:
  1033 			token = 0;
  1034 			iDeviceDetachedTooEarly = ETrue;
  1036 		case KErrNone: // Fall through and do nothing
  1037 			break;
  1039 		default:
  1040 			LOGTEXT3(_L8("\tUnexpected error %d when requesting token for aInterface %d"),err,aInterface);
  1041 			ASSERT_ALWAYS(0);
  1042 			break;
  1043 		}
  1045 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("\tToken for interface %d is = %d"),aInterface, token);
  1047 	return token;
  1048 	}
  1050 CDeviceProxy* CFdf::DeviceProxyL(TUint aDeviceId) const
  1051 	{
  1052 	LOG_FUNC
  1053 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d"), aDeviceId);
  1055 	TSglQueIter<CDeviceProxy> iter(const_cast<CFdf*>(this)->iDevices);
  1056 	iter.SetToFirst();
  1057 	CDeviceProxy* device = NULL;
  1058 	while ( ( device = iter++ ) != NULL )
  1059 		{
  1060 		if ( device->DeviceId() == aDeviceId )
  1061 			{
  1062 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tdevice = 0x%08x"), device);
  1063 			return device;
  1064 			}
  1065 		}
  1066 	LEAVEL(KErrNotFound);
  1067 	return NULL; // avoid warning
  1068 	}
  1070 const RArray<TUint>& CFdf::GetSupportedLanguagesL(TUint aDeviceId) const
  1071 	{
  1072 	LOG_FUNC
  1073 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d"), aDeviceId);
  1075 	CDeviceProxy* deviceProxy = DeviceProxyL(aDeviceId);
  1076 	return deviceProxy->GetSupportedLanguages();
  1077 	}
  1079 void CFdf::GetManufacturerStringDescriptorL(TUint aDeviceId, TUint32 aLangId, TName& aString) const
  1080 	{
  1081 	LOG_FUNC
  1082 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d, aLangId = 0x%04x"), aDeviceId, aLangId);
  1084 	CDeviceProxy* deviceProxy = DeviceProxyL(aDeviceId);
  1085 	deviceProxy->GetManufacturerStringDescriptorL(aLangId, aString);
  1086 	LOGTEXT2(_L("\taString = \"%S\""), &aString);
  1087 	}
  1089 void CFdf::GetProductStringDescriptorL(TUint aDeviceId, TUint32 aLangId, TName& aString) const
  1090 	{
  1091 	LOG_FUNC
  1092 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d, aLangId = 0x%04x"), aDeviceId, aLangId);
  1094 	CDeviceProxy* deviceProxy = DeviceProxyL(aDeviceId);
  1095 	deviceProxy->GetProductStringDescriptorL(aLangId, aString);
  1096 	LOGTEXT2(_L("\taString = \"%S\""), &aString);
  1097 	}
  1099 void CFdf::GetOtgDeviceDescriptorL(TInt aDeviceId, TOtgDescriptor& aDescriptor) const
  1100 	{
  1101 	LOG_FUNC
  1103 	DeviceProxyL(aDeviceId)->GetOtgDescriptorL(aDescriptor);
  1104 	}
  1106 void CFdf::GetSerialNumberStringDescriptorL(TUint aDeviceId, TUint32 aLangId, TName& aString) const
  1107 	{
  1108 	LOG_FUNC
  1109 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("\taDeviceId = %d, aLangId = 0x%04x"), aDeviceId, aLangId);
  1111 	CDeviceProxy* deviceProxy = DeviceProxyL(aDeviceId);
  1112 	deviceProxy->GetSerialNumberStringDescriptorL(aLangId, aString);
  1113 	LOGTEXT2(_L("\taString = \"%S\""), &aString);
  1114 	}
  1116 void CFdf::SearchForInterfaceFunctionDriversL(CDeviceProxy& aDevice, TBool& aAnySuccess, TInt& aCollectedErr)
  1117 	{
  1118 	RArray<TUint> interfacesNumberArray;	
  1119 	CleanupClosePushL(interfacesNumberArray);
  1123 	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < iInterfaces.Count() ; ++ii )
  1124 		{
  1125 		// At this point we have NOT done any interface level searching yet,
  1126 		// and all interfaces should in the Unclaimed status,
  1127 		// just simply put them all into the interfacesNumberArray.
  1128 		TUint interfaceNumber = iInterfaces[ii]->iNumber; 
  1129 		AppendInterfaceNumberToArrayL(aDevice, interfacesNumberArray, interfaceNumber);
  1130 		}
  1133 	for ( TUint key = EVendorProductDeviceConfigurationvalueInterfacenumber ; key < EMaxInterfaceSearchKey ; ++key )
  1134 		{
  1135 		// Searching for proper FDCs based on different criteria.
  1136 		FindDriversForInterfacesUsingSpecificKeyL(aDevice,
  1137 												aCollectedErr,
  1138 												aAnySuccess,
  1139 												interfacesNumberArray,
  1140 												(TInterfaceSearchKeys) key);
  1142 		// If all the interfaces have been claimed by an FD then there is no point searching for other FDs							
  1143 		if (UnclaimedInterfaceCount() == 0)
  1144 			{
  1145 			break;
  1146 			}
  1147 		else
  1148 			{
  1149 			// Put all the unclaimed interface numbers into the array again.
  1150 			RebuildUnClaimedInterfacesArrayL(aDevice, interfacesNumberArray);
  1151 			}
  1152 		}
  1153 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&interfacesNumberArray);				
  1154 	}
  1155 void  CFdf::RebuildUnClaimedInterfacesArrayL(CDeviceProxy& aDevice, RArray<TUint>& aArray, TUint aOffset)
  1156 	{
  1157 	aArray.Reset();
  1158 	for ( TUint ii = aOffset ; ii < iInterfaces.Count() ; ++ii )
  1159 		{
  1160 			if (!iInterfaces[ii]->iClaimed)
  1161 				{
  1162 				TUint interfaceNumber = iInterfaces[ii]->iNumber; 
  1163 				AppendInterfaceNumberToArrayL(aDevice, aArray, interfaceNumber);
  1164 				}
  1165 		}
  1166 	}
  1168 void CFdf::AppendInterfaceNumberToArrayL(CDeviceProxy& aDevice, RArray<TUint>& aArray, TUint aInterfaceNo) const
  1169 	{
  1170 	TInt err = aArray.Append(aInterfaceNo);
  1171 	if ( err )
  1172 		{
  1173 		aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData(EDriverLoadFailure, err);
  1174 		LEAVEL(err);
  1175 		}
  1176 	}
  1180 TBool CFdf::SearchForADeviceFunctionDriverL(CDeviceProxy& aDevice, TBool& aAnySuccess, TInt& aCollectedErr)
  1181 	{			
  1183 	RArray<TUint> interfaces;
  1184 	CleanupClosePushL(interfaces);
  1186 	for (TUint ii = 0; ii < iInterfaces.Count(); ++ii)
  1187 		{
  1188 		TUint interfaceNumber = iInterfaces[ii]->iNumber; 
  1189 		AppendInterfaceNumberToArrayL(aDevice, interfaces, interfaceNumber);
  1190 		}
  1192 	TBool foundFdc = EFalse;		
  1193 	for (TUint key = EVendorProductDevice; key < EMaxDeviceSearchKey; ++key)
  1194 		{		
  1196 		if (key == EVendorDevicesubclassDeviceprotocol && iDD.DeviceClass() != KVendorSpecificDeviceClassValue)
  1197 			continue;
  1198 		if (key == EVendorDevicesubclass && iDD.DeviceClass() != KVendorSpecificDeviceClassValue)
  1199 			continue;
  1200 		if (key == EDeviceclassDevicesubclassDeviceprotocol && iDD.DeviceClass() == KVendorSpecificDeviceClassValue)
  1201 			continue;
  1202 		if (key == EDeviceclassDevicesubclass && iDD.DeviceClass() == KVendorSpecificDeviceClassValue)
  1203 			continue;			
  1205 		TBuf8<KMaxSearchKeyLength> searchKeyString;
  1206 		FormatDeviceSearchKey(searchKeyString, (TDeviceSearchKeys)key);
  1208 		// Find an FDC matching this search key.
  1209 		TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy> iter(iFunctionDrivers);
  1210 		iter.SetToFirst();
  1211 		CFdcProxy* fdc;
  1212 		while ( ( fdc = iter++ ) != NULL)
  1213 			{
  1214 			if (fdc->MarkedForDeletion())
  1215 				continue;
  1216 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tFDC's default_data field = \"%S\""), &fdc->DefaultDataField());
  1217 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1218 	// having these two together in the debug window is helpful for interactive debugging
  1219 	TBuf8<KMaxSearchKeyLength> fd_key;
  1220 	fd_key.Append(fdc->DefaultDataField().Ptr(), fdc->DefaultDataField().Length() > KMaxSearchKeyLength ? KMaxSearchKeyLength : fdc->DefaultDataField().Length());	
  1221 	TBuf8<KMaxSearchKeyLength> search_key;
  1222 	search_key.Append(searchKeyString.Ptr(), searchKeyString.Length() > KMaxSearchKeyLength ? KMaxSearchKeyLength : searchKeyString.Length());
  1223 	TInt version = fdc->Version();
  1224 #endif
  1225 			if (searchKeyString.CompareF(fdc->DefaultDataField()) == 0)
  1226 				{
  1228 				// If there is more than one matching FD then if all of them are in RAM we simply choose the first one we find.
  1229 				// (Similarly if they are all in ROM we choose the first one although this situation should not arise as a device
  1230 				// manufacturer should not put two matching FDs into ROM).
  1231 				// However if there are matching FDs in ROM and RAM then the one in ROM should be selected in preference to
  1232 				// any in RAM. Hence at this point if the matching FD we have found is in RAM then we need to scan the list
  1233 				// of FDs to see if there is also a matching one in ROM and if so we'll skip this iteration of the loop.
  1234 				//if (!fdc->RomBased() && FindMatchingRomBasedFD(searchKeyString))
  1235 				//	continue;
  1236 				if (FindMultipleFDs(searchKeyString, iter))
  1237 					{
  1238 					aDevice.SetMultipleDriversFlag();
  1239 					}
  1241 				foundFdc = ETrue;
  1242 				LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tfound matching FDC (0x%08x)"), fdc);
  1243 				TInt err = fdc->NewFunction(aDevice.DeviceId(), interfaces, iDD, iCD);
  1244 				LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tNewFunction returned %d"), err);
  1245 				// To correctly determine whether the driver load for the whole
  1246 				// configuration was a complete failure, a partial success or a
  1247 				// complete success, we need to collect any non-KErrNone error
  1248 				// from this, and whether any handovers worked at all.
  1249 				if ( err == KErrNone )
  1250 					{
  1251 					aAnySuccess = ETrue;
  1252 					}
  1253 				else
  1254 					{
  1255 					aCollectedErr = err;
  1256 					}
  1257 				break; 	// We found a matching FDC so no need to look for more.
  1258 				}
  1259 			}
  1260 		if (foundFdc)
  1261 			break;
  1262 		} // end of for
  1263 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&interfaces);
  1264 	return foundFdc;
  1266 	} // end of function
  1271 //
  1272 // Search the list of FDs looking for which matches with aSearchKey and is rom based and return true if found.
  1273 //
  1274 // added for Multiple FDs
  1275 TBool CFdf::FindMultipleFDs(const TDesC8& aSearchKey,TSglQueIter<CFdcProxy>& aFdcIter)
  1276 	{
  1277 	CFdcProxy* fdc;
  1278 	while ( ( fdc = aFdcIter++ ) != NULL)
  1279 		{
  1280 		if (!fdc->MarkedForDeletion() &&  (aSearchKey.CompareF(fdc->DefaultDataField()) == 0))
  1281 			return ETrue;
  1282 		}
  1284 	return EFalse;
  1285 	}
  1287 //
  1288 // Format the string aSearchKey according to aSearchKeys to search for Device Functions drivers
  1289 //
  1290 void CFdf::FormatDeviceSearchKey(TDes8& aSearchKey, TDeviceSearchKeys aDeviceSearchKeys)
  1291 	{
  1292 	LOG_FUNC
  1293 	switch (aDeviceSearchKeys)
  1294 		{
  1295 		case EVendorProductDevice:
  1296 			{
  1297 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_P_D, "V0x%04xP0x%04xD0x%04x");
  1298 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_P_D(), iDD.VendorId(), iDD.ProductId(), iDD.DeviceBcd());
  1299 			break;
  1300 			}
  1301 		case EVendorProduct:
  1302 			{
  1303 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_P, "V0x%04xP0x%04x");
  1304 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_P(), iDD.VendorId(), iDD.ProductId());
  1305 			break;
  1306 			}
  1307 		case EVendorDevicesubclassDeviceprotocol:
  1308 			{
  1309 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_DSC_DP, "V0x%04xDSC0x%02xDP0x%02x");
  1310 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_DSC_DP(), iDD.VendorId(), iDD.DeviceSubClass(), iDD.DeviceProtocol());
  1311 			break;
  1312 			}
  1313 		case EVendorDevicesubclass:
  1314 			{
  1315 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_DSC, "V0x%04xDSC0x%02x");
  1316 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_DSC(), iDD.VendorId(), iDD.DeviceSubClass());
  1317 			break;
  1318 			}
  1319 		case EDeviceclassDevicesubclassDeviceprotocol:
  1320 			{
  1321 			_LIT8(KTemplateDC_DSC_DP, "DC0x%02xDSC0x%02xDP0x%02x");
  1322 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateDC_DSC_DP(), iDD.DeviceClass(), iDD.DeviceSubClass(), iDD.DeviceProtocol());
  1323 			break;
  1324 			}
  1325 		case EDeviceclassDevicesubclass:
  1326 			{
  1327 			_LIT8(KTemplateDC_DSC, "DC0x%02xDSC0x%02x");
  1328 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateDC_DSC(), iDD.DeviceClass(), iDD.DeviceSubClass());
  1329 			break;
  1330 			}
  1331 		default:
  1332 			{
  1333 			ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse);
  1334 			}		
  1335 		}
  1337 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taSearchKey = \"%S\""), &aSearchKey);		
  1338 	}
  1344 //
  1345 // Format the string aSearchKey according to aSearchKeys to search for Interface Functions drivers
  1346 //	
  1347 void CFdf::FormatInterfaceSearchKey(TDes8& aSearchKey, TInterfaceSearchKeys aSearchKeys, const TInterfaceInfo& aIfInfo)
  1348 	{
  1349 	LOG_FUNC
  1350 	switch (aSearchKeys)
  1351 		{
  1352 		case EVendorProductDeviceConfigurationvalueInterfacenumber:
  1353 			{
  1354 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_P_D_CV_IN, "V0x%04xP0x%04xD0x%04xCV0x%02xIN0x%02x");		
  1355 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_P_D_CV_IN(), iDD.VendorId(), iDD.ProductId(), iDD.DeviceBcd(), iCD.ConfigurationValue(), aIfInfo.iNumber);
  1356 			break;
  1357 			}
  1358 		case EVendorProductConfigurationValueInterfacenumber:
  1359 			{
  1360 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_P_CV_IN, "V0x%04xP0x%04xCV0x%02xIN0x%02x");
  1361 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_P_CV_IN(), iDD.VendorId(), iDD.ProductId(), iCD.ConfigurationValue(), aIfInfo.iNumber);
  1362 			break;
  1363 			}
  1364 		case EVendorInterfacesubclassInterfaceprotocol:
  1365 			{
  1366 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_ISC_IP, "V0x%04xISC0x%02xIP0x%02x");
  1367 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_ISC_IP(), iDD.VendorId(), aIfInfo.iSubclass, aIfInfo.iProtocol);
  1368 			break;
  1369 			}
  1370 		case EVendorInterfacesubclass:
  1371 			{
  1372 			_LIT8(KTemplateV_ISC, "V0x%04xISC0x%02x");
  1373 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateV_ISC(), iDD.VendorId(), aIfInfo.iSubclass);
  1374 			break;
  1375 			}
  1376 		case EInterfaceclassInterfacesubclassInterfaceprotocol:
  1377 			{
  1378 			_LIT8(KTemplateIC_ISC_IP, "IC0x%02xISC0x%02xIP0x%02x");
  1379 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateIC_ISC_IP(), aIfInfo.iClass, aIfInfo.iSubclass, aIfInfo.iProtocol);
  1380 			break;
  1381 			}
  1382 		case EInterfaceclassInterfacesubclass:
  1383 			{
  1384 			_LIT8(KTemplateIC_ISC, "IC0x%02xISC0x%02x");
  1385 			aSearchKey.Format(KTemplateIC_ISC(), aIfInfo.iClass, aIfInfo.iSubclass);
  1386 			break;
  1387 			}
  1388 		default:
  1389 			{
  1390 			ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse);
  1391 			}
  1392 		}
  1393 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taSearchKey = \"%S\""), &aSearchKey);		
  1394 	}
  1397 TUint CFdf::UnclaimedInterfaceCount() const
  1398 	{
  1399 	LOG_FUNC	
  1400 	TUint unclaimedInterfaces = 0;
  1401 	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < iInterfaces.Count() ; ++ii )
  1402 		{
  1403 		TInterfaceInfo* ifInfo = iInterfaces[ii];
  1404 		ASSERT_DEBUG(ifInfo);
  1405 		if ( !ifInfo->iClaimed )
  1406 			{
  1407 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tunclaimed interface: ifInfo->iNumber = %d"), ifInfo->iNumber);
  1408 			++unclaimedInterfaces;
  1409 			}
  1410 		}
  1411 	LOGTEXT2(_L("\tunclaimedInterfaces = \"%d\""), unclaimedInterfaces);			
  1412 	return unclaimedInterfaces;
  1413 	}
  1416 void CFdf::SetFailureStatus(TInt aUnclaimedInterfaces, TInt aInterfaceCount, TBool aAnySuccess, TBool aCollectedErr, CDeviceProxy& aDevice)
  1417 	{
  1418 	const TUint KMultipleDriverFound = aDevice.MultipleDriversFlag()?KMultipleDriversFound : 0;
  1420 	if (aUnclaimedInterfaces)
  1421 		{
  1422 		if(aUnclaimedInterfaces == aInterfaceCount)
  1423 			{
  1424 			// complete failure
  1425 			aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData((TDriverLoadStatus)(EDriverLoadFailure|KMultipleDriverFound), KErrUsbFunctionDriverNotFound);
  1426 			}
  1427 		else
  1428 			{// at that stage because we have unclaimed interfaces it means that
  1429 			// depending on anySuccess we have a failure or a partial success
  1430 			TDriverLoadStatus status = (aAnySuccess)? EDriverLoadPartialSuccess:EDriverLoadFailure;
  1431 			aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData((TDriverLoadStatus)(status|KMultipleDriverFound), KErrUsbFunctionDriverNotFound);
  1432 			}
  1433 		}
  1434 	else
  1435 		{
  1436 		if (aCollectedErr)
  1437 			{
  1438 			// There were no unclaimed interfaces, but an error was expressed.
  1439 			// This is either a partial success or a complete failure scenario.
  1440 			TDriverLoadStatus status = aAnySuccess ? EDriverLoadPartialSuccess : EDriverLoadFailure;
  1441 			aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData((TDriverLoadStatus)(status|KMultipleDriverFound), aCollectedErr);
  1442 			}
  1443 		else
  1444 			{
  1445 			// There were no unclaimed interfaces, and no error reported.
  1446 			aDevice.SetDriverLoadingEventData((TDriverLoadStatus)(EDriverLoadSuccess|KMultipleDriverFound));
  1447 			}
  1448 		}
  1449 	}	