changeset 0 c9bc50fca66e
child 15 f92a4f87e424
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c9bc50fca66e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalComponent
    21 */
    23 #include "referencepolicyplugin.h"
    24 #include <centralrepository.h>
    25 #include <e32std.h>
    26 #include <usb/usblogger.h>
    27 #include <usb/hostms/msmm_policy_def.h>
    28 #include "refppnotificationman.h"
    29 #include "srvpanic.h"
    31 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    32 _LIT8(KLogComponent, "UsbHostMsmmRefPP");
    33 #endif
    35 //  Global Variables
    36 const TUid KHostMsRepositoryUid = {0x10285c46};
    37 const TUint32 KPermittedRangeUid = 0x00010000;
    38 const TUint32 KForbiddenListUid = 0x00010001;
    39 const TUint32 KMaxHistoryCountUid = 0x00010002;
    40 const TUint32 KOTGCapableSuspendTimeUid = 0x00010003;
    41 const TUint32 KMediaPollingTimeUid = 0x00010004;
    42 const TUint32 KHistoryCountUid = 0x00010100;
    43 const TUint32 KFirstHistoryUid = 0x00010101;
    45 const TUint KHistoryGranularity = 0x8;
    46 const TUint KPermittedDrvRangeBufLen = 0x3;
    48 CReferencePolicyPlugin::~CReferencePolicyPlugin()
    49     {
    50     LOG_FUNC
    51     Cancel();
    52     ClearHistory(); // Remove all buffered history record.
    53     delete iRepository;
    54     delete iNotificationMan;
    55     iFs.Close();
    56     }
    58 CReferencePolicyPlugin* CReferencePolicyPlugin::NewL()
    59     {
    61     CReferencePolicyPlugin* self = new (ELeave) CReferencePolicyPlugin;
    62     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    63     self->ConstructL();
    64     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    66     return self;
    67     }
    69 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::RetrieveDriveLetterL(TText& aDriveName,
    70         const TPolicyRequestData& aData, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
    71     {
    72     LOG_FUNC
    73     Cancel();
    74     aStatus = KRequestPending;
    75     iClientStatus = &aStatus;    
    77     RetrieveDriveLetterL(aDriveName, aData);
    78     // In a licensee owned policy plugin, it shall complete client 
    79     // request in RunL() in general 
    80     Complete(KErrNone);
    81     }
    83 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::CancelRetrieveDriveLetter()
    84     {
    85     LOG_FUNC
    86     Cancel();
    87     }
    89 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::SaveLatestMountInfoL(
    90         const TPolicyMountRecord& aData, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
    91     {
    92     LOG_FUNC    
    93     Cancel();
    94     aStatus = KRequestPending;
    95     iClientStatus = &aStatus;
    97     SaveLatestMountInfoL(aData);
    98     // In a licensee owned policy plugin, it shall complete client 
    99     // request in RunL() in general 
   100     Complete(KErrNone);
   101     }
   103 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::CancelSaveLatestMountInfo()
   104     {
   105     LOG_FUNC
   106     Cancel();
   107     }
   109 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::SendErrorNotificationL(
   110         const THostMsErrData& aErrData)
   111     {
   112     LOG_FUNC
   113     iNotificationMan->SendErrorNotificationL(aErrData);
   114     }
   116 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::GetSuspensionPolicy(TSuspensionPolicy& aPolicy)
   117     {
   118     LOG_FUNC
   119     aPolicy = iSuspensionPolicy;
   120     }
   122 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::DoCancel()
   123     {
   124     LOG_FUNC
   125     // No more work need to do in current implementation of reference
   126     // policy plugin. 
   127     // In a licensee owned policy plugin, it shall complete client 
   128     // request here with KErrCancel.
   129     }
   131 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::RunL()
   132     {
   133     LOG_FUNC
   134     // No more work need to do in current implementation of reference
   135     // policy plugin. 
   136     // In a licensee owned policy plugin, it shall complete client 
   137     // request here with a proper error code.
   138     }
   140 CReferencePolicyPlugin::CReferencePolicyPlugin() :
   141 CMsmmPolicyPluginBase(),
   142 iHistory(KHistoryGranularity)
   143     {
   144     LOG_FUNC
   145     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   146     }
   148 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::ConstructL()
   149     {
   150     LOG_FUNC
   151     iRepository = CRepository::NewL(KHostMsRepositoryUid);
   152     User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
   153     iNotificationMan = CMsmmPolicyNotificationManager::NewL();
   154     RetrieveHistoryL();
   155     AvailableDriveListL();
   156     TInt value = 0;
   157     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(
   158             KOTGCapableSuspendTimeUid, value));
   159     iSuspensionPolicy.iOtgSuspendTime = value;
   160     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(
   161             KMediaPollingTimeUid, value));
   162     iSuspensionPolicy.iStatusPollingInterval = value;
   163     }
   165 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::RetrieveDriveLetterL(TText& aDriveName,
   166         const TPolicyRequestData& aData)
   167     {
   168     LOG_FUNC
   170     TDriveList availableNames;
   171     FilterFsForbiddenDriveListL(availableNames);
   173     if (!availableNames.Length())
   174         {
   175         // Not any drive letter available
   176         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   177         }
   179     // According to REQ8922, When a particular Logical Unit is mounted 
   180     // for the first time, RefPP shall always try to allocate an 
   181     // available and unused drive letter to it. Only if such a drive letter
   182     // can not be found, RefPP shall use the first one in available name
   183     // list;
   185     // Initialize aDriveName by the first available drive letter
   186     aDriveName = availableNames[0];
   187     // Find first such drive letter from available letter list. If it can
   188     // be found, it will be used.
   189     FindFirstNotUsedDriveLetter(availableNames, aDriveName);    
   190     // Search history record
   191     TInt historyIndex = SearchHistoryByLogicUnit(aData);
   192     if (KErrNotFound != historyIndex)
   193         {
   194         // Find a match one in history
   195         const TPolicyMountRecord& history = *iHistory[historyIndex];
   196         TInt location = availableNames.Locate(TChar(history.iDriveName));
   197         if (KErrNotFound != location)
   198             {
   199             // And it is available now. RefPP allocate it to the 
   200             // LU currently mounted.
   201             aDriveName = history.iDriveName;
   202             }
   203         }
   204     }
   206 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::SaveLatestMountInfoL(
   207         const TPolicyMountRecord& aData)
   208     {
   209     LOG_FUNC
   211     if (iMaxHistoryRecCount == 0) // This policy disable history
   212         {
   213         return;
   214         }
   216     TPolicyMountRecord* historyRecord = 
   217             new (ELeave) TPolicyMountRecord(aData);
   218     CleanupStack::PushL(historyRecord);
   219     TInt historyIndex = SearchHistoryByLogicUnit(aData.iLogicUnit);
   220     if (KErrNotFound == historyIndex)
   221     	{
   222         // No matched record exist
   223 		if (iHistory.Count() == iMaxHistoryRecCount)
   224 			{
   225 			// Remove the oldest entity
   226 			delete iHistory[0];
   227 			iHistory.Remove(0);
   228 			}
   229     	}
   230     else
   231     	{
   232     	// Remove the replaced entity
   233     	delete iHistory[historyIndex];
   234     	iHistory.Remove(historyIndex);
   235     	}
   236     iHistory.AppendL(historyRecord); // Push the new entity
   237     CleanupStack::Pop(historyRecord);
   239     TUint32 historyRecordUid = KFirstHistoryUid;
   240     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Set(KHistoryCountUid, iHistory.Count()));
   241     for (TInt index = 0; index < iHistory.Count(); index++)
   242         {
   243         TPckg<TPolicyMountRecord> historyPckg(*iHistory[index]);
   244         User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Set(historyRecordUid++, historyPckg));
   245         }
   246     }
   248 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::Complete(TInt aError)
   249     {
   250     LOG_FUNC
   251     User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, aError);
   252     }
   254 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::PrepareAvailableDriveList()
   255     {
   256     LOG_FUNC
   257     iAvailableDrvList.SetLength(KMaxDrives);
   258     iAvailableDrvList.Fill(0, KMaxDrives);
   259     }
   261 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::AvailableDriveListL()
   262     {
   263     LOG_FUNC
   264     TBuf8<KPermittedDrvRangeBufLen> permittedRange;
   265     TDriveList forbiddenList;
   267     PrepareAvailableDriveList();
   269     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(KPermittedRangeUid, permittedRange));
   270     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(KForbiddenListUid, forbiddenList));
   272     for (TInt index = 'A'; index <= 'Z'; index++ )
   273         {
   274         if ((index >= permittedRange[0]) && (index <= permittedRange[1]))
   275             {
   276             if (KErrNotFound == forbiddenList.Locate(TChar(index)))
   277                 {
   278                 // Permitted
   279                 iAvailableDrvList[index - 'A'] = 0x01;
   280                 }
   281             }
   282         }
   283     }
   285 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::FilterFsForbiddenDriveListL(
   286         TDriveList& aAvailableNames)
   287     {
   288     LOG_FUNC
   289     TDriveList names;
   290     names.SetLength(KMaxDrives);
   292     TDriveList drives;
   293     User::LeaveIfError(iFs.DriveList(drives));
   295     TUint count(0);
   296     for (TInt index = 0; index < KMaxDrives; index++ )
   297         {
   298         if ((drives[index] == 0x0) && (iAvailableDrvList[index]))
   299             {
   300             names[count++] = index+'A';
   301             }
   302         }
   303     names.SetLength(count);
   304     aAvailableNames = names;
   305     }
   307 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::FindFirstNotUsedDriveLetter(
   308         const TDriveList& aAvailableNames,
   309         TText& aDriveName)
   310     {
   311     LOG_FUNC
   312     TDriveList usedLetter;
   313     TUint index = 0;
   314     for (index = 0; index < iHistory.Count(); index++)
   315         {
   316         const TPolicyMountRecord& record = *iHistory[index];
   317         usedLetter.Append(TChar(record.iDriveName));
   318         }
   319     for (index = 0; index < aAvailableNames.Length(); index++)
   320         {
   321         if (usedLetter.Locate(aAvailableNames[index]) == KErrNotFound)
   322             {
   323             aDriveName = aAvailableNames[index];
   324             return; // A unused drive letter found out
   325             }
   326         }
   327     }
   329 // Retrieve history from CR
   330 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::RetrieveHistoryL()
   331     {
   332     LOG_FUNC
   333     // Read history record number from CR
   334     TInt historyCount(0);
   335     User::LeaveIfError(
   336             iRepository->Get(KMaxHistoryCountUid, iMaxHistoryRecCount));
   337     User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(KHistoryCountUid, historyCount));
   339     TUint32 historyRecordUid = KFirstHistoryUid;
   340     if (historyCount)
   341         {
   342         TPolicyMountRecord historyRecord;
   343         TPckg<TPolicyMountRecord> historyArray(historyRecord);        
   344         for (TInt index = 0; index < historyCount; index++)
   345             {
   346             User::LeaveIfError(iRepository->Get(historyRecordUid++, 
   347                     historyArray));
   348             TPolicyMountRecord* record = new (ELeave) TPolicyMountRecord;
   349             memcpy(record, &historyRecord, sizeof(TPolicyMountRecord));
   350             CleanupStack::PushL(record);
   351             iHistory.AppendL(record);
   352             CleanupStack::Pop(record);
   353             }
   354         }
   355     }
   357 // Remove all buffered history
   358 void CReferencePolicyPlugin::ClearHistory()
   359     {
   360     LOG_FUNC
   361     iHistory.ResetAndDestroy();
   362     iHistory.Close();
   363     }
   365 // Search in history for a logic unit	
   366 TInt CReferencePolicyPlugin::SearchHistoryByLogicUnit(
   367         const TPolicyRequestData& aLogicUnit) const
   368     {
   369     LOG_FUNC
   370     TInt ret(KErrNotFound);
   371     TUint count = iHistory.Count();
   372     for (TUint index = 0; index < count; index ++)
   373         {
   374         const TPolicyMountRecord& record = *iHistory[index];
   375         const TPolicyRequestData& logicalUnit = record.iLogicUnit;
   377         if ((logicalUnit.iVendorId == aLogicUnit.iVendorId) &&
   378                 (logicalUnit.iProductId == aLogicUnit.iProductId) &&
   379                 (logicalUnit.iBcdDevice == aLogicUnit.iBcdDevice) &&
   380                 (logicalUnit.iConfigurationNumber == aLogicUnit.iConfigurationNumber) &&
   381                 (logicalUnit.iInterfaceNumber == aLogicUnit.iInterfaceNumber) &&
   382                 (logicalUnit.iSerialNumber == aLogicUnit.iSerialNumber) &&
   383                 (logicalUnit.iOtgInformation == aLogicUnit.iOtgInformation))
   384             {
   385             // Matched
   386             return index;
   387             }
   388         }
   389     // Can't find any matched records
   390     return ret;
   391     }
   393 // End of file