changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
child 5 51a71243e562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c40eb8fe8501
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 * ST-Ericsson
    14 *
    15 * Description:  Statemachine for scanning
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #include "core_operation_scan.h"
    21 #include "core_server.h"
    22 #include "core_tools.h"
    23 #include "core_frame_beacon.h"
    24 #include "core_scan_list.h"
    25 #include "am_debug.h"
    27 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    29 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    31 //
    32 core_operation_scan_c::core_operation_scan_c(
    33     u32_t request_id,
    34     core_server_c* server,
    35     abs_core_driverif_c* drivers,
    36     abs_core_server_callback_c* adaptation,
    37     core_scan_mode_e scan_mode,
    38     const core_ssid_s& scan_ssid,
    39     const core_scan_channels_s& scan_channels,
    40     u8_t scan_max_age,       
    41     ScanList& scan_data,
    42     bool_t passive_scan_all_channels,
    43     bool_t is_current_ap_added ) :
    44     core_operation_base_c( core_operation_scan, request_id, server, drivers, adaptation,
    45         core_base_flag_drivers_needed ),    
    46     scan_mode_m( scan_mode ),
    47     scan_ssid_m( scan_ssid ),
    48     scan_channels_m( scan_channels ),
    49     scan_max_age_m( scan_max_age ),
    50     scan_data_m( scan_data ),
    51     passive_scan_all_channels_m( passive_scan_all_channels ),
    52     region_from_ap_m( core_wlan_region_fcc ),
    53     is_current_ap_added_m( is_current_ap_added ),
    54     current_rcpi_m( 0 )
    55     {
    56     DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::core_operation_scan_c()" );
    57     }
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 core_operation_scan_c::~core_operation_scan_c()
    63     {      
    64     DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::~core_operation_scan_c()" );
    66     server_m->unregister_event_handler( this );
    67     server_m->unregister_frame_handler( this );
    68     }
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 core_error_e core_operation_scan_c::next_state()
    74     {
    75     DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state()" );
    77     switch ( operation_state_m )
    78         {
    79         case core_state_init:
    80             {                        
    81             operation_state_m = core_state_scan_start;
    83             u32_t min_ch_time( server_m->get_device_settings().active_scan_min_ch_time );
    84             u32_t max_ch_time( server_m->get_device_settings().active_scan_max_ch_time );
    85             if ( scan_mode_m == core_scan_mode_passive )
    86                 {
    87                 min_ch_time = server_m->get_device_settings().passive_scan_min_ch_time;
    88                 max_ch_time = server_m->get_device_settings().passive_scan_max_ch_time;
    89                 }
    91             if ( scan_ssid_m.length )
    92                 {
    93                 DEBUG1S( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting a direct scan with SSID ",
    94                     scan_ssid_m.length, &scan_ssid_m.ssid[0] );
    95                 }
    96             else
    97                 {
    98                 DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting a broadcast scan" );
    99                 }
   101             bool_t is_split_scan( false_t );
   102             if ( server_m->get_core_settings().is_connected() )
   103                 {
   104                 is_split_scan = true_t;
   105                 DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting a split-scan" );
   106                 }
   107             else
   108                 {
   109                 DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting a regular scan" );
   110                 }
   112             server_m->get_scan_list().remove_entries_by_age(
   113                 server_m->get_device_settings().scan_list_expiration_time );
   115             server_m->get_scan_list().set_tag(
   116                 core_scan_list_tag_scan );
   118             server_m->register_event_handler( this );
   119             server_m->register_frame_handler( this );
   121             drivers_m->scan(
   122                 request_id_m,
   123                 scan_mode_m,
   124                 scan_ssid_m,
   125                 server_m->get_device_settings().scan_rate,
   126                 server_m->get_core_settings().valid_scan_channels( scan_channels_m ),
   127                 min_ch_time,
   128                 max_ch_time,
   129                 is_split_scan );
   131             break;
   132             }
   133         case core_state_scan_start:
   134             {
   135             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - scan request completed, waiting for scan completion" );
   137             break;
   138             }
   139         case core_state_scan_complete:
   140             {          
   141             /* If country information is not known then channels 12 and 13 can be scanned in passive mode */
   142             if ( server_m->get_core_settings().mcc_known() || scan_ssid_m.length || !passive_scan_all_channels_m )
   143             	{
   144             	/* All possible scans are done. 
   145             	 * When MCC information is known, the allowed scan channels are known and handled already.
   146             	 * If SSID is given then direct scan would be required so no need to do passive broadcast scan.
   147             	 * If operation does not require passive scanning on channels 12 and 13, this is not done. 
   148             	 */
   149             	return goto_state( core_state_scan_complete_handle_result );
   150             	}
   152             operation_state_m = core_state_scan_start_unknown_region;
   154             u32_t min_ch_time( server_m->get_device_settings().passive_scan_min_ch_time );
   155             u32_t max_ch_time( server_m->get_device_settings().passive_scan_max_ch_time );
   157             bool_t is_split_scan( false_t );
   158             if ( server_m->get_core_settings().is_connected() )
   159                 {
   160                 is_split_scan = true_t;
   161                 DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting a split-scan for channels 12 and 13" );
   162                 }
   163             else
   164                 {
   165                 DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting a regular scan for channels 12 and 13" );
   166                 }
   168             server_m->register_event_handler( this );
   169             server_m->register_frame_handler( this );
   171             drivers_m->scan(
   172                 request_id_m,
   173                 core_scan_mode_passive,
   174                 scan_ssid_m,
   175                 server_m->get_device_settings().scan_rate,
   176                 server_m->get_core_settings().invalid_scan_channels( scan_channels_m ),
   177                 min_ch_time,
   178                 max_ch_time,
   179                 is_split_scan );
   181             break;
   182             }
   183         case core_state_scan_start_unknown_region:
   184             {
   185             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - scan request for channels 12 and 13 completed, waiting for scan completion" );
   187             break;
   188             }
   189         case core_state_scan_complete_unknown_region:
   190         	{
   191             server_m->unregister_frame_handler( this );
   192             server_m->get_scan_list().print_contents(); // Additional print            
   194             operation_state_m = core_state_scan_complete_store_country_info;
   196             /* If WLAN region was not known before the scan, then check if country information is present
   197              * in the scan results. APs on channels 12 and 13 must be ignored if country information indicates this. 
   198              */
   199             core_scan_list_iterator_by_tag_c iter_country_beacon(
   200                 server_m->get_scan_list(),
   201                 core_scan_list_tag_scan );
   203             core_wlan_region_e found_region = core_wlan_region_undefined;
   204             bool_t inconsistent_info( false_t );
   205             for ( core_ap_data_c* ap_data = iter_country_beacon.first(); ap_data; ap_data = iter_country_beacon.next() )
   206                 {
   207                 core_country_string_s country_info = ap_data->country_info();
   208                 core_wlan_region_e ap_region = core_wlan_region_undefined;
   209                 if ( country_info.country[0] != 0 )                   
   210                     {
   211                     ap_region = core_tools_c::convert_country_to_region( country_info );
   212                     if ( found_region != core_wlan_region_undefined )
   213                       	{
   214                        	if ( ap_region != found_region )
   215                        		{
   216                       	    inconsistent_info = true_t; 
   217                        		}
   218                        	}
   219                     else
   220                        	{
   221                        	found_region = ap_region;
   222                        	}                        
   223                     }
   224                 }
   225             if ( found_region != core_wlan_region_undefined )
   226                	{
   227                	if ( !inconsistent_info )
   228                		{	
   229                	    region_from_ap_m = found_region;
   230                		}
   231                	else
   232                		{
   233                		region_from_ap_m = core_wlan_region_etsi;
   234                		}
   235                	adaptation_m->store_ap_country_info( request_id_m, region_from_ap_m, inconsistent_info );
   236                	}
   237             else
   238                	{
   239                	DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - country info not found, continue with handling scan results" );
   240                	return goto_state( core_state_scan_complete_handle_result );
   241                	}
   242        	    break;
   243        	    }
   245         case core_state_scan_complete_store_country_info:
   246           	{
   247             operation_state_m = core_state_scan_complete_handle_result;
   249             /* Set the new region information also to core settings */
   250             DEBUG1( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - current region %u",
   251                 region_from_ap_m );
   252             server_m->get_core_settings().set_regional_domain(
   253                 region_from_ap_m );
   254             server_m->get_core_settings().set_mcc_known( true_t );
   256             return goto_state( core_state_scan_complete_handle_result );
   257             }
   259         case core_state_scan_complete_handle_result:   
   260           	{
   261             /* If region is FCC, then ignore and remove the APs from channels 12 and 13 */
   262             if ( server_m->get_core_settings().regional_domain() == core_wlan_region_fcc )
   263             	{
   264             	DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - remove APs that were found on channels 12 and 13" );
   265             	remove_disallowed_aps();
   266             	}
   268             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - final scan list" );
   269             server_m->get_scan_list().print_contents(); // Additional print            
   271             /**
   272              * If we have an ongoing connection, we'll have to see whether
   273              * the current AP was found in the scan.
   274              */
   275             core_ssid_s current_ssid( BROADCAST_SSID );
   276             core_mac_address_s current_bssid( ZERO_MAC_ADDR );
   277             bool_t is_current_ap_in_list( true_t );
   278             if ( is_current_ap_added_m &&
   279                  server_m->get_connection_data() &&
   280                  server_m->get_connection_data()->current_ap_data() )
   281                 {
   282                 current_ssid =
   283                     server_m->get_connection_data()->ssid();
   284                 current_bssid =
   285                     server_m->get_connection_data()->current_ap_data()->bssid();
   287                 /**
   288                  * Current AP only needs to be added in a broadcast scan or a direct
   289                  * scan done with the same SSID.
   290                  */
   291                 if ( !scan_ssid_m.length ||
   292                      scan_ssid_m == current_ssid )
   293                     {
   294                     is_current_ap_in_list = false_t;
   295                     }
   296                 }
   298             if ( scan_ssid_m.length )
   299                 {
   300                 core_scan_list_iterator_by_tag_and_ssid_c iter(
   301                     server_m->get_scan_list(),
   302                     core_scan_list_tag_scan,
   303                     scan_ssid_m );
   304                 for ( core_ap_data_c* ap_data = iter.first(); ap_data; ap_data = iter.next() )
   305                     {
   306                     const core_mac_address_s bssid = ap_data->bssid();
   308                     if ( !server_m->get_core_settings().is_mac_in_permanent_blacklist( bssid ) )
   309                         {
   310                         if ( !is_current_ap_in_list &&
   311                             current_bssid == bssid &&
   312                             current_ssid == ap_data->ssid() )
   313                             {
   314                             is_current_ap_in_list = true_t;
   315                             }
   317                         core_tools_c::add_beacon_to_scan_list(
   318                             scan_data_m,
   319                             *ap_data,
   320                             ap_data->rcpi() );
   321                         }
   322                     }
   323                 }
   324             else if ( !scan_max_age_m )
   325                 {
   326                 core_scan_list_iterator_by_tag_c iter(
   327                     server_m->get_scan_list(),
   328                     core_scan_list_tag_scan );
   329                 for ( core_ap_data_c* ap_data = iter.first(); ap_data; ap_data = iter.next() )
   330                     {
   331                     const core_mac_address_s bssid = ap_data->bssid();
   333                     if ( !server_m->get_core_settings().is_mac_in_permanent_blacklist( bssid ) )
   334                         {
   335                         if ( !is_current_ap_in_list &&
   336                              current_bssid == bssid &&
   337                              current_ssid == ap_data->ssid() )
   338                             {
   339                             is_current_ap_in_list = true_t;
   340                             }
   342                         core_tools_c::add_beacon_to_scan_list(
   343                             scan_data_m,
   344                             *ap_data,
   345                             ap_data->rcpi() );
   346                         }
   347                     }
   348                 }
   349             else
   350                 {
   351                 core_scan_list_iterator_by_age_c iter(
   352                     server_m->get_scan_list(),
   353                     scan_max_age_m );
   354                 for ( core_ap_data_c* ap_data = iter.first(); ap_data; ap_data = iter.next() )
   355                     {
   356                     const core_mac_address_s bssid = ap_data->bssid();
   358                     if ( !server_m->get_core_settings().is_mac_in_permanent_blacklist( bssid ) )
   359                         {
   360                         if ( !is_current_ap_in_list &&
   361                              current_bssid == bssid &&
   362                              current_ssid == ap_data->ssid() )
   363                             {
   364                             is_current_ap_in_list = true_t;
   365                             }
   367                         core_tools_c::add_beacon_to_scan_list(
   368                             scan_data_m,
   369                             *ap_data,
   370                             ap_data->rcpi() );
   371                         }
   372                     }
   373                 }
   375             if ( is_current_ap_in_list )
   376                 {
   377                 return goto_state( core_state_scanning_done );
   378                 }
   380             operation_state_m = core_state_rcpi_received;
   382             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - current AP was not found in scan" );
   383             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - requesting RCPI" );
   385             drivers_m->get_current_rcpi(
   386                 request_id_m,
   387                 current_rcpi_m );
   389             break;
   390             }
   391         case core_state_rcpi_received:
   392             {
   393             DEBUG1( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - current RCPI is %u",
   394                 current_rcpi_m );
   395             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - appending current AP to the scan list" );
   397             core_tools_c::add_beacon_to_scan_list(
   398                 scan_data_m,
   399                 *server_m->get_connection_data()->current_ap_data(),
   400                 current_rcpi_m );
   402             return goto_state( core_state_scanning_done );
   403             }
   404         case core_state_scanning_done:
   405             {
   406             DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - scan complete" );
   407             DEBUG1( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - scan list contains %u AP(s)",
   408                 scan_data_m.Count() );            
   409             DEBUG1( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - scan list size is %u bytes",
   410                 scan_data_m.Size() );
   412             return core_error_ok;
   413             }
   414         default:
   415             {
   416             ASSERT( false_t );
   417             }
   418         }
   420     return core_error_request_pending;
   421     }
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426 void core_operation_scan_c::user_cancel(
   427     bool_t do_graceful_cancel )
   428     {
   429     DEBUG1( "core_operation_scan_c::user_cancel(do_graceful_cancel=%d)", do_graceful_cancel );
   431 	/**
   432 	 * If region is FCC and region information is not known, then ignore 
   433 	 * and remove the APs from channels 12 and 13 
   434 	 */
   435     if ( !server_m->get_core_settings().mcc_known() && 
   436           server_m->get_core_settings().regional_domain() == core_wlan_region_fcc )
   437     	{
   438     	DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::next_state() - remove APs that were found on channels 12 and 13" );
   439     	remove_disallowed_aps();            	
   440     	}
   442     if ( !do_graceful_cancel )
   443         {
   444         /**
   445          * If we are in a middle of a scan, we have to schedule our own
   446          * event.
   447          */
   448         if ( ( operation_state_m == core_state_scan_start ||
   449                operation_state_m == core_state_scan_start_unknown_region ) &&
   450              server_m->event_handler() == this &&
   451              server_m->frame_handler() == this )
   452             {
   453             asynch_default_user_cancel();
   455             return;
   456             }
   458         /**
   459          * Everything else is handled by the default implementation.
   460          */
   461         core_operation_base_c::user_cancel( do_graceful_cancel );
   462         }
   463     }
   465 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 //    
   468 bool_t core_operation_scan_c::receive_frame(
   469     const core_frame_dot11_c* frame,
   470     u8_t rcpi )
   471     {
   472     DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::receive_frame()" );
   474     if ( frame->type() != core_frame_dot11_c::core_dot11_type_beacon &&
   475          frame->type() != core_frame_dot11_c::core_dot11_type_probe_resp )
   476         {
   477         DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::receive_frame() - not a beacon or a probe" );        
   478         return false_t;
   479         }
   481     core_ap_data_c* ap_data = core_ap_data_c::instance(
   482         server_m->get_wpx_adaptation_instance(),
   483         frame,
   484         rcpi,
   485         false_t );
   486     if ( ap_data )
   487         {        
   488         const core_ssid_s ssid = ap_data->ssid();
   489         DEBUG1S( "core_operation_scan_c::receive_frame() - SSID: ",
   490             ssid.length, &ssid.ssid[0] );
   492         core_mac_address_s bssid(
   493             ap_data->bssid() );
   494         DEBUG6( "core_operation_scan_c::receive_frame() - BSSID: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
   495             bssid.addr[0], bssid.addr[1], bssid.addr[2], 
   496             bssid.addr[3], bssid.addr[4], bssid.addr[5] ); 
   498         server_m->get_scan_list().update_entry( *ap_data );
   500         delete ap_data;
   501         ap_data = NULL;            
   502         }
   504     return true_t;
   505     }
   507 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 //
   510 bool_t core_operation_scan_c::notify(
   511     core_am_indication_e indication )
   512     {
   513     if ( operation_state_m == core_state_scan_start &&
   514          indication == core_am_indication_wlan_scan_complete )
   515         {
   516         server_m->unregister_event_handler( this );
   518         DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::notify() - scan complete" );
   520         asynch_goto( core_state_scan_complete, CORE_TIMER_IMMEDIATELY );
   522         return true_t;
   523         }
   524     else if ( operation_state_m == core_state_scan_start_unknown_region && 
   525     		  indication == core_am_indication_wlan_scan_complete )
   526     	{
   527     	server_m->unregister_event_handler( this );
   529     	DEBUG( "core_operation_scan_c::notify() - scan complete for channels 12 and 13" );
   531         asynch_goto( core_state_scan_complete_unknown_region, CORE_TIMER_IMMEDIATELY );
   533         return true_t;
   534     	}
   536     return false_t;
   537     }
   539 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   540 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   541 //
   542 void core_operation_scan_c::remove_disallowed_aps()
   543     {
   544     core_type_list_c<core_mac_address_s> remove_ap_list;
   546     core_scan_list_iterator_by_tag_c iter_removed_aps(
   547         server_m->get_scan_list(),
   548         core_scan_list_tag_scan );
   550     core_ap_data_c* ap_data = iter_removed_aps.first();
   551     while (ap_data)
   552         {
   553         if ( !server_m->get_core_settings().is_valid_channel(
   554                 SCAN_BAND_2DOT4GHZ,
   555                 ap_data->channel() ) )
   556             {
   557             core_mac_address_s* ignored_ap = new core_mac_address_s;
   558             if ( ignored_ap )
   559                 {
   560                 *ignored_ap = ap_data->bssid();
   561                 remove_ap_list.append( ignored_ap );
   562                 }
   563             }
   564         ap_data = iter_removed_aps.next(); 
   565         }
   567     core_mac_address_s* ignored_bssid = remove_ap_list.first(); 
   568     while (ignored_bssid )
   569         {
   570         server_m->get_scan_list().remove_entries_by_bssid( *ignored_bssid );
   571         ignored_bssid = remove_ap_list.next();
   572         }
   573     remove_ap_list.clear();
   575     }