changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c40eb8fe8501
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Declaration of the WlanMacState class
    15 *
    16 */
    18 /*
    19 * %version: 53 %
    20 */
    22 #ifndef WLANMACSTATE_H
    23 #define WLANMACSTATE_H
    25 #include "802dot11.h"
    27 #include "UmacUserEvent.h"
    28 #include "UmacWsaEvent.h"
    29 #include "umacpacketschedulerclient.h"
    30 #include "umacdfcclient.h"
    31 #include "umacnullsender.h"
    33 class WlanContextImpl;
    34 class WlanDot11State;
    35 class WlanWsaCommand;
    36 class WlanWsaComplexCommand;
    38 /**
    39 * Interface layer for state machine context
    40 * Has the default implementation of event handling
    41 */
    42 class WlanMacState : 
    43     public MWlanUserEvent,
    44     public MWlanWsaEvent,
    45     public MWlanPacketSchedulerClient,
    46     public MWlanDfcClient,
    47     public MWlanNullSender
    48     {
    49 public:
    51     /**
    52     * Configure AC (Access Category) parameters to WHA (adaptation) layer
    53     * 
    54     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
    55     */
    56     virtual TBool ConfigureAcParams( 
    57         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );                        
    59     /**
    60     * ?member_description.
    61     * @since Series 60 3.1
    62     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
    63     */
    64     virtual TBool SetCtsToSelfMib( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
    66     /**
    67     * Updates the RCPI Trigger Level MIB
    68     *
    69     * @since Series 60 3.1
    70     * @param aCtxImpl Global statemachine context
    71     * @param aRcpiTrigger the value to assign to the MIB
    72     * @param aCompleteManagementRequest ETrue if this request came from the
    73     *                                   WLAN Mgmt client and that request
    74     *                                   needs to be completed.
    75     *                                   EFalse otherwise.
    76     * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
    77     */
    78     virtual TBool SetRcpiTriggerLevelMib(
    79         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
    80         TUint32 aRcpiTrigger,
    81         TBool aCompleteManagementRequest );
    83     /**
    84     * Informs lower layer about the dynamic HT configuration
    85     * of the target/current network
    86     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
    87     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
    88     *         EFalse otherwise
    89     */
    90     virtual TBool ConfigureHtBssOperation( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
    92     /**
    93     * Changes dot11 power management mode between active and PS mode
    94     * 
    95     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
    96     * @return ETrue if state change occurred, EFalse otherwise
    97     */
    98     virtual TBool ChangePowerMgmtMode( 
    99         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );                        
   102    // Methods from base classes
   104     /**
   105     * Connect (authenticate and associate) to a BSS.
   106     *
   107     * @since S60 3.1
   108     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   109     * @param aSSID Name of the network
   110     * @param aBSSID BSSID of the access point
   111     * @param aAuthAlgorithmNbr Authentication algorithm number to be used
   112     * @param aEncryptionStatus Used encryption level
   113     * @param aIsInfra ETrue when connecting to infrastructure network
   114     * @param aScanResponseFrameBodyLength length of the scan response frame body
   115     * @param aScanResponseFrameBody scan response frame body
   116     * @param aIeData The IE(s) to be included into the (re-)association request.
   117     *              NULL, if none to be included
   118     * @param aIeDataLength Length of the IE(s) to be included into the 
   119     *                    (re-)association request
   120     * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
   121     *         EFalse otherwise
   122     */
   123     virtual TBool Connect(
   124         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   125         const TSSID& aSSID,                 
   126         const TMacAddress& aBSSID,          
   127         TUint16 aAuthAlgorithmNbr,      
   128         TEncryptionStatus aEncryptionStatus,
   129         TBool aIsInfra,
   130         TUint16 aScanResponseFrameBodyLength,
   131         const TUint8* aScanResponseFrameBody,
   132         const TUint8* aIeData,
   133         TUint16 aIeDataLength );
   135     /**
   136     * Add TKIP key
   137     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   138     * @param aData data blob that holds TKIP parameters
   139     * @param aLength length of the data blob
   140     * @param aKeyIndex value for key id filed of WEP IV
   141     * @return KErrNotSupported
   142     */
   143     virtual TBool AddTkIPKey( 
   144         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   145         const TUint8* aData, 
   146         TUint32 aLength,
   147         T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
   148         const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );
   150     /**
   151     * Add multicast TKIP key.
   152     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   153     * @param aKeyIndex  Value for the key id field of WEP IV.
   154     * @param aLength    Length of the TKIP parameters.
   155     * @param aData      TKIP parameters.
   156     * @return KErrNotSupported
   157     */
   158     virtual TBool AddMulticastTKIPKey( 
   159         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   160         T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
   161         TUint32 aLength,
   162         const TUint8* aData );
   164     /**
   165     * Add (or replace) a pairwise AES key.
   166     *
   167     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   168     * @param aLength Length of the AES parameters.
   169     * @param aData AES parameters.
   170     * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
   171     */
   172     virtual TBool AddAesKey( 
   173         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   174         const TUint8* aData, 
   175         TUint32 aLength,
   176         const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );
   178     /**
   179     * Add (or replace) an AES group key.
   180     *
   181     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   182     * @param aKeyIndex Value for the key id field of WEP IV.
   183     * @param aLength Length of the AES parameters.
   184     * @param aData AES parameters.
   185     * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
   186     */
   187     virtual TBool AddMulticastAesKey( 
   188         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   189         T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
   190         TUint32 aLength,
   191         const TUint8* aData );
   193     /**
   194     * Add (or replace) a multicast WAPI key.
   195     *
   196     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   197     * @param aKeyIndex  Value for the key id field of WEP IV.
   198     * @param aLength    Length of the WAPI parameters.
   199     * @param aData      WAPI parameters.
   200     * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
   201     */
   202     virtual TBool AddMulticastWapiKey( 
   203         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   204         T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
   205         TUint32 aLength,
   206         const TUint8* aData );
   208     /**
   209     * From MWlanUserEvent
   210     * Add (or replace) a pairwise WAPI key.
   211     *
   212     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   213     * @param aData data blob that holds WAPI parameters
   214     * @param aLength length of the data blob
   215     * @param aKeyIndex value for key id field of WEP IV
   216     * @param aMacAddr MAC address of the peer station
   217     * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
   218     */
   219     virtual TBool AddUnicastWapiKey( 
   220         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   221         const TUint8* aData, 
   222         TUint32 aLength,
   223         T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
   224         const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );
   226     /**
   227     * Start an own IBSS network if there doesn't already 
   228     * exist a network that has the same name.
   229     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   230     * @param aSSID name of the network
   231     * @param aBeaconInterval Beacon period in TUs (kusec). range:[1, 1024]
   232     * @param aAtim ATIM window (NOT USED)
   233     * @param aChannel Used channel (1-14). 
   234     *        Has to be legal in the current region.
   235     * @param aEncryptionStatus Used encryption level
   236     * @return KErrNone = command completed successfully, 
   237     * any other = failure
   238     */        
   239     virtual TBool StartIBSS(
   240         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   241         const TSSID& aSSID,                 
   242         TUint32 aBeaconInterval,            
   243         TUint32 aAtim,                      
   244         TUint32 aChannel,                   
   245         TEncryptionStatus aEncryptionStatus );      
   247     /**
   249     * Scan all available networks. 
   250     * This SW module decides is background scan or foreground scan used
   251     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   252     * @param aMode passive or active scan see #TScanMode
   253     * @param aSSID Network that APs are scanned. Can be broadcast SSID.
   254     * @param aScanRate Rate that is used in active scanning see #TRate
   255     * @param aMinChannelTime min. time to listen beacons/probe responses on 
   256     *                        a channel
   257     * @param aMaxChannelTime max. time to listen beacons/probe responses on 
   258     *                        a channel
   259     * @param aSplitScan if ETrue, use split scan
   260     * @return KErrNone = command completed successfully, 
   261     * any other = failure
   262     */
   263     virtual TBool Scan(
   264         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   265         TScanMode aMode,                    
   266         const TSSID& aSSID,                 
   267         TRate aScanRate, 
   268         SChannels& aChannels,
   269         TUint32 aMinChannelTime,            
   270         TUint32 aMaxChannelTime,
   271         TBool aSplitScan );               
   273     /**
   274     * Stop a previously started scan process. 
   275     *
   276     * @since S60 3.2
   277     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
   278     * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
   279     *         EFalse otherwise
   280     */
   281     virtual TBool StopScan( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   283     /**
   284     * Scan all available networks. 
   285     * This SW module decides is background scan or foreground scan used
   286     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   287     * @param aMode passive or active scan see #TScanMode
   288     * @param aSSID Network that APs are scanned. Can be broadcast SSID.
   289     * @param aScanRate Rate that is used in active scanning 
   290     * @param aMinChannelTime min. time to listen beacons/probe responses on 
   291     *                        a channel
   292     * @param aMaxChannelTime max. time to listen beacons/probe responses on 
   293     *                        a channel
   294     * @param aSplitScan if ETrue, use split scan
   295     * @return KErrNone = command completed successfully, 
   296     * any other = failure
   297     */
   298     virtual TBool RealScan(
   299         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   300         TScanMode aMode,                    
   301         const TSSID& aSSID,                 
   302         TUint32 aScanRate,                    
   303         SChannels& aChannels,
   304         TUint32 aMinChannelTime,            
   305         TUint32 aMaxChannelTime,
   306         TBool aSplitScan );               
   308     /**
   309     * Disconnect STA from current network.
   310     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   311     * @return KErrNone = command completed successfully, 
   312     * any other = failure
   313     */
   314     virtual TBool Disconnect(WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl);
   316     /**
   317     * Set 802.11 power mgmt mode in infrastructure networks.
   318     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   319     * @param aPowerMode desired power mode
   320     * @param aDisableDynamicPowerModeManagement If ETrue, disables the dynamic
   321     *        power mode management handling. Relevant only when aPowerMode
   322     *        is EPowerModePs
   323     * @param aWakeupModeInLightPs WLAN wake-up mode in Light PS mode
   324     * @param aListenIntervalInLightPs specifies the value of N for wake-up
   325     *        modes 2 and 3 in Light PS mode. 
   326     * @param aWakeupModeInDeepPs WLAN wake-up mode in Deep PS mode
   327     * @param aListenIntervalInDeepPs specifies the value of N for wake-up 
   328     *        modes 2 and 3 in Deep PS mode
   329     * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
   330     *         EFalse otherwise
   331     */
   332     virtual TBool SetPowerMode(
   333         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   334         TPowerMode aPowerMode,
   335         TBool aDisableDynamicPowerModeManagement,
   336         TWlanWakeUpInterval aWakeupModeInLightPs, 
   337         TUint8 aListenIntervalInLightPs,
   338         TWlanWakeUpInterval aWakeupModeInDeepPs,
   339         TUint8 aListenIntervalInDeepPs );
   341     /**
   342     * Set trigger level for RCPI trigger. 
   343     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   344     * @param aRcpiTrigger RCPI trigger level to be set
   345     * @return KErrNone = command completed successfully, 
   346     * any other = failure
   347     */
   348     virtual TBool SetRcpiTriggerLevel(
   349         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   350         TUint32 aRcpiTrigger);               
   352     /**
   353     * Set transmission power level. 
   354     * This has to be legal at the current region.
   355     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   356     * @param aLevel Transmission power level in mW.
   357     * @return KErrNone command completed successfully 
   358     * any other = failure
   359     */
   360     virtual TBool SetTxPowerLevel(
   361         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   362         TUint32 aLevel);                
   364     /**
   365     * Set inital WLAN specific parameters. 
   366     * See 802Dot11DefaultValues.h for detaills
   367     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   368     * @param aRTSThreshold 
   369     * @param aMaxTxMSDULifetime 
   370     * @param aVoiceCallEntryTimeout when we are not in Voice over WLAN Call
   371     *        state and we transmit at least aVoiceCallEntryTxThreshold
   372     *        Voice priority frames during the time period (microseconds)
   373     *        denoted by this parameter, we enter Voice over WLAN Call state
   374     * @param aVoiceCallEntryTxThreshold Threshold value for the number of 
   375     *        Voice priority Tx frames to enter Voice over WLAN Call state    
   376     * @param aVoiceNullTimeout NULL frame sending interval during a Voice over 
   377     *        WLAN call in U-APSD power save mode
   378     * @param aNoVoiceTimeout after this long time of no Voice priority data 
   379     *        Tx, exit Voice over WLAN call state
   380     * @param aKeepAliveTimeout Keep Alive frame sending interval in 
   381     *        infrastructure mode
   382     * @param aSpRcpiIndicationLevel If this RCPI level is predicted to be
   383     *        reached within the time specified by aSpTimeToCountPrediction,
   384     *        a signal loss prediction indication is sent. 
   385     * @param aSpTimeToCountPrediction Specifies the time (in microseconds)
   386     *        how far into the future signal prediction is done.
   387     * @param aSpMinIndicationInterval The minimum time difference (in 
   388     *        microseconds) between two signal loss prediction indications.
   389     * @return KErrNone command completed successfully 
   390     * any other = failure
   391     */        
   392     virtual TBool Configure(
   393         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   394         TUint32 aRTSThreshold,              
   395         TUint32 aMaxTxMSDULifetime,
   396         TUint32 aVoiceCallEntryTimeout,
   397         TUint32 aVoiceCallEntryTxThreshold,
   398         TUint32 aVoiceNullTimeout,
   399         TUint32 aNoVoiceTimeout,
   400         TUint32 aKeepAliveTimeout,
   401         TUint32 aSpRcpiIndicationLevel,
   402         TUint32 aSpTimeToCountPrediction,
   403         TUint32 aSpMinIndicationInterval );  
   405     /**
   406      * From MWlanUserEvent
   407      * Add/set (or replace) a broadcast WEP key
   408      *
   409      * @since S60 3.1
   410      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   411      * @param aKeyIndex Index of the key in the default key table 
   412      * @param aKeyLength Length of the key in BYTES
   413      * @param aKey The WEP key
   414      * @param aMac MAC address associated with the key
   415      * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
   416      */
   417     virtual TBool AddBroadcastWepKey(
   418         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   419         TUint32 aKeyIndex,     
   420         TBool aUseAsDefaulKey,    
   421         TUint32 aKeyLength,                      
   422         const TUint8 aKey[KMaxWEPKeyLength],
   423         const TMacAddress& aMac );   
   425     /**
   426     * Add (or replace) a unicast WEP key.
   427     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   428     * @param aMacAddr MAC address to which the WEP key corresponds to
   429     * @param aKeyLength Length of the key in BYTES
   430     * @param aKey The WEP key
   431     * @return KErrNone command completed successfully 
   432     * any other = failure
   433     */
   434     virtual TBool AddUnicastWepKey(
   435         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   436         const TMacAddress& aMacAddr,
   437         TUint32 aKeyLength,                      
   438         const TUint8 aKey[KMaxWEPKeyLength]);   
   440     /**
   441     * Disable user data from/to protcol stack 
   442     * (802.1x: block data during authentication).
   443     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   444     * @return KErrNone command completed successfully 
   445     * any other = failure
   446     */
   447     virtual TBool DisableUserData(
   448         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   450     /**
   451     * Enable user data from/to protcol stack 
   452     * (802.1x: pass data through after succesfull authentication)
   453     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   454     * @return KErrNone command completed successfully 
   455     */
   456     virtual TBool EnableUserData(
   457         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   459     /**
   460     * Gets last RCPI value
   461     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   462     * @return KErrNone command completed successfully 
   463     * any other = failure
   464     */
   465     virtual TBool GetLastRcpi(
   466         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );       
   468     /**
   469     * Adds a multicast MAC address and starts to filter (Rx) multicast 
   470     * traffic sent to any other MAC addresses than those that have been 
   471     * specified using this method
   472     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   473     * @param aMacAddr The address to be added
   474     * @return 
   475     */
   476     virtual TBool AddMulticastAddr(
   477         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   478         const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );        
   480     /**
   481     * Removes a multicast MAC address from multicast (Rx) filtering
   482     * configuration. So any packet that we receive and which has been sent
   483     * to the multicast address in question is not accepted any more (i.e. 
   484     * it is filtered).
   485     * However, if there are no addresses left in the multicast (Rx) filtering
   486     * configuration after this remove, the multicast filtering is disabled
   487     * and all (otherwise acceptable) multicast packets are accepted again.
   488     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   489     * @param aMacAddr The address to be removed
   490     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
   491     *         EFalse otherwise
   492     */
   493     virtual TBool RemoveMulticastAddr(
   494         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   495         TBool aRemoveAll,
   496         const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );
   498     /**
   499      * Configures the parameters which define when BSS lost is indicated.
   500      * The indication is sent when either one of the specified thresholds
   501      * is exceeded.
   502      *
   503      * @since S60 v3.1
   504      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   505      * @param aBeaconLostCount beacon lost count threshold
   506      * @aFailedTxPacketCount failed Tx packet count threshold
   507      * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   508      *         EFalse otherwise
   509      */
   510     virtual TBool ConfigureBssLost( 
   511         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   512         TUint32 aBeaconLostCount,
   513         TUint8 aFailedTxPacketCount );
   515     /**
   516     * Sets the Tx rate adaptation algorithm parameters
   517     *
   518     * @since S60 3.1
   519     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   520     * @param aMinStepUpCheckpoint minimum and initial rate increase 
   521     *        checkpoint in units of frames
   522     *        Range: [aStepDownCheckpoint,aMaxStepUpCheckpoint]
   523     * @param aMaxStepUpCheckpoint maximum rate increase checkpoint in units 
   524     *        of frames
   525     *        Range: [aStepDownCheckpoint,UCHAR_MAX]
   526     * @param aStepUpCheckpointFactor StepUpCheckpoint is multiplied with this
   527     *        value if sending a probe frame fails
   528     *        Range: [1,aMaxStepUpCheckpoint]
   529     * @param aStepDownCheckpoint after this many frames the need to decrease
   530     *        the rate is checked
   531     *        Range: [2,UCHAR_MAX]
   532     * @param aMinStepUpThreshold minimum and initial StepUpThreshold 
   533     *        percentage
   534     *        Range: [1,aMaxStepUpThreshold]
   535     * @param aMaxStepUpThreshold maximum StepUpThreshold percentage
   536     *        Range: [1,100]
   537     * @param aStepUpThresholdIncrement StepUpThreshold is incremented by this
   538     *        value if sending a probe frame fails
   539     *        Range: [0,aMaxStepUpThreshold]
   540     * @param aStepDownThreshold if the percentage of frames which failed to
   541     *        be transmitted at the originally requested rate is at least 
   542     *        aStepDownThreshold at the aStepDownCheckpoint, the rate will
   543     *        be decreased
   544     *        Range: [1,100]
   545     * @param aDisableProbeHandling if EFalse, the rate adaptation algorithm
   546     *        handles the first frame transmitted after a rate increase in a
   547     *        special way. Otherwise the special handling is disabled
   548     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   549     *         EFalse otherwise
   550     */
   551     virtual TBool SetTxRateAdaptParams( 
   552         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   553         TUint8 aMinStepUpCheckpoint,
   554         TUint8 aMaxStepUpCheckpoint,
   555         TUint8 aStepUpCheckpointFactor,
   556         TUint8 aStepDownCheckpoint,
   557         TUint8 aMinStepUpThreshold,
   558         TUint8 aMaxStepUpThreshold,
   559         TUint8 aStepUpThresholdIncrement,
   560         TUint8 aStepDownThreshold,
   561         TBool aDisableProbeHandling );
   563     /**
   564      * Configures Tx rate policy objects, sets the policy object to use for 
   565      * every Tx Queue / QoS AC, and also sets the Initial Max Tx Rate to be 
   566      * used for the configured policy objects
   567      *
   568      * @since S60 v3.1
   569      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   570      * @param aRatePolicy rate policy (policy objects)
   571      * @param aQueue2RateClass Tx queue (AC) to rate policy object mapping
   572      * @param aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass initial max Tx rate for the
   573      *        policy objects
   574      * @param aAutoRatePolicy auto rate policy
   575      * @param aHtMcsPolicy HT MCS policy 
   576      * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   577      *         EFalse otherwise
   578      */
   579     virtual TBool ConfigureTxRatePolicies( 
   580         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   581         const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
   582         const TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass,
   583         const TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
   584         const TTxAutoRatePolicy& aAutoRatePolicy,
   585         const THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy );
   587     /**
   588     * Sets the dynamic power mode transition algorithm parameters
   589     *
   590     * @since S60 3.1
   591     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   592     * @param aToLightPsTimeout time interval in microseconds after which 
   593     *        transition from Active mode to Light PS mode is considered
   594     * @param aToLightPsFrameThreshold frame count threshold used when 
   595     *        considering transition from Active to Light PS mode
   596     * @param aToActiveTimeout time interval in microseconds after which the 
   597     *        frame counter used when considering transition from Light PS 
   598     *        to Active mode is reset
   599     * @param aToActiveFrameThreshold frame count threshold used when 
   600     *        considering transition from Light PS to Active mode
   601     * @param aToDeepPsTimeout time interval in microseconds after which 
   602     *        transition from Light PS mode to Deep PS mode is considered
   603     * @param aToDeepPsFrameThreshold frame count threshold used when 
   604     *        considering transition from Light PS to Deep PS mode
   605     * @param aUapsdRxFrameLengthThreshold received frame 
   606     *        payload length (in bytes) threshold in U-APSD network for
   607     *        Best Effort Access Category
   608     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   609     *         EFalse otherwise
   610     */
   611     virtual TBool SetPowerModeManagementParameters(
   612         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   613         TUint32 aToLightPsTimeout,
   614         TUint16 aToLightPsFrameThreshold,
   615         TUint32 aToActiveTimeout,
   616         TUint16 aToActiveFrameThreshold,
   617         TUint32 aToDeepPsTimeout,
   618         TUint16 aToDeepPsFrameThreshold,
   619         TUint16 aUapsdRxFrameLengthThreshold );
   621     /**
   622     * Configures dynamic power mode management traffic override
   623     *
   624     * The settings here become effective once using the PS mode has been 
   625     * allowed by WLAN Mgmt Client.
   626     * When a setting below is ETrue, any amount of Rx or Tx traffic via
   627     * the AC in question won't cause a change from PS to CAM mode once PS
   628     * mode has been entered, and traffic via that AC won't make us to 
   629     * stay in CAM either.
   630     * Every AC has a separate setting for U-APSD and legacy PS.
   631     * The U-APSD setting is used if U-APSD is used for the AC in question.
   632     * Otherwise the corresponding legacy setting is used.
   633     *    
   634     * @since S60 3.2
   635     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   636     * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVoiceTraffic U-APSD Voice AC setting
   637     * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVideoTraffic U-APSD Video AC setting
   638     * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBestEffortTraffic U-APSD Best Effort AC 
   639     *                                               setting
   640     * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBackgroundTraffic U-APSD Background AC 
   641     *                                               setting
   642     * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVoiceTraffic legacy Voice AC setting
   643     * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVideoTraffic legacy Video AC setting
   644     * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBestEffortTraffic legacy Best Effort AC 
   645     *                                                setting
   646     * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBackgroundTraffic legacy Background AC 
   647     *                                                setting
   648     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   649     *         EFalse otherwise
   650     */
   651     virtual TBool ConfigurePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride( 
   652         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   653         TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVoiceTraffic,
   654         TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVideoTraffic,
   655         TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBestEffortTraffic, 
   656         TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBackgroundTraffic,
   657         TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVoiceTraffic,
   658         TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVideoTraffic,
   659         TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBestEffortTraffic,
   660         TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBackgroundTraffic );
   662     /**
   663      * Gets data frame Rx & Tx statistics
   664      *
   665      * @since S60 v3.2
   666      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   667      * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   668      *         EFalse otherwise
   669      */
   670     virtual TBool GetFrameStatistics( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   672     /**
   673      * Configures U-APSD usage
   674      *
   675      * @since S60 v3.2
   676      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   677      * @param aMaxServicePeriodLength
   678      * @param aUapsdForVoice if ETrue the Voice AC is made both trigger and 
   679      *                       delivery enabled when connecting to a QoS AP 
   680      *                       supporting U-APSD.
   681      *                       Otherwise it's made neither trigger nor delivery 
   682      *                       enabled
   683      * @param aUapsdForVideo if ETrue the Video AC is made both trigger and 
   684      *                       delivery enabled 
   685      *                       when connecting to a QoS AP supporting U-APSD.
   686      *                       Otherwise it's made neither trigger nor delivery 
   687      *                       enabled
   688      * @param aUapsdForBestEffort if ETrue the Best Effort AC is made both 
   689      *                            trigger and delivery enabled when connecting
   690      *                            to a QoS AP supporting U-APSD.
   691      *                            Otherwise it's made neither trigger nor 
   692      *                            delivery enabled    
   693      * @param aUapsdForBackground if ETrue the Background AC is made both 
   694      *                            trigger and delivery enabled when connecting
   695      *                            to a QoS AP supporting U-APSD.
   696      *                            Otherwise it's made neither trigger nor 
   697      *                            delivery enabled    
   698      */
   699     virtual TBool ConfigureUapsd( 
   700         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   701         TMaxServicePeriodLength aMaxServicePeriodLength,
   702         TBool aUapsdForVoice,
   703         TBool aUapsdForVideo,
   704         TBool aUapsdForBestEffort,
   705         TBool aUapsdForBackground );
   707     /**
   708      * Reconfigures the specified Tx queue if necessary
   709      *
   710      * @since S60 v3.2
   711      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   712      * @param aQueueId ID of the queue to reconfigure
   713      * @param aMediumTime The amount of time the queue is allowed to access 
   714      *                    the WLAN air interface.
   715      * @param aMaxTxMSDULifetime Maximum Transmit MSDU Lifetime to be used 
   716      *                           for the specified queue.
   717      * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   718      *         EFalse otherwise
   719      */
   720     virtual TBool ConfigureTxQueueIfNecessary( 
   721             WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   722             TQueueId aQueueId,
   723             TUint16 aMediumTime,
   724             TUint32 aMaxTxMSDULifetime );
   726     /**
   727      * Get our own MAC address
   728      *
   729      * @since S60 v3.1
   730      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   731      * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
   732      *         EFalse otherwise
   733      */
   734     virtual TBool GetMacAddress(
   735         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   737     /**
   738     * Triggers the setting of the Tx offset on the protocol stack side for 
   739     * every frame type which can be transmitted
   740     *
   741     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   742     */
   743     virtual void SetProtocolStackTxOffset( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const;
   745     /**
   746     * Configures ARP IP address filtering
   747     * 
   748     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   749     * @param aEnableFiltering If ETrue, filtering is enabled
   750     *                         If EFalse, filtering is disabled
   751     * @param aIpv4Address If the target IP Address in a received ARP request 
   752     *        doesn't match this address, the packet shall be discarded
   753     *        on the lower layers.
   754     *        Relevant only when enabling filtering.
   755     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
   756     *         EFalse otherwise
   757     */
   758     virtual TBool ConfigureArpIpAddressFiltering(
   759         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   760         TBool aEnableFiltering,
   761         TIpv4Address aIpv4Address );
   763     /**
   764     * Configures HT Block Ack use
   765     * 
   766     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   767     * @param aTxBlockAckUsage Bit map defining Block Ack use in Tx direction
   768     * @param aRxBlockAckUsage Bit map defining Block Ack use in Rx direction
   769     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
   770     *         EFalse otherwise
   771     */
   772     virtual TBool ConfigureHtBlockAck(
   773         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   774         TUint8 aTxBlockAckUsage,
   775         TUint8 aRxBlockAckUsage );        
   777     /**
   778     * Configures Proprietary SNAP header. 
   779     * Valid received 802.11 Data frames containing this SNAP header
   780     * are accepted and forwarded to the WLAN Management Client.
   781     * 
   782     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   783     * @param 
   784     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
   785     *         EFalse otherwise
   786     */
   787     virtual TBool ConfigureProprietarySnapHdr(
   788         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   789         const TSnapHeader& aSnapHeader );        
   791     /**
   792     * Transmit a protocol stack frame
   793     * 
   794     * The frame to be sent needs to be in 802.3 format
   795     * @param aCtxImpl global state machine context
   796     * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
   797     * @param aMore ETrue if another frame is also ready to be transmitted
   798     *              EFalse otherwise
   799     */
   800     virtual TBool TxData( 
   801         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   802         TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
   803         TBool aMore );
   805     /**
   806     * Write for management data
   807     * The frame to be sent needs to be in 802.3 format
   808     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   809     * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
   810     */
   811     virtual void TxMgmtData( 
   812         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   813         TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer );
   815     /**
   816      * From MWlanUserEvent
   817      * Make system ready for unloading
   818      *
   819      * @since S60 3.1
   820      */
   821     virtual void FinitSystem( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   823     virtual void CommandResponse( 
   824         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   825         WHA::TCommandId aCommandId, 
   826         WHA::TStatus aStatus,
   827         const WHA::UCommandResponseParams& aCommandResponseParams );
   829     virtual TBool CommandComplete( 
   830         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   831         WHA::TCompleteCommandId aCompleteCommandId, 
   832         WHA::TStatus aStatus,
   833         const WHA::UCommandCompletionParams& 
   834         aCommandCompletionParams );
   836     virtual void Indication( 
   837         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   838         WHA::TIndicationId aIndicationId,
   839         const WHA::UIndicationParams& aIndicationParams );
   841     // Frame receive
   843     virtual TAny* RequestForBuffer ( 
   844         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,             
   845         TUint16 aLength );
   847     virtual void ReceivePacket( 
   848         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   849         WHA::TStatus aStatus,
   850         const void* aFrame,
   851         TUint16 aLength,
   852         WHA::TRate aRate,
   853         WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
   854         WHA::TChannelNumber aChannel,
   855         TUint8* aBuffer,
   856         TUint32 aFlags );
   858     // packet scheduler client
   860     /**
   861      * Method called when packet has been transferred to the WLAN device
   862      *
   863      * @since S60 3.1
   864      * @param aCtxImpl global state machine context
   865      * @param aPacketId packet whose transfer is complete
   866      * @param aMetaHeader frame meta header
   867      */
   868     virtual void OnPacketTransferComplete( 
   869         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   870         TUint32 aPacketId,
   871         TDataBuffer* aMetaHeader );
   873     virtual void OnPacketSendComplete(
   874         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   875         WHA::TStatus aStatus,
   876         TUint32 aPacketId,
   877         WHA::TRate aRate,
   878         TUint32 aPacketQueueDelay,
   879         TUint32 aMediaDelay,
   880         TUint aTotalTxDelay,
   881         TUint8 aAckFailures,
   882         WHA::TQueueId aQueueId,
   883         WHA::TRate aRequestedRate,
   884         TBool aMulticastData );
   886     /**
   887     * Method called when Packet Scheduler's packet scheduling method 
   888     * should be called, as there exists a packet that is suitable for 
   889     * transmission.
   890     * NOTE: if any other Packet Scheduler method is called within this
   891     * context the result is undefined.
   892     * 
   893     * @param aMore ETrue if another frame is also ready to be transmitted
   894     *              EFalse otherwise
   895     */
   896     virtual void CallPacketSchedule( 
   897         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
   898         TBool aMore );
   900     /**
   901      * Method called when packet has been flushed (removed)
   902      * from packet scheduler
   903      *
   904      * @since S60 3.1
   905      * @param aCtxImpl global state machine context
   906      * @param aPacketId packet that was flushed
   907      * @param aMetaHeader frame meta header
   908      */
   909     virtual void OnPacketFlushEvent(
   910         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
   911         TUint32 aPacketId,
   912         TDataBuffer* aMetaHeader );
   914     virtual void OnPacketPushPossible( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   916     /**
   917     * Timer timeout function
   918     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   919     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   920     *         EFalse otherwise
   921     */
   922     virtual TBool OnTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   924     /**
   925     * Voice Call Entry timer timeout function
   926     *
   927     * @since S60 v3.2
   928     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   929     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   930     *         EFalse otherwise
   931     */
   932     virtual TBool OnVoiceCallEntryTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   934     /**
   935     * Null timer timeout function
   936     *
   937     * @since S60 v3.2
   938     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   939     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   940     *         EFalse otherwise
   941     */
   942     virtual TBool OnNullTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   944     /**
   945     * No Voice timer timeout function
   946     *
   947     * @since S60 v3.2
   948     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   949     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   950     *         EFalse otherwise
   951     */
   952     virtual TBool OnNoVoiceTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   954     /**
   955     * To be called upon Keep Alive Timer timeout
   956     *
   957     * @since S60 3.2
   958     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   959     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   960     *         EFalse otherwise
   961     */
   962     virtual TBool OnKeepAliveTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );    
   964     /**
   965     * Active to Light PS timer timeout function
   966     *
   967     * @since S60 v5.1
   968     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   969     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   970     *         EFalse otherwise
   971     */
   972     virtual TBool OnActiveToLightPsTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   974     /**
   975     * Light PS to Active timer timeout function
   976     *
   977     * @since S60 v5.1
   978     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   979     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   980     *         EFalse otherwise
   981     */
   982     virtual TBool OnLightPsToActiveTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   984     /**
   985     * Light PS to Deep PS timer timeout function
   986     *
   987     * @since S60 v5.1
   988     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
   989     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine
   990     *         EFalse otherwise
   991     */
   992     virtual TBool OnLightPsToDeepPsTimerTimeout( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
   994     virtual void OnDfc( TAny* aCtx );
   996     /**
   997      * Request to send a Null Data Frame
   998      *
   999      * @since S60 v3.2
  1000      * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
  1001      * @param aQosNull ETrue if a QoS Null Data frame should be transmitted
  1002      *                 EFalse if a regular Null Data frame should be transmitted
  1003      * @return ETrue if the send request was successfully submitted
  1004      *         EFalse otherwise
  1005      */
  1006     virtual TBool TxNullDataFrame( 
  1007         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1008         TBool aQosNull );
  1010 public:  // new methods
  1012     virtual void Entry( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl) = 0;
  1013     virtual void Exit( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl) = 0;
  1015     /**
  1016     * Returns the states name
  1017     * @param aLength (OUT) length of the name of the state
  1018     * @return a pointer to begin of a buffer of name of the state
  1019     */
  1020 #ifndef NDEBUG 
  1021     virtual const TInt8* GetStateName( TUint8& aLength ) const = 0;
  1022 #endif // !NDEBUG 
  1024 protected:
  1026     /**
  1027     * C++ default constructor.
  1028     */
  1029     WlanMacState() {};
  1031     /**
  1032     * Destructor.
  1033     */
  1034     virtual ~WlanMacState() {};
  1036     // New methods
  1038     // Indications
  1040     virtual TBool DoErrorIndication( 
  1041         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
  1042         WHA::TStatus aStatus );
  1044     /**
  1045     * Indicates Consecutive Beacons Lost 
  1046     * to WLAN Mgmt Client; if necessary
  1047     * 
  1048     * @since S60 5.0
  1049     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
  1050     */
  1051     virtual void DoConsecutiveBeaconsLostIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1053     /**
  1054     * Indicates Consecutive Tx Failures
  1055     * to WLAN Mgmt Client; if necessary
  1056     * 
  1057     * @since S60 5.0
  1058     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
  1059     */
  1060     virtual void DoConsecutiveTxFailuresIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1062     /**
  1063     * Indicates Consecutive 802.11 Power Management Mode Set Failures
  1064     * to WLAN Mgmt Client; if necessary
  1065     * 
  1066     * @since S60 5.0
  1067     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
  1068     */
  1069     virtual void DoConsecutivePwrModeSetFailuresIndication( 
  1070         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1072     /**
  1073     * Indicates BSS Regained 
  1074     * to WLAN Mgmt Client; if necessary
  1075     * 
  1076     * @since S60 3.1
  1077     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
  1078     */
  1079     virtual void DoRegainedBSSIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1081     virtual void DoRadarIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1083     virtual void DoRcpiIndication( 
  1084          WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1085          WHA::TRcpi aRcpi );
  1087     /**
  1088     * Indicates that the WLAN device has detected problems in the power
  1089     * save mode operation of the AP
  1090     * 
  1091     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
  1092     */
  1093     virtual void DoPsModeErrorIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1095     /**
  1096     * Called from SetPowerMode() when desired power mode 
  1097     * differs from currently used one
  1098     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
  1099     */
  1100     virtual TBool OnDot11PwrMgmtTransitRequired( 
  1101         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
  1103     /**
  1104     * Resolves is a frame given type and subtype 
  1105     * by comparing 2 frame control field LO bytes
  1106     * @param aLhs a frame control field LO byte
  1107     * @param aRhs a frame control field LO byte
  1108     * @param aTypeMatch (OUT) 
  1109     * ETrue = type fields matched, EFalse = type fields did NOT match
  1110     * @return ETrue = was a given type and subtype, 
  1111     * EFalse = was not a given type and subtype
  1112     */
  1113     static TBool IsRequestedFrameType(
  1114         TUint8 aLhs,
  1115         TUint8 aRhs,
  1116         TBool& aTypeMatch);
  1118     /**
  1119     * Requests a new oid = signals completion of oid
  1120     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
  1121     * @param aReason reason code to user mode
  1122     */        
  1123     static void OnOidComplete( 
  1124         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1125         TInt aReason = KErrNone,
  1126         const TAny* aData = NULL, 
  1127         TUint32 aLengthInBytes = 0 );
  1129     static void OnTxProtocolStackDataComplete( 
  1130         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1131         TDataBuffer* aMetaHeader,
  1132         TInt aCompletionCode = KErrNone );
  1134     static void OnMgmtPathWriteComplete( 
  1135         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1136         TInt aCompletionCode = KErrNone );
  1138     /**
  1139     * Sends an indication of an event to WLM
  1140     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
  1141     * @param aIndication an event that has occurred see #TIndication
  1142     */        
  1143     static void OnInDicationEvent( 
  1144         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1145         TIndication aIndication );
  1147     /**
  1148     * Determines the Tx offset for every frame type which can be transmitted
  1149     *
  1150     * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
  1151     * @param aEthernetFrameTxOffset Tx offset for Ethernet frames
  1152     * @param aDot11FrameTxOffset Tx offset for complete 802.11 frames
  1153     * @param aSnapFrameTxOffset Tx offset for SNAP frames
  1154     */
  1155     void DetermineTxOffsets( 
  1156         WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
  1157         TUint32& aEthernetFrameTxOffset,
  1158         TUint32& aDot11FrameTxOffset,
  1159         TUint32& aSnapFrameTxOffset ) const;            
  1161 private:
  1163     // Prohibit copy constructor.
  1164     WlanMacState( const WlanMacState& );
  1165     // Prohibit assigment operator.
  1166     WlanMacState& operator= ( const WlanMacState& );   
  1168 private:    // Data
  1170     };
  1172 #endif      // WLANMACSTATE_H