changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
child 6 e0f767079796
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanengine/wlan_common/wlanengine_common_3.1/src/core_sub_operation_create_ts.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Statemachine for creating a traffic stream.
+* %version: 12 %
+#include "core_sub_operation_create_ts.h"
+#include "core_server.h"
+#include "core_frame_wmm_ie.h"
+#include "core_frame_wmm_ie_tspec.h"
+#include "core_frame_action_wmm.h"
+#include "core_tools.h"
+#include "core_tools_parser.h"
+#include "am_debug.h"
+const u32_t CORE_AP_RESP_WAITING_TIME = 1000000;
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    u32_t request_id,
+    core_server_c* server,
+    abs_core_driverif_c* drivers,
+    abs_core_server_callback_c* adaptation,
+    const core_ap_data_c& ap_data,
+    u8_t tid,
+    u8_t user_priority,
+    core_traffic_stream_params_s& tspec,
+    core_traffic_stream_status_e& stream_status ) :
+    core_operation_base_c( core_operation_unspecified, request_id, server, drivers, adaptation,
+        core_base_flag_none ),
+    current_ap_m( ap_data ),
+    tid_m( tid ),
+    user_priority_m( user_priority ),
+    tspec_m( tspec ),
+    stream_status_m( stream_status )
+    {
+    DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::core_sub_operation_create_ts_c()" );
+    stream_status_m = core_traffic_stream_status_inactive_other;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::~core_sub_operation_create_ts_c()" );
+    server_m->unregister_frame_handler( this );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+core_error_e core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state()
+    {
+    DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state()" );
+    switch ( operation_state_m )
+        {
+        case core_state_init:
+            {
+            bool_t is_uapsd( true_t );
+            if ( !current_ap_m.is_uapsd_supported() ||
+                 !server_m->get_core_settings().is_uapsd_enable_for_access_class(
+                    core_tools_c::convert_user_priority_to_ac( user_priority_m ) ) )
+                {
+                is_uapsd = false_t;
+                }
+            DEBUG1( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - U-APSD %u", is_uapsd );
+            core_frame_wmm_ie_tspec_c* tspec_ie = core_frame_wmm_ie_tspec_c::instance(
+                tid_m,
+                user_priority_m,
+                is_uapsd,
+                tspec_m.is_periodic_traffic,
+                tspec_m.direction,
+                tspec_m.nominal_msdu_size,
+                tspec_m.maximum_msdu_size,
+                tspec_m.minimum_service_interval,
+                tspec_m.maximum_service_interval,
+                tspec_m.inactivity_interval,
+                tspec_m.suspension_interval,
+                tspec_m.service_start_time,
+                tspec_m.minimum_data_rate,
+                tspec_m.mean_data_rate,
+                tspec_m.peak_data_rate,
+                tspec_m.maximum_burst_size,
+                tspec_m.delay_bound,
+                tspec_m.minimum_phy_rate,
+                tspec_m.surplus_bandwidth_allowance,
+                tspec_m.medium_time );
+            if ( !tspec_ie )
+                {
+                DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - unable to allocate a WMM TSPEC IE" );
+                return core_error_no_memory;
+                }
+            DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - TSPEC IE:" );
+            DEBUG_BUFFER( tspec_ie->data_length(), tspec_ie->data() );
+            const core_mac_address_s dest(
+                current_ap_m.bssid() );
+            const core_mac_address_s src(
+                server_m->own_mac_addr() );
+            core_frame_action_wmm_c* frame = core_frame_action_wmm_c::instance(
+                0,                  // Duration
+                dest,               // Destination
+                src,                // Source
+                dest,               // BSSID
+                0,                  // Sequence Control
+                core_frame_action_wmm_c::core_dot11_action_wmm_type_addts_req, // Action Type
+                255,                // Dialog Token
+                core_frame_action_wmm_c::core_dot11_action_wmm_status_admission_accepted, // Status
+                tspec_ie );
+            delete tspec_ie;
+            tspec_ie = NULL;        
+            if ( !frame )
+                {
+                DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - unable to allocate an action frame" );
+                return core_error_no_memory;
+                }
+            /**
+             * Handle the WPX-specific features in traffic stream creation.
+             */
+            server_m->get_wpx_adaptation_instance().handle_ts_create_request(
+                current_ap_m,
+                frame,
+                tid_m,
+                tspec_m );
+            DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - ADDTS REQ:" );
+            DEBUG_BUFFER( frame->data_length(), frame->data() );
+            operation_state_m = core_state_request_sent;            
+            server_m->register_frame_handler( this );
+            server_m->send_management_frame(
+                core_frame_type_dot11,
+                frame->data_length(),
+                frame->data(),
+                dest );
+            delete frame;
+            frame = NULL;
+            /**
+             * Schedule a timeout if no response is received.
+             */
+            server_m->schedule_operation_timer(
+                CORE_AP_RESP_WAITING_TIME ); 
+            break;
+            }
+        case core_state_request_sent:
+            {
+            server_m->unregister_frame_handler( this );
+            DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - timer has expired, no response from AP received" );
+            return core_error_general;
+            }
+        case core_state_invalid_parameters:
+            {
+            DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - AP has downgraded our parameters, retrying" );
+            return goto_state( core_state_init );
+            }
+        case core_state_failure:
+            {
+            server_m->unregister_frame_handler( this );
+            DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - AP has rejected our traffic stream request" );
+            return core_error_general;
+            }
+        case core_state_success:
+            {
+            server_m->unregister_frame_handler( this );
+            DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - traffic stream created successfully" );
+            DEBUG_RATES( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - nominal PHY rate: ",
+                tspec_m.nominal_phy_rate );
+            DEBUG_RATES( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::next_state() - override tx rates: ",
+                tspec_m.override_rates );
+            return core_error_ok;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            ASSERT( false_t );
+            }
+        }
+    return core_error_request_pending;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool_t core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame(
+    const core_frame_dot11_c* frame,
+    u8_t /* rcpi */ )
+    {
+    DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame()" );
+    if ( frame->type() != core_frame_dot11_c::core_dot11_type_action )
+        {
+        DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - not an action frame" );
+        return false_t;
+        }
+    core_frame_action_c* action = core_frame_action_c::instance(
+        *frame );
+    if ( action )
+        {
+        DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - 802.11 action frame found" );
+        DEBUG1( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - 802.11 action category: 0x%02X",
+            action->category() );
+        if ( action->category() == core_frame_action_c::core_dot11_action_category_wmm_qos )
+            {
+            core_frame_action_wmm_c* wmm_action = core_frame_action_wmm_c::instance( *action );
+            if ( wmm_action )
+                {
+                DEBUG( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - 802.11 WMM action frame found" );
+                DEBUG1( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - 802.11 WMM action type: 0x%02X",
+                    wmm_action->action_type() );
+                DEBUG1( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - 802.11 WMM action dialog token: 0x%02X",
+                    wmm_action->dialog_token() );
+                DEBUG1( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - 802.11 WMM action status: 0x%02X",
+                    wmm_action->status() );
+                /**
+                 * Get traffic stream parameters from the response.
+                 */
+                bool_t ret = core_tools_parser_c::get_wmm_traffic_stream_params(
+                    *wmm_action,
+                    tid_m,
+                    tspec_m );
+                if ( !ret )
+                    {
+                    DEBUG1( "core_sub_operation_create_ts_c::receive_frame() - TSPEC with TID %u not found, ignoring frame",
+                        tid_m );
+                    delete wmm_action;
+                    wmm_action = NULL;
+                    delete action;
+                    action = NULL;
+                    return true_t;
+                    }
+                server_m->get_wpx_adaptation_instance().get_wpx_traffic_stream_params(
+                    wmm_action,
+                    tid_m,
+                    tspec_m );
+                server_m->cancel_operation_timer();
+                if ( wmm_action->status() == core_frame_action_wmm_c::core_dot11_action_wmm_status_admission_accepted )
+                    {
+                    stream_status_m = core_traffic_stream_status_active;
+                    server_m->get_wpx_adaptation_instance().handle_ts_create_success(
+                        wmm_action,
+                        tid_m,
+                        user_priority_m );
+                    asynch_goto( core_state_success, CORE_TIMER_IMMEDIATELY );
+                    }
+                else if ( wmm_action->status() == core_frame_action_wmm_c::core_dot11_action_wmm_status_invalid_parameters )
+                    {
+                    asynch_goto( core_state_invalid_parameters, CORE_TIMER_IMMEDIATELY );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    stream_status_m = server_m->get_wpx_adaptation_instance().get_wpx_traffic_stream_status(
+                        wmm_action->status() );
+                    asynch_goto( core_state_failure, CORE_TIMER_IMMEDIATELY );
+                    }
+                delete wmm_action;
+                }
+            }
+        delete action;
+        action = NULL;
+        }
+    return true_t;
+    }