changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanldd/wlan_common/umac_common/inc/Umac.h	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Declaration of the Umac class.
+* %version: 32 %
+#ifndef UMAC_H
+#define UMAC_H
+#include "umaceventdispatcherclient.h"
+#include "UmacProtocolStackSideUmac.h"
+#include "UmacProtocolStackSideUmacCb.h"
+#include "UmacManagementSideUmac.h"
+#include "UmacManagementSideUmacCb.h"
+#include "UmacTimerClient.h"
+#include "umacdfcclient.h"
+#ifndef RD_WLAN_DDK
+#include <wha.h>
+#include <wlanwha.h>
+class WlanContextImpl;
+class WlanConnectContext;
+class WlanPrivacyModeFilters;
+class Umac : 
+    public MWlanProtocolStackSideUmac, 
+    public WlanProtocolStackSideUmacCb,
+    public WlanManagementSideUmacCb,
+    public MWlanManagementSideUmac,
+    public MWlanTimerClient,
+    public MWlanEventDispatcherClient,
+    public MWlanDfcClient
+    {
+    /**
+    * C++ default constructor.
+    */
+    Umac();
+    virtual ~Umac();
+    virtual void OnTimeout( TWlanTimer aTimer );
+    virtual void OnDfc( TAny* aCtx );
+    void CompleteManagementCommand( 
+        TInt aReason, 
+        const TAny* aData = NULL, 
+        TUint32 aLengthInBytes = 0 );
+    /**
+    * From MManagementSideUmac
+    * OID request handler routine
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer (set-operations)
+    * @param aInputBufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by aInputBuffer
+    * @param aOutputBuffer Pointer to the output buffer (query-operations)
+    * @param aOutputBufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by aOutputBuffer
+    * @return Status of the operation see #TStatus
+    */
+    virtual void HandleOid( 
+        const TOIDHeader* aOid,             
+        TAny* aOutputBuffer, 
+        TUint aOutputBufferSize );
+    /**
+    * From MManagementSideUmac
+    */
+    virtual void AttachWsa( WHA::Wha* aWha );
+    virtual TBool Init();
+    virtual void BootUp(
+        const TUint8* aPda, 
+        TUint32 aPdaLength,
+        const TUint8* aFw, 
+        TUint32 aFwLength );
+    virtual void FinitSystem();
+    // From MWlanProtocolStackSideUmac
+    virtual const TMacAddress& StationId() const;
+    /**
+    * Triggers the setting of the Tx offset on the protocol stack side for 
+    * every frame type which can be transmitted
+    */
+    virtual void SetTxOffset();
+    /**
+    * Transmit a protocol stack frame
+    * 
+    * The frame to be sent needs to be in 802.3 format
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    * @param aMore ETrue if another frame is also ready to be transmitted
+    *              EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual void TxProtocolStackData( 
+        TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
+        TBool aMore );
+    /**
+    * Gets the WLAN vendor needs for extra space (bytes) in frame buffers
+    *  
+    * @param aRxOffset How much extra space needs to be reserved
+    *        in the Rx buffer before every Rx frame that is received from the
+    *        WHA layer.
+    * @param aTxHeaderSpace How much extra space needs to be reserved
+    *        in the Tx buffer before every Tx frame that is given to the 
+    *        WHA layer.
+    * @param aTxTrailerSpace How much extra space needs to be reserved
+    *        in the Tx buffer after every Tx frame that is given to the 
+    *        WHA layer.
+    */
+    virtual void GetFrameExtraSpaceForVendor( 
+        TUint8& aRxOffset,
+        TUint8& aTxHeaderSpace,
+        TUint8& aTxTrailerSpace ) const;    
+    /**
+     * From MWlanProtocolStackSideUmac
+     * Is protocol stack side transmission permitted
+     *
+     * @param aTxQueueState If the return value is ETrue, the state 
+     *        (full / not full) of every WHA transmit queue. Otherwise, not
+     *        valid.
+     *        Note! A frame shall not be submitted to a full queue - even if
+     *        the return value would be ETrue
+     * @return ETrue if Tx frame submission is permitted
+     *         EFalse if Tx frame submission is not permitted
+     */
+    virtual TBool TxPermitted( TWhaTxQueueState& aTxQueueState ) const;
+    /**
+     * From MWlanProtocolStackSideUmac
+     * Is user data Tx enabled
+     *
+     * @return ETrue if user data Tx is enabled
+     *         EFalse if user data Tx is not enabled
+     */
+    virtual TBool UserDataTxEnabled() const;
+    virtual void WriteMgmtFrame(TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer);       
+    /**
+    * Connect OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleConnect(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Start IBSS OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleStartIBSS(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Disconnect OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleDisconnect();
+    /**
+    * Set power mode OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleSetPowerMode(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Set RCPI trigger level OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleSetRcpiTriggerLevel(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Set Tx power level OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleSetTxPowerLevel(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Configure OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigure(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Scan OID request handler
+    * @param aInputBuffer Pointer to the input buffer
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleScan(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Stop scan OID request handler
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.2
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    TBool HandleStopScan();
+    /**
+    * Get last RCPI OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleGetLastRcpi();     
+    /**
+    * Disable user data OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleDisableUserData();   
+    /**
+    * Enable user data OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool HandleEnableUserData();   
+    /**
+    * Add cipher key OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleAddCipherKey(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Add multicast address OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleAddMulticastAddr(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Remove multicast address OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleRemoveMulticastAddr(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * BSS lost configure OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureBssLost(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Set Tx rate adaptation parameters OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleSetTxRateAdaptParams(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Configure Tx rate policies OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureTxRatePolicies(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Set power mode management parameters OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleSetPowerModeMgmtParams(const TAny *aInputBuffer);
+    /**
+    * Configure PS Mode Traffic Override OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigurePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride( 
+        const TAny *aInputBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Get Frame Statistics OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleGetFrameStatistics();
+    /**
+    * Configure U-APSD OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureUapsd( const TAny *aInputBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Configure Tx Queue OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureTxQueue( const TAny *aInputBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Get MAC Address OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleGetMacAddress();
+    /**
+    * Configure ARP IP Address Filtering OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureArpIpAddressFiltering( 
+        const TAny *aInputBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Configure HT Block Ack OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureHtBlockAck( const TAny *aInputBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Configure Proprietary SNAP Header OID request handler
+    * @return ETrue if a state transition occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    virtual TBool HandleConfigureProprietarySnapHdr( 
+        const TAny *aInputBuffer );
+    /**
+    * 
+    */        
+    virtual TBool OnWhaCommandComplete( 
+        WHA::TCompleteCommandId aCompleteCommandId, 
+        WHA::TStatus aStatus,
+        const WHA::UCommandCompletionParams& aCommandCompletionParams );
+    /**
+    * 
+    */        
+    virtual TBool OnInternalEvent( TInternalEvent aInternalEvent );
+    // Prohibit copy constructor
+    Umac( const Umac& );
+    // Prohibit assigment operator
+    Umac& operator= ( const Umac& );
+private:   // Data
+    /** pointer to our implementation details (pimpl-idiom) */
+    WlanContextImpl*                            iPimpl;
+    TBool                                       iManagementRequestPending;
+    WlanManagementSideUmacCb::SOidOutputData    iOidOutputData;
+    };
+#endif // UMAC_H