changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanldd/wlan_common/umac_common/src/UmacDot11InfrastructureModeInit.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implementation of WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit class
+* %version: 40 %
+#include "config.h"
+#include "UmacDot11InfrastructureModeInit.h"
+#include "UmacContextImpl.h"
+#include "UmacWsaWriteMib.h"
+#include "UmacWsaSetBssParameters.h"
+#include "umacelementlocator.h"
+// amount of memory allocated in the mib write buffer
+const TUint KMibBufferAllocLen( 100 );
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+const TInt8 WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::iName[] 
+    = "dot11-infrastructuremodeinit";
+const TUint8 WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::iStateName
+    [ESTATEMAX][KMaxStateStringLength] = 
+    {
+        {"EINIT"}, 
+        {"EENABLEBEACONRX"}, 
+        {"EWAIT4BEACON"}, 
+        {"EDISABLEBEACONRX"},                         
+        {"ESETBSSPARAMS"}, 
+    };
+const TUint8 WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::iEventName
+    [EEVENTMAX][KMaxEventStringLength] = 
+    {
+        {"ESTATEENTRY"}, 
+        {"ETXCOMPLETE"}, 
+        {"EUSERDATAENABLE"}, 
+        {"EABORT"} 
+    };
+// beacon has been processed
+const TUint32 KBeaconHandled        = (1 << 0);
+// scan OID has been issued
+const TUint32 KScanning             = (1 << 1);
+// BSS Parameters have been set
+const TUint32 KBssParamsSet       	= (1 << 2);
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    iMibMemoryBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+#ifndef NDEBUG 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TInt8* WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::GetStateName( 
+    TUint8& aLength ) const
+    {
+    aLength = sizeof( iName );
+    return iName;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::Entry( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl)
+    {
+    if ( aCtxImpl.WsaCmdActive() )
+        {
+        // sanity checking code
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC* panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    if ( !(aCtxImpl.DispatchEvent()) )
+        {
+        // no state transition occurred
+        // dispatcher might or might not have had an event to be dispatched
+        // in any case we are still in the current state and can continue...
+        if ( iState != EINIT )
+            {
+            // this is NOT the start of the the FSM actions
+            // note that we send the ETXCOMPLETE event as the states
+            // that wait for it are the only ones that can be interrupted
+            // as they are asynchronous operations by nature
+            // and wait for corresponding WHA completion method
+            Fsm( aCtxImpl, ETXCOMPLETE );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // this is the start of the the FSM actions
+            Fsm( aCtxImpl, ESTATEENTRY );
+            }
+        }
+    else    // --- !(aCtxImpl.DispatchEvent())
+        {
+        // state transition occurred
+        // we are no longer in the current state,
+        // so we won't do anything as we might mess things up
+        }   
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::Exit( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/ )
+    {
+    if ( !(iFlags & KScanning) )
+        {
+        // we are about to make a transition to another dot11 state
+        // and that state is not the scanning state
+        // from scanning state we shall come back to this dot11 state
+        // so basically this means that
+        // only thing we shall do is to reset our FSM for the next round...
+        iState = EINIT; 
+        os_free( iMibMemoryBuffer );
+        iMibMemoryBuffer = NULL;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iFlags &= ~KScanning;
+        OsTracePrint( KScan, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC * dot11-infrastructuremodeinit * switch to scan mode") );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::ChangeInternalState( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TState aNewState )
+    {
+    iState = aNewState;
+    Fsm( aCtxImpl, ESTATEENTRY );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::Fsm( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TEvent aEvent )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-infrastructuremodeinit * FSM EVENT") );
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)("event:"));
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, iEventName[aEvent] );
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)("state:"));
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, iStateName[iState] );
+    switch ( aEvent )
+        {
+        case ESTATEENTRY:
+            OnStateEntryEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case ETXCOMPLETE:
+            OnTxCompleteEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            OnBeaconProcessedEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case EUSERDATAENABLE:
+            OnUserDataEnableEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case EABORT:
+            OnAbortEvent( aCtxImpl );            
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("event:"));
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, iEventName[aEvent] );                
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("* UMAC * panic"), 
+                (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnStateEntryEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+        case EINIT:                
+            iMibMemoryBuffer = os_alloc( KMibBufferAllocLen );
+            if ( iMibMemoryBuffer )
+                {
+                // reset event flag and continue with the state traversal
+                iFlags = 0;
+                ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, EENABLEBEACONRX );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // allocation failure
+                Fsm( aCtxImpl, EABORT );
+                }
+            break;
+        case EENABLEBEACONRX:
+            // enable beacon frame reception
+            EnableBeaconRx( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // configure NULL data frame template
+            SetNullDataFrameTemplate( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // configure NULL data frame template
+            SetQosNullDataFrameTemplate( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // configure ps poll frame template
+            SetPsPollFrameTemplate( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case ESETBSSPARAMS:
+            // set the BSS parameters
+            SetBssParams( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // disable beacon frame reception
+            DisableBeaconRx( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // configure beaconfiltertable MIB
+            ConfigureBeaconFilterIeTable( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // continue dot11 state traversal to dot11awake mode
+            // or to dot11eneterdoze state
+            ContinueDot11StateTraversal( aCtxImpl );
+            break;        
+        // these critters don't have an entry action
+        // but the entry event gets sent automatically by the framework 
+        // from state traversal method so they have to be defined here
+        case EWAIT4BEACON:
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+            OsTracePrint( 
+                KErrorLevel, 
+                (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnStateEntryEvent(): state: %d"), 
+                iState);        
+            OsAssert( 
+                (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnStateEntryEvent(): panic"), 
+                (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnTxCompleteEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+        case EWAIT4BEACON:
+            // event handler for this state is needed
+            // as we may re-enter this dot11 state (e.g. from scanning state 
+            // or because we autonomously requested a WHA cmd to be executed)
+            // while waiting for this event to occur
+            if ( iFlags & KBeaconHandled )
+                {
+                // give a correct event for the FSM critter
+                Fsm( aCtxImpl, EBEACONPROCESSED );
+                }
+            break;
+            // event handler for this state is needed
+            // as we may re-enter this dot11 state (e.g. from scanning state 
+            // or because we autonomously requested a WHA cmd to be executed)
+            // while waiting for this event to occur
+            if ( aCtxImpl.ProtocolStackTxDataAllowed() )
+                {
+                // give a correct event for the FSM critter
+                Fsm( aCtxImpl, EUSERDATAENABLE );
+                }
+            break;
+        case EENABLEBEACONRX:
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+            break;
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+            break;
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+                ESETPSPOLLTEMPLATE );
+            break;
+            // as we have configured the ps poll frame we shall now
+            // complete the request
+            CompleteConnectRequest( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+                EWAIT4BEACON );
+            break;
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+                ESETBSSPARAMS );
+            break;
+        case ESETBSSPARAMS:
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+            break;
+            if ( aCtxImpl.ProtocolStackTxDataAllowed() )
+                {
+                // user data enabled continue
+                // state traversal
+                ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+                    ECONTINUEDOT11TRAVERSE );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // user data is not enabled wait 4 it
+                ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, 
+                    EWAIT4USERDATAENABLE );
+                }
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("state: %d"), iState);        
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC * panic"), 
+                (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconProcessedEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+        case EWAIT4BEACON:
+            // continue state traversal
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, EDISABLEBEACONRX );
+            break;        
+        default:
+            // if the beacon gets processed in an earlier internal
+            // state than EWAIT4BEACON, we won't change to 
+            // EDISABLEBEACONRX as it would disrupt the sequence 
+            // of actions. So we will do this internal state change
+            // later in its due time            
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnUserDataEnableEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    // continue state traversal
+    ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, ECONTINUEDOT11TRAVERSE );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// simulate macnotresponding error
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnAbortEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-infrastructuremodeinit * abort") );
+    DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::EnableBeaconRx( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {    
+    const TUint32 KBeaconRxEnableValue( 1 );
+    WHA::SbeaconFilterEnable* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::SbeaconFilterEnable*>(iMibMemoryBuffer);
+    // enable reception of every beacon from the BSS 
+    mib->iEnable = EFalse;
+    // even though this attribute is nowadays deprecated, we still continue to
+    // set it in this case; to be on the safe side
+    mib->iCount = KBeaconRxEnableValue;
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibBeaconFilterEnable, sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );   
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::DisableBeaconRx( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {    
+    const TUint32 KBeaconRxDisableValue( 0 );
+    WHA::SbeaconFilterEnable* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::SbeaconFilterEnable*>(iMibMemoryBuffer);
+    // disable reception of beacons except those specified 
+    // by beaconFilterIeTable
+    mib->iEnable = ETrue;
+    mib->iCount = KBeaconRxDisableValue;
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibBeaconFilterEnable, sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );           
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::SetNullDataFrameTemplate( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    TUint32 mibLength( 
+        WHA::StemplateFrame::KHeaderSize
+        + sizeof( SNullDataFrame ) ); 
+    // align length of MIB to 4-byte boundary
+    mibLength = Align4( mibLength );
+    if ( mibLength > KMibBufferAllocLen )
+        {
+        // programming error
+        OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC: mib length: %d"), mibLength);
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    WHA::StemplateFrame* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::StemplateFrame*>(iMibMemoryBuffer);
+    mib->iFrameType = WHA::KNullDataTemplate;
+    mib->iInitialTransmitRate = InitialSpecialFrameTxRate( aCtxImpl );
+    mib->iLength = sizeof( SNullDataFrame );
+    // copy the null data frame after the mib header
+    os_memcpy( mib->iTemplateData,
+               reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&(aCtxImpl.NullDataFrame())),
+               sizeof( SNullDataFrame ) );
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibTemplateFrame, 
+        mibLength,
+        mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::SetQosNullDataFrameTemplate( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    const TUint16 KQosNullDataFrameLength ( aCtxImpl.QosNullDataFrameLength() );
+    TUint16 mibLength( 
+        WHA::StemplateFrame::KHeaderSize
+        + KQosNullDataFrameLength ); 
+    // align length of MIB to 4-byte boundary
+    mibLength = Align4( mibLength );
+    if ( mibLength > KMibBufferAllocLen )
+        {
+        // programming error
+        OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC: mib length: %d"), mibLength);
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    WHA::StemplateFrame* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::StemplateFrame*>(iMibMemoryBuffer);
+    mib->iFrameType = WHA::KQosNullDataTemplate;
+    mib->iInitialTransmitRate = InitialSpecialFrameTxRate( aCtxImpl );
+    mib->iLength = KQosNullDataFrameLength;
+    // note that the Order bit of the Frame Control field of the QoS Null data
+    // frame template has already been given the correct value in 
+    // WlanMacActionState::OnDot11InfrastructureModeStateSpaceEntry() method
+    // copy the QoS null data frame after the mib header
+    os_memcpy( mib->iTemplateData,
+               reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&(aCtxImpl.QosNullDataFrame())),
+               KQosNullDataFrameLength );
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibTemplateFrame, 
+        mibLength,
+        mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::SetPsPollFrameTemplate( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    TUint32 mibLength( 
+        WHA::StemplateFrame::KHeaderSize
+        + sizeof( SPsPoll ) ); 
+    // align length of MIB to 4-byte boundary
+    mibLength = Align4( mibLength );
+    if ( mibLength > KMibBufferAllocLen )
+        {
+        // programming error
+        OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC: mib length: %d"), mibLength);
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    WHA::StemplateFrame* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::StemplateFrame*>(iMibMemoryBuffer);
+    mib->iFrameType = WHA::KPSPollTemplate;
+    mib->iInitialTransmitRate = InitialSpecialFrameTxRate( aCtxImpl );
+    mib->iLength = sizeof( SPsPoll );
+    // construct the ps poll frame after the mib header
+    new (mib->iTemplateData) SPsPoll( 
+        static_cast<TUint16>(aCtxImpl.Aid()), 
+        aCtxImpl.GetBssId(),
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId );
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibTemplateFrame, 
+        mibLength,
+        mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::SetBssParams( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    WlanWsaSetBssParameters& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaSetBssParameters();
+    OsTracePrint( KDot11StateTransit | KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC * dot11-infrastructuremodeinit * DTIM period: %d"), iDtim );
+    OsTracePrint( KDot11StateTransit | KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-infrastructuremodeinit * AID: 0x%04x"), 
+        aCtxImpl.Aid() );
+    wsa_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, iDtim, aCtxImpl.Aid() );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );   
+    iFlags |= KBssParamsSet;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TAny* aFrame,
+    const TUint32 aLength,
+    WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+    TUint8* aBuffer )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx()") );
+    if ( !(iFlags & KBeaconHandled) )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KDot11StateTransit | KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx: process beacon frame") );
+        // buffer begin
+        const TUint8* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(aFrame);
+        // bypass mac header, timestamp fixed field, beacon interval fixed field
+        // and capability fixed field
+        const TUint8 offset = 
+            KMacHeaderLength 
+            + KTimeStampFixedFieldLength 
+            + KBeaconIntervalFixedFieldLength
+            + KCapabilityInformationFixedFieldLength;        
+        ptr += offset; // we now point to the beginning of IEs
+        // ---- begin: extract DTIM period ----
+        WlanElementLocator elementLocator( ptr, aLength - offset );
+        TUint8 elementDatalength( 0 );
+        const TUint8* elementData( NULL );
+        // if TIM IE is not found or the value of DTIM period in the IE is 
+        // zero, we use this value for DTIM period
+        const TUint8 KRecoveryDtimPeriod ( 1 );
+        if ( WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk == 
+             elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+                 E802Dot11TimIE, 
+                 elementDatalength, 
+                 &elementData ) )        
+            {            
+            // extract DTIM period
+            const TUint KDtimOffset ( 1 );
+            iDtim = elementData[KDtimOffset] ? 
+                elementData[KDtimOffset] : KRecoveryDtimPeriod;
+            OsTracePrint( KDot11StateTransit | KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)  
+                ("UMAC:  WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx: DTIM period: %d"), 
+                iDtim );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // TIM IE not found
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx: WARNING: TIM IE extraction failure") );
+            iDtim = KRecoveryDtimPeriod;
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx: fake DTIM period to %d"), 
+                iDtim );
+            }
+        // ---- end: extract DTIM period ----
+        // we now point just after TIM IE
+        iFlags |= KBeaconHandled;   // mark us handled
+        // forward the beacon frame to Wlan Mgmt client
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::OnBeaconFrameRx: fwd the beacon to Wlan Mgmt client") );
+        XferDot11FrameToMgmtClient( aCtxImpl, aFrame, aLength, aRcpi, aBuffer );
+        if ( !(aCtxImpl.WsaCmdActive()) )
+            {
+            // no WHA command pending send event to the fsm
+            Fsm( aCtxImpl, EBEACONPROCESSED );
+            }
+        }
+    else    // --- !(iFlags & KBeaconHandled) ---
+        {
+        // we have already processed a beacon in this dot11 state
+        // so we have nothing to do
+        // except to release the Rx buffer
+        aCtxImpl.iUmac.MarkRxBufFree( aBuffer );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::ConfigureBeaconFilterIeTable( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    TUint32 mibLength = WHA::SbeaconFilterIeTable::KHeaderSize;
+    WHA::SbeaconFilterIeTable* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::SbeaconFilterIeTable*>(iMibMemoryBuffer);
+    // =================================================================
+    // track ERP information IE for change
+    // =================================================================
+    //
+    WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable* filter_table( 
+        reinterpret_cast<WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable*>(mib->iIeTable) );
+    filter_table->iIe = E802Dot11ErpInformationIE;
+    filter_table->iTreatMeant = WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable::KTrackChange;
+    mibLength += sizeof( WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable );
+    // =================================================================
+    // track WMM Parameter Element for change
+    // =================================================================
+    //
+    WHA::SIe221FilterTable* filterTableEntry( 
+        reinterpret_cast<WHA::SIe221FilterTable*>(filter_table + 1) );
+    filterTableEntry->iIe = E802Dot11VendorSpecificIE;    
+    filterTableEntry->iTreatMeant = WHA::SIe221FilterTable::KTrackChange;
+    os_memcpy( filterTableEntry->iOui, KWmmElemOui, sizeof( KWmmElemOui ) );
+    filterTableEntry->iType = KWmmElemOuiType;
+    // For this element we have to assign both
+    // OUI Subtype (1 byte) and Version (1 byte) into the same 
+    // iVersion (2 bytes) field of the SIe221FilterTable struct
+    // and in such a way that the OUI Subtype is in the lower memory
+    // address
+    //
+    TUint16 version = static_cast<TUint16>(KWmmParamElemVersion) << 8;
+    version |= static_cast<TUint16>(KWmmParamElemOuiSubtype);
+    WriteHtoUint16( &(filterTableEntry->iVersion), version );
+    mibLength += sizeof( WHA::SIe221FilterTable ); 
+    mib->iNumofElems = 2;   // at this point
+    // =================================================================
+    // track HT Operation element for change, if relevant
+    // =================================================================
+    //
+    if ( aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw() )
+        {
+        filter_table = reinterpret_cast<WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable*>(
+            filterTableEntry + 1);
+        filter_table->iIe = E802Dot11HtOperationIE;
+        filter_table->iTreatMeant = WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable::KTrackChange;
+        mibLength += sizeof( WHA::SDefaultIeFilterTable );
+        ++(mib->iNumofElems);
+        }
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    // align length of MIB to 4-byte boundary
+    mibLength = Align4( mibLength );
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibBeaconFilterIeTable, 
+        mibLength,
+        mib );        
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::EnableUserData( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::EnableUserData"));
+    TBool stateChange( EFalse );
+    aCtxImpl.iEnableUserData = ETrue;
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    aCtxImpl.iUmac.UserDataReEnabled();
+    if ( iState == EWAIT4USERDATAENABLE )
+        {
+        // we shall continue travesal
+        stateChange = ETrue;
+        Fsm( aCtxImpl, EUSERDATAENABLE );
+        }
+    // signal global state transition event
+    return stateChange;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::RealScan(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TScanMode aMode,                    
+    const TSSID& aSSID,                 
+    TUint32 aScanRate,                    
+    SChannels& aChannels,
+    TUint32 aMinChannelTime,            
+    TUint32 aMaxChannelTime,
+    TBool aSplitScan )    
+    {    
+    // scanning mode requested
+    // set parameters
+    // NOTE: OID command parameters are guaranteed to be valid
+    // to the point a correcponding completion method is called
+    // marker for Exit() method -> see it to believe it
+    iFlags |= KScanning;    
+    aCtxImpl.iStates.iInfrastructureScanningMode.Set( 
+        aMode, aSSID, aScanRate, aChannels,
+        aMinChannelTime, aMaxChannelTime, aSplitScan,
+        // if we have not yet set the BSS parameters, we need to use 
+        // foreground scan instead of background scan (which we normally 
+        // use in infrastructure mode). This is to avoid a situation where the
+        // WLAN vendor sw would need to send a PS Poll frame, when the AID is
+        // not set yet
+        iFlags & KBssParamsSet ? WHA::EForcedBgScan : WHA::EFgScan );
+    // mark dot11 state backtrack
+    aCtxImpl.iStates.iInfrastructureScanningMode.Dot11StateBackTrack();
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,                                          // prev state
+        aCtxImpl.iStates.iInfrastructureScanningMode    // next state
+        );                      
+    return ETrue; // global statemachine transition will occur 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::ContinueDot11StateTraversal( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    // Start Voice over WLAN Call maintenance
+    aCtxImpl.StartVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenance();
+    // start to keep the WLAN connection alive
+    aCtxImpl.StartKeepAlive();    
+    if ( aCtxImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() != 
+         aCtxImpl.DesiredDot11PwrMgmtMode() )
+        {
+        // dot11 power management mode change is needed 
+        // initialize the counter which we use to determine if we should 
+        // indicate BSS lost if we continuously are unsuccessful in changing the
+        // power mgmt mode
+        aCtxImpl.InitializeSetPsModeCount();
+        ChangeState( aCtxImpl,
+            *this,
+            aCtxImpl.iStates.iPwrMgmtTransitionMode );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // no power management mode change is needed 
+        ChangeState( aCtxImpl,
+            *this,
+            aCtxImpl.iStates.iInfrastructureNormalMode );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InfrastructureModeInit::CompleteConnectRequest( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TInt aCompletionCode ) const
+    {
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, aCompletionCode );
+    }