changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
child 7 0abc8c98be24
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanldd/wlan_common/umac_common/src/UmacDot11InitPhase1.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implementation of the WlanDot11InitPhase1 class
+* %version: 34 %
+#include "config.h"
+#include "UmacDot11InitPhase1.h"
+#include "UmacContextImpl.h"
+#include "UmacWsaInitiliaze.h"
+#include "UmacWsaConfigure.h"
+#include "UmacWsaReadMib.h"
+#include "umacconfiguretxqueueparams.h"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+const TInt8 WlanDot11InitPhase1::iName[] = "dot11-initphase";
+const TUint8 WlanDot11InitPhase1::iStateName
+    [ESTATEMAX][KMaxStateStringLength] = 
+    {
+        {"EINIT"}, 
+        {"EINITILIAZE"}, 
+        {"ECONFIGURE"},
+        {"EREADSTATIONID"},
+        {"ECONFTXQUEUE"},
+    };
+const TUint8 WlanDot11InitPhase1::iEventName
+    [EEVENTMAX][KMaxEventStringLength] = 
+    {
+    };
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    { 
+    iPda = NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef NDEBUG 
+const TInt8* WlanDot11InitPhase1::GetStateName( 
+    TUint8& aLength ) const
+    {
+    aLength = sizeof( iName );
+    return iName;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::Entry( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl)
+    {
+    if ( aCtxImpl.WsaCmdActive() )
+        {
+        // sanity checking code
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC * panic"), 
+            (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    // no need to do event dispatching in here
+    if ( iState != EINIT )
+        {
+        // this is NOT the start of the the FSM actions
+        // note that we send the ETXCOMPLETE event as the states
+        // that wait for it are the only ones that can be interrupted
+        // as they are asynchronous operations by nature
+        // and wait for corresponding WHA completion method
+        Fsm( aCtxImpl, ETXCOMPLETE );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // this is the start of the the FSM actions
+        Fsm( aCtxImpl, ESTATEENTRY );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::Exit( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl)
+    {
+    // executed upon dot11 state traversal to another dot11 state
+    // reset local statemachine
+    // and set user completion code
+    aCtxImpl.iStates.iIdleState.Set( KErrNone );
+    iState = EINIT; 
+    // always deallocate
+    OsTracePrint( KInitLevel, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-initphase * free pda memory") );
+    os_free( iPda );
+    iPda = NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void WlanDot11InitPhase1::ChangeInternalState( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TState aNewState )
+    {
+    iState = aNewState;
+    Fsm( aCtxImpl, ESTATEENTRY );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::Fsm( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TEvent aEvent )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-initphase * FSM EVENT") );
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)("event:"));
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, iEventName[aEvent] );
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)("state:"));
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, iStateName[iState] );
+    switch ( aEvent )
+        {
+        case ESTATEENTRY:
+            OnStateEntryEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case ETXCOMPLETE:
+            OnTxCompleteEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case EOIDCONFIGURE:
+            OnOIDConfigureEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case EABORT:
+            OnAbortEvent( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("* UMAC * panic"), 
+                (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WlanDot11InitPhase1::OnStateEntryEvent
+// Handler for state entry event.
+// It is guaranteed by the FSM framework that no WHA command is pending
+// when this method is entered
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::OnStateEntryEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+        case EINIT:
+            // start the FSM traversal
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, EINITILIAZE );            
+            break;
+        case EINITILIAZE:
+            Initialize( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case ECOMPLETEBOOTUP:
+            CompleteOid( aCtxImpl );
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, EWAIT4OIDCONFIGURE );            
+            break;
+            // nothing
+            break;
+            HandleOIDConfigure( aCtxImpl );
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, ECONFIGURE );            
+            break;
+        case ECONFIGURE:
+            Configure( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case EREADSTATIONID:
+            ReadStationID( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case ECONFTXQUEUE:
+            // configure just the legacy Tx queue    
+            ConfigureQueue( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+            // our dot11 transition is fixed and we shall take it
+            // change global dot11 state: entry procedure triggers action
+            // but first we shall construct a rate lookup table
+            aCtxImpl.MakeLookUpTable();
+            if ( aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & 
+                 WHA::SSettings::KHtOperation )
+                {
+                // HT supported by lower layer. As our HT capabilities can't
+                // change dynamically, we'll configure our HT capabilities
+                // element only once; and we do it here
+                ConfigureOurHtCapabilitiesElement( aCtxImpl );
+                }
+            ChangeState( aCtxImpl,
+                *this,                                  // prev state
+                aCtxImpl.iStates.iMibDefaultConfigure   // next state
+                );
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC: state: %d"), iState);        
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WlanDot11MibDefaultConfigure::OnTxCompleteEvent
+// Handler for tx complete event.
+// It is guaranteed by the FSM framework that no WHA command is pending
+// when this method is entered
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::OnTxCompleteEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+        case EINITILIAZE:
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, ECOMPLETEBOOTUP );
+            break;
+        case ECONFIGURE:
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, EREADSTATIONID );            
+            break;
+        case EREADSTATIONID:
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, ECONFTXQUEUE );            
+            break;
+        case ECONFTXQUEUE:
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, ECONTINUEDOT11TRAVERSE );            
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC: state: %d"), iState);        
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// simulate macnotresponding error
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::OnAbortEvent( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-initphase * abort") );
+    DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::OnOIDConfigureEvent( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+            ChangeInternalState( aCtxImpl, EHANDLEOIDCONFIGURE );            
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch internal FSM programming error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)("UMAC * state: %d"), iState);        
+            OsAssert( 
+                (TUint8*)("UMAC * panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::Initialize( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,                      // previous state
+        aCtxImpl.WsaInitiliaze()    // next state
+        );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::Configure( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    // set dot11maxtransmitmsdulifetime
+    WHA::SConfigureDataBase* ptr 
+        = reinterpret_cast<WHA::SConfigureDataBase*>(iPda);
+    ptr->iDot11MaxTransmitMsduLifeTime 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetimeDefault;
+    // set context for configure
+    aCtxImpl.WsaConfigure().Set( aCtxImpl, iPda, iPdaLen );
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,                  // previous state
+        aCtxImpl.WsaConfigure() // next state
+        );                       
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::ReadStationID( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    aCtxImpl.WsaReadMib().Set( aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibDot11StationId );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,                  // previous state
+        aCtxImpl.WsaReadMib()   // next state
+        );                  
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::CompleteOid( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const
+    {
+    // this is just an oid for us to complete...
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::HandleOIDConfigure( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OnConfigureUmacMib( aCtxImpl, iRTSThreshold, iMaxTxMSDULifetime );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::ConfigureQueue( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    ConfigureTxQueue( aCtxImpl, WHA::ELegacy );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::OnWhaCommandResponse( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    WHA::TCommandId aCommandId, 
+    WHA::TStatus aStatus,
+    const WHA::UCommandResponseParams& aCommandResponseParams,
+    TUint32 aAct )
+    {
+    if ( !aAct )
+        {
+        // this is a response to a command that was generated 
+        // by this dot11 state object layer
+        if ( aCommandId == WHA::EReadMIBResponse )
+            {
+            // store station ID to UMAC MIB
+            os_memcpy(             
+                &(aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId), 
+                aCommandResponseParams.iReadMibResponse.iData, 
+                sizeof(aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId) );
+            // trace the critter
+            OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+                (TUint8*)("UMAC * MAC address of the interface: "),
+                aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId );
+            // as station id has been received 
+            // we shall configure the frame templates
+            ConfigureUmacFrameTemplates( aCtxImpl );
+            }
+        else    // -- aCommandId == WHA::EReadMIBResponse
+            {
+            // nothing else is no interest to us
+            }
+        }
+    else    // -- aAct != WlanDot11State::KCompleteManagementRequest
+        {
+        // this is a response to a command that was not generated 
+        // by this dot11 state object layer
+        // so lets forward it to the default handler 
+        WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse(
+            aCtxImpl, 
+            aCommandId, 
+            aStatus,
+            aCommandResponseParams,
+            aAct );
+        }        
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::FinitSystem( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11InitPhase1::FinitSystem") );
+    // if the control comes here it means that we have not been able to 
+    // initialize the system, which also means that WHA::Initialize() has not
+    // been called yet, but we are nevertheless instructed to stop using the 
+    // system. As WHA::Initialize() hasn't been called, there's no need to ask 
+    // WHA layer to release its resources (call WHA::Release()) in this 
+    // situation. So the only thing we need to do is to complete the WLAN Mgmt 
+    // Client request (with ok status)
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::ConfigureUmacFrameTemplates( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11InitPhase1::ConfigureUmacFrameTemplates") );
+    // set our station id to association request, 
+    // deauthentication, disassociation and reassociation 
+    // frame header templates 
+    aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetDeauthenticateFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetHtDeauthenticateFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetDisassociationFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetHtDisassociationFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().iHeader.iSA 
+        = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    // set up NULL data frame
+    SNullDataFrame& null_data = aCtxImpl.NullDataFrame();
+    null_data.iFrameControl.iType 
+        = E802Dot11FrameTypeDataNull;
+    null_data.iAddress2 = aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    // set up QoS NULL data frame
+    SHtQosNullDataFrame& qosNullData = aCtxImpl.QosNullDataFrame();
+    qosNullData.iQosDataFrameHdr.iHdr.iFrameControl.iType 
+        = E802Dot11FrameTypeQosDataNull;
+    qosNullData.iQosDataFrameHdr.iHdr.iAddress2 = 
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId;
+    // reset the QoS control field => normal ack requested
+    qosNullData.iQosDataFrameHdr.ResetQosControl();
+    // clear the HT control field. Lower layer(s) will set it when applicable
+    qosNullData.ResetHtControl();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::ConfigureOurHtCapabilitiesElement( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11InitPhase1::ConfigureOurHtCapabilitiesElement") );
+    // configure HT capabilities info field
+    //
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetLdpcRx( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KLdpcRx );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetFortyMhzOperation( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::K40MhzChannel );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetSmPowerSave( 
+        SHtCapabilitiesIeData::ESmPowerSaveDisabled );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetGreenfieldFormat( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KGreenfieldFormat );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetShortGiFor20Mhz( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KShortGiFor20Mhz );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetShortGiFor40Mhz( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KShortGiFor40Mhz );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetStbcTx( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KStbcTx );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetStbcRx(
+            aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iRxStbc );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetDelayedBlockAck( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KDelayedBlockAck );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetMaxAmsduLength(
+            aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iMaxAmsdu );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetDsssCckIn40Mhz( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KDsssCckIn40Mhz );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetPsmp( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KPsmp );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetLsigTxopProtection( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KLsigTxopProtection );
+    // configure A-MPDU parameters field
+    //
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetMaxAmpduLenExponent( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iMaxAmpdu );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetMinMpduStartSpacing( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iAmpduSpacing );
+    // configure supported MCS set field
+    //
+    os_memcpy( 
+        aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.iRxMcsBitmask, 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iRxMcs,
+        sizeof( aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.iRxMcsBitmask ) );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetMaxRxDataRate( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iRxMaxDataRate );    
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetTxMcsSetDefined( ETrue );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetTxRxMcsSetNotEqual(
+        os_memcmp( 
+            aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iRxMcs, 
+            aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iTxMcs, 
+            sizeof( WHA::THtMcsSet ) ) );
+    // configure HT extended capabilities field
+    //
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetPco( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KPco );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetPcoTransitionTime( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iPcoTransTime );    
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetMcsFeedback( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iMcsFeedback );    
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetHtc( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KHtcField );
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.SetRdResponder( 
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iHTCapabilitiesBitMask & 
+        WHA::KReverseDirectionResp );
+    // transmit beamforming capabilities; remains all zero
+    // antenna selection capability; remains all zero
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11InitPhase1::BootUp( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,             
+    const TUint8* aPda, 
+    TUint32 aPdaLength,
+    const TUint8* aFw, 
+    TUint32 aFwLength )
+    {
+    // allocate storage for pda
+    // pda must remain valid longer as we get dot11maxtransmitmsdulifetime
+    // from oid-configure
+    OsTracePrint( KInitLevel, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-initphase * FSM EVENT") );
+    iPda = static_cast<TUint8*>(os_alloc( aPdaLength ));
+    if ( iPda )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KInitLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC * dot11-initphase * allocate pda memory") );
+        OsTracePrint( KInitLevel, (TUint8*)("length: %d"), aPdaLength );
+        iPdaLen = aPdaLength;
+        os_memcpy( iPda, aPda, iPdaLen );
+        // set ctx for fw upload
+        aCtxImpl.WsaInitiliaze().Set( aCtxImpl, aFw, aFwLength );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // allocation failure -> abort
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC * dot11-initphase * pda memory allocation failure") );
+        Fsm( aCtxImpl, EABORT );
+        }
+    // manually start the fsm
+    Entry( aCtxImpl );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11InitPhase1::Configure(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint32 aRTSThreshold,              
+    TUint32 aMaxTxMSDULifetime,
+    TUint32 aVoiceCallEntryTimeout,
+    TUint32 aVoiceCallEntryTxThreshold,
+    TUint32 aVoiceNullTimeout,
+    TUint32 aNoVoiceTimeout,
+    TUint32 aKeepAliveTimeout,
+    TUint32 aSpRcpiIndicationLevel,
+    TUint32 aSpTimeToCountPrediction,
+    TUint32 aSpMinIndicationInterval )         
+    {
+    // store parameters and feed an event to the fsm
+    iRTSThreshold = aRTSThreshold;              
+    iMaxTxMSDULifetime = aMaxTxMSDULifetime;
+    aCtxImpl.SetNullSendControllerParameters( 
+        aVoiceCallEntryTimeout,
+        aVoiceCallEntryTxThreshold,
+        aVoiceNullTimeout, 
+        aNoVoiceTimeout,
+        aKeepAliveTimeout );
+    aCtxImpl.ConfigureWlanSignalPredictor(
+        aSpTimeToCountPrediction,
+        aSpMinIndicationInterval, 
+        static_cast<WHA::TRcpi>(aSpRcpiIndicationLevel) );
+    Fsm( aCtxImpl, EOIDCONFIGURE );
+    // state transition will occur upon this
+    return ETrue;
+    }