changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
child 7 0abc8c98be24
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanldd/wlan_common/umac_common/src/UmacDot11State.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4758 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implementation of the WlanDot11State class.
+* %version: 85 %
+#include "config.h"
+#include "UmacDot11State.h"
+#include "UmacWsaAddKey.h"
+#include "UmacWsaKeyIndexMapper.h"
+#include "umacaddbroadcastwepkey.h"
+#include "UmacWsaWriteMib.h"
+#include "UmacWsaReadMib.h"
+#include "umacwhaconfigurequeue.h"
+#include "umacwhaconfigureac.h"
+#include "umacconfiguretxautoratepolicy.h"
+#include "UmacContextImpl.h"
+#include "wha_mibDefaultvalues.h"
+#include "FrameXferBlock.h"
+#include "umacelementlocator.h"
+struct TRate2NwsaRate
+    {
+    TRate       iTrate;
+    WHA::TRate  iNwsaRate;
+    };
+const TRate2NwsaRate KTRate2NwsaRateTable[] =
+    {
+        { E1Mbps, WHA::KRate1Mbits },
+        { E2Mbps, WHA::KRate2Mbits },
+        { E5_5Mbps, WHA::KRate5_5Mbits },
+        { E11Mbps, WHA::KRate11Mbits },
+        { E22Mbps, WHA::KRate22Mbits },
+    };
+class TRate2NwsaRatePredicate
+    {
+    explicit TRate2NwsaRatePredicate( const TRate aRate )
+        : iKey( aRate ) {};
+    TBool operator() ( const TRate2NwsaRate& aEntry ) const
+        {
+        return aEntry.iTrate == iKey;
+        }
+    // Prohibit copy constructor.
+    TRate2NwsaRatePredicate ( const TRate2NwsaRatePredicate & );
+    // Prohibit assigment operator.
+    TRate2NwsaRatePredicate& operator= ( const TRate2NwsaRatePredicate & );
+    const TRate iKey;
+    };
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::Scan(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TScanMode aMode,                    
+    const TSSID& aSSID,                 
+    TRate aScanRate, 
+    SChannels& aChannels,
+    TUint32 aMinChannelTime,            
+    TUint32 aMaxChannelTime,
+    TBool aSplitScan )
+    {
+    WHA::TRate rate( 0 );
+    ResolveScanRate( aCtxImpl, aScanRate, rate );
+    // call the "real scan"
+    return RealScan( aCtxImpl, aMode, aSSID, rate, aChannels, 
+        aMinChannelTime, aMaxChannelTime, aSplitScan );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::StopScan( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    // as we are here it means that we have received a stop scan request
+    // even though there is no scan ongoing. This should only happen if the
+    // mgmt client has been in the process of making a stop scan request and 
+    // hasn't noticed that the scan has already completed. Anyhow in this 
+    // case we just complete the request
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetPowerMode(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TPowerMode aPowerMode,
+    TBool aDisableDynamicPowerModeManagement,
+    TWlanWakeUpInterval aWakeupModeInLightPs, 
+    TUint8 aListenIntervalInLightPs,
+    TWlanWakeUpInterval aWakeupModeInDeepPs,
+    TUint8 aListenIntervalInDeepPs )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KPwrStateTransition, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetPowerMode: aPowerMode: %d"), aPowerMode );
+    TBool ret( EFalse );
+    // store desired new dot11 power management mode by WLAN Mgmt Client
+    aCtxImpl.ClientDot11PwrMgmtMode( aPowerMode );
+    aCtxImpl.DynamicPwrModeMgtDisabled( aDisableDynamicPowerModeManagement );
+    if ( aDisableDynamicPowerModeManagement )
+        {
+        aCtxImpl.StopPowerModeManagement();
+        }
+    aCtxImpl.SetClientLightPsModeConfig( 
+        aWakeupModeInLightPs, 
+        aListenIntervalInLightPs );
+    aCtxImpl.SetClientDeepPsModeConfig( 
+            aWakeupModeInDeepPs, 
+            aListenIntervalInDeepPs );
+    // in case WLAN Mgmt Client wishes to use PS mode, Light PS is the initial
+    // desired PS mode configuration
+    aCtxImpl.SetDesiredPsModeConfig( 
+        aCtxImpl.ClientLightPsModeConfig() );
+    if ( aCtxImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() !=
+         aCtxImpl.ClientDot11PwrMgmtMode() )
+        {
+        // there is a difference in current dot11 power management mode and 
+        // WLAN Mgmt Client's desired dot11 power management mode
+        // So, WLAN Mgmt Client's desired dot11 power management mode becomes
+        // our new desired mode
+        aCtxImpl.DesiredDot11PwrMgmtMode( aCtxImpl.ClientDot11PwrMgmtMode() );
+        // callee will complete the mgmt command
+        ret = OnDot11PwrMgmtTransitRequired( aCtxImpl );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // no dot11 power management mode transition required.
+        // See if there is difference in desired vs. current wake-up setting,
+        // which we only need to worry about if the requested pwr mgmt
+        // mode is PS
+        if ( aPowerMode == EPowerModePs && 
+             DifferenceInPsModeWakeupSettings( aCtxImpl ) )
+            {
+            // callee shall complete the request
+            ret = OnWlanWakeUpIntervalChange( aCtxImpl );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // no action required regarding the wake-up setting, either
+            // one possibility is that the following has happened: WLAN Mgmt
+            // client has requested us to use PS mode when possible, but we 
+            // have dynamically changed to CAM mode because of data traffic. 
+            // If that is the case and now the WLAN Mgmt client wants us
+            // to stay in CAM mode, make sure that the dynamic power mode 
+            // management is deactivated
+            if ( aPowerMode == EPowerModeCam )
+                {
+                OsTracePrint( KPwrStateTransition, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetPowerMode: CAM requested when we already are in CAM. Make sure that dynamic pwr mode mgmt is not active") );
+                aCtxImpl.StopPowerModeManagement();                    
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                if ( !aDisableDynamicPowerModeManagement )
+                    {
+                    // in case the only change is that now dynamic pwr
+                    // mode mgmt is again allowed, make sure it is active
+                    aCtxImpl.StartPowerModeManagement();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        // complete the mgmt command
+        OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::EnableUserData(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    TBool stateChange( EFalse );
+    aCtxImpl.iEnableUserData = ETrue;
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    aCtxImpl.iUmac.UserDataReEnabled();
+    // signal global state transition event
+    return stateChange;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::DisableUserData(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    aCtxImpl.iEnableUserData = EFalse;
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::OnConfigureUmacMib(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint16 aRTSThreshold,             
+    TUint32 aMaxTxMSDULifetime )        
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnConfigureUmacMib") );
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnConfigureUmacMib: RTSThreshold: %d"), 
+        aRTSThreshold );
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnConfigureUmacMib: maxTxMSDULifetime: %d"), 
+        aMaxTxMSDULifetime );
+    aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11RTSThreshold = aRTSThreshold;
+    for ( TUint i = 0; i < WHA::EQueueIdMax; ++i )
+        {
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime[i] = aMaxTxMSDULifetime;
+        }
+    aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetimeDefault = aMaxTxMSDULifetime;
+    for ( TUint i = 0; i < WHA::EQueueIdMax; ++i )
+        {
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.iMediumTime[i] = KDot11MediumTimeDefault;
+        }        
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::AddDefaultBroadcastWepKeyComplete( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const
+    {
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ResolveScanRate( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/,
+    const TRate aRate, 
+    WHA::TRate& aScanRate )
+    {
+    const TRate2NwsaRatePredicate unary_predicate( aRate );
+    const TRate2NwsaRate* const end 
+        = KTRate2NwsaRateTable 
+        + (sizeof(KTRate2NwsaRateTable) / sizeof(TRate2NwsaRate));
+    const TRate2NwsaRate* pos 
+        = find_if( KTRate2NwsaRateTable, end, unary_predicate );
+    if ( pos == end )
+        {
+        // not found; an implementation error
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"),(TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    aScanRate = pos->iNwsaRate;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::NetworkCapabilityInformationMet(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl)
+    {
+    if ( // do this if channel agility bit is not set    
+        ( !aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation().IsChannelAgilityBitSet() ))        
+        {
+        // mimic the preamble bit from AP
+        // as some APs might not let us in if not matched
+        if ( aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation().IsShortPreambleBitSet() )
+            {
+            (aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame())
+                .SetCapabilityShortPreamble();
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame())
+                .SetCapabilityShortPreamble();
+            (aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame())
+                .SetCapabilityShortPreamble();
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame())
+                .SetCapabilityShortPreamble();                
+            aCtxImpl.UseShortPreamble( ETrue );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            (aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame())
+                .ClearCapabilityShortPreamble();
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame())
+                .ClearCapabilityShortPreamble();
+            (aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame())
+                .ClearCapabilityShortPreamble();
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame())
+                .ClearCapabilityShortPreamble();                
+            aCtxImpl.UseShortPreamble( EFalse );
+            }
+        // clear both CF fields as we don't support PCF
+        aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().ClearCFfields();
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().ClearCFfields();
+        aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().ClearCFfields();
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().ClearCFfields();
+        // clear also all the fields we don't understand
+        aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().ClearReservedFields();
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().ClearReservedFields();
+        aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().ClearReservedFields();
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().ClearReservedFields();
+        // we don't do PBCC
+        aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().ClearCapabilityPbcc();
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().ClearCapabilityPbcc();
+        aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().ClearCapabilityPbcc();
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().ClearCapabilityPbcc();
+        if ( aCtxImpl.EncryptionStatus() != EEncryptionDisabled )
+            {
+            // privacy desired
+            aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().SetWepBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().SetWepBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().SetWepBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().SetWepBit();                
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().ClearWepBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().ClearWepBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().ClearWepBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().ClearWepBit();                
+            }
+        if ( aCtxImpl.RadioMeasurement() != EFalse )
+            {
+            // Radio measurements desired
+            OsTracePrint (KInfoLevel, (TUint8 *)("UMAC: Radio measurements enabled"));
+            aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().SetRMBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().SetRMBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().SetRMBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().SetRMBit();                
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint (KInfoLevel, (TUint8 *)("UMAC: Radio measurements disabled"));
+            aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().ClearRMBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().ClearRMBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().ClearRMBit();
+            aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().ClearRMBit();                
+            }        
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TBool aCheckAlsoExtendedRates )
+    {   
+    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet") );
+    // make sure these critters are zeroed at the beginning
+    aCtxImpl.GetMinBasicRate() = 0;
+    aCtxImpl.GetMaxBasicRate() = 0;
+    aCtxImpl.ClearBasicRateSet();
+    // clear our existing supported rates IE
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurSupportedRatesIE().Clear();
+    // ... and our existing extended supported rates IE
+    aCtxImpl.GetOurExtendedSupportedRatesIE().Clear();
+    TUint32 tx_rates( 0 );
+    TUint8 nwRate( 0 );
+    // go through all supported rate elements in the supported rates IE 
+    // ( max 8 ).
+    // Remenber that basic rates are also always part of supported rates 
+    // when building supported rates bitmask
+    for ( TUint32 outer_idx = 0 
+        // loop until element count in the IE is reached
+        ; ( outer_idx != aCtxImpl.GetApSupportedRatesIE().GetElementLength() )
+        // OR maximum length allowed for the IE is reached
+        // NOTE! The 802.11 standard specifies that the max length of the 
+        // information part of this IE is eight rates (eight bytes).
+        // However at least some APs seem to put all their supported rates
+        // into this element. In order to be able to associate with those
+        // APs we have allocated enough space for all 802.11b/g rates in this
+        // IE and hence the following constant in the loop end condition
+        && outer_idx < KMaxNumberOfDot11bAndgRates
+        ; ++outer_idx )
+        {
+        nwRate = (aCtxImpl.GetApSupportedRatesIE())[outer_idx];
+        if ( !ProcessSingleSupportedRateElement( aCtxImpl, nwRate, tx_rates ) )
+            {
+            // unknown supported rates element encountered
+            if ( nwRate & KBasicRateMask )
+                {
+                // it is part of BSS Basic Rate Set 
+                if ( aCtxImpl.BssMembershipFeatureSupported( nwRate ) )
+                    {
+                    // it is a WLAN feature which we support, 
+                    // so we can continue. No action required here
+                    }
+                 else
+                    {
+                    // we can't cope with it and shall abort
+                    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: network has unsupported mandatory rate/feature -> abort") );
+                    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: rate: 0x%02x"), 
+                        nwRate);                    
+                    return EFalse;
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // unknown element is not part of BSS Basic Rate Set
+                // we can cope with that 
+                OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: init network connect") );
+                OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: network has unsupported supported rate -> continue") );
+                OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: rate: 0x%02x"), 
+                    nwRate);
+                }
+            }
+        } // end outer for
+    if ( aCheckAlsoExtendedRates )
+        {
+        // go through all supported rate elements in the extended supported 
+        // rates IE ( max 255 ).
+        // Remember that basic rates are also always part of supported rates 
+        // when building supported rates bitmask
+        for ( TUint32 outer_idx = 0; 
+              // loop until max element count in the IE is reached
+              ( outer_idx != aCtxImpl.GetApExtendedSupportedRatesIE().GetElementLength() )
+              // OR maximum length allowed for the IE is reached
+              && outer_idx < KMaxNumberOfExtendedRates; 
+              ++outer_idx )
+            {
+            nwRate = (aCtxImpl.GetApExtendedSupportedRatesIE())[outer_idx];        
+            if ( !ProcessSingleSupportedRateElement( 
+                    aCtxImpl, 
+                    nwRate, 
+                    tx_rates ) )
+                {
+                // unknown supported rates element encountered
+                if ( nwRate & KBasicRateMask )
+                    {
+                    // it is part of BSS Basic Rate Set 
+                    if ( aCtxImpl.BssMembershipFeatureSupported( nwRate ) )
+                        {
+                        // it is a WLAN feature which we support, 
+                        // so we can continue. No action required here
+                        }
+                     else
+                        {
+                        // we can't cope with it and shall abort
+                        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: network has unsupported mandatory rate/feature -> abort") );
+                        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: rate: 0x%02x"), 
+                            nwRate);                    
+                        return EFalse;
+                        }
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    // unknown element is not part of BSS Basic Rate Set
+                    // we can cope with that 
+                    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: init network connect") );
+                    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: network has unsupported supported rate -> continue") );
+                    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AreSupportedRatesMet: rate: 0x%02x"), 
+                        nwRate);
+                    }
+                }
+            } // for
+        } // if
+    if ( tx_rates )
+        {
+        // store common rates (between us & the nw) in our connection context
+        aCtxImpl.RateBitMask( tx_rates );
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // we ended up with an empty rate mask, i.e. the intersection
+        // of network's supported rates and our supported rates is empty.
+        // We are not able to join the network under these circumstances 
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ProcessSingleSupportedRateElement(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TUint8 aApRate,
+    TUint32& aRateBitmask )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ProcessSingleSupportedRateElement: processing AP rate: 0x%02x"), aApRate);
+    // match 4 elements in our rates lookup table
+    const TUint num_of_elems = 
+        sizeof(aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable) 
+        / sizeof(WlanContextImpl::SupportedRateLookUp);
+    for ( TUint32 inner_idx = 0; 
+          inner_idx != ( num_of_elems + 1 ); 
+          ++inner_idx )
+        {
+        if ( inner_idx == num_of_elems)
+            {
+            // if this block is reached it means that we have encountered
+            // a supported rates element that is not in our lookup table
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel | KUmacDetails , (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: unknown AP rate element found: 0x%02x"), aApRate);
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        if ( ( aApRate & (~KBasicRateMask) ) == 
+             ( aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable[inner_idx].iSupportedRate & 
+               ( ~KBasicRateMask ) ) )
+            {
+            // make a rate for the tx rate adaptation object
+            aRateBitmask |=  
+                (aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable[inner_idx].iWsaRate);
+            // check if this critter is part of a mandatory rate set
+            if ( aApRate & KBasicRateMask )
+                {
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+                    (TUint8*)("UMAC: rate is part of Basic Rate Set") );
+                // yes it is 
+                // construct basic rate set mask for Join NWSA command
+                aCtxImpl.BasicRateSetBitSet( 
+                    aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable[inner_idx].iWsaRate );
+                // store min basic rate
+                if ( aCtxImpl.GetMinBasicRate() == 0 )
+                    {
+                    aCtxImpl.GetMinBasicRate() = 
+                        (aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable[inner_idx]).iWsaRate;
+                    }
+                // and store max basic rate
+                if ( aCtxImpl.GetMaxBasicRate() < 
+                    (aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable[inner_idx]).iWsaRate )
+                    {
+                    aCtxImpl.GetMaxBasicRate() 
+                        = (aCtxImpl.iSupportedRatesLookUpTable[inner_idx])
+                        .iWsaRate;
+                    }
+                }
+            // set this rate to our supported rates IE 
+            // which we will send in assoc-request frame. If there's no space any 
+            // more in supported rates IE use the extended supported rates IE            
+            //
+            if (aCtxImpl.GetOurSupportedRatesIE().GetElementLength() < KMaxNumberOfRates )
+                {
+                aCtxImpl.GetOurSupportedRatesIE().Append( aApRate );                
+                }
+            else
+                {                
+                aCtxImpl.GetOurExtendedSupportedRatesIE().Append( aApRate );
+                }
+            // break out of for loop, 
+            // we got a match no need to traverse any longer
+            break;
+            }
+        } // end for
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetArpIpAddressTableMib(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TBool aEnableFiltering,
+    TIpv4Address aIpv4Address )
+    {
+    const TUint32 KMibLength( sizeof( WHA::SarpIpAddressTable ) );
+    OsTracePrint( KWlmCmdDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetArpIpAddressTableMib: mibLength: %d"), 
+        KMibLength );        
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::SarpIpAddressTable* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::SarpIpAddressTable*>
+        (os_alloc( KMibLength )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetArpIpAddressTableMib: memory allocating failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    if ( aEnableFiltering )
+        {
+        mib->iEnable = ETrue;
+        mib->iIpV4Addr = aIpv4Address;
+        OsTracePrint( KWlmCmdDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetArpIpAddressTableMib: enable filtering using address: 0x%08x"),
+            aIpv4Address );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        mib->iEnable = EFalse;
+        mib->iIpV4Addr = aIpv4Address;  // value not relevant in this case
+        OsTracePrint( KWlmCmdDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetArpIpAddressTableMib: disable filtering") );
+        }
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibArpIpAddressTable, 
+        KMibLength, 
+        mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );   
+    os_free( mib ); // release the allocated memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::OnDot11PwrMgmtTransitRequired( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    // the specified power state will be taken into use later
+    // So nothing more to do at this point than completing the oid
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::TQueueId WlanDot11State::QueueId( 
+    const WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TUint8* aDot11MacHeader ) const
+    {
+    // this initial value is always returned if we have a non-QoS connection
+    WHA::TQueueId queue_id( WHA::ELegacy );
+    if ( aCtxImpl.QosEnabled() )
+        {
+        // a QOS connection
+        SQosDataMpduHeader* dot11_hdr 
+            = reinterpret_cast<SQosDataMpduHeader*>(
+            const_cast<TUint8*>(aDot11MacHeader));
+        // determine frame type
+        const TUint8 KFrameType( dot11_hdr->iHdr.iHdr.GetFrameControl().iType );
+        if ( KFrameType == E802Dot11FrameTypeQosData )
+            {
+            // this is a QoS data frame so assign it to 
+            // the correct queue according to the priority
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::QueueId: 802.1d priority: %d"),
+                dot11_hdr->iHdr.UserPriority() );
+            queue_id = Queue( dot11_hdr->iHdr.UserPriority() );            
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            // a non data type frame is put to voice queue
+            queue_id = WHA::EVoice;
+            }
+        }
+    OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::QueueId: use queue: %d"),
+        queue_id );
+    return queue_id;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::TxDeauthenticate( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    T802Dot11ManagementReasonCode aReason,
+    TBool aWaitIfIntTxBufNotFree ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacProtocolState | KUmacAuth, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::TxDeauthenticate") );
+    TBool status ( EFalse );
+    // client doesn't have to take care of the tx buffer header space
+    // as the method below does that by itself
+    TUint8* start_of_frame = aCtxImpl.TxBuffer( aWaitIfIntTxBufNotFree );
+    if ( start_of_frame )
+        {
+        TUint32 frameLength ( 0 );
+        // construct deauthenticate frame
+        // note that we don't have to set SA because we have already set it
+        // in the initialize phase of the state machine
+        if ( aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw() )
+            {
+            // set the BSSID   
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtDeauthenticateFrame()).iHeader.iBSSID = aCtxImpl.GetBssId();
+            // set the DA
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtDeauthenticateFrame()).iHeader.iDA = aCtxImpl.GetBssId();
+            // set the reason code
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtDeauthenticateFrame()).iReasonCode.SetReasonCode(
+                aReason );
+            frameLength = sizeof( SHtDeauthenticateFrame );
+            // copy deauthentication frame to tx-buffer to correct offset
+            os_memcpy( 
+                start_of_frame,
+                &(aCtxImpl.GetHtDeauthenticateFrame()), 
+                frameLength );            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // set the BSSID   
+            (aCtxImpl.GetDeauthenticateFrame()).iHeader.iBSSID = aCtxImpl.GetBssId();
+            // set the DA
+            (aCtxImpl.GetDeauthenticateFrame()).iHeader.iDA = aCtxImpl.GetBssId();
+            // set the reason code
+            (aCtxImpl.GetDeauthenticateFrame()).iReasonCode.SetReasonCode(
+                aReason );
+            frameLength = sizeof( SDeauthenticateFrame );
+            // copy deauthentication frame to tx-buffer to correct offset
+            os_memcpy( 
+                start_of_frame,
+                &(aCtxImpl.GetDeauthenticateFrame()), 
+                frameLength );
+            }
+        const WHA::TQueueId queue_id( QueueId( aCtxImpl, start_of_frame ) );
+        // send deauthentication frame by pushing it to the packet scheduler
+        status = aCtxImpl.PushPacketToPacketScheduler( 
+                    start_of_frame, 
+                    frameLength, 
+                    queue_id,
+                    E802Dot11FrameTypeDeauthentication,
+                    NULL,
+                    EFalse,
+                    EFalse,
+                    ETrue );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // we didn't get a Tx buffer => frame not sent. EFalse will be returned
+        // to indicate that
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacProtocolState | KUmacAuth, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: no free internal tx buf => frame not sent") );
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::TxDisassociate(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    T802Dot11ManagementReasonCode aReason,
+    TBool aWaitIfIntTxBufNotFree ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacProtocolState | KUmacAssoc, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::TxDisassociate") );
+    TBool status ( EFalse );
+    // client doesn't have to take care of the tx buffer header space
+    // as the method below does that by itself
+    TUint8* start_of_frame = aCtxImpl.TxBuffer( aWaitIfIntTxBufNotFree );
+    if ( start_of_frame )
+        {
+        TUint32 frameLength ( 0 );
+        // NOTE: We don't set the address fields to frame here like 
+        // in the case of dot11-deauthenticate frame, because in the case of
+        // roaming we would use that BSS's information where we are roaming 
+        // to - instead of the existing one 
+        if ( aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw() )
+            {
+            (aCtxImpl.GetHtDisassociationFrame()).iReasonCode.SetReasonCode(
+                aReason );    
+            frameLength = sizeof( SHtDisassociateFrame );
+            // copy disassociation frame to tx-buffer to correct offset
+            os_memcpy( 
+                start_of_frame,
+                &(aCtxImpl.GetHtDisassociationFrame()), 
+                frameLength );            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            (aCtxImpl.GetDisassociationFrame()).iReasonCode.SetReasonCode(
+                aReason );    
+            frameLength = sizeof( SDisassociateFrame );
+            // copy disassociation frame to tx-buffer to correct offset
+            os_memcpy( 
+                start_of_frame,
+                &(aCtxImpl.GetDisassociationFrame()), 
+                frameLength );
+            }
+        const WHA::TQueueId queue_id 
+            = QueueId( aCtxImpl, start_of_frame );
+        // send disassociation frame to the current AP by pushing it to the packet
+        // scheduler
+        status = aCtxImpl.PushPacketToPacketScheduler( 
+                    start_of_frame, 
+                    frameLength, 
+                    queue_id,
+                    E802Dot11FrameTypeDisassociation,
+                    NULL,
+                    EFalse,
+                    EFalse,
+                    ETrue );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // we didn't get a Tx buffer => frame not sent. EFalse will be returned
+        // to indicate that
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacProtocolState | KUmacAuth, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: no free internal tx buf => frame not sent") );
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::SAesPairwiseKey* WlanDot11State::CreateAesPtkCtx( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanWsaAddKey& aWhaAddKey,
+    const TUint8* aData, 
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr )
+    {
+    // store info of AES PTK insertion
+    aCtxImpl.PairWiseKeyType( WHA::EAesPairWiseKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    WHA::SAesPairwiseKey* key = static_cast<WHA::SAesPairwiseKey*>
+        ( os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::SAesPairwiseKey ) ) ); 
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        os_memcpy( 
+            key->iMacAddr.iMacAddress, 
+            aMacAddr.iMacAddress,
+            WHA::TMacAddress::KMacAddressLength );
+        os_memcpy( key->iAesKey, aData, WHA::KAesKeyLength );
+        aWhaAddKey.Set( 
+            aCtxImpl, 
+            WHA::EAesPairWiseKey,
+            key,
+            WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::EAesPairWiseKey ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // left intentionally empty
+        }
+    return key;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::STkipPairwiseKey* WlanDot11State::CreateTkipPtkCtx( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanWsaAddKey& aWhaAddKey,
+    const TUint8* aData, 
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex, 
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr )
+    {
+    // store info of TKIP PTK insertion
+    aCtxImpl.PairWiseKeyType( WHA::ETkipPairWiseKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    // the caller of this method will deallocate the memory
+    WHA::STkipPairwiseKey* key = static_cast<WHA::STkipPairwiseKey*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::STkipPairwiseKey ) )); 
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        os_memcpy( 
+            key->iMacAddr.iMacAddress, 
+            aMacAddr.iMacAddress,
+            WHA::TMacAddress::KMacAddressLength );
+        os_memcpy( key->iTkipKey, aData, WHA::KTKIPKeyLength );
+        os_memcpy( 
+            key->iRxMicKey, 
+            aData + WHA::KTKIPKeyLength, 
+            WHA::KMicLength );
+        os_memcpy( 
+            key->iTxMicKey, 
+            aData + WHA::KTKIPKeyLength + WHA::KMicLength, 
+            WHA::KMicLength);
+        key->iKeyId =  static_cast<WHA::TPrivacyKeyId>(aKeyIndex);
+        aWhaAddKey.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+            WHA::ETkipPairWiseKey,
+            key,
+            WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::ETkipPairWiseKey ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // left intentionally empty
+        }
+    return key;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::SWepPairwiseKey* WlanDot11State::CreateUnicastWepKeyCtx(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanWsaAddKey& aWhaAddKey,
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr,
+    TUint32 aKeyLength,                      
+    const TUint8* aKey )
+    {
+    // store info of WEP PTK insertion
+    aCtxImpl.PairWiseKeyType( WHA::EWepPairWiseKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    WHA::SWepPairwiseKey* key = static_cast<WHA::SWepPairwiseKey*>
+        (os_alloc( WHA::SWepPairwiseKey::KHeaderSize + aKeyLength )); 
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        os_memcpy( 
+            &(key->iMacAddr), 
+            aMacAddr.iMacAddress,
+            sizeof(key->iMacAddr) );
+        key->iKeyLengthInBytes = static_cast<TUint8>(aKeyLength);
+        os_memcpy( key->iKey, aKey, key->iKeyLengthInBytes );
+        aWhaAddKey.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+            WHA::EWepPairWiseKey,
+            key,
+            WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::EWepPairWiseKey ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // intentionally left empty
+        }
+    return key;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::SWapiPairwiseKey* WlanDot11State::CreateWapiPtkCtx( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanWsaAddKey& aWhaAddKey,
+    const TUint8* aData, 
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex, 
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr )
+    {
+    // store info of WAPI pairwise key insertion
+    aCtxImpl.PairWiseKeyType( WHA::EWapiPairWiseKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    // the caller of this method will deallocate the memory
+    WHA::SWapiPairwiseKey* key = static_cast<WHA::SWapiPairwiseKey*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::SWapiPairwiseKey ) )); 
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        os_memcpy( 
+            key->iMacAddr.iMacAddress, 
+            aMacAddr.iMacAddress,
+            WHA::TMacAddress::KMacAddressLength );
+        key->iKeyId =  static_cast<WHA::TPrivacyKeyId>(aKeyIndex);
+        os_memcpy( key->iWapiKey, aData, WHA::KWapiKeyLength );
+        os_memcpy( 
+            key->iMicKey, 
+            aData + WHA::KWapiKeyLength, 
+            WHA::KWapiMicKeyLength );
+        aWhaAddKey.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+            WHA::EWapiPairWiseKey,
+            key,
+            WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::EWapiPairWiseKey ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // left intentionally empty
+        }
+    return key;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::TRate WlanDot11State::InitialSpecialFrameTxRate( 
+    const WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const
+    {
+    WHA::TRate rateToUse ( WHA::KRate1Mbits );
+    const TUint32 basicRateSet = aCtxImpl.BasicRateSet();
+    if ( basicRateSet )
+        {
+        // there is at least one supported basic rate (which is the way things
+        // are supposed to be if the network is correctly configured)
+        if ( basicRateSet & WHA::KRate1Mbits )
+            {
+            rateToUse = WHA::KRate1Mbits;
+            }
+        else if ( basicRateSet & WHA::KRate6Mbits )
+            {
+            rateToUse = WHA::KRate6Mbits;
+            }
+        else if ( basicRateSet & WHA::KRate2Mbits )
+            {
+            rateToUse = WHA::KRate2Mbits;
+            }
+        else if ( basicRateSet & WHA::KRate9Mbits )
+            {
+            rateToUse = WHA::KRate9Mbits;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // none of the rates above is a supported basic rate, which is 
+            // rather odd.
+            // Anyhow, figure out the lowest supported basic rate and use that
+            WHA::TRate rateCandidate = WHA::KRate1Mbits;
+            do            
+                {
+                if ( basicRateSet & rateCandidate )
+                    {
+                    rateToUse = rateCandidate;
+                    // break the loop as we found what we are looking for
+                    break;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    rateCandidate <<= 1;
+                    }                
+                } while ( rateCandidate <= WHA::KRate54Mbits );
+            }                
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // there are no supported basic rates; which is actually a network 
+        // configuration error. 
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitialSpecialFrameTxRate: Warning: no basic rates configured in nw"));
+        // But as we don't absolutely have to find a 
+        // basic rate here, just stay with 1Mbps (set above)
+        }    
+    OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitialSpecialFrameTxRate: use rate: 0x%08x"), 
+        rateToUse );
+    return rateToUse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::DoErrorIndication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    WHA::TStatus /*aStatus*/ )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC * handle an error indication!") );
+    // this is the one and only global error handler
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, *this, aCtxImpl.iStates.iMacError );
+    // signal with return value that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::DoConsecutiveBeaconsLostIndication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/ )
+    {
+    // not supported in default handler
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::DoRegainedBSSIndication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/ )
+    {
+    // not supported in default handler
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::DoRadarIndication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/ )
+    {
+    // not supported in default handler
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::DoRcpiIndication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/,
+    WHA::TRcpi /*aRcpi*/ )
+    {
+    // not supported in default handler
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::DoPsModeErrorIndication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/ )
+    {
+    // not supported in default handler
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::TxData( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
+    TBool /*aMore*/ )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: Tx attempted when it's not allowed; frame ignored") );
+    aCtxImpl.iUmac.OnTxProtocolStackDataComplete( 
+        KErrNone,
+        &aDataBuffer );        
+    // no state change occurred
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::TxMgmtData( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TDataBuffer& /*aDataBuffer*/ )
+    {
+    // as we are not connected to network, this frame cannot be sent.
+    // Just complete the frame send request without error status; as
+    // the WLAN Mgmt Client doesn't care about the status
+    OnMgmtPathWriteComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TAny* WlanDot11State::RequestForBuffer( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/,             
+    TUint16 /*aLength*/ )
+    {
+    // no functionality in default handler
+    return NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ReceivePacket( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    WHA::TStatus /*aStatus*/,
+    const void* /*aFrame*/,
+    TUint16 /*aLength*/,
+    WHA::TRate /*aRate*/,
+    WHA::TRcpi /*aRcpi*/,
+    WHA::TChannelNumber /*aChannel*/,
+    TUint8* aBuffer,
+    TUint32 /*aFlags*/ )
+    {
+    // release the Rx buffer
+    aCtxImpl.iUmac.MarkRxBufFree( aBuffer );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    WHA::TCommandId aCommandId, 
+    WHA::TStatus /*aStatus*/,
+    const WHA::UCommandResponseParams& aCommandResponseParams,
+    TUint32 aAct )
+    {
+    // this command response method is supposed to be called
+    // when a concrete dot11 state object does not care about 
+    // the command response parameters
+    if ( aAct == KCompleteManagementRequest )
+        {
+        // this must be a response to a command that was generated 
+        // by this this dot11 state object default layer
+        if ( aCommandId != WHA::EReadMIBResponse )
+            {
+            OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );        
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // as this is a MIB read request, we must supply the
+            // response to the Mgmt Client
+            if ( aCommandResponseParams.iReadMibResponse.iMib 
+                == WHA::KMibStatisticsTable )
+                {
+                // convert to a 32bit value before forwarding
+                TInt32 rcpi = reinterpret_cast
+                    <const WHA::SstatisticsTable*>
+                    (aCommandResponseParams.iReadMibResponse.iData)->iRcpi;
+                OsTracePrint( 
+                    KUmacDetails, 
+                    (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse(): last rcpi: %d"), 
+                    rcpi );
+                OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, 
+                               KErrNone, 
+                               reinterpret_cast<const TAny*>(&rcpi),
+                               sizeof(rcpi) );        
+                }
+            else if ( aCommandResponseParams.iReadMibResponse.iMib 
+                == WHA::KMibCountersTable )
+                {
+                const WHA::ScountersTable* countersTable = reinterpret_cast
+                    <const WHA::ScountersTable*>
+                    (aCommandResponseParams.iReadMibResponse.iData);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: countersTableMib: nbr of FCS errors in received MPDUs: %d"), 
+                    countersTable->iFcsError );
+                aCtxImpl.StoreFcsErrorCount( countersTable->iFcsError );
+                // as we are about to report the frame statistics results,
+                // it's the time to perform also the necessary calculations
+                aCtxImpl.CalculateAverageTxMediaDelays();                
+                aCtxImpl.CalculateAverageTotalTxDelays();
+                const TStatisticsResponse& frameStatistics ( aCtxImpl.FrameStatistics() );
+#ifndef NDEBUG                
+                // trace frame statistics
+                OsTracePrint( 
+                    KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: *** reported frame statistics ***:") );
+                for ( TUint i = 0; i < EQueueIdMax; ++i )
+                    {
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: * Access Category: %d *"),
+                        i );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: successfully received unicast data frames: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].rxUnicastDataFrameCount );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: successfully transmitted unicast data frames: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].txUnicastDataFrameCount );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: successfully received multicast data frames: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].rxMulticastDataFrameCount );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: successfully transmitted multicast data frames: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].txMulticastDataFrameCount );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: nbr of data frame transmit retries: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].txRetryCount );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: nbr of data frame WLAN delivery failures: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].txErrorCount );                    
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: average data frame Tx media delay in microsecs: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].txMediaDelay );                    
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: average data frame total Tx delay in microsecs: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].totalTxDelay );    
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: data frame total Tx delay bin 0 count: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].totalTxDelayBin0 );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: data frame total Tx delay bin 1 count: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].totalTxDelayBin1 );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: data frame total Tx delay bin 2 count: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].totalTxDelayBin2 );
+                    OsTracePrint( 
+                        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: data frame total Tx delay bin 3 count: %d"), 
+                         frameStatistics.acSpecific[i].totalTxDelayBin3 );
+                    }
+                OsTracePrint( 
+                    KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::OnWhaCommandResponse: all ACs: nbr of FCS errors in received MPDUs: %d"), 
+                     frameStatistics.fcsErrorCount );
+                OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, 
+                               KErrNone, 
+                               reinterpret_cast<const TAny*>(&frameStatistics),
+                               sizeof( frameStatistics ) );
+                // the statistics are cleared after reporting them. It is safe
+                // to do it here as the information has already been copied
+                aCtxImpl.ResetFrameStatistics();
+                }
+            // -- == WHA::KMibStatisticsTable --
+            else
+                {
+                // this thing should never happen as we are not reading any 
+                // other MIBs; an implementation error
+                OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"),(TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );                
+                // well exclusion to this is the dot11stationId MIB that 
+                // is read by dot11initphase object, but it overrides this
+                // method so this code is not executed in that case.
+                }
+            }
+        }   
+    // -- aAct == KCompleteManagementRequest --
+    else
+        {
+        // this is not a response to a command that was generated by this
+        // dot11 state object.
+        // which means that the originator of this command does not care
+        // about the response parameters.
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::OnWlanWakeUpIntervalChange( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl );
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WHA::TQueueId WlanDot11State::Queue( TUint8 aPriority )
+    {
+    // Mapping of 802.1d priorities to WMM Access Categories, and hence to
+    // WHA queue (id)s, as specified in WiFi WMM Specification v1.1
+    const WHA::TQueueId K802Dot1dPriority2WhaQueueTable[] = 
+        { WHA::ELegacy,     // for priority 0
+          WHA::EBackGround, // for priority 1
+          WHA::EBackGround, // for priority 2
+          WHA::ELegacy,     // for priority 3
+          WHA::EVideo,      // for priority 4
+          WHA::EVideo,      // for priority 5
+          WHA::EVoice,      // for priority 6
+          WHA::EVoice };    // for priority 7
+    return ( aPriority > 7 ) ? 
+        WHA::ELegacy :  
+        K802Dot1dPriority2WhaQueueTable[aPriority];    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::UapsdEnabledInNetwork( const SRxWmmIeData& aRxWmmIE )
+    {
+    return ( aRxWmmIE.IsUapsdBitSet() );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::UapsdEnabledInNetwork( const SWmmParamElemData& aWmmParamElem )
+    {
+    return ( aWmmParamElem.IsUapsdBitSet() );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::EnableQos( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TBool aUapsdEnabledInNw )
+    {
+    // enable QoS
+    aCtxImpl.QosEnabled( ETrue );
+    // first clear our WMM IE so that U-APSD flags will be set only when 
+    // they are supposed to be set
+    aCtxImpl.OurWmmIe().Clear();                    
+    if ( aUapsdEnabledInNw )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( 
+            KQos, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::EnableQos(): u-apsd is supported by nw"));
+        // make a note that U-APSD is supported/enabled in the nw
+        aCtxImpl.UapsdEnabled( ETrue );
+        // make a WMM AC both trigger & delivery enabled 
+        // if U-APSD is supported by the nw (this we already know to be true)
+        // and
+        // if U-APSD usage has been requested by WLAN mgmt client for the AC 
+        // in question
+        aCtxImpl.OurWmmIe().SetUapsdFlags( static_cast<TQosInfoUapsdFlag>(
+            ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForVoice() ? EAcVoUapsdFlag : 0 ) |
+            ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForVideo() ? EAcViUapsdFlag : 0 ) |
+            ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForBackground() ? EAcBkUapsdFlag : 0 ) |
+            ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForBestEffort() ? EAcBeUapsdFlag : 0 )) );
+        // set max service period length for the ACs as requested by WLAN 
+        // mgmt client
+        aCtxImpl.OurWmmIe().SetMaxSpLen( aCtxImpl.UapsdMaxSpLen() );        
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( 
+            KQos, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::EnableQos(): u-apsd not supported in nw"));
+        aCtxImpl.UapsdEnabled( EFalse );        
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdEnabled() )
+        {
+        if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForVoice() )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd used for Voice"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice( ETrue );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd NOT used for Voice"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice( EFalse );            
+            }            
+        if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForVideo() )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd used for Video"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVideo( ETrue );    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd NOT used for Video"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVideo( EFalse );            
+            }            
+        if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForBestEffort() )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd used for Best Effort"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBestEffort( ETrue );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd NOT used for Best Effort"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBestEffort( EFalse );            
+            }            
+        if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForBackground() )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd used for Background"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBackground( ETrue );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd NOT used for Background"));
+            aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBackground( EFalse );            
+            }            
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KQos, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DetermineAcUapsdUsage: u-apsd NOT used for any AC"));
+        aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice( EFalse );
+        aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVideo( EFalse );
+        aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBestEffort( EFalse );
+        aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBackground( EFalse );        
+        }
+    // now when U-APSD usage per AC has been determined, freeze the dynamic 
+    // power mode mgmt traffic override/ignoration settings
+    aCtxImpl.FreezePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ResetAcParameters( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WHA::TQueueId aAccessCategory,
+    TBool aUseAandGvalues )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetAcParameters: Reset parameters of AC: %d"),
+        aAccessCategory );        
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetAcParameters: aUseAandGvalues: %d"),
+        aUseAandGvalues );        
+    switch ( aAccessCategory )
+        {
+        case WHA::ELegacy:
+            aCtxImpl.CwMinVector()[WHA::ELegacy] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11BeCwMinAandG : KDot11BeCwMinB;            
+            aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector()[WHA::ELegacy] = KDot11BeCwMax;
+            aCtxImpl.AifsVector()[WHA::ELegacy] = KDot11BeAifsn;
+            aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector()[WHA::ELegacy] = KDot11BeTxopLimit;        
+            break;
+        case WHA::EBackGround:
+            aCtxImpl.CwMinVector()[WHA::EBackGround] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11BgCwMinAandG : KDot11BgCwMinB;
+            aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector()[WHA::EBackGround] = KDot11BgCwMax;
+            aCtxImpl.AifsVector()[WHA::EBackGround] = KDot11BgAifsn;
+            aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector()[WHA::EBackGround] = KDot11BgTxopLimit;        
+            break;
+        case WHA::EVideo:
+            aCtxImpl.CwMinVector()[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11ViCwMinAandG : KDot11ViCwMinB;            
+            aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector()[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11ViCwMaxAandG : KDot11ViCwMaxB;        
+            aCtxImpl.AifsVector()[WHA::EVideo] = KDot11ViAifsn;
+            aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector()[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11ViTxopLimitAandG : KDot11ViTxopLimitB;        
+            break;
+        case WHA::EVoice:
+            aCtxImpl.CwMinVector()[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11VoCwMinAandG : KDot11VoCwMinB;            
+            aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector()[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11VoCwMaxAandG : KDot11VoCwMaxB;        
+            aCtxImpl.AifsVector()[WHA::EVoice] = KDot11VoAifsn;
+            aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector()[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                aUseAandGvalues ? KDot11VoTxopLimitAandG : KDot11VoTxopLimitB;        
+            break;        
+        default:
+            {
+            // catch implementation error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, 
+                (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetAcParameters: unsupported access category: %d"), 
+                aAccessCategory );        
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            }        
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ResetAcParameters( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TBool aUseAandGvalues )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetAcParameters: Reset parameters of all ACs. aUseAandGvalues: %d"),
+        aUseAandGvalues );        
+    // Set the default values for a QoS connection for every AC
+    ResetAcParameters( aCtxImpl, WHA::ELegacy, aUseAandGvalues );
+    ResetAcParameters( aCtxImpl, WHA::EBackGround, aUseAandGvalues );
+    ResetAcParameters( aCtxImpl, WHA::EVideo, aUseAandGvalues );
+    ResetAcParameters( aCtxImpl, WHA::EVoice, aUseAandGvalues );
+    // reset also the WMM Parameter Set Count to initial (not defined) value
+    aCtxImpl.WmmParameterSetCount( KWmmParamSetNotDefined );            
+    }    
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AcParametersValid( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WHA::TQueueId aAccessCategory )
+    {
+    TBool status ( ETrue );
+    if ( aAccessCategory < WHA::EHcca )
+        {
+        if ( // AIFSN validity per the WMM specification
+             (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[aAccessCategory] < KDot11AifsnMin ||
+             // CwMin & CwMax sanity check 
+             (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[aAccessCategory] >=
+             (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[aAccessCategory] )
+            {
+            status = EFalse;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // parameters are reasonable. No action needed
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // catch implementation error
+        OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AcParametersValid: unsupported aAccessCategory: %d"), 
+            aAccessCategory );        
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    const SWmmParamElemData& aWmmParamElem )
+    {
+    for( TUint8 i = 0; i < KNumOfWmmACs; i++ )
+        {
+        switch ( aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AccessCategory() )
+            {
+            case EAcBestEffort:
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: parsing best effort AC parameters"));
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::ELegacy] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMin();
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::ELegacy] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMax();
+                (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::ELegacy] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].Aifsn();
+                (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::ELegacy] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].TxOpLimit();
+                (aCtxImpl.AcmVector())[WHA::ELegacy] = 
+                    ( aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory() )? 
+                        ETrue : EFalse;
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aCntrl mandatory: %d"), 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory());
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmin: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::ELegacy]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmax: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::ELegacy]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aifsn: %d"), (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::ELegacy]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: txOpLimit: %d"), (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::ELegacy]);
+                if ( !AcParametersValid( aCtxImpl, WHA::ELegacy ) )
+                    {
+                    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: BE parameters not reasonble. Resetting to defaults") );
+                    ResetAcParameters( 
+                        aCtxImpl, 
+                        WHA::ELegacy, 
+                        aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent() );
+                    }                    
+                break;
+            case EAcBackground:
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: parsing background AC parameters"));
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::EBackGround] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMin();
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::EBackGround] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMax();
+                (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::EBackGround] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].Aifsn();
+                (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::EBackGround] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].TxOpLimit();
+                (aCtxImpl.AcmVector())[WHA::EBackGround] = 
+                    ( aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory() )? 
+                        ETrue : EFalse;
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aCntrl mandatory: %d"), 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory());
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmin: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::EBackGround]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmax: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::EBackGround]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aifsn: %d"), (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::EBackGround]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: txOpLimit: %d"), (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::EBackGround]);    
+                if ( !AcParametersValid( aCtxImpl, WHA::EBackGround ) )
+                    {
+                    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: BG parameters not reasonble. Resetting to defaults") );
+                    ResetAcParameters( 
+                        aCtxImpl, 
+                        WHA::EBackGround, 
+                        aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent() );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EAcVideo:
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: parsing video AC parameters"));
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMin();
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMax();
+                (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].Aifsn();
+                (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].TxOpLimit();
+                (aCtxImpl.AcmVector())[WHA::EVideo] = 
+                    ( aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory() )? 
+                        ETrue : EFalse;
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aCntrl mandatory: %d"), 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory());
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmin: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::EVideo]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmax: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::EVideo]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aifsn: %d"), (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::EVideo]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: txOpLimit: %d"), (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::EVideo]);    
+                if ( !AcParametersValid( aCtxImpl, WHA::EVideo ) )
+                    {
+                    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: VI parameters not reasonble. Resetting to defaults") );
+                    ResetAcParameters( 
+                        aCtxImpl, 
+                        WHA::EVideo, 
+                        aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent() );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EAcVoice:
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: parsing voice AC parameters"));
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMin();
+                (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].CwMax();
+                (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].Aifsn();
+                (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].TxOpLimit();
+                (aCtxImpl.AcmVector())[WHA::EVoice] = 
+                    ( aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory() )? 
+                        ETrue : EFalse;
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aCntrl mandatory: %d"), 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AdmissionControlMandatory());
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmin: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMinVector())[WHA::EVoice]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: cwmax: %d"), (aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector())[WHA::EVoice]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: aifsn: %d"), (aCtxImpl.AifsVector())[WHA::EVoice]);
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: txOpLimit: %d"), (aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector())[WHA::EVoice]);    
+                if ( !AcParametersValid( aCtxImpl, WHA::EVoice ) )
+                    {
+                    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: VO parameters not reasonble. Resetting to defaults") );
+                    ResetAcParameters( 
+                        aCtxImpl, 
+                        WHA::EVoice, 
+                        aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent() );
+                    }
+                break;
+            default:
+                OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+                    (TUint8*)("UMAC: WARNING: Unknown AC: %d => parameters ignored"), 
+                    aWmmParamElem.iAcParams[i].AccessCategory() );        
+            }        
+        }
+    // store the current Parameter Set Count. 
+    aCtxImpl.WmmParameterSetCount( aWmmParamElem.ParameterSetCount() );
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ParseAcParameters: param set cnt: %d"), 
+        aCtxImpl.WmmParameterSetCount() );    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddTkIPKey( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TUint8* aData, 
+    TUint32 /*aLength*/,
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex, 
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr )
+    {    
+    TBool ret( EFalse );
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd( aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey() );    
+    WHA::STkipPairwiseKey* key( CreateTkipPtkCtx( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        wsa_cmd,
+        aData, 
+        aKeyIndex, 
+        aMacAddr ) 
+        );
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        ret = ETrue;       
+        // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+        ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+            *this,              // prev state
+            wsa_cmd,            // next state
+            // the ACT
+            KCompleteManagementRequest
+            );   
+        os_free( key ); // allways remember to release the memory
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddTkIPKey(): memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::StoreTxRatePolicyInfo( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    const TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass,
+    const TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
+    const TTxAutoRatePolicy& aAutoRatePolicy,
+    const THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::StoreTxRatePolicyInfo: store provided Tx rate policy configuration data for later use"));
+    TTxRatePolicy& ratePolicy = aCtxImpl.RatePolicy();
+    os_memcpy( &ratePolicy, &aRatePolicy, sizeof( TTxRatePolicy ) );
+    TQueue2RateClass& queue2RateClass = aCtxImpl.Queue2RateClass();
+    os_memcpy( &queue2RateClass, &aQueue2RateClass, sizeof( TQueue2RateClass ) );
+    TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& initialMaxTxRate4RateClass = 
+        aCtxImpl.InitialMaxTxRate4RateClass();
+    os_memcpy( 
+        &initialMaxTxRate4RateClass, 
+        &aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass, 
+        sizeof( TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass ) );    
+    TTxAutoRatePolicy& autoRatePolicy = aCtxImpl.AutoRatePolicy();
+    os_memcpy( &autoRatePolicy, &aAutoRatePolicy, sizeof( TTxAutoRatePolicy ) );
+    THtMcsPolicy& htMcsPolicy = aCtxImpl.HtMcsPolicy();
+    os_memcpy( &htMcsPolicy, &aHtMcsPolicy, sizeof( THtMcsPolicy ) );    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxRatePolicies( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TBool aCompleteMgmtRequest )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxRatePolicies: rate bitmask (intersection of AP and our supported rates): 0x%08x"),
+        aCtxImpl.RateBitMask() );
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxRatePolicies: aCompleteMgmtRequest: %d"),
+        aCompleteMgmtRequest );
+    TBool status ( ETrue );
+    // retrieve reference to the stored rate policy
+    TTxRatePolicy& ratePolicy ( aCtxImpl.RatePolicy() );
+    // retrieve reference to the stored Tx queue 2 Rate Class mapping
+    TQueue2RateClass& queue2RateClass ( aCtxImpl.Queue2RateClass() );
+    // retrieve reference to the stored initial max Tx rate per rate class -
+    // information
+    TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& initialMaxTxRate4RateClass( 
+        aCtxImpl.InitialMaxTxRate4RateClass() );
+    // retrieve reference to the stored auto rate policy
+    TTxAutoRatePolicy& autoRatePolicy ( aCtxImpl.AutoRatePolicy() );
+    // retrieve reference to the stored HT MCS policy
+    THtMcsPolicy& htMcsPolicy ( aCtxImpl.HtMcsPolicy() );
+    if ( aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iNumOfTxRateClasses < 
+         ratePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects )
+        {
+        // WHA layer doesn't support as many rate classes as has been
+        // provided to us. 
+        ResortToSingleTxRatePolicy(
+            aCtxImpl,
+            ratePolicy,
+            queue2RateClass );
+        }
+    TWhaRateMasks rateMasks;
+    os_memset( rateMasks, 0, sizeof( rateMasks ) );
+    FinalizeTxRatePolicy(
+        aCtxImpl,
+        ratePolicy,
+        rateMasks,
+        initialMaxTxRate4RateClass );
+    if ( aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & 
+         WHA::SSettings::KAutonomousRateAdapt )
+        {
+        //=====================================================================
+        // lower layer supports autonomous rate adaptation so we will let it
+        // handle the rate adaptation. 
+        //=====================================================================
+        FinalizeTxAutoratePolicy(
+            aCtxImpl,
+            ratePolicy,
+            autoRatePolicy );
+        SpecialTxAutoratePolicy(
+            aCtxImpl,
+            ratePolicy,
+            autoRatePolicy,
+            htMcsPolicy );
+        ConfigureForTxAutoratePolicy(
+            aCtxImpl,
+            ratePolicy,
+            queue2RateClass,
+            htMcsPolicy,
+            aCompleteMgmtRequest );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //=====================================================================
+        // WHA layer doesn't support autonomous rate adaptation so we need to
+        // take care of rate adaption. Perform the relevant configuration
+        //=====================================================================
+        status = ConfigureForTxRatePolicy(
+            aCtxImpl,
+            ratePolicy,
+            rateMasks,
+            queue2RateClass,
+            initialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
+            aCompleteMgmtRequest );
+        } // else
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::DifferenceInPsModeWakeupSettings(
+    const WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const
+    {
+    TBool difference( EFalse );
+    // 1st determine the current PS mode wake-up setting
+    const WHA::TWlanWakeUpInterval currentWakeupMode ( 
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.iWlanWakeupInterval );
+    const TUint8 currentListenInterval ( 
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.iWlanListenInterval );
+    // and the desired wake-up setting
+    const TDot11PsModeWakeupSetting KDesiredPsModeConfig (
+        aCtxImpl.DesiredPsModeConfig() );
+    if ( currentWakeupMode != 
+         static_cast<WHA::TWlanWakeUpInterval>(
+             KDesiredPsModeConfig.iWakeupMode) )
+        {
+        // difference in wake-up mode
+        difference = ETrue;
+        OsTracePrint( KPwrStateTransition, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DifferenceInPsModeWakeupSettings: difference in wake-up mode") );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // wake-up mode is unchanged
+        if ( KDesiredPsModeConfig.iWakeupMode 
+             == EWakeUpIntervalEveryNthBeacon || 
+             KDesiredPsModeConfig.iWakeupMode 
+             == EWakeUpIntervalEveryNthDtim )
+            {
+            // for these wake-up modes there can be a
+            // difference in the listen interval. Check that
+            if ( currentListenInterval != KDesiredPsModeConfig.iListenInterval )
+                {
+                difference = ETrue;
+                OsTracePrint( KPwrStateTransition, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DifferenceInPsModeWakeupSettings: difference in listen interval") );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // no difference in listen interval either
+                // (return value is already correct)
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // for these wake-up modes a possible difference in listen
+            // interval is not meaningful => no difference (return 
+            // value is already correct)
+            }
+        }
+    OsTracePrint( KPwrStateTransition, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::DifferenceInPsModeWakeupSettings: difference: %d"),
+        difference );
+    return difference;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtCapabilities( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtCapabilities") );
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::ShtCapabilities* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::ShtCapabilities*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::ShtCapabilities ) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtCapabilities: abort") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    // reset MIB before starting to set the values
+    os_memset( mib, 0, sizeof( WHA::ShtCapabilities ) );
+    //=====================
+    // Set the MIB contents
+    //=====================
+    mib->iHtSupport = aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw();
+    // currently HT is supported only in infrastructure networks
+    mib->iPeerMac = WHA::KBroadcastMacAddr;
+    mib->iRxStbc = aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.StbcRx();
+    mib->iMaxAmpduLength = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.MaxAmpduLenExponent();
+    // if a feature is supported by the nw, set it in the capabilities bit
+    // mask. Otherwise it is left unset
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.LdpcRx() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KLdpcRx;
+        }    
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.FortyMhzOperation() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::K40MhzChannel;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.GreenfieldFormat() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KGreenfieldFormat;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.ShortGiFor20Mhz() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KShortGiFor20Mhz;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.ShortGiFor40Mhz() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KShortGiFor40Mhz;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.StbcTx() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KStbcTx;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.DelayedBlockAck() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KDelayedBlockAck;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.DsssCckIn40Mhz() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KDsssCckIn40Mhz;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.Psmp() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KPsmp;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.LsigTxopProtection() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KLsigTxopProtection;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.Pco() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KPco;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.Htc() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KHtcField;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.RdResponder() )
+        {
+        mib->iPeerFeatures |= WHA::KReverseDirectionResp;
+        }
+    os_memcpy( 
+        mib->iMcsSet, 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.iRxMcsBitmask,
+        sizeof( mib->iMcsSet ) );
+    mib->iAmpduSpacing = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.MinMpduStartSpacing();
+    mib->iMcsFeedback = aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.McsFeedback();
+    mib->iTxBeamFormingCapab = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.TransmitBeamformingCapabilities();
+    mib->iAntennaSelCapab = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().iData.AselCapabilities();
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibHtCapabilities, 
+        sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_cmd             // next state
+        );   
+    os_free( mib ); // release the memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ResetHtCapabilitiesMib( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetHtCapabilitiesMib") );
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::ShtCapabilities* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::ShtCapabilities*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::ShtCapabilities ) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetHtCapabilitiesMib: abort") );
+        DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    // reset the MIB to its default value
+    *mib = WHA::KHtCapabilitiesMibDefault;
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibHtCapabilities, sizeof( *mib ), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );
+    os_free( mib ); // release the memory
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ResetHtBlockAckConfigureMib( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetHtBlockAckConfigureMib") );
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::ShtBlockAckConfigure* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::ShtBlockAckConfigure*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::ShtBlockAckConfigure ) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResetHtBlockAckConfigureMib: abort") );
+        DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    // reset the MIB to its default value
+    *mib = WHA::KHtBlockAckConfigureMibDefault;
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibHtBlockAckConfigure, sizeof( *mib ), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd             // next state
+        );
+    os_free( mib ); // release the memory
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtBssOperation( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtBssOperation") );
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::ShtBssOperation* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::ShtBssOperation*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::ShtBssOperation ) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtBssOperation: abort") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    // reset MIB before starting to set the values
+    os_memset( mib, 0, sizeof( WHA::ShtBssOperation ) );
+    //=====================
+    // Set the MIB contents
+    //=====================
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.NonGreenfieldPresent() )
+        {
+        mib->iInfo |= WHA::ShtBssOperation::KNonGreenfieldPresent;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.PcoActive() )
+        {
+        mib->iInfo |= WHA::ShtBssOperation::KPcoActive;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.RifsMode() )
+        {
+        mib->iInfo |= WHA::ShtBssOperation::KRifsPermitted;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.DualCtsProtection() )
+        {
+        mib->iInfo |= WHA::ShtBssOperation::KDualCtsProtReq;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.DualBeacon() )
+        {
+        mib->iInfo |= WHA::ShtBssOperation::KSecondaryBeaconTx;
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.LsigTxopProtection() )
+        {
+        mib->iInfo |= WHA::ShtBssOperation::KLsigTxopProtection;
+        }
+    os_memcpy( 
+        mib->iMcsSet, 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.iBasicMcsSet,
+        sizeof( mib->iMcsSet ) );
+    mib->iOpMode = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.HtProtection();
+    mib->iSecChOffset = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.SecondaryChOffset();
+    mib->iApChWidth = 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().iData.ChWidth();    
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibHtBssOperation, 
+        sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_cmd             // next state
+        );   
+    os_free( mib ); // release the memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::HtcFieldPresent(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TAny* aFrame,
+    TUint32 aFlags )
+    {
+    TBool status ( EFalse );
+    if ( aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & WHA::SSettings::KHtOperation )
+        {
+        // we can interpret the frame to have this header even if it would
+        // be a 802.11 mgmt frame as the header content that is relevant in
+        // this method is the same
+        const SDataFrameHeader* frameHdr 
+            = reinterpret_cast<const SDataFrameHeader*>(aFrame);
+        if ( aFlags & WHA::KHtPacket && frameHdr->IsOrderBitSet() )
+            {
+            status = ETrue;
+            OsTracePrint( KRxFrame, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HtcFieldPresent: yes") );
+            }
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::OutgoingMulticastDataFrame( 
+    const SDataFrameHeader* aDataFrameHdr )
+    {
+    if ( aDataFrameHdr->IsToDsBitSet() )
+        {
+        // frame to infrastructure nw. Address 3 == DA
+        return IsGroupBitSet( aDataFrameHdr->iAddress3 );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // frame to IBSS. Address 1 == DA
+        return IsGroupBitSet( aDataFrameHdr->iAddress1 );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WHA::TQueueId aAccessCategory,
+    WHA::TStatus aStatus,
+    TBool aMulticastData, 
+    TUint aAckFailures,
+    TUint32 aMediaDelay,
+    TUint aTotalTxDelay )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: aAccessCategory: %d"),
+        aAccessCategory );
+    if ( aStatus == WHA::KSuccess )
+        {
+        if ( aMulticastData )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: inc tx mcast cnt") );
+            aCtxImpl.IncrementTxMulticastDataFrameCount( aAccessCategory );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: inc tx unicast cnt") );
+            aCtxImpl.IncrementTxUnicastDataFrameCount( aAccessCategory );
+            }
+        OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: ack failures: %d"),
+            aAckFailures );
+        aCtxImpl.IncrementTxRetryCount( aAccessCategory, aAckFailures );
+        OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: aMediaDelay: %d"),
+            aMediaDelay );
+        aCtxImpl.IncrementTxMediaDelay( aAccessCategory, aMediaDelay );
+        OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: aTotalTxDelay: %d"),
+            aTotalTxDelay );
+        aCtxImpl.IncrementTotalTxDelay( aAccessCategory, aTotalTxDelay );
+        aCtxImpl.UpdateTotalTxDelayHistogram( aAccessCategory, aTotalTxDelay );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KWsaTxDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::UpdateTxDataFrameStatistics: inc tx error cnt") );
+        aCtxImpl.IncrementTxErrorCount( aAccessCategory );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::XferDot11FrameToMgmtClient( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const void* aFrame,
+    TUint32 aLength,
+    const WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+    TUint8* aBuffer ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KRxFrame, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::XferDot11FrameToMgmtClient: aRcpi: %d"), 
+        aRcpi);
+    TBool status ( ETrue );
+    TDataBuffer* metaHdr ( aCtxImpl.GetRxFrameMetaHeader() );
+    if ( metaHdr )
+        {
+        // set frame length 
+        metaHdr->KeSetLength( aLength );
+        // set frame type
+        metaHdr->FrameType( TDataBuffer::KDot11Frame );
+        // set RCPI for every frame transferred to the mgmt client
+        metaHdr->KeSetRcpi( aRcpi );
+        // set the offset to the beginning of the Rx buffer from the beginning
+        // of the meta header. Note that this may be also negative
+        metaHdr->KeSetBufferOffset(
+            aBuffer
+            - reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(metaHdr) );
+        // set the offset to the beginning of the actual frame within the
+        // Rx buffer
+        metaHdr->KeSetOffsetToFrameBeginning( 
+            reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(aFrame)   // frame beginning
+            - aBuffer );                              // buffer beginning
+        // complete
+        const TDataBuffer* KMetaHdr ( metaHdr );
+        aCtxImpl.iUmac.MgmtDataReceiveComplete( KMetaHdr, 1 );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // no memory available for the meta header. In this case we have no
+        // other choice than to discard the received frame. 
+        aCtxImpl.iUmac.MarkRxBufFree( aBuffer );
+        // inform the caller about the situation
+        status = EFalse;
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel | KRxFrame, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::XferDot11FrameToMgmtClient: WARNING: no memory for meta hdr => abort rx") );
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddMulticastTKIPKey( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
+    TUint32 /*aLength*/,
+    const TUint8* aData )
+    {        
+    // store info of TKIP GTK insertion
+    aCtxImpl.GroupKeyType( WHA::ETkipGroupKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    WHA::STkipGroupKey* key = static_cast<WHA::STkipGroupKey*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof(WHA::STkipGroupKey) )); 
+    if ( !key )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddMulticastTKIPKey: memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    os_memcpy( key->iTkipKey, aData, WHA::KTKIPKeyLength );
+    os_memcpy( key->iRxMicKey, aData + WHA::KTKIPKeyLength, KMicLength );
+    key->iKeyId =  static_cast<WHA::TPrivacyKeyId>(aKeyIndex);
+    // for now we fill this field with zeroes
+    os_memset( key->iRxSequenceCounter, 0, WHA::KRxSequenceCounterLength );
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey();   
+    wsa_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::ETkipGroupKey,
+        key,
+        WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::ETkipGroupKey ) );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );                           
+    os_free( key ); // allways remember to release the memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddAesKey( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TUint8* aData, 
+    TUint32 /*aLength*/,
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr )
+    {     
+    TBool ret( EFalse );
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd( aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey() );    
+    WHA::SAesPairwiseKey* key( CreateAesPtkCtx( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        wsa_cmd,
+        aData, 
+        aMacAddr ) 
+        );
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        ret = ETrue;       
+        // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+        ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+            *this,              // prev state
+            wsa_cmd,            // next state
+            // the ACT
+            KCompleteManagementRequest
+            );   
+        os_free( key ); // allways remember to release the memory
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddAesKey(): memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddMulticastAesKey( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
+    TUint32 /*aLength*/,
+    const TUint8* aData )
+    {    
+    // store info of AES GTK insertion
+    aCtxImpl.GroupKeyType( WHA::EAesGroupKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    WHA::SAesGroupKey* key = static_cast<WHA::SAesGroupKey*>
+        ( os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::SAesGroupKey ) ) ); 
+    if ( !key )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddMulticastAesKey(): memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    os_memcpy( key->iAesKey, aData, WHA::KAesKeyLength );
+    key->iKeyId =  static_cast<WHA::TPrivacyKeyId>(aKeyIndex);
+    // for now we fill this field with zeroes
+    os_memset( key->iRxSequenceCounter, 0, WHA::KRxSequenceCounterLength );
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey();    
+    wsa_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::EAesGroupKey,
+        key,
+        WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::EAesGroupKey ) );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );   
+    os_free( key ); // allways remember to release the memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddUnicastWepKey(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr,
+    TUint32 aKeyLength,                      
+    const TUint8 aKey[KMaxWEPKeyLength])
+    {
+    // store info of WEP PTK insertion
+    aCtxImpl.PairWiseKeyType( WHA::EWepPairWiseKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    WHA::SWepPairwiseKey* key = static_cast<WHA::SWepPairwiseKey*>
+        (os_alloc( WHA::SWepPairwiseKey::KHeaderSize + aKeyLength )); 
+    if ( !key )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddUnicastWepKey(): memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    os_memcpy( 
+        &(key->iMacAddr), 
+        aMacAddr.iMacAddress,
+        sizeof(key->iMacAddr) );
+    key->iKeyLengthInBytes = static_cast<TUint8>(aKeyLength);
+    os_memcpy( key->iKey, aKey, key->iKeyLengthInBytes );
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey();    
+    wsa_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::EWepPairWiseKey,
+        key,
+        WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::EWepPairWiseKey ) );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );                           
+    os_free( key ); // allways remember to release the memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::OnAddBroadcastWepKey(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint32 aKeyIndex,             
+    TBool aUseAsDefaulKey,                
+    TBool aUseAsPairwiseKey,
+    TUint32 aKeyLength,                      
+    const TUint8 aKey[KMaxWEPKeyLength],
+    const TMacAddress& aMac )
+    { 
+    WlanAddBroadcastWepKey& complex_wha_cmd( 
+        aCtxImpl.AddBroadcastWepKey() );
+    complex_wha_cmd.Set( aMac, aKeyIndex, aUseAsDefaulKey, 
+        aUseAsPairwiseKey, aKeyLength, aKey );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        complex_wha_cmd     // next state
+        ); 
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddMulticastWapiKey( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
+    TUint32 /*aLength*/,
+    const TUint8* aData )
+    {
+    if ( !(aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & WHA::SSettings::KWapi) )
+        {
+        // WAPI not supported by wlanpdd => abort key setting
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddMulticastWapiKey: WAPI not supported by wlanpdd -> abort") );
+        OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNotSupported );            
+        return EFalse;        
+        }
+    // store info of WAPI group key insertion
+    aCtxImpl.GroupKeyType( WHA::EWapiGroupKey );
+    // allocate memory for the key structure
+    WHA::SWapiGroupKey* key = static_cast<WHA::SWapiGroupKey*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof(WHA::SWapiGroupKey) )); 
+    if ( !key )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddMulticastWapiKey: memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    os_memcpy( key->iWapiKey, aData, WHA::KWapiKeyLength );
+    os_memcpy( 
+        key->iMicKey, 
+        aData + WHA::KWapiKeyLength, 
+        WHA::KWapiMicKeyLength );
+    key->iKeyId =  static_cast<WHA::TPrivacyKeyId>(aKeyIndex);
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey();   
+    wsa_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::EWapiGroupKey,
+        key,
+        WlanWsaKeyIndexMapper::Extract( WHA::EWapiGroupKey ) );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );                           
+    os_free( key ); // release the memory
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::AddUnicastWapiKey( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TUint8* aData,
+    TUint32 /*aLength*/,
+    T802Dot11WepKeyId aKeyIndex,
+    const TMacAddress& aMacAddr )
+    {
+    TBool ret( EFalse );
+    if ( !(aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & WHA::SSettings::KWapi) )
+        {
+        // WAPI not supported by wlanpdd => abort key setting
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddUnicastWapiKey: WAPI not supported by wlanpdd -> abort") );
+        OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNotSupported );            
+        return ret;        
+        }
+    WlanWsaAddKey& wsa_cmd( aCtxImpl.WsaAddKey() );    
+    WHA::SWapiPairwiseKey* key( CreateWapiPtkCtx( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        wsa_cmd,
+        aData, 
+        aKeyIndex, 
+        aMacAddr ) 
+        );
+    if ( key )
+        {
+        ret = ETrue;       
+        // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+        ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+            *this,              // prev state
+            wsa_cmd,            // next state
+            // the ACT
+            KCompleteManagementRequest
+            );   
+        os_free( key ); // release the memory
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::AddUnicastWapiKey: memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint16 aScanResponseFrameBodyLength,
+    const TUint8* aScanResponseFrameBody ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect") );
+    const SScanResponseFixedFields* scanResponseFixedFields = 
+        reinterpret_cast<const SScanResponseFixedFields*>( 
+            aScanResponseFrameBody );
+    // store capability info from scan response frame body to our context
+    aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation() 
+        = scanResponseFixedFields->iCapability.CapabilityInformationField();
+    // and set it also as the initial value to our association request frame 
+    // templates
+    aCtxImpl.GetAssociationRequestFrame().iFixedFields.iCapabilityInfo 
+        = aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation();    
+    aCtxImpl.GetHtAssociationRequestFrame().iFixedFields.iCapabilityInfo 
+        = aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation();    
+    // ... and to to our reassociation request frame templates
+    aCtxImpl.GetReassociationRequestFrame().iFixedFields.iCapabilityInfo 
+        = aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation();    
+    aCtxImpl.GetHtReassociationRequestFrame().iFixedFields.iCapabilityInfo 
+        = aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation();        
+    // use short slot time if supported by the network
+    aCtxImpl.UseShortSlotTime( 
+        aCtxImpl.GetCapabilityInformation().IsShortSlotTimeBitSet() );
+    //=============================================
+    // check for WAPI
+    //=============================================
+    if ( aCtxImpl.EncryptionStatus() == EEncryptionWAPI && 
+         !(aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & WHA::SSettings::KWapi) )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: WAPI requested but not supported by wlanpdd -> abort") );
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    //=============================================
+    // do we meet network capability requirements
+    //=============================================
+    if ( !NetworkCapabilityInformationMet( aCtxImpl ) )
+        {
+        // requirements not met
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: network capabilities not met -> abort") );
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    // network capabilities are met -> proceed
+    // initialize element locator for locating IEs from the scan response 
+    // frame body
+    WlanElementLocator elementLocator( 
+        reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( scanResponseFixedFields + 1 ), 
+        aScanResponseFrameBodyLength - 
+        sizeof( SScanResponseFixedFields ) );
+    TUint8 elementDatalength( 0 );
+    const TUint8* elementData( NULL );
+    //=============================================
+    // do we meet mandatory network rates
+    //=============================================
+    // locate supported rates IE
+    if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+        E802Dot11SupportedRatesIE,
+        elementDatalength, 
+        &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+        {
+        // ...and store it to our context
+        aCtxImpl.GetApSupportedRatesIE().SetIeData( 
+            elementData, 
+            elementDatalength );        
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: supported rates IE not found -> abort") );
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    // locate extended supported rates information element
+    if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+        E802Dot11ExtendedRatesIE,
+        elementDatalength, 
+        &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: E802Dot11ExtendedRatesIE present") );
+        // ...and store it to our context
+        aCtxImpl.GetApExtendedSupportedRatesIE().SetIeData( elementData, elementDatalength );
+        // check if we meet mandatory rates; in this case check also extended supported rates
+        if ( !AreSupportedRatesMet( aCtxImpl, ETrue ) )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: rates not met -> abort") );
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: E802Dot11ExtendedRatesIE not present") );
+        // check if we meet mandatory rates; in this case extended supported rates 
+        // don't need to be checked
+        if ( !AreSupportedRatesMet( aCtxImpl, EFalse ) )
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+                (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: rates not met -> abort") );
+            return EFalse;
+            }            
+        }
+    // mandatory network rates are met -> proceed
+    //=============================================
+    // determine the channel of the network
+    //=============================================
+    // locate DS parameter set information element
+    if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+        E802Dot11DsParameterSetIE,
+        elementDatalength, 
+        &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+        {
+        // ...and store it to our context
+        aCtxImpl.NetworkChannelNumeber( *elementData );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: 802Dot11DsParameterSetIE not found -> abort") );
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    //=============================================
+    // determine the beacon interval of the network
+    //=============================================
+    const TUint32 beacon_interval = scanResponseFixedFields->BeaconInterval();
+    if ( beacon_interval )
+        {        
+        // ...and store it to our context
+        aCtxImpl.NetworkBeaconInterval( beacon_interval );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: zero beacon interval -> abort") );
+        return EFalse;        
+        }
+    //=============================================
+    // determine the need to use protection
+    //=============================================
+    // locate ERP information element
+    if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+        E802Dot11ErpInformationIE,
+        elementDatalength, 
+        &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+        {
+        // ERP IE present -> set the protection level according to the Use
+        // Protection bit
+        aCtxImpl.ProtectionBitSet( *elementData & KUseProtectionMask );
+        // make also a note of ERP IE presence, which means that the nw in 
+        // question is a 802.11a/g nw (instead of a 802.11b nw)
+        aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent( ETrue );
+        } 
+    else
+        {
+        // ERP IE not present 
+        aCtxImpl.ProtectionBitSet( EFalse );
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.NetworkOperationMode() == WHA::EBSS )
+        {
+        //=============================================
+        //
+        // only for infrastructure mode connections
+        //
+        //=============================================
+        //=============================================
+        // determine WMM / QoS information
+        //=============================================
+        // locate WMM information element
+        if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+            E802Dot11VendorSpecificIE,
+            KWmmElemOui,
+            KWmmElemOuiType,
+            KWmmInfoElemOuiSubType,
+            elementDatalength,
+            &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+            {        
+            // WMM IE present
+            OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: WMM IE present"));
+            EnableQos( aCtxImpl, UapsdEnabledInNetwork( 
+                reinterpret_cast<const SRxWmmIeData&>( *elementData ) ) );
+            // as there are no WMM parameter values available in the WMM IE
+            // use the default AC parameter values until we get the values
+            // in (re)association response
+            ResetAcParameters( aCtxImpl, aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent() );                
+            } 
+        else
+            {
+            // WMM IE not present. Check if WMM Parameter Element exists instead
+            if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+                E802Dot11VendorSpecificIE,
+                KWmmElemOui,
+                KWmmElemOuiType,
+                KWmmParamElemOuiSubtype,
+                elementDatalength,
+                &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+                {        
+                // WMM Parameter Element present
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: WMM param elem present"));
+                EnableQos( aCtxImpl, UapsdEnabledInNetwork( 
+                    reinterpret_cast<const SWmmParamElemData&>( *elementData ) ) );
+                // as the parameter element is present, use the opportunity to
+                // parse the AC (QoS) parameters. 
+                // However, reset them 1st to their default values in case 
+                // the nw would provide values for some AC multiple times and 
+                // leave the parameters for some AC unspecified
+                //
+                ResetAcParameters( aCtxImpl, aCtxImpl.ErpIePresent() );
+                ParseAcParameters( aCtxImpl,
+                    reinterpret_cast<const SWmmParamElemData&>( *elementData ) );
+                } 
+            else
+                {
+                // WMM Parameter Element not present either => no QoS, no U-APSD
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: neither WMM IE nor WMM param elem present"));
+                aCtxImpl.QosEnabled( EFalse );
+                aCtxImpl.UapsdEnabled( EFalse );
+                }
+            }
+        //=================================================================
+        // perform 802.11n related actions & checks if lower layer supports
+        // HT operation
+        //=================================================================
+        if ( aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iCapability & WHA::SSettings::KHtOperation )
+            {
+            if ( !HandleDot11n( aCtxImpl,elementLocator ) )
+                {
+                OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: Nw's 802.11n requirements not met -> abort") );
+                return EFalse;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // lower layer doesn't support HT, so we must handle the network
+            // as a non-HT network
+            aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw( EFalse );
+            }
+        }
+    else        
+        {
+        //=============================================
+        //
+        // only for IBSS mode connections
+        //
+        // ============================================
+        //=============================================
+        // determine ATIM window
+        //=============================================
+        // locate IBSS Parameter Set element
+        if ( elementLocator.InformationElement( 
+            E802Dot11IbssParameterSetIE,
+            elementDatalength, 
+            &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+            {
+            // store it to our context
+            // note that elementData points to the IE data and not the
+            // preceding IE header. That's why we need to back up the pointer
+            // by SInformationElementHeader length before doing the cast
+            aCtxImpl.AtimWindow( 
+                ( reinterpret_cast<const SIbssParameterSetIE*>(
+                    elementData - sizeof( SInformationElementHeader ) ) 
+                )->AtimWindow() );
+            }                                                
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::InitNetworkConnect: atim not present, PS not used"));
+            // as IBSS Parameter Set element is not present, power saving
+            // is not used in the IBSS network we are going to join. So we 
+            // will set the ATIM window to zero (to denote that PS is not used)
+            aCtxImpl.AtimWindow( 0 );
+            }
+        }
+    //=============================================
+    // determine U-APSD usage for the ACs/Tx queues
+    //=============================================
+    DetermineAcUapsdUsage( aCtxImpl );
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetTxPowerLevel(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint32 aLevel)
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( 
+        KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetTxPowerLevel(): aLevel: %d"), 
+        aLevel );
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::Sdot11CurrentTxPowerLevel* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::Sdot11CurrentTxPowerLevel*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof(WHA::Sdot11CurrentTxPowerLevel) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC * SetRcpiTriggerLevel * abort") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    mib->iDot11CurrentTxPowerLevel = aLevel;
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibDot11CurrentTxPowerLevel, 
+        sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );   
+    os_free( mib ); // always remember to release the memory
+    // store the new power level also to our soft mib
+    aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel = aLevel;
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::GetLastRcpi(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    TBool statechange ( EFalse );
+    WHA::TRcpi whaRcpi( 0 );
+    if ( aCtxImpl.GetLatestMedianRcpiFromPredictor( os_systemTime(), whaRcpi ) )
+        {
+        // we have a median filtered RCPI value available so we can return that
+        // directly to WLAN Mgmt Client
+        // convert to a 32bit value before returning
+        const TInt32 rcpi ( whaRcpi );
+        OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, 
+                       KErrNone, 
+                       reinterpret_cast<const TAny*>(&rcpi),
+                       sizeof( rcpi ) );        
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // we need to get the RCPI from lower layers
+        WlanWsaReadMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaReadMib();
+        wha_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibStatisticsTable );
+        // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+        ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+            *this,                  // previous state
+            wha_cmd,                // next state
+            // the ACT
+            KCompleteManagementRequest
+            );                       
+        // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+        statechange = ETrue;
+        }
+    return statechange;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::OnPacketTransferComplete( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TUint32 aPacketId,
+    TDataBuffer* aMetaHeader )
+    {
+    // complete the transfer
+    if ( aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeData )
+        {
+        OnTxProtocolStackDataComplete( aCtxImpl, aMetaHeader );
+        }
+    else if ( aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeDataEapol || 
+              aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeManagementAction || 
+              aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeTestFrame )
+        {
+        OnMgmtPathWriteComplete( aCtxImpl );
+        aCtxImpl.iUmac.OnOtherTxDataComplete();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // this frame Tx request didn't come from above us (i.e. neither 
+        // through the user data nor the management data API) but is
+        // related to a frame Tx we have done internally. So, we need to 
+        // mark the internal Tx buffer free again
+        aCtxImpl.MarkInternalTxBufFree();
+        aCtxImpl.iUmac.OnOtherTxDataComplete();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::OnPacketSendComplete(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    WHA::TStatus aStatus,
+    TUint32 /*aPacketId*/,
+    WHA::TRate aRate,
+    TUint32 /*aPacketQueueDelay*/,
+    TUint32 /*aMediaDelay*/,
+    TUint /*aTotalTxDelay*/,
+    TUint8 /*aAckFailures*/,
+    WHA::TQueueId aQueueId,
+    WHA::TRate aRequestedRate,
+    TBool /*aMulticastData*/ )
+    {
+    aCtxImpl.OnTxCompleted( aRate, 
+        static_cast<TBool>(aStatus == WHA::KSuccess), 
+        aQueueId,
+        aRequestedRate );    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::CallPacketSchedule( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TBool aMore )
+    {
+    aCtxImpl.SchedulePackets( aMore );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::OnPacketFlushEvent(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TUint32 aPacketId,
+    TDataBuffer* aMetaHeader )
+    {
+    if ( aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeData )
+        {
+        OnTxProtocolStackDataComplete( aCtxImpl, aMetaHeader );
+        }
+    else if ( aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeDataEapol ||
+              aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeManagementAction || 
+              aPacketId == E802Dot11FrameTypeTestFrame )
+        {
+        // complete with an error code if WLAN Mgmt Client frame
+        // transmit fails
+        OnMgmtPathWriteComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrGeneral );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // this frame Tx request didn't come from above us (i.e. neither 
+        // through the user data nor the management data API) but is
+        // related to a frame Tx we have done internally. So there's
+        // nothing to complete upwards. But we need to mark the internal
+        // Tx buffer free again
+        aCtxImpl.MarkInternalTxBufFree();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::OnPacketPushPossible( 
+    WlanContextImpl& /*aCtxImpl*/ )
+    {
+    // intentionally left empty
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::Indication( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    WHA::TIndicationId aIndicationId,
+    const WHA::UIndicationParams& aIndicationParams )
+    {
+    switch ( aIndicationId )
+        {
+        case WHA::EError:
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+                (TUint8*)("UMAC: WHA error indication received!") );
+            DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, aIndicationParams.iError.iStatus );
+            break;
+        case WHA::EBssLost:
+            DoConsecutiveBeaconsLostIndication( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case WHA::EBSSRegained:
+            DoRegainedBSSIndication( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case WHA::ERadar:
+            DoRadarIndication( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        case WHA::ERcpi:
+            DoRcpiIndication( aCtxImpl, aIndicationParams.iRcpi.iRcpi );
+            break;
+        case WHA::EPsModeError:
+            DoPsModeErrorIndication( aCtxImpl );
+            break;
+        default:
+            // implementation error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, 
+                (TUint8*)("UMAC: aIndicationId: %d"), aIndicationId );
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxQueue( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WHA::TQueueId aQueueId,
+    TBool aCompleteManagementRequest )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxQueue: aQueueId: %d"),
+        aQueueId );
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxQueue: aCompleteManagementRequest: %d"), 
+        aCompleteManagementRequest );
+    WHA::TPsScheme psScheme( WHA::ERegularPs );
+    // enable U-APSD for the AC/Queue in question when necessary. 
+    // Otherwise stick to regular PS
+    switch ( aQueueId )
+        {
+        case WHA::ELegacy:
+            if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBestEffort() )
+                {
+                psScheme = WHA::EUapsd;
+                }                
+            break;
+        case WHA::EBackGround:
+            if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForBackground() )
+                {
+                psScheme = WHA::EUapsd;
+                }
+            break;
+        case WHA::EVideo:
+            if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVideo() )
+                {
+                psScheme = WHA::EUapsd;
+                }
+            break;
+        case WHA::EVoice:
+            if ( aCtxImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice() )
+                {
+                psScheme = WHA::EUapsd;
+                }
+            break;
+        default:
+            // catch programming error
+            OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: ERROR: unsupported queue, aQueueId: %d"), aQueueId );
+            OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );
+        }
+    WlanWhaConfigureQueue& wha_command = aCtxImpl.WhaConfigureQueue();
+    wha_command.Set( 
+        aQueueId,
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime[aQueueId], 
+        psScheme, 
+        WHA::ENormal,
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.iMediumTime[aQueueId] );
+    const TUint32 KNoNeedToCompleteManagementRequest = 0;
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_command,        // next state
+        aCompleteManagementRequest ? KCompleteManagementRequest : 
+                                     KNoNeedToCompleteManagementRequest );
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;                                     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureAcParams( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( 
+        KUmacDetails, 
+        (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureAcParams") );
+    WlanWhaConfigureAc& wha_command = aCtxImpl.WhaConfigureAc();
+    wha_command.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl.CwMinVector(),
+        aCtxImpl.CwMaxVector(),
+        aCtxImpl.AifsVector(),
+        aCtxImpl.TxOplimitVector() );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_command         // next state
+        );                       
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }    
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetCtsToSelfMib( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    WHA::SctsToSelf* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::SctsToSelf*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::SctsToSelf ) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetCtsToSelfMib(): memory allocation failed") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    if ( aCtxImpl.ProtectionBitSet() )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( 
+            KUmacDetails, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetCtsToSelfMib(): enable CTS to self") );
+        mib->iCtsToSelf = ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( 
+            KUmacDetails, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetCtsToSelfMib(): disable CTS to self") );
+        mib->iCtsToSelf = EFalse;
+        }
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibCtsToSelf, sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_cmd             // next state
+        );  
+    // as the parameters have been supplied we can now deallocate
+    os_free( mib );
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureBssLost( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint32 aBeaconLostCount,
+    TUint8 aFailedTxPacketCount )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureBssLost") );
+    // store & take the new failed Tx packet count threshold into use
+    aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.iFailedTxPacketCountThreshold = aFailedTxPacketCount;
+    // set the beacon lost count mib    
+    return SetBeaconLostCountMib( aCtxImpl, aBeaconLostCount );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetTxRateAdaptParams( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint8 aMinStepUpCheckpoint,
+    TUint8 aMaxStepUpCheckpoint,
+    TUint8 aStepUpCheckpointFactor,
+    TUint8 aStepDownCheckpoint,
+    TUint8 aMinStepUpThreshold,
+    TUint8 aMaxStepUpThreshold,
+    TUint8 aStepUpThresholdIncrement,
+    TUint8 aStepDownThreshold,
+    TBool aDisableProbeHandling )
+    {
+    aCtxImpl.SetTxRateAdaptationAlgorithmParams(
+        aMinStepUpCheckpoint,
+        aMaxStepUpCheckpoint,
+        aStepUpCheckpointFactor,
+        aStepDownCheckpoint,
+        aMinStepUpThreshold,
+        aMaxStepUpThreshold,
+        aStepUpThresholdIncrement,
+        aStepDownThreshold,
+        aDisableProbeHandling );
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// At this point we only store the provided configuration data. It will be
+// taken into use when we know the nw we are going to join - i.e. just prior
+// actually joining that nw
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxRatePolicies( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    const TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass,
+    const TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
+    const TTxAutoRatePolicy& aAutoRatePolicy,
+    const THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureTxRatePolicies"));
+    StoreTxRatePolicyInfo( 
+        aCtxImpl,
+        aRatePolicy,
+        aQueue2RateClass,
+        aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
+        aAutoRatePolicy,
+        aHtMcsPolicy );
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetPowerModeManagementParameters(        
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint32 aToLightPsTimeout,
+    TUint16 aToLightPsFrameThreshold,
+    TUint32 aToActiveTimeout,
+    TUint16 aToActiveFrameThreshold,
+    TUint32 aToDeepPsTimeout,
+    TUint16 aToDeepPsFrameThreshold,
+    TUint16 aUapsdRxFrameLengthThreshold )
+    {
+    aCtxImpl.SetPowerModeManagementParameters(
+        aToLightPsTimeout,
+        aToLightPsFrameThreshold,
+        aToActiveTimeout,
+        aToActiveFrameThreshold,
+        aToDeepPsTimeout,
+        aToDeepPsFrameThreshold,
+        aUapsdRxFrameLengthThreshold );
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigurePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVoiceTraffic,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVideoTraffic,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBestEffortTraffic, 
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBackgroundTraffic,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVoiceTraffic,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVideoTraffic,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBestEffortTraffic,
+    TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBackgroundTraffic )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigurePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride"));
+    aCtxImpl.ConfigurePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride( 
+        aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVoiceTraffic,
+        aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVideoTraffic,
+        aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBestEffortTraffic, 
+        aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBackgroundTraffic,
+        aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVoiceTraffic,
+        aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVideoTraffic,
+        aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBestEffortTraffic,
+        aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBackgroundTraffic );
+    // Note, that in this case the dynamic power mode mgmt traffic 
+    // override/ignoration settings will be frozen later (during connect 
+    // operation, once we know the network capabilites) so that they become 
+    // effective
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::GetFrameStatistics( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    WlanWsaReadMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaReadMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( aCtxImpl, WHA::KMibCountersTable );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,                  // previous state
+        wha_cmd,                // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );                       
+    // signal caller that state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// At this point we only store the values provided by WLAN mgmt client. They
+// will be used later when we (re-)associate to an AP.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureUapsd( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TMaxServicePeriodLength aMaxServicePeriodLength,
+    TBool aUapsdForVoice,
+    TBool aUapsdForVideo,
+    TBool aUapsdForBestEffort,
+    TBool aUapsdForBackground )
+    {
+    // this cast is safe as the types are effectively the same
+    aCtxImpl.UapsdMaxSpLen() = 
+        static_cast<TQosInfoUapsdMaxSpLen>(aMaxServicePeriodLength);
+    aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForVoice( aUapsdForVoice );
+    aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForVideo( aUapsdForVideo );
+    aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForBestEffort( aUapsdForBestEffort );
+    aCtxImpl.UapsdRequestedForBackground( aUapsdForBackground );    
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;        
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::GetMacAddress(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::GetMacAddress: mac address:"), 
+        aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId );
+    OnOidComplete( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        KErrNone, 
+        &(aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId), 
+        sizeof(aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.dot11StationId) );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureArpIpAddressFiltering(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TBool aEnableFiltering,
+    TIpv4Address aIpv4Address )
+    {
+    return SetArpIpAddressTableMib(
+            aCtxImpl,
+            aEnableFiltering,
+            aIpv4Address );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// At this point we only store the provided configuration.
+// It will be passed to the lower layers when connecting to a HT network
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtBlockAck(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    TUint8 aTxBlockAckUsage,
+    TUint8 aRxBlockAckUsage )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureHtBlockAck()") );
+    WHA::ShtBlockAckConfigure& blockAckConf ( 
+        aCtxImpl.GetHtBlockAckConfigure() );
+    blockAckConf.iTxBlockAckUsage = aTxBlockAckUsage;
+    blockAckConf.iRxBlockAckUsage = aRxBlockAckUsage;
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureProprietarySnapHdr(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+    const TSnapHeader& aSnapHeader )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureProprietarySnapHdr") );
+    // store the provided SNAP header for later use
+    os_memcpy( 
+        reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&(aCtxImpl.GetProprietarySnapHeader())),
+        reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&aSnapHeader),
+        sizeof( SSnapHeader ) );
+    OnOidComplete( aCtxImpl, KErrNone );
+    // signal caller that no state transition occurred
+    return EFalse;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::SetBeaconLostCountMib(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TUint32 aBeaconLostCount )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( 
+        KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetBeaconLostCountMib(): aBeaconLostCount: %d"), 
+        aBeaconLostCount );
+    // allocate memory for the mib to write
+    WHA::SbeaconLostCount* mib 
+        = static_cast<WHA::SbeaconLostCount*>
+        (os_alloc( sizeof( WHA::SbeaconLostCount ) )); 
+    if ( !mib )
+        {
+        // allocation failed
+        // simulate macnotresponding error
+        OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel, 
+            (TUint8*)("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SetBeaconLostCountMib: abort") );
+        return DoErrorIndication( aCtxImpl, WHA::KErrorMacNotResponding );
+        }
+    mib->iLostCount = aBeaconLostCount;
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wha_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    wha_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibBeaconLostCount, 
+        sizeof(*mib), mib );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wha_cmd,            // next state
+        // the ACT
+        KCompleteManagementRequest
+        );   
+    os_free( mib ); // always remember to release the memory
+    // store the new beacon lost count also to our soft mib
+    aCtxImpl.iWlanMib.iBeaconLostCount = aBeaconLostCount;
+    // signal caller that a state transition occurred
+    return ETrue;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ResortToSingleTxRatePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResortToSingleTxRatePolicy: WARNING: PDD "
+         "supports only %d policy objects ... "),
+        aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iNumOfTxRateClasses );
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: ... and %d objects have been provided to us"),
+        aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects );
+    // In this case - from the rate classes / autorate policies provided to
+    // us by WLAN Mgmt client - we will use only the rate class / autorate 
+    // policy specified for legacy Tx Queue / AC, i.e. the 1st one at index 0
+    aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects = 1;
+    for ( TUint queueId = ELegacy; queueId < EQueueIdMax; ++queueId )
+        {
+        aQueue2RateClass[queueId] = 0;
+        }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if ( (aCtxImpl.Queue2RateClass())[ELegacy] != 0 )
+        {
+        OsTracePrint( KErrorLevel | KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ResortToSingleTxRatePolicy: ERROR: policy "
+             "for legacy not specified as the 1st in the policy array") );
+        OsAssert( (TUint8*)("UMAC: panic"), 
+            (TUint8*)(WLAN_FILE), __LINE__ );            
+        }        
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::FinalizeTxRatePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    TWhaRateMasks& aRateMasks,
+    TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass ) const
+    {
+    for ( TUint rateClassInd = 0; 
+          rateClassInd < aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects; 
+          ++rateClassInd )
+        {
+        // build a rate mask as an "intersection" of
+        //   rates in the provided rate class AND
+        //   rates supported by the nw and AND
+        //   rates supported by WHA layer.
+        // Also keep the nbr of tx attempts in the rate class for a particular 
+        // rate if that rate is supported by both the nw and WHA layer. 
+        // Otherwise set the nbr of tx attemps to zero for that rate
+        HandleRates( 
+            aCtxImpl, 
+            aRatePolicy.txRateClass[rateClassInd], 
+            aRateMasks[rateClassInd] );
+        if ( !( aRateMasks[rateClassInd] ) )
+            {
+            // the provided rate class was such that we ended up with an empty
+            // rate mask. To recover from this situation we will update the
+            // rate class definition on the fly to contain the rates which both
+            // the WHA layer and the nw support
+            RecoverRatePolicy(
+                aCtxImpl,
+                aRatePolicy,
+                rateClassInd,
+                aRateMasks[rateClassInd] );
+            // adjust also the Max Tx Rate for this rate class so that the 
+            // highest possible rate will be used initially
+            aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass[rateClassInd] = WHA::KRate54Mbits;
+            }        
+        } // for
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::HandleRate(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WHA::TRate aRate,
+    TUint8& aTxAttempts,
+    WHA::TRate& aRateMask ) const
+    {        
+    if ( aCtxImpl.RateBitMask() & aRate )
+        {
+        // rate is supported both by us and by the nw. 
+        if ( aTxAttempts )
+            {
+            // non-zero Tx attempts defined => include the rate in dynamic Tx 
+            // rate adaptation rates
+            aRateMask |= aRate;            
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // rate is not supported either by us or by the nw. Set zero Tx attempts
+        aTxAttempts = 0;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::HandleRates(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TTxRateClass& aRateClass,
+    WHA::TRate& aRateMask ) const
+    {
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate54Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy54, 
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate48Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy48,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate36Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy36,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate33Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy33,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate24Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy24,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate22Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy22,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate18Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy18,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate12Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy12,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate11Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy11,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate9Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy9,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate6Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy6,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate5_5Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy5_5,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate2Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy2,
+        aRateMask );
+    HandleRate( aCtxImpl, WHA::KRate1Mbits, aRateClass.txPolicy1,
+        aRateMask );    
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleRates: resulting rate mask: 0x%08x"),
+        aRateMask );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::RecoverRatePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    TUint aRateClassInd,
+    WHA::TRate& aRateMask ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::RecoverRatePolicy: aRateClassInd: %d"),
+        aRateClassInd );
+    const TUint8 KTxAttempts = 1;
+    // start with Tx attempts == 1 for all Tx rates
+    os_memset( 
+        &aRatePolicy.txRateClass[aRateClassInd], 
+        KTxAttempts,
+        sizeof( TUint8 ) * KMaxNumberOfDot11bAndgRates );
+    HandleRates( aCtxImpl, aRatePolicy.txRateClass[aRateClassInd], aRateMask );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::FinalizeTxAutoratePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    TTxAutoRatePolicy& aAutoRatePolicy ) const
+    {
+    for ( TUint rateClassInd = 0; 
+          rateClassInd < aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects; 
+          ++rateClassInd )
+        {
+        // build a rate mask as an "intersection" of
+        //   rates in the provided auto rate class AND
+        //   rates supported by the nw and AND
+        //   rates supported by WHA layer.
+        aAutoRatePolicy[rateClassInd] = 
+            aAutoRatePolicy[rateClassInd] & aCtxImpl.RateBitMask();
+        if ( !( aAutoRatePolicy[rateClassInd] ) )
+            {
+            // the provided rate class was such that we ended up with an
+            // empty rate mask. To recover from this situation we will 
+            // update the rate class definition on the fly to contain
+            // the rates which both the WHA layer and the nw support
+            aAutoRatePolicy[rateClassInd] = aCtxImpl.RateBitMask();
+            }        
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::SpecialTxAutoratePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    TTxAutoRatePolicy& aAutoRatePolicy,
+    THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy ) const
+    {
+    if ( aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects >= 
+         aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iNumOfTxRateClasses )
+        {
+        // there's no room in the lower layers for a special policy
+        // disable special policy use
+        aCtxImpl.SpecialTxAutoRatePolicy( 0 );
+        OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SpecialTxAutoratePolicy: no room") );
+        return;
+        }
+    const TUint KMaxNbrOfItemsToPick(1);
+    // start with an empty rate mask
+    aAutoRatePolicy[aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects] = 0;
+    const WHA::TRate commonRates( aCtxImpl.RateBitMask() );
+    // pick the 802.11b/g rate(s) for the special policy
+    WHA::TRate rate( WHA::KRate1Mbits );
+    TUint cntPicked(0);
+    do
+        {
+        if ( rate & commonRates )
+            {
+            aAutoRatePolicy[aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects] |= rate;
+            ++cntPicked;
+            }
+        rate <<= 1;        
+        } while ( ( cntPicked < KMaxNbrOfItemsToPick ) && 
+                  ( rate <= KRate54Mbits ) );
+    // start with an empty MCS set
+    for ( TUint mcsBucket = 0; 
+          mcsBucket < WHA::KHtMcsSetLength; 
+          ++mcsBucket )    
+        {
+        aHtMcsPolicy[aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects][mcsBucket] = 0; 
+        }
+    // pick the 802.11n MCS(s) for the special policy
+    const SHtCapabilitiesIE& htCapabilitiesIe( 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe() );
+    const TUint KLastMcsBucket = WHA::KHtMcsSetLength - 1;
+    const TUint8 KMcsCountInLastBucket( 5 );
+    TUint8 mcsCount( 8 );
+    cntPicked = 0;
+    TUint mcsBucket = 0;
+    do
+        {
+        if ( mcsBucket == KLastMcsBucket )
+            {
+            // there are only 5 MCSs in the last "bucket" per 802.11n std.
+            mcsCount = KMcsCountInLastBucket;
+            }
+        TUint8 mcs(1);
+        TUint mcsCounter( 0 );
+        do
+            {
+            if ( mcs &
+                 ( aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iTxMcs[mcsBucket] ) &
+                 ( htCapabilitiesIe.iData.iRxMcsBitmask[mcsBucket] ) )
+                {
+                aHtMcsPolicy[aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects][mcsBucket] |= mcs;
+                ++cntPicked;
+                }
+            mcs <<= 1;
+            ++mcsCounter;
+            } while ( ( cntPicked < KMaxNbrOfItemsToPick ) && 
+                      ( mcsCounter < mcsCount ) );
+        ++mcsBucket;
+        } while ( ( cntPicked < KMaxNbrOfItemsToPick ) && 
+                  ( mcsBucket < WHA::KHtMcsSetLength ) );
+    // set the retry counts
+    //
+    const TUint8 KSpecialShortRetryLimit = 10;
+    const TUint8 KSpecialLongRetryLimit = 4;
+    aRatePolicy.txRateClass[aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects].shortRetryLimit = 
+        KSpecialShortRetryLimit;
+    aRatePolicy.txRateClass[aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects].longRetryLimit = 
+        KSpecialLongRetryLimit;
+    // now we have an additional policy
+    ++(aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects);
+    // enable special policy use
+    aCtxImpl.SpecialTxAutoRatePolicy( aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects );
+    OsTracePrint( KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::SpecialTxAutoratePolicy: policy id: %d"),
+        aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::ConfigureForTxAutoratePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    const TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass,
+    THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy,
+    TBool aCompleteMgmtRequest )
+    {
+    // store the Tx queue to rate class mapping
+    for ( TUint queueId = ELegacy; queueId < EQueueIdMax; ++queueId )
+        {
+        aCtxImpl.SetTxRatePolicy( 
+            static_cast<WHA::TQueueId>(queueId), 
+            // rate class ids start from 1, hence the + 1
+            aQueue2RateClass[queueId] + 1 );
+        }
+    // make sure that our MCS policy contains only MCSs that both the NW
+    // and the lower layers support
+    HandleHtMcsPolicy( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        aHtMcsPolicy,
+        aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects );
+    // change to the state which performs the rest of the configuration
+    WlanConfigureTxAutoRatePolicy& complexWhaCmd( 
+        aCtxImpl.ConfigureTxAutoRatePolicy() );
+    complexWhaCmd.Set( aCompleteMgmtRequest );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        complexWhaCmd       // next state
+        );    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanDot11State::HandleHtMcsPolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy,
+    TUint aNbrOfMcsSets ) const
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleHtMcsPolicy") );
+    const SHtCapabilitiesIE& htCapabilitiesIe( 
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe() );
+    for ( TUint mcsSet = 0; mcsSet < aNbrOfMcsSets; ++mcsSet )
+        {
+        for ( TUint mcsBucket = 0; 
+              mcsBucket < WHA::KHtMcsSetLength; 
+              ++mcsBucket )    
+            {
+            aHtMcsPolicy[mcsSet][mcsBucket] = 
+                aCtxImpl.WHASettings().iHtCapabilities.iTxMcs[mcsBucket] &
+                htCapabilitiesIe.iData.iRxMcsBitmask[mcsBucket] &
+                aHtMcsPolicy[mcsSet][mcsBucket];
+            }        
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::ConfigureForTxRatePolicy(
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+    const TWhaRateMasks& aRateMasks,
+    const TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass,
+    const TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
+    TBool aCompleteMgmtRequest )
+    {
+    for ( TUint rateClassInd = 0; 
+          rateClassInd < aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects; 
+          ++rateClassInd )
+        {
+        // provide the ratemask for this rate class to rate adaptation.
+        // Rate class ids start from 1, hence the + 1
+        if ( !aCtxImpl.SetTxRateAdaptationRates( 
+                rateClassInd + 1, 
+                aRateMasks[rateClassInd] ) )
+            {
+            // alloc failure; we cannot continue
+            OsTracePrint( KWarningLevel | KTxRateAdapt, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::ConfigureForTxRatePolicy: WARNING: "
+                 "alloc failure in rate adaptation"));
+            return EFalse;  // indicate fatal error
+            }        
+        // set the initial max Tx rate for this rate class
+        aCtxImpl.SetCurrentMaxTxRate( 
+            // rate class ids start from 1, hence the + 1
+            rateClassInd + 1, 
+            aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass[rateClassInd] );
+        }
+    // inform rate adaptation about the Tx queue to rate class mapping
+    for ( TUint queueId = ELegacy; queueId < EQueueIdMax; ++queueId )
+        {
+        aCtxImpl.SetTxRatePolicy( 
+            static_cast<WHA::TQueueId>(queueId), 
+            // rate class ids start from 1, hence the + 1
+            aQueue2RateClass[queueId] + 1 );
+        }
+    // update the Rate Policy MIB
+    WlanWsaWriteMib& wsa_cmd = aCtxImpl.WsaWriteMib();
+    const TUint16 mibLength = sizeof( WHA::StxRatePolicy ) 
+        // there is space for one policy object (rate class) in the 
+        // StxRatePolicy struct, so space for any additional objects needs to
+        // be allocated in addition to that
+        + sizeof( WHA::StxRateClass ) * 
+          ( aRatePolicy.numOfPolicyObjects - 1 );
+    wsa_cmd.Set( 
+        aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::KMibTxRatePolicy, 
+        mibLength,
+        // note that the types WHA::StxRatePolicy and TTxRatePolicy are
+        // effectively equivalent, so this is ok
+        &aRatePolicy );
+    const TUint32 KNotNecessary2Complete ( 0 );
+    // change global state: entry procedure triggers action
+    ChangeState( aCtxImpl, 
+        *this,              // prev state
+        wsa_cmd,            // next state
+        aCompleteMgmtRequest ? KCompleteManagementRequest : 
+                               KNotNecessary2Complete
+        );
+    return ETrue;  // indicate success & state change
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::HandleHtCapabilities( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanElementLocator& aElementLocator ) const
+    {
+    TBool status ( ETrue );
+    TUint8 elementDatalength( 0 );
+    const TUint8* elementData( NULL );
+    // try to locate HT capabilities element
+    if ( aElementLocator.InformationElement( 
+            E802Dot11HtCapabilitiesIE,
+            elementDatalength, 
+            &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+        {
+        // found, so store it to our context
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtCapabilitiesIe().SetIeData( 
+            elementData, 
+            elementDatalength );
+        // this also means that the target nw supports HT
+        aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw( ETrue ); 
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleHtCapabilities: HT capabilities element present => HT supported by nw") );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // not found => target nw doesn't support HT
+        aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw( EFalse ); 
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleHtCapabilities: HT capabilities element not found") );
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::HandleHtOperation( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanElementLocator& aElementLocator ) const
+    {
+    TBool status ( ETrue );
+    TUint8 elementDatalength( 0 );
+    const TUint8* elementData( NULL );
+    // try to locate HT Operation element
+    if ( aElementLocator.InformationElement( 
+            E802Dot11HtOperationIE,
+            elementDatalength, 
+            &elementData ) == WlanElementLocator::EWlanLocateOk )
+        {
+        // found, so store it to our context
+        aCtxImpl.GetNwHtOperationIe().SetIeData( 
+            elementData, 
+            elementDatalength );
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleHtOperation: element present") );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // not found even though HT capabilities element is present => 
+        // protocol error
+        status = EFalse;
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleHtOperation: element not found => protocol error") );
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool WlanDot11State::HandleDot11n( 
+    WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+    WlanElementLocator& aElementLocator ) const
+    {
+    TBool status ( ETrue ); 
+    if ( ( aCtxImpl.PairwiseCipher() == EWlanCipherSuiteTkip ) || 
+         !( aCtxImpl.QosEnabled() ) )
+        {
+        // as the control is here it means that 
+        // - the WLAN vendor implementation
+        // supports HT AND EITHER
+        // - TKIP will be used as the pairwise cipher OR
+        // - the target nw doesn't support WMM
+        // In these cases we must not use HT functionality, even if the target 
+        // nw supported it. We achieve that by handling the target nw as
+        // a non-HT nw
+        aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw( EFalse );
+        OsTracePrint( KInfoLevel, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanDot11State::HandleDot11n: TKIP as pairwise cipher "
+             "or WMM not supported => HT disabled") );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        status = HandleHtCapabilities( aCtxImpl, aElementLocator ) ;
+        // if HT capabilities element is present and ok
+        if ( aCtxImpl.HtSupportedByNw() && status  )
+            {
+            // check also HT Operation element
+            status = HandleHtOperation( aCtxImpl, aElementLocator );
+            }
+        }
+    return status;
+    }