changeset 0 e35f40988205
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e35f40988205
     1 /*
     2  * libxml2_chvalid.c:   this module implements the character range
     3  *                      validation APIs
     4  *
     5  * This file is automatically generated from the cvs source
     6  * definition files using the genChRanges.py Python script
     7  *
     8  * Generation date: Tue Nov 18 08:14:21 2003
     9  * Sources: chvalid.def
    10  * William Brack <wbrack@mmm.com.hk>
    11  * 
    12  * See Copyright for the status of this software.
    13  * Portion Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. 
    14  */
    16 #define IN_LIBXML
    17 #define UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
    18 #include "xmlenglibxml.h"
    19 #include <stdapis/libxml2/libxml2_chvalid.h>
    21 /*
    22  =====================================================================================
    23         GLOBAL CONSTANTS (moved from _xmlGlobalState struct)
    24  =====================================================================================
    25 */
    26 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChSRange  xmlIsBaseChar_srng[197] = { {0x100, 0x131}, {0x134, 0x13e},
    27     {0x141, 0x148}, {0x14a, 0x17e}, {0x180, 0x1c3}, {0x1cd, 0x1f0},
    28     {0x1f4, 0x1f5}, {0x1fa, 0x217}, {0x250, 0x2a8}, {0x2bb, 0x2c1},
    29     {0x386, 0x386}, {0x388, 0x38a}, {0x38c, 0x38c}, {0x38e, 0x3a1},
    30     {0x3a3, 0x3ce}, {0x3d0, 0x3d6}, {0x3da, 0x3da}, {0x3dc, 0x3dc},
    31     {0x3de, 0x3de}, {0x3e0, 0x3e0}, {0x3e2, 0x3f3}, {0x401, 0x40c},
    32     {0x40e, 0x44f}, {0x451, 0x45c}, {0x45e, 0x481}, {0x490, 0x4c4},
    33     {0x4c7, 0x4c8}, {0x4cb, 0x4cc}, {0x4d0, 0x4eb}, {0x4ee, 0x4f5},
    34     {0x4f8, 0x4f9}, {0x531, 0x556}, {0x559, 0x559}, {0x561, 0x586},
    35     {0x5d0, 0x5ea}, {0x5f0, 0x5f2}, {0x621, 0x63a}, {0x641, 0x64a},
    36     {0x671, 0x6b7}, {0x6ba, 0x6be}, {0x6c0, 0x6ce}, {0x6d0, 0x6d3},
    37     {0x6d5, 0x6d5}, {0x6e5, 0x6e6}, {0x905, 0x939}, {0x93d, 0x93d},
    38     {0x958, 0x961}, {0x985, 0x98c}, {0x98f, 0x990}, {0x993, 0x9a8},
    39     {0x9aa, 0x9b0}, {0x9b2, 0x9b2}, {0x9b6, 0x9b9}, {0x9dc, 0x9dd},
    40     {0x9df, 0x9e1}, {0x9f0, 0x9f1}, {0xa05, 0xa0a}, {0xa0f, 0xa10},
    41     {0xa13, 0xa28}, {0xa2a, 0xa30}, {0xa32, 0xa33}, {0xa35, 0xa36},
    42     {0xa38, 0xa39}, {0xa59, 0xa5c}, {0xa5e, 0xa5e}, {0xa72, 0xa74},
    43     {0xa85, 0xa8b}, {0xa8d, 0xa8d}, {0xa8f, 0xa91}, {0xa93, 0xaa8},
    44     {0xaaa, 0xab0}, {0xab2, 0xab3}, {0xab5, 0xab9}, {0xabd, 0xabd},
    45     {0xae0, 0xae0}, {0xb05, 0xb0c}, {0xb0f, 0xb10}, {0xb13, 0xb28},
    46     {0xb2a, 0xb30}, {0xb32, 0xb33}, {0xb36, 0xb39}, {0xb3d, 0xb3d},
    47     {0xb5c, 0xb5d}, {0xb5f, 0xb61}, {0xb85, 0xb8a}, {0xb8e, 0xb90},
    48     {0xb92, 0xb95}, {0xb99, 0xb9a}, {0xb9c, 0xb9c}, {0xb9e, 0xb9f},
    49     {0xba3, 0xba4}, {0xba8, 0xbaa}, {0xbae, 0xbb5}, {0xbb7, 0xbb9},
    50     {0xc05, 0xc0c}, {0xc0e, 0xc10}, {0xc12, 0xc28}, {0xc2a, 0xc33},
    51     {0xc35, 0xc39}, {0xc60, 0xc61}, {0xc85, 0xc8c}, {0xc8e, 0xc90},
    52     {0xc92, 0xca8}, {0xcaa, 0xcb3}, {0xcb5, 0xcb9}, {0xcde, 0xcde},
    53     {0xce0, 0xce1}, {0xd05, 0xd0c}, {0xd0e, 0xd10}, {0xd12, 0xd28},
    54     {0xd2a, 0xd39}, {0xd60, 0xd61}, {0xe01, 0xe2e}, {0xe30, 0xe30},
    55     {0xe32, 0xe33}, {0xe40, 0xe45}, {0xe81, 0xe82}, {0xe84, 0xe84},
    56     {0xe87, 0xe88}, {0xe8a, 0xe8a}, {0xe8d, 0xe8d}, {0xe94, 0xe97},
    57     {0xe99, 0xe9f}, {0xea1, 0xea3}, {0xea5, 0xea5}, {0xea7, 0xea7},
    58     {0xeaa, 0xeab}, {0xead, 0xeae}, {0xeb0, 0xeb0}, {0xeb2, 0xeb3},
    59     {0xebd, 0xebd}, {0xec0, 0xec4}, {0xf40, 0xf47}, {0xf49, 0xf69},
    60     {0x10a0, 0x10c5}, {0x10d0, 0x10f6}, {0x1100, 0x1100}, {0x1102, 0x1103},
    61     {0x1105, 0x1107}, {0x1109, 0x1109}, {0x110b, 0x110c}, {0x110e, 0x1112},
    62     {0x113c, 0x113c}, {0x113e, 0x113e}, {0x1140, 0x1140}, {0x114c, 0x114c},
    63     {0x114e, 0x114e}, {0x1150, 0x1150}, {0x1154, 0x1155}, {0x1159, 0x1159},
    64     {0x115f, 0x1161}, {0x1163, 0x1163}, {0x1165, 0x1165}, {0x1167, 0x1167},
    65     {0x1169, 0x1169}, {0x116d, 0x116e}, {0x1172, 0x1173}, {0x1175, 0x1175},
    66     {0x119e, 0x119e}, {0x11a8, 0x11a8}, {0x11ab, 0x11ab}, {0x11ae, 0x11af},
    67     {0x11b7, 0x11b8}, {0x11ba, 0x11ba}, {0x11bc, 0x11c2}, {0x11eb, 0x11eb},
    68     {0x11f0, 0x11f0}, {0x11f9, 0x11f9}, {0x1e00, 0x1e9b}, {0x1ea0, 0x1ef9},
    69     {0x1f00, 0x1f15}, {0x1f18, 0x1f1d}, {0x1f20, 0x1f45}, {0x1f48, 0x1f4d},
    70     {0x1f50, 0x1f57}, {0x1f59, 0x1f59}, {0x1f5b, 0x1f5b}, {0x1f5d, 0x1f5d},
    71     {0x1f5f, 0x1f7d}, {0x1f80, 0x1fb4}, {0x1fb6, 0x1fbc}, {0x1fbe, 0x1fbe},
    72     {0x1fc2, 0x1fc4}, {0x1fc6, 0x1fcc}, {0x1fd0, 0x1fd3}, {0x1fd6, 0x1fdb},
    73     {0x1fe0, 0x1fec}, {0x1ff2, 0x1ff4}, {0x1ff6, 0x1ffc}, {0x2126, 0x2126},
    74     {0x212a, 0x212b}, {0x212e, 0x212e}, {0x2180, 0x2182}, {0x3041, 0x3094},
    75     {0x30a1, 0x30fa}, {0x3105, 0x312c}, {0xac00, 0xd7a3}};
    77 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsBaseCharGroup =
    78     {197, 0, xmlIsBaseChar_srng, (xmlChLRangePtr)0};
    80 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChSRange xmlIsCombining_srng[] = { {0x300, 0x345},
    81     {0x360, 0x361}, {0x483, 0x486}, {0x591, 0x5a1}, {0x5a3, 0x5b9},
    82     {0x5bb, 0x5bd}, {0x5bf, 0x5bf}, {0x5c1, 0x5c2}, {0x5c4, 0x5c4},
    83     {0x64b, 0x652}, {0x670, 0x670}, {0x6d6, 0x6dc}, {0x6dd, 0x6df},
    84     {0x6e0, 0x6e4}, {0x6e7, 0x6e8}, {0x6ea, 0x6ed}, {0x901, 0x903},
    85     {0x93c, 0x93c}, {0x93e, 0x94c}, {0x94d, 0x94d}, {0x951, 0x954},
    86     {0x962, 0x963}, {0x981, 0x983}, {0x9bc, 0x9bc}, {0x9be, 0x9be},
    87     {0x9bf, 0x9bf}, {0x9c0, 0x9c4}, {0x9c7, 0x9c8}, {0x9cb, 0x9cd},
    88     {0x9d7, 0x9d7}, {0x9e2, 0x9e3}, {0xa02, 0xa02}, {0xa3c, 0xa3c},
    89     {0xa3e, 0xa3e}, {0xa3f, 0xa3f}, {0xa40, 0xa42}, {0xa47, 0xa48},
    90     {0xa4b, 0xa4d}, {0xa70, 0xa71}, {0xa81, 0xa83}, {0xabc, 0xabc},
    91     {0xabe, 0xac5}, {0xac7, 0xac9}, {0xacb, 0xacd}, {0xb01, 0xb03},
    92     {0xb3c, 0xb3c}, {0xb3e, 0xb43}, {0xb47, 0xb48}, {0xb4b, 0xb4d},
    93     {0xb56, 0xb57}, {0xb82, 0xb83}, {0xbbe, 0xbc2}, {0xbc6, 0xbc8},
    94     {0xbca, 0xbcd}, {0xbd7, 0xbd7}, {0xc01, 0xc03}, {0xc3e, 0xc44},
    95     {0xc46, 0xc48}, {0xc4a, 0xc4d}, {0xc55, 0xc56}, {0xc82, 0xc83},
    96     {0xcbe, 0xcc4}, {0xcc6, 0xcc8}, {0xcca, 0xccd}, {0xcd5, 0xcd6},
    97     {0xd02, 0xd03}, {0xd3e, 0xd43}, {0xd46, 0xd48}, {0xd4a, 0xd4d},
    98     {0xd57, 0xd57}, {0xe31, 0xe31}, {0xe34, 0xe3a}, {0xe47, 0xe4e},
    99     {0xeb1, 0xeb1}, {0xeb4, 0xeb9}, {0xebb, 0xebc}, {0xec8, 0xecd},
   100     {0xf18, 0xf19}, {0xf35, 0xf35}, {0xf37, 0xf37}, {0xf39, 0xf39},
   101     {0xf3e, 0xf3e}, {0xf3f, 0xf3f}, {0xf71, 0xf84}, {0xf86, 0xf8b},
   102     {0xf90, 0xf95}, {0xf97, 0xf97}, {0xf99, 0xfad}, {0xfb1, 0xfb7},
   103     {0xfb9, 0xfb9}, {0x20d0, 0x20dc}, {0x20e1, 0x20e1}, {0x302a, 0x302f},
   104     {0x3099, 0x3099}, {0x309a, 0x309a}};
   106 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsCombiningGroup =
   107     {95, 0, xmlIsCombining_srng, (xmlChLRangePtr)0};
   109 const xmlChSRange xmlIsChar_srng[] = { {0x100, 0xd7ff}, {0xe000, 0xfffd}};
   111 const xmlChLRange xmlIsChar_lrng[] = { {0x10000, 0x10ffff}};
   113 const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsCharGroup =  {2, 1, xmlIsChar_srng, xmlIsChar_lrng};
   115 const xmlChSRange xmlIsIdeographic_srng[] = { {0x3007, 0x3007},
   116     {0x3021, 0x3029}, {0x4e00, 0x9fa5}};
   118 const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsIdeographicGroup = {3, 0, xmlIsIdeographic_srng, (xmlChLRangePtr)0};
   121 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChSRange xmlIsDigit_srng[] = { {0x660, 0x669}, {0x6f0, 0x6f9},
   122     {0x966, 0x96f}, {0x9e6, 0x9ef}, {0xa66, 0xa6f}, {0xae6, 0xaef},
   123     {0xb66, 0xb6f}, {0xbe7, 0xbef}, {0xc66, 0xc6f}, {0xce6, 0xcef},
   124     {0xd66, 0xd6f}, {0xe50, 0xe59}, {0xed0, 0xed9}, {0xf20, 0xf29}};
   126 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsDigitGroup =
   127     {14, 0, xmlIsDigit_srng, (xmlChLRangePtr)0};
   129 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChSRange xmlIsExtender_srng[] = { {0x2d0, 0x2d0}, {0x2d1, 0x2d1},
   130     {0x387, 0x387}, {0x640, 0x640}, {0xe46, 0xe46}, {0xec6, 0xec6},
   131     {0x3005, 0x3005}, {0x3031, 0x3035}, {0x309d, 0x309e}, {0x30fc, 0x30fe}};
   133 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsExtenderGroup =
   134     {10, 0, xmlIsExtender_srng, (xmlChLRangePtr)0};
   136 /*
   137  * The initial tables ({func_name}_tab) are used to validate whether a
   138  * single-byte character is within the specified group.  Each table
   139  * contains 256 bytes, with each byte representing one of the 256
   140  * possible characters.  If the table byte is set, the character is
   141  * allowed.
   142  *
   143  */
   144 XMLPUBFUNEXPORT const unsigned char xmlIsPubidChar_tab[256] = {
   145     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
   146     0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   147     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01,
   148     0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   149     0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   150     0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   151     0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   152     0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
   153     0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   154     0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   155     0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   156     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   157     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   158     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   159     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   160     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   161     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   162     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   163     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   164     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   165     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   166     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
   168 /**
   169  * xmlCharInRange:
   170  * @param val character to be validated
   171  * @param rptr pointer to range to be used to validate
   172  *
   173  * Does a binary search of the range table to determine if char
   174  * is valid
   175  *
   176  * Returns: true if character valid, false otherwise
   177  */
   179 xmlCharInRange (unsigned int val, const xmlChRangeGroupPtr rptr) {
   180     int low, high, mid;
   181     xmlChSRangePtr sptr;
   182     xmlChLRangePtr lptr;
   183     if (val < 0x10000) {    /* is val in 'short' or 'long'  array? */
   184         if (rptr->nbShortRange == 0)
   185             return 0;
   186         low = 0;
   187         high = rptr->nbShortRange - 1;
   188         sptr = rptr->shortRange;
   189         while (low <= high)
   190         {
   191             mid = (low + high) / 2;
   192             if ((unsigned short) val < sptr[mid].low) {
   193                 high = mid - 1;
   194             } else {
   195                 if ((unsigned short) val > sptr[mid].high) {
   196                     low = mid + 1;
   197                 } else {
   198                     return 1;
   199                 }
   200             }
   201         }
   202     } else {
   203         if (rptr->nbLongRange == 0) {
   204             return 0;
   205         }
   206         low = 0;
   207         high = rptr->nbLongRange - 1;
   208         lptr = rptr->longRange;
   209         while (low <= high) {
   210             mid = (low + high) / 2;
   211             if (val < lptr[mid].low) {
   212                 high = mid - 1;
   213             } else {
   214                 if (val > lptr[mid].high) {
   215                     low = mid + 1;
   216                 } else {
   217                     return 1;
   218                 }
   219             }
   220         }
   221     }
   222     return 0;
   223 }
   226 /**
   227  * xmlIsBaseChar:
   228  * @param ch character to validate
   229  *
   230  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   231  * Use xmlIsBaseChar_ch or xmlIsBaseCharQ instead
   232  *
   233  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   234  */
   235 int
   236 xmlIsBaseChar(unsigned int ch) {
   237     return(xmlIsBaseCharQ(ch));
   238 }
   241 /**
   242  * xmlIsBlank:
   243  * @param ch character to validate
   244  *
   245  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   246  * Use xmlIsBlank_ch or xmlIsBlankQ instead
   247  *
   248  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   249  */
   250 int
   251 xmlIsBlank(unsigned int ch) {
   252     return(xmlIsBlankQ(ch));
   253 }
   256 /**
   257  * xmlIsChar:
   258  * @param ch character to validate
   259  *
   260  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   261  * Use xmlIsChar_ch or xmlIsCharQ instead
   262  *
   263  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   264  */
   265 int
   266 xmlIsChar(unsigned int ch) {
   267     return(xmlIsCharQ(ch));
   268 }
   271 /**
   272  * xmlIsCombining:
   273  * @param ch character to validate
   274  *
   275  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   276  * Use xmlIsCombiningQ instead
   277  *
   278  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   279  */
   280 int
   281 xmlIsCombining(unsigned int ch) {
   282     return(xmlIsCombiningQ(ch));
   283 }
   286 /**
   287  * xmlIsDigit:
   288  * @param ch character to validate
   289  *
   290  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   291  * Use xmlIsDigit_ch or xmlIsDigitQ instead
   292  *
   293  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   294  */
   295 int
   296 xmlIsDigit(unsigned int ch) {
   297     return(xmlIsDigitQ(ch));
   298 }
   301 /**
   302  * xmlIsExtender:
   303  * @param ch character to validate
   304  *
   305  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   306  * Use xmlIsExtender_ch or xmlIsExtenderQ instead
   307  *
   308  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   309  */
   310 int
   311 xmlIsExtender(unsigned int ch) {
   312     return(xmlIsExtenderQ(ch));
   313 }
   316 /**
   317  * xmlIsIdeographic:
   318  * @param ch character to validate
   319  *
   320  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   321  * Use xmlIsIdeographicQ instead
   322  *
   323  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   324  */
   325 int
   326 xmlIsIdeographic(unsigned int ch) {
   327     return(xmlIsIdeographicQ(ch));
   328 }
   331 /**
   332  * xmlIsPubidChar:
   333  * @param ch character to validate
   334  *
   335  * This function is DEPRECATED.
   336  * Use xmlIsPubidChar_ch or xmlIsPubidCharQ instead
   337  *
   338  * Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
   339  */
   340 int
   341 xmlIsPubidChar(unsigned int ch) {
   342     return(xmlIsPubidCharQ(ch));
   343 }
   344 #endif /* ifndef XMLENGINE_EXCLUDE_UNUSED */