changeset 0 e35f40988205
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 /** @file
    19 @publishedAll
    20 @released
    21 */
    22 #ifndef XMLENGELEMENT_H
    23 #define XMLENGELEMENT_H
    25 #include <xml/dom/xmlengattr.h>
    26 #include <xml/dom/xmlengnamespace.h>
    28 template<class T> class RXmlEngNodeList;
    31 /**
    32 This class represents an XML element in the DOM tree.
    34 Namespace handling:
    36 The namespace of a XML element is an URI that in pair with the local part of
    37 the element's name consistute the @c expanded-name of the element. It is said
    38 that "the element is of NNN namespace".
    40 XML elements are shown as belonging to a specific namespace by using prefixes
    41 that previously were bound to some namespace URIs. The scope of a prefix is the
    42 element, where it was declared and all its child (sub-)elements.
    44 Namespace declaration is created by using a special @c xmlns:{prefix-name} 
    45 attribute (which is not really considered as an attribute in DOM):
    46 @code 
    47    <a xmlns:pr="http://some.uri.com/"> ... </a>
    48 OR
    49    <pr:a xmlns:pr="http://some.uri.com/"> ... </a>
    50    <a xmlns="http://some.uri.com/"> ... </a>
    51 @endcode
    53 The latter two examples are equivalent and show the use of @c default namespace.
    55 Implementation notes:
    56 - Elements having no namespace are either presented with a NULL 
    57   TXmlEngNamespace node or a TXmlEngNamespace node that has NULL (KNullDesC8)
    58   prefix and namespace URI set to "" (an empty descriptor).  The former is 
    59 	used by default on all nodes, whereas the latter is for cases when some node 
    60 	contains undeclaration of the default namespace:
    61   @code
    62 	   <a xmlns=""> .. </a>
    63   @endcode
    65 - The prefix of the default attribute is NULL (KNullDesC8), not an "" (empty
    66 	descriptor).  An empty descriptor which corresponds to
    67   @code
    68       <a xmlns:="http://some.uri.com/"> ... </a>
    69   @endcode
    70   (it does not contradict XML spec, but you are strongly advised against using 
    71   this)
    73 - Prefix "xml" is reserved by XML Namespace spec for special purposes; it is 
    74   implicitly bound to XML's namespace <i>"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"</i> 
    75   and no one is allowed to use this prefix except as with spec-defined 
    76   elements and attributes or to rebind this prefix to other namespaces
    78 - Namespace URI may be "" (an empty descriptor) only for default namespace. In
    79   other words, "" namespace URI may not be bound to non-NULL prefix.
    81   Declaration of "" (an empty descriptor) namespace with NULL (KNullDesC8) 
    82   prefix results in:
    83   @code
    84       <a xmlns=""> ... </a>
    85   @endcode
    86   which undeclares any existing (in some parent element) default namespace
    87   for the scope of element 'a': element, its attributes and all child nodes 
    88   of DOM tree. Note, that such "undeclaration" will be added only if neccessary.
    90 - Unneccessary namespace declaration are ignored. Attemps to add namespace binding 
    91   using same namespace URI and prefix if such binding already exists in the scope
    92   will have no effect.
    94 - IMPORTANT! Attributes DO NOT HAVE default namespaces. If an attribute has no
    95   prefix, its namespace is undeclared even if there is some default namespaces for
    96   the scope of the element, which contains the attribute.
    98 So, it is wrong to write something like this:
    99 @code
   100     <a xmlns="ns_uri"  attr="value"> ... </a>
   101 @endcode
   102 and assume that the attr belongs to namespace pointed to with @c ns_uri.
   104 HINTS:
   105 - Use namespace declaration nodes as much as possible (but watch out for prefix collisions).
   106 - Add most referred to namespace declarations (AddNamespaceDeclarationL(uri,pref)) after
   107   any other namespace declarations in a element -- they will be found faster in
   108   namespace lookups.
   110 For more informarion on NULL and NULL nodes:
   111 @see TXmlEngNode
   112 @see KNullDesC8
   113 */
   114 class TXmlEngElement : public TXmlEngNode
   115 {
   116   public:
   117     /** Default constructor */
   118     inline TXmlEngElement();
   120     /**
   121     Constructor
   122 	@param aInternal element pointer
   123 	*/
   124     inline TXmlEngElement(void* aInternal);
   126     /*
   127 	Extensions to the DOM Level 3 Core methods
   128 	*/
   130     /**
   131     Retrieves a list of the attribute nodes of an element
   133 	Upon return, aList is initialized and is ready for use with HasNext() and
   134 	Next() methods:
   136       @code
   137           ...
   138           TXmlEngElement root = doc.DocumentElement();
   139           RXmlEngNodeList<TXmlEngAttr>    attlist;
   140           root.GetAttributes(attlist);
   141           while (attlist.HasNext())
   142               processAttribute(attlist.Next());
   143           ...
   144 	      attlist.Close();
   145       @endcode
   147 		If there are no attributes the list will be empty.
   149     @param aList An attribute list to initialize
   150     */
   151     IMPORT_C void GetAttributes(RXmlEngNodeList<TXmlEngAttr>& aList) const;
   153     /**
   154     Retrieves a list of child elements of an element.
   156 	Upon return, aList is initialized and is ready for use with HasNext() and
   157 	Next() methods.
   159 	Note: This returns a list of the child element nodes only.
   161 	There is no affect if the element attributes are empty.
   163 	@param aList A child list to initialize
   164 	*/ 
   165     IMPORT_C void GetChildElements(RXmlEngNodeList<TXmlEngElement>& aList) const;
   167 	/**
   168 	Creates a new attribute node outside of any namespace (i.e. it has no
   169 	prefix), sets the attribute's value and links it as the last attribute of
   170 	the current element.
   172 	Note:
   173 			- No checks are made that an attribute with the same name exists.
   174               Use this method only on newly created elements!
   175               Otherwise, use TXmlEngElement::SetAttributeL()
   176             - Attributes do not inherit default namespace of its element
   177               (http://w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#defaulting)
   178             - The attribute's value is the second argument in all AddNewAttributeL() methods
   180     When adding the first attribute, use TXmlEngNode::SetAsFirstSibling() on the attribute:
   181     @code
   182         TXmlEngElement el = ... ; // get some element
   183         el.AddNewAttributeL("version","0.1").SetAsFirstSibling();
   184     @endcode
   186 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   188 	@see SetAsLastSibling()
   189 	@see MoveBeforeSibling(TXmlEngNode) 
   190 	@see MoveAfterSibling(TXmlEngNode)
   191 	 * 
   192 	@param  aName   A local name of the attribute
   193 	@param  aValue  Value to set for new attribute or KNullDesC8
   194 	@return The created attribute
   195 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The node is NULL
   196 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI aName is empty
   197 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   198 	*/
   199     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AddNewAttributeL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue);
   201     /**
   202     Creates a new attribute node and adds it to the element.
   204 	The provided namespace declaration is used to set the attribute's namespace.
   206 	Note:  If aNsDef is not defined in some of the attribute's ascendants
   207 	(including this element), then the ReconcileNamespacesL() method must be
   208 	called on this element later.
   210 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   212 	@param  aName   The local name of attribute
   213 	@param  aValue  Value to set for new attribute or KNullDesC8
   214 	@param  aNsDef  Namespace to add to the attribute
   215 	@return The created attribute
   216 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The node is NULL
   217 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI aName is empty
   218 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   219 	*/
   220     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AddNewAttributeL(const TDesC8& aName,
   221                                     const TDesC8& aValue, 
   222                                     const TXmlEngNamespace aNsDef);
   224 	/**
   225 	Creates a new attribute for the element. A namespace declaration for the
   226 	attribute namespace is also created.
   228 	Note:  Namespace declarations are reused if possible (no redundant ones are
   229 	created)
   231 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   233 	@param  aName   The local name of attribute
   234     @param  aValue  Value to set for the new attribute or an empty string
   235     @param  aNsUri  Namespace URI
   236     @param  aPrefix  Namespace prefix
   237     @return The created attribute
   238 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The node is NULL
   239 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI aName is empty
   240 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   241     */
   242     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AddNewAttributeL(const TDesC8& aName, 
   243                                     const TDesC8& aValue,
   244                                     const TDesC8& aNsUri, 
   245                                     const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   247 	/**
   248 	Creates a new attribute node using the namespace of its parent element
   249 	(this element), sets the attribute's value and links it as the last
   250 	attribute of the element
   252     For more hints how to use it @see AddNewAttributeL(const TDesC8&,const TDesC8&)
   254 	Note:
   255         - No checks are made that an attribute with the same name exists
   256         - if the namespace of the parent element is default (i.e. bound prefix is KNullDesC8),
   257           then a temporary prefix will be used and bound to the same namespace URI as the element
   258           (It is due to the fact that default namespaces do not spread on unprefixed attributes,
   259           see http://w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#defaulting)
   261 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   262 	 @see KNullDesC8
   264 	@param aName Local name of attribute 
   265     @param aValue Value to set for the new attribute or empty.
   266     @return The created attribute
   267 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The node is NULL
   268 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI aName is empty
   269 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   270     */
   271     inline   TXmlEngAttr AddNewAttributeSameNsL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue);
   273     /**
   274     Creates a new attribute using the namespace which is bound to the specified prefix
   276     Use this mothod only for construction of new parts of DOM tree where
   277     you know for sure that the prefix is bound in the given scope.
   278     @code
   279         TXmlEngElement el = parent.AddNewAttributeUsePrefixL("property","ObjName","rdf");
   280         el.AddNewAttributeUsePrefixL("type", "xs:integer", "rdf");
   281     @endcode
   283     Otherwise, you should check that the prefix is bound like this example shows:
   284     @code
   285         TXmlEngNamespace boundNS = TXmlEngNamespace::LookupByPrefix(thisElement, prefix);
   286         if (boundNS.NotNull()){
   287             thisElement.AddNewAttributeUsePrefixL("name", value, prefix);
   288         }
   289     @endcode
   291 	Note: Use AddNewAttributeNsL(name,value,nsDefNode) as much as you can,
   292 	because it is the most efficient way to create namespaced DOM elements (no
   293 	additional lookups for namespace declarations are required).
   295     @code
   296         // If namespace with given URI is not in the scope, then it will be declared
   297         // and bound to "data" prefix.
   298         TXmlEngNamespace nsDef = elem.FindOrCreateNsDefL("http://../Data", "data");
   299         elem.AddNewAttributeL("location", "...", nsDef);
   300         elem.AddNewElementL("child", nsDef).AddNewAttributeL("attr","...value...");
   301         // the result is
   302             ...
   303          <elem xmlns:data="http://../Data" data:location="...">
   304             <data:child attr="...value..."/>
   305          </elem>
   306             ...
   307         //
   308     @endcode    
   310 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   312 	@param  aLocalName   The local name of the attribute
   313     @param  aValue  Value to set for the new attribute or empty string.
   314     @param  aPrefix  Namespace prefix for the new attribute
   315     @return The created attribute
   316 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The node is NULL
   317 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI aLocalName is empty
   318 	@leave KErrNoMemory The namespace is not found and the URI is not
   319 	http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace; or there is a memory allocation error
   320 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   321     */
   322     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AddNewAttributeUsePrefixL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   323                                              const TDesC8& aValue, 
   324                                              const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   326     /**
   327     Creates new attributes using the namespace in scope, which has the specified URI
   329     Almost the same as AddNewAttributeUsePrefixL() but does lookup by namespace URI
   331     @see AddNewAttributeUsePrefixL(const TDesC8&,const TDesC8&,const TDesC8&)
   333 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   334 	 @see KNullDesC8
   336 	@param  aLocalName   The local name of the attribute
   337     @param  aValue  Value to set for new attribute or empty string.
   338     @param  aNsUri  Namespace URI for new attribute
   339 	@return NULL attribute if namespace declaration is not found OR newly added
   340 	to the end of attribute list attribute of this element.
   341 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The node is NULL
   342 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI aLocalName is empty
   343 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   344     */
   345     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AddNewAttributeWithNsL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   346                                           const TDesC8& aValue, 
   347                                           const TDesC8& aNsUri);
   349 	/**
   350 	Adds attribute to element that will be used as Xml:Id.  Does not check if
   351 	an attribute with the same name exists.
   353 	Note: Call RXmlEngDocument.RegisterXmlIdL(aName,aNsUri) first to register
   354 	existed id's in the document.  If the ids are not registered the ID will
   355 	not be added to the element.
   357 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   359 	@param aLocalName Name of the attribute
   360 	@param aValue Value of the attribute
   361 	@param aNs Namespace of the attribute
   362 	@return Attribute if created. Null attribute if Xml:Id exists
   363 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Element is NULL or attribute doesn't exist
   364 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   365     */
   366     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AddXmlIdL(const TDesC8& aLocalName,
   367                                        const TDesC8& aValue,
   368                                        TXmlEngNamespace aNs = TXmlEngNamespace());
   370 	/**
   371 	Adds a child element with no namespace.  This results in adding an element
   372 	with aName and no prefix.
   374 	This method is the best for creation of non-namespace based documents
   375 	or document fragments, where no default namespace declared.
   377 	It may be used also as a method for adding elements from the default
   378 	namespace, BUT namespace will be assigned ONLY after serialization of the
   379 	current document and parsing it back into a DOM tree!! If you need the new
   380 	element to inherit the default namespace use:
   382     @code
   383        ...
   384        TXmlEngNamespace defns = element.DefaultNamespace();
   385        TXmlEngElement newEl = element.AddNewElementL("Name",defns);
   386        ...
   387     @endcode
   389 	It is not recommended that you use an undefined namespace with libxml.  
   390 	If an undefined namespace for the element is truly required, then DO NOT
   391 	USE this method if there is a default namespace in the scope!
   392 	@see AddNamespaceDeclarationL
   394 	Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   396 	@param aName The name of the element
   397 	@return The created element
   398 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   399 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name is not specified
   400 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   401     */
   402     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementL(const TDesC8& aName);
   404 	/**
   405 	Creates a new child element with the provided name and namespace
   406 	declaration and adds it as the last child of its parent.
   408 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   410 	@param aLocalName The name of the element
   411     @param aNsDecl The namespace declaration that must be retrieved from
   412                one of the ascendant nodes of the new elements (and its prefix
   413                should not be remapped to another namespace URI for the scope
   414                of the new element)
   415     @return Created element node
   416 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   417 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name is not specified
   418 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   419     */
   420     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, TXmlEngNamespace aNsDecl);
   422 	/**
   423 	Creates a new child element with provided the name, prefix and namespace
   424 	URI and adds it as the last child of its parent.
   426 	The new namespace declaration will be attached to the parent (this) element
   427 	and used as the namespace for newly created child element. If such a
   428 	binding already exists (same prefix is bound to same URI), it will be
   429 	reused. If the prefix is already bound to some other namespace URI, it will
   430 	be rebound by the new namespace declaration node.
   432 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   434 	@param aLocalName Name of the element
   435     @param aNsUri     URI of the element's namespace
   436     @param aPrefix    Prefix of the element
   437     @return The created element node 
   438 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   439 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name or URI or prefix is not specified
   440 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   441     */
   442     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   443                                      const TDesC8& aNsUri, 
   444                                      const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   446 	/**
   447 	Creates a child element with the same namespace (and prefix if present) as
   448 	the parent element and adds it as the last child of its parent.
   450 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   452 	@param aLocalName The element's name
   453     @return The created element
   454 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   455 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name is not specified
   456 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   457     */
   458     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementSameNsL(const TDesC8& aLocalName);
   460 	/**
   461 	Performs a lookup for the namespace declaration for the specified prefix
   462 	and adds a new child element with the found namespace as the last child of
   463 	its parent.
   465 	@pre The prefix is bound
   467 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   469 	@param aLocalName The element's name
   470     @param aPrefix    The prefix to use for the search
   471     @return The created element
   472 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   473 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name is not specified
   474 	@leave KErrNoMemory The namespace is not found and the prefix is not "xml" 
   475 	(i.e http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace); or there is a memory allocation 
   476 	error.
   477 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   478     */
   479     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementUsePrefixL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   481 	/**
   482 	Performs a lookup for the namespace declaration for the specified namespace
   483 	URI and adds a new child element with the found namespace.  The new element
   484 	is added as the last child of this element.
   486 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   488 	@pre A namespace with the given URI has been declared
   490 	@param aLocalName    The element's name
   491     @param aNsUri        The namespace of the element
   492     @return The created element
   493 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   494 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name is not specified
   495 	@leave KErrNoMemory The namespace is not found and the URI is not http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace 
   496 	or there is a memory allocation error
   497 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   498     */
   499     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementWithNsL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, const TDesC8& aNsUri);
   501 	/**
   502 	Creates a new child element.  If there is no a prefix binding for the new
   503 	element's namespace, a namespace decaration is created with a generated
   504 	prefix at the specified element.
   506 	The location of the namespace declaration may be controlled with
   507 	aNsDeclTarget:
   509     @code
   510         el.AddNewElementAutoPrefixL(tagName,uri,KNullDesC8); // declare on the new element
   511         el.AddNewElementAutoPrefixL(tagName,uri,el);   // declare on the parent element
   512         el.AddNewElementAutoPrefixL(tagName,uri,doc.DocumentElement()); // declare on the root element
   513        ...
   514     @endcode
   516 	Note:  The farther namespace declaration up in the document tree, the
   517 	longer the namespace declaration lookups take.
   519 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   521 	@param aLocalName    Name of the element to create
   522 	@param aNsUri        Namespace URI of the new element
   523 	@param aNsDeclTarget The element where the namespace declaraton should be placed.
   524 	@return The created element
   525 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   526 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Name or URI is not specified
   527 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   528     */
   529     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AddNewElementAutoPrefixL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   530                                                const TDesC8& aNsUri, 
   531                                                TXmlEngElement aNsDeclTarget);
   533 	/**
   534 	Gets element content.  This method may be used in most cases when the element
   535 	has only simple text content (without entity references embedded).  If the
   536 	element's contents is mixed (other types of nodes present), only the contents
   537 	of the first child node is returned (if it is a TXmlEngTextNode node). 
   539 	For getting the contents of an element that has contents containing entity
   540 	references, WholeTextValueCopyL() should be used.
   542 	@see TXmlEngNode::WholeTextContentsCopyL()
   544 	@return The simple text contents of the element or NULL if there is no text.
   545     */
   546     IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Text() const;
   548     /**
   549     Adds text as a child of the element to the end of the list of children.
   551 	Note:  There may be several TXmlEngTextNode and TXmlEngEntityReference
   552 	nodes added, depending on the aString value.  For example, if the curernt 
   553 	node has text and attributes, a text node and attribute nodes will
   554 	be added.
   556 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   558 	@param aString Text to be added as the element's content.
   559 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   560 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   561     */
   562     IMPORT_C void  AddTextL(const TDesC8& aString);
   564     /**
   565     Sets text contents for the element.  Any child nodes are removed.
   566     This function is the same as TXmlEngNode::SetValueL(TDesC8&)
   568     @see TXmlEngNode::SetValueL(TDesC8&)
   570 	@param aString Text to be set as element's content.
   571 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   572 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   573     */
   574     IMPORT_C void  SetTextL(const TDesC8& aString);
   576     /**
   577     Sets the text content of the element from an escaped string.
   578     @see TXmlEngAttr::SetEscapedValueL(TDesC8&)
   580 	@param aEscapedString New value
   581 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   582 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   583     */
   584     IMPORT_C void  SetEscapedTextL(const TDesC8& aEscapedString);
   586 	/**
   587 	Sets the new element value exactly as presented in the string.  Predefined
   588 	entities are not converted into the characters they represent.  Any child
   589 	nodes are removed.     
   591     @see TXmlEngAttr::SetValueNoEncL(const TDesC8& aNewValue); 
   593 	@param aNotEncString New string value
   594 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   595 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   596     */    
   597     IMPORT_C void SetTextNoEncL(const TDesC8& aNotEncString);
   599 	/**
   600 	Appends a new text node with the value exactly as presented in the string.
   601 	Predefined entities are not converted into the characters they represent.
   602 	Existing child nodes are not removed.    
   604     @see TXmlEngAttr::SetValueNoEncL(const TDesC8& aNewValue); 
   606 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   608 	@param aNotEncString Appended string value
   609 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   610 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   611     */  
   612 	IMPORT_C void AppendTextNoEncL(const TDesC8& aNotEncString);   
   614 	/**
   615 	Adds a namespace declaration to the current element: a binding of prefix to namespace URI.
   617 	If the same namespace declaration exists (same prefix and URI), a redundant
   618 	namespace declaration will not be created.
   620 	Both KNullDesC8 or an empty descriptor may be used for "UNDEFINED URI" 
   621 	and "NO PREFIX" values of arguments.  Please refer to the class
   622 	documentation for more specific information.
   623 	@see TXmlEngElement
   624 	@see KNullDesC8	 
   626 	Note: Undeclaring of default namespace (xmlns="") is supported by
   627 	the SetNoDefaultNamespace() method.    
   628 	@see SetNoDefaulNamespace()
   630 	Note:   Adding a namespace declaration that rebinds the prefix mapping (or
   631 	default namespace) used by nodes lower in the tree may damage the document
   632 	tree because references to namespace declarations are not updated.
   633 	However, after serialization, the document will have the desired structure.
   634 	Use this method with care!
   636 	Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   638 	@param aNsUri Namespace URI, KNullDesC8 or an empty descriptor.
   639 	@param aPrefix Namespace prefix, KNullDesC8 or an empty descriptor.
   640 	@return The namespace that was created or found or a NULL namespace if the
   641 	namespace is being undeclared.
   642 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   643 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI URI or prefix is not specified
   644 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   645     */ 
   646     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace AddNamespaceDeclarationL(const TDesC8& aNsUri, const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   648     /**
   649     Adds a default namespace declaration.
   651 1
   652 	This achieves the same result as with AddNamespaceDeclarationL(aNsUri,
   653 	KNullDesC8), but additionally the element's namespace is modified (if it has no
   654 	prefix and there were no default namespace declaration in the scope) to the
   655 	new default one.
   657 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   658 	 @see KNullDesC8
   660 	@param aNsUri   Namespace URI;  KNullDesC8 and empty descriptor are allowed to represent UNDEFINED NAMSPACE
   661 	@return The created namespace declaration (NULL for UNDEFINED NAMESPACE)
   662 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   663 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI URI is not specified
   664 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   665     */
   666     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace SetDefaultNamespaceL(const TDesC8& aNsUri);
   668     /**
   669     Undeclares any default namespace for this element and its descendants.
   671     If there is already a default namespace, a @c xmlns="" namespace
   672     declaration is added. Otherwise, nothing happens, since elements with no
   673     prefix in such scope are automaticaly considered outside of any namespace.
   675 	The side effect of this method is that the namespace of the current element
   676 	may change from the previous default namespace to a NULL TXmlEngNamespace,
   677 	which is considered an absence of namespace.
   679 	If the element has a prefix (i.e. not having default namespace), then the
   680 	only effect for the element is undeclaration of existing default namespace. 
   682     If the element is in the scope of another @c xmlns="" undeclaration, no
   683     action is taken.
   685 	Note: Use AddNamespaceDeclarationL(KNullDesC8,KNullDesC8) to force the creation of a @c
   686 	xmlns="" declaration within the scope of another such declaration
   687 	(otherwise unneccessary/duplicate declarations are not created).
   689 	Note: This method should be called on elements before adding children,
   690 	because default namespace undeclaration is not spread into its subtree and
   691 	descendants' default namespaces are not reset to NULL. This should be taken
   692 	into account if later some processing on the subtree occurs.  However,
   693 	after serialization and deserialization, undeclared default namespace will
   694 	affect whole element's subtree correctly.
   696 	 @see KNullDesC8
   698 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   699 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   700 	*/
   701 	IMPORT_C void SetNoDefaultNamespaceL();
   703 	/**
   704 	Finds the namespace declaration that has a specific prefix in the list of parents for
   705 	this element.
   707 	If no prefix is specified (an empty descriptor or KNullDesC8) then it is 
   708 	considered to be a "NO PREFIX" search.  Therefore, if the namespace 
   709 	declaration for "no prefix" is searched, then the default namespace is 
   710 	returned.
   712 	Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   713 	@see KNullDesC8 
   715 	@param aPrefix Namespace prefix.
   716 	@return The namespace, which may be NULL if prefix is not found; NULL result for "no prefix" means that default namespace is undefined.
   717 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   718     */
   719     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace LookupNamespaceByPrefixL(const TDesC8& aPrefix) const;
   721 	/**
   722 	Finds a namespace declaration that has a specific namespace URI in the
   723 	scope for the given node.
   725 	KNullDesC8 value of aUri is equivalent to an empty descriptor and means
   727 	For such URI's a NULL namespace handle is always returned even if there is
   728 	a namespace undeclaration, which has an empty descriptor URI (and KNullDesC8 
   729 	prefix).
   731 	Hint: Use the returned instance of TXmlEngNamespace as the aNsDef argument
   732 	to an element's methods that create new child elements and attributes. The
   733 	same TXmlEngNamespace may be used on deeper descentants of the reference
   734 	element (and doing this way will generally increase performance of DOM tree
   735 	construction). However, if namespace bindings are not controlled for the
   736 	element's children and the prefix (which is bound to the search namespace)
   737 	is rebound to some other namespace URI, then reusing the namespace may lead
   738 	to unwanted result.
   740 	Note: At the moment it is possible to retrieve namespace declaration nodes
   741 	whose prefixes were rebound. Be careful when using returned
   742 	TXmlEngNamespace objects for creation of new elements.
   744 	Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   746 	@param aUri  Namespace URI, for which the namespace declaration is searched
   747 	@return The namespace declaration that binds the given namespace URI to a
   748 	prefix or sets it as a default namespace
   749 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   750     */
   751     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace LookupNamespaceByUriL(const TDesC8& aUri) const;
   753 	/**
   754 	Retrieves the implicitly declared XML infoset binding of the 'xml' prefix
   755 	to XML's namespace URI: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
   757     The result should be used for creating attributes beloging to the XML namespace
   758     (xml:lang, xml:space, xml:id , etc.)
   760 	DO NOT USE the methods LookupNamespaceByUriL(const TDesC8&) and
   761 	LookupNamespaceByPrefixL(const TDesC8&) (with the arguments
   762 	"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" and "xml" respectively) for
   763 	retrieving the namespace node, since in the case of a memory allocation
   764 	fault, a NULL result is returned (and breaks your program silently)
   766 	Note:  Normally the 'xml' prefix is bound to the XML namespace URI in the
   767 	document node, BUT if this element is not a part of the document tree yet,
   768 	the requested namespace declaration WILL BE ADDED to the current node.
   769 	This is the reason why the method may fail in OOM conditions.
   771 	@return The namespace matching the prefix binding
   772 	{xml,"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"} in the current document
   773 	@leave KErrNoMemory The element is NULL or there was a memory allocation error
   774 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   775     */
   776     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace TheXMLNamespaceL() const;
   778 	/**
   779 	Get the default namespace for the element.
   781 	A NULL TXmlEngNamespace means that an element with no prefix
   782 	has no namespace associated with it because no default namespace was declared or
   783 	the default namespace was undeclared with @c xmlns=""
   785 	This function is equivalent to LookupNamespaceByPrefixL(KNullDesC8).
   786 	@see KNullDesC8
   788 	@return The default namespace in the scope of the element
   789 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   790     */
   791     inline   TXmlEngNamespace DefaultNamespaceL() const;
   793 	/**
   794 	Performs a search for the namespace in the scope of the element. This
   795 	method will create new namespace declaration on the element if such
   796 	namespace is not found.
   798 	Note: Be sure not to use the result of this method for non-descendants of
   799 	the element or in situations when prefix overlapping might occur.
   800 	@see TXmlEngAttr
   801 	@see TXmlEngNamespace
   802   Please read the documentation for this class:
   803 	@see TXmlEngElement
   805 	Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   807 	@param aNsUri   Namespace to search for
   808 	@param aPrefix  Prefix to use for the new namespace declaration (if it is to be created)
   809 	@return The namespace found or created
   810 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   811 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI URI is not specified
   812 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   814 	@see LookupNamespacebyUriL
   815     */
   816     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace FindOrCreateNsDeclL(const TDesC8& aNsUri, const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   818 	/**
   819 	Performs a search on the element and its ascendants for any namespace
   820 	declaration with a given URI.  Creates a new namespace declaration with a
   821 	(unique) prefix if the search was not successful.		 
   822 	@see AddNamespaceDeclarationL
   824 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   826 	@param aNsUri Namespace to search for
   827 	@return The namespace found or created
   828 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode Element is NULL
   829 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI URI is not specified
   830 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   831     */
   832     IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace FindOrCreateNsDeclL(const TDesC8& aNsUri);
   834     /**
   835     Checks whether a prefix has been bound in this element (not in one of its ascendants)
   837     Use this method for preventing prefix-name collision in a element node
   839 	 Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   841 	@param aPrefix Namespace prefix
   842     @return ETrue if there is already a namespace declaration that uses aPrefix on this element
   843 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   844     */
   845     IMPORT_C TBool HasNsDeclarationForPrefixL(const TDesC8& aPrefix) const;
   847     /**
   848     Copies the element with its attributes, but not child nodes
   850 	If the context is preserved (preserveNsContent), then all namespace
   851 	declarations that are in the element are writen to the <element ...> tag.
   853 	@param preserveNsContext Whether the namespace context should be preserved
   854     @return The copied element
   855 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element is NULL
   856 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   857     */
   858     IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement ElementCopyNoChildrenL(TBool preserveNsContext) const;
   860     /**
   861     Specialized version of TXmlEngNode::CopyL()
   862 	@return Deep copy of the element.
   863 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element is NULL
   864 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   865     */
   866     inline   TXmlEngElement CopyL() const;
   868     /** Resets element's content: all child nodes are removed */
   869     IMPORT_C void RemoveChildren();
   871     /** Resets element's attributes */
   872     IMPORT_C void RemoveAttributes();
   874     /**
   875     Resets all namespace declarations made in the element
   877 	Note: There can be references to these namespace declarations elsewhere!
   878 	Use ReconcileNamespacesL() to fix that.
   879 	*/
   880 	IMPORT_C void RemoveNamespaceDeclarations();
   882     /**
   883     Removes all element contents: child nodes, attributes and namespace declarations
   885   @see RemoveChildren() 
   886 	@see RemoveAttributes()
   887 	@see RemoveNamespaceDeclarations();
   888 	*/
   889     inline   void ClearElement();
   891 	/**
   892 	Copies attributes from another element.  It may be a very convenient method
   893 	for initializing element with a set of predefined attributes.
   895 	Note: Namespaces of the this element may need to be reconciled if the
   896 	copied attributes belong to any namespace that is not declared on some
   897 	ascendant of this node.  @see ReconcileNamespacesL()
   899 	@param aSrc Source element
   900 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element is NULL
   901 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   902     */  
   903     IMPORT_C void CopyAttributesL(TXmlEngElement aSrc);
   905 	/**
   906 	Recursively copies the children (and all of it's associated information) 
   907 	from another element.  Elements are appended to the current element's 
   908 	children list.
   910 	Note: Namespaces of this element may need to be reconciled after copy
   911 	operation 
   912 	@see ReconcileNamespacesL()
   914 	@param aSrc Source element
   915 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element is NULL
   916 	@leave KXmlEngWrongUseOfAPI The source element is NULL
   917 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   918     */
   919     IMPORT_C void CopyChildrenL(TXmlEngElement aSrc);
   921 	/**
   922 	Removes the child element with the given name and namespace URI (if it exists).
   923 	Memory allocated for the element is freed.
   925 	@param aLocalName Child element name
   926     @param aNamespaceUri Child element namespace
   927 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element is NULL
   928 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   929     */
   930     IMPORT_C void RemoveChildElementsL(const TDesC8& aLocalName,const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri);
   932 	/**
   933 	Renames the element with the given name, namespace URI, and namespace prefix.
   935 	@param aLocalName The new element name
   936 	@param aNamespaceUri The new namespace URI
   937 	@param aPrefix The new namespace prefix
   938 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   939 	*/
   940 	IMPORT_C void RenameElementL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri, const TDesC8& aPrefix);
   942     /* 
   943 	DOM Level 3 Core methods
   945 	Most methods of DOM spec operate with fully-qualified names (QNames)
   946 	of elements and attributes. It is different in this API - all methods
   947 	instead accept prefix and localName parts of QName.
   948     */
   950     /**
   951     Returns the value of the attribute with the given name and namespace URI.
   953 	@param aLocalName Local name of the attribute
   954 	@param aNamespaceUri Namespace URI of the attribute, or the default namespace if not specified.
   955 	@return The attribute value (for as long as the attribute exists) or 
   956 	NULL if not found.
   957 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   958     */
   959     IMPORT_C TPtrC8 AttributeValueL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   960                                     const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri = KNullDesC8) const;
   962     /**
   963     Initializes list of child elements with matching names and namespace URIs.
   965     Note: This method does not list all descendants of the element, only child elements
   966 	@see KNullDesC8	 
   968 	@param aList Node list to be created
   969     @param aLocalName Element name
   970     @param aNamespaceUri if specified it sets the Namespace URI, default is KNullDesC8 (no namespace set).
   971 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   972     */
   973     IMPORT_C void  GetElementsByTagNameL(RXmlEngNodeList<TXmlEngElement>& aList, 
   974                                          const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   975                                          const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri = KNullDesC8) const;
   977 	/**
   978 	Sets the value of the given attribute.  The attribute is created if there
   979 	is no such attribute yet.
   981 	Note: If prefix is not KNullDesC8 (or an empty descriptor), 
   982 	then the namespace URI may not be empty see 
   983  	http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#ns-decl (Definition #3)
   985 	Copies are taken of descripters passed in.
   986 	@see KNullDesC8	 
   988 	@param aLocalName Attribute name
   989     @param aValue Attribute value
   990     @param aNamespaceUri Namespace URI - default is KNullDesC8
   991     @param aPrefix Namespace prefix - default is KNullDesC8
   992 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element is NULL
   993 	@leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI Attribute name not specified
   994 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
   995     */
   996     IMPORT_C void  SetAttributeL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
   997                                  const TDesC8& aValue, 
   998                                  const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri = KNullDesC8, 
   999                                  const TDesC8& aPrefix = KNullDesC8);
  1001 	/**
  1002 	Removes the attribute with the given name and namespace URI (if it exists).
  1003 	Memory allocated for the attribute is freed.
  1005 	@see KNullDesC8	 
  1007 	@param aLocalName Name of the attribute
  1008 	@param aNamespaceUri Attribute namespace URI, default is KNullDesC8
  1009 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
  1010     */
  1011     IMPORT_C void  RemoveAttributeL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
  1012                                     const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri = KNullDesC8);
  1014 	/**
  1015 	Retrieves an attribute node with a specific namespace by its name.
  1017 	@see KNullDesC8	 
  1019 	@param aLocalName Name of the attribute
  1020 	@param aNamespaceUri Attribute namespace URI, default is KNullDesC8
  1021 	@return Attribute node with matching namespace URI and name, NULL if not found.
  1022 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
  1023     */
  1024     IMPORT_C TXmlEngAttr AttributeNodeL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
  1025                                   const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri = KNullDesC8) const;
  1027     /**
  1028     Check if the element has an attribute with given parameters.
  1030     This function is the same as AttributeNodeL(uri,name).NotNull().
  1032 	@see KNullDesC8	 
  1034 	@param aLocalName Name of attribute
  1035     @param aNamespaceUri Namespace uri, default is KNullDesC8.
  1036     @return ETrue if the element holds an attribute with such namespace URI and name.
  1037 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
  1038     */
  1039     inline     TBool HasAttributeL(const TDesC8& aLocalName, 
  1040                                    const TDesC8& aNamespaceUri  = KNullDesC8) const;
  1042 	/**
  1043 	Adds an attribute to this element.  If an attribute of the same name
  1044 	exists, it will be destroyed.
  1046 	@param aNewAttr The new attribute
  1047 	@leave KXmlEngErrNullNode The element or attribute is NULL
  1048 	@leave - One of the system-wide error codes
  1049     */
  1050     IMPORT_C void  SetAttributeNodeL(TXmlEngAttr aNewAttr);
  1051 };
  1054 #include <xml/dom/xmlengelement.inl>
  1056 #endif /* XMLENGELEMENT_H */