changeset 0 e35f40988205
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implements methods for parsing XML data
    15 //
    17 #include <stdlib.h>
    19 #include <xml/dom/xmlengdomparser.h>
    20 #include <xml/dom/xmlengdocument.h>
    21 #include <xml/dom/xmlengerrors.h>
    22 #include <xml/utils/xmlengmem.h>
    23 #include <xml/utils/xmlengxestd.h>
    24 #include <stdapis/libxml2/libxml2_parser.h>
    25 #define PARSER_CTXT (static_cast<xmlParserCtxtPtr>(iInternal))
    27 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28 // Default constructor
    29 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 //
    31 EXPORT_C RXmlEngDOMParser::RXmlEngDOMParser(): iInternal(NULL), iError(0), iImpl(NULL)
    32 	{
    33 	}
    35 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36 // Opens parser
    37 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 //
    39 EXPORT_C TInt RXmlEngDOMParser::Open(RXmlEngDOMImplementation& aDOMImpl)
    40     {
    41     iImpl = &aDOMImpl;
    42     return KErrNone;
    43     };
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // Frees all allocated by parser resources.
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 EXPORT_C void RXmlEngDOMParser::Close()
    50     {
    51     Cleanup();
    52     iImpl = NULL;
    53     }
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 // Builds DOM document from file. File is read by blocks of specified size, thus,
    56 // avoiding keeping in memory both file and DOM tree for it.
    57 //
    58 // @note Use RDOMPushParser for parsing large files.
    59 // @param aRFs File server session
    60 // @param aFileName File name
    61 // @return The created document
    62 // @see GetLastParsingError()
    63 // @leave KXmlEngErrParsing Parsing error
    64 // @leave KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI OpenL() not previously called
    65 // @leave - One of the system-wide error codes
    66 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 EXPORT_C RXmlEngDocument RXmlEngDOMParser::ParseFileL(
    69     RFs &aRFs,
    70     const TDesC& aFileName,
    71     TUint aChunkSize )
    72     {
    73     if  ( aChunkSize == 0 )
    74     	{
    75     	return ParseFileWithoutChunksL( aRFs, aFileName );
    76     	}
    78     RFile xmlFile;
    79     TInt res;
    81     User::LeaveIfError(xmlFile.Open(aRFs, aFileName, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
    82     CleanupClosePushL(xmlFile);
    84     RBuf8 buffer;
    85     if (aChunkSize < (KMaxTInt/2))
    86         {
    87         buffer.CreateL(aChunkSize);
    88         }
    89     else
    90         {
    91         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    92         }
    93     CleanupClosePushL(buffer);
    95    	User::LeaveIfError(xmlFile.Read(buffer,aChunkSize));
    96 	TUint length;
    98 	do
    99 		{
   100 		ParseChunkL(buffer);
   101 		res = xmlFile.Read(buffer, aChunkSize);
   102 		if(res)
   103 		    {
   104 		    Close();
   105 		    User::Leave(res);
   106 		    }
   107 		length = buffer.Length();
   108 		} while (length);
   110 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buffer);
   111     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&xmlFile);
   112     return FinishL();
   113     }
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 // Builds DOM document from file.
   116 // @see ParseFileL(RFs,TDesC&,TUint)
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 EXPORT_C RXmlEngDocument RXmlEngDOMParser::ParseFileL(
   120     const TDesC& aFileName,
   121     TUint aChunkSize )
   122     {
   123     RFs aRFs;
   124     User::LeaveIfError(aRFs.Connect());
   125     CleanupClosePushL(aRFs);
   126     RXmlEngDocument doc = ParseFileL(aRFs, aFileName, aChunkSize);
   127     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // aRFs
   128     return doc;
   129     }
   130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // Pushes new data from buffer to DOM parser.
   132 // Parsing is performed synchronously; method returns as soon as block is parsed.
   133 //
   134 // Buffer contents is not needed for further parsing after this method.
   135 // Method may leave with KErrXMLSyntax code or one of general codes (e.g. KErrNoMemory)
   136 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //
   138 EXPORT_C void RXmlEngDOMParser::ParseChunkL(
   139     const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   140     {
   141     if(!iImpl)
   142         {
   143         User::Leave(KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI);
   144         }
   146     xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = PARSER_CTXT;
   147     if(!ctxt)
   148         {
   149         iError = KErrNone;
   150         // First call after reset or parser creation
   151         ctxt = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(
   152                             NULL , /* default set of callbacks is used (for building tree) */
   153                             NULL , /* save as userData */
   154                             (const char*)aBuffer.Ptr(),
   155                             aBuffer.Size(),
   156                             NULL /* filename or URI */);
   157         if(!ctxt)
   158             {
   159             XmlEngOOMTestL();
   160             };
   161         iInternal = ctxt;    
   162         xmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD | XML_PARSE_NOENT | XML_PARSE_NODICT);
   163         iError = xmlParseChunk(ctxt,
   164                       ""   , /* char* data */
   165                       0    , /* int size */
   166                       0);    /* flag: 0 - not the last chunk */
   167         }
   168     else
   169         {
   170         iError = xmlParseChunk(ctxt,
   171                       (char*)aBuffer.Ptr(), /* char* data */
   172                       (TInt)aBuffer.Size(), /* int size */
   173                       0);                   /* flag: 0 - not the last chunk */
   174         }
   175     if(iError != XML_ERR_OK && ctxt->lastError.level == XML_ERR_FATAL)
   176         {
   177         Cleanup();        
   178         XmlEngOOMTestL();
   179         User::Leave(KXmlEngErrParsing);
   180         }
   181     }
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 // Returns constructed document after the last block of XML document is parsed.
   185 // Ownership over returned RXmlEngDocument object is transferred to the caller of the method.
   186 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 //
   188 EXPORT_C RXmlEngDocument RXmlEngDOMParser::FinishL()
   189     {
   190     if(!iImpl)
   191         {
   192         User::Leave(KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI);
   193         }
   195     xmlDocPtr doc;
   196     xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = PARSER_CTXT;
   198     if(!ctxt)
   199         {
   200         User::Leave(KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI);
   201         }
   203     iError = xmlParseChunk(ctxt,
   204                         NULL /* char* data */,
   205                         0    /* int size */,
   206                         1    /* flag: 1 - the last chunk */);
   208     if(iError != XML_ERR_OK  && ctxt->lastError.level == XML_ERR_FATAL)
   209         {
   210         Cleanup();
   211         XmlEngOOMTestL();        
   212         User::Leave(KXmlEngErrParsing);
   213         }
   215     doc = ctxt->myDoc;
   216     ctxt->myDoc = NULL;
   217     xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
   218     iInternal = NULL;
   219     RXmlEngDocument rdoc;
   220     rdoc.OpenL(*iImpl,doc);
   221     return rdoc;
   222     }
   224 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // Parses XML data from memory buffer and builds DOM RXmlEngDocument
   226 //
   227 // May leave with KXmlEngErrParsing code
   228 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 //
   230 EXPORT_C RXmlEngDocument RXmlEngDOMParser::ParseL(
   231     const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   232     {
   233     if(!iImpl)
   234         {
   235         User::Leave(KXmlEngErrWrongUseOfAPI);
   236         }
   238     TInt code = 0;
   239     xmlDocPtr tree = xmlSAXParseDoc(
   240                         NULL, 
   241                         (xmlChar*) aBuffer.Ptr(), 
   242                         aBuffer.Size(), 
   243                         0, 
   244                         &code /* errorCode */);
   245     TEST_OOM_FLAG;
   246     iError = code;
   247     if(!tree)
   248         XmlEngLeaveL(KXmlEngErrParsing);
   249     RXmlEngDocument doc;
   250     doc.OpenL(*iImpl,tree);
   251     return doc;
   252     }
   253 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 // Return last parsing error
   255 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 //
   257 EXPORT_C TInt RXmlEngDOMParser::GetLastParsingError()
   258     {
   259     return iError;
   260     }
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // Parses XML file and builds DOM RXmlEngDocument without usage of chunks
   263 //
   264 // May leave with KXmlEngErrParsing code (besides system I/O error codes)
   265 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 //
   267 RXmlEngDocument RXmlEngDOMParser::ParseFileWithoutChunksL(
   268     RFs &aRFs, 
   269     const TDesC& aFileName )
   270     {
   271     TInt size;
   272     RFile xmlFile;
   274     // Read file
   275     User::LeaveIfError(xmlFile.Open(aRFs, aFileName, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
   276     CleanupClosePushL(xmlFile);
   277     User::LeaveIfError(xmlFile.Size(size));
   278     HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
   279     TPtr8 bufferPtr = buffer->Des();
   280     User::LeaveIfError(xmlFile.Read(bufferPtr, size));
   282     RXmlEngDocument doc = ParseL(bufferPtr);
   284     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
   285     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&xmlFile);
   286     return doc;
   287     }
   289 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 // Cleanup internal data
   291 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   292 //
   293 void RXmlEngDOMParser::Cleanup()
   294     {
   295     xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = PARSER_CTXT;
   296     // free all allocated resources
   297     if(ctxt)
   298         {
   299         if(ctxt->myDoc)
   300             xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc);
   301         xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
   302         iInternal = NULL;
   303         }
   304     }