changeset 0 e35f40988205
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e35f40988205
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // XPath evaluation context implementation
    15 //
    17 #include "xmlengdomdefs.h"
    18 #include "xmlengxpathevaluationcontext_impl.h"
    19 #include <stdapis/libxml2/libxml2_globals.h>
    20 #include <xml/dom/xmlengnode.h>
    21 #include <xml/dom/xmlengnamespace.h>
    22 #include <xml/dom/xmlengelement.h>
    24 TUint TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::ArgCount()
    25     {
    26     return iArgCount;
    27     }
    29 const RXmlEngXPathResult TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::Argument(
    30     TUint aIndex )
    31     {
    32     XE_ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex < iArgCount);
    33     // "Peeking" a value from a XPath-expression evaluation stack
    34     return RXmlEngXPathResult(iContext->valueTab[iContext->valueNr - (iArgCount - aIndex)]);
    35     }
    37 const RXmlEngXPathResult TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::Result()
    38     {
    39     XE_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentResult);
    40     if (iCurrentResult->type != XPATH_NODESET &&
    41         iCurrentResult->nodesetval)
    42         {
    43         xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(iCurrentResult->nodesetval);
    44         iCurrentResult->nodesetval = NULL;
    45         }
    46     if (iCurrentResult->type != XPATH_STRING && iCurrentResult->stringval)
    47         {
    48         xmlFree(iCurrentResult->stringval);
    49         iCurrentResult->stringval = NULL;
    50         }
    51     return RXmlEngXPathResult(iCurrentResult);
    52     }
    54 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::InitializeNodeSetResult()
    55     {
    56     XE_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentResult);
    57     iCurrentResult->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);
    58     if(iCurrentResult->nodesetval)
    59         {
    60         iCurrentResult->type = XPATH_NODESET;
    61         }
    62     // else OOM happened and will be handled later
    63     }
    65 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::AppendToResult(
    66     const TXmlEngNode aNode )
    67     {
    68     if(OOM_FLAG)
    69         return; // Do nothing in OOM
    70     if (aNode.NodeType() != TXmlEngNode::ENamespaceDeclaration)
    71         {
    72         xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(iCurrentResult->nodesetval, INTERNAL_NODEPTR(*const_cast<TXmlEngNode*>(&aNode)));
    73         }
    74     }
    75 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::AppendToResult(
    76     const TXmlEngNamespace aAppendedNsNode,
    77     const TXmlEngElement aNsParentNode)
    78     {
    79     XE_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentResult);
    81     if(OOM_FLAG)
    82         return; // Do nothing in OOM
    83     // Add a copy of namespace node with special function
    84     xmlXPathNodeSetAddNs(iCurrentResult->nodesetval,
    85                          INTERNAL_NODEPTR(*const_cast<TXmlEngElement*>(&aNsParentNode)),
    86                          INTERNAL_NSPTR(*const_cast<TXmlEngNamespace*>(&aAppendedNsNode)));
    87     }
    89 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::AppendToResult(
    90     const RXmlEngNodeSet aNodeSet )
    91     {
    92     if(OOM_FLAG)
    93         return; // Do nothing in OOM
    94     xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(iCurrentResult->nodesetval, INTERNAL_NODESETPTR(aNodeSet));
    95     iCurrentResult->type = XPATH_NODESET;
    96     }
    98 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::SetResult(
    99     TReal aNumber )
   100     {
   101     XE_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentResult);
   102     iCurrentResult->type = XPATH_NUMBER;
   103     iCurrentResult->floatval = aNumber;
   104     }
   106 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::SetResult(
   107     TBool aBoolean )
   108     {
   109     XE_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentResult);
   110     iCurrentResult->type = XPATH_BOOLEAN;
   111     iCurrentResult->boolval = (aBoolean != 0);
   112     }
   114 void TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::SetResultL(
   115     const TDesC8& aString )
   116     {
   117     // Note: OOM flag is checked later (otherwise, there are two checks in the function)
   118     xmlChar* copy = xmlCharFromDesC8L(aString);
   120     iCurrentResult->type = XPATH_STRING;
   121     if(iCurrentResult->stringval)
   122         xmlFree(iCurrentResult->stringval);
   123     iCurrentResult->stringval = copy;
   124     }
   126 // ---------------------------------------------           Impementation-specific methods
   127 /**
   128 Allocates memory for function result
   130 @return TRUE is succeeded, FALSE if OOM has happened
   131 */
   132 TBool TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::Initialize()
   133     {
   134     iCurrentResult = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
   135     if(iCurrentResult)
   136         memset(iCurrentResult, 0, (size_t)sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
   137     iCurrentResult->type = XPATH_STRING;
   138     return (TBool)iCurrentResult;
   139     }
   141 void* TXmlEngXPathEvaluationContextImpl::ExtendedContext()
   142     {
   143     return iContext->comp->extendedContext;
   144     }