changeset 0 e35f40988205
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e35f40988205
     1 /* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd
     2    See the file COPYING for copying permission.
     3 */
     4 /*  chardata.c
     5  *
     6  *
     7  */
     9 #include <assert.h>
    10 #include <check.h>
    11 #include <stdio.h>
    12 #include <string.h>
    14 #include "chardata.h"
    17 static int
    18 xmlstrlen(const XML_Char *s)
    19 {
    20     int len = 0;
    21     assert(s != NULL);
    22     while (s[len] != 0)
    23         ++len;
    24     return len;
    25 }
    28 void
    29 CharData_Init(CharData *storage)
    30 {
    31     assert(storage != NULL);
    32     storage->count = -1;
    33 }
    35 void
    36 CharData_AppendString(CharData *storage, const char *s)
    37 {
    38     int maxchars = sizeof(storage->data) / sizeof(storage->data[0]);
    39     int len;
    41     assert(s != NULL);
    42     len = strlen(s);
    43     if (storage->count < 0)
    44         storage->count = 0;
    45     if ((len + storage->count) > maxchars) {
    46         len = (maxchars - storage->count);
    47     }
    48     if (len + storage->count < sizeof(storage->data)) {
    49         memcpy(storage->data + storage->count, s, len);
    50         storage->count += len;
    51     }
    52 }
    54 void
    55 CharData_AppendXMLChars(CharData *storage, const XML_Char *s, int len)
    56 {
    57     int maxchars;
    59     assert(storage != NULL);
    60     assert(s != NULL);
    61     maxchars = sizeof(storage->data) / sizeof(storage->data[0]);
    62     if (storage->count < 0)
    63         storage->count = 0;
    64     if (len < 0)
    65         len = xmlstrlen(s);
    66     if ((len + storage->count) > maxchars) {
    67         len = (maxchars - storage->count);
    68     }
    69     if (len + storage->count < sizeof(storage->data)) {
    70         memcpy(storage->data + storage->count, s,
    71                len * sizeof(storage->data[0]));
    72         storage->count += len;
    73     }
    74 }
    76 int
    77 CharData_CheckString(CharData *storage, const char *expected)
    78 {
    79     char buffer[1280];
    80     int len;
    81     int count;
    83     assert(storage != NULL);
    84     assert(expected != NULL);
    85     count = (storage->count < 0) ? 0 : storage->count;
    86     len = strlen(expected);
    87     if (len != count) {
    88         if (sizeof(XML_Char) == 1)
    89             sprintf(buffer, "wrong number of data characters:"
    90                     " got %d, expected %d:\n%s", count, len, storage->data);
    91         else
    92             sprintf(buffer,
    93                     "wrong number of data characters: got %d, expected %d",
    94                     count, len);
    95         fail(buffer);
    96         return 0;
    97     }
    98     if (memcmp(expected, storage->data, len) != 0) {
    99         fail("got bad data bytes");
   100         return 0;
   101     }
   102     return 1;
   103 }
   105 int
   106 CharData_CheckXMLChars(CharData *storage, const XML_Char *expected)
   107 {
   108     char buffer[1024];
   109     int len = xmlstrlen(expected);
   110     int count;
   112     assert(storage != NULL);
   113     count = (storage->count < 0) ? 0 : storage->count;
   114     if (len != count) {
   115         sprintf(buffer, "wrong number of data characters: got %d, expected %d",
   116                 count, len);
   117         fail(buffer);
   118         return 0;
   119     }
   120     if (memcmp(expected, storage->data, len * sizeof(storage->data[0])) != 0) {
   121         fail("got bad data bytes");
   122         return 0;
   123     }
   124     return 1;
   125 }