changeset 0 e35f40988205
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <f32file.h>
    18 #include <xml/parser.h>
    19 #include <xml/matchdata.h>
    21 #include "parserimpl.h"
    24 using namespace Xml;
    27 CParser::CParser() : CBase() , iImpl(0)
    28 	{
    29 	}
    31 /**  This method creates a parser that is ready to parse documents 
    32 of the specified mime type.
    34 If there are multiple parser plugins in the system which can parse the 
    35 mime type, the XML framework will choose a parser. 
    37 The criteria used to choose a parser, from many matching parsers, is as follows:
    39 - A Symbian-supplied parser (with variant field set to "Symbian") will be selected by default. 
    40 If there are multiple Symbian-supplied parsers, the one with the lowest Uid will be selected. 
    41 Otherwise, the non-Symbian parser with the lowest Uid will be selected.
    43 @return	A constructed parser
    45 @param	aParserMimeType The mime type of the documents to parse (e.g. "txt/xml").
    46 @param	aCallback 		The handler for parser generated events.
    48 @leave KErrNoMemory If there is not enough memory to create parser or
    49 					one of system wide error codes. 
    51 @leave KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound
    52 					If Xml framework is unable to find a parser 	
    53 					based on data provided in aParserMimeType.
    55 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
    56                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
    57 @see CParser::NewL(const CMatchData& aCriteria, MContentHandler& aCallback)
    58 */
    59 EXPORT_C CParser* CParser::NewL(const TDesC8& aParserMimeType, MContentHandler& aCallback)
    60 	{
    61 	CParser* self=NewLC(aParserMimeType, aCallback);
    62 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    63 	return self;
    64 	}
    66 /**  This method is similar to NewL, but leaves the created parser on the
    67 cleanup stack.
    69 @return	A constructed parser
    71 @param	aParserMimeType The mime type of the documents to parse (e.g. "txt/xml").
    72 @param	aCallback 		The handler for parser generated events.
    74 @leave KErrNoMemory If there is not enough memory to create parser or 
    75 					one of system wide error codes. 
    77 @leave KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound
    78 					If Xml framework is unable to find a parser 	
    79 					based on data provided in aParserMimeType.
    81 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
    82                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
    83 @see CParser::NewL(const TDesC8& aParserMimeType, MContentHandler& aCallback)		
    84 @see CParser::NewLC(const CMatchData& aCriteria, MContentHandler& aCallback)					
    85 */
    86 EXPORT_C CParser* CParser::NewLC(const TDesC8& aParserMimeType, MContentHandler& aCallback)
    87 	{
    88 	CParser* self = new (ELeave) CParser;
    89 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    90 	self->ConstructL(aParserMimeType, aCallback);
    91 	return self;
    92 	}
    94 /**  
    95 This method constructs the object with default settings
    97 @param aParserMimeType Parser Mime type
    98 @param aCallback Event handler
   100 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   101                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   102 @internalComponent
   103 */
   105 void CParser::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aParserMimeType, MContentHandler& aCallback)
   106 	{
   107 	// create parser implementaion class if or created yet. 
   108 	if (!iImpl)
   109 		{
   110 		iImpl = new (ELeave) TParserImpl;
   111 		}
   113 	// create CMatchData object with default parameters and adequate mime type
   114 	CMatchData* matchData = CMatchData::NewLC();
   115 	matchData->SetMimeTypeL(aParserMimeType);
   116 	iImpl->OpenL(*matchData, aCallback);
   117 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(matchData);
   118 	} 
   120 /**  
   121 This method constructs the object according to the details specified in CMatchData object
   123 @param aMatchData Detailed parser information 
   124 @param aCallback Event handler
   126 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   127                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   128 @internalComponent
   129 */
   130 void CParser::ConstructL(const CMatchData& aMatchData, MContentHandler& aCallback)
   131 	{
   132 	if (!iImpl)
   133 		{
   134 		iImpl = new (ELeave) TParserImpl;
   135 		}
   136 	iImpl->OpenL(aMatchData, aCallback);
   137 	}
   139 /**  This method is the destructor for the object.*/
   140 CParser::~CParser()
   141 	{
   142 	if (iImpl)
   143 		{
   144 		iImpl->Close();
   145 		delete iImpl;
   146 		iImpl = NULL;
   147 		}
   148 	}
   151 const TUint  KDefChunkSize				= 0x100;
   154 /** 
   155 This convenience Xml function may be used to parse the file named in aFilename 
   156 using the supplied parser. It reads the file in chunks and passes these to 
   157 CParser::ParseL(). When the end of file is reach CParser::ParseEndL() is called.
   158 It assumes the caller has successfully created a valid parser with a valid
   159 MContentHandler reference and has called ParserBeginL().
   161 @param aParser   A valid CParser object to perform the parsing which has 
   162                  already had ParseBeginL() called.
   163 @param aFs       The file server session to use
   164 @param aFilename The filename of the file to open, read and parse
   165 @leave ...       One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   166                  specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   167 */
   168 EXPORT_C void Xml::ParseL(CParser& aParser, RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFilename)
   169 	{
   170 	RFile file;
   172 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(aFs, aFilename, EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly));
   173 	CleanupClosePushL(file);
   175 	TBuf8<KDefChunkSize> data;
   176 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(data,:: KDefChunkSize));
   177 	TUint length = data.Length();
   179 	while (length)
   180 		{
   181 		aParser.ParseL(data);
   182 		User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(data, KDefChunkSize));
   183 		length = data.Length();
   184 		}
   185 	aParser.ParseEndL();
   186 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
   187 	}
   189 /** 
   190 This convenience Xml function may be used to parse the file held in aFile 
   191 using the supplied parser. It reads the file in chunks and passes these to 
   192 CParser::ParseL(). When the end of file is reach CParser::ParseEndL() is called.
   193 It assumes the caller has successfully created a valid parser with a valid
   194 MContentHandler reference and has called ParserBeginL().
   196 @param aParser   A valid CParser object to perform the parsing which has 
   197                  already had ParseBeginL() called.
   198 @param aFilename Open file handle to the file to read and parse
   199 @leave ...       One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   200                  specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   201 */
   202 EXPORT_C void Xml::ParseL(CParser& aParser, RFile& aFile)
   203 	{
   204 	TBuf8<KDefChunkSize> data;
   205 	User::LeaveIfError(aFile.Read(data,:: KDefChunkSize));
   206 	TUint length = data.Length();
   208 	while (length)
   209 		{
   210 		aParser.ParseL(data);
   211 		User::LeaveIfError(aFile.Read(data, KDefChunkSize));
   212 		length = data.Length();
   213 		}
   214 	aParser.ParseEndL();
   215 	} 
   217 /** 
   218 This convenience Xml function may be used to parse the XML document held in a
   219 descriptor in memory using the supplied parser. This variant function does call 
   220 ParseBeginL() to reset the parser to the default parser as selected for the 
   221 mime type given at creation time. It passes the entire descriptor into  
   222 CParser::ParseL(). When this returns it calls CParser::ParseEndL().
   223 It assumes the caller has successfully created a valid parser with a valid
   224 MContentHandler reference.
   226 This API can be used when parsing different kinds of documents with
   227 the majority being parsed associated with the default parser/mime type.
   229 @param aParser   A valid CParser object to perform the parsing
   230 @param aContent  The entire XML document content to parse
   231 @leave ...       One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   232                  specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   233 */
   234 EXPORT_C void Xml::ParseL(CParser& aParser, const TDesC8& aContent)
   235 	{
   236 	aParser.ParseBeginL(); // resets to default mime type
   237 	aParser.ParseL(aContent);
   238 	aParser.ParseEndL();
   239 	}
   242 /** This method tells the parser that we're going to start parsing a document
   243 using the parser associated with this mime type.
   245 @param aDocumentMimeType the mime type of the document
   246 */
   247 EXPORT_C void CParser::ParseBeginL(const TDesC8& aDocumentMimeType)
   248 	{
   249 	// create CMatchData object with default parameters and adequate mime type
   250 	CMatchData* matchData = CMatchData::NewLC();
   251 	matchData->SetMimeTypeL(aDocumentMimeType);
   252 	iImpl->SetMimeTypeL(*matchData);
   253 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   254 	}
   256 /** This method tells the parser that we're going to start parsing a document 
   257 using the default mime type specified on construction.
   259 The processor chain and features will be cleared if the parser currently 
   260 set is not the default, all old features are removed as these generally 
   261 have no meaning between parsers.
   263 @leave ...       One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   264                  specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   265 */
   266 EXPORT_C void CParser::ParseBeginL()
   267 	{
   268 	iImpl->ResetMimeTypeL();
   269 	}
   272 /** This method tells the parser to parse a fragment of a document. 
   273 Could be the whole document. ParseEndL should be called once the whole document has
   274 been parsed. 
   276 The parser currently set will be used.
   278 @param aFragment the fragment to parse
   279 @leave ...       One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   280                  specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   281 */
   282 EXPORT_C void CParser::ParseL(const TDesC8& aFragment)
   283 	{
   284 	iImpl->ParseChunkL(aFragment);
   285 	}
   288 /** This method tells the parser that we've finished parsing the current document
   289 and should be called after calling CParser::ParseL for the final time,
   290 as this will initiate error callbacks via MContentHandler, and clean up memory
   291 where appropriate, should an error have occured during the parsing process.
   292 Such an error could occur when trying to parse a truncated document.
   293 @leave ...       One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   294                  specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   295 */
   296 EXPORT_C void CParser::ParseEndL()
   297 	{
   298 	iImpl->ParseLastChunkL(_L8(""));
   299 	}
   303 /** This method changes the client and plugin chain.
   305 @param			aCallback the client at the end of the callback
   306 				chain that is to receive the parsed document information.
   307 @param			aPlugins a list of plugin implementation uids that
   308 				make up the callback chain.
   309 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   310                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   311 */
   312 EXPORT_C void CParser::SetProcessorChainL(const RContentProcessorUids& aPlugins)
   313 	{
   314 	iImpl->SetProcessorChainL(aPlugins);
   315 	}	
   318 /** This method enables a specific feature of the parser.
   320 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if the parser doesn't support the feature.
   321 @param aParserFeature The parser feature that must be enabled.
   322 @see TParserFeature
   323 */
   324 EXPORT_C TInt CParser::EnableFeature(TInt aParserFeature)
   325 	{
   326 	return iImpl->EnableFeature(aParserFeature);
   327 	}
   329 /** This method disables a specific feature of the parser.
   331 @return	KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if the feature can't be disabled.
   332 @param aParserFeature The parser feature that must be disabled.
   333 @see TParserFeature 
   334 */
   335 EXPORT_C TInt CParser::DisableFeature(TInt aParserFeature)
   336 	{
   337 	return iImpl->DisableFeature(aParserFeature);
   338 	}
   340 /** This method tell whether a specific feature of the parser is enabled.
   341 @return	True if the feature is enabled.
   342 @see				TParserFeature 
   343 */
   344 EXPORT_C TBool CParser::IsFeatureEnabled(TInt aParserFeature) const
   345 	{
   346 	return iImpl->IsFeatureEnabled(aParserFeature);
   347 	}
   351 /** This method preloads a string dictionary prior to parsing.
   353 @param			aPublicId  the public identifier representing the 
   354 				document dtd. 
   355 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   356                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   357 */
   358 EXPORT_C void CParser::AddPreloadedDictionaryL(const TDesC8& aPublicId)
   359 	{
   360 	iImpl->AddPreloadedDictionaryL(aPublicId);
   361 	}
   365 /** This method obtains a handle to the current string pool.
   367 @return				handle to the current string pool.
   368 */
   369 EXPORT_C RStringPool& CParser::StringPool()
   370 	{
   371 	return iImpl->StringPool();
   372 	}
   375 /** This method obtains a handle to the current StringDictionaryCollection.
   377 @return				handle to the current StringDictionaryCollection.
   378 */
   379 EXPORT_C RStringDictionaryCollection& CParser::StringDictionaryCollection()
   380 	{
   381 	return iImpl->StringDictionaryCollection();
   382 	}
   385 /**  This method creates the particular parser specified in CMatchData parameter.
   387 The parser plugin resolution process is based on mime type and variant field. 
   388 Both are provided in CMatchData parameter. Mime Type is a mandatory string 
   389 for the resolution process and it is matched against the data field of plugin resource files. 
   390 Variant string is optional. If it exists, it is matched against the first entry 
   391 of the opaque data field of plugin resource files. 	
   393 If the query is narrowed down to many parsers, the XML framework might either leave with 
   394 an error (KErrXmlMoreThanOneParserMatched), or choose a parser. The behaviour is specified 
   395 by LeaveOnMany flag. The default value of the flag is FALSE ('choose a parser' behaviour). 
   397 The criteria used to choose a parser, from many matching parsers, is as follows:
   399 - If the optional Variant field is specified, the XML framework will choose the parser with
   400 the lowest Uid from the list. 
   402 - If the optional Variant field is not specified, a Symbian-supplied parser (with variant 
   403 field set to "Symbian") will be selected by default. If there are multiple Symbian-supplied 
   404 parsers, the one with the lowest Uid will be selected. Otherwise, the non-Symbian parser 
   405 with the lowest Uid will be selected.
   407 Case sensitivity of the string matching process is applied according to the relevant flag 
   408 in CMatchData. 
   409 The default value is TRUE (Case Sensitivity enabled). 
   411 Only ROM-based parsers are returned if the relevant flag is set in CMatchData.
   412 The default value is FALSE (all parsers are considered).
   414 @return	A constructed parser
   416 @param	aCriteria 	The specific information about required parser 
   417 					(mime type, variant data).
   418 @param	aCallback 	The xml/wbxml event handler.
   420 @leave KErrNoMemory If there is not enough memory to create parser or 
   421 					one of system wide error codes. 
   423 @leave KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound 	
   424 					If Xml framework is unable to find a parser 	
   425 					based on data provided in CMatchData.
   427 @leave KErrXmlMoreThanOneParserMatched 	
   428 					If Xml framework narrowed down the query 
   429 					to many parsers and a user requested to leave 
   430 					in such case (LeaveOnMany flag set). 
   432 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   433                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   434 @see CMatchData
   435 */
   436 EXPORT_C CParser* CParser::NewL(const CMatchData& aCriteria, MContentHandler& aCallback)
   437 	{
   438 	CParser* me = CParser::NewLC(aCriteria, aCallback);
   439 	CleanupStack::Pop(me);
   440 	return me;
   441 	}
   443 /** This method creates the particular parser specified in CMatchData parameter.
   444 It performs the same way as NewL with the exception that it leaves the object 
   445 on the cleanup stack. 
   447 @return	A constructed parser
   449 @param	aCriteria 	The specific information about required parser 
   450 					(mime type, version, variant data).
   451 @param	aCallback 	The xml/wbxml event handler.
   453 @leave KErrNoMemory If there is not enough memory to create parser or 
   454 					one of system wide error codes. 
   456 @leave KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound 	
   457 					If Xml framework is unable to find a parser 	
   458 					based on data provided in CMatchData.
   460 @leave KErrXmlMoreThanOneParserMatched 	
   461 					If Xml framework narrowed down the query 
   462 					to many parsers and a user requested to leave 
   463 					in such case (LeaveOnMany flag set). 
   465 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   466                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   467 @see CParser::NewL(const CMatchData& aCriteria, MContentHandler& aCallback)
   468 @see CMatchData
   469 */
   470 EXPORT_C CParser* CParser::NewLC(const CMatchData& aCriteria, MContentHandler& aCallback)
   471 	{
   472 	CParser* me = new (ELeave) CParser();
   473 	CleanupStack::PushL(me);
   474 	me->ConstructL(aCriteria, aCallback);
   475 	return me;
   476 	}
   478 /** This method tells the parser that we're going to start parsing a document
   479 using the parser associated with given CMatchData criteria.
   481 @param aCriteria 		The specific information about required parser 
   482 					(mime type, version, variant data).
   485 @leave KErrNoMemory 	If there is not enough memory to create parser.
   487 @leave KErrArgument 	If the data specified in CMatchData are not sufficient.
   489 @leave KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound 	
   490 					If Xml framework is unable to find a parser 	
   491 					based on data provided in CMatchData.
   493 @leave KErrXmlMoreThanOneParserMatched 	
   494 					If Xml framework narrowed down the query 
   495 					to many parsers and a user requested to leave 
   496 					in such case (LeaveOnMany flag set). 
   498 @leave ...      One of the system wide error codes or one of the Xml 
   499                 specific ones defined in XmlFrameworkErrors.h
   500 @see CMatchData					
   501 */
   502 EXPORT_C void CParser::ParseBeginL(const CMatchData& aCriteria)
   503 	{
   504 	iImpl->SetMimeTypeL(aCriteria);
   505 	}