changeset 21 604ca70b6235
parent 20 889504eac4fb
--- a/xml/cxmllibrary/dictionary/readme.txt	Tue Aug 31 17:02:56 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-About the WBXML Token Dictionaries
-WBXML can use tokens to represent tag names, attribute names, attribute
-names combined with part or all of the attribute value, and part or all
-of an attribute value.
-The cXML code needs internal tables that map tokens to strings and strings
-to tokens.  To simplify the generation of these tables (dictionaries) a
-simple data file giving token-string pairs is processed by a dictionary
-creator utility program which outputs the required .h and .c files.
-The dictionary creator program source code is in dict_creator.c and it
-is a stand-alone program.  To compile it with the MS C compiler use the
-command: cl /Zi /W4 /WX dict_creator.c
-If you encounter following errors about lib.c can't be found or stdio.h is 
-not found in path, you need to set up system var:
-INCLUDE: C:\progra~1\micros~3\VC98\Include
-LIB: C:\progra~1\micros~3\VC98\lib
-To get dict_creator usage info run dict_creator with no arguments.
-Files with extension ".dict" are data input files.
-Example runs:
-dict_creator xhtml_1_0.dict xhtml_1_0_dict.c nw_xhtml_xhtml_1_0_tokens.h
-dict_creator wml_1_3.dict wml_1_3_dict.c nw_wml1x_wml_1_3_tokens.h
-dict_creator si.dict si_dict.c si_dict.h
-You have to get through dict_creator without errors and then you have to
-get through the C compiler on the output.  If the output doesn't compile,
-it may be because dict_creator did something wrong.  Dict_creator has to
-make a few transformations on the input to create C variable names and it
-is possible (though we hope never encountered in use) that this produces
-output that won't compile.