changeset 21 604ca70b6235
parent 20 889504eac4fb
--- a/xml/cxmllibrary/dictionary/xhtml_1_0.dict	Tue Aug 31 17:02:56 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-# Dictionary for XHTML/WML2.0
-# dictionary name
-# Public id for XHTML/WML 2.0 - ref: WAP-192-WBXML-20010725-a Section 7.2
-# use 1 for "Unknown or missing public identifier"
-# Note: this should probably be 0 for "String table index follows; public 
-#   identifier is encoded as a literal in the string table" but dict_creator.c
-#   probably doesn't have this functionality
-# Doc type for WML 2.0
-# Element Tags , code page 0
-# Structural: HTML Elements Tags
-0x05 body
-0x06 head
-0x07 html
-0x08 title
-0x09 frameset
-0x0a noframes
-0x0b noembed
-0x0c script
-0x0d noscript
-#Table: HTML Element Tags
-0x0e caption
-0x0f table
-0x10 td
-0x11 th
-0x12 tr
-0x13 tbody
-0x14 thead
-0x15 tfoot
-#Form: HTML Element Tags
-0x16 form
-0x17 input
-0x18 label
-0x19 select
-0x1a option
-0x1b optgroup
-0x1c button
-0x1d textarea
-#Frame: HTML Element Tags
-0x1e frame
-#Style: HTML Element Tags
-0x1f style
-#Object: HTML Element Tags
-0x20 object
-0x21 embed
-0x22 bgsound
-#Meta: HTML Element Tags
-0x23 meta
-#Link: HTML Element Tags
-0x24 link
-#Image: HTML Element Tags
-0x25 img
-0x26 map
-0x27 area
-#HyperText: HTML Element Tags
-0x28 a
-#Text: HTML Element Tags Part-1
-#As per WBXML spec. the max token number cab be
-# 0x3F so additional token goes to code page -2
-0x29 div
-0x2a font
-0x2b h1
-0x2c h2
-0x2d h3
-0x2e h4
-0x2f h5
-0x30 hr
-0x31 b
-0x32 big
-0x33 i 
-0x34 menu
-0x35 span
-0x36 p
-0x37 center
-0x38 dl
-0x39 dt
-0x3a dd
-0x3b ul
-0x3c ol
-0x3d li 
-0x3e br
-0x3f nobr
-# Element Tags, code page 1
-#Text: HTML Element Tags Part-2
-0x05 h6
-0x06 em
-0x07 fieldset
-0x08 marquee
-0x09 dir
-0x0a small
-0x0b plaintext
-0x0c pre
-0x0d abbr
-0x0e acronym
-0x0f address
-0x10 blockquote
-0x11 blink
-0x12 cite
-0x13 code
-0x14 dfn
-0x15 u
-0x16 kbd
-0x17 q
-0x18 samp
-0x19 strong
-0x1a var
-0x1b tt
-0x1c sub
-0x1d sup
-0x1e ins
-0x1f del
-0x20 strike
-0x21 s
-#Misc Tokens 
-0x22 param
-#Base: HTML Element Tags
-0x23 base
-#Unknown Tag: Make this Last always
-0x24 zzzunknown
-# Attribute table, code page 0
-0x05 abbr
-0x06 accept-charset
-0x07 accept
-0x08 accesskey
-0x09 action
-0x0a align
-0x0b alink
-0x0c alt
-0x0d archive
-0x0e axis
-0x0f background
-0x10 bgcolor
-0x11 border
-0x12 cellpadding
-0x13 char
-0x14 charoff
-0x15 charset
-0x16 checked
-0x17 cite
-0x18 class
-0x19 classid
-0x1a clear
-0x1b code
-0x1c codebase
-0x1d codetype
-0x1e color
-0x1f cols
-0x20 colspan
-#0x21 compact
-0x22 content
-0x23 coords
-0x24 data
-#0x25 datetime
-0x26 declare
-#0x27 defer
-0x28 dir
-0x29 disabled
-0x2a enctype
-0x2b encoding
-#0x2c for
-#0x2d frame
-0x2e frameborder
-#0x2f headers
-0x30 height
-0x31 href
-#0x32 hreflang
-0x33 hspace
-0x34 http-equiv
-0x35 id
-0x36 ismap
-0x37 label
-#0x38 lang
-0x39 language
-0x3a link
-#0x3b longdesc
-0x3c marginheight
-0x3d marginwidth
-0x3e maxlength
-0x3f media
-# must skip 0x40 - 0x44 - used for global tokens
-0x45 method
-0x46 multiple
-0x47 name
-0x48 nohref
-0x49 noresize
-0x4a noshade
-0x4b nowrap
-#0x4c object
-0x4d onblur
-0x4e onchange
-0x4f onclick
-#0x50 ondblclick
-0x51 onfocus
-#0x52 onkeydown
-#0x53 onkeypress
-#0x54 onkeyup
-0x55 onload
-#0x56 onmousedown
-#0x57 onmousemove
-#0x58 onmouseout
-#0x59 onmouseover
-#0x5a onmouseup
-0x5b onreset
-#0x5c onselect
-0x5d onsubmit
-0x5e onunload
-#0x5f profile
-#0x60 prompt
-0x61 readonly
-0x62 rel
-0x63 rev
-0x64 rows
-0x65 rowspan
-#0x66 rules
-0x67 scheme
-#0x68 scope
-0x69 scrolling
-0x6a selected
-0x6b shape
-0x6c size
-#0x?? span
-# Vodafone proprietary attribute: soundstart
-0x6d soundstart
-0x6e src
-0x6f standby
-0x70 start
-0x71 style
-#0x72 summary
-0x73 tabindex
-0x74 target
-#0x75 text
-0x76 title
-0x77 type
-0x78 usemap
-0x79 valign
-0x7a value
-#0x7b valuetype
-0x7c version
-#0x?? vlink
-# Vodafone proprietary attribute: volume
-0x7d volume
-0x7e vspace
-0x7f width
-# The attribute value tokens are treated just like the 
-# attribute start tokens
-0x85 none
-0x86 left
-0x87 right
-0x88 normal
-0x89 italic
-0x8a bold
-0x8b circle
-0x8c disc
-0x8d square
-0x8e always
-0x8f avoid
-0x90 center
-0x91 justify
-0x92 underline
-0x93 blink
-0x94 marquee
-0x95 top
-0x96 middle
-0x97 bottom
-0x98 baseline
-0x9a get
-0x9b post
-#0x9c multiple
-0x9d ltr
-0x9e rtl
-#0x9f char
-0xa0 yes
-0xa1 no
-0xa2 auto
-0xa3 button
-0xa4 submit
-0xa5 reset
-#0xa6 selected
-#0xa7 readonly
-#0xa8 nohref
-#0xa9 noresize
-#0xaa noshade
-#0xab nowrap
-#0xac ismap
-#0xad 0
-0xae 1
-#0xaf declare
-#0xb0 defer
-#0xb1 disabled
-#0xb2 compact
-0xb3 all
-#0xb4 checked
-#0xb5 data
-#0xb6 ref
-#0xb7 object
-#0xb8 text
-0xb9 password
-0xba checkbox
-0xbb radio
-0xbc hidden
-# Vodafone proprietary attribute values: focus, select
-0xbd focus
-0xbe select
-# Attribute table, code page 1
-0x05 zzzunknown
-# xml-stylesheet is a processing instruction "target" name but is
-# treated as an attribute name
-0x06 xml-stylesheet
-0x07 alternate_name
-0x08 cellspacing
-0x09 text
-0x0a bgproperties
-#0x?? ordered
-#0x?? sendreferer
-# IMODE attribute table - code page 2
-0x05 behavior
-0x06 direction
-0x07 loop
-0x08 scrollamount
-0x09 scrolldelay
-#0x0a urn
-0x0b cti
-#0x0c utn
-0x0d telbook
-#0x0e kana
-0x0f email
-# The IMODE attribute value tokens are treated just like the 
-# attribute start tokens
-0x86 A
-0x87 a
-0x88 I
-0x89 i
-0x8a scroll
-0x8b slide
-0x8c alternate
-0x21 directkey
-0x22 memoryname
-0x23 istyle
-0x24 mode
-0x25 bordercolor