changeset 0 e35f40988205
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xml/xmlexpatparser/src/cexpat.h	Thu Dec 17 09:29:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef CEXPAT_H
+#define CEXPAT_H
+#include <xml/parserfeature.h>
+#include <xml/plugins/parserinitparams.h>
+#include "expat.h"
+class CXmlParser;
+CExpat class.
+This class encapsulates the Expat xml parser.  It is the engine behind
+Handles construction and deletion of Expat xml parser.  Defines handlers
+required for Expat, transforms handler data to required types and passes
+this to the client by MContentHandler callbacks.
+MContentHandler functions can leave.  Rather than trapping every one of
+these, which could prove costly, the functions are allowed to leave 'through'
+Expat but a tight control is kept on Expat-allocated memory to ensure no
+leaks occur.  This is handled via the sub-class TExpatAlloc.
+If a MContentHandler function does leave, the Expat parser is entirely
+deleted for safety and a call to Reset is required to begin using it again.
+class CExpat : public CBase
+	{
+	static CExpat* NewL(Xml::MContentHandler& aContentHandler, RStringPool& aStringPool, Xml::CCharSetConverter& aCharSetConverter, 
+		RElementStack& aElementStack, TInt aDebugFailCount);
+	~CExpat();
+	void ResetL();
+	TInt EnableFeature(TInt aParserFeature);
+	TInt DisableFeature(TInt aParserFeature);
+	TBool IsFeatureEnabled(TInt aParserFeature) const;
+	/*
+	Allocate a buffer in which to write xml to be parsed by the ParseL and
+	ParseLastL methods.  Memory allocated with this method is managed
+	internally.  Thus it must not be freed and not put on the cleanup stack.
+	This must be called before every call to ParseL or ParseLastL
+	*/
+	TDes8& GetBufferL(TInt aLength);
+	/*
+	Parsing methods:
+	ParseLastL should be used if the buffer contains the last segment of
+	the document.  ParseL should be called in any other case.
+	It is perfectly valid to parse the entire document with ParseL and then
+	call ParseLastL with a zero-length buffer.
+	*/
+	void ParseL(TBool done=EFalse);
+	inline void ParseLastL();
+	void SetContentSink(class Xml::MContentHandler &);
+	/*
+	Function used to access internal parser heap for testing
+	*/
+	RHeap* GetInternalHeap() const;
+	CExpat(Xml::MContentHandler& aContentHandler, RStringPool& aStringPool, Xml::CCharSetConverter& aCharSetConverter,
+		RElementStack& aElementStack);
+	void ConstructL(TInt aDebugFailCount);
+	void CreateRStringL(const TDesC& aInput, RString& aString, TBool aLowerCase);
+	void ScanNameL(const XML_Char* aName, RString& aUriString, RString& aLocalPartString, RString& aPrefixString);
+	inline TInt StringLen(TUint16* p);
+	void ClearElementStack();
+	static void StartElementHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aName, const XML_Char** aAtts);
+	static void EndElementHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aName);
+	static void CharacterDataHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aString, int aLen);
+	static void ProcessingInstructionHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aTarget, const XML_Char* aData);
+	static void XmlDeclHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aVersion, const XML_Char* aEncoding, int aStandalone);
+	static void StartNamespaceDeclHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aPrefix, const XML_Char* aUri);
+	static void EndNamespaceDeclHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aPrefix);
+	static void SkippedEntityHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aName, int aIsParamEntity);
+	static int ExternalEntityRefHandlerL(void* aUserData, const XML_Char* aName);
+	void HandleStartElementL(const XML_Char* aName, const XML_Char** aAtts);
+	void HandleEndElementL(const XML_Char* aName);
+	void HandleCharacterDataL(const XML_Char* aString, int aLen);
+	void HandleProcessingInstructionL(const XML_Char* aTarget, const XML_Char* aData);
+	void HandleXmlDeclL(const XML_Char* aVersion, const XML_Char* aEncoding, int aStandalone);
+	void HandleStartNamespaceDeclL(const XML_Char* aPrefix, const XML_Char* aUri);
+	void HandleEndNamespaceDeclL(const XML_Char* aPrefix);
+	void HandleSkippedEntityL(const XML_Char* aName, int aIsParamEntity);
+	/*
+	Objects supplied on construction
+	*/
+	Xml::MContentHandler* iContentHandler;
+	RStringPool& iStringPool;
+	Xml::CCharSetConverter& iCharSetConverter;
+	RElementStack& iElementStack;
+	TInt iParseMode;
+	/*
+	Used to ensure GetBufferL has been called before a call to ParseL or ParseLastL
+	*/
+	TBool iBufferReady;
+	TPtr8 iInputBuffer;
+	/*
+	Used to record the last status and error raised whilst parsing.
+	*/
+	XML_Status iPrevStatus;
+	TInt iPrevError;
+	/*
+	The expat parser itself
+	*/
+	XML_Parser iParser;
+	/*
+	TExpatAlloc class managing fenced-off memory area separate from the thread's heap.
+	This memory is contained in its own chunk created by UserHeap.
+	*/
+	class TExpatAlloc
+		{
+	public:
+		TExpatAlloc() {}
+		void ConstructL(TInt aHeapSize, TInt aDebugFailCount);
+		~TExpatAlloc();
+		/*
+		Called when a leave from within Expat leaves the memory in an unknown state.
+		All memory will be freed.
+		*/
+		void ResetL();
+		/*
+		Fill supplied XML_Memory_Handling_Suite structure which may then be passed
+		to Expat's XML_ParserCreate_MM
+		*/
+		void FillAllocStruct(XML_Memory_Handling_Suite& aMem) const;
+		static void* Alloc(void* aUserData, size_t aSize);
+		static void* ReAlloc(void* aUserData, void* aPtr, size_t aSize);
+		static void Free(void* aUserData, void *aPtr);
+		/*
+		For testing
+		*/
+		RHeap* GetHeap() const;
+	private:
+		TInt iHeapSize;
+		RHeap* iHeap;
+		} iAllocator;
+	};
+inline void CExpat::ParseLastL()
+	{
+	ParseL(ETrue);
+	}
+strlen for null-terminated 16-bit strings
+inline TInt CExpat::StringLen(TUint16* aStart)
+	{
+	TUint16* p = aStart;
+	while (*p++)
+		;
+	return p-1-aStart;
+	}
+#endif // CEXPAT_H